What Influences Social Interaction

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What influences social

Coloma Ella May P.
 Tischler- Identified four major components of social
 1. the end or goals it is intended to achieve;
 2. the motivation why it is undertaken;
 3. the situation or context within which it takes place;
 4. the norms or rules that govern or regulate it.
Goal and Motivation

 Goal and motivations. Social interaction is a

central concept to understanding the nature of
social life. It involves goal and motivation.
 The goal is the state of affairs one wishes to
 Motivation is a person’s wish or intention to
achieve a goal.
Situation or Context
 This is the third major component of Social Interaction. The situation
where the social interaction takes place makes a difference in what it
 The Context refers to the conditions under which an action takes
There are 3 elements that define the context of Social

1. The physical setting or place

2. The Social environment:
3. The activities or events surrounding the interaction, whether
preceding It, happening simultaneously with it, or coming after it.
Norms or Rules

 norms are social expectations that guide

behavior. Norms explain why people do what they do in
given situations.
 The norms or rules that govern behavior comprise another
major component of social interaction.
 Norms are specific rules of behavior that are agreed upon
and shared and prescribe limits of acceptable behavior.
Social Institutions and
Social Organization
 In society there are at least 5 areas where the basic needs of the people have
to be met:

 1. Family sector
 2. Education sector
 3. Economic sector
 4. Religious sector
 5. Political sector
What is Social Institution?

 Social institution are , therefore, organized patterns of

beliefs and behavior centered on basic social needs. They
are organized in response to particular needs.
 A social institution consists of a group of people who have
come together for a common purpose. These institutions
are a part of the social order of society and they govern
behavior and expectations of individuals.
Social Organization
 In sociology, a social organization is a pattern
of relationships between and among individuals and social groups.
 Characteristics of social organization can include qualities such as
sexual composition, spatiotemporal cohesion, leadership, structure,
division of labor, communication systems, and so on.
 Because of these characteristics of social organization, people can
monitor their everyday work and involvement in other activities that
are controlled forms of human interaction. These interactions include:
affiliation, collective resources, substitutability of individuals, and
recorded control. These interactions come together to constitute
common features in basic social units such as family, enterprises,
clubs, or states. These are social organizations

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