Managing Workflow. ... Training New Hires. ..

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1. Can you tell us about yourself and your family?

Well, myself vipin mathew john and I am 31 years old. Basically, I am

from kerala and currently, I am living in mumbai as well. About my
highest qualification, I have done Bsc in physics from mahathma
gandhi university kozhecherry. About my family, we are 4 persons in
my family. My father was an farmer and my mother is a Housewife. I
have one sister and I am the elder one. About my work experience, is
that I am an experiece in oil and gas industry. My hobbies are
travelling. My strengths are, I am a quick learner and good listener
2. What kinds of things do you like doing outside of work?
During my spare time, I enjoy running. In the week I like to stay
local but during the weekend I usually complete a more scenic and
challenging route. I sometimes run with the local running club, it’s
a great way to socialise and to stay motivated by encouraging each
other. In a couple of months, I have planned to take part in the
Manchester Half Marathon and raise money for a local charity.
3 What Precautions Are Need To Avoid accidentIn Man handling?
If the weight is too heavy for one person to lift, then he has to
seek the assistance. The pathway is not blocked by obstacles while
carrying the load. The different actions, movements, and forces
necessary while carrying the load
3. What Are The Duties Of A Supervisor?
· Managing workflow. ...
· Training new hires. ...
· Creating and managing team schedules. ...
· Reporting to HR and senior management. ...
· Evaluating performance and providing feedback. ...
· Identifying and applying career advancement opportunities. ...
· Helping to resolve employee issues and dispute
4. What Are The Duties Of A Safety Officer?

 Enforce Safety Policies. Safety officers are like the law enforcement of an organization. ...
 Conduct Audits and Inspections. ...
 Investigate Accidents. ...
 Ensure Compliance. ...
 Train Employees.

5. How do you feel about working nights and Weekends?

I have no problem in putting in extra time and effort if required to
achieve the desired result. I will surely work nights and weekends if
the project is really important for my company's growth and
development. Because ultimately it will benefit me. And I believe my
co. Will compensate me for my sacrifices.
6.How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

I'm confident that this company can offer me a fulfilling and

exciting career and I want to remain with you as long as I'm having a
positive impact on the enterprise.
7.How do you like to work?
Consider your best work environment. One of the most important
details the interviewer will want to hear when you describe your work
style is whether you excel in teams or prefer working on your own.
Consider your relationship with management. Consider your speed and
accuracy. Be honest. Be concise.
8.Can you describe yourself helping people in need?

I love helping others, especially the elderly because there is a

great joy in being a servant for those in need. Your organization
helps the people who I care most about, and I would love to be a part
of it." "Helping others is my innate nature. It is part of the fabric
of who I am.
9. What skills do you offer that will help you succeed in this role?
· Motivation and enthusiasm. Your next employer is investing in you, so they need to see that you
are enthusiastic about working and motivated in your career. ...
· Initiative. ...
· Organisation and planning. ...
· Communication. ...
· Teamwork. ...
· Leadership skills. ...
· Problem solving. ...
· Flexibility
10. What Is Excavation?
OSHA defines an excavation as any man-made cut, cavity, trench, or
depression in the earth's surface formed by earth removal. A trench
is defined as a narrow underground excavation that is deeper than it
is wide, and is no wider than 15 feet (4.5 meters).
11. What areyour strengths and weaknesses?
can be too critical of myself. A pattern I’ve noticed throughout my
career is that I often feel I could have done more, even if
objectively, I’ve done well. Earlier in my career, this led to
burnout and negative self-talk. One solution I’ve implemented over
the last three years is to actively pause and celebrate my
achievements. Not only has this helped my own self-esteem, but it has
also helped me genuinely appreciate and recognize my team and other
support systems.
12. What Is Emergency Planning?
emergency plan specifies procedures for handling sudden or
unexpected situations. The objective is to be prepared to: Prevent
fatalities and injuries. Reduce damage to buildings, stock, and
equipment. Protect the environment and the community.
13. What is the difference between confidenc over confidence ?
Confidence is the good trait to have where a person is sure about his
course of action or activity and it comes from past success and right
decisions. Overconfidence is excessive belief in their own abilities
ignoring the fact that their decision can be wrong too.
14.How do you think you can manage and guide people?

1. Empowering employees.
2. Active listening.
3. Conflict-resolution.
4. Flexibility.
5. Patience.
6. Clear communication.
7. Trust.
8. Organization.

14. Can you work under pressure?

The best answer to this question is “Yes”. Working well under
pressure is a good strength/trait to have. But saying yes is not
enough; you need to explain how you can handle pressure situation to
bring the best out of it. Planning : Working well under pressure
requires careful and skillful planning.
15.Are you willing to another state in India?
Yes, Sir/Madam I am comfortable with relocation. I am living in
hostels for 8 years in different cities. I am used to with different
exposure and new people.
15. Which Tips are necessary for manuals handling?
· Conduct a manual handling risk assessment. ...
· Ensure your employees have correct manual handling training. ...
· Use mechanical aids whenever possible. ...
· Plan the lift before you start. ...
· Wear suitable clothing. ...
· Know your limits

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