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International Review of Psychiatry, April 2006; 18(2): 107–118

Omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies in neurodevelopment, aggression and

autonomic dysregulation: Opportunities for intervention


National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Bethesda, USA

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Mechanisms by which aggressive and depressive disorders may be exacerbated by nutritional deficiencies in omega-3 fatty
acids are considered. Early developmental deficiencies in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
may lower serotonin levels at critical periods of neurodevelopment and may result in a cascade of suboptimal development
of neurotransmitter systems limiting regulation of the limbic system by the frontal cortex. Residual developmental deficits
may be manifest as dysregulation of sympathetic responses to stress including decreased heart rate variability and
hypertension, which in turn have been linked to behavioral dysregulation. Little direct data are available to disentangle
residual neurodevelopmental effects from reversible adult pathologies. Ensuring optimal intakes of omega-3 fatty acids
during early development and adulthood shows considerable promise in preventing aggression and hostility.

Introduction mortality, and the American Heart Association

For personal use only.

includes them in their dietary recommendations

Increased risk for two of the most prevalent afflictions
(Krauss et al., 2000). However, we are only begin-
in the world, aggression and depression, may in part
ning to understand the role of omega-3 essential
be explained as pathologies of the brain (Liu &
fatty acids in psychiatric disorders. Omega-3 fatty
Wuerker, 2005), potentially exacerbated by nutri-
tional deficiencies. Violent and excessively aggressive acids are thought to be important in psychiatric
behaviors are significant threats to public health, and disorders both because they are selectively concen-
the prevention of injury has been identified as a policy trated in the brain, and also because they may alter
priority by the US Surgeon General (Satcher, 1995; the neurochemical pathways involved in the patho-
US Department of Health and Human Services, physiology of several psychiatric illnesses (Hibbeln &
2005). In 2000, major depression was identified as the Salem, 1995; Hibbeln et al., 2000; Stoll et al., 1999).
fourth leading cause of disease burden in the world Here we will examine the hypothesis that omega-3
(Ustun, Ayuso-Mateos, Chatterji, Mathers, & fatty acid deficiency in at least two developmental
Murray, 2004). It is anticipated that by 2020, periods increases risk for aggressive and depressive
neuropsychiatric disorders will account for 14% of behaviors. First, deficiency in long-chain essential
the global burden of disease (World Health fatty acids during critical periods of prenatal and
Organization, 2005). While other major morbidities, childhood neurodevelopment may result in a residual
such as cardiovascular disease, have been linked to predisposition towards aggressive and depressive
dietary factors (Hu & Willett, 2002), data regarding behaviors, possibly by impairing neuronal migration,
the role of nutrition in psychiatric disorders has only connectivity, timed apoptosis, and dendritic
recently begun to emerge (Casper, 2004; Hallahan & arborization, such that there is an irreversible dis-
Garland, 2004; Hibbeln & Salem, 1995; Salerno- ruption in the neuronal pathways that regulate
Kennedy & Cashman, 2005). The identification of behavior. Second, omega-3 fatty acid deficiency in
nutrients that could treat or prevent depressive and early life may result in neurotransmitter alternations
aggressive disorders would be extremely useful in the short term, further compounding the predis-
because of their low cost and global applicability. position of otherwise healthy adults with additional
Omega-3 fatty acids, in particular eicosapen- genetic vulnerability to exhibit depression or aggres-
taenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid sive behaviors when under stress.
(DHA), are now widely recognized as having impor- We examine a conceptual framework for the
tant biological roles in reducing cardiovascular role of deficiencies of long chain omega-3 fatty

Correspondence: Joseph R. Hibbeln, MD, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 31 Center Drive 31/1B58,
Bethesda, MD 20892, USA. Tel: þ1 (301) 435-4028. Fax: þ1 (301) 402-0016. Email:
ISSN 0954–0261 print/ISSN 1369–1627 online/06/020107–12 ß Institute of Psychiatry
DOI: 10.1080/09540260600582967
108 J. R. Hibbeln et al.

acids during neurodevelopment and the later devel- relationship with homicide rates across five countries
opment of aggression and depression. First, data (r ¼ 0.93, p < 1  1040) between 1960 and 1999
suggesting that interventions involving omega-3 fatty (Hibbeln, Nieminen, & Lands, 2004.) Differences in
acid supplementation may have direct clinical ben- apparent intake of linoleic acid ranged from approx-
efits on aggression and depression are examined. imately 1% of calories in the UK in 1960 to nearly
Next, we survey the literature describing the early 10% of calories in the USA in 1999 and represent the
neurodevelopmental insults that increase predisposi- world’s diversity of linoleic acid intake (Hibbeln
tion to later aggression and depression. Finally, we et al., 2004). Higher adipose concentrations of
discuss whether increasing omega-3 fatty acid levels linoleic acid were strongly associated with Type A
alter the neurochemical mechanisms associated with personality among Cretan adults (Mamalakis,
impulsive and depressive states. Both the acute and Kafatos, & Board, 1994). We note that these studies
residual effects of omega-3 fatty acids on two demonstrate correlation, not causation, and that
surrogate markers of aggression, serotonergic several other confounding variables have not been
Int Rev Psychiatry Downloaded from by Western Michigan University on 12/25/14

neurotransmission and autonomic nervous system evaluated, such as socioeconomic status and firearm
reactivity—specifically heart rate variability—will be laws. We are aware of one animal study in which the
examined. effects of differences in linoleic acid consumption on
Although it is well established that omega-3 fatty aggression were assessed. Mice fed a diet of 43%
acids are important for optimal brain function during soy oil exhibited 3–4 fold more aggression than mice
infancy (Willatts, Forsyth, DiModugno, Varma, & fed a diet of 16% soy oil (Raygada, Cho, &
Colvin, 1998), data regarding the persistence of these Hilakivi-Clarke, 1998). Finally, it should be noted
neurodevelopmental effects into childhood and/or that cross-national study designs do not account for
adulthood are just beginning to emerge in the the varying levels of EPA and DHA intake for indi-
literature. It is unknown if the neurodevelopmental viduals over the course of their lifetime, making it
abnormalities that result from omega-3 fatty acid impossible to distinguish between the acute effects of
deficiency in infancy are reversible by adequate omega-3 fatty acids in adults and the residual neuro-
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intake in childhood or adulthood. Furthermore, developmental effects of childhood deficiencies.

there are a growing number of controlled clinical Observational and intervention studies of human
trials of the short-term influence of omega-3 fatty subjects are consistent with the cross-national data
acid supplementation in adult psychiatric popula- described above, suggesting that low omega-3 levels
tions with promising but limited results. For exam- are associated with aggression. Virkkunen and others
ple, studies utilizing supplements with DHA alone, were the first to report that violent and impulsive
or with DHA amounts exceeding EPA amounts, do offenders had lower plasma concentrations of DHA
not appear to treat depression, while treatments than non-impulsive offenders and healthy controls
containing amounts of EPA greater than DHA (Virkkunen, Horrobin, Jenkins, & Manku, 1987).
appear to be effective. Stevens, Zentall, Abate, Kuczek and Burgess (1996)
showed that a greater number of behavior problems,
temper tantrums and sleep problems were reported
Aggression, violence, and omega-3 status in 6 to 12-year old boys with lower total omega-3
fatty acid concentrations than in controls. The
In epidemiological studies homicide can be consid- CARDIA study found that greater seafood consump-
ered as a surrogate measure of aggression as it is an tion amongst 4000 subjects was associated with lower
extreme case of violent behavior. Mortality data are scores on the Cook-Medley hostility scale, irrespec-
particularly useful as the definition of homicide is tive of gender or ethnicity (Iribarren et al., 2004).
consistent across countries and data are prospectively Several double-blind, placebo-controlled interven-
collected for whole populations. Cross-national tion trials have been conducted to assess the efficacy
ecological data indicate that there is an inverse of omega-3 fatty acids in reducing hostility, an
relationship between seafood consumption, a surro- affective state closely related to anger and aggression.
gate of omega-3 intake, and rates of death by Although not specifically designed to assess psycho-
homicide (r ¼ 0.63, p < 0.0006, n ¼ 36 countries) metric changes, hostility and depression scores were
(Hibbeln, 2001). Whereas tissue compositions of reduced by a high fish diet over the course of five
EPA and DHA can be increased by greater seafood years (Weidner, Connor, Hollis, & Connor, 1992).
consumption, these levels can be decreased by Hamazaki, Sawazaki and Kobayashi (1996),
greater consumption of competing omega-6 fatty reported that 1.5–1.8 g/d of DHA reduced measures
acids, in particular linoleic acid, found principally of hostility in a picture frustration test among
in seed oils (Lands et al., 1992). In addition, greater Japanese students, indicating that omega-3 fatty
linoleic acid consumption, estimated from economic acids may reduce aggression during stress in
disappearance data, has been found to have a direct normal subjects. It is interesting to note that the
Omega-3 in neurodevelopment & aggression 109

baseline plasma DHA composition of this group is found in aggressive individuals, and depression
was 3.0%, compared to typical American levels of may improve with fatty acid supplementation, it is
approximately 1.5%. interesting to assess depression as a covariate
Thienprasert et al. (2000) reported small decreases measure when considering the effects of EPA and
in hostility measures compared to placebo among DHA levels on aggression. One consideration is
Thai University employees after two months of whether acute intervention with omega-3 fatty acids
supplementation with 1.5 g/d of DHA. Investigators selectively improves aggression and hostility, or if
in Boston (Zanarini & Frankenburg, 2003) reported supplementation has a more general effect by reduc-
large decreases in verbal and physical aggression ing negative affect and perhaps improving positive
among women with borderline personality disorder affect as has been reported in healthy volunteers
with EPA monotherapy. Although not primarily under stress (Bradbury, Myers, & Oliver, 2004).
examining aggression, investigators at Oxford, UK
(Richardson & Montgomery, 2005) found decreases Predictors of aggression during
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in disruptive behavioral disorders among children early development

with developmental coordination disorders and a high
prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder While our review of the acute effects of omega-3 fatty
upon supplementation of 558 mg/d EPA and 174 mg/ acid intervention suggests clinical benefits in aggres-
d DHA. In a study of Japanese children (9–12 years sion and depression, it is important to also consider
old), Itomura et al. (2005) supplemented one group another mechanism by which low omega-3 fatty acid
with fortified foods providing 840 mg/week EPA and tissue composition may affect behavioral outcomes.
3600 mg/week DHA, while the control group ate Deficiencies in long-chain essential fatty acids during
unfortified foods. Measures of hostility and symptoms neurodevelopment may result in a residual predis-
of attention deficit hyperactivity increased in girls in position which increases risk, but is not necessarily
the control group who had no changes in EPA and the sole cause of aggression and depression. Several
DHA from baseline, but whose RBC linoleic acid examples have established that early neurodevelop-
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levels increased. These data may indicate that foods mental insults increase risk for later aberrant behav-
low in EPA/DHA and high in linoleic acid increase the ioral outcomes. First, maternal exposure to organic
risk of hostility and attention deficit hyperactivity solvents during pregnancy has been associated with
disorder. One of the most provocative reports has worse neurobehavioral outcomes in children. Results
been that a cocktail of multivitamins, mineral and indicated increased scores on both the Externalizing
essential fatty acids (including about 180 mg of EPA and Internalizing scales of the Child Behavior
plus DHA) reduced felony level violence among Checklist (CBCL) and an increased prevalence of
prisoners by 37% (Gesch, Hammond, Hampson, mild-to-severe behavioral problems in the exposed
Eves, & Crowder, 2002). These studies suggest that group compared to controls (Till, Koren, & Rovet,
residual behavioral problems may be reduced or 2001). A second factor considered in the develop-
reversed in childhood, adolescence and adulthood ment of aggressive behaviors is prenatal exposure to
or at least concurrently treated by the use of essential alcohol. A review of this research by Kelly, Day and
fatty acids. Streissguth (2000) reports differences in aggression
outcomes in relation to prenatal exposure for both
peri-adolescence and adulthood. Adolescents
Depression and omega-3 fatty acid tissue exposed to alcohol during development, compared
composition to those who were not, exhibited more social
difficulties as measured by behavioral checklists
Several recent reviews (Bodnar & Wisner, 2005; such as the CBCL. In adulthood, prenatal exposure
Hibbeln, 1998; Freeman, 2000) and an evidence- to alcohol was related to high rates of trouble with the
based medicine evaluation (Schachter et al., 2005) law, inappropriate sexual behavior, depression,
point to an emerging body of epidemiological and suicide, and failure to care for children (Kelly
intervention trial data indicating that suboptimal et al., 2000). We note that chronic ethanol exposure
omega-3 levels may be a treatable risk factor for depletes DHA from frontal cortex (Pawlosky &
major depression. A large body of data also suggests Salem, 1995), thus low omega-3 intake could
that depression and aggression frequently coexist and potentially exacerbate fetal alcohol effects.
may be linked by low serotonergic activity (Bjork,
Dougherty, & Moeller, 1997; van Praag, 1986,
Serotonergic function in aggression, depression
1998). Some theories of aggression suggest that
and impulsiveness
negative affect (including depression) predisposes an
individual to respond aggressively to provocation Suboptimal concentrations of central serotonin and
(Berkowitz, 1990). Since depression frequently 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), a metabolite
110 J. R. Hibbeln et al.

of serotonin, in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) have hypothesized explanations, age and the presence of
been repeatedly implicated in the pathophysiology ADHD, did not influence the relationship between
of aggression, depression, and impulsivity (Linnoila serotonin and childhood aggression.
et al., 1983; Mann, 1998; Mann, Oquendo, Aggressive and impulsive behaviors may be
Underwood, & Arango, 1999; Roy, Virkkunen, & explained, in broad terms, by suboptimal regulation
Linnoila, 1987; Stanley et al., 2000; Virkkunen et al., of the limbic system by the frontal cortex, which has
1994; Virkkunen, Goldman, Nielsen & Linnoila, been shown to regulate both impulsive behaviors and
1995). Both animal and human studies have sought cardiovascular reactivity (Bechara, Tranel, Damasio,
to explore the early developmental predictors of later & Damasio, 1996; Bechara, Damasio, & Damasio,
aggressive behavior with some focus on neurochem- 2000). Therefore, the relationship between serotonin
ical correlates and measures of heart rate variability. concentrations and decreased EPA and DHA may be
Neurochemical factors of interest include serotonin of importance when considering later behavioral
and its metabolite 5-HIAA, vasopressin, and brain- outcomes. Developmental models are particularly
Int Rev Psychiatry Downloaded from by Western Michigan University on 12/25/14

derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Animal studies useful for studying the relationship between brain
have shown that vasopressin facilitates aggression, DHA and neurotransmitter changes because the
while serotonin inhibits aggression by blocking developing brain is particularly vulnerable to dietary
vasopressin activity (Lyons et al., 1999). Mice deficiencies of omega-3 fatty acids. Serotonergic and
deficient in BDNF lost serotonergic synaptic density dopaminergic neurotransmission in the frontal cortex
in the frontal cortex and became significantly more can be affected by dietary essential fatty acids during
aggressive (Lyons et al., 1999). In the absence of infancy. These results are consistent with the find-
sufficient BDNF, mice developed enhanced inter- ings of Austead, Innis and de la Pressa Owens
male aggressiveness and hyperphasia, behavioral (2000), who reported changes in concentrations of
abnormalities associated with serotonin dysfunction. both serotonin and CSF 5-HIAA in the frontal
In another study, the stress of emotional and cortex of piglets given control and DHA/AA supple-
physical insult on these neurochemical systems was mented formulas; the concentration of serotonin
For personal use only.

assessed during adolescence and related to aggressive increased, while that of the metabolite, CSF
behavior in adulthood in male hamsters. It was 5-HIAA, decreased. de la Pressa Owens and Innis
determined that stress in the form of threat or attack (1999) fed 24 piglets controlled infant formulas
in adolescence altered the balance between vaso- starting a birth. One group received formula supple-
pressin and serotonin, followed by the emergence of mented with arachidonic acid (AA) (0.2%) and
inappropriate aggressive behavior in early adulthood DHA (0.16%), while the other group received
(Ferris, 2000). Adequate omega-3 tissue composi- unsupplemented formula containing the same base-
tion normalizes BDNF levels after traumatic injury line levels of linoleic and linolenic acids. Frontal
(Wu, Ying, & Gomez-Pinilla, 2004) which is cortex concentrations of serotonin, tryptophan,
suggestive of a clinical role for omega-3 sufficiency. dopamine, homovanillic acid (HVA) and nore-
Support for the role of low CSF 5-HIAA concen- pinephrine (NE) were nearly double in the AA plus
trations in predicting aggressiveness has been shown DHA group over 18 days. These investigators
in a study involving 49 free-ranging, 2-year-old male followed-up this finding and reported residual
rhesus monkeys. Low 5-HIAA concentrations in increases in serotonin and dopamine levels in infants
CSF collected in early development were predictive resulting solely from supplementation of mothers
of future excessive aggression, risk taking, and during pregnancy (Innis & de la Pressa Owens,
premature death among the non-human primate 2001). Kodas et al. (2004) reported that serotonin
males (Higley et al., 1996). In a two-year prospective release stimulated by fenfloramine, was decreased
study of children and adolescents with disruptive four-fold among rats fed low EPA and DHA diets.
behavior disorders, low 5-HIAA concentrations Deficits in serotonin levels and release were
predicted higher degrees of severity of physical reversible only up to 21 days of life.
aggression during follow-up interviews (Kruesi Serotonin acts a critical neurodevelopmental
et al., 1992). In an earlier report, Kruesi et al. signaling molecule in early neurodevelopment, long
(1990) showed evidence that in children and lasting deficits in neuronal architecture may occur
adolescents with at least one major disruptive if serotonin activity is impaired. Serotonin (5-HT)
behavior disorder, CSF-5HIAA concentrations has been described as the phylogenetically most
were significantly lower than for a matched group ancient neurodevelopmental signal critical in initiat-
of children and adolescents with obsessive-compul- ing neurodevelopment, and in promoting neuronal
sive disorder. Others (Schulz et al., 2001) reported cell differentiation, migration and synaptogenesis in
no clear evidence for a relationship between sero- glutaminergic and monoaminergic neurons (Lauder,
tonin function and aggression in disruptive boys. 1990; Lieth, McClay, & Lauder, 1990; De Vitry,
These authors also reported that two other Hamon, Catelon, Dubois, & Thibault, 1986).
Omega-3 in neurodevelopment & aggression 111

Serotonin is a tropic factor during neurogenesis for serotonergic function with fatty acid supplementa-
the development of 5-HT neurons as well as guiding tion have not yet been assessed in a randomized
the migration of glutamatergic, GABAergic, placebo controlled trial in humans.
noradrenergic and other neurons. Early deficits in
serotonin result in residual deficits in levels of
Animal studies of fatty acid supplementation effects
several neuropeptides including vasopressin and
vasointestinal peptide in the superchiasmatic nucleus A number of animal studies have provided insight
(Mirochnik, Bosler, Tillet, Calas, & Ugrumov, into how dietary omega-3 fatty acids may influence
2005). Deficits in serotonin have been linked to an neurotransmitter concentrations in humans.
increased risk of autism and other neurodevelop- Deficiencies in omega-3 fatty acids have been
mental deficits (Whitaker-Azmitia, 2001; Whitaker- shown to impact monoaminergic neurotransmission
Azmitia, Druse, Walker, & Lauder, 1996). Serotonin in the frontal cortex of pigs and rats (de la Pressa
guides the innervations of glutamatergic neurons Owens & Innis, 1999; DeLion, Chalon, Guilloteau,
Int Rev Psychiatry Downloaded from by Western Michigan University on 12/25/14

from the striatum to layer VI of the prefrontal cortex Besnard, & Durand, 1996; Olsson, Shoaf, & Salem,
linking cortical and limbic systems (Lauder, 1990; 1998). Omega-3 deficient rats have also exhibited
Whitaker-Azmitia, 2001; Whitaker-Azmitia et al., significant reductions in the number of dopaminergic
1996). Impairment or suboptimal development of synaptic vesicles in the frontal cortex (Zimmer et al.,
cortical regulation of the limbic system by the frontal 2000a, b). This dietary deficiency also resulted
cortex could potentially result in impaired regulation in a 90% reduction in the quantity of dopamine
of impulsivity and aggression. released after tyramine stimulation in rats (Zimmer
et al., 2000a, b). Chalon et al. (1998) found that
dopamine levels were 40% greater in the frontal
Human and primate studies of fatty acid
cortex of rats fed fish oils compared to those fed
supplementation effects
a control diet. While animal studies have most
Correlational data from human studies suggest that strongly documented improvements in dopaminergic
For personal use only.

increasing omega-3 fatty acid levels may change function with omega-3 fatty acid supplementation,
neurotransmitter metabolite concentrations. Plasma they have also indicated that the function of sero-
concentrations of DHA and AA were associated with tonergic neurons may be altered in adult animals
CSF 5-HIAA and HVA concentrations in 234 depending on omega-3 tissue composition. Olsson
subjects investigated at the National Institute on et al. (1998) reported that a diet low in omega-3 fatty
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (Hibbeln et al., acids decreased serotonin and 5-HIAA concentra-
1998a, b), revealing a direct relationship between tions in several brain regions of the rat, including the
DHA and CSF 5-HIAA in healthy control subjects frontal cortex. DeLion et al. (1996) reported that in
and late onset alcoholics. This finding has been addition to lowering levels of endogenous dopamine
replicated in 104 adult rhesus monkeys, with both in the frontal cortex of rats by 40–75%, chronic
DHA and EPA in plasma positively correlating with dietary deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids induced an
CSF 5-HIAA (Hibbeln et al., unpublished). Among 18–46% increase in the density of type 2 serotonin
these animals, higher EPA and DHA plasma con- receptors (5-HT2) in the frontal cortex, with no
centrations were also associated with more functional change in binding affinity and without variation in
dominance behaviors. While falling short of proving serotonin levels. Stanley, Mann and Durand (1983)
causality, these correlational findings suggest that found a 44% increase in 5HT2 receptor density, with
increasing omega-3 fatty acid intake may increase no change in binding affinity in the frontal cortex.
brain serotonin concentrations. Data demonstrating In addition, Heron, Shinitzky, Hershkowitz and
that increasing EPA and/or DHA levels directly Samuel, (1980) demonstrated that changing the
changes CSF 5-HIAA concentrations in humans are fatty acid composition of membranes altered their
sparse. Nizzo et al. (1978) reported that a six hour biophysical properties, resulting in markedly
intravenous infusion of DHA contained in 200 mg distorted serotonin receptor binding. These obser-
bovine cortex phospholipids (BC-PL) increased CSF vations support the assertion that greater omega-3
5-HIAA and homovanillic acid (HVA) concentra- fatty acid intake may increase serotonergic neuro-
tions in human subjects. Unfortunately, this study transmission. One consideration in comparing
was poorly controlled and examined few subjects. In animal models is that rodents have less frontal
terms of alternate neurotransmitter systems, cortex mass, and less serotonergic innervation com-
Sawazaki, Hamazaki, Yazawa and Kobayashi (1999) pared to piglets and primates, which may, in part
reported that concentrations of norepinephrine were explain differences in findings regarding dopaminer-
significantly reduced after administration of 1.5 g of gic and serotonergic neurotransmission.
DHA in subjects who were under long-lasting We postulate three mechanisms by which omega-3
psychological stress. To our knowledge, changes to fatty acid insufficiency may reduce serotonergic
112 J. R. Hibbeln et al.

function, particularly in the frontal cortex, and Several investigators have reported that, among
thereby influence the development of a predisposi- healthy subjects, supplementation with EPA and
tion towards aggressive behaviors through dysregu- DHA decreases excessive releases of epinephrine or
lation of the limbic system. First, the number of cortisol and may blunt excessive responses of blood
serotonergic neurons and synapses may be decreased pressure (Delarue et al., 2003; Hamazaki, Itomura,
as a result of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency in critical Sawazaki, & Nagao, 2000; Hamazaki et al., 2005;
developmental periods. Docosahexaenoic acid Sawazaki et al., 1999). Although not a direct measure
supplementation promotes neurite outgrowth of autonomic hyperactivity, residual elevations in
(Calderon & Kim, 2004; Ikemoto et al., 2000; blood pressure resulting from prenatal deficiencies in
Innis et al., 2001), inhibits apoptosis (Kim, Akbar, long chain omega-3s have been reported (Weisinger
Lau, & Edsall, 2000), and regulates the composition et al., 2001). We have previously proposed that
of polysialyated oligosaccharides (Yoshida et al., deficiencies in omega-3 may link hostility and
2001), which are important to synaptoneogenesis. depression to increased risks of cardiovascular dis-
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In addition, DHA promotes synaptic growth cone ease (Hibbeln & Salem, 2001).
formation (Martin, Wickham, Om, Sanders, & Suboptimal regulation of the sympathetic nervous
Ceballos, 2000). Furthermore, omega-3 deficiency system has been a focus of intense interest in
decreases concentrations of nerve growth factor predicting sociopathy and aggression. In a study
(NGF) by nearly 50% (Ikemoto et al., 2000). comparing low resting heart rate at age 3 years to
Thus, a DHA insufficiency could possibly lead aggression at age 11 years, Raine et al. (1997)
to reduced numbers of serotonergic neurons and reported that aggressive children had lower heart
synapses. Second, omega-3 insufficiency may reduce rates than non-aggressive children, and that children
serotonin function by regulating metabolism and with low heart rates were more aggressive than those
catabolism. Membrane fatty acid composition can with higher heart rates. Another study tested the
affect the metabolism of serotonin by regulating the hypothesis that psychopathology in school-aged chil-
activity of tryptophan hydroxylase (Mandell, 1984), dren is associated with reduced heart period vari-
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monoamine oxidase (DeLion et al., 1997), the ability. This study found that boys with the lowest
serotonergic reuptake pump (Block & Edwards, heart period variability exhibited the highest scores
1987), and serotonergic receptors. Third, DHA on both the Externalizing and Internalizing scales of
may also improve depression and aggression through the Child-Behavior Checklist (CBCL) (Pine et al.,
global effects, such as improved cerebral blood 1998). Finally, in a study of very low birth weight
flow (Tsukada, Kakiuchi, Fukumoto, Nishiyama, & children, the neonatal respiratory sinus arrhythmia
Koga, 2000), as assessed by Positron Emission (RSA) maturation, a measure of heart rate variability,
Tomography. provided an early risk index for later social behavioral
problems. Children with low RSA maturation scores
were at risk for later behavioral difficulties
Aggression and cardiovascular physiology (Doussard-Roosevelt, McClenny, & Porges, 2001).
One critical question is whether there is evidence
Abnormalities of autonomic nervous system function that nutritional interventions of any kind early in
have been repeatedly described in aggressive and development might improve measures of autonomic
violent subjects (Pine et al., 1996a, b; Raine, Lencz, reactivity and potentially reduce the risk of future
Bihrle, LaCasse, & Colletti, 2000; Scarpa & Raine, sociopathic behavior. We know of no data that
1997). For example, low autonomic arousal mea- directly address this issue. However, we do note
sured at age 15 predicted with 75% accuracy that the educational and nutritional enrichment of
incarceration by age 24 in a nine-year prospective children aged 3–5 years was associated with
study of the siblings of juvenile delinquents (Raine, increased autonomic arousal at age 11 (Raine et al.,
Venables, & Williams, 1990). These abnormalities, 2001). We note that the 100 children in the enrich-
which include low heart rate, low heart rate variabil- ment group received a diet high in fish. It would be of
ity and slow skin conductance in response to interest to continue investigation of heart rate vari-
emotional stimuli, appear to indicate deficits in the ability as a marker for later aggressive behavior, in
central nervous system regulation of autonomic addition to continuing investigation of the role of the
functioning, and have been associated with a lack serotonergic system in behavioral outcomes.
of inhibition and fearlessness (Akselrod et al., 1985; Several lines of evidence suggest that a reduction
Mezzacappa et al., 1996; Raine, Brennan, Mednick, in prefrontal cortex gray matter, which is common in
& Mednick, 1996; Raine, 1996). Another manifes- subjects with antisocial personality disorder, may be
tation of autonomic dysregulation related to responsible for the reduced autonomic nervous
aggression is excessive or inappropriate response system arousal associated with aggression and
to stress (Haller, Mikics, Halasz, & Toth, 2005). violence (Raine et al., 2000). Studies of subjects
Omega-3 in neurodevelopment & aggression 113

that have suffered damage to the prefrontal cortex in be associated with reduced heart rate variability and
adulthood have provided unique insights into the reduced autonomic nervous system activity.
role of emotions in appropriate social and moral
decision-making. Although these subjects have
Omega-3 fatty acid tissue composition and
otherwise normal intelligence and normal neuro-
heart rate variability
psychological profiles, they lack the ability to project
the emotional consequences of their current behav- Several studies have suggested that omega-3 fatty
iors into the future (Bechara et al., 1996). When it is acid supplementation leads to increased heart rate
pointed out that their judgment was poor, they can variability. Four double-blind placebo-controlled
often recognize the social or moral error (Bechara, clinical trials of adult subjects have documented
Damasio, Damasio, & Anderson, 1994). However, increases in heart rate variability after treatments with
when children suffer damage to the prefrontal cortex omega-3 fatty acids during 24-hour monitoring
as toddlers, they appear never to develop appropriate (Christensen et al., 1996, 1997, 1998; Christensen,
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social and moral behavior. This apparently occurs Christensen, Dyerberg, & Schmidt, 1999). Even
because they cannot connect feelings of guilt and though these human intervention trials suffer from
other emotional responses to the consequences of several methodological problems, including a lack of
their behavior (Anderson, Bechara, Damasio, correction for post hoc comparisons, additional
Tranel, & Damasio, 2000a; Anderson, Damasio, primate data support the results. Heart rate variabil-
Tranel, & Damasio, 2000b). These diminished ity under stress was significantly higher among
emotional responses are reflected in several measures adolescent rhesus monkeys that were fed formulas
of reduced autonomic nervous system arousal, such containing DHA and AA as infants, as compared to
as diminished skin conductance, reduced heart rate, monkeys fed standard formula (Hibbeln et al., 2000).
and reduced heart rate variability. These same In future human intervention trials, it will be
measures are consistently found in subjects with important to utilize sound statistical analysis and
antisocial personality disorder, which is marked also to assess how individual differences in baseline
For personal use only.

by aggression and violence (Raine et al., 2000). aggressiveness and depression relate to cardio-
vascular reactivity.
A final point to be stressed on neurodevelopment
Heart rate variability and serotonergic control
and aggression is that all aspects of the development
Central serotonergic activity is important in the of aggressive and depressive behaviors must be
regulation of heart rate variability. Activation of considered, including psychosocial, biological, and
serotonin 5-HT3 receptors with ketamine resulted in environmental factors. For example, Raine et al.
decreased heart rate variability in rhesus monkeys, (1997) found that early maternal rejection in com-
while administration of ondansetron, a 5-HT3 recep- bination with birth complications predicted violent
tor antagonist, attenuated this response (Hibbeln offenses among men during late adolescence and up
et al., 2000). The nucleus tractus solitarius is rich to age 34. These two factors may be part of a larger
in 5-HT3 receptors, indicating that the brain stem body of data suggesting that childhood trauma in
may be the seat of serotonergic control of heart general may predispose children to a maladaptive
rate. Rabinowitz and Lown (1978) used tryptophan way of dealing with stress and trauma later in life,
loading to elevate serotonin concentrations globally manifested in a variety of outcomes. For example,
in the CNS of dogs, which caused diminished Perry and Pollard (1998) review data on the role of
sympathetic neuronal activity and increased the caregivers in early development. Responsive, pre-
threshold of cardiac ventricular instability by 50%. dictable caregivers provide children with a healthy
Lehnert et al. (1987) found similar results with stress-response neurobiology, developing resistance
5-l-hydroxytryptophan loading in cats, which to earlier trauma by having a stable base to return to
induced a 42% increase in the ventricular fibrillation when overwhelmed. On the other hand, children
threshold and suppression of efferent sympathetic exposed to chaotic or threatening caregiving develop
activity. Finally heart rate variability in depressed a sensitized stress-response system, which may later
patients improved with a successful antidepressant negatively affect emotional, behavioral, and cardio-
treatment that affected serotonergic function vascular reactivity. In another study by Raine et al.
(Balogh, Fitzpatrick, Hendricks, & Paige, 1993; (1996), 397 male subjects were studied using obstet-
Khaykin et al., 1998). Although these data are far ric and early neuromotor measures collected during
from conclusive, they suggest that reduced seroton- their first year of life, family, social, demographic,
ergic function decreases heart rate variability. As and behavioral measures from ages 17–19, and
reviewed above, low EPA and/or DHA tissue com- criminal data from ages 20–22. Cluster analyses
position may reduce serotonergic function, which revealed three distinct groups. When the neuromotor
suggests low EPA and/or DHA levels might in turn deficits and negative family factors were clustered
114 J. R. Hibbeln et al.

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