Assignment 3.6: Assignment Type I

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Social Studies 30-2

Assignment 3.6: Assignment Type I

Total 50 marks
In this TWO PART assignment, plan and write an Assignment Type I paper. The following
assignment expects students to demonstrate an understanding and apply the skill of evaluation to
Social Studies knowledge. You need to clearly sort knowledge and attach value to concepts or
ideas presented in the form of a visual cue with words (puzzle, crossword, blocks, web, etc).
Make sure you have read the unit pages in the course and pages 116 to 155 in your textbook.

This written response is the same format as Writing Assignment #1 on the

Provincial Diploma Exam. Please spend extra time on this task.

Part One: Sorting the concepts

Mixed economies blend principles and practices of both free-market and command economies.
Sort the concepts from the visual above into the T-Chart

Concepts that APPLY to COMMAND Concepts that APPLY to FREE MARKET


Part II: Response

Suggested Word Count: 250-550 words

Which characteristic(s) of a free market economy is(are) the most important to

the Canadian economy?

Write a response in which you

 Identify the characteristic(s) of free-market economies that is(are) the most

important to the Canadian economy
 Explain why the characteristic (s) is(are) the most important
 Support your response using your understanding of social studies

Tips for Writing:

 If you are unsure of a term look it up, I would encourage you to use the glossary of
the textbook, as terms can have more than one definition depending on the context. 
Using the glossary of the textbook will provide you with the appropriate definition for
the context.
 Discuss ONLY the terms that APPLY to FREE MARKET ECONOMIES
 After sorting the terms, rank the terms that APPLY to a free market economy from
most important to least important. 
 Select the top 1 to 3 terms to write about in your response – use contemporary,
historical or economic theory as evidence in your response
 Download the template for WRITTEN RESPONSE TYPE I and use it to help you
organize your response. It can be found on the INFO page of the course in the

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