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I was awaken by the smooth sob coming from somewhere near from where I was.

I tried coming back

from my restful sleep, but the sound from nowhere kept on getting louder and louder. Decided to get
up, irritation pushed me to seek the crying sound of whoever that might be. The place was dim as I
searched for it, and I couldn’t help but to feel the sudden chill embracing my whole existence. But
despite being afraid of what or who might I encountered with, I still continued walking to where the
sound was coming from. My feet positioned me to a room where I thought the sound was. I fearlessly
entered it. Slowly, I roamed my eyes to get a sight of the crying person, and from the left corner beside a
small sized bed, I saw a girl. I was so ready to scold her for disturbing my sleep, but as she raised her
head, I saw a big mess living in her dull eyes. With her hands hugging her legs, tears continuously flowing
from her eyes like a river. I uttered the word hey to get her attention but she seemed not to hear my
voice. I pushed myself to be closer to her, and as soon as I get nearer to where she was, clearer view of
person registered on my sight. Because of the light from the moon lighting her face, I saw who the
person was, …I saw me. I was stunned, my feet stopped walking. How come I was seeing myself?

I thought I was just dreaming.. this couldn’t be.

Crying for whatever reason, my strength seemed to vanish as that person eyed me directly onto my
eyes. I couldn’t seem to think of what was happening. I was so surprised of what was happening. But
what was surprized me even more was when that person smiled dangerously at me. I felt afraid at the
view of her.

“You’re late” she said, and I cried harder. It feared me because I knew it, I remembered it.

Misery filled me. I couldn’t think right. I screamed. I couldn’t breathe. I wanted to rip my chest and get
away from the flashing memories of the past, from the pain. Everything was spinning around… I felt my
sanity already left me….All I knew was I wanted to end this but I didn’t know how.

But that girl knew it, I knew it….

That girl…...

She stabbed me directly at where my heart was,

I put my right hand to get the knife out of my chest… I screamed painfully at my forceful desire to get it
out…. Panting so hard, I eyed that girl as I finally threw it away… She’s smiling while tears were flowing
from her eyes. I couldn’t see the misery in her eyes anymore. What I saw was a girl who finally got her

I knew for that moment, I would be facing death..

But instead of being angry with that girl with the same face as mine, I let a satisfied smile on my face
and whispered unclearly the words ‘thank you’.

“I saved you.”….That what I heard before I closed my eyes.

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