English Grade 4

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Jln. Jend. Ahmad Yani / Tembok Baru Kel. 9/10 Ulu No. 777A Palembang – 30251
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu :
Nama : ____________________
Kelas : IV
I. Please choose a, b, c or d as the right answer!
1. Amel : Good afternoon
Teacher Maria : ….
a. Good afternoon b. Good Morning c. Good night d. Good evening

2. This is a ….
a. tas b. duster c. broom d. bag

3. gracia : What is it?

Wahyu : It is a ….
a. cupboard b. chair c. bag d. blackboard

It is number ….
a. fifty b. fifty two c. fifty four d. fifty five

5. It is number ….
73 a. seventy one b. seventy two c. seventy three d. seventy four

6. These are two ....

a. picture b. lamp c. chair d. fan
7. “clock” in Indonesian is ....
a. gambar b. jam c. meja d. dinding
8. A : What is that?
B : … is a chair.
a. This b. That c. Those d. These
9. I … reading in the library.
a. am b. is c. are d. was
10. “Open your book” in Indonesian.
a. tutup bukumu b. buka tasmu c. tutup tasmu d. buka bukumu
11. Eleven plus twelve is ….
a. twenty one b. twenty two c. twenty three d. twenty four
12. … am a student.
a. I b. She c. He d. They
13. We can see … in the zoo.
a. grass b. market c. animals d. flower
14. She … a good women singer.
a. am b. is c. are d. was
15. They are playing football in the ….
a. field b. bedroom c. kitchen d. diningroom
16. I … go to Palembang tomorrow morning (akan)
a. work b. walk c. do d. will
17. We are sleeping in the ….
a. kitchen b. bedroom c. diningroom d. livingroom
18. We go to school at … o’clock in the morning.
a. five b. seven c. six d. eight
19. The student study in the ….
a. kitchen b. bathroom c. classroom d. diningroom
20. We have … fingers.
a. eight b. ten c. nine d. eleven
21. Take a piece of ... from your notebook
a. plate b. paper c. spoon d. glass
22. Vincen is wearing a pink …. (gaun)
a. dress b. short c. trousers d. belt
23. Bagas is wearing blue .... (celana panjang)
a. dress b. trousers c. short d. skirt
24. “Bekerja” in English is ….
a. study b. eat c. work d. drink
25. Kita atau kami in English is ….
a. I b. they c. we d. she
26. Put … your hat, please. (Pakai/pasang)
a. on b. of c. between d. behind
27. Marvel : Hello, Wilson
Wilson : ….
a. Hi, Marvel c. Good morning Marvel
b. I’m fine, Thanks Marvel d. bye, Marvel
28. Felisha is looking for a ... of black trousers. (sepasang)
a. pair b. dress c. a d. paper
29. Can you ... the floor? (menyapu)
a. clean b. open c. sweep d. arrange
30. Who is he … (saudara laki-laki)
a. sister b. uncle c. aunt d. brother
31. Who is she?
She is Mrs Amalia Putri
She is Livia’s …. (nenek)
a. mother b. uncle c. father d. grandmother
32. Who is he?
He is my …. (anak laki-laki)
a. daughter b. girl c. son d. boy
33. Devan cooks in the … everymorning.
a. kitchen b. bedroom c. chicken d. livingroom
34. “Stand up” in Indonesian is ….
a. duduk b. berlari c. berdiri d. Melompat
35. “Makan siang” in English ...
a. dinner b. take a nap c. reakfast d. lunch
II. Fill the blanks!
1. There are some ... (buku) on the .... (meja).
2. I love my …. (ruang tidur). It is beatiful and clean.
3. Is Marvel …. (belajar) English now?
4. May I …. (mendengar) to the radio?
5. My brother is … the book. (membaca)
6. This is my .... (dapur)
7. He … listening to music. (am, is, are)
8. Take a piece of …. (kertas) from your notebook.
9. Sefiani is wearing a blue .... (celana panjang)
10. Livia is wearing a pink …. (gaun)
1. Write three part of body!
2. Write three things in the bedroom!
3. Write three things in the classroom!
4. Write name of days in a week!
5. Wahyu

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