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COMPILATION OF THE HADITHS Like the Holy Quran, sayings and actions of Hoy Prophet 2y4 were also preserved by his Companions. : ' The protection and preservation of A Hadith came about in three ways: 1. Memorization and writing. 2. The Ummah acting upon the A Hadith. 3. Narrating and teaching A Hadith in study circles. | . 7 Using these methods the gathering, compilation, classification, formation and writing o| A Hadith over time can be classified into Three periods. They are: T irst Period of the Com jon. — The first period of the compilation of the Hadith was during the Holy Prophet's lifetime. The Companions had three methods of learning or preservation of the Hadith; Memorization, writing and practice. The Companions always tried to observe the actions of the Holy prophet ls , remember his syayings and then apply them i.e. in their everyday lives. One of the Compiler of Hadith,Imam Abu Dawood has narrated, in his Book ‘Sunan Abu Daud’ Hazrat Abdullaah bin “Umar(R.A) said: “I used to write everything which I heard from the Messenger of Allah with the intention of memo ng it. However, some Companions forbade me from doing so saying, ‘Do you write everything that you hear from him, while the Messenger of Allah is a human being who speaks in anger and pleasure?’ So I stopped writing, and mentioned it to the Messenger of Allah. “He pointed with his finger to his mouth and said: ‘Write! By Him in whose hand is my soul, only truth comes out from it.” Hazrat Abu Hurayrah(R.A) said: When Makkah was conquered, the Prophet v4 stood up and gave a sermon [Aboo Hurayrah then mentioned the sermon}. A man from Yemen, called Aboo Shaah got up and said, “O Messenger of Allaah! Write it down for me.” The Messenger of Allah 24y%2 replied, “Write it for Abu Shaah.” Thus, Hazrat Abdullah(R.A)continued his practice and more than 2,000 Hadith are attributed to him.This shows directly that the writing of hadith was in vogue even in the time of Holy Prophet jist Hazrat Hurairah(R.A) Hazrat Abdullah Abbas(R.A)Hazart Jabir Ibn Abdullah(R.A)Hazrat Anas Bin Ma Sa’ed al-Khudre(R.A) also had collections of written hadith, Tbn. IK(R.A) Hazrat Abu The second Period of the Compilation. After the death of the Prophet 2% his saying and action took of a new importance because he was no longer there to consult when problems arose. The practice of narration on a large scale started during this period. For example, when the Holy Prophet yt died, the Sahaabah Discussed about where to bury him. This discussion ended when Hazrat Abu Bakr(R.A) told them “I heard the messenger say, “No prophet dies but he is buried where he died.”Thus a grave was dug immediately below the bed on w hich he died in the house of Hazrat Aa’ishah(R.A) In this period, One of the students of Hazrat Abw Hurairah(R. Bashir Bin Nuhaik compiled the hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu hurairah(R.A), Similarly the hadith narrated by Hazrat Anas(R.A) were written by Oban. Urwa Bin Zubair and Nafey had written the Hadith narrated by Hazrat Ayesha(R.A), A) whose names was, Musnad Abu Bakr, Musnad Abu Hurairah, Musnad Ayesha these Collection were compiled in this era A famous compilation in this series by Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal is Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal. The second category of compilation was by grouping the Hadith into chapters and sub- chapters according to their theme. The best known compilation of this type is Al-Muwta by Imam Malik and Al-Musannaf of Imam Abd-Al-Razzaq. During the year 99A.H.Hazrat Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz(R.A)instructed to gather and compile Hadith. Apart from this Hazart Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz(R.A) gave guidance to the Governor of Medina, Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Amr Ibn Hazm, to write all the A Hadith which Umrah bint Abdur Rahman and Qasim Ibn Muhammad had. Umrah was from the main students of A’ishah (radi-Allahu ‘anha) and Qasim Ibn Muhammad her brother. A’ishah (radi-Allahu ‘anha) looked after and educated him. When Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz commanded all the responsible people within the Islamic state to gather A Hadith., it resulted in books. When they reached the capital Damascus, copies were sent to every corner (i.c. every corner of the Muslim lands). After Imam az-Zuhre started collecting A Hadith., other people of knowledge of his time joined him. The major ones from amongst them include: 1, Abdul Malik Ibn Juraij (R.A) 2. Imam al-Awza’e (d.157H) in (Syria) 3. Mu’ammar Ibn Rashid in Yemen 4, Imam Sufyan ath-Thawre in Kufah 5. Imam Hamad Ibn Basra 6. Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak in Khurasan and Other Books Compiled during this Time 1. Jami Sufyan ath-Thawre . 2. Jami Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak . 3. Jami Imam al-Awza’e . 4. Jami Ibn Juraij. 5. Kitab al-Akhraj of Qadhi Abu Yusuf. 6. Kitab al-Athar of Imam Muhammad . The Third Period of the Compilation, The third period began with the death of companions. This period of the compilation of Hadith is believed to be the “Golden Era” for compilation because Rules, regulations, principles and standards were formulated in this period. Specificity of this Period 1. Prophetic A Hadith., athar (asar) of the Companions and statements of the Successors were categorized and a distinction made between them. 2. Narration’s that were accepted were gathered separately and the books of the second century were checked and authenticated. 3. During this period not only were the narrations gathered but to preserve A Hadith., the scholars formulated sciences,on which thousands of books have been written. In this science the condition, births, deaths, teachers and students of narrators were gathered in detail and from these details judgments on the position of the narrators, as to whether they were truthful, trustworthy or unreliable, were made. This science is very interesting; details of over 500,000 narrators have been collated. In this science many books have been written. : ; It was the time when the security of the Hadith was done. Hadith could b authentic or less authentic. oo The science of the chain of narrators and the Text of Hadith introduced in this Era. Authentic Books of Hadith were compiled in this Era, they are as below; 1.Sahi Bukhari compiled by Imam Muhammad Bin Ismail Bukhari(R.A) 2.Sahi Muslim compiled by Imam Muslim bin Hajjaj(R.A) 3.Jam-e-Tirmidhi compiled by Imam Abu Isa Trimidhi(R.A) 4.Sunan-e-Abu Daud Compiled by Imam Abu Daud (R.A) 5.Sunan-e-NIsai compiled by Imam Abdur Rehman Ahmad Nisai(R.A) 6.Sunan-e- Ibn-e-MejaCompiled by Imam Abu Abdullah (R.A) CLASSIFICATION OF HADITH COLLECTION Musnad And Musnaf Musnad Definition: . . . In Hadith literature, Those collections of Hadith which are arranged according to the I“ narrator in the Isnad (Isnad is the chain of narrators of a Hadith) are called Musnad collections. In musnad collection, Traditions revolve around the primary source, no matter whether they are authentic or not or whether they throw light on one topic or various issues. Example: All the Traditions narrated by the Caliph Hazrat Abu Bakar(R.A) appear under his name in a Musnad. Traditions adopted different methods for compiling their works. The names of the Companions were preferred on the basis of their: Tribes, for instance, the people from Banu Hashim Close relation with the Holy Prophet Ay Time of accepting Islam. Participation in the battle of Badar. Immigration for Allah and His Prophet Ji. Helping the Immigrants. The most renowned and famous Musnad is the “ Musnad of Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal”. Compiled bylmam Ahmad Bin Hanaba’s Musnad contains more than 30,000 Ahadits. Musnads _ are very useful if one is interested in learning the views attributed to a Specific Companion. When | the objective is to find some Traditions on a specific topic, they are of little value. Some of the most famous collections of Musnads are given below. => Musnad Abu Awana. © Musnad Abu Ya’la => Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal. © Musnd Bazzar. => Musnd Haris. > ° ° LUGHESB Musnad Humadi. Musnad Ibn-c- Rahawaih. Musnad Shaafi. Musannaf. Definitio The compliations of Hadith on which the Hadith are arranged acoording to the topic are called Musannaf collections. Or « A Musnaf collection contains traditions grouped into Chapters and sub chapters. Example: For example, ina Musannaf collection, all Hadith regarding prayer would be in one chapter and all those regarding fasting would be in another. Some of the main Musannaf collections are: © Sahih Bukhari © Sahih Muslim © Sunan Ibn Majah © Sunan-e- Abu Daud © Jami of Tirmizi & Sunan Nasai Equally famous Musnaf collection is the Muatta of Mi collected. a s” include: Common section headings in Musnaf collections often referred to as Kutub Books inclu re “ Virtues of the Holy Quran”. It includes the history of its revelation, explanation ifficult words, Issues related to its recitation. | “Virtues” of the Holy Prophet 4% preceding prophets and the Companions. “Faith” Concerning various aspects of Islamic dogama and theology. Mi This is generally applied to works on various subjects arranged in alphabetical order. Such Musnad collections of traditions as are arranged alphabetically under the names of the Companions are also known as, Mu‘jam al-Sahaba. To this class belongs the collection of al- Tabarani. Jami. ‘This is a Hadith collection which contains traditions relating to all the eight topics; belief, laws and rulings, piety and asceticism, manners (of eating, drinking, travelling etc.), Quranic commentary, historical and biographical matters (which includes cosmology and the life of the Holy Prophet and of his Companions and successors), seditions and crises, the virtues (managqib) and defects (mathalib) of various people, places etc. Thus, the Sahih of al-Bukhari, as well as the principal book of al-Tirmidhi, is known as a Jami. Sunan These are the collections which only contain Ahadith al-Ahkam (legal traditions), and omit material relating to historical, spiritual and other matters. The Hadith collections made by Abu Dawood, al-Nasai and many other traditionists, fall into this category. Mustadrak This is a collection in which the compiler, having accepted the conditions laid down by a previous compiler, collects together other such traditions as fulfil those conditions and wi missed by his predecessor. To this class belongs the Mustadrak of al-Hakim al-Nigaburi ‘ho assembled a large number of Ahadith which fulfilled the stringent conditions lait devin ro Bukhari and Muslim, but were not included by them in their Sahihs, amen Arba'iniyyat As the name indicates, these are collections containing 40 Hadit lated 4 A which may have appeared to be of special interest ae cont Fela fo one or more subjects the 40 Ahadith of al-Nawawi. pier. The best known example is alik bin Anas. The first collection ever 3 THE AUTHENTICITY OF HADITH "The methods Based on Ex: n of the Chain of T ‘Text (Matan)of alladith (o test the Reliability. Hm ul-Rijaal - Science of Rijaal (The science of narrators: JUDGL mitters (Isnad) and the Men — their biographies of hadeeth enes in the Muslim ummah, The books of rijaal basically discuss tors of ahadecth. So we have books written about the people in the isnaad of the hadceth, This is something that is unique to the Muslim ummah where we have detailed information about the first three generations of the Muslims and maybe even | or 2 after that. Any scholar from that time period we have books written about them, what other scholars said about him, how reliable he was, the other ulema that tested him, etc. Had it not been for this Jeeth would not have been preserved. Every single narrator found in every book of hadeeth, their name is atleast mentioned in the books of rijaal. About 90% of the narrators of ahadeeth you can find a biographical sketch of that person (birth, location, teachers, his students, who tested him, what did ulema say about him, where he narrated, any problems he had, cte). ‘There were certain rules regarding the checking of authenticity of Hadith. These rules were made by Imam Bukahri and his contemporaries since the heavy influx of Hadith made it difficult to determine which Hadith was authentic and which was not. They travelled great distances in search of transmitters and rejected the sayings of those who were not pious. Once, Imam Bukahri had travelled very far to get a Hadith. When he reached there, he saw the narrator was calling his camel towards himself by showing an empty basket of food as if there was food in it. Imam Bukahri returned without even taking the Hadith because he thought if this man could lie to his camel, he could also lie to me. Such was the level of piousness that these compilers sought in their narrators. They devised a fix criterion for both the Isnad and Matn of a Hadith. ‘This is the one of the carlies the biographies of the science the ‘eas follo the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.W) said, did or approved is called the ‘The Text of the H Matn © The Hadith should not go against the teachings of Quran,and other authentic Hadith and common sense. © It Should not contain any grammatical mistake. © It should not go against common sense or normal experience of people © It should not contain precise details of events which took place after Prophet's death © It should not contain expressions which are out of keeping of what the Prophet might be expected to use. © Itshould be free from minute defects such as errors in date © It should not contain any remarks regarding the Prophet hood of the Prophet ‘The rules of Isnad are as follows: © Itmust be unbroken © The first person in the chain must know the Prophet directly © The transmitters must know the ones before and afler them © There shouldn't be any hidden defects like names being repeated or misspellings. = There should be not none muslim in chain ; j ors = There should not be a large age difference between two narrat => Any public event must have at least 2 chains of narrators The rules for checking individual narrators are as follows: - He must be of firm faith and honest He must be known for his truthfulness > > => He must have a good memory => He must be aware of the importance of what he is narrating > He should report exactly what he learned from his teacher IFICATION OF HADITHS. CLA Basic Types of Hadith / Muhaddatheen have classified the hadith into different categories based upon the criterion set by Them. Hadith Quasi “Hadith Qudsi is that in which a revelation from Allah almighty, told by Holy Prophet ys." ng are both from Allah. Starts with “Allah says” s less than 1000. Topic regarding man-God relationship, hereafter, Tawhid and Words and meani Few in number , worship. Hadith Nabawi Hadiths Nabawi are only Sayings. Words of the Holy Prophet and starts with “the Holy Prophet said"ete. They are over 100,000. They cover wide range of topics e.g. religious, social, economical, political, ethical etc.. They can be Silent approval or Actions. pes of Hadi per authority / transmittor Hadith M: Literal meaning: Elevated Technical meaning: Traced directly. “A Hadith which is traced back directly to Rasulullah 23% is called Marfu. In the sanad (chain of narrators) reaches right upto Rasulullah 233”. ‘a) Marfu Qawli. It is that Hadith which contains some statement of Rasullullah 24. ‘b) Marfu’ Fe'li, It is that Hadith which describes some act or deed of Rasulullah Ayvt.e.g; Rasulullah Aye performed such and such act in such and such way. Maugoof Literal meaning: Stopped meaning; That Haith in which chain of transission stops at sahaabah and does not reach Rasulullah Ai. It has three types viz.’ (a) Maugoof Qowli That Hadith in which a particular statement of some sahabi is stated. (b) Maugoof Fesli That Hadith in which a particular act of some sahabi is described. Maqtoo Literal meaning; Cut Technical meaning; That statement or deed which is attributed to some Tabee. In this Hadith chain of transmission stops at two steps—down i.e., at level of taabee Types of hadith on the basis of relaibity and memory of the reporters: They are classified into four categories; > Sahih (sound) @ Hassan (good) ® — Da’if (weak) = Maudu (fabricated) Sahi Hadith (Authentic/sound. A sahih hadith has to have following five characterstics: ° Its chain of transmitters is continuos and is no missing person in the chain of narrators, ° The narrators are god fearing, trustworthy in their religion with righteous conduct (adl). The narrators are of very accurate and strong memory (dabt) It is not an isolated (shadh) hadith. > It has no idden defect (mudalllis) Hassan (good/approved) ; A Hadith which is like sahih Hadith in all respects except that some of its narrators are found to have little defective memory:. It is next to sunnah Hadith in status. Example: ; , oo Qutaiba narrates on the authority of Jafar bin Az-Zabal he on the authority of Abi Bakr bin Abi Musa his father Al-Ashari who says that he heard Rasullullah 2342 saying: “Jannat is under the shadow of swords”. . In this Hadith all narrators are excellent except jafar bin Suleman Az-Zabal who is thought to have defective memory, so this Hadith slipped down to the status of Hassan, otherwise it would have been rated as Sahih. a6 Both categories, the Sahih and Hassan Hadith are used as a proof and are to be acted upon. Daif (weak). = That Hadith which does not fulfill the criteria of Hassan. A daif (weak) hadith is thatbin which; There is a discontinuity in the chain of narrators (isnad), One of the reporters has a disparaged character and does not possess the ability of * retaining the text. * -There is ambiguity in the isnad or in the matan of hadith When to quote Dha’eef Hadith? It is permissible to quote Dha’eef Hadith if: ° It is not related to Islamic beliefs. = It is not related to Halal and Haram. = Itis related to teachings like motivation.(Targeeb or Tarheeb) Maudu (Fabricated) In simple term. It is fake hadith, merely invented by someone. Maudu’ahadith are also recognized by extemal evidence related to a discrepancy found in the dates or times of a particular incident for example, when the second caliph, Umar b. Khattab decided to expel the jew from khaibar, some jewish dignitaries brought a documrt to Umar apparently proving that the Prophet )May Allah Bless Him Peace) had intended that they stay there by exempting them from jiziyah (tax on non Muslims under the rule of Muslims); the document carried the witness of two Companions, Sa’d b. Musad and Mu’ wiyah b. abi Sufiyan. Umar rejected the document outright, knowing that it was fabricated because the conquest of Khaibar took place in 7 embraced Islam in 8 AH, after the co: nquest of Makkah! Ibn Majah, has given more example of fabricated hadith under th : e following eight categories of causes of fabricated. Political differences; factions based on issues of creed; Fabrications by zanadiqah (enemies-within spreading heretical bliefs); SIX AUTHENTIC BOOK OF AHDITE yround as it is commonly referred to, is one of the six J hadith collections of Islam. These prophetic traditions, or hadith, were : Muslim scholar Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari, In some © book after the Qur'an. The Arabic word sahih hari (Com) pilation Back: bic: GS E), undoubtes collected by the it is conside the Persian ed the most authenti or correct. translates hy ' Compilation Backgrounc ; ; - Imam Bukhari (R.A) (Bs a dream that he is moving a fan on the Holy Prophet 44 The scholars of the age told that it meant that he shall remove the falsehood and lie surrounding the traditions of the Holy Prophet 242 . Imam Bukhari says that it inspired him to write ‘Al-Jami*us Sahih’ a Hi Ibn Hajar, in the preface of his book Fathul Bari, has mentioned the compilation background of Sahih Bukhari, that are as follows: The books that were compiled before Imam Bukhari had both Za’eef and Sahih traditions, that might prove difficult for people to differentiate between Sahih and Za’eef. Therefore, he intended to write a book that contains only true and authentic traditions. Also, he was inspired to compile a book by his teacher Ishaq bin Rahwaih who asked his students: “It would be better if you collect the authentic traditions.” Imam Bukhari says that it stuck to his heart and he started compiling his Sahih. Extraordinary Attention & Carefulness in Compiling Sahih Bukhari Imam Bukhari paid his utmost attention to compile his book. He says that he did not write even a single Hadith in his book without having bath and praying two Rak’ats. Some biographers also have quoted Imam Bukhari saying: “I did not include any Hadith in this book but when I consulted Allah, prayed to him and insured its authenticity”. Duration of Compilation Imam Bukhari himself says that he has compiled this book within a period of sixteen Je selected these traditions from among six hundred thousand ones (600,000). Ob. ¢ of Sahih Bukha , The objective of Imam Bukhari is to collect Sahih and authentic traditions. The original name of the book indicates to it. Moreover, he described it on many places of his book as he says: “I mentioned in my book only Sahih traditions and rejected so many Sahih traditions because of their length”. There is a famous quotation of him that he has mentioned only Sahih tradition in his book and the Sahih traditions he left is more than he mentioned, This is a proof that he intended to collect only authentic traditions, but he did not intend to collect entire Sahih traditions. Sahih Bukhari is divided into nine volumes, each of which has several books. Each book contains many hadith. The hadith are numbered repeatedly per volume. The books really only serve to group hadith together, but the volumes impose the numbering. Number of Traditions: ‘Almost 600;000out of which his Sahih Al-Bukhari contains 7275 Ahadis including 3275 Ahadis which are repeated. Status of Sahih Bukhari & Its Significance Sahih Bukhari holds the first position among Sihah Sittha, therefore it is called 'most authentic book after the Quran’. Hafiz Ibn Hajar, Imam [bn Salah, Imam Nawawi, Hafiz Ibn Kascer and other scholars of Islam have written that the Ummah has totally agreed ri an s| re re ic except a few of i liable and authentic that the traditions of Sahih Bukhari and Muslim are reliable them. . The name of the book is ‘Al-Musnad Al-Sahil' this name. Reason of Compilati A . py fc rd of the boot Imam Musi deserbed the reason of compilation himself Eait fae fundameaae Saying: "A person wished to acquire the teachings of Hadith rega ‘ed his desire to. Imam Of religicn, practices, reward and punishment etc, so he ea these things without Muslim and requested him to compile a book that contains al s differentiating repetitions”. Also, Imam Muslim was feel sad at seeing people no ; completed it in Between true and false traditions, So, Imam Muslim started this work and comp! a span of fifteen years Method of Compilatio Imam Muslim has compiled his Sahih on the order of 'book and chapter’. Imam pausing did not rely mostly on his personal findings but consulted the great scholars of his age, as he himself says: "I did not record the Hadith that was reliable to me, but I only recorded the traditions that were agreed upon by scholars." Position of Sahih Muslim among Sihah Sahih Muslim is the second amon; to be second collection of true: preferred it on Bukhari. Generall Sahih Muslim over Sahih Bukhi authentic than Sahih Muslim." Numbers of Traditions: It is said that the number of traditions in Sahih Muslim is twelve thousand. And, with the removal of repetitions it decreases to four thousand. Sheikh Fuwad Abdul Baqi has numbered Sahih Muslim and according to him the number of it is 3034, Some Characteristics of Sahih Muslim: Sahih Muslim is distinguished amon; mentioned reasons: (1) Better compilation (2) Fluent style (3) Paying exclusive attention to 'Riwayah Bil Lafz! (narrating exact wordings) (4) Distinguishing between 'Haddasana’ and 'Akhbarana' (two different ways of narration) (5) Recording the exact words of narrators Sunan Abi Dawud is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam Abu Dawud Sulayman ibn al-Ash'ath as-Sijistani (R.A). It is widely considered to be among the six recognized collections of hadith (Kutub as-Sittah) of the Sunnah of the Prophet ( yt ). This book is named ‘Al-Sunan'.In the terms of Hadith, Suann is a book of Hadith that is compiled on the Fighi order. Sunan Abu Dawood has been written on Fiqhi pattern so it is called .Sunan'. It appears from the writings of Imam Abu Dawood that he also named his book with 'Sunan' as he says in his booklet written addressing the people of Makkah: “You asked me to tell you that the traditions written down in ‘Al-Sunan’ are the most authentic ones.” It consists of 4800 traditions selected out of 500,000 and it took him twenty years to pea sais bets susan ‘Imam Muslim himself mentions it with ‘ah: ig the six most authentic books of Hadith. It is believed st Hadith after Sahih Bukhari. Some scholars have 'y, the scholars of Maghrib (Morocco) gave preference to ari as Abu Ali Neshapuri said: "There is no book more 8 other collections of tradition because of below fSunan Abw Dawood: roth of Sa himself has described his method with details in the booklet writen Abit Serie oe ents Wy Maka. Briefly, the method he adopted in his book is as follov He selects the most authentic Hadith related to the chapter. He did not mention all traditions related to the chapter but mentions only one or two of them. He shortens the Jong traditions and mentions only the part that is related to the chapter. He does not accept the traditions of a narrator about whom the scholars of Hadith have stated he is Matrook (one whose traditions have been forsaken by scholars of Hadith). Ifa Hadith is narrated by two ways and one way consists of some additions then he mentions it also. If a Hadith is narrated by several narrators then he takes the tradition of most trusted one. If he happened to mention any weak Hadith he wrote a note on it. for the Jami* at-Tirmidhi is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam Abu ‘Isa Muhammad at- Tirmidhi (rahimahullah), His collection is unanimously considered to be one of the six recognized collections of hadith (Kutub as-Sittah) of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Ys - It contains 4400 hadith (with repetitions) in 46 books. Imam Abu ‘Isa At-Tirmidhi wrote a book known as Al-‘Ilal (or Al-Ilal As-Saghir), which is often published along with Jami*At-Tirmidhi, or Sunan At-Tirmidhi as it is more commonly known.'Al-Jami' or SJamitut Tirmizi': Jami’ means comprehensive. It was named so because it covers eight chapters: Jihad, Ethics, Quranic exegesis, Faith, trials, injunctions, Ashrat (signs) and Managib (virtues of famous personalities). cond the sel According to the commentator mi Imam Tirmidhi maintained the following conditions throughout the compilation of his book. 1. He never narrated hadith from those who fabricated hadith. 2. Allama Tahir Mugaddisi mentions that al-Jami’ ut-Tirmidhicontains four types of hadith: [1] Those ahadith that conform with the conditions of Bukhari and Muslim. 2] Those ahadith that conform with the conditions of Abu Dawud and Nasa‘. [3] Those ahadith that have c in differences either in the sanad or matan, [4] Those weak hadith that some fugaha have relied on. His classification of hadith was firmly established by Ali ibn Madini (R.A) and later by his student Imam Bukhari (r). However Imam Tirmidhi was the first Imam to base his book on these classifications. ‘The Special characteristics of al-Jami’ ut-Tirmidhi: It isa Sunan and a Jami’. Imam Tirmidhi neglects the major portion of the hadith and onl which is relevant to the heading. (Title narration (whether it is authentic or weak, ith ly mentions that part ) After mentioning a hadith he classifies it a etc.) He specifies the narrators names, e.g. if mentioned, he would then mention his proper i hi is a thulaathiyaat i.e. the tr i b ; aat i.e. U an en Imam Tirmidhi and the Prophet hte ane only inset haat abJami* is “matmul bibi” (practised upon by the jurists) He xplains the ‘hurramghaealsSe@aa aan different madhahib(Different School of thought) together with their rook He gives an explanation to all difficult ahadith. His book has been set out in an exce lent aes hence to look for a hadith is very easy. There is no fabricated hadith in the cae ook. Imam Tirmidhi classifies most of the Ahadith and mentions its reliability. Altogether Imam Tirmidhi uses nine different terms. sahih, hasan, da‘eef, gharib, hasan gharib, sahih gharib, hasan sahih gharib, hasan sahih: Sunan an-NasaT is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam Abmad an-NasaT (rahimabullah). His collection is unanimously considered to be one of the six canonical collections of hadith (Kutub as-Sittah) of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Ave . It contains roughly 5700 hadith (with repetitions) in 52 books. Numbers of the Traditions The total number of traditions in this book is 5761 and most of them are authentic. Therefore, some people have called it as Sahih. Sunan Nasai in the Eves of Great Scholars Abul Hasan Musiri says: "Whenever I looked it to the traditions I found that those narrated by Imam Nasai are nearer to authenticity than the traditions of others." Hafiz. Ibn Rashid has introduced Nasai with these words: "Sunan Nasai is an excellent book among Sunan as per its order and compilation. It assembled the patterns of Imam Bukhari and Muslim. Also, it contains dese! ions of the points where some fault has occurred." Most traditions of Sunan Nasai are perfect, therefore some people have regarded it as Sahih. Otherwise, all the traditions of Nasai are not Sahih. However, the weak traditions in Sunan Nasai are less in number in comparison to other Sunan books. Method of Sunan Nasai & Characteristics It surpasses other book as per its order and style of compilation, Imam Nasai also mentions one Hadith under different chapter like Imam Bukhari. On the pattern of Imam Muslim, he writes different chains of a tradition and points out the differences in the wordings. He discusses the weak points of tradition and their reasons. Imam Nas known for expertise about secret weak points of narrations. If there is some confusion in the name, nickname or something else then he states it. He verified whether the narrator met his teacher or not, whether the Hadith is Muttasil or Mursal. At places, he elucidates the meaning of difficult words, Sunan Ibn Majah is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam Muhammad bin Yazid Ibn Majah al-Qazvini (rahimahullah). It is widely considered to be the sixth of the six undisputed collection of hadith (Kutub as-Sittah) of the Sunnah of the Prophet 2yt. . It consists of 4341 hadith in 37 books. Comp in The Sunan of Ibn Majah is a collection of ahadith mostly arranged according to Figh chapters, but also includes other topics such as ‘Aqidah, interpretation of dreams, tribulations (Fitna), and simplicity. Sunan Ibn Majah is considered one of the greate: works of Hadith, When Imam Abii Zur’ah ar-Razi, a Hadith authority of his time was shown this work, he remarked, “If this book reached the public, all or most of the : isting Jami° would cease to be used.” exi an Ibn Majah contains 37 books, 1560 chapters and 4341 ahadith. It includes 1339 Caibontl ahadith, known as Zawa’id of Sunan Ibn Majah which are not found in the ee five major books of Hadith. According to Fuwad ‘Abdul Baqi, of the 1339 additional ahddith contained therein, 428 ahadith are Sahih, 199 are Hasan, 613 Da ‘if, Ibn Majah did not write an introduction to his book, so the conditions for the ahadith in his collection are not explicit. However, there are indications that he was concerned with collecting as many ahadith as possible on Fiqh issues. Sunan Ibn Majah contains a larger number of ahadith than any of the other five books without repetition. It also includes a greater number of weak ahadith than the other five. Ibn Majah was enthusiastic about finding evidences for Fiqh issues. His purpose may have been to collect as many ahadith, and find the chain of narrations for the ahadith that were the basis of rulings on Figh issues of the time, regardless of their authenticity or chain of narrators.

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