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1. Explain the concept of Local Economic Promotion

- Local economic promotion simply means economic growth in the Local

government sector. This is a where public, private and non- governmental
institution teams up in making plans to improve the economy of the

2. Why is local budgeting important for the judicious utilization of local


- Local budgeting is important for the judicious utilization of local finances

because it helps the local government identifying areas of weakness and
those who needs the least or most budget. It helps the government allocate
resources in a useful and sustainable manner. Local budgeting is important to
ensure that funds reach where it’s required to be.

3. What are the real reasons why the NGOs and POs are invited in local
government planning process?

- Non- governmental Organizations and Private organizations have a vital role

in the government especially in terms of economic development. These
organizations are invited in government planning because they are a major
contributor, not just to local but as well as to national income. Private sector
provides majority of job opportunities in the community. Meanwhile, NGO’s
are invited to government planning process for them to check, monitor and
criticize the actions of the government and private sectors as well. They are
there to supplement and complement the role of the government in combating
discrimination, abuse of power and corruption.

4. Make a Development Plan of a Barangay.

5. Explain fully the Local Investment program and its importance in the
development process of local government units.
- It is a program wherein portion of the annual general fund for development is
allocated. Local investment program is important in the development process
of local government units because when there is a guide to public spending, it
increases the socio- cultural well- being of the residents as well as accelerate
local economic development and this is achieved by creating and organizing
private sectors investment.

6. What is meant by “Inclusive Growth” in the context of national


- Inclusive growth in national development is economic growth that is

distributed fairly across society and creates opportunities for all. This means
equal opportunity is given to all regardless of status and race.
7. Explain what is meant by “Matatag, Maginhawa, and Panatag na
Buhay 2040”. How can this goal be achieved in your own perception as
citizen of this country?
- This means that by 2040, all of us enjoy a strongly rooted, comfortable and
secure life. In 2040, we will enjoy a stable and comfortable lifestyle, secure in
the knowledge that we have enough for our daily needs and unexpected
expenses, that we can plan and prepare for our own and our children’s future,
Our family lives together in a place of our own, and we have the freedom to
go where we desire, protected and enabled by a clean, efficient, and fair
As a citizen of this country, this goal can be achieved by being a
responsible citizen, by working with integrity so taxes which is the lifeblood of
our country will be paid correctly. This goal can also be achieved by
patronizing our local produce and promoting them for economic opportunities.

8. One Hundred Dollar Question: In your own view how would the
government handle the West Philippine Sea impasse?
- Once again, issues with the West Philippine Sea is gaining attention despite
the COVID-19 pandemic. Its been an on- going and seems never ending
problem of the Philippine Government for a long time now. In my own point of
view, the President should have been more vigilant with the issue by alerting
international tribunals or by involving international laws. Since the issue in
West Philippine sea is prejudicial to the peace and security of the country,
President should should start and lead an international consensus with other
countries to compel China to abide by the rule of international law.   
International political pressure must be exerted, it may be the only to make
China abide and evacuate the West Philippine Sea.

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