Comparitive Balance Sheet Problems PDF

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Prblem no 1

From the following balances prepare comparitive balancesheet

showing increase r decrease in individual assets and liabilities
together with % of such increase or decrese and comment

Particulars 2019 2020

Share Capital 800000 1000000
Reserves 100000 120000
Secured loans 30000 40000
Unsecure loans 20000 10000
Sundry Creditors 80000 100000
Buildings 400000 500000
Machinary 300000 400000
Stock 200000 180000
Debtors 100000 150000
Cash at bank 30000 40000
Comparitivie Balance sheet
Particlars 2019 2020 Absolute change % of change
A. Equity and liabilities
a. Shareholders fund
Share capital 800000 1000000 200000 25
reserves 100000 120000 20000 20
Total SHF 900000 1120000 220000 24.44444444
b.Non current liabilities
Secured loan 30000 40000 10000 33.33
Unsecures loan 20000 10000 -10000 -50
Total NCL 50000 50000 Nil Nil
c. Current liabilties and Provisions
Sundry creditors 80000 100000 20000 25
Total CL 80000 100000 20000 25
Total Equity and Liabilties=(a+b+c)=A 1030000 1270000 240000 23.30097087
a. Non current assets or fixed Assets
Buildings 400000 500000 100000 25
Machinary 300000 400000 100000 33.33
Total NCA or FA 700000 900000 200000 28.57142857
b. Current assets and provisions
Stock 200000 180000 -20000 -10
Debtors 100000 150000 50000 50
Cash at bank 30000 40000 10000 33.33333333
Total CA and Provisions 330000 370000 40000 12.12121212
Total Assets=(a+b)=B 1030000 1270000 240000 23.30097087
Problem no-2: From the following information prepare comparitive
balance sheet and comment on the position
Partiulars 31-03-2019 31-03-2020
Equity share captial 400000 600000
Debentured 200000 325000
Sundry Creditors 255000 117000
Bank OD 7000 10000
Total Liabilities and Capital 862000 1052000
Plant andMachinary 100000 200000
Land and building 360000 540000
Investments 270000 170000
Sundry Debtirs 100000 88000
Cash in hand 32000 54000
Total Assets 862000 1052000
Comparitive Balance Sheet
Particulars 2019 2020 Absolute change % of Change
A. Equity and Liabilities
a. Shareholders fund
Equity Share capital 400000 600000 200000 50
Total SHF 400000 600000 200000 50
b. Non Current Liabilities
Debentures 200000 325000 125000 62.5
Total NCL 200000 325000 125000 62.5
c. Current liabilities and Provisions
Sundry Creditors 255000 117000 -138000 -54.1176471
Bank OD 7000 10000 3000 42.85714286
Total CL and P 262000 127000 -135000 -51.5267176
Total Equity and Liabilities=(a+b+c)=A 862000 1052000 190000 22.04176334
B. Assets
a.Non Current Assets or Fixed Assets
Plant and Macinary 100000 200000 100000 100
Land and Building 360000 540000 180000 50
Investments 270000 170000 -100000 -37.037037
Total NCA or FA 730000 910000 180000 24.65753425
b.Current Assets
Sundry debtors 100000 88000 -12000 -0.12
Cash in Hand 32000 54000 22000 68.75
Total CA 132000 142000 10000 7.575757576
Total Assets=(a+b)=B 862000 1052000 192000 22.04

The balance sheet of Srivatsa and company for the year 2019 an 2020 are given below

Liabilities 31-12-2019 31-12-2020 Assets 31-12-2019 31-12-2020

Equity share capital 1200000 2400000 Fixed Assets (net) 2000000 4000000

12% Preferene share capital 1000000 1800000 Investments 800000 1000000

Reserve Fund 800000 1000000 Accounts receivable 200000 800000

Profit and loss A/C 400000 600000 Cash at Bank 100000 300000

Long term loans 400000 1000000 Inventories 900000 1300000

Creditors 200000 600000

4000000 7400000 4000000 7400000

You are rquired to prepare compaitive balance sheet and Comment

Comparitive Balance Sheet
Particulars 2019 2020 Absoluate Change % of Change
A. Equity and Liabilities
a. Share holders fund
ESC 1200000 2400000 1200000 100
12% PSC 1000000 1800000 800000 80
RF 800000 1000000 200000 25
P/L A/C 400000 600000 200000 50
Total SHF 3400000 5800000 2400000 70.58823529
b. Non Current Liabilitis
Long term loans 400000 1000000 600000 150
Total NCL 400000 1000000 600000 150
c. Current Liabilties
Creditors 200000 600000 400000 200
Total CL 200000 600000 400000 200
Total Equity and Liabilities(a+b+c)=A 4000000 7400000 3400000 85
a. Non Current Assets or Fixed assets
Fixed assets (net) 2000000 4000000 2000000 100
Investments 800000 1000000 200000 25
Total NCA or FA 2800000 5000000 2200000 78.57142857
b. Current Assets
Accounts recivables 200000 800000 600000 300
Cash at Bank 100000 300000 200000 200
Inventories 900000 1300000 400000 44.44444444
Total CA 1200000 2400000 1200000 100
Total Assets(a+b)=B 4000000 7400000 3400000 85
The balance sheet of Srivatsa and company for the year 2019 an 2020 are given below
Liabilities 2019 (Rs) 2020 (Rs) Assets 2019 (Rs) 2020 (Rs)

6% Redemable cumulative preference

share capital 2500 2500 Fixed assets-deprecation 9705 11032
6.5% Redemable cumulative preference
share capital - 3000 Investments 1947 2429
Equity share capital 5500 13200 Receivables 1217 1584
Reserves 2500 3450 Advance payment of tax 1818 500
Profit and loss A/C 116 99 Cash and Bank 2419 1886
Loans andAdvances 71745 51282 Sundry debtors 46657 40723
Sundry Creditor 27122 14734 Stock in trade 52334 36769
Provision for tax 5012 4578 Store, spare parts and tools 1890 2042
Customer credit bill 1603 2079
Unclaimed 6 107
Provision for proposed dividend 1113 1420
Provision for Contingent liability 75 81
Provision for Gratuity - 198
Accruals (interest on security) 695 237
117987 96965 117987 96965
Comparitive Balance sheet
Particulars 2019 2020 Absolute change % of Change
A. Equtiy and liabilities
a. Share holders fund
6% RCPF 2500 2500 nil nil
6.5% RCPF Nil 3000 3000 100
Equity share capital 5500 13200 7700 140
Reserves 2500 3450 950 38
Profit and loss account 116 99 17 14.65517241
Total Share holders fund 10616 22249 11633 109.5798794
b. Non Current Liabilties
Loans and Advances 71745 51282 -20463 -28.5218482
Total NCL 71745 51282 -20463 -28.5218482
c. Current Liabilties and Provisions
Sundry Creditors 27122 14734 -12388 -45.6750977
Provision for taxation 5012 4578 -434 -8.66
Customer credit bill 1603 2079 476 29.69
Unclimed amount 6 107 101 1683
Provision for Proposed dividend 1113 1420 307 27.58
Provison for contingent lib 75 81 6 8
Provision for gratuity nil 198 198 198
Accurals 695 237 -458 -65.9
Total CL and Provisions 35626 23434 -12792 34.22
Total Equity and Liabilities(a+b+c)=A 117987 96965 -21022 -17.82
B. Assets
a. Non Current Assets or Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets 9705 11032 1327 13.67
Investments 1947 2429 482 24.76
Total NCA or FA 11652 13461 1809 15.52
b. Current Assets
Recivables 1217 1584 367 30.15
Adance payment of tax 1818 500 -1318 -12.49
Cash and Bank 2419 1865 -533 22.03
Sundry debtors 46657 40723 -5934 -12.72
Stock in trade 52334 36769 -15565 -29.74
Stores and tools 1890 2042 152 8.04
Total Current Assets 106335 83504 -22831 -21.47
Total Asets=(a+b)=B 117987 96965 -21022 -17.82

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