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The Effects of Absenteeism Towards On the Students Performance of

College Students - Day Session of Liceo de Davao Briz Campus

(S.Y. 2020)


In Partial Fulfillment of Language Research Bachelor of Elementary

Education Major in Generalist



Valen O. Dalan



Dr. Leoncio, Hadji


March 2020


I express my heartfelt gratitude to my parents who supported me


To the students’ respondents who cooperated during the surveys.

To our research adviser Dr. Leoncio M. Hadji who provided this

opportunity, furthermore he guided me and provided me all the necessary

information regarding my project work, also in critiquing our research study.

Also special thanks my friends who provided me all the necessary

resources to fulfill the requirement of my project work. They guided me and

gave me their valuable time offer their help for different issues regarding the

project work. And above all to the Almighty God who give me strength for the

success of this study.



We dedicate the research to the parents, students, teachers and

community to be aware of the effect of Absenteeism towards on the students’

performance of the student inside the class during the teaching learning


Valen, Dalan


Title: The effect of Absenteeism on the Performance of College


Researchers: Valen Dalan


Name: Liceo de Davao

Type: Private

Subject Area:

Description: General

Degree Conferred: College Student Day Session

Specific locations where copy can be found:

Library Locality

Liceo de Davao College Tagum City

Liceo Research Office Briz Campus













Table Title Page

Table 1: Sample Distribution of Respondents 16

Table 2: Level of effect of absenteeism towards on the students’ performance

as experience by the respondents. 21-23

Table 3: T-Test for the significant on the degree of effect absenteeism

towards on the students’ performance of college students Bachelor of

Elementary Education Major in Generalist Day Session. 24




Figure 1.1: Conceptual Framework showing the variables of the study. 12




Background of the study 1-3

Statement of the Research problem 4

Hypothesis 4

Review of Related Literature 5-9

Theoretical Framework 9-11

Conceptual Framework 12

Significance of the Study 13

Definitions of Terms 13-14


Research Design 15

Research Subject 15-16

Research Instrument 16-17

Sampling Method 17

Data Gathering Procedure 18

Statistical Treatment of the Data 18-19



Degree of effect of absenteeism towards on the students’ performance as

experience by the respondents. 21-23

T- test on the degree of effect of absenteeism towards on the students’

performance of college students Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in

Generalist Day Session. 24


Summary 26-27

Findings 27-28

Conclusion 28

Recommendations 29

References 30-32


A- Letter-Request (School Administrator) 33-3

B - Survey Questionnaire 35-36


C -Presented the result of survey questionnaire on the degree of level of

effect of absenteeism male respondents to their level of students’

performance about laziness, teacher approach, and sickness.


D - Presented the result of survey questionnaire on the degree of level of

effect of absenteeism female respondents to their level of students’

performance about laziness, teacher approach, and sickness. 40-42

E - Level of students’ performance of college students to their academic level

of class participation, coordination among peers and teachers, GPA. 43-45

F - T-test for significant on the degree of level of effect of absenteeism

towards on the students’ performance of college students 46

Curriculum Vitae 47-52


Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Setting

Background of the Study

Absence nowadays cannot be separated from the individual who was called a

students. This absence of phenomena, it is easy to see even likened it has

become a necessity in the nature of students. So it is not surprising if this

habit continues to fail proceeds among school students as examples of

primary, secondary and even at university level, the problem still persists.

Other than that, the sector is also facing the field of employment in the same

problems that their employer impasse in the absence of these phenomena


Liceo de Davao at Briz Campus, Department of Education Day Session

facing the same thing, the absence of student in class getting worse. They

are a few among of student sometimes attend a class a few time in a week,

other than that the attendances of student in class based on the subject that

they like. These scenarios actually should not be happen, because as a

student they already know and thinks to differentiate between the good thing

and the worse. Besides, they also well know the impact and affect while they

absent form a class.

According to the (Marburger, 2001) states that the difficulty inferring the effect

of absenteeism on performance because, once a students is absent in a

class, he or she may miss the opportunity of learning other techniques. He

found out that missing in class progress the likelihood of missing examination

material covered that they compared to the student who were present in the


Therefore, I feel this problem is very serious. As such I take responsibility to

investigate and find a solution to this problem from continuing to happen. At

the sometimes, I can know the accurate information about these problems

and can be able to cope with this problem from the room.
Statement of the Research Problem

This study aimed to determine the effect of absenteeism towards the

students’S Performance of college students Bachelor of Elementary

Education Major in Generalist Day Session of Liceo de Davao Briz Campus,

Tagum City.

Specifically, it attempts to answer the following questions.

1. What is the level of effect absenteeism of first year college

students’ day session in terms of;

1.1 Laziness

1.2 Teacher Approach

1.3 Sickness

2. What is the level of students’ performance of first year college

students’ day session in terms of;

2.1 Class Participation

2.2 Coordination among peers and teachers

2.3 GPA

3. Are there any significant difference in the level of effect of

absenteeism towards on the students’ performance of the first year college

students when analyzed by gender?

There is no significant relationship between the effects of absenteeism

towards on the students’ performance of college students’ day session in

Liceo de Davao.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Kamla-Raj quoted in his article in 2011.Absenteeism is the most

important factors which impact on the assembly line function in the

development of administration of University. These absenteeism levels

decrease the level of production because of work specialization. One analysis

given that, absenteeism brings out hundreds of cases of negative impact on

the building of future of students. Empirical evidences confirm that

absenteeism produce the high level of problems and failure. There is decline

in value of specialization among the students and significant decrease the

achievements of students (Steyn& Van, 2002).

Kamla-Raj quoted in his article in 2011, Physical presence of student on

discussion in class and learning performance of students’ relationship is close

relative. The only way of measuring the learning ability of students is class

participation. In the units of learning of student, student and teacher

relationship is one of fundamental unit in the class (Moore, Armstrong et al.


Due to absenteeism teacher have to reteach lesion take instructional

time away from students those who attend regular classes. They spend extra

time over absentee extra homework and class assignments. It is beyond the
planning period of lecturers and time needed to provide individual assistance

to students (Weller, 1996). Student miss valuable information when they are

absent from classes. They also missed the interaction lecturer and benefits of

specific examples which are used to clarify the difficult concepts. They

valuable information cannot be repeated when teacher re-teach lecture to

absent students (Williams, 2000).

Kamla-Raj quoted in his article in 2011, Absenteeism affects the abilities

of students which can be reason of decreasing the grades and in the result of

this the students may get failed and they have to repeat same year level.

Performance of students becomes prominent and effective when they attend

the classes on regular basis and it positive impacts on the performance.

Student who are attending the classes on regular basis, they get higher


and marks in the examination than those students who got absent from

classes. Absenteeism leads the difficult effect on the performance. Once the

student is absent from class, he or she will miss the opportunity to learn new

techniques. If he missed the class, there is chance of missing study material

and misses the opportunity in the examination to get high grade. Students


attend the regular classes get high marks as compare to absent students

(Sharma, 2005). There is a strong positive correlation between attendance

and grades. (Moor, 2003)

Absenteeism at higher education level affects the learning process of the

students as well. As the final result at the end of academic session. Lecture

and tutorials provide a policy where students interact with the teachers,

observe them and differentiate them as role models. Low attendance hence

may affect this process and obstruct their professional growth. On the other

hand, the role of teachers in improving students’ attendance in lectures

cannot be denied. Good attendance is maybe the most important and direct

sign of the students’ perception of the effectiveness and usefulness of the


delivered. Teachers with good teaching skills deliver lectures which are

organized and structured; have good communication skills which attract

students and shows higher attendance rates. (hafeez 2014, Indiana: and

Achievement 2014).

Kamla-Raj quoted in his article in 2011, the continue absenteeism or poor

academic achievement among the students leads to drop out from the

University. It is indicating by one author that absenteeism is act as crime

which is more commonly among the student who got low grades, have

spotted attendance and they dropped from class (Robbins and Coulter 2007).

It is also given by one author, students who missed the class on specific date,

they are more likely to respond wrongly to question related to material

covered in that day than those students who were present. It is given in the

hypothesis that there is correlation between the students learning which had

inquired empirically in educational literature. It is most surprisingly, there are

inverse relation between the course performance and absenteeism in most of

the studies (Marburger 2001).

Student miss valuable information when they are absent from classes.

They also missed the interaction lecturer and benefits of specific examples

which are used to clarify the difficult concepts. They valuable information

cannot be repeated when teacher reteach lecture to absent students

(Williams, 2000).

According to PNC rule learners are likely to maintain 100% attendance

inall theory classes. However, in cases of emergency/sickness learners may

miss up to 15% (collective) of classes. If learners miss more than 15%

(Collective) per semester/term he/she may be asked to repeat the

semester/term/year or be withdrawn/expelled from the programmed if the

problem persists. It is the responsibility of the learners to catch up for the

missed inside of the class if absence is due to reasonable reason.

(Curriculum PNC, 2006).

Significance of the Study

Research is conducted in the Education Department of Liceo de Davao Briz

Campus and it was beneficial for the students who were habitual absent

maker or late comers to assure them how the absenteeism badly affects their

performance and future carrier so that they became agree to improve their

attendance and reduce absent rate hence they can able to get good grades

and improve learning abilities and their performance in study by attending the
lectures regularly. It was beneficial for the students to make them punctual

not only for lectures but also for their personal life and assure them to show

outstanding performance in exams hence the outcomes of the organization

became excellent.


Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Absenteeism Students Performance

 Laziness  Class Participation

 Teacher Approach
 Coordination among
 Sickness
peers and teachers

Moderator Variables




Figure 1.1: Conceptual Framework showing the variables of the study.


Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the Distributed Cognition Theory. In Distributed

Cognition Theory, the student is afforded more power.

In other words it is a student-cantered approach to learning where the

learners participate in a systematically designed learning environment that

supports interaction among its participants (Bell & Winn, 2000).


Definition of Terms

To understand the study further the terms are consistently defined as follows:


School is an institution designed for the teaching of students (or “pupils”

under the direction of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal

education, which is commonly compulsory. In these systems, students’ were

progress through a series of schools. The names for these schools vary by

country but generally include primary school for young children and

secondary school for teenagers’ who have completed primary education. An

institution were higher education is taught is commonly called a university

college or university.


Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation.

Traditionally, absenteeism has been viewed as an indicator or poor individual

performance. More recent scholarship seeks to understand absenteeism as

an indicator of psychological, medical, or social adjustment to work.


Students is the participants of the study.


Chapter 2


This section outline used in procedures carrying out the studying

including research design, research subject/respondents, sampling method,

research instruments and data gathering procedure.

Research Design

This study used the quantitative research design. Quantitative research

design was used to collect and gather information about the effect of

absenteeism towards on the students’ performance of first year college

students Major in Generalist day session. This research was used by giving

questionnaire to the respondents.

Research Subject/Respondent
The subject of the study are Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in

Generalist (BEED) at Liceo de Davao Briz Campus.

There were thirty (15) female and thirty (15) male the sample number of the

respondents being selected. The said respondents are the main focus of the



Research Instruments

The study was conducted at Liceo de Davao Briz Campus were the

respondents are first year college students Bachelor of Elementary Education

Major in Generalist (BEED). The study was gathering information through

distribution of survey questionnaire to the respondents.


Scaling of Survey Questionnaire

Rating Scales Categories Description

Very high level, this

indicates that
5 4.50-5.00 Always
embodied is done 3-

5 times a day

High level, this

indicates that
4 3.50-4.49 Often
embodied is done 1-

2 times a day

Moderate level, this

indicates that
3 2.50-3.49 Sometimes
embodied is done 3-

5 times a week.
Low level, this

indicates that
2 1.50-2.49 Rarely
embodied is done 1-

2 times a week.

Very Low level, this

indicates that activity

1 1.01-1.49 Never
is never done.


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers followed this procedure in the conduct of the study.

Seeking permission to conduct the study. A letter is sent to the school

principal of Liceo de Davao, asking permission to conduct the study about the

effect of absenteeism towards on the students’ performance of first year

college students Major in Generalist. After the approval from the principal and

the academic head of Liceo de Davao. School requesting that the

researchers be allowed to distribute survey questionnaire to the respondents.

Administration of questionnaire. Upon the approval of the letter by the

administrator, the researchers personally prepared and administered the

survey questionnaire to the college students major in Generalist day session

of Liceo de Davao College.


Statistical Treatment of the Data

In analyzing the data, the following statistical tools were used:

Mean. The mean is the mean of the means of several subsamples, as

long as the subsamples have the same number of data points. It’s not

achieved by the dividing the total number of sets, but rather the total group

sets within specific data.

T - Test. A t-test is an analysis framework used to determine the

difference between two sample means from two normally distributed

populations with unknown variances. A t-test is an analysis of two population

means through the use of statistical examination; analysis commonly use a t-

test with two samples with small simple sizes, testing the difference between

the samples when they do not know the variances of two normal distributions.

Table 1

Sample distribution of Respondents

Gender Number Percentage (%)

Male 15 50%

Female 15 50%

Total 30 100%

Table 1 is the respondents of the research which composes of 15 male

respondents, 50% of the total population, and 15 female respondents, 50% of

the total population, a total of 30 respondents.


Chapter 3


This chapter describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of

the research findings. The findings relate to the research questions that

guided the study. Data were analyzed to identify, describe and explore effect

of absenteeism towards on the students’ performance of first year college

students major in Generalist day session of Liceo de Davao Briz Campus.

Table 1: shown the sample number of the respondents male (n=15) and

female (n=15) and sum total of 30 sample distribution of respondents and has

a percentage of 50% by gender and a sum of total of 100%. The subject of

the study was being randomly selected by using sampling method to make

the study easy.


Table 2

Level of effect of absenteeism towards on the students’’ performance as

experience by the respondents.

Combined Verbal
Indicator Gender Mean Rank Description

1. Laziness 3.85 3.69 3.77 5 High level

2.Teacher 4.04 4.03 4.04 3 High level


High level

3. Sickness 3.49 3.62 3.56 6

4. Class 4.28 4.00 4.14 1 High level


5. Coordination 4.19 4.04 4.12 2 High level

among peers and

High level

6. GPA 3.89 4.06 3.98 4


4:50 - 5:00 = Very High Level 2:50 - 3:49 = Moderate Level

3:50 - 4:49 = High Level 1:50 - 2:49 = Low Level .50 – 1:49 = Very low


Table 3

T-test for significant on the degree of level of effect of absenteeism towards

on the students’ performance of First year college students day session .

Indicator Gender Computed Decision on

T-value Null hypothesis


1 3.85 3.69

2 4.04 4.03

3 3.49 3.62

.6868 Accepted
4 4.28 4.00
5 4.19 4.04

6 3.89 4.06

Tabular T-value at .05 - 2.05


The presentation of table 2 showing the degree of effect of absenteeism

towards on the students’ performance of first year college students to their
Laziness, male (3.85), female (3.69) and their combined mean (3.77) and
their verbal description is high level.

Teacher Approach, male (4.04), female (4.03) and their combined mean
(4.04) and their verbal description is high level.

Sickness, male (3.49), female (3.62) and their combined mean (3.56) and
their verbal description is high level.

Class participation, male (4.28), female (4.00) and their combined mean
(4.14) and their verbal description is high level.

Coordination among peers and teachers, male (4.19), female (4.04) and
their combined mean (4.12) and their verbal description high level.

GPA, male (3.89), female (4.06), and their combined mean (3.98) and
their verbal description high level.

Hence, the presentation of table showing the degree of level of

absenteeism towards on the students’ performance of first year college

Hence, the presentation of table 3 showing the t-test for significant on the
degree of effect of absenteeism towards on the students’ performance of
college students Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in Generalist Day
Session the computed T- value is (.6868) and the decision on null hypothesis
is accepted because according to the rule if the computed T-value is lesser
than T-value you are going to accept the null hypothesis and proceed
alternative hypothesis. The tabular T-value at .05 - 2.051


Chapter IV



The following are the findings of the study:

The study determined the effects of absenteeism on the students of the

selected students of first year Students of Liceo de Davao S.Y. 2020. The

respondents/subjects of this study are 30 first year students. The researcher

made use of descriptive method of research using a researcher-made

questionnaire to determine the effect of absenteeism towards on the

students’ performance of selected first year students. The study made use of

the Mean, and person as statistical tools in the analysis and interpretation of

the data.

From all the data gathered, after I analysed the researcher concludes that the

effect of absenteeism towards on the students’ performance of first year

college students of selected first year college students that the number of

days a student absented himself/herself from school in a term of influenced

his/her performance in school at the end of the term, although the significant

levels were not big enough rule out other variables as the cause of the

observations. However there was strong evidence to suggest that

absenteeism in fact influenced the performance of the students in Liceo de



Everyone must be very particular and sensitive to the needs of each student.

The school administration with the parents of the concerned students must

conduct an effective conference dialogue with the help of the findings of the

study. Solutions to the different areas of difficulty due to absenteeism can be

taken action by the responsible organizations and individuals in their

respective fields. Orientation and briefing on these students might be

conducted to at all least they would commit to absenteeism with the help of

the study. Meaningful activities must be provided to sustain the students’

interest in learning. Advisers and guidance counsellor must be guided by the

students’ profile develop an activities properly to engage students to stay in

school. For the parents, always guide and motivate the students to come to
class regularly because of the negative effects of absenteeism to both school

and their performance.



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Appendix A

Liceo de Davao College

Briz Campus, Tagum City

August 16, 2019


School Administrator

Liceo de Davao

Briz Campus, Tagum City

Dear Sir,
The undersigned are students of Bachelor of Elementary Education of
this institution who are currently working on a thesis as one of the
requirements of the subject.

We would like to ask permission to allow us to conduct a research study

and to distribute questionnaires to the college students major in english day
session of Liceo de Davao, Briz Campus. Entitled “Effect of Absenteeism
towards on the students Performance of College Students Major in
Generalist Day Session.”

We are hoping that our request be given due merit.

Thank you and God bless,

Respectfully Yours,

Valen Dalan


Noted by: Approved by:

Dr. Leoncio M. Hadji Atty. Joel C. Delos Reyes

Academic Head School Administrator


Appendix B

Presented the result of survey questionnaire on the degree of level of effect

of absenteeism towards on the students’ performance at Liceo de Davao first
year college students about Laziness, teacher approach, Sickness, class
participation, coordination among peers and teachers and their GPA.


Name (Optional):__________________________ Year Level: ___________

Please check: Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female

Direction: Please check () and rate yourself honestly based on what you

actually do given in the statement using the following questions:

5- Always 4-Often 3- Sometimes 2 - Rarely 1- Never

Indicator Categories
A. Laziness 5 4 3 2 1

1. I wake up early at 4:30-5:00am to study

2. I study my notes before I go to bed

3. I research on my own when I didn’t

understand the discussion

4. I spent time to advance reading my


5. I jotting down in every discussion.

5 4 3 2 1

B. Teacher Approach

1. My teacher is caring and respect

students opinions

2. My teacher is collectively brainstorm on

resolution to provide effective learning

3. My teacher have good knowledge in their

areas of teaching

4. My teacher is approachable and kind

5. My teacher is completely unbiased in all

tasks related to their teaching

C. Sickness 5 4 3 2 1

1. I can’t go to school when I got sick

2. My parents don’t allow me to go if I’m not

feeling well

3. If I’m sick I prefer not really go to school

4. Every time I got sick I failed to go to school

5. I don’t want to go to school when I’m not

feeling well
Indicator Categories

A. Class Participation 5 4 3 2 1

1. Students who are absent from class,

miss the chance of class participation.

2. Due to absenteeism students can’t raise

question about any confusion regarding


3. Due to absenteeism students miss the

chance to clear their concepts by missing

the valuable information.

4. Students who are frequently absent not

able to become a part in class activities like


5. Students who are persistent absent from

class miss the chance of small group

discussion within the class.

Indicator Categories

B. Coordination among peers and 5 4 3 2 1


1. Recurrent absent from class leads to

poor coordination with teachers.

2. Frequent physically absent students

have poor coordination with their class

mates in their group studies.

3. Frequent absent from class effect the

performance of students especially when

they are in a teamwork or group for their

assignment and projects.

4. Due to poor coordination students are

unable to update for their assignment

5. Due to absenteeism and poor

coordination lead to miss the chance to

take the guideline about preparing the

assignments according to guideline.

Indicator Categories

C. GPA 5 4 3 2 1

1. Recurrent absenteeism leads the

students to drop out graded activities.

2. Repeated dropping the classes lead to

poor performance in class quiz which lead

to poor GPA.

3. Frequent dropping the class students

unable to prepare and the assignments on

due dates which badly effects on the GPA

of students.

4. Absenteeism leads to poor performance

during exams which lead to poor GPA.

5. Frequently dropping the classes and

receiving poor GPA students have to repeat

the same session.


Curriculum Vitae



Lapuyan, Zamboanga del Sur

Mobile: 09970611703 Via Email:


Age: 26 years old

Date of birth: March 31, 1993

Place of birth: Tabon, Lapuyan

Status: Single

Gender: Female

Religion: Born Again

Citizenship: Filipino
Languages/Dialect: Tagalog/English/Visaya, Tausug


College: Liceo de Davao Tagum City Briz Campus

Course: BEED-Generalist 3rd year currently studying 2019-2020

Secondary: Pagasinan National High School 2009-2010

Elementary: Maruig Elementary School 2008-2009

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