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punch & judy


Punch arrived in England in 1663 The appeal of the Punch and

from Italy as the marionette Judy Show lies in the skill of
Pulchinello. In the late 1700s the the performer: part story
London puppet theatres closed teller, part puppeteer, part
and Punch and Judy as we know comedian, wholly an
it today appeared as a busking entertainer who had to draw ESSAY
act on the streets of London as a SHORT DOCUMENTARY
in an audience to watch the Contemporary Punch and Judy in
portable hand-puppet show. Punch and Judy: The Past performance: an ethnography of traditional
show. British glove puppet theatre.

By 1800, he had become a hand In the Victorian and Edwardian They collected donations from
puppet in the little street corner periods Punch & Judy shows the public and used topical
stages used by travelling puppeteers could be seen in all major cities jokes, street satire, guest
and known as Puppet Booths, new across Britain, always topical. heroes and villains, musical
characters were added, he gained a The storylines mocked interludes, and novelty
wife, called Judy, and began taking politicians and the PODCAST specialty acts to try and
on British theatrical traditions. establishment of the day. The Real Meaning of attract the largest (paying)
Punch & Judy audience possible.

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