Syllabi FOR Iii Semester B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engg

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MTH 203
Algorithm: Algorithm and its basic properties like effectiveness and
efficiency, examples of polynomial evaluation, searching largest number
in a set etc., iterative and recursive loops in flow charts. Types and
sources of errors, safeguards against errors.
Solution of Equations; Newton Raphson methods, Bairstow’s methods of
complex roots, solution of nonlinear simultan eons equations.

Interpolation: Forward, backward, central and divided difference
formulae. Lagrangian interpolation. Inverse interpolation, hermite and
Cubic Splines intepolation.
Numerical differentiation: Newton–Cote’s formula, Weddle, 3/8 t h Simpson
rule as special cases of Newton–Cote. Gauss–Legendre open quadrature.

Ordinary Differential Equations: Modified Euler, Picard and Taylor series
methods, Runge–Kutta 3 r d & 4 t h order methods. Predictor–Corrector
methods–Milne’s & adams Bashforth method. Stability Analysis for
Euler’s method. Application problems taken from Electronics field.

Complex Variables: Analytic functions, conformal mapping, cauchy’s
theorem Complex integration, Taylor’s & Laurent’s series, poles,
singulaities, residues, Cauchy Residue theorem, contour integration.

PDE of Ist order linear and non linear. Linear PDE of second and higher
order Boundary Value Problems, Separation of Variables methods.
Applications to electronics.
Suggested Text Books and References:
1. Numerical Methods in Engg. And Sciences By B.S.. Grewal,
Khanna Publi. New Delhi.
2. Numerical Algorithm By E.V. Krishnamurthy and S.K. Sen.
3. Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engg. Computation By M.K.
Jain, S.R.K. Iyengar and R. K. Jain, New Age International Ltd.
4. Higher Engg. Maths by B.S. Grewal, Khanna Publi. New Delhi.

EE 211
Unit – I
Synchronous Machines
Construction, emf equation, O.C. & S.C. characteristics, Synchronous
impedance, method of calculating regulation, parallel operation &
Synchronous Motors: Characteristics, V Curves, Salient pole machine and
their performance equations, vector diagram, power angle characteristics.
Unit – II
Three Phase Induction Motors
Principle, construction, types equivalent circuit, torque equation, slip–
torque characteristics, starting methods and speed control.
Unit – III
Single Phase Induction Motors
Double revolving field theory, construction, starting methods, equivalent
circuit, torque characteristics and applications.

Unit – IV
Special Machines
Constructional features, principle and analysis of stepper motor, linear
induction motor, hysteresis motor & reluctance motor.

Unit – V
Measuring Instruments
Classification & measurement of basic electrical quantities. Operating torques, operating
principle & torque equation of Moving Coil, Moving iron & electrodynamometer type of
instruments & single phase energy meter. Extension of range by shunt & multiplier.
Suggested Text Books and References:
1. Electrical Machines by P.S.Bhimbra, Khanna Publ. 1993.
2. Measurement and Instrumentation by A.K.Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai &
Co. Publ. 2001
3. A course in Electronics and Electrical Measurement &
Instrumentation by J.B. Gupta, ESS Key Publ. 1995.

EC 201
Unit – I
Review of equivalent circuit for semiconductor devices(BJT, FET etc.)
classification of amplifiers, voltage amplifiers, current amplifiers,
amplifiers characteristics, BW, gain, input impedance, output impedance,
distortion etc.

Unit – II
FET and BJT version of RC coupled amplifier, transformer coupled,
cascaded amplifier, power amplifier, class A and class B amplifiers,
push–pull amplifier, driver stage design, compound stages,
complementary symmetry circuits, stability and thermal consideration,
class C amplifiers, large signal power and audio amplifiers. Tuned voltage
and power amplifiers.
Unit – III
Switching characteristic of BJT and FET, linear and non–linear wave
shaping circuits, bistable, monostable, and astable multi–vibrators, RC
integrator and RC differentiator, clipper and clampers.

Unit – IV
Regulated power supplies, shunt regulators, series regulators, current
regulator and current limiting circuits, protection circuits, special purpose
diode – zener diodes, shottky Barrier diode, schotty TTL diodes,
varactors, SPICE simulator, super diodes, LEDs, photo diodes.

Unit – V
Feedback amplifiers, feedback general theory, effect of feedback on gain,
return ratio and return differences, distortion, noise, bandwidth,
input/output impedance, current and voltage feedback, multistage
feedback, conditions for oscillations, negative resistance oscillators.
Wien’s bridge and RC phase shift oscillators, LC–oscillators, Colpitt and
Hartley oscillator, crystal oscillator, temperature and frequency stability.

Suggested Text Books and References:

1. Integrated Electronics by Milliman & Halkias, Mc Graw Hill Publ.
2. Solid State pulse circuit by David A Bell, PHI, EEE.
3. Electronics Circuit by Sedra Smith, Oxford University Press.


EC 202
Unit – I
Number system: Binary number system, binary arithmetic, octal number
system, hexadecimal system, radix conversion.
Binary codes: BCD, excess three code, gray code, display code, ASCII,
Boolean Algebra: Theorems, AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, exclusive OR
gates, inhibit, simplification of Boolean expressions, minimization
techniques, Karnaugh map, Quine Mc–clusky method.

Unit – II
Study of combinational circuits: Arithmetic logic unit, full and half
adder, subtractor, BCD adder excess –3 adder, multiplexer and
demultiplexer, encoder and decoder circuits.

Unit – III
Flip flops: RS, clocked RS, T, D, JK, race–around problem, Master –Slave
Elements of sequential switching circuits, synchronous and asynchronous
systems, binary ripple counter, BCD counter, up–down counter.
Unit – IV
Shift registers, serial and parallel shift registers, shift left & shift right
operations, Johnson and Ring counter.

Unit – V
Design of sequential circuits, state diagram, state assignment.
Implementation of multivibrators circuit using logic gates, Schmitt

Suggested Text Books and References:

1. Digital Logic and Computer Design By Moris Mano, Prentice Hall
of India, 1989.
2. Digital Principles and applications by Malvino & Leach, TMH,
3. Digital Fundamental By Floyd, 1994, 3 r d Edition.
4. Modern Digital Electronics By R.P. Jain, Second edition, Tata Mc
Graw Hill, 1998.
5. Digital Circuits and design By Salivahanan, S. Arivazhagan, Vikas
Publ. House Pvt. Ltd. 1999.

EC 203
Unit – I
Circuit elements, energy sources, Kirchhoff’s current & voltage laws,
elementary graph theory, Tree, Branch, impedance matrix, cutset, tie set,
Tellegens theorem. Magnetically coupled circuits, voltage and current
circuits, network theorems.

Unit – II
Differential equations: description of first and second order systems, time
constant, initial conditions, natural & forced responses, complex
frequencies, s–plane, Laplace transform and its applications in circuit
analysis, initial and final value theorem.

Unit – III
Network Functions: impedance function and admittance function for
single and two port networks. Two port network parameters and
relationship between parameters, interconnection of two port network.

Unit – IV
Stability of networks, resonant circuit, restriction on the location of
poles and zeroes in the s–plane for a driving point function and transfer
functions, PR functions, Hurwitz polynomials.

Unit – V
Driving point impedance function of one port LC, RL, RC and RLC
networks. Minimum functions, realization of driving point function of two
element kind by Canonic networks.

Suggested Text Books and References:

1. Network Analysis by Van Valkeinburg, PHI 3 r d Edition 1995.

2. Network Synthesis by Van Valkeinburg PHI 3 r d Edition 1995.
3. Network Analysis & Synthesis by F.F.Kuo, Wiley International
Edition, 2 n d Edition 1999.
4. Linear Networks & Systems by D.Roy Chowdhary, Willey
International Edition, 1989.
5. Circuit theory and Analysis and Synthesis by A.Chakrabarty,
Dhanpat Rai & Co., 1999, 1 s t Edition.

Unit –I
Introduction to Economics:
Introduction to economics, its Importance, Principals, Approaches, and use of study,
Engineering and economics, Economic problems, economic good and wealth, Demand
and supply, Competition, Monopoly, theory of firm, Money and its function, theory of
money and choice, the bank and its functions, employment and income, Gross National
Product, Net National Product Consumption, Savings and investment.

Unit –II
Features of Indian Economy-I:
Broad features of Indian Economy, Natural resources and economic development,
Infrastructure in the Indian Economy, Agriculture development, Green revolution,
Population, Population theories, Unemployment, Poverty, and Balance Regional
Development. Economic Growth and Economic Development, Indian Industries,
Industrial Policy, Industrialization in India, role, plan and pattern of Industrialization,
Public vs Private Sectors, Economic reforms in India, India’s Five Year Plans.

Unit– III
Features of Indian Economy-II:
The indigenous and modern banking system in India, Reserve Bank of India, Monetary
and Fiscal Policies, Financial Institutions and SEBI, Free trade and protection, India’s
Foreign Trade and WTO, Balance of Payments, Indian Currency System and Foreign
exchange, Foreign Capital Investment, Foreign Aid, and FEMA.
Unit –IV
Introduction to Business Organization-I:
Concept, nature and scope of business, business and its environment, Profit maximization
vs social responsibility of business, business ethics, business enterprise, entrepreneurship,
Promoters, types and functions, stages in company formation, concept of business
growth, rationale and types of growth strategies, joint venture-definition, scope, role and
problems of small business, concepts and features of public enterprise, multinationals.

Unit– V
Introduction to Business Organization-II:
Time value for money, Simple and compound interest, annuity, Depreciation, definitions,
characteristics, Life and Salvage value, Method of providing for depreciation,
relationship between depreciation, repairs, renewals, Depletion cost, Replacement,
Amortization, and Present worth.

Suggested Text books and references:

1. Indian Economy --Dutt & Sundaram
2. Engineering Economics –Tarachand
3. A Text Book of Economic Theory --Stonier & Hague
4. Business Organization --Shukla


EE 243
1. To perform open circuit and short circuit test on 3 phase alternator.
2. To perform no load and block rotor test on 3 phase induction
3. To perform no load and block rotor test on 1 phase induction
4. To plot the V–curves for Synchronous motor.
5. To perform speed control of 3 phase induction motor by cascading.
6. Study of various starters for 3 phase induction motor.
7. Calibration of 1 phase energy meter.
8. Calibration of wattmeter.

1. Calculate the gain and determine the gain bandwidth product of
single stage and multistage RC–coupled amplifier.
2. To calculate and verify experimentally the frequency of given RC
phase shift oscillator.
3. Study of RC differentiator and integrator circuits.
4. Study of Mono stable multivibrator. Study of Bistable and Astable
5. Study of Darlington configuration.
6. Firing characteristic of SCR.
7. Schmitt Trigger study.
8. Wein Bridge Oscillator, LC Oscillator.


Combinational circuit Exp.

1. Study and verification of truth tables of basic and universal gate.

2. Design of binary to gray code/gray to binary code logic circuit.
3. Design and implementation of full and half adder and subtractor
using gates.
4. Design and implementation of BCD to seven segment and study of
multiplexer and demultiplexer.
5. Design of 3–bit odd/even parity generator.

Sequential circuit Exp.

1. Study & implementation of J–K and D–type flip–flop.
2. Study and implementation of RS and T type flip–flops.
3. Designing and implementation of decade counter using JK flip–flop.
4. Design and implementation of different types of resisters.
5. design and implementation of 4–bit ring counter using ICs.


1. Study & Verification of Kirchoff’s law.

2. Study & Verification of various theorems:
a. Thevinin & Nortons Theorem.
b. Super position theorem.
c. Millmans theorem.
d. Max. power transfer theorem.
3. Measurement of two port parameters of a given circuit.
4. Measurement of network functions of a given network.
5. Realization of network using
a. Foster form.
b. Cauer form.
6. Computer based simulation of different networks.

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