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Acid-Base and Electrolyte Teaching Case

Lactic Acidosis: Current Treatments and Future Directions

Jeffrey A. Kraut, MD,1,2,3,4 and Nicolaos E. Madias, MD 5,6

Mortality rates associated with severe lactic acidosis (blood pH , 7.2) due to sepsis or low-flow states are
high. Eliminating the triggering conditions remains the most effective therapy. Although recommended by
some, administration of sodium bicarbonate does not improve cardiovascular function or reduce mortality. This
failure has been attributed to both reduction in serum calcium concentration and generation of excess carbon
dioxide with intracellular acidification. In animal studies, hyperventilation and infusion of calcium during sodium
bicarbonate administration improves cardiovascular function, suggesting that this approach could allow
expression of the positive aspects of sodium bicarbonate. Other buffers, such as THAM or Carbicarb, or
dialysis might also provide base with fewer untoward effects. Examination of these therapies in humans is
warranted. The cellular injury associated with lactic acidosis is partly due to activation of NHE1, a
cell-membrane Na1/H1 exchanger. In animal studies, selective NHE1 inhibitors improve cardiovascular
function, ameliorate lactic acidosis, and reduce mortality, supporting future research into their possible use in
humans. Two main mechanisms contribute to lactic acid accumulation in sepsis and low-flow states: tissue
hypoxia and epinephrine-induced stimulation of aerobic glycolysis. Targeting these mechanisms could allow
for more specific therapy. This Acid-Base and Electrolyte Teaching Case presents a patient with acute lactic
acidosis and describes current and future approaches to treatment.
Am J Kidney Dis. 68(3):473-482. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
This is a US Government Work. There are no restrictions on its use.

INDEX WORDS: Lactic acidosis; lactate; bicarbonate; base; metabolic acidosis; THAM; Carbicarb; sepsis;
hypoxia; aerobic glycolysis; dialysis; NHE1.

Subsequently, he developed oliguria and severe acidemia with a

Note from the editors: This article is part of a series of invited marked elevation in blood lactate concentration. Admission and
case discussions highlighting either the diagnosis or treat- subsequent laboratory findings are shown in Table 1.
ment of acid-base and electrolyte disorders.
Additional Investigations
Blood cultures were negative. Computed tomography of the
INTRODUCTION chest and abdomen was unremarkable. An exploratory laparotomy
revealed no evidence of intestinal ischemia.
Acute lactic acidosis occurring in patients with
sepsis or low-flow states is associated with cellular
dysfunction and heightened mortality.1 Elimination or Severe sepsis; acute kidney injury; acute lactic acidosis;
alcoholic cirrhosis; hypernatremia.
control of the triggering conditions remains the only
effective therapy. Often base is prescribed, but its
utility remains unproven.2 Because management of From the 1Medical and Research Services and 2Division of
Nephrology VHAGLA Healthcare System; 3UCLA Membrane
the triggering conditions can be challenging, effective Biology Laboratory; 4David Geffen School of Medicine, Los
treatment remains elusive. Angeles, CA; 5Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology,
In this Acid-Base and Electrolyte Teaching Case, a St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center; and 6Department of Medicine,
patient with severe sepsis and lactic acidosis is pre- Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA.
sented. We discuss advances in the pathophysiology Received December 8, 2015. Accepted in revised form April 1,
2016. Originally published online June 10, 2016.
of lactic acidosis,3 thus providing a framework for a Because an author of this article is the editor for this feature,
future targeted approach to treatment. the peer-review and decision-making processes were handled
without his participation. Details of the journal’s procedures for
CASE REPORT potential editor conflicts are given in the Information for Authors
& Journal Policies.
Clinical History and Initial Laboratory Data Address correspondence to Jeffrey A. Kraut, MD, Division of
A 54-year-old white man with a history of alcohol abuse, alco- Nephrology, VHAGLA Healthcare System, 11301 Wilshire Blvd,
holic cirrhosis, depression, polysubstance abuse, and pancreatitis- Los Angeles, CA 90073 (e-mail: or Nicolaos E.
induced diabetes mellitus was admitted to the hospital with palpi- Madias, MD, Department of Medicine, St. Elizabeth’s Medical
tations, hyperventilation, and altered mental status. He reported no Center, 736 Cambridge St, Boston, MA 02135 (e-mail: nicolaos.
recent alcohol or drug use. Medications included insulin, simva-
statin, and fish oil. Physical examination revealed blood pressure of Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the National Kidney
162/95 mm Hg without orthostatic changes, temperature of 99 F, Foundation, Inc. This is a US Government Work. There are no
pulse rate of 85 beats/min, and respirations of 18 breaths/min. restrictions on its use.
Six hours later, he became tachycardic, blood pressure decreased 0272-6386
to 105/50 mm Hg, and he developed a temperature of 101 F.

Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;68(3):473-482 473

Kraut and Madias

Table 1. Laboratory Data During the Hospital Course associated with worse clinical outcomes8,9; however,
further work is required on this important issue.
Parameter On Admission 10 h Later Day 4
Sustained hyperlactatemia in sepsis or low-flow
pH NA 7.15 7.43
states carries mortality $ 60%.1,10 Next, we first
PaCO2, mm Hg NA 30 38 provide a brief description of the current therapy of
HCO32, mEq/L 25 10 24 lactic acidosis and then suggest potential future ther-
Na1, mEq/L 140 150 148 apies that derive from advances in our understanding
K1, mEq/L 3.5 3.3 3.3 of the pathophysiology of the disorder.
Cl2, mEq/L 105 110 110
Ca21, mEq/L NA 2.26 2.4
Resuscitative efforts to support the circulation and
Lactate, mEq/L 1.0 20.0 5.0 ventilation are the first steps in treating lactic acidosis.
Scr, mg/dL 1.2 2.2 2.8 The optimal crystalloid solution for fluid resuscita-
Albumin, g/dL 2.3 NA 2.3 tion remains under investigation, with proponents
eGFR, mL/min/1.73 m2 66 — — of both saline and balanced-salt solutions.11,12 Using
Anion gap, mEq/L 10 30 14
DAG/DHCO32 — 20/15 — central venous pressure and oxygen saturation to
guide therapy is controversial.13,14 Vasopressors and
Note: Conversion factor for Scr in mg/dL to mmol/L, 388.4.
Abbreviations: AG, anion gap; eGFR, estimated glomerular
inotropic agents should be administered, as required, but
filtration rate; HCO32, bicarbonate; NA, not available; Scr, serum excessive use should be avoided to prevent aggravation
creatinine. of hyperlactatemia from reduction in tissue perfusion or
overstimulation of the b2-adrenoceptor. Optimized de-
Clinical Follow-up livery of oxygen to tissues depends on the adequacy of
Antibiotics were administered to treat the suspected infection,
cardiac output, PO2, and hemoglobin concentration.
and crystalloids and vasopressors were given to support the Invasive ventilation might be required to ensure
circulation. Because of kidney failure and the accompanying lactic adequate PO2 and prevention of hypercapnia.
acidosis, continuous venovenous hemodialysis therapy was initi- Swift initiation of cause-specific measures is key to
ated. Blood pressure remained stable at 120/70 mm Hg, and blood effective management of acute lactic acidosis. In
lactate level decreased to 5 mEq/L and then remained between 4
and 6 mEq/L for the rest of the hospitalization. He was evaluated
sepsis, early administration of appropriate antibiotics
for a liver transplant, but was rejected owing to serious comorbid and control of the infection source are paramount.12-15
conditions. On hospital day 8, he died. An exploratory laparotomy was performed in our
patient because of concerns about intestinal ischemia.
DISCUSSION When present, severe acidemia (blood pH , 7.2)
This patient with severe sepsis and liver disease might impair cardiovascular function and blood
had a precipitous decrease in serum bicarbonate flow.6,16 Therefore, many clinicians will administer
concentration to 10 mEq/L and blood pH to 7.15 and base to increase blood pH to a presumed safe level
an increase in blood lactate level to 20 mEq/L. These (pH w 7.2).6 Because reductions in intracellular pH
findings fulfill the classic definition of acute lactic and interstitial pH are considered the key effectors of
acidosis: blood lactate level $ 5 mEq/L, blood cellular dysfunction in acute metabolic acidosis, base
pH # 7.35, and serum bicarbonate concentration # therapy aims at increasing intracellular pH and inter-
20 mEq/L.4 He also had coexisting respiratory stitial pH, along with blood pH.17
acidosis because the decrease in PaCO2 was less than Sodium bicarbonate has been the most commonly
expected for the prevailing serum bicarbonate con- used base (hypertonic or preferably isotonic solution).
centration. The change in anion gap divided by However, in the majority of studies, it does not improve
change in bicarbonate (DAG/DHCO3-) of 1.3 is cardiac function or reduce mortality18-19 (Table 2).
consistent with acute lactic acidosis alone or a com- This failure has largely been ascribed to 2 adverse
bined metabolic alkalosis and metabolic acidosis.5,6 effects. First, carbon dioxide is generated as protons are
The former diagnosis seemed most likely because buffered by bicarbonate. The carbon dioxide rapidly
no conditions promoting the development of meta- traverses the cell membrane, whereas bicarbonate
bolic alkalosis were present (diuretics, vomiting, or movement into the cell is hindered, with the potential for
gastric drainage). producing an intracellular respiratory acidosis.20,21
Although both acidemia and hypobicarbonatemia Importantly, not all studies showed intracellular acidi-
were present, these abnormalities are sometimes absent fication after bicarbonate administration.22 This is most
in hyperlactatemic patients because of coexisting acid- likely to occur when large amounts of bicarbonate are
base disorders, such as metabolic alkalosis or respira- given rapidly, particularly to patients with severe cir-
tory alkalosis.3 Nonetheless, hyperlactatemia implies the culatory failure, promoting carbon dioxide accumula-
presence of lactic acidosis, in which there is net addition tion in tissues. Perhaps the use of bicarbonate should be
of lactate and protons to the body fluids.3,7 Limited data individualized. If the circulation is adequate or only
suggest that at a given blood lactate level, acidemia is moderately impaired, bicarbonate administration might

474 Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;68(3):473-482

Therapy of Lactic Acidosis

Table 2. Effect of Bicarbonate Therapy on Cardiovascular Function and Clinical Outcome in Humans

Reference Study Outcome Comments

Stacpoole59 Placebo phase of dichloroacetate No improvement with base therapy Not RCT
Fang67 Prospective RCT of 532 pts with At 120 min, NaHCO3 group had Concluded that NaHCO3 might be
sepsis and hypotension given 5% slightly greater increase in cardiac reasonable resuscitation fluid in
normal saline, 3.5% saline, or 5% output and BP; no differences in sepsis
NaHCO3 solution mortality among groups
Jung8 Prospective observational multicenter NaHCO3 use was heterogeneous and Study not designed to determine
study of 200 pts with severe not associated with difference in impact of NaHCO3 on outcome;
metabolic acidosis (blood survival clinicians made decision about
pH , 7.2); w1/3 of pts received base use independently
El Solh68 72 pts with septic shock and NaHCO3 did not reduce time to Blood pH for initiation of base therapy
increased blood lactate received reversal of shock, but was higher than traditionally
either NaHCO3 when blood associated with shorter mechanical recommended (7.1-7.2)
pH , 7.3 or conventional therapy ventilation duration and reduced
length of ICU stay
Kim69 Retrospective analysis of 103 pts with Nonsurvivors more likely to have NaHCO3 group had more severe
lactic acidosis and serum [HCO32] received NaHCO3 disease, lower serum [HCO32], and
, 20 mEq/L, 69 of whom received higher lactate
Cooper18 Prospective randomized crossover No difference in cardiac output Pts observed for only 30 min; failure
study of NaHCO3 vs NaCl in 14 pts between the 2 modalities of base attributed partly to increase
with sepsis and acute lactic in PaCO2 and decrease in ionized
acidosis Ca21
Mathieu70 Prospective randomized crossover No change in cardiac output with Pts observed for only 60 min
study of NaHCO3 vs NaCl in 10 pts either modality
with acute lactic acidosis
Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; [HCO32], bicarbonate concentration; ICU, intensive care unit; pts, patients; RCT, randomized
controlled trial; NaCl, sodium chloride; NaHCO3, sodium bicarbonate.

not generate intracellular acidification, but rather in animals,28 suppressed the contraction of myocar-
improve acid-base parameters of the critical compart- dial fibrils isolated from failing hearts of humans,27
ments. By contrast, in individuals predisposed to and was associated with increased mortality.8
develop intracellular acidification with bicarbonate, Increasing blood pH to w7.2 should improve car-
other buffers devoid of that adverse effect (such as diac contractility and restore responsiveness of the
THAM [tris-hydroxymethyl aminomethane] or buffers myocardium and peripheral vessels to endogenous
containing disodium carbonate) should be considered. and infused catecholamines.16,29,30
Central venous blood gases or measurement of cardiac To calculate the quantity of bicarbonate required to
index might aid in making this distinction.23-25 increase serum bicarbonate concentration to a given
Second, an increase in pH increases binding of amount, we assume that administered bicarbonate is
calcium to circulating protein, thereby reducing the distributed in 50% body weight expressed in kilo-
ionized fraction and depressing cardiovascular func- grams (bicarbonate space). This is only an estimate,
tion.18 This alteration should occur with any base that and monitoring of acid-base parameters every few
increases the pH of critical compartments and is hours is required for potential dose adjustment. Given
compounded by evidence that calcium concentration our patient’s hypernatremia, bicarbonate should be
can be decreased in lactic acidosis itself.26 administered as an isotonic solution.
Both these adverse effects can be minimized. Hy- Alternatively, administration of bases that do not
perventilation to reduce carbon dioxide accumulation generate substantial quantities of carbon dioxide (or
and infusion of calcium to stabilize calcium concen- preferably consume it) during the buffering process
tration increased intracellular pH and blood pH, might be more likely to improve cellular function.
improved myocardial function, and reduced the Table 3 shows the benefits and limitations of buffers
quantity of vasopressors necessary to maintain blood that might be used for this purpose.
pressure in rats with hemorrhage-induced lactic THAM buffers protons by virtue of its amine
acidosis administered bicarbonate.16,27 group. In contrast to sodium bicarbonate, it does
When base is given, the clinician should try to not generate carbon dioxide. It might lower PCO2.31 It
maintain blood pH at w7.2. This pH was chosen is as effective as sodium bicarbonate in increasing
because lower values depressed cardiac contractility serum bicarbonate concentration32 and when given to

Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;68(3):473-482 475

Kraut and Madias

Table 3. Bases and Base Delivery Systems for Treatment of Acute Metabolic Acidosis

Base or Base
Delivery System Formulation Mechanism of Action Complications Comments

NaHCO3 7.5%, 1,784 mOsm/kg HCO32 binds protons Intracellular acidification Hypertonic solutions associated
8.4%, 2,000 mOsm/kg with severe impairment with greater depression of
Isotonic solution, of cardiac function; cardiac function, so isotonic
prepared in house by depression of ionized solution preferred; adverse
pharmacy Ca21; volume overload; effects of HCO32 might
possible posttreatment be minimized with
metabolic alkalosis hyperventilation and Ca21
THAM 0.3 mol/L solution, pH Amine group binds Hyperkalemia; suppression Exact prevalence of adverse
8.6, osmolality 386 protons; must be of ventilation; liver effects not well known; should
mOsm/kg excreted from body necrosis in babies be used cautiously with
to generate base; decreased kidney function
THAM can also and consideration given to
consume CO2 concomitant dialysis to
expedite removal of THAM
Ringer lactate 275 mOsm/kg Lactate converted to Elevation of blood lactate in Appears preferable to saline
Lactate 28 mEq/L HCO32 in the body patients with impaired solution as resuscitation fluid;
Ca21 4 mEq/L liver function presence of Ca21 prevents
depression of Ca21; use as
source of base in ongoing
lactic acidosis not rigorously
Plasma-Lyte 294 mOsm/kg Acetate converted to Potential increase in blood In contrast to Ringer lactate,
Acetate 27 mEq/L HCO32 in the body acetate levels in patients Ca21 is absent
with severe impairment
of liver function
Intermittent HCO32 in dialysate of HCO32 delivered to Theoretically has similar In contrast to NaHCO3
hemodialysis 35-40 mEq/L; also can patient by diffusion complications as administration, volume
be given by infusion and intravenously intravenous overload can be more easily
administration of minimized; quantity and rate
NaHCO3 of delivery can be controlled
CVVH HCO32 in IV replacement HCO32 only delivered Complications similar to Quantity and rate of HCO32
solutions; if citrate used IV or from citrate those noted with HCO32 administration can be
as anticoagulant, it will metabolism administration by other carefully controlled
be metabolized to means; however, usually
HCO32 less severe because of
potential for slow rate of
HCO32 delivery
CVVHD HCO32 in dialysate 2
HCO3 delivered Complications similar to Quantity and rate of HCO32
solutions; if citrate used primarily by those noted with HCO32 administration can be
as anticoagulant, it will diffusion or from administration by other carefully controlled;
be metabolized to citrate metabolism means; however, usually hyperosmolality and volume
HCO32 less severe because of overload can be minimized
potential for slow rate of
HCO32 delivery
CVVHDF HCO32 in IV solution and HCO32 delivered in IV Complications similar to Quantity and rate of HCO32
in dialysate; if citrate solutions, by those noted with HCO3 administration can be
used as anticoagulant, diffusion, or from administration by other carefully controlled;
it will be metabolized citrate metabolism means; however, usually hyperosmolality and volume
to HCO32 less severe because of overload can be minimized
potential for slow rate of
HCO32 delivery
Carbicarb 1:1 Na2CO3 NaHCO3 Buffers protons Possible posttreatment Minimal generation or even
metabolic alkalosis consumption of CO2; not
available for clinical use;
further study of its value
Abbreviations: CO2, carbon dioxide; CVVH, continuous venovenous hemofiltration; CVVHD, continuous venovenous hemodialysis;
CVVHDF, continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration; IV, intravenous; Na2CO3, disodium carbonate; NaHCO3, sodium bicarbonate;
THAM, tris-hydroxymethyl aminomethane.

476 Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;68(3):473-482

Therapy of Lactic Acidosis

individuals with carbon dioxide retention, improves administered base, including by dialysis, augments
cardiac contractility in parallel with improvement in lactic acid production by stimulating 6-phosphofruc-
acid-base balance.33 To eliminate acid, THAM has to tokinase. Nonetheless, dialysis can decrease hyper-
be removed from the body. This is easily accom- lactatemia and ameliorate acidemia.41
plished when kidney function is normal, but is limited Dialysis removes substances that can produce severe
as kidney function declines. As a small molecule, metabolic acidosis, such as toxic alcohols and metfor-
THAM is dialyzable. Therefore, decreased kidney min, and has been effective in the treatment of both
function might not prevent its use. Because it is the disorders.42,43 Lactate is also removed by dialysis,
only other base approved for treatment of acid-base although the quantity is relatively small compared to
disorders, further studies of the benefits and compli- the amount produced.44 We have a low threshold for
cations of THAM are warranted. initiating dialysis therapy in patients with lactic acidosis
Balanced-salt solutions containing organic acid an- and decreased kidney function, but controlled studies to
ions as the source of base, such as lactated Ringer determine its risk to benefit ratio are warranted.
solution and Plasma-Lyte (Baxter Healthcare), have The therapies discussed heretofore have not
been recommended for fluid resuscitation,11 but their decreased morbidity and mortality in patients with
use in the treatment of metabolic acidosis has not been lactic acidosis. However, measures based on a deeper
examined rigorously. Also, their use in individuals understanding of the pathogenesis of lactic acidosis and
with severe liver disease might not be appropriate cellular injury might improve the clinical outcomes.
because of the limited metabolism of the organic acid As shown in Fig 1, hyperlactatemia occurs when
anion. Thus, although infusion of 1 L of lactated lactate production exceeds its consumption. In low-flow
Ringer solution produces only a minor increment in states and sepsis, excess net production of lactic acid can
blood lactate level in individuals with normal liver be driven by 2 distinctly different mechanisms: First,
function,34 the impact is likely to be magnified in pa- tissue hypoxia impairs mitochondrial oxidation and
tients with severe liver disease. This could be impor- causes both overproduction and underutilization of
tant because in vitro studies suggest that lactate could lactate. When acidemia coexists with hypoxia, the liver
have a depressant effect on cardiovascular function.35 can be converted into a net lactate-producing organ.
Disodium carbonate also consumes carbon dioxide Even if systemic oxygen delivery is not sufficiently low
in the process of buffering. Therefore, a 1:1 mixture of to induce global hypoxia, associated microcirculatory
sodium bicarbonate and disodium carbonate, termed dysfunction can reduce oxygen extraction, causing
Carbicarb, was developed in the 1980s.36 In animal regional tissue hypoxia and hyperlactatemia. Tissue
experiments, it improved acid-base parameters of blood hypoxia is often considered the leading mechanism of
and the intracellular compartment while generating increased net lactic acid production.
little or no carbon dioxide.37 A single study of patients The second mechanism is aerobic glycolysis
with mild metabolic acidosis failed to demonstrate a (stimulation of glycolysis by factors other than tissue
significant advantage of Carbicarb compared to sodium hypoxia or impaired oxidative phosphorylation by
bicarbonate,38 and it has never been introduced into chemical agents or drugs) stimulated by high levels
clinical practice. Given its overall profile, further ex- of circulating epinephrine. By binding to the b2-
amination of this base seems warranted. adrenoceptor on the plasma membrane, epinephrine
Dialysis is an effective method of delivering large increases the glycolytic flux both directly and by
quantities of base. During dialysis, base in the dialy- stimulation of the ubiquitous adenosine triphospha-
sate diffuses into the patient’s blood. In addition, base tase sodium/potassium pump (Na1/K1-ATPase) and
can be administered intravenously during the dialysis the resultant consumption of ATP.45 An increase in
procedure. Dialysis has the advantage that extracel- lactate utilization also occurs, but falls short of the
lular fluid volume and serum osmolality, 2 parameters abundant production. This is considered the primary
that can be perturbed by administering hypertonic mechanism of hyperlactatemia in the hyperdynamic
sodium bicarbonate, can be readily controlled. Also, stage of sepsis.46 However, both aerobic glycolysis
by using a dialysate calcium concentration $ 3.0 and tissue hypoxia often contribute to the hyper-
mEq/L,39 sufficient calcium can be delivered to sta- lactatemia in sepsis and low-flow states.47
bilize serum calcium concentration. Although inter- Finally, in hemodynamically stable patients with
mittent dialysis can be used, we prefer continuous sepsis, lactate clearance by the liver can be decreased,
renal replacement therapy (particularly contin- possibly through pyruvate dehydrogenase inhibition.
uous venovenous hemodialysis). With this modality, In sepsis and low-flow states, chronic liver disease
the quantity and rate of base delivered can be further compromises lactate clearance. However,
modulated to minimize any rapid changes in carbon chronic liver disease alone causes only minimal
dioxide generation and acid-base parameters.40 To be hyperlactatemia.48,49 Kidney failure adds to the
sure, even relative alkalinization of body fluids by impairment in lactate clearance.

Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;68(3):473-482 477

Kraut and Madias

Figure 1. Putative mechanisms underlying accumulation of lactate in body fluids. Change in arrow width in panels B and C
indicates directional changes in metabolic flux. (A) The normal state. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an allosteric inhibitor of the
rate-limiting 6-phosphofructokinase (PFK) reaction of anaerobic glycolysis. The 2 mitochondrial pathways of metabolic processing
of pyruvate depend on intact oxidative phosphorylation. (B) Lactate accumulation in tissue hypoxia originates from pyruvate accumu-
lation and reflects both overproduction and underutilization. The reduced ATP supply disinhibits the PFK reaction, stimulating anaer-
obic glycolysis. Hypoxia-induced decrease in ATP and increase in [NADH]/[NAD1] (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide to
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) ratio inhibit both oxidative pathways of pyruvate utilization. The increased [NADH]/[NAD1] ratio
shifts the equilibrium of the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) reaction toward lactate. (C) Lactate accumulation in the hyperdynamic stage
of sepsis. Glycolysis acceleration is linked to increased activity of the sarcolemmal adenosine triphosphatase sodium/potassium pump
(Na1/K1-ATPase) consequent to b2-adrenoceptor stimulation by high circulating epinephrine levels. ATP consumption increases the
glycolytic flux by disinhibiting the PFK reaction. b2-Adrenoceptor engagement by epinephrine also stimulates glycolysis directly. Oxida-
tive phosphorylation and thus lactate utilization is increased in this setting but falls short of the level of glycolysis resulting in hyper-
lactatemia. This type of stimulated glycolysis has been dubbed aerobic glycolysis to indicate that it does not depend on tissue
hypoxia. Evidence suggests that the glycolytic pathway linked to the sarcolemmal Na1/K1-ATPase activity is functionally compartmen-
talized from that directed to oxidative metabolism (not shown). Liver dysfunction or decreased kidney function can also reduce lactate
clearance and contribute to hyperlactatemia generated by both main mechanisms. Abbreviations: acetyl CoA, acetyl coenzyme A;
ADP, adenosine diphosphate; cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; PC, pyruvate carboxylase; PDH, pyruvate dehydrogenase;
TCA, tricarboxylic acid. Reproduced and modified from Kraut and Madias3 with permission of the Massachusetts Medical Society.

Theoretically, any one of these mechanisms could dobutamine, acetylcholine, nitroglycerin, or novel
predominate in a given patient, compelling a variable agents could improve the hyperlactatemia independent
approach to treatment. If only tissue hypoxia was of systemic hemodynamics.50 By contrast, if aerobic
present, measures to preserve tissue oxygen delivery glycolysis was dominant, blocking the release or the
might be emphasized. If microvascular dysfunction effects of epinephrine could be beneficial. Adreno-
was present, rescuing the microcirculation with ceptor blockade can lessen hyperlactatemia51,52 even if

478 Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;68(3):473-482

Therapy of Lactic Acidosis

it decreases oxygen delivery.53 If both mechanisms which increased blood lactate levels up to 15 mEq/L, did
were operative, targeting each might maximize benefit. not depress cardiac output in patients following heart
At present, tools to identify the mechanisms of net transplantation.61 Further studies are necessary to
lactic acid production are not in clinical use, although examine the potential merits of lactate removal.
some are under study. For example, handheld devices Effective treatment of lactic acidosis mandates
permitting direct visualization of the microcirculation appropriate monitoring of patients. Hemodynamic
are undergoing clinical study.54 Further research status, hemoglobin level, and arterial oxygen satura-
to promote a mechanism-specific approach could tion should be assessed. There is ongoing controversy
improve clinical outcomes by using measures targeted about the use of protocol-based targets or central
to operative mechanisms while avoiding therapies that venous catheterization, particularly in patients with
are futile or even harmful. sepsis.15,62 Sustained hyperlactatemia has adverse
Identifying the pathways of cellular dysfunction prognostic value and thus blood lactate levels should
could reveal specific targets for treatment. When present, be monitored. Measurement of either arterial or
hypoxia impairs vital cellular processes and causes cell venous lactate is acceptable because the values are
death. Delivering adequate oxygen will improve cell essentially interchangeable.63 Some experts have
function along with stemming net lactic acid production. advocated determination of lactate clearance using
The reduction in intracellular pH during lactic serial blood lactate determinations to judge the effec-
acidosis can produce cell injury by activating the tiveness of treatment.64 The goal of lactate-guided
sodium/hydrogen exchanger 1 (NHE1), an exchanger therapy is normalization of blood lactate level. The
ubiquitously present in the cell membrane.55 value of this approach remains unproven.
Administration of selective inhibitors of NHE1 to Assessment of the acid-base milieu of tissues is
experimental animals with lactic acidosis due to se- important to guide therapy. Usually this is accom-
vere volume depletion, sepsis, or trauma improved plished by measuring arterial blood gases, but venous
cardiac function, reduced inflammation, ameliorated
lactic acidosis, and decreased mortality.56 Box 1. Teaching Points
The injurious cellular effects of NHE1 activation in  The development of acute lactic acidosis in patients with
these models are presumed to emanate from the sepsis or low-flow states is associated with a marked in-
resulting sodium influx that cannot be countered by crease in mortality.
the suppressed Na1/K1-ATPase activity consequent  Aggressive resuscitation and elimination or control of the
triggering conditions are the mainstay of therapy.
to hypoxia-induced ATP depletion. If generation of  A decrease in interstitial and intracellular pH can
lactic acidosis is largely driven by aerobic glycolysis, contribute to cellular dysfunction. Administration of base
the prevailing b2-stimulation of Na1/K1-ATPase as sodium bicarbonate does not reduce mortality or
activity might prevent sodium overload, thereby improve cardiovascular function, even when blood pH is
eliminating the indication for NHE1 inhibition. increased.
 Failure of HCO32 to improve outcomes is attributed to
Although limited work in experimental sepsis sug- generation of excess CO2 and decrease in ionized Ca21.
gests benefit,57,58 additional research is needed to test Hyperventilation to lessen CO2 accumulation and admin-
the utility of NHE1 inhibition in nonhypoxic models istration of Ca21 to stabilize blood Ca21 might allow the
of lactic acidosis. Certainly, the beneficial effect of positive effects of HCO32 therapy to be expressed.
NHE1 inhibition might be multifactorial. Given the  Alternatively, administration of bases that do not generate
CO2 or even consume it, such as THAM or Carbicarb,
encouraging results with NHE1 inhibition, further could improve cellular function.
studies in experimental models of acute lactic acidosis  Disparate mechanisms can lead to excessive lactic acid
are warranted. If these prove successful, studies in generation, including tissue hypoxia and epinephrine-
humans would be indicated. dependent stimulation of Na1/K1-ATPase. Measures
The importance of advancing our understanding targeting these mechanisms could improve the treatment
of lactic acidosis.
of the cellular dysfunction accompanying lactic  Activation of NHE1 with a resultant increase in cellular
acidosis is highlighted by the disappointing results of sodium and calcium is deleterious in animal studies, and
the dichloroacetate trial.59 Although dichloroacetate, administration of selective inhibitors of NHE1 improves
a stimulator of pyruvate dehydrogenase, resulted in cardiovascular function and reduces mortality.
significant moderation of hyperlactatemia, it failed to  Further examination of the factors involved in producing
cellular injury in acute lactic acidosis is indicated to
alter either hemodynamics or survival of patients with facilitate the development of targeted therapy.
acute lactic acidosis.59  Lactate-guided therapy might improve clinical outcomes,
The role of lactate itself on cellular function remains and the potential benefits of this approach need to be
controversial. Studies of isolated frog heart demon- examined further.
strated a correlation between an increase in ambient Abbreviations: Na1/K1-ATPase, adenosine triphosphatase
lactate concentration and impaired cardiac function.60 sodium/potassium pump; NHE1, sodium/hydrogen exchanger 1;
However, infusion of large amounts of sodium lactate, THAM, tris-hydroxymethyl aminomethane.

Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;68(3):473-482 479

Kraut and Madias

blood gases are increasingly used. In individuals 7. Madias NE. Lactic acidosis. Kidney Int. 1986;29(3):
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Essential teaching points are summarized in Box 1. 17. Kraut JA. Treatment of metabolic acidosis: controversies
and challenges. NephSAP. 2015;14(1):1-6.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 18. Cooper DJ, Walley KR, Wiggs BR, Russell JA. Bicar-
Dr Kraut reports holding pending patents related to the use of bonate does not improve hemodynamics in critically ill patients
selective NHE1 inhibitors in the treatment of metabolic acidosis who have lactic acidosis. Ann Intern Med. 1990;112(7):
(lapsed without the filing of a nonprovisional application) and 492-498.
systems, methods, and compositions for improved treatment of 19. Kraut JA, Kurtz I. Use of base in the treatment of severe
acidosis. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this acidemic states. Am J Kidney Dis. 2001;38(4):703-727.
article was reported. 20. Levraut J, Labib Y, Chave S, Payan P, Raucoules-Aime M,
Support: This work was supported in part by funds from the Grimaud D. Effect of sodium bicarbonate on intracellular
Veterans Administration and the UCLA Academic Senate. pH under different buffering conditions. Kidney Int. 1996;49(5):
Financial Disclosure: The authors declare that they have no 1262-1267.
other relevant financial interests. 21. Forsythe S, Schmidt GA. Sodium bicarbonate for the
Peer Review: Evaluated by 2 external peer reviewers, the treatment of lactic acidosis. Chest. 2000;117(1):260-267.
Deputy Editor, the Education Editor, and the Editor-in-Chief. 22. Nielsen HB, Hein L, Svendsen LB, Secher NH,
Quistorff B. Bicarbonate attenuates intracellular acidosis. Acta
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