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how new habits are created K. C. Berridge and M. L.

“Affective Neuroscience of Pleasure: Reward in Humans and
Animals,” Psychopharmacology 199 (2008): 457–80; Wolfram
Schultz, “Behavioral Theories and the Neurophysiology of Reward,”
Annual Review of Psychology 57 (2006): 87–115.

“wanting evolves into obsessive craving” T. E. Robinson and K.

C. Berridge, “The Neural Basis of Drug Craving: An Incentive-
Sensitization Theory of Addiction,” Brain Research Reviews 18
(1993): 247–91.

In 2002 researchers at New Mexico Krystina A. Finlay, David

Trafimow, and Aimee Villarreal, “Predicting Exercise and Health
Behavioral Intentions: Attitudes, Subjective Norms, and Other
Behavioral Determinants,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology 32
(2002): 342–56.

The cue, in addition to triggering Henk Aarts, Theo Paulussen,

and Herman Schaalma, “Physical Exercise Habit: On the
Conceptualization and Formation of Habitual Health Behaviours,”
Health Education Research 12 (1997): 363–74.

Within a year, customers had spent Christine Bittar,

“Freshbreeze at P&G,” Brandweek, October 1999.

Unlike other pastes Patent 1,619,067, assigned to Rudolph A.


Want to craft a new eating J. Brug, E. de Vet, J. de Nooijer, and B.

Verplanken, “Predicting Fruit Consumption: Cognitions, Intention,
and Habits,” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 38 (2006):

The craving drove the habit For a full inventory of studies from
the National Weight Control Registry, see ht t p: //www. nwc /​
Resea rch/​
publi shed%​

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