Maintenance Manual of Turbine (Final)

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Steam Turbine Maintenance Manual

A For approval

REV Status Modification Date Compile Proof Check APPR


Contract No.:







批准 日期 合同号:有待落实
APPR Date Contract No.:

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审核 日期

Check Date

序 言


本《汽轮机系统维护手册》是根据印尼 INDRAMAYU 3×330MW 燃煤电站项

适用于印尼 INDRAMAYU 3×330MW 燃煤电站项目汽轮机部分的运行操作。
This Steam Turbine System Maintenance Manual is based on turbine
maintenance instruction and relative drawings provided by the manufacturer
of the steam turbine main and auxiliary equipment of INDRAMAYU 3×330MW
coal fired power plant project, and it is only for operation of steam turbine for
INDRAMAYU 3×330MW coal fired power plant project.
Due to the incomplete material and short time, this manual still needs to
be revised. As completion of references& documents, we will provide a
complete and up-to-date the manual according to the on plant condition.

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2.1 汽轮机设备检修的一般规定......................................................................................................6


2.1.1 检修的目的和原则..............................................................................................................6
2.1.1 MAINTENANCE PURPOSE AND PRINCIPLE...........................................................................6
2.1.2 检修间隔和工期..................................................................................................................7
2.1.2 MAINTENANCE INTERVAL AND THE DURATION...................................................................7
2.1.3 检修项目和内容..................................................................................................................9
2.1.3 MAINTENANCE ITEMS AND CONTENTS................................................................................9
2.1.4 检修计划的编制................................................................................................................25
2.1.4 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE COMPILE................................................................................25
2.1.5 检修工作的组织和准备....................................................................................................26
2.1.5 MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT AND PREPARATION..........................................................26
2.1.6 检修的安全措施与技术措施............................................................................................28
2.1.6 SAFETY AND TECHNICAL MEASURES OF MAINTENANCE................................................28
2.1.7 检修施工管理....................................................................................................................52
2.1.7 MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT...........................................................................................52
2.1.8 主要检修工作的质量与验收项目....................................................................................54
2.1.8 MAIN ITEMS OF QUALITY AND ACCEPTANCE FOR MAINTENANCE....................................54

2.2 汽轮机主要设备规范................................................................................................................56

2.2 SPECIFICATIONS OF STEAM TURBINE EQUIPMENT.................................................56

2.2.1 概述....................................................................................................................................60
2.2.1 GENERAL............................................................................................................................60
2.2.2 汽缸检修............................................................................................................................62
2.2.2 CASING MAINTENANCE......................................................................................................62
2.2.3 汽轮机转子检修................................................................................................................91
2.2.3 TURBINE ROTOR MAINTENANCE........................................................................................91
2.2.4 喷咀、隔板和隔板套检修..............................................................................................121
2.2.4 NOZZLE, DIAPHRAGM AND BLADE CARRIER MAINTENANCE..........................................121
2.2.5 汽封检修..........................................................................................................................134
2.2.5 MAINTENANCE OF GLAND SEAL......................................................................................134
2.2.6 轴承检修..........................................................................................................................144
2.2.6 BEARING MAINTENANCE..................................................................................................144
2.2.7 滑销系统..........................................................................................................................158
2.2.7 SLIDING PIN SYSTEM........................................................................................................158
2.2.8 盘车装置..........................................................................................................................166
2.2.8 TURNING GEAR DEVICE...................................................................................................166
2.2.9 EH 油系统........................................................................................................................178
2.2.9 EH OIL SYSTEM..............................................................................................................178

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2.2.10 液压调节控制系统..........................................................................................................196
2.2.10 HYDRAULIC ADJUSTING AND CONTROL SYSTEM............................................................196
2.2.11 保安系统..........................................................................................................................216
2.2.11 SECURITY SYSTEM...........................................................................................................216
2.2.12 润滑油系统......................................................................................................................236
2.2.12 LUBRICATION OIL SYSTEM...............................................................................................236
2.2.13 配汽机构..........................................................................................................................271
2.2.13 STEAM DISTRIBUTION MECHANISM................................................................................271
2.2.14 发电机密封油系统..........................................................................................................293
2.2.14 GENERATOR SEALING OIL SYSTEM.................................................................................293
2.2.15 给水泵..............................................................................................................................319
2.2.15 给水泵..............................................................................................................................319
2.2.15 FEEDWATER PUMP...........................................................................................................319
2.2.16 液力偶合器......................................................................................................................368
2.2.16 HYDRAULIC COUPLER......................................................................................................368
2.2.17 前置泵..............................................................................................................................382
2.2.17 BOOSTER PUMP...............................................................................................................382
2.2.18 凝结水泵..........................................................................................................................411
2.2.18 CONDENSATE PUMP.........................................................................................................411
2.2.19 水环式真空泵..................................................................................................................437
2.2.19 WATER RING TYPE VACUUM PUMP..................................................................................437
2.2.20 循环水泵..........................................................................................................................454
2.2.20 CIRCULATING WATER PUMP.............................................................................................454
2.2.21 低加疏水泵......................................................................................................................469
2.2.21 LOW PRESSURE HEATER DRAINAGE PUMP.....................................................................469
2.2.22 闭式循环冷却水泵..........................................................................................................484
2.2.22 CLOSED CIRCULATING COOLING WATER......................................................................484
2.2.23 悬臂泵..............................................................................................................................494
2.2.23 ARM-SUSPENDED PUMP..................................................................................................494
2.2.24 高压加热器......................................................................................................................507
2.2.24 HP HEATER......................................................................................................................507
2.2.25 低压加热器......................................................................................................................523
2.2.25 LP HEATER.......................................................................................................................523
2.2.26 除氧器..............................................................................................................................533
2.2.26 DEAERATOR.....................................................................................................................533
2.2.27 凝汽器..............................................................................................................................548
2.2.27 CONDENSER.....................................................................................................................548
2.2.28 阀门..................................................................................................................................553
2.2.28 VALVES.............................................................................................................................553
2.2.29 管道..................................................................................................................................631
2.2.29 PIPELINES.........................................................................................................................631



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1 带压堵漏技术介绍..................................................................................................................638
1 INTRODUCTION OF LEAKAGE STOPPING WITH PRESSURE......................................................638
2 带压堵漏工艺..........................................................................................................................640
2 PROCESS OF LEAKAGE STOPPING WITH PRESSURE..............................................................640
3 带压堵漏安全技术规定..........................................................................................................643
3 Safety technical specifications of leak stopping with pressure.............................643

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2.1 汽轮机设备检修的一般规定
2.1 General Regulations for Steam Turbine Equipment Maintenance
本手册适用于单机容量为 330MW,主蒸汽压力为 17.75MPa, 主蒸汽温度
为 540℃的火力发电厂汽轮发电机组本体及附属设备的检修及验收工作。汽
This manual is suitable for the maintenance and acceptance of the
thermal power plant turbine and generator unit proper and the auxiliary
equipment of single unit with the capacity of 30MW, main steam pressure
of 17.75MPa, and main steam temperature of 540℃. Steam turbine and
generator unit maintenance and acceptance should be on the basis of the
approved design and the technical documents of the equipment
manufacture. If the equipment manual or the above documents need to
be revised or changed, there must be some certain examination and
approval. Operate this turbine generator unit according to this manual as
well as the current safe technology, labor protection, environment
protection and fire fighting rules which are approved by the government or
the related departments. The technical requirements and the acceptance
quality standard of this manual are the basic requirements, so operate
first according to the requirements of the technical agreement of the
equipment order contract and the formal specified drawings of the
manufacturer. If there is no specific regulation or the regulation is not
complete, operate according to this manual.
2.1.1 检修的目的和原则
2.1.1 Maintenance purpose and principle
Implement principle of prevention first and planning maintenance and
carry out the maintenance adequately if it is necessary, according to
the steam turbine maintenance management and the actual state of
the equipment. Conduct the investigation and research adequately to
make the maintenance plan more feasible. Maintenance personnel
should be serious with the maintenance plan and maintenance items,
which can not be changed without randomly and if it is necessary to
change, apply for the superior department in charge.

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Finish all the work during the specific limitation and make sure the
work should meet the requirements. Adopt the advanced new
technology and new method and actively promote the usage of new
material and new tools to increase the working efficiency and reduce
the maintenance time. Save and properly use the raw material and
prevent the wrong use and waste of the material. Try to repair the
replaced rotating equipment and components in time. Carry out the
safe production and prevent the personal injury and equipment
2.1.2 检修间隔和工期
2.1.2 Maintenance interval and the duration
况下,主设备的检修间隔按照表 1 的规定进行。
During equipment maintenance, confirm the status of the main
equipment. The main equipment includes: turbine proper, speed
governing feedwater pump and the accessory equipment, and the
auxiliary equipment is the production equipment which is not included
in the main equipment. Under normal circumstance, the maintenance
interval of the main equipment should be according to the regulations
in table 1.

表 1 检修周期
Table 1 Maintenance Period

设备名称 大修间隔 小修间隔

Name of equipment Overhaul interval Repair interval

汽轮发电机组 4年 4~8 个月

Turbine generator unit Four years 4~8 months

在执行表 1 的检修间隔时,应根据不同情况区别对待。对技术状况较好
准,具体标准详见表 2 规定。
During the execution of the maintenance interval in table 1, treat it
according to different circumstance. For the equipment with fine
technical status, take measures to extend the maintenance interval
step by step to fully make use of the equipment potential and to
reduce the maintenance cost, but all these measures should be
approved by the superior department.

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表 2 允许大修间隔超过或低于表 1 的参考条件
Table 2 Reference conditions of the permissible overhaul interval
when exceeding or lower than table 1
技术状况满足下列全部条件,可超过表 1 的规 技术状况有下列之一的,允许低于表 1 的规定

1.能经常达到铭牌出力和较高效率,主要运行 率显著降低,机组振动不合格。
1. Main operating parameters often exceed the
1. Nameplate output and higher efficiency can limit value and this may cause the equipment
often be reached, main operating parameters damage, and when the scaling in the flow path is
are within normal scope, unit vibration is very serious, the unit heat efficiency reduces
normal and the oil quality is adequate. obviously and the unit vibration does not meet the
requirement, therefore the unit overhaul is

2. 轴瓦乌金有较严重裂纹或脱胎,小修不能处理。
2. Babbitt metal has serious crack or the metal on
2. Main and thrust bearings work normally and
the surface falls down, and these problems can
the bearing bush Babbitt metal does not fall
not be solved during repair.

3. Gland seal steam leakage is serious, oil quality
3. Turbine combination surface has no
is deteriorating, and these problems can not be
leakage, sliding pin system slides normally
solved during repair.
without unsmooth blockage.

4. Turbine rotor impellers, thrust discs, gland
4. Bedplate is loose and the sliding pin system
seal sleeve, blades, lacing wire and the
does not work normally which may influence the
reassemble ring have the faults like flushing,
unit expansion and threaten the unit safe
deformation, corrosion, crack and so on.
Blade frequency meets the requirements, or
does not meet the requirements, but it would
not affect the safety.

5.汽缸、喷嘴、隔板套等无裂纹、无严重冲蚀等缺 5.汽缸内部经过重大改进,更换过重要部件或处理

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5. Significant improvement has been carried out in
5. Casing, nozzles and diaphragms have no
the casing interior, important parts have been
defects like crack or serious impact erosion, or
replaced or the serious defects have been treated,
they have the slight defects but theses would
and all theses should be inspected and identified
not affect the safety during long term
during unit overhaul.

6. 汽缸严重裂纹, 结合面漏汽,隔板严重变形、裂
6. Speed governing and safety system and the
6. Casing has serious cracks, the combination
actuating mechanism operate reliably and the
surface has steam leakage, and the diaphragms
dynamic performance meets the
have serious deformation and cracks.

7. 汽轮机转子有严重缺陷,如大轴夹渣,叶轮键槽
7. When turbine rotors have serious defects, such
7. Turbine main speed changing device has
as residue remains in shaft, impeller key slot
no serious abrasion.
cracks and the blade frequency does not meet the
requirement and so on, monitor, identify and deal
with the problems.

陷,一般缺陷能够在小修维护中处理。 8.凝汽器铜管腐蚀泄露严重,需要大修处理。

8. Auxiliary equipment does not have the 8. Condenser copper tubes corrosion and leakage
serious defects which may affect the turbine are serious and these need to be handled during
safe operation and the normal defect can be overhaul.
treated during repair.

9.重要部件(如各种高温高压紧固件)的使用 9.汽轮机组达不到铭牌出力,但经过大修后可以恢
寿命能满足延长检修间隔或能在小修中更换。 复。

9. Important components (like various high 9. Turbine unit output does not meet the
temperature and high pressure fastening nameplate output, but after overhaul, the unit
components) output can restore.

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10.主要热工测量、保护装置能正常投入,或虽 10. 主要热工测量装置、自动监测、保护装置不能保
有缺陷,但能在小修中处理。 证机组正常运行,小修中不能排除着。

10. Main I&C measurement and protection 10. Main I&C measurement and automatic
devices can be put into operation normally, or monitoring and protection devices can not ensure
although there are some problems, they can the unit normal operation and these problems can
be solved during repair. not be solved during repair.

During failure rush repair, if other defects of the equipment and
system have been handled, and after it is verified that it can carry out
long term safe operation, apply the approval for the superior
department to delay the planning overhaul schedule.
After receiving the approval from the superior department, the partial
units can combine the two into one repair, and carry out the repair for
two times. However, the time for repair should not exceed the days for
total annual planning shutdown repair, and the overhaul can be
arranged during repair.
2.1.3 检修项目和内容
2.1.3 Maintenance items and contents 汽轮机本体检修标准项目 Turbine proper maintenance standard items 检修周期 Maintenance period
Normally, the reaper is once a year and overhaul is once four-
year. For the special circumstance, apply for the shutdown
maintenance. 大修项目 Overhaul items

表 3 汽轮机本体大修标准项目表
Table 3 List of turbine proper overhaul standard items

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部件名称 重大特殊项目
标准项目 特殊项目
Parts Important
Standard Item Special Item
Description Special Item

1、检查轴承、推力轴承及油挡有无磨损、 更换主轴承、推力轴承
钨金脱胎、裂纹等缺陷,以及轴瓦球面、 或重浇轴承钨金。
Replace the main
bearing, thrust
bearing or pour
1. Check the bearing, thrust bearing tungalloy again.
and oil baffle to check whether
there are abrasion, tungalloy
轴 承 bodiless and cracks; the contact of
Bearing bearing spheric surface and iron
gasket; the clearance of measuring
bearing and oil baffle; bearing
force, cover tile force and bridge
gauge value. Scrape, adjust and
weld if necessary.


2. Clean the bearing box.

汽 缸 1、检查汽缸及喷嘴有无裂纹、冲刷、 1、检查基础台板松动 1、处理汽缸大

Casing 情况,必要时二次灌 量裂纹或更换
浆。 汽缸。
汽孔、压力表孔及温度计套管等。 1. Check the 1. Handle the
looseness of basic casing cracks
1. Check the casing and nozzles to
plate. Grout again if or replace the
ensure there is no crack, erosion, injury
necessary. casing.
and steam leaking trace on contact
surface. Clean and check the casing 2、检查并焊补汽缸外 2、更换隔板
bolt hole, drainage hole, extraction hole, 壁裂纹。 套、三级以上
pressure gauge hole and thermometer 隔板、喷嘴组。
2. Check and weld to
pipe liner.
repair the cracks on 2. Replace
2、清扫检查隔板套、隔板及静叶有无裂 the outer wall of the blade
纹、冲刷、损伤、变形等缺陷,必要时处 casing. carrier,
理。 diaphragm
and nozzle
2. Clean and check blade carrier,
3. Replace some groups above
diaphragm and static bade to ensure
nozzles. the third
whether there is crack, erosion, injury
and deformation. Handle them if 4、修刮汽缸结合面。

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部件名称 重大特殊项目
标准项目 特殊项目
Parts Important
Standard Item Special Item
Description Special Item

necessary. 4. Scrape the contact 3、吊开轴承

surface of casing. 箱,检查修理
3. Check the sliding pin system. 整汽缸水平。
4、修补汽缸保温。 3. Hoist the
5. Replace all of the
bearing box to
4. Repair the casing insulation. casing thermal
check and
5、执行金属监督有关规定。 repair sliding
6、更换高压机组高压 pin system or
5. Carry out the regulations of metal
螺两个以上。 adjust the
casing level.
6. Replace more than
two high pressure
nuts of HP unit.
6. Measure the contact surface
clearance between upper and lower
casing and longitudinal level.


7. Measure and adjust the hollow center

of blade carrier and diaphragm.


8 Measure the bent (deformation) of



9 Check the connecting bolts of steam

chamber. Replace them if necessary.

转 子 1、检查主轴、叶轮、轴封套、轴颈、推力 1、叶片调频。 1、直轴

Rotor 盘、联轴器、和螺栓的磨损、松动、裂纹及
1. Adjust the 1. Straight the
frequency of blades. shaft.
2、对轮铰孔。 2、重装或整级
1 Check the abrasion, looseness,
cracks and working medium quality for 2. Ream the
main shaft, impeller, gland bush, shaft coupling.
neck, thrust disc, coupling, and bolts. 2. Reinstall or
Measure and adjust the clearance of replace the

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部件名称 重大特殊项目
标准项目 特殊项目
Parts Important
Standard Item Special Item
Description Special Item

through-flow part, bearing neck lift, rotor 3. Repair and grind blades of the
couple and the center of couplings. the thrust disc and whole stage.
shaft neck. Calibrate the
测量叶轮、联轴器、推力盘的瓢偏度。 4、更换全部联轴器螺
2 Check and measure the bearing neck
ellipticity and rotor bending. Measure 4. Replace all of the
the skewness of impeller, coupling and bolts of couplings.
thrust disc.
5. The rotor is high
speed dynamic
3 Clean and check whether there is
scaling, corrosion, looseness, rupture,
loose weld and injury for blade, complex
ring and hard alloy tip. Handle them if

4、对重点监视的较长叶片(一般指 100

4 Take the frequency test for long

blades (the height is over 100 ~ 150
㎜ )which need special monitoring.
Detect the fault of the blade and blade
root if necessary.


6. Check the looseness of loose

installation blades. Check the
counterweight tightness.

汽封 Steam 清扫、检查各汽封、隔板汽封的阻汽片并 1、更换 20%以上汽封

Seel 测量其间隙,必要时对汽封梳齿、汽封 片。

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部件名称 重大特殊项目
标准项目 特殊项目
Parts Important
Standard Item Special Item
Description Special Item

块、弹簧等进行修理、调整及少量更换。 1. Replace more than

20% steam sealing
Clean, check the steam resistance
fins .
baffle of each steam seal, diaphragm
steam seal and measure the clearance. 2、大量调整轴封阻汽
Repair and adjust the steam seal comb, 片间隙。
steam seal package and spring, or
2. Adjust the
replace in a small amount.
clearance of gland
seal steam resistance

检查更换测量齿轮、蜗轮、轴承、导向滑套 1、更换盘车大齿轮
1. Replace the big
盘车装置 Check and replace the abrasion of gear of turning gear.
Turning measuring gear, worm gear, and guide
Gear sliding bush. Repair if necessary.
2. Replace the whole
set of turning gear. 小修项目 Repair Items
1. 低压防爆膜检查及更换;
1. Check and replace the LP anti-explosion membrane.
2 盘车装置检查;
2. Check the turning gear device.
3 各轴承外油档检修;
3. Check and repair the outer oil baffle of each bearing.
4. 轴封系统阀门检修;
4. Check and repair gland seal system valves.
5. 各疏水门检修;
5. Check and repair each drainage valve.
6. #1~6 瓦解体检修;
6. Disassemble and repair #1~6 bearings.

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7. #1~6 段抽汽门检查;
7. Check #1~6 extraction valves.
8. 凝汽器疏水扩容器检查;
8. Check the condenser drainage flash tank.
9. 消除设备现存缺陷;
9. Eliminate the defects of equipment.
10. 其它特殊项目临时制定。
10. Temporarily establish regulations for other special items. 汽轮机调节保安及油系统检修标准项目 Standard Items for Turbine regulation & security and Oil System
Maintenance EH 油系统检修标准项目 Standard Items for EG oil system maintenance
1 检修周期
1 Maintenance Period
Generally, the repair is once every year, the overhaul is once
every four-year. Apply shutdown maintenance for special
2 大修标准项目
2 Overhaul Standard Items
1 油箱
1 Oil tank
1.1 箱体:放油清洗;
1.1 Tank: discharge the oil and clean it.
1.2 液位指示器:更换胶圈;
1.2 Liquid level indicator: replace the rubber ring.
1.3 空气滤清器:检查清洗;
1.3 Air filter: check and clean it.
1.4 磁性滤器:检查清洗。
1.4 Magnetic filter: check and clean it.
2 集成块组件
2 Integrated Package

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2.1 集成块:清洗;
2.1 Block: clean it.
2.2 溢流阀 DB10:清洗检查更换密封圈;
2.2 Overflow valve DB10: clean, check and replace
sealing ring.
2.3 直角单向阀:清洗检查更换密封圈;
2.3 Vertical angle check valve: clean, check and replace
sealing ring.
2.4 截止阀 SHV20:清洗检查更换密封圈;
2.4 Stop valve SHV20: clean, check and replace sealing
2.5 各种接头堵头:更换密封圈;
2.5 Each joint blockage: replace sealing ring.
3 主油泵:至少更换一台。
3 Main oil pump: at least replace one.
4 滤油器
4 Oil Filter
4.1 回油滤油器:更换滤芯及密封圈;
4.1 Oil return filter: replace the cartridge and sealing ring.
4.2 循环回路滤油器:更换滤芯及密封圈;
4.2 Circulation loop oil filter: replace the cartridge and
sealing ring.
4.3 泵入口滤油器:更换滤芯及密封圈;
4.3 Pump inlet oil filter: replace the cartridge and sealing
4.4 泵出口滤油器:更换滤芯及密封圈。
4.4 Pump outlet oil filter: replace the cartridge and sealing
5 油管路
5 Oil pipeline
5.1 截止阀: 清洗检查更换密封圈;
5.1 Stop valve: clean, check and replace sealing ring.
5.2 单向阀: 清洗检查更换密封圈;
5.2 One-way valve: clean, check and replace sealing ring.

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5.3 各种接头: 清洗检查更换密封圈。
5.3 Each joint: clean, check and replace sealing ring.
6 ER 端子箱
6 ER terminal box
6.1 电磁阀:清洗检查更换密封圈;
6.1 Solenoid valve: clean, check and replace sealing ring.
6.2 截止阀:清洗检查更换密封圈。
6.2 Stop valve: clean, check and replace sealing ring.
7 低油压试验块
7 Oil LP test block
7.1 电磁阀:清洗检查更换密封圈;
7.1 Solenoid valve: clean, check and replace sealing ring.
7.2 截止阀:清洗检查更换密封圈;
7.2 Stop valve: clean, check and replace sealing ring.
7.3 集成块:清洗检查更换密封圈。
7.3 Integrated package: clean, check and replace sealing
8 再生装置
8 Regeneration Device
8.1 硅藻土滤芯:运行油温在 43~45℃之间,压力高达
0.21Mpa 或没有效果时更换;
8.1 Diatomite cartridge: replace it if the operating oil
temperature is 43 ~ 45℃, the pressure reaches
0.21Mpa or it is not effective.
8.2 纤 维 滤 芯 : 运 行 油 温 在 43 ~ 45℃ 之 间 , 压 力 高 达
0.21Mpa 时更换;
8.2 Fiber cartridge: replace it if the operating oil
temperature is 43 ~ 45℃, and the pressure reaches
8.3 截止阀:清洗检查更换密封圈;
8.3 Stop valve: clean, check and replace sealing ring.
8.4 节流孔:清洗检查;
8.4 Throttling orifice: clean and check.
9. 冷油器及其电磁阀:清洗更换密封圈;
9. Oil cooler and other solenoid valve: clean and replace

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sealing ring.
10. 蓄能器组件:
10. Accumulator component:
10.1 蓄能器:检查蓄能器压力,若压力不足则补充氮气;
10.1 Accumulator: check the pressure of accumulator.
If the pressure is not enough, fill nitrogen.
10.1.1 高压蓄能器:充氮气压力为 9.3Mpa;
10.1.1 HP accumulator: the pressure for nitrogen filling is
10.1.2 低压蓄能器:充氮气压力为 0.21Mpa;
10.1.2 LP accumulator: the pressure for nitrogen filling is
10.1.3 截止阀:清洗检查更换密封圈。
10.1.3 Stop valve: clean, check and replace sealing ring.
3 小修标准项目
3 Standard Items for Repair
1. 清洗磁性滤芯;
1. Clean the magnetic cartridge.
2. 整定 DB10 溢流阀;
2. Rectify the DB10 overflow valve.
3. 更换滤油器滤芯;
3. Replace the cartridge of oil filter.
4. 重新整定油泵压力;
4. Rectify the pressure of oil pump again.
5. 检查冷油器电磁阀。
5. Check the solenoid valve of oil cooler. 液压调节控制系统检修标准项目 Standard Items for Hydraulic Pressure adjusting and Control
System Maintenance
1 检修周期
1 Maintenance Period
Generally, the repair is once every year, the overhaul is once
every four-year. Apply shutdown maintenance for special

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2 大修标准项目
2 Overhaul Standard Items
1. 油缸: 解体检查油缸和活塞杆是否磨损和漏油,解体检查
1. Oil cylinder: assemble and check whether there is
abrasion and oil leakage for oil cylinder and piston rod.
Assemble and check whether there is abrasion on the
piston and piston ring. If there is abrasion, replace it.
Replace all of sealing rings. Install them after clean, and
keep them clean during installation.
2. 集成块组件:
2. Integrated package component:
2.1 集成块: 清洗检查,更换密封圈;检查清洗节流孔;
2.1 Integrated package: clean, check and replace sealing
ring. Check and clean throttling orifice.
2.2 截止阀: 清洗检查更换密封圈;
2.2 Stop valve: clean, check and replace sealing ring.
2.3 单向阀: 清洗检查更换密封圈;
2.3 One-way valve: clean, check and replace sealing ring.
2.4 卸荷阀 DB20: 清洗检查更换密封圈;
2.4 Unloading valve DB20: clean, check and replace
sealing ring.
2.5 伺服阀: 更换密封圈;
2.5 Servo valve: replace sealing ring.
2.6 电磁阀: 清洗检查更换密封圈;
2.6 Solenoid valve: clean, check and replace sealing ring.
2.7 过滤器: 更换滤芯及密封圈;
2.7 Filter: replace cartridge and sealing ring.
2.8 操纵座: 解体检查,检查弹簧是否磨损,更换连接螺
2.8 Operating seat: assemble and check whether there is
abrasion for spring. Replace connecting bolts.
3. 安全装置
3. Safety Device

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3.1 电磁阀组件:
3.1 Solenoid valve component:
3.1.1 AST 电磁阀: 清洗检查,更换密封圈,更换半数
3.1.1 AST solenoid valve: clean, check and replace
sealing ring. Replace half of the primary valves.
3.1.2 OPC 电磁阀: 清洗检查,更换密封圈;
3.1.2 OPC solenoid valve: clean, check and replace
sealing ring.
3.1.3 集成块:清洗,检查节流孔和节流管接头,更换密
3.1.3 Integrated package: clean and check throttling
orifice and throttling pipe joint. Replace sealing
3.2 隔膜阀: 清洗检查阀体,检查或更换膜片;
3.2 Diaphragm valve: clean and check the valve body.
Check or replace the diaphragm.
3.3 空气引导阀:清洗解体检查。
3.3 Air guiding valve: clean and assemble to check.
4 调速系统静态特性试验。
4 Static characteristic test for speed governing system
3 小修标准项目
3 Repair Standard Items
1. 更换滤芯及密封圈;
1. Replace cartridge and sealing ring.
2. 检查位移传感器是否牢固,如有弯曲应加以校正;
2. Check whether the displacement transducer is tight and
secure. If it is bent, we should calibrate it.
3. 检查操纵座是否牢固,连接处是否松动。
3. Check whether the operating seat is tight and secure;
whether the connection is loose.
费蕾(3667 09.10.21) 保安系统检修标准项目 Standard Maintenance Items of Emergency System
1 检修周期
1 Maintenance Period

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Generally, the repair should be carried out once every year,
the overhaul once every four years. In the special condition,
the outage maintenance can be applied for.
2 大修标准项目
2 Standard Items of Overhaul
1. 检查清洗危急遮断滑阀、试验滑阀,测量间隙及尺寸;
1) Check and clean the emergency trip sliding valve , and
test sliding valve, in addition, measure the clearance and
size of them.
2. 检查危急保安器及弹簧,测量间隙及尺寸;
2) Check the emergency governor and spring, in addition,
measure the clearance and size of them.
3. 检查测量复位装置;
3) Check and measure the reset device.
4. 做喷油试验和超速试验。
4) Do the oil spray test and over speed test.
3 小修标准项目
3 Standard Items of Repair
Measure the clearance of trip. 润滑油系统检修标准项目 Standard Maintenance Items of Lube Oil System
1 检修周期
1 Maintenance Period
Generally, the repair should be carried out once in every year
and the overhaul should be carried out once in every four
years. In the special condition, the outage maintenance can
be applied.
2 大修标准项目
2 Standard Items of Overhaul
1. 主油泵:检查密封环;测量密封环间隙;解体检查叶轮、泵
1) Main oil Pump: Check the seal ring, measure the

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clearance of seal ring, disassemble and check the
impeller and pump shaft.
2. 冷油器:清理水侧;水压试验;检查清理滤网;检查冷油
2) Oil cooler: clean the water sides, do the hydraulic
pressure test, check and clean the filter screen, and
check the reversing valve.
3. 主油箱:检查清理滤网;清理油箱内壁;解体检查注油器
解体检查 11、12 号排烟风机;检查油位计、加热器;
3) Main oil tank: Check and clean the filter screen,
disassemble and check oil injector and No.11 & 12 fume
exhaust fan, and check the oil level meter and heater.
4. 顶轴油泵:检查油泵转动情况,如有问题进行更换;
4) Jacking oil pump: Check the rotation condition of the oil
pump, and replace another one when necessary.
5. 管道阀门:一般不解体检查,检查盘根;
5) Pipeline and valve: generally, do not carry out
disassembled inspection, only check the packing.
6. 油净化装置:清理袋滤器、油水分离器、自动反冲过滤装置、
6) Oil purify device: clean the following devices: bag filter, oil
and water separator, automatic backwash filter device,
and fine filter. Clean the sedimentation chamber, overflow
chamber, and oil storage chamber. Check the following
device: flow amount control valve, flow amount observer,
oil inlet solenoid valve, float valve, automatic water
drainer, and chemical absorption tank. Check the oil
transfer pump and fume exhaust fan.
7. 贮油箱:清理净油室、污油室;
7) Oil storage tank: clean the oil purify chamber and dirty oil
8. 油泵:性能能满足要求,一般不解体检查。
8) Oil pump: If the performance meets the requirement,
generally do not carry out the disassembled inspection.
3 小修标准项目
3 Standard Maintenance Items of Repair
1. 冷油器检漏:清理水侧(视铜管结垢确定);
1) Inspect the oil cooler leakage: clean the water side
(confirm according to the scaling condition of copper

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2. 检查油泵机械密封:消除渗漏点;
2) Inspect the oil Pump mechanical seal: eliminate the
leakage points.
3. 检查主油泵密封环、测量密封环间;
3) Inspect the main oil pump seal ring, and measure the
clearance of seal ring.
4. 检查油箱清理滤网;滤油(视油质确定);
4) Inspect the oil tank and clean the filter screen: do the oil
filtration (confirm according to the oil quality)
5. 检查排烟风机;消除渗漏点;
5) Inspect the fume exhaust fan: eliminate the leakage
6. 检查顶轴油泵转动情况、油封及管节;
6) Inspect the rotation condition of the jacking oil pump, oil
seal and pipe junction.
7. 油系统管道滤网清理,消除渗漏点,阀门消缺;
7) Clean the pipeline strainer in oil system, eliminate the
leakage points and carry out the valve troubleshooting.
8. 清理油净化装置袋滤器、油水分离器、自动反冲过滤装置、
8) Clean the following oil purify device: bag filter, oil and
water separator, automatic backwash filter, fine filter, and
replace the absorbent. 配汽机构检修标准项目 Standard Maintenance Items of Steam Distribution device
1 检修周期
1 Maintenance Period
Generally, the repair should be carried out once in every year
and the overhaul should be carried out once in every four
years. In the special condition, the outage maintenance can
be applied.
2 大修标准项目
2 Standard Maintenance Items of Overhaul
1. 所有进汽阀解体检查;

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1) Disassemble and check all steam inlet valves.
2. 管道弯头测厚;
2) Measure the thickness of pipeline elbows.
3. 检查修理蒸汽滤网;
3) Inspect and repair the steam strainers.
4. 各蒸汽阀法兰螺栓做金相检查。
4) Do the metallographic examination for flange bolts of
every steam valve.
3 小修标准项目
3 Standard Maintenance Items of Repair
1. 主蒸汽管道弯头测厚;
1) Measure the thickness of main steam pipeline elbows.
2. 导管疏水弯头测厚;
2) Measure the thickness of guide pipe drainage elbows.
3. 门杆漏汽弯头测厚;
3) Measure the thickness of valve rod leakage steam
4. 渗漏点消除。
4) Eliminate the leakage points. 发电机密封油系统 Generator Seal Oil System
1 检修周期
1 Maintenance Period
Generally, the repair should be carried out once in every year
and the overhaul should be carried out once in every four
years. In the special condition, the outage maintenance can
be applied.
2 大修标准项目
2 Standard Maintenance Items of Overhaul
2.1 密封油泵解体检查。
2.1 Disassemble and check the seal oil pump.
2.2 冷油器清理水侧、水压试验,清理油侧。
2.2 Clean the water side of oil cooler, and then, do the

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hydraulic pressure test, at last clean the oil side.
2.3 差压阀、平衡阀、减压阀解体检查、调整。
2.3 Disassemble, check and adjust the differential pressure
valve, balance valve and pressure reducing valve.
2.4 氢侧回油控制箱内部清理,检查浮球阀、液位计。
2.4 Clean the inside of the oil return control tank at the
hydrogen side, check the floating valve and liquid level
2.5 空侧回油密封箱、消泡箱内部清理,检查液位计。
2.5 Clean the inside of the oil returning seal tank and foam
breaking tank at the air side, and check the liquid level
2.6 排油烟风机:解体检查。
2.6 Oil discharging fume exhaust fan: disassemble and
2.7 滤油器清理检查。
2.7 Check and clean the oil filter.
3 小修标准项目
3 Standard Maintenance Items of Repair
3.1 密封油泵检查机械密封。
3.1 Inspect the mechanical seal of seal oil pump.
3.2 密封油冷油器水侧清理、检漏。
3.2 Clean and inspect the leakage of the seal oil cooler at
water side.
3.3 密封油滤油器清理。
3.3 Clean the seal oil filter.
3.4 消除渗漏点,阀门滚动计划。
3.4 Eliminate the leakage points, valve rolling plan.
2.1.4 检修计划的编制
2.1.4 Maintenance Schedule Compile
The clauses in this manual are compiled by citing the items in the
following criteria. All the cited items are valid criteria before this
manual is published.
中华人民共和国电力部安生(1994)257 号 《电力安全工作规程》

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Electricity Department of P.R. China safety production (1994)257
electric safety regulation
Technical management specification of electric power industry
SD230—87 部颁《发电厂检修规程》
SD230—87 The electricity department issued power plant
maintenance regulation
DL50—94 部颁《电力建设施工及验收技术规范》
DL50—94 The electricity department issued electric power
construction and acceptance technical specification
Manufacture drawings and technical documents.
Power plant design system diagrams, layout diagrams and
2.1.5 检修工作的组织和准备
2.1.5 Maintenance Management and Preparation 检修工作的组织 Maintenance Management 组织全体检修人员学习安规,检查各项安全措施,确保设备和人身
的安全。 Manage all maintenance personnel to study the safety regulation
and inspect various safety measures in order to make sure the
safe of equipment and personnel. 严格执行各项制度和标准工艺措施,保证检修质量,并检查落实岗
位责任。 Strictly execute various systems and standard process measures
in order to ensure the maintenance quality and fully implement
post responsibility. 随时掌握施工进度,加强组织协调,确保如期完工。 Control the construction progress in any time and enhance the
organization cooperation in order to make sure complete the
project in time. 贯彻勤俭节约,爱护工具、器械,节约原材料。 Implement the thrift policy, take care of the tools, equipment and
save raw material. 搞好文明检修,培养踏踏实实,一丝不苟的工作作风。

Page 26 of 629 Perform civilized maintenance, and cultivate the punctilious
working attitude. 检修工作的准备 Maintenance Preparation 针对汽机系统和设备的运行情况,存在的缺陷和小修检查结果,结
关设计、试验和技术鉴定工作。 For the operation condition of the steam turbine system and
equipment, and existed defects and inspection result of repair,
combine the summary of last time overhaul to carry out the on-
site check up. And then, confirm the important maintenance
project and compile the strategy and measures according to the
check result and requirement of annual maintenance schedule. In
addition, do the relevant design, test and technical identification. 落实物质(包括材料、备品、安全工具和施工工具等)准备,布置检
修施工场地。 Make sure the preparation of material (include materials, spare
parts, safety tools and construction tools etc.), and arrange the
construction field for maintenance. 制定实施大、小修计划的网络图。 Work out the network chart for performing the overhaul and repair. 制定检修技术组织措施、安全措施。 Work out the maintenance technical organization measures and
safety measures. 准备好技术记录数据。 Prepare the technical data and record. 确定需测绘和校核的备品配件加工图。 Make sure the spare parts working diagram which needs to be
mapped and calibrated. 组织全体检修人员学习讨论检修计划、项目、工期、措施与施工质量
收负责人。 Organize all maintenance personnel to study and discuss the
maintenance schedule, items, construction time, measures and
quality requirement etc. Arrange the special post and personnel,
and confirm the construction and acceptance person in charge of
maintenance project. 大修前一个月,小修前半个月,检修工作负责人应组织有关人员检

Page 27 of 629 The person in charge of maintenance should organize the
relevant personnel to inspect the various works preparation one
month before the overhaul or half month before the repair. Before
operation, thoroughly do the inspection again to make sure the
overhaul and repair can be carried out on time.
2.1.6 检修的安全措施与技术措施
2.1.6 Safety and Technical Measures of Maintenance 安全措施 Safety Measures 进入现场必须按《安规》规定着装和使用安全防护用具。 Follow the safety code to wear and use the safety protective
tools when enters into the operation filed, 两人及以上工作时必须明确一名工作负责人。 When two or more operators operate, one should be confirmed to
be the person in charge. 现场应设有足够的照明,并符合《安规》要求。 Adequate illumination should be installed in the operation filed,
which meet the requirements of safety code. 使用电动工具必须使用漏电保护器,并遵守电动工具的使用规定。
不得使用有缺陷的工器具。 When use the electric tools, the UPS should be used either, and
follow the using regulation of electric tools. 清洗、油箱加油时,要防止火灾。严禁使用汽油清洗机件。 When clean or filling oil to the oil tank, prevent fire. Do not clean
the parts of equipment by using the gasoline. 叶轮焊接时必须接地线,防止烧坏轴承。 When welding the impeller, connect the grounding wire in order to
prevent the bearing burning. 高处作业必须正确使用安全带、工具,材料的传递应遵守安规规定。 When work high above the ground, correctly use safety harness
and tools. In addition, follow the safety code to pass on the
material. 认真遵守起重、搬运的安全规定。 Seriously obey the safety code of lifting and conveying. 工作结束应及时恢复工作过程拆除的栏杆、防护罩、沟盖板等防护设
施。 After finished the work, immediately recover the following
protective facilities which were disassembled during the

Page 28 of 629
operation: such as railing, protective cover, and wrench cover etc. 工作结束清点人员、工具,收回剩余的材料,消除火种,清扫工作
现场。 Count the numbers of personnel and tools. Reclaim the residual
material, eliminate kindling and clean the operation filed. 清理工作现场易燃易爆杂物。 Remove flammable and explosive foreign matter in the operation
filed. 电焊地线接在被焊件上,禁止远距离回路。 The grounding wire of electric welding connects with the
component which will be welded. 现场准备充足的消防器材。 Prepare the enough firefighting apparatus in the operation filed. 动火工作期间设专人监护。 Assign the special personnel to watch during the hot work period. 工作结束清理现场,不遗留任何火种。 Clean the operation filed after the work is finished, and do not
leave any kindling. 技术措施 Technical Measures 汽机油系统防火 Fire Prevention of Steam Turbine Oil System
1 油系统应尽量避免使用法兰连接,禁止使用铸铁阀门。
1) Possibly do not use flange to connect in the oil system, do not
use cast iron valve.
2 油系统法兰禁止使用塑料垫、橡皮垫(含耐油橡皮垫)和石棉
2) It is forbidden to use plastic washer and rubber washer for the
flange in the oil system (include oil-resistance rubber washer)
and asbestos paper washer.
3 油管道法兰、阀门及可能漏油部位附近不准有明火,必须明火
3) It is not allowed direct fire in the oil pipeline flange, valve and
parts might be leaked. If the operation needs the direct fire,
the effective measure should be adopted. The thermal
pipeline or heat insulation of other thermal body should be
tight and complete in addition to enveloped with iron.

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4 禁止在油管道上进行焊接工作。在拆下的油管上焊接时,必须
4) Do not weld on the oil pipeline. When disassemble the
welding on the oil pipe, clean the pipe in advance.
5 油管道法兰、阀门及轴承、调速系统等应保持严密不漏油,如有
5) The oil pipeline flange, valve, bearing and speed adjusting
system should be tight without oil leakage. If there is,
immediately eliminate it. Do not make the oil permeate to the
steam pipe and valve insulation layer in the lower part.
6 油管道法兰、阀门的周围及下方,如敷设有热力管道或其它热
6) If the thermal pipelines or other heating equipment are under
or around the oil pipeline flange or valve, the heat insulation
of heating equipment should be complete, with sheet iron
outside the heat insulation.
7 检修时如发现保温材料内有渗油时,应消除漏油点,并更换保
7) If find there is oil leakage in the heat insulation material when
carry out the maintenance, either eliminate the oil leakage
point, or replace the heat insulation material.
8 事故排油阀应设两个钢质截至阀,其操作手轮应设在距油箱
5m 以外的地方,并有两个以上的通道,操作手轮不允许加锁,
8) Set two steel check valves in the emergency oil discharging
valve, the hand wheel of them should be installed in the
above 5m far away from the oil tank and has above two
channels. It is not allowed to lock the hand wheel, and the
obvious mark Forbidden Operation should be suspended.
9 油管道要保证机组在各种运行工况下自由膨胀。
9) The oil pipeline should ensure the unit can freely expend
under various operation condition.
10 机组油系统的设备及管道损坏发生漏油,凡不能与系统隔绝处
10) Shutdown immediately when oil leakage happened because
of damage in equipment& pipeline of oil system, and some
cannot be isolated with the system or oil leaks into thermal
pipeline. 防止炉外管道爆破 Blasting Prevention of Pipeline outside Furnace
1 加强对炉外管道的巡视,对管系振动、水击等现象应分析原因,

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1 Strengthen inspection for the pipeline outside furnace.
Analyze the cause of pipeline vibration and water impact and
take necessary measures. When there is air leakage, water
leakage in the pipeline, immediately find out the reason and
take measures. If the system isolation treatment can not be
carried out, immediately shut down the boiler. (For steam
turbine specialization)
2 定期对导汽管、汽联络管、水联络管、下降管等炉外管道以及弯
2 Regularly inspect the pipeline outside furnace steam incoming
pipe, steam connection pipe, water connection pipe and
downcomer, etc. in addition, inspect the bent pipe, elbow and
end enclosure of header. If found any flaws, (such as: crack
on the surface, erosion, thinning or material problem)
immediately take measures.
3 加强对汽水系统中的高中压疏水、排污、减温水等小径管座焊缝
3 Improve the inspection for the minor caliber pipe base welding
seam in the steam and water system as the following, such as
HP&IP drainage, blowdown and desuperheater water, etc.
Mainly inspect the inner wall flushing and appearance
erosion, if find any problem, immediately replace.
4 按照《火力发电厂金属技术监督规程》(DL438-2000),对主蒸汽
4 Annually inspect the big caliber parts and relevant welding
seam, such as: main steam pipeline, reheating steam
pipeline, bent pipe, elbow, valve and Tee bend according to
Metal Technical Supervision Regulation of Fossil-fired Power
5 按照 《火力发电厂汽水管道与支吊架维修调整导则》(DL/T616-
1997)的要求,对支吊架进行定期检查。对运行达 100kh 的主蒸
5 Annually inspect support& hangers according to the
requirement of Steam and Water Pipeline and Support &
Hangers Maintenance Adjusting Guide Rule of Fossil-fired
Power Plant (DL/T616-1997). For support& hangers of main
steam pipeline and reheating pipeline which operate for
100kh, carry out the completely inspection and regulation,
and do the stress calculation when necessary.
6 对于易引起汽水两相流的疏水、空气等管道,应重点检查其与

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弯头、三通和阀门运行 100kh 后,易结合检修全部更换。
6 For the drainage and air pipeline which easily cause steam
and water two phase flow, specially inspect the their angle
welding seam which connect with the main pipe, inspect the
inner hole of main pipe and elbow. After 100kh operation of
the pipeline, bent, Tee bend and valve, replace all of them
according to the maintenance result.
7 加强焊工管理及完善焊接工艺质量的评定。杜绝无证(含过期
7 Improve the management of welding and complete the
welding process quality evaluation. It is forbidden to use the
operator without certification (include the overdue
certification) and to weld beyond certification required. The
welding process, quality and thermal treatment acceptance
should meet the requirement of Technical Specification of
Electric Power Construction and Acceptance (thermal power
plant welding volume)》(DL5007-1992)
8 在检修中,应重点检查可能因膨胀和机械原因引起的承压部件
8 During the maintenance, specially inspect the pressure parts
leakage which may be caused by expansion and mechanical. 防止压力容器超压 Overpressure Prevention of Pressure Vessel
1 各种压力容器安全阀应定期进行校验和排放试验。
1) Various pressure vessel safety valves should have calibration
and relief tests regularly.
2 压力容器内部有压力时,严禁进行任何修理或紧固工作。
2) If there is pressure in the pressure vessel, do not carry out any
repair or fastening operation.
3 压力容器上使用的压力表,应列为计量强制检验表计,按规定
3) The pressure gauge used in the pressure vessel should be
classed as measurement mandatory check gauge. Do the
check in every week according to the regulation.
4 结合压力容器定期检验或检修,每两个检验周期至少进行一次
4) Carry out the regular check or maintenance combine with the
pressure vessel, and carry out pressure test at least once in
every two check periods.
5 检查进入除氧器、扩容器的高压汽源,采取措施消除除氧器、扩

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5) Inspect the HP steam source entering into the deaerator and
flash tank, and take measures to eliminate the overpressure
possibility of deaerator and flash tank. As soon as possible to
use the sliding pressure operation and gradually cancel the
second stage extraction steam entering into the deaerator.
6 单元制的给水系统,除氧器上应配备不少于两只全启式安全门,
6) The feedwater system of unit system and deaerator should be
equipped with no less than two full-started safety valves, and
perfect the automatic pressure adjusting and alarming device.
7 除氧器和其他压力容安全阀的总排放能力,应满足其在最大进
7) The total release capacity of desecrator and other pressure
vessel safety valves can satisfy that overpressure will not
occur under maximum steam admission working condition. 压力容器实行定期检验 Pressure Vessel Executing Regular Inspection
1 火电厂热力系统压力容器定期检验时,应对与压力容器相连的
1 During the regular inspection for the thermal system pressure
vessel in the fossil-fired power plant, the pipelines which
connect with the pressure vessel should be inspected,
especially, the internal surface thermal fatigue near by the
steam inlet, and inspect the flushing and erosion on the drain
pipe of heater, in order to prevent the blasting and people
2 禁止在压力容器上随意开孔和焊接其他构件。若必须在压力容
2. It is forbidden to open pore and weld other components on
the pressure vessel at random. If have to open pore or to
repair on the pressure vessel, calculate the structure strength
in advance, and make technical process measures refer to
the process of manufacture. After the measures are approved
by engineer and chief engineer, execute follow the process
3 停用超过 2 年以上的压力容器重新启动时要进行再检验,耐压
3 If restarting the pressure vessel which has stop for two years
above, the recheck is necessary. Reuse it after confirm it

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meets the requirement of pressure test.
4 在定购压力容器前,应对设计单位和制造厂商的资格进行审核,
4 before order the pressure vessel check the qualification of
design organization and manufacture. The supplied products
should be attached with quality certificate of pressure vessel
products issued by local boiler pressure vessel test institute.
Improve the quality acceptance for the ordered vessel,
especially, take part in the vessel hydraulic pressure test.
5 对在役压力容器检验中,安全状况等级评定达不到监督使用标
5 In the pressure vessel test which is using, if the safety
condition can not meet the requirement of using standard (3
level), repair and update in the last time of maintenance. If the
vessel is 5 level, discard it. 压力容器投入使用 Activation the Pressure Vessel
Transact the registration follows the registration and
management rule of pressure vessel usage, and apply for
using certificate. It is forbidden to use pressure vessels which are
not tested or registered.
王笑(1820 09.10.21) 防止汽轮机超速和轴系断裂事故 Turbine overspeed and axial cracking prevention
1 防止超速
1 Overspeed prevention
1.1 在额定蒸汽参数下,调节系统应能维持汽轮机在额定转速
1.1 Under rated steam parameters, the adjusting system
should keep the turbine operating stably with rated speed.
After load rejection, keep the rotating speed of the unit
below the working rotation speed of the emergency
1.2 各种超速保护均应正常投入运行,超速保护不能可靠动作

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1.2 All kinds of overspeed protection should be put into
operation normally. Do not start up the unit or put it into
operation if overspeed protection cannot work reliably.
1.3 机组重要运行监视表计,尤其是转速表,显示不正确或失
1.3 If the important running monitor gauge of the unit fails to
function, especially rotating gauges (inaccurate
indication), do not start up the unit. If the unit is in
operation without any efficient monitor device, shut down
the operation immediately.
1.4 透平油和抗燃油的油质应合格。在油质及清洁度不合格的情
1.4 Oil quality of turbine oil and fire resistant oil should meet
the requirement. If the oil quality and cleanness cannot
meet the requirement, do not start up the unit.
1.5 机组大修后必须按规程要求进行汽轮机调节系统的静止试
验或仿真试验,确认 调节系统工作正常。在调节部套存在
1.5 After an overhaul, it is required to carry out a standing test
or simulation test of the turbine governing system
according to the regulations to ensure the governing
system works normally. If there is jam in governing sleeve
or the system cannot is in abnormal state, do not start up.
1.6 正常停机时,在打闸后,应先检查有功功率是否到零,千
1.6 During normal outage, after latching, it is suggested to
check whether the active power is in zero point or not.
When the kilowatt-hour meter stops or rotates in inverse
order, shut down the generator from the system, or shut it
down by inverse power protection method. It is forbidden
to shut down it when it is with load.
1.7 在机组正常起动或停机过程中,应严格按运行规程要求投
1.7 During the process of normal startup or shutdown, please
put the turbine bypass system into operation according to
operation regulation and requirement, especially low
pressure bypass. When the unit is in load rejection or
emergency state, the bypass system has to be started up.
If the unit needs to start up at this point, the reheat steam
pressure cannot exceed the regulated pressure value
form the manufacture.

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1.8 在任何情况下绝不可强行挂闸。
1.8 Do not latch on the turbine forcefully in any situation.
1.9 机械液压性调节系统的汽轮机应有两套就地转速表,有各
1.9 The mechanical hydraulic governing system of the turbine
should have two sets of rotation meters and independent
transmitting instrument (transducers) respectively. These
should be installed at different positions along the rotor
1.10 抽汽机组的可调整抽汽逆止门应严密、联锁动作可靠,
1.10 Adjustable steam extraction check valve of the turbine
units should be tightly closed. The interlock action
should be reliable. A kind of extraction shut-off valve
should be set there to close it quickly to prevent the
extracted steam flows back, and consequently cause
1.11 对新投产的机组或汽轮机调节系统经重大改造后的机
1.11 It is required to carry out load rejection test for the
newly operated units or the ones of whose turbine
governing system has been modified to a large
extent. For the units which have already been put into
operation but have not carry out the load rejection
test, it needs to create conditions to proceed the load
rejection test.
1.12 坚持按规程要求进行危急保安器试验、汽门严密性试验
1.12 Carry out the emergency protector test, steam
porthole leakage test, valve stem action test, closing
time test of the steam valve, closing time test of
steam extraction check valve according to the codes.
1.13 危急保安器动作转速一般为额定转速的 110%±1%。
1.13 The working rotation speed of emergency protector is
usually 110%±1% of rated rotation speed.
1.14 进行危急保安器试验时,在满足试验条件下,主蒸汽
1.14 Whiling doing the emergency protector test, pressure
of the main steam and reheated steam should use
lower value when all testing conditions are satisfied.

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1.15 数字式电液控制系统(DEH)应设有完善的机组起动
1.15 Digital Electrohydraulic Control System (DEH) should
have complete unit startup logic and strict startup
limiting conditions.
1.16 汽机专业人员,必须熟知 DEH 的控制逻辑、功能及运
行操作,参与 DEH 系统改造方案的确定及功能设计,
1.16 For turbine specialized staff, it is required to
familiarize the DEH control logic, functions and
operation processes. They should attend the
processes like deciding for the DEH system
modification and function design to ensure the system
practical, safe, and reliable.
1.17 电液伺服阀(包括各类型电液转换器)的性能必须符
1.17 Performances of the electrohydraulic servo valve
(including all kinds of electro-hydraulic converter)
have to meet the requirements, or it cannot be put
into service. It is required to strictly monitor its
operation to make sure there is no jam, leakage and
the system is stable in operation. In overhaul period,
cleaning and detecting work have to be done during
the maintenance. If problems are found, solve them
immediately. Change new ones if necessary. The
standby servo valves should be well kept in
accordance with requirements from the manufacture.
1.18 主油泵轴与汽轮机主轴间具有齿形联轴器或类似联轴
1.18 For units which have tooth like coupling or alike
coupling things between the main oil pump shaft and
turbine shaft, it is required to check the lubrication and
friction conditions of the coupling. The central height
of the two shafts, left and right deviation should
accord with the requirements of the manufacture.
1.19 要慎重对待调节系统的重大改造,应在确保系统安全、
1.19 Treat the main modifications of the governing system
carefully. It is required to find complete and sufficient
proofs for the main modification on condition that the
system is ensured safe and reliable.

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1.20 严格执行运行、检修操作规程,严防电液伺服阀(包括
1.20 Strictly carry out the operation and maintenance
codes to prevent the component sleeve like that of
electrohydraulic servo valves from being jammed, the
steam valve from leaking and protect the action
2 防止轴系断裂
2 Shaft cracking prevention
2.1 机组主、辅设备的保护装置必须正常投入,已有振动监测保
2.1 The protection device of the main equipment and auxiliary
one of the unit should be put into operation normally. For
units which already have vibration detecting and
protective device, it is stated to put the vibration protecting
device into operation. When the unit is in normal
operation, pad vibration and shaft vibration should reach
the corresponding standard range. Monitor the variation
trend closely.
2.2 运行 100kh 以上的机组,每隔 3~5 年应对转子进行一次检
查。运行时间超过 15 年、寿命超过设计使用寿命的转子、低

2.2 For units which have been in operation for more than
100kh, it is required to detect the rotor for every 3~5
years. For the rotors which have been operated for more
than 15 years, or those whose lifespan have exceed their
designed available period, or those which are welded with
low pressure, or those who is started up and shut down
very frequently for the responsibility of adjusting peak
value, it is required to shorten the detecting period.
2.3 新机组投产前、已投产机组每次大修中,必须进行转子表面
2.3 Before a unit is put into operation, or during an overhaul
of running units, it is required to carry out the flaw
detection to the rotor surface and central hole. For
sections withstanding high temperature and intense
stress, it is suggested to carry out metallographic and flaw
detection. Carry out a kind of rigidity test on parts which
have no influence to the rotor safety.
2.4 不合格的转子绝不能使用,已经过主管部门批准并投入运

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2.4 Do not use rotors which have not reached basic
requirements. For the ones with defects which have been
approved by department in charge and put into operation
already, it is required to do technical evaluation.
Depending on concrete situations of the unit, the defect
feature is decided, and safety measures should be taken
too, reporting to the department in charge for approval at
the same time.
2.5 严格按超速试验规程的要求,机组冷太起动带 25%额定负
荷(或按制造要求),运行 3~4h 后立即进行超速试验。
2.5 The overspeed test has to be carried out in accordance
with the regulations strictly. Do it 3~4 hours after the unit
is started up with cold state with 25% rated load (or with
the manufacture requirements).
2.6 新机组投产前和机组大修中,必须检查平衡块固定螺丝、风
2.6 Before a unit is put into operation and during an overhaul
period, it is required to check the fixed screws on the
balancing block, holding screws on the fan blade, bracket
screws on the stator core, the holding conditions of the
screws on each bearing and bearing base, ensuring the
screws on each coupling is fixed well and the working
clearance is well and appropriate with sounding loosen
prevention measure.
2.7 新机组投产前应对焊接隔板的主焊缝进行认真检查。大修中
2.7 Check the main weld seam of the welded diaphragm
carefully before the new unit is put into operation. During
the overhaul, it is required to check the deformation
situation of the diaphragm. The maximum deforming
degree should not exceed 1/3 of the axial clearance.
2.8 防止发电机非同期并网。
2.8 Prevent the generator from synchronizing and closing
3 建立和完善技术档案。
3 Establish and perfect the technical files
3.1 建立机组试验档案,包括投产前的安装调试试验、大小修后
3.1 Establish testing files for the unit, including installation
and commission tests before being put into operation,
adjusting tests after overhaul or minor repair period,

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regular tests and periodical test.
3.2 建立机组事故档案。无论大小事故均应建立档案,包括事故
3.2 Establish accident files for the unit whether they are big or
small accidents, including accident name, nature, cause,
and prevention measures.
3.3 建立转子技术档案
3.3 Establish rotor technical files
3.3.1 转子原始资料,包括制造厂提供的转子原始缺陷和
3.3.1 The original material of the rotor, including the
original defect and material feature provided by
the manufacture.
3.3.2 历次转子检修检查资料。
3.3.2 Materials and information related to historical
check and repair of the rotor.
3.3.3 机组主要运行数据、运行累计时间、主要运行方式、
3.3.3 Main operation data, accumulated operation time,
main operation mode, startup and shutdown times
on both cold and warm state, steam temperature
and pressure variation rate during the startup and
shutdown process, accumulating time of operation
period with super temperature and super
pressure, causes of main accident situation and
熊咏梅(3697 09.10.21) 防止汽轮机大轴弯曲和轴瓦烧毁事故 To avoid bending in turbine shaft and burning in bearing
1 防止汽轮机大轴弯曲
1 To avoid bending in turbine shaft
1.1 应具备和熟悉掌握的资料:
1.1 Necessary data:
1.1.1 转子安装原始弯曲的最大晃动值(双振幅),最大
1.1.1 The maximum vibration(double amplitude) of
original bending in installation of rotor (double

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amplitude). Axial position of maximum bending
point and the position at circumference direction.
1.1.2 大轴弯曲表测点安装位置转子的原始晃动值(双振
1.1.2 The installation position of bending measurement
point of shaft. The original vibration value of rotor
(double amplitude). The highest point is on the
1.1.3 机组正常启动过程中的波德图和实测轴系临界转速。
1.1.3 Bode diagram and actual measured critical speed
of shafting during the normal start-up of unit.
1.1.4 正常情况下盘车电流和电流摆动值,以及相应的油
1.1.4 Current for turning gear and current fluctuation in
normal condition. Relevant oil temperature and
jacking oil pressure.
1.1.5 正常停机过程的惰走曲线,以及相应德真空和顶轴
1.1.5 Coasting down curve in normal shutdown. The
startup time for relevant vacuum pump and
jacking oil pump. Coasting down curve in the
process of emergency vacuum breaking
1.1.6 停机后,机组正常状态下的汽缸主要金属温度的下
1.1.6 The decrease curve for the main metal
temperature of turbine after shutdown.
1.1.7 通流部分的轴向间隙和径向间隙。
1.1.7 Axial and radial clearance for through-flow part.
1.1.8 应具有机组在各种状态下的典型起动曲线和停机曲
1.1.8 Possess the typical startup and shutdown curves
for any condition of unit. Include this into the
operation code.
1.1.9 记录机组起停全过程中的主要参数和状态。停机后
汽缸金属温度低于 150℃为止。
1.1.9 Take down the main parameters and state
throughout the whole process of startup and
shutdown of unit. After the shutdown, periodically

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record the metal temperature of casing, the shaft
bending, current for turning gear, casing
expansion, differential expansion and other crucial
parameters until the next hot state start-up of unit
or until the metal temperature of casing falls
below 150℃.
1.1.10 系统进行改造、运行规程中尚未作具体规定的重要
1.1.10 For important operation and test unregulated in
the modification and operation regulation,
prescribe the safety and technique norms at first.
Carry out the operation at the permit of senior
management department.
1.2 汽轮机起动前必须符合以下条件,否则禁止起动:
1.2 The following conditions must be met before startup of
turbine. If not. The startup is forbidden.
1.2.1 大轴晃动、串轴、胀差、低油压和振动保护等表计显
1.2.1 The indications for gauges for shaft vibration,
axial displacement, differential expansion, low oil
pressure and vibration protection are correct and
serves properly.
1.2.2 大轴晃动值不应超过制造厂的规定值,或原始值的
1.2.2 The shaft vibration doe not exceed the regulated
value of manufactory, or exceed 0.02mm of
original value.
1.2.3 高压外缸上、下缸温差不超过 50℃,高压内缸上、
下缸不超过 35℃.
1.2.3 The temperature difference between the upper
and lower casing of HP outer casing does not
exceed 50℃. For inner casing, temperature
difference no more than 35℃.
1.2.4 主蒸汽温度必须高于汽缸最高金属温度 50℃,但
不超过额定蒸汽温度。蒸汽过热度不低于 50℃。
1.2.4 Temperature for main steam must be 50℃ higher
than the highest mental temperature of casing,
but should not exceed the rated value. The
overheat temperature of steam is no less than
1.3 机组起、停过程操作措施:
1.3 Operation for startup and shutdown of unit.

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1.3.1 机组起动前连续盘车时间应执行制造厂的有关规定,
至少不得少于 2~4h,热态起动不少于 4h。若盘车
1.3.1 Continuous turning gear time before start-up must
imply the relevant regulation of manufactory. The
time should be no less than 2-4 hours. The hot
startup is no less than 4 hours. Re-time it if it is
1.3.2 机组起动过程中因振动异常停机必须回到盘车状态,
动条件时,连续盘车不少于 4 h 才能再次起动,严
1.3.2 During the startup of unit, if the unit must return to
turning gear state as a result of shutdown out of
abnormal vibration, take a thorough check.
Carefully analyze and ascertain the causes. If the
unit meets the conditions for startup, 4 hours of
continuous turning gear must be done before
startup. Never do blind startup.
1.3.3 停机后立即投入盘车。当盘车电流较正常值大、摆动
曲度正常后,再手动盘车 180°。当盘车盘不动时,
1.3.3 Put the turning gear into service immediately after
the unit shuts down. If the current for turning gear
is higher than the normal value, or vibration and
abnormal sound occurs, ascertain the causes and
solve the problems in time. When the friction in
seal stem is serious, put the high point of rotor to
the highest position. Close the drainage valve of
casing. Keep the temperature difference between
upper and lower casing. Supervise the bending of
rotor. After the bending is confirmed normal,
manually do the 180°turning gear. If the turning
gear fails to work, do not force the turning gear
with hoist.
1.3.4 停机后因盘车故障暂时停止盘车时,应监视转子弯
1.3.4 When turning gear is stopped due to faults in
turning gear after the unit shutdown, watch the
change in the bending of rotor. When the bending
is large, take a manual 180° turning gear. Put the
continuous turning gear into service after the
turning gears become normal.

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1.3.5 机组热态起动前应检查停机记录,并与正常停机曲
1.3.5 Check the shutdown log before hot start-up.
Compare it will normal shutdown curve. Carefully
analyze and ascertain the cause of abnormality
and solve it if any
1.3.6 机组热态起动投轴封供汽时,应确认盘车装置运行
1.3.6 If the steam is fed to gland seal during hot startup
of unit. Ensure that the turning gear works
properly. Supply steam to gland seal and then do
the vacuuming. After shutdown of unit, wait until
the condenser vacuum is zero and then stop the
supply of steam into gland seal. Select the steam
source according to casing temperature so that
the temperature for supplying steam matches the
metal temperature.
1.3.7 疏水系统投入时,严格控制疏水系统各容器水位,
1.3.7 When the draining system is put into service,
strictly control the water level in the containers of
draining system. Keep the water level in
condenser lower than the elevation of drainage
header. The steam supply pipe must be warmed
and the water in it must be drained. Prevent the
water or cold steam irrupting into the turbine.
1.3.8 停机后应认真监视凝汽器、高压加热器水位和除氧
1.3.8 Closely monitor the water level in condenser, HP
heater and deaerator after shutdown. Avoid water
invading into turbine.
1.3.9 起动或低负荷运行时,不得投入再热蒸汽减温器喷
1.3.9 During starting up and operating with low load, do
not operate reheated steam desuperheater spray
water. Cut off the desuperheating water in boiler
flameout or unit load rejection.
1.3.10 汽轮机在热状态下,若主、再蒸汽系统截止门不严
1.3.10 When turbine is in hot state, if the check valves

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for main steam and reheating steam system are
not sealed well, do not carry out boiler hydraulic
static test.
1.4 发生下列情况之一,应立即打闸停机:
1.4 Latch-off and shutdown the unit if any of the following
conditions happens:
1.4.1 机组起动过程中,在中速暖机之前,轴承振动超过
1.4.1 During the startup and before the warm up in
middle speed, the bearing vibration exceeds
1.4.2 机组起动过程中,通过临界转速时,轴承振动超过
0.1mm 或相对轴振动值超过 0.260mm,应立即打
1.4.2 During the startup, if the bearing vibration
exceeds 0.1mm or if the relative shaft vibration
exceeds 0.260m at critical speed, latch-off and
shut down the unit immediately. Do not force to
pass critical speed or reduce the speed to warm
up the unit with reduced speed.
1.4.3 机组运行中要求轴承振动不超过 0.03mm 或相对轴
振动不超过 0.080mm,超过时应设法消除,当相
对轴振动值超过 0.260mm 应立即打闸停机;当轴
承 振 动 变 化 ±0.015mm 或 相 对 轴 振 动 变 化
然增加 0.05mm,应立即打闸停机。
1.4.3 The bearing vibration is required not to exceed
0.03 in unit operation, and the relative shaft
vibration not to exceed 0.080mm. If it exceeds the
value, try to eliminate it. Latch off and shut down
the unit if relative shaft vibration value exceeds
0.260. If the shaft vibration changes 0.015 or the
relative shaft vibration changes 0.015mm,
ascertain the causes and solve it. Latch off and
shut down the unit immediately if relative shaft
vibration value suddenly increases by 0.05mm.
1.4.4 高压外缸上、下缸温差超过 50℃,高压内缸上、下
缸温差超过 35℃。
1.4.4 The temperature difference between the upper
and lower casing of HP outer casing exceeds
50℃. For inner casing, temperature more than
1.4.5 机组正常运行时,主、再热蒸汽温度在 10min 内突
然下降 50℃。

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1.4.5 In normal operation, the temperature for main
steam and reheating steam abruptly decreases by
1.5 应采用良好的保温材料(不宜使用石棉制品)和施工工艺,
保证机组正常停机后的上下缸温差不超过 35℃,最大不超
过 50℃。
1.5 Adopt proper insulation material ( do not use asbestos
product) and construction process to ensure that the
temperature difference between upper and lower casing
after normal shutdown of unit is no higher than 35℃ and
the maximum value is no more than 50℃.
1.6 疏水系统应保证疏水畅通。疏水联箱的标高应高于凝汽器热
力顺序接入联箱,并向低压侧倾斜 45°。疏水联箱或扩容器
1.6 Draining system should guarantee that the drainage is not
impeded. The elevation of drainage header should be
higher than the elevation at the highest point of hot well of
condenser. The drainage header for HP and LP are
separate from each other. The drainage pipes are
connected to header in sequence of pressure. They are
installed 45°slant toward LP side. For drainage header
and flash tank, the inner pressure of them must be kept
lower than the lowest pressure in the drainage pipe when
all the drainage valves are fully open. Drainage point must
be set at the lowest point of reheating steam pipe in cold
section. The diameter for anti-corrosion steam pipe is no
less than 76mm.
1.7 减温水管路阀门应能关闭严密,自动装置可靠,并应设有
1.7 Valves in pipeline of desuperheating water should be
closed well. The automatic device is reliable. Stop valve is
1.8 门杆漏汽至除氧器管路,应设置逆止门和截止门。
1.8 Check valve and stop valve are set on pipeline from valve
rod steam leakage into deaerator.
1.9 高压加热器应装设紧急疏水阀,可远方操作和根据疏水水
1.9 Emergency drainage valve is set in HP heater. Both
remote control and auto-open according to drainage
water level are ok.
1.10 高、低压轴封应分别供汽。特别注意高压轴封段或合缸

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1.10 Steam is supplied to gland seal of HP and LP heaters
separately. Pay special attention to the gland seal
section of HP heater or the HP and LP gland seal
section of combined casing unit. The pipeline for
steam supply should be equipped with good drainage
1.11 机组监测仪表必须完好、准确,并定期进行校验。尤其
1.11 The monitoring gauges are intact, correct. Check and
calibrate them periodically. For gauges monitoring the
shaft bending, the vibration gauge and thermometer
measuring casing metal temperature, check them
according to I&C monitoring regulations.
1.12 排汽装置应有高水位报警并在停机后仍能正常投入。除
1.12 The steam exhaustion device should be equipped
with high water level alarm. It ought to serve well after
the unit shuts down. The deaerator should possess
water level alarming device and automatic draining
1.13 严格执行运行、检修操作规程,严防汽轮机进水、进冷
1.13 Strictly adhere to operation and maintenance
regulation. Prevent water or cold steam invading into
the turbine.
2 防止汽轮机轴瓦损坏
2 Prevent damage in bearings of turbine
2.1 Periodically test the auxiliary oil pump and automatic
start-up device of turbine according to the requirements of
operation regulations. Make sure they are in good stand-
by state. The auxiliary oil pump must be in interlock state
before the unit starts up. Before normal shutdown of unit,
do the full capacity start-up and interlock test upon the
2.2 油系统进行切换操作(如:冷油器、辅助油泵、滤网等)时,应
2.2 When do the switching operation for oil system (such as
oil cooler, auxiliary oil pump, filter), the operation is done
slowly according to the order on work permit under the

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supervision of appointed person. Monitor the change in
lube oil pressure to avoid oil cut-off in switching operation.
2.3 机组起动、停机和运行中要严密监视推力瓦、轴瓦钨金温度
2.3 Closely monitor the thrust bearing, the tungsten metal
temperature of bearing bush and the temperature of
returning oil during the start-up and shutdown of unit. If
temperature exceeds the standard, solve it in accordance
with the requirement of regulation.
2.4 在机组起停过程中应按制造厂规定的转速停起顶轴油泵。
2.4 Stop and start the jacking oil pump with regulated speed
from manufactory during the start-up and shutdown of
2.5 在运行中发生了可能引起轴瓦损坏(如:水冲击、瞬时断油
2.5 If there are potential abnormalities that will damage the
bearings in operation (such as water impact and
instantaneous oil cut-off, re-start the unit after confirming
that the bearings are safe from damage.
2.6 油位计、油压表、油温表及相关的信号装置,必须按规程要
2.6 The oil level meter, oil pressure gauge, oil thermometer
and relevant signal device must be installed intact in
accordance with regulation. The indications are correct.
Take periodic calibration.
2.7 油系统油质应按规程要求定期进行化验,油质劣化及时处
2.7 Do periodic chemical test for oil quality in oil system. Take
measures when oil quality goes bad. If the cleanliness
exceeds the standard, do not start the unit.
2.8 应避免机组在振动不合格的情况下运行。
2.8 The unit should not operate when the unit vibration is not
2.9 润滑油压低时应能正确、可靠的联动交流、直流润滑油泵。为
油压降至 0.08MPa 时报警,降至 0.07~0.075MPa 时联动
交流润滑油泵,降至 0.06~0.07MPa 时联动直流润滑油泵,
并停机投盘车,降至 0.03Mpa 时停盘车。
2.9 The DC and AC lube oil pumps can be correctly and
reliably linked if the lube oil pressure is low. To avoid the
possible instantaneous oil cut-off during the interlock start

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of oil pumps, the lube oil pressure is required to alarm
when pressure decreases to 0.08MPa. When it decreases
to 0.07-0.075MPa, the AC lube oil pump is to be linked.
When it decreases to 0.06-0.07MPa, the DC lube oil
pump is to be linked, the unit to be shut down and turning
gear is to be put into service. Stop the turning gear if
pressure decreases to 0.03MPa.
2.10 直流润滑油泵的直流电源系统应有足够的容量,其各级
2.10 The DC power system for DC lube oil should possess
adequate capacity, the fuses of each stage are
properly collocated to prevent breaks in fuse, which
may cause power loss of lube oil pump.
2.11 交流润滑油泵电源的接触器,应采取低电压延时释放措
2.11 The contactor for power supply of AC lube oil pump
should adopt low voltage delayed release measures.
In addition, the automatic operation device should be
ensured reliable.
2.12 油系统严禁使用铸铁阀门,各阀门不得水平安装。主要
2.12 Never use valves made of cast steel in oil system. Do
not horizontally install the valves. Alarm note with No
OPERATION on it must be attached to the main
valves. Add locks to valves that should not be
operation in normal condition to avoid mal-operation.
It is advisable not to install strainer in the lube oil
pressure pipeline. If the filter is installed, measures
are taken to prevent block and damage in strainer.
2.13 安装和检修时要彻底清理油系统杂物,并严防检修中遗
2.13 Thoroughly clear out the foreign matter in oil system
during installation and maintenance. Prevent the
matters left during maintenance from blocking the
2.14 检修中应注意主油泵出口逆止门的状态,防止停机过程
2.14 In maintenance, watch the state of check valve at the
outlet of oil pump. Avoid oil cut-off during shutdown of
2.15 严格执行运行、检修操作规程,严防轴瓦断油。

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2.15 Strictly stick to operation and maintenance regulation.
Avoid oil cut off in bearing bush. 防止定、转子水路堵塞、漏水 To Prevent blockage and leakage in water pipe of stator and
1 水内冷系统中的管道、阀门的橡胶密封圈全部更换成聚四氟乙
1 Replace the rubber gaskets by telflon gaskets for pipeline and
valves of water inner cooling system
2 安装定子内冷水反冲洗系统,定期对定子线棒进行反冲洗。反
2 Install the inner cooling water back washing system of stator.
Back wash the winding bar of stator periodically. All the steel
wire strainers in back washing system must be replaced by
stainless steel new-type strainer with holes punched by laser
to prevent the debris of strainer entering the winding. 防止漏氢 To avoid hydrogen leakage
1 大修后气密试验不合格的氢冷发电机严禁投入运行。
1 The hydrogen cooling generator tested to be improper in
leakage test after overhaul should not be put into service.
2 应按时检测氢冷发电机油系统、主油箱内、封闭母线外套内的氢
气体积含量,超过 1%时,应停机找漏消缺。当内冷水箱内的含
氢量达到 3%时报警,120h 内缺陷未能消除或含氢量升至 20%
2 Periodically measure the hydrogen content in hydrogen
cooling generator oil system, in main oil tank, and inside the
exterior cover of enclosed bus. If the value exceeds 1%, shut
down the unit to find out the leakage and solve it. When
hydrogen content in inside cooling water tank reaches 3%,
alarm will be sent out. The unit is to be shut down if the fault
is not solved within 120h or if the hydrogen content exceeds
3 密封油系统平衡阀、压差阀必须保证动作灵活、可靠,密封瓦间
3 The balance valve and differential pressure valves in sealing
oil system must be flexible and reliable. The clearance of
sealing bearing must be adjusted to be proper. If abrasive
duct is found in the bearing journal in seali9ng bearing of
generator shaft, solve it at once.
2.1.7 检修施工管理

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2.1.7 Maintenance management 工作人员职责 Personnel’s duty
检修技术人员和工作负责人必须熟悉检修范围的有关技术文件和图纸 ,
The maintenance personnel must be familiar with the relevant
technique documents and drawings for maintenance part and familiar
with working principle and structure of equipment. Most of the working
staff must master the maintenance process and precision
measurement skill. 检修现场要求 Requirement for maintenance field 检修现场应按照施工要求合理布置; The maintenance field must be arranged properly according to
construction requirements 场地、检修平台、运输通道应能承受纺织设备的重量和足够的周转余
地; The field, maintenance stand and transportation channel should
be able to bear the weight of textile equipment. They should
possess adequate space for movement. 检修场地具备充足照明,压缩空气、氧气和乙炔等设施。 Maintenance field possesses adequate lighting, compressed air,
oxygen, C2H2 and other devices. 起重运输机具管理 Management of lifting and transporting machine 应遵守中华人民共和国原劳动部颁发的《起重机械安全管理规定》; Strictly adhere to Lifting Machine Safety Management Regulation
issued by labor department of PRC. 对起重机的起吊重量、行车速度、起吊高度、起吊速度及纵横极限范
围等性能应认真检查,这些性能应满足设备检修的工艺要求; Closely check the lifting weight of hoist, the speed of travel crane,
the lifting height and speed, as well as the range of horizontal and
vertical limit. These performances should meet the requirements
for the equipment maintenance technique. 特大件和超重起吊均应制定专门技术措施,经总工程师批准后执行; For large equipment and over weight lifting, prescribe special
technique regulation. Carry out it in the permission of chief

Page 51 of 629 禁止在不了解设备重物的情况下进行起吊工作或任意放置。 Do not do lifting work or put equipment at random if the object is
not well known. 施工要求 Requirements for construction 汽轮机组在检修过程中及当天工作结束后,检修人员应负责彻底清
理,保证检修质量; The maintenance personnel must do cleaning work and ensure
the maintenance quality during the maintenance of turbine or
when the work is finished. 所有部件经清理后必须做到加工面和内部清洁,无杂物; The processing surface and interior part of assemblies must be
kept clean without foreign matters. 解体、组装部套应依据图纸进行,弄清结构情况和相互连接关系,
做好标记。当零部件拆装受阻时应找出原因,禁止盲目敲打; The assembling and disassembling of the assemblies must be
done in accordance with drawings. Make clear of the structure
and inter-relationship among them and mark them. When the
disassembly is hindered, ascertain the causes. Do not knock it
blindly. 拆下的零部件应分门别类,放置在专用的零件箱内,对于精密零部
件应精心保护,并由专人保管; Sort out the disassembled parts. Put them into special box. For
precision parts, keep them carefully by special personnel. 重要结构和承压设备上的零部件和密封装置的焊接应由合格焊工按
照工艺要求进行。 For the welding of assemblies in important structure and pressure
retaining equipment and sealing device, the weld is done by
qualified welder in accordance with the requirements. 汽轮机组设备及管道的水压试验除按照规定进行外,必须做到临时
连接系统严密、无渗漏,表计经校验合格。 The water pressure test for turbine equipment and pipeline must
be done according to the regulation. In addition, the temporary
connecting system should be sealed well without leakage. The
gauges are calibrated to be proper. 重要工作告一段落时,必须对内部进行检查,并符合下列要求: After a period of work, check the interior of equipment. They
should meet the following requirements:
1 设备及管道最后封闭前,必须指定专人检查,确信无杂物后才

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1 Before the last sealing of pipeline and equipment. Check
them by appointed person. Make sure that no foreign matters
in them before sealing. Additionally, they must be checked
and confirmed by relevant technician from senior department.
2 浸入设备内部清理和检查的人员应穿干净无钮扣和衣袋的专用
2 The cleaning and maintenance person to enter the equipment
must wear clean and special working clothes without buttons
or pockets. Their shoes should be clean and have no iron
nail. No matters falling into the equipment.
3 不允许在已经封闭好的设备管道上施焊、开孔或拆封,必要适
3 No not do weld, dig holes or do dismantle work in the
equipment that have been sealed. These could be done only
if the permit is obtained.
2.1.8 主要检修工作的质量与验收项目
2.1.8 Main items of quality and acceptance for maintenance 汽缸与轴承座安装 Casing and bearing pedestal installation 滑销系统 Sliding pin system 汽轮机转子检修 Turbine rotor maintenance 汽轮机组联轴器找中心 Turbine coupling alignment 隔板检修 Damper maintenance 汽封及通流部分间隙 Clearance between gland seal and flow path 支持轴承和推力轴承 Journal bearing and thrust bearing 汽轮机扣缸 Turbine casing covering 合金钢部件光谱检查报告 Inspection report of alloy steel components spectrum 轴颈椭圆度和不柱度 Bearing journal ellipticity and non-cylindricity 联轴器、推力盘、转轮端面瓢偏 Coupling, thrust disc, rotating wheel end face deflection 轴颈扬度 Bearing journal up-rising inclination 转子晃动度、弯曲度

Page 53 of 629 Rotor swaying degree and bending degree 减温减压装置及排汽管、管件、截止阀、控制阀、疏水阀 Temperature and pressure reducing device, steam exhaust pipe,
pipe fittings, stop valve, control valve, water drainage valve 凝汽器蒸汽排放装置、管板、水室、喷水管及孔眼 Condenser steam discharging device, tube plate, water chamber,
water spaying pipe and eye holes 油系统运行和油质化验 Oil system operation and oil quality analysis 汽轮机调节系统的整定与试验 Setting and test of Turbine governing system 汽轮机自动保护连锁装置的整定与试验 Setting and test of turbine automatic protection interlock device 自动主汽门、调节汽门的严密性 Leakproofness of automatic main stop valve and governing valve 汽轮机整套启停运行(蒸汽参数、真空升速、带负荷情况、汽缸热膨
胀、差胀、轴承振动、汽缸金属温度、轴瓦及推力瓦乌金温度等) Turbine whole set startup and shutdown operation (steam
parameters, vacuum speed rising, load carrying condition, casing
thermal expansion, differential expansion, bearing vibration,
casing metal temperature, bearing bush and thrust pad Babbitt
metal temperature etc) 汽轮机惰走曲线、大轴晃度随时间变化曲线、高压缸调节级金属温度
与时间曲线 Turbine coasting curve, shaft swaying degree as time change
curve, metal temperature and time curve of HP casing governing
stage 冷态启动曲线,时间与转速、负荷、主汽压力、主汽温度、真空、差胀 Cold-state startup curve, time and rotating speed, load, main
steam pressure, main steam temperature, vacuum, differential
expansion etc

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2.2 汽轮机主要设备规范
2.2 Specifications of steam turbine equipment
The turbine is supplied by Beijing Beizhong Steam Turbine Co., Limited

表 4 设备主要技术规范

型号 N330-17.75/540/540
额定功率 330 MW
最大功率 346.57
主蒸汽流量(VWO/TRL) 1050/969 t/h
主汽门前额定蒸汽压力 17.75 MPa
主汽门前额定蒸汽温度 540 ℃
再热蒸汽流量(VWO/TRL) 929.36/882.77t/h
再热蒸汽温度 540 ℃
热耗率 TGNHR 8023.45 kJ/kWh
额定功率下汽耗率 2.9328 kg/kWh
额定背压(VWO/TRL) 8.5 KPa
凝汽量(VWO/TRL) 688.06/650.09t/h
额定冷却水温 30 ℃
额定转速 3000 rpm
高压缸排汽温度(VWO/TRL) 345.63℃/340.23℃
4.5943MPa/4.3633 MPa
4.1348 MPa /3.9269 MPa
最高给水温度 282.1 ℃
额定转速 r/min 3000
转向(从汽轮机向发电机看) 逆时针
抽汽级数 级 7(两高、四低、一除氧)
设备运转层高度 m 12
Table 4 equipment technique specification
Mode N330-17.75/540/540
Type Sub-critical, primary intermediate reheating, single

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shaft tripe-casing double-exhausting, direct air
cooling condensing
Rated power 330 MW
Maximum power 346.57
Main steam flow (VWO/TRL) 1050/969 t/h
Rated steam pressure before
17.75 MPa
main stop valve
Rated steam temperature before
540 ℃
main stop valve
Reheated steam flow(VWO/TRL) 929.36/882.77t/h
Reheated steam temperature 540 ℃
Heat rate TGNHR 8023.45 kJ/kWh
Steam consumption rate under
2.9328 kg/kWh
rated power
Rated back pressure(VWO/TRL) 8.5 KPa
Condensed steam
Rated cooling water temperature 30 ℃
Rated rotating speed 3000 rpm
HP steam discharge
HP steam discharge pressure
4.5943MPa/4.3633 MPa
Reheated steam pressure before
4.1348 MPa /3.9269 MPa
IP main stop valve(VWO/TRL)
Reheated steam rated
temperature before IP main steam 540℃/540℃
Maximum feedwater temperature 282.1 ℃
Rated rotating speed r/min 3000
Rotating direction ( seen from
turbine to generator)
Number of steam extraction 7(two high, four low, one
stages deaeration)
Height of operating equipment
m 12

1 各轴承处大轴垂直方向振动最大振幅不大于 0.075mm(峰-峰值)。
2 允许长期连续运行的周波变化范围:48.5-51.5Hz。

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3 盘车转速: 2.38r/min.
4 汽轮机总长:25m.
5 运行层相对零米标高为 13.7m.
6 轴系临界转速(r/min)见表
1. The maximum amplitude of shaft vibration along vertical direction
of bearings should be no more than 0.075mm ( peak-peak value)
2. Permissible cyclic wave range for long-time continuous operation:
3. Turning gear rotating speed: 2.38r/min
4. Turbine total length: 25m
5. Relative elevation of operation floor:13.7m
6. Shafting critical rotating speed (r/min)(refer to the table)

表 5 汽轮发电机组临界转速
一阶临界转速 r/min 二阶临界转速 r/min
轴 段
设计值 试验值 设计值 试验值
高压转子 2400 >4000
中压转子 2440 >4000
低压转子 1800 >4000
发电机转子 1400 2350
轴系 1800
Table 5 Critical rotating speed of turbine generator unit
First order critical rotating Second order critical rotating
Shaft section speed r/min speed r/min
Design value Test value Design value Test value
HP rotor 2400 >4000
IP rotor 2440 >4000
LP rotor 1800 >4000
Generator rotor 1400 2350
Shafting 1800

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Turbine Proper

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2.2.1 概述
2.2.1 General
Steam turbine has casings including HP, IP, and LP casing, all of
which are of double layer casing structure. HP and IP casings are of
separated layout while the flow passage is reverse layout. LP casing
is of the double exhaust steam symmetrical structure, of which inner
casing is the flowing passage and the outer casing is the exhaust
steam part that connected with the throat of the condenser. The spray
desuperheating devices are designed at the ends of LP outer casing,
of which the top is installed with two safety diaphragms. The casing
structure of double layer will divide the whole huge pressure of steam
supposed supported by single layer casing into two layers of inner
and outer casings thereafter to minimize the dimensions of wall
thickness, flange and bolt to a large extent; so the inner casing mainly
bears the high temperature while both the inner and outer casings
bear the high pressure of steam together, therefore, the thinner inner
casing wall will reduce the thermal stress greatly. The two ends of HP
and LP casings are the HP casing exhaust steam and LP casing
exhaust steam respectively, of which either the pressure or
temperature are low relatively, so the ends steam leakage of seal
gland is not very serious and the affection of seal gland temperature
by bearing is not much.
的具有高气动性能的冲动式叶片,通过动叶片根部所需要的压差很小 ,
为 1055mm 的长叶片,圆弧枫树形叶根,具有良好的气动性能,距根
部 875mm 处,有一扁平鳍形拉筋,在工作转速下,形成整圈联接,可
The work principle of impulse turbine is applied for the flow passage.
HP and LP casings are of the single flowing, which have the
standardized high pneumatic performance impulse blades. The
differential pressure required for going through the moving blade root
is very small, so the axial thrust for the impeller of each stage is small.
The continuous integral shroud not only can make sure the effective
sealing of blade roof but also it is the key factor to expand the single
flow due to the applied high aspect ratio blade. The blades of stages
before the final two stages are of the furcation root with shroud on

Page 59 of 629
itself and twist assembly, assuring the positive circle connected under
the running rotating speed; the less leakage loss also reduce the
moving stress of blade and decrease the numbers of the harmonic of
blade resonance, and improve the blade safety and reliability. Its final
blade is the long blade of 1055mm; its circular-arc maple blade root
has good pneumatic characteristics; there is a flat lacing wire of fin-
type at the 875mm of root part, which forms the integral circle
connection under the running rotating speed with the high reliability,
and it is the faultless blade.
个单列调节级和 10 个压力级组成;中压转子由 12 个压力级组成;低
压转子由 2 × 5 个压力级组成。
The HP/IP/LP rotors are of integral rotor, and all of them use the rigid
coupler connected. HP rotor consists of a single-row governing stage
and 10 pressure stages; IP rotor consists of 12 pressure stages; LP
rotor consists of 2 ×5 pressure stages.
制#1、3 调速汽门,乙高压主汽门控制#2、4 调速汽门。各汽门由各自独
The steam admission of HP casing is controlled by two groups of joint
stop valves, which are installed at two ends of casing. HP main stop
valve A controls the GV #1,3 and the HP main stop valve B controls
the GV #2,4. Each stop valve is controlled by their separated oil
actuator at each side. The steam admission of IP casing is also
controlled by two groups of joint stop valves, each of which include a
main stop valve and a GV that installed at two sides of casing,
similarly it is also controlled by their separated oil actuator at each
side. After entering the turbine, the steam firstly passes through the
main stop valve, and then goes through the GV which control the
steam flow that entering into HP casing by HP steam pipes.
主汽门和调速汽门均套有 4mm 司太立合金套筒,阀杆采用同一组浮动
The main stop valve and governing valve are covered with 4mm
stellite alloy bush; and the valve rod uses the same group of floating
ring for sealing, which is not only abrasion resistance, oxidation
resistance, but also it prevent the blocking and improve the reliability
of unit. If both the main stop valve and governing valve are full open,
the stellite welded at the root of valve disc will bind with valve body
closely, which forms the self-sealing preventing the leakage of rod
and also reduce the loss of pressure drop.

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Steam passes through the blades of impulse governing stage and HP
casing pressure stage, and then goes to the reheater through two
exhaust ports at the lower half of HP outer casing. After reheating,
steam goes back to IP casing through two reheating main stop valves
and reheating governing valves. The outlet of governing valve is
connected with steam admission chamber of IP casing by sliding joint.
The steam flows into the LP casing by the connection pipe of IP
casing after passing through the IP blades.
杆推动高压缸,并由高、中压缸猫爪搭在 1-#2 轴承箱水平滑动板上滑动
The HP/IP casing axial expansion dead point is designed on the rear
bearing box of IP casing. If the casing is heated, IP casing expanded
from dead point to the turbine head, at the same time, the push-pull
rod at two sides between HP and IP casings will push the HP casing,
and the HP/IP casing cat claws will slide on the horizontal plate of
bearing box #1, #2. the LP outer casing is put on the support plate,
which is put on the platform that fixed on the foundation. The absolute
expansion of outer casing expands towards to the generator with the
horizontal pin of turbine side steam exhaust outlet as the dead point.
推力轴承设在#2 轴承箱内,由两根推拉杆将推力轴承与高压外缸刚性
The thrust bearing is designed inside the bearing box #2, the thrust
bearing, which can expand to move with HP casing together, is rigid
connected with the HP outer casing by two push-pull rods. The whole
turbo-generator rotor expands front and back as the dead point of
thrust disc.
2.2.2 汽缸检修
2.2.2 Casing maintenance 汽缸结构概述 General introduction of casing structure 高压缸 HP casing
It includes outer and inner casings, all of which have two halves
that assembled by bolts on the horizontal joint face. The casing

Page 61 of 629
structure and shape as well as its support method are well
designed, which can move freely and symmetrically if the
temperature changes minimizing the possibility of deformation.
The inner and outer HP casings are founded by alloy steel, and
are divided into upper casing and lower casing along with the
horizontal split.
The inner casing is supported on the outer casing at the
horizontal split, and its top and bottom are guided by positioning
pin to keep the turbine axial line at the correct position, at the
same time, it allow to expand and shrink freely with the changing
temperature. The HP casing nozzle chamber inlet is welded on
the inner casing, which is positioned by setting the key channel of
on the flange of upper and lower inner casing. The steam
admission bushing is connected with each nozzle chamber by
sliding joint, which can minimize the possibility of deformation
caused by the changing temperature.
If dismantle the outer casing, use jack or lifting bolt to lift the
upper casing until the steam admission bushing is disengaged
with the nozzle chamber, then lift it by crane in the general way. If
dismantle the lower part of inner casing, the lower casing is lifted
up by bolt until the steam admission bushing is disengaged with
the nozzle chamber, then lift it by crane in the general way. If
assemble the upper part of casing and lower part of inner casing,
the shape of steam admission place of each nozzle chamber can
make the sealing ring align when put down the casing. The HP
steam admission balance piston steam seal and the HP blade
carrier are supported by inner casing at the horizontal interface,
and they are guided by the top and bottom positioning pin, the
way of which is the same with the inner casing supported by outer

Page 62 of 629
(A) Rotor

(A)转子 (B) Outer Casing

(B)外缸 (C) Inner Casing

(C)内缸 (D) Steam Admission

short Pipe
(G) Steam Seal
(I) Joint Positioning
(J) Thrust Bearing Pull
(J)止推轴承拉杆 Rod
(K)中压缸拉杆 (K) IP Casing Pull Rod

图 1 中分面视图
Figure 1 Middle Split View

(A) Rotor
(B) Outer Casing
(C) Inner casing
(D) Steam Admission
(M)水平结合面 short Pipe
(C)内缸 (E) Doule-end bolt for
(N)喷觜室 assembly

(D)进汽短管 (M) Horizontal joint

(N) Nozzle Chamber

图 2 进汽室纵剖面图
Figure 2 Steam Admission Chamber Longitudinal Section Diagram

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There are four support cat claws on upper half of HP casing,
which is hanging on the adjacent bearing pedestal platform. HP
horizontal surface slides in an axial way along the central line that
shall be consistent with either the shrink or expansion of turbine
each part. The selected structure in sliding can guarantee the
absolute parallel degree of touching surface, and the hardness
treatment of sliding surface can decrease the friction coefficient.
The steam admission short pipe is welded on the connection pipe
between steam admission valve and HP casing, which is at the
end of HP part and pass through the outer casing and inner
casing in series to supply the steam to the nozzle chamber. The
steam admission short pipe is connected on the outer casing by
screw stub, which is to fasten or loosen by controlling the length.
The sealing ring can assure the seal between bolt and inner
casing, which also can keep touching the inner wall of casing.
The guiding device is designed to assure the concentricity of
outer casing and rotor; the inner casing is hanging on the two
sides of horizontal split; and there is also the guiding device at the
bottom to assure the alignment of all parts and rotor. The
distribution of different support point will make the thermal
expansion freely, which can assure the flowing clearance and
alignment degree. Actually, each support point can expand in two
directions freely with aimed third direction. Inner casing is hanging
on the (F) while the upper half of outer casing provides the
reverse support (G), (determined in installation of clearance). The
longitudinal poisoning point is determined by point (H). As shown
in the drawing.

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图 3 内缸支撑形式
Figure 3 Inner casing support type

Page 65 of 629 中压缸 2 IP casing
It consists of outer casing, inner casing, blade carrier and other
components. The casing and blade carrier are divided into two
parts, which are assembled by bolts at the horizontal split. There
are 4 support cat claws on the upper casing, which are hanged on
the adjacent bearing pedestal. IP horizontal split surface slides in
an axial way along the central line that shall be consistent with
either the shrink or expansion of turbine each part. The selected
structure in sliding can guarantee the absolute parallel degree of
touching surface, and the hardness treatment of sliding surface
can decrease the friction coefficient. The inner casing is hanging
on the two sides of horizontal split; and there is the guiding device
at the bottom to assure the concentricity of all parts and rotor.

(A)转子 (A) Rotor

(G)汽封 (G) steam seal
(B)外缸 (B) Outer casing
(C)内部隔板套 (C) Inner Blade
(D) Steam
(I)结合面定位 admission short
(K)高中压缸推拉杆 pipe
(I) Joint positioning
(K) HP/IP casing
push-pull rod

图 4 中分面视图
Figure 4 Midsplit View

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Inner casing is hanging on the support, and the upper half outer
casing provides the reverse support (determined in the installation
of clearance). The longitudinal positioning point is determined by
the adjustment of longitudinal fixed support point. The IP casing
steam admission short-pipe is welded on the connection pipe
between the admission valve and IP casing, which is at the end of
IP casing, through outer casing and inner casing, it directly
transmit the steam into the IP steam chamber. The admission
pipe is connected on the outer casing by screw stud, and the bolt,
which is to fasten or loosen by controlling the length. The sealing
ring can assure the seal between bolt and inner casing, which
also can keep touching the inner wall of inner casing.

(A) Outer casing

(A) 外缸 (B) Inner casing
(B)内缸 (C) Upper admission short
(D) Lower admission short
(D)下部进汽短管 pipe
(E)连接法兰 (E) Connection flange

图 5 中压进汽短管
Figure 5 IP steam admission short pipe 低压缸 LP casing
The guiding rings are installed at two ends of LP inner casing,
which is combined with outer casing to form the expansion
section to reduce the loss of exhaust steam. All the cat claws,
which are installed at four corners of flanges at the inner casing
lower part horizontal split surface, are put on the outer casing to

Page 67 of 629
support all weight both the whole inner casing and all diaphragm;
there are the side key at the steam admission center
corresponding with the center of horizontal flange, which is taken
as the axial relative dead point of inner and outer casing to
position in the axial direction and allow it freely expand in the
horizontal direction; there are the longitudinal key at the two ends
of bottom lower inner casing, which is set along the central line in
the axial direction to position the inner casing in the horizontal
direction and allow it freely expand in the horizontal direction;
装有两个内孔 500mm 的大气阀,作为真空系统的安全保护措施。
The LP steam admission pipe, which is the corrugated pipe at the
top steam admission part of upper outer casing, is connected with
the inner admission inlet to compensate the expansion difference
between inner casing and outer casing as well as guarantee the
seal that introduce the exhaust steam from IP casing into the LP
casing. The air valve with two inner holes of 500mm at the top is
taken as the safety protection measures of the vacuum system.
There are spray device to cool the LP casing if the temperature
rising is abnormal (with low load or no load), and when the
pressure is suddenly increased, the vent valve can protect the LP
parts. The LP inner casing is provided with the “heat insulation
cover” to limit the steam heat exchange between LP casing,
exhaust steam pipeline and inner casing to decrease the
temperature difference of inner casing wall. The middle part
closed to the inner casing is designed with two symmetrical
manholes for checking the conditions of inner casing. The lower
half outer LP casing is designed with the LP bearing box at two
ends. The around support platform is put on the rectangle
foundation to support the whole weight of LP part. The bottom
exhaust steam outlet is flexibly connected with condenser.

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A 低压外缸
L 低压缸死点
B 低压内缸
O 一段抽汽
D 转子
P 二段抽汽
H 轴承
Q 三段抽汽
G 轴封

A LP outer casing
L LP casing dead point
B LP inner casing
O Steam 1st bleeding
D Rotor
P Steam 2nd bleeding
H Bearing
Q Steam 3rd bleeding
G Gland seal
图 6 低压缸中分面图
Figure 6 LP casing split diagram 进汽管 Steam admission pipe
The steam enter into the casing from HP and IP valves by steam
admission pipe, thereafter, enter into LP casing from IP casing
exhaust pipe. The pipes can move with the thermal displacement
of casing relative dead point. During the installation of pipes,
adjust their positions to make the pipe stress lower than their
designed values. The drain outlet is designed at the lower part of
pipeline. If it can not check according to the pipeline welding
standard, it is allowed to use damage-less detection to instead.
The insulation of pipe is allowed to have some heat loss.
1 高压进汽管
1 HP steam admission pipe

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One end of the pipeline is welded with steam admission valve
while the other end is welded with the admission flange,
which makes the steam enter into the HP casing (As shown in
the diagram). The upper admission pipe is connected with
flange for maintenance. The flange assembly guantee the
tension by controlling the length of bolt
A 下部进汽管
B 上部进汽管(固定部分)
C 上部进汽管(可拆部分)
D 连接法兰
E 进汽法兰
F 压力平衡管

A Lower steam admission

B Upper steam admission
pipe (Fixed part)
C Upper steam admission
pipe ( Available to
D Connection flange
E Admission flange
F Pressure balance pipe
图 7 高压进汽管布置图
Figure 7 HP steam admission pipe layout diagram

2 中压进汽管
2 IP steam admission pipe
Its design and connection methods are the same with the HP
admission pipe. The layout method is as follows:

Page 70 of 629
(A) Lower steam
admission pipe
(A)下部进汽管 (B) Upper steam
(B) 上 部 进 汽 管 ( 固 admission
定部分) pipe(Fixed
(C) 上 部 进 汽 管 ( 可
(C) Upper steam
拆部分) admission pipe
(D)连接法兰 (Available to
(D) Connection flange
(E) Admission flange

图 8 中压进汽管布置图
Figure 8 IP admission layout diagram

3 中、低压连通管
3 IP/LP connection pipe
低压缸有两根进汽管(连通管),内径 Φ1400㎜,位于低压缸
The LP casing is designed with two admission pipes
(connection pipe), its inner diameter isΦ1400 ㎜,which is at
the upper part of LP casing and IP/LP bearing box. It is the
highest point of the whole unit. The connection pipe consist of
the bent pipe and the balance compensate pipe, of which the
bent pipe is connected with the IP exhaust steam outlet and
the lower part of balance compensate pipe is provided with
the downward pipe outlet connected with the LP admission
pipe. All of them are of rigid flange connection. In order to
absorb the axial heat expansion of connection pipe and unit,
the balance compensation pipe front end is designed with the
corrugated pipes. In order to balance the steam axial actions
in the connection pipe, the end of the balance compensation
pipe is designed with the balance chamber which has the
corrugated pipe. Outside of the balance compensation pipe is
designed with the connection roller to connect with two ends.

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The steam axial actions are supported by roller, with no action
on the corrugated pipe. Its layout is shown as follows:

I.P. casing L.P. casing

图 9 中低压连通管布置图
Figure 9 IP/LP connection pipe layout 工艺方法、质量标准、注意事项 Process, Quality Standard and Precautions 拆去轴承盖上的热工及仪表元件; Dismantle the I&C and instruments on the bearing cover; 拆去化妆板上连接螺栓,将化妆板解体后分别吊出; Dismantle their connection bolts on the plate, and hang out the
plate after dismantling; 当高压外上缸内壁温度低于 150℃时,逐层拆去保温层; If the inner wall temperature of HP outer upper casing is lower
than 150℃, remove the insulation layer one by one; 拆高、中压导汽管及中低压连通管 Dismantle HP/IP steam guiding pipe and the connection pipe
between IP and LP
1 清理保温后,当高压缸内上缸调节级外壁温低于 100℃时,拆
1 After clear out the insulation, dismantle the flange between
guiding pipe and outer casing and dismantle the outlet flange
connection bolt between guiding pipe and HP/IP TV;
2 拆除中、低压连通管法兰螺栓;
2 Dismantle the IP/LP connection pipe flange bolt;
3 用行车并在吊钩上另挂一倒链,吊出导汽管及中低压连通管;

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3 Hanging a falling chain on the claw, use the crane to hang out
the guiding pipe and IP/LP connection pipe;
4 吊出导汽管后及中低压连通管,立即用堵板将汽缸法兰口、管
4 After the above step, use the plate to block the casing flange
port and pipe outlet very well at once, and paste the seal to
block out the guiding pipe port.
5 检查导汽管伸缩节各道焊缝应无裂纹砂眼等缺陷;
5 Check the guiding pipe flexible joint welding line has such
defects as crack and other sand hole or not; 高、中、低压外缸解体 Disassembly of the HP, IP, and LP outer casings
1 拆除固定汽缸温度及压力测点;
1 Dismantle the fixed measuring points of casing temperature
and pressure;
2 拆除汽缸螺帽上的封盖,清理汽缸螺栓的加热孔;
2 Dismantle the cover plate on the casing screw cap. And clear
the heating hole of casing bolt;
3 加热汽缸螺栓,按顺序拆卸螺帽,并按左右顺序做上标记;
3 Heat up the casing bolt, and dismantle the screw cap in
sequence, and mark it from left to right;
4 拆开高中、低压缸端部外轴封结合面螺栓;
4 Dismantle the bolts on the HP, IP and LP casing end shaft
seal surface
5 装入导杆,涂上少许润滑油并检查吊具;
5 Install the guide rod, and coat little lubrication oil and check
the lifting tools;
6 用钢板尺或架设百分表一只,监视汽缸顶起的数值;
6 Use steel plate ruler, or use a dial indicator to monitor the
value of casing lifting height;
7 起吊高、中、低压外缸注意事项:
7 Precautions in lifting of HP, IP, and LP outer casings;
7.1 仔细检查汽缸水平中分面所有螺栓,销子确已全部拆除,
与 上汽缸连接的各汽管、疏水管法兰已全部拆开;
7.1 Check all bolts on the horizontal split surface of casing
carefully, and all the pins have been confirmed to
dismantle, and the all flanges of each steam pipes and
drain pipes that connected with the upper casing have

Page 73 of 629
been dismantled;
7.2 安装专用起吊工具,行车对准中心;同时在转子上架一百
7.2 Install the special lifting tools, and the crane is aimed at
the center; at the same time, use a dial indicator
supported on the rotor to monitor the lifting condition.
7.3 用专用顶丝或专用的四角油压顶起装置将汽缸顶起 10-

7.3 Use the special lifting tools such as jack or four-corner oil
pressure lifting device to lift the casing about 10-15MM. In
this process, pay Precaution to the lifting of four corners,
which shall not be deflected, and stop working as soon as
some problems are found. Use ruler to measure the lifting
surface distance, and it is qualified, stop lifting, and start
the crane to lift. The lifting shall be carried out under the
direction of person specially assigned for work, and the
casing shall be monitored in front, back, right and left.
7.4 缓慢提升行车吊钩,检查汽缸前、后、左、右的情况,钢丝
7.4 Lift the crane hook slowly; check the conditions in front,
back, right and left of casing, and the steel rope shall bear
the even force;
7.5 在起吊过程中四角监视人员扶稳并监视螺栓与螺孔有无卡
7.5 In lifting, the supervisors at four corners shall hold it stably
and monitor the bolt and screw have block or friction or
not; check the lifting height of casing cover at four corners
are the same or not, and stop lifting for alignment if any
one part is not following the lifting of the other hooks or
some abnormal conditions happened.
7.6 吊缸时四角高度,用钢尺测量,前后相差不大于 3mm,左
右相差不大于 5mm;
7.6 In lifting, use the steel ruler to measure the height of four
corners with the difference less than 3mm between front
and back and with the difference less than 5mm between
left and right;
7.7 缸盖吊出后,放在指定的检修场地上,地面垫以枕木;
7.7 After the casing cover is hanged out, put it on the
specified maintenance place, and the floor shall be filled

Page 74 of 629
up with sleeper;
7.8 检查汽缸结合面漏汽痕迹,并作记录;
7.8 Check the steam leakage trace at the casing interface,
and make the record;
7.9 拆卸汽缸结合面的双头螺栓(以便拆卸内缸螺帽和隔板
7.9 Dismantle the screw stud at the interface of casing (for
the convenience of dismantling of inner casing screw cap
and blade carrier); fill some coal oil at the root of screw
stud screwed into casing surface, and then use the
copper bar to knock the screw top, and use the special
tools to screw out the bolt. 拆除各上隔板套水平中分面螺栓,缓慢吊出各上隔板套并检查中分
面。 Dismantle the bolts on the blade carrier split surface, and hang
out the blade carrier slowly and check the split. 高、中、低压内缸解体 Disassembly the HP, IP, and LP inner casings
1 拆除内缸螺栓和缸壁上测温元件,拆除调节级测量压力温度引
1 Dismantle the measuring elements on the inner casing bolt
and casing wall; dismantle the joint of incoming or outgoing
lines to measure the pressure and temperature of governing
2 拆除高压蒸汽室上半部埋头管塞(2.5″),装入 M39×3 螺栓吊
2 Dismantle the embedded pipe stopper ( 2.5″ ) at the upper
part of HP steam chamber, and install the M39×3 bolt flying
rings to dismantle the upper part of steam chamber;
3 拆除内缸螺栓(方法同外缸);低压#1、2 内缸应首先打开上缸人
3 Dismantle the inner casing bolt (the method is the same as
that for outer casing); for the LP inner casing #1, #2, the
manhole on the upper casing shall be opened firstly, then
dismantle the bolts of inner interface
4 装好四角导杆(或对角 2 根)并在导杆上抹油;1) 用顶缸专用螺
栓将汽缸四角均匀顶起 3-5mm 后,再用行车缓缓起吊汽缸至
上下缸平面间隙达 10mm 时停止起吊,全面检查行车和钢丝绳

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4 Install the guiding rod at four corners (or the 2 rods on the
cross) and fill the oil on the guiding rod; 1) use the special
bolts to lift the four corners of casing about 3-5mm evenly,
and then use crane to lift the casing slowly, and stop lifting if
the surface clearance of upper and lower casings are up to
10mm; check the conditions of crane and steel rope
completely, and use the crane to lift it slowly after confirmed
without error (other process referred to the outer casing);
5 检查内缸水平结合面漏汽痕迹,并做记录。
5 Check the horizontal interface of inner casing to see whether
there is steam leakage trace or not, and make records.
6 在起吊过程中四角由专人扶稳并认真监听汽缸内部有无磨擦声,
6 In lifting, the persons shall be specially arranged to hold it
stably at four corners, and monitor whether there is friction
inside the casing or not; check the guiding rod to make sure
no blockage; if the upper casing is hanged away from the
guide rod, fasten the special rope for adjustment to prevent its
swing and rotation. 翻缸 Turn over the casing
1 用行车双钩翻缸,翻缸时,钢丝绳吊在汽缸外缘的吊耳上,行
车中心找正后,大钩先起吊约 100mm,再起吊小钩,使汽缸
吊大钩。 吊起高度以保证小钩松开后汽缸不碰地面,逐渐松下
1 Use the crane double hook to turn over the casing, in which
process the steel rope is hanged on the lifting lugs on the
outer edge of casing. After the alignment of crane center, the
big hook hangs up about 100mm , and then hangs up the
small hook taking the casing away from sleeper a little, and
then check all lifting tools completely to make sure no
problems and then continuous lift the big hook. The lifting
height shall assure the casing can not touch the ground after
small hook is left, and then leave the small hook gradually, so
all the weight of casing cover will be supported by the big
2 全松小钩,取下钢丝绳将汽缸转过 180°,再将钢丝绳挂到小钩
2 Leave the small hook completely, take down the steel rope,
and turn over the casing about 180°,and then hang the steel
rope on the small hook tightly, then put down the big hook
slowly(lifting the small hook if necessary), until the casing

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is leveled, use the sleeper to fill up, and leave the two hooks
after put down stably. As shown in the Figure. 汽缸的检查与测量 Inspection and measurement of casing
1 用砂纸将汽缸结合面清理干净,露出金属光泽;
1 Use the sand paper to cleaning the casing interface and show
the metal shine;
2 测量下缸结合面水平:
2 Measure the lower casing interface:
Put the combined diagram level on the permanent marks
made in installation or in the first overhaul for measurement,
and make the records.
3 汽缸结合面及内外壁检查
3 Check the casing interface and inner and outer wall
3.1 汽缸结合面清理后,进行宏观检查和磁粉探伤;
3.1 After cleaning the casing interface, macroscopic inspect
and magnetic particle inspect
3.2 如有必要对汽缸外壁进行检查时,应打去保温并清理干净
3.2 If there is necessary to check the casing outer wall,
remove the insulation and clean it, then magnetic particle
3.3 如发现裂纹应查明其深度,汽缸结合面的裂纹深度可用超
3.3 If found the crack, find its depth, and the crack depth of
casing interface can be detected by the ultrasonic crack
3.4 汽缸结合面应光滑平整,无贯通性沟痕,水平测量值应与
3.4 The casing interface shall be polish and cleanness
without perforation trace, and the measurement value
shall comply with the installation record (or that of last
overhaul) basically, if found the defects such as the
casing cracks and deformation, report to the relevant
department to do the research or treatment. 清理检查隔板(套)、轴封套洼窝和汽缸螺栓支承面 Clean and check the blade carrier, seal steam carrier groove and

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the casing bolt bearing surface
1 用砂纸清理汽缸隔板和轴封套洼窝槽后作宏观检查;
1 The microscopic inspection is done after using the sand paper
to clean the casing diaphragm and seal steam carrier groove
2 汽缸螺孔上螺帽支承面清理干净,修整毛刺,并用小圆平板检
2 The nut bearing surface above the casing tap hole must be
cleaned and trimmed. And the contacting situation is checked
by the small round plate, the rescrape is done if necessary. 清理、检查、修整汽缸螺栓螺帽 Clean, check and trim the casing bolt nut
1 用钢丝刷将汽缸螺帽及螺栓的螺纹部分清理干净;
1 The thread portion of the casing nut and bolt is cleaned by the
wire brush.
2 仔细检查螺纹,如有碰伤或毛刺可用三角油石或细锉刀修整,
2 Examine the thread carefully, if there is any bruise or burr, use
the triangular oil stone or fine file to trim, then examine the
situation of the cap, the nut can be revolved into the bolt after
coating some turbine oil, and the necessary repair is gone on
until it can screw to the bottom by hand. If the bolt and nut
cooperate with each other tightly and there is no burr on the
thread, use the fine paste to grind and the coal oil to clean
and coat the bolt high temperature lubricant.
3 测定全部合金钢汽缸螺栓硬度;
3 Measure the hardness of all the alloy steel casing
4 M56 以上螺栓应作超声波探伤;
4 The bolt that above theM56 should do the ultrasonic
5 抽查部分螺栓金相组织;
5 Spot test partial bolt metallurgical structure
6 检查汽缸螺栓的球面垫圈有无毛刺,并作必要修理;
6 Check if there is the burr at the spherical washer of the casing
bolt and do the necessary repair.
7 经清理、检查、整修后的螺栓、螺帽和垫圈用黑铅粉仔细擦抹螺

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7 The cleaned, inspected and trimmed bolt, nut and washer
should scraped carefully the thread and flat surface by the
black lead power to make all the surface reflect the silver
black color, then rub out the residual black power and keep it
carefully for standby application.
8 对高、中、低压缸合金钢螺栓的要求:
8 The requirement for the HP, IP and LP alloy steel bolt:
8.1 螺栓及螺帽干净,螺纹无乱扣、毛刺,配合良子,无卡涩,
8.1 Bolt and nut is clean, thread has no chasing, burr, and the
bolt has no crack, damage and bend and other abnormal
8.2 螺栓硬度值在 HB240-270 范围内,金相组织无明显网状组
8.2 The bolt hardness should maintain in HB240-270, the
metallurgical structure has no obvious meshwork.
(identified by the metal group)
8.3 冲击韧性应达以下要求:M65 以下螺栓:ak≥10kgM/cm2
, M65-M100 螺 栓 : ak≥8kgM/cm2 , M100 以 上 螺 栓 :
8.3 Impact flexibility should meet the following requirement:
the bolt under ak≥10kgM/cm2, M65-M100 bolt:
ak≥8kgM/cm2, the bolt above M100: ak≥6kgM/cm2 M65:
8.4 螺 栓 硬 度 值 达 下 列 条 件 的 ( 硬 度 值 >HB300 , 或
8.4 If the bolt hardness reaches to the following condition:
hardness >HB300 or <HB200, the bolt should be change
or the restoring heat treatment should be done. 扣空缸检查汽缸结合面严密性:汽缸平面清理完毕,按需要植入部
分汽缸螺栓后,将上缸吊上,打入定位销。在自由状态和冷紧 1/3
并做记录。结束后,拔去销子,松去螺栓,吊去上缸。 Button the empty casing to check the tightness of the casing
combine surface: after clean the surface of the casing, implant
some casing bolt according to the needs, then elevate the upper
cylinder and put the dowel pin. In the free state and cold fasten
one third of the casing bolt, the casing inner-outer horizontal split
space should be measured by the feeler and the record also be
done. When it is finished, remove the pin, release the bolt and
elevate the upper cylinder.
≤0.05mm,紧 1/3 螺栓时≤0.03mm,低压内缸结合面间隙在紧
1/3 螺栓时为≤ 0.05 mm 左右,低压外缸无修补不需扣空缸,如修

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When covering the empty HP and IP inner/outer casings, the joint
face’s space is under 0.05mm at the free state,, when fasten the
bolt 1/3, it is under ≤0.03mm, the LP inner cylinder combination
space is under 0.05mm. The LP outer cylinder do not need to be
covered if there is no repair. It needs to be covered in repairing
the joint face, and the gland seal clearance should be checked 测量调整高、中、低压内外缸间的支承工作垫片间隙 Measure and regulate clearance of the supporting working spacer
between the outer and inner of the HP, IP, and LP casings
Use the depth indicator or dial indicator to measure the relative
height between the outer upper casing’s regulate bush and the
inner casing’s split. 低压汽缸内部检查 LP casing inner check
1 检查低压外缸导流板、加强筋、抽汽孔有无裂纹,如开裂应焊接
1 Check if there is the crack at the LP outer casing’s deflector,
reinforcing rib and extraction hole.
2 检查清理低压缸内喷水管路及支架,检查管路无腐蚀,喷水孔
2 Check and clean the LP casing’s inner spray pipe and
supporter, check if there is the corrosion in the pipe , if there
is the block and damage in the spray hole, and whether the
spray direction is correct. 汽缸部分复装: Casing partial reassemble
1 汽缸复装前应达到以下要求:
1 The requirement for the casing reassemble
1.1 所有缸内工作全部结束,相关记录资料齐全并全部通过验
1.1 All the casing inter work is finished, all the relative record
and document is ready and accepted.
1.2 内清扫干净,无杂物存留;
1.2 he inner cylinder is clean and without the foreign matters.
1.3 有与汽缸连接的疏水、蒸汽管道应畅通;
1.3 ll the drain pipes and steam pipes connected with the
casing is smooth.
2 扣内上缸:

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2 Cover the inner upper cylinder
2.1 缸内无杂物
2.1 There are no foreign matters in the cylinder
2.2 装好导杆,并涂透平油;
2.2 Assemble the guide bar and coat the turbine oil
2.3 用专用工具起吊汽缸离地面后,用框式水平仪调整中分面
2.3 After lifting the casing away form the ground by the
special apparatus, use the frame level to regulate the split
two-way level in order to make the inclination under
2.4 用压缩空气吹净上缸,经检查后进行试扣,并与吊缸时同
将缸盖吊起 200-300mm,四角垫以木块,在中分面均匀涂
抹涂料后拿去木块,使汽缸下落,落至 5-10mm 时打入销
2.4 Use the compressor to clean the upper cylinder, testing
cover it after the examination, and check the wire rope
and the crane as doing the casing elevating. After making
sure that the casing base in above the lower casing,
elevate the casing cover to 200-300mm, put the wood
block at the foursquare, coat the painting averagely at the
split , remove the block to make the casing fall down to 5-
10mm, then input the pin, screw out the guide bar and
make the upper inner casing fall on the lower inner
2.5 将销子打紧后,旋上螺栓,按顺序冷紧汽缸螺栓。高、中压
2.5 When fastening the pin, screw the bolt, cold fasten the
casing bolt according to the sequence. The HP and IP
inner casing should hot fasten the casing bolt.
2.6 将高压内缸与高压蒸汽室悬挂螺栓拆除,并旋入封头加以
2.6 Disassemble the hanging bolt between the HP inner
casing and HP steam room, then screw the seal head and
spot weld it.
3 扣高、中压外缸,先冷紧外缸螺栓,再热紧外缸螺栓;扣缸工
3 When covering the HP and LP outer cylinder, first cold fasten
the outer cylinder’s bolt, then hot fasten the outer cylinder’s
bolt, which is as the same as the procedure to button the
inner cylinder.
4 紧温度引出线花键螺栓

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4 Fasten the temperature in order to draw out the involute
spline bolt.
5 装外缸螺帽上闷盖;
5 Assemble the outer cylinder bolt cover.
6 装测温元件;
6 Assemble the temperature test element
7 装复高、中、低压导汽管。
7 Reassemble the HP, IP, and LP steam guiding pipes 保温 Thermal insulation
1 检查汽缸外壁上保温钩齐全;
1 Check all the insulation hook of the casing outer wall is ready.
2 装置保温层,汽缸保温层包扎应牢固紧密,当室温 25℃时,保
温层表面温度不大于 50℃,保温材料可选用硅酸铝纤维毡。注
2 Install the insulation layer, the banding of the casing insulation
layer should be close. When the room temperature is 25℃,
the insulation layer’s surface temperature should be no more
than 50℃, the insulation material can use the alumina silicate
fibre. Pay Precaution to the compressed joint, the outer
should be covered with the wire net and plastered.
表 1 高中压缸保温示意表
Table 1 Schematic diagram for HP, IP, and LP casings’ thermal insulation

The thickness of
保温部分 区域温度 the main 面积
区域长度 材料形式
insulation layer
The Region area
Region mm Material
insulation temperatur
length mm m² type
part e℃ 上缸 下缸
Upper Lower
casing casing

汽缸 组块
casing chunk
B 组块

Page 82 of 629
保温部分 区域温度 面积
区域长度 材料形式
The thickness of
The Region area
Region the main Material
insulation temperatur
length mm insulation layer m² type
part e℃



leakage pipe
A: means the place from the casing (motor end) to the IP intake
B: means the middle of the casing.
C: means the place from the casing(governing end) to the HP
intake pipe
表 2 主汽阀壳体及管道保温
Table 2 main steam valve shell and pipe insulation


管道外 管道内 保温面积
Insulation ㎡
径 mm 径 mm 温度℃ 保温形式
部位 layer
Pipe Pipe temperatur thickness Insulation Insulation
Position area
outer inner e type
内层 外层
diameter diameter m2
Outer Inner
layer layer

阀壳 540 组块
Valve chunk

Page 83 of 629

管道 管型
540 × ×
pipe cast
表 3 中低连通压管道保温
Table 3 IP and LP connection pipe insulation

管道外径 管道长度 保温面积
(MM) m Insulation layer (㎡)
Pipe outer Pipe temperatur Insulation
diameter length 内层 外层 area
(MMs) M Inner Outer (m2)
layer layer
表 4 再热汽阀壳体及管道保温
Table 4 Reheating steam valve shell and pipe insulation

Insulation layer
保温面积㎡ 保温形式
部位 管道长度 mm thickness
Insulation Insulation
position Pipe length 内层 外层
area type
Inner Outer
layer layer



管道 管型
pipe cast
The above data is provided by the Beijing turbine and
generator corporation, the actual insulation needed quantity
should be increased properly.

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3 汽缸保温的工艺规范
3 Casing insulation process specification
法兰侧面保温不拆除部分,涂上湿的打底层材料厚 10㎜,铺上
一层不锈钢丝网再涂 10㎜厚打底材料,并将保温块敷在湿的打
The length and width of the insulation block should be
sectioned according to the casing’s actual shape. For the side
insulation dismantle part of the casing and flange, paint the
wet base material whose thickness is 10mm, spread a flat of
stainless wire net, then coat the base material whose
thickness is 10mm and put the insulation block on the wet
base layer. There should be enough space between the
insulation block and the split bolt, which does not influence
the disassemble and assemble of the split bolt and its boot.
3.1 保温块应相互牢固连接,所有间隙和空隙均用打底材料添
3.1 The insulation block should be connected firmly and all of
the clearance and space is stuffed with the base material.
Use the iron wire and fixation hook to fix the insulation
block, then put the metal net in order to protect and
enswathe the insulation block, and also fix it on the
fixation hook with the iron wire. When spread the second
and third insulation, the cutting length and width should
be decided by the actual shape and be interleaved with
the inner insulation block’s faying surface.
3.2 在汽缸法兰中分面螺钉处,装上护罩,在其上端用螺钉固
面层材料度约 15mm,抹成光滑的外形,待其干燥后形成
表面抹面层,然后在干燥的抹面层表面涂以厚约 0.8mm 的
3.2 The boot whose upper end is fixed on the outer cylinder of
the casing by the screw is assembled at the split bolt of
the flange. Then put the third insulation material as the
same above mentioned method. A small hole can be
drilled on the boot in order to use the iron wire fasten the
insulation block and metal net. After all of the installment,
the space between the boos and casing body is stuffed by

Page 85 of 629
the insulation block and base material. The surface
material with the thickness of 15mm is pasted with the
smooth shape averagely on all the casing insulation
surface, the surface pasted layer is formed after it is dried,
then the binding agent with the thickness of 0.8mm is
painted on the dried pasted surface and put the glass
cloth immediately, at last another layer of binding agent is
painted to cover all of the cloth. The mental net and
surface glass cloth of the casing insulation demountable
and irremovable part should be laid separately and
marked obviously on the demountable place.
17 复装车衣,车衣组合后连接牢固,各螺栓拧紧。
17 Reassemble the hemming, fix tightly the connection
and screw down each bolt. 拆、装汽缸螺栓 Dismantle and disassemble the casing bolt 拆汽缸螺栓的顺序应以防止消除汽缸上下法兰间隙所引起的法兰变
缸外缸螺栓拆卸示意图如下: The casing bolt dismantlement sequence should take the
principle as preventing and eliminating the flange deformation
tension which is aroused by the space between the upper and
lower casing centers on the few last dismantled bolt. The
reasonable dismantlement sequence should start from the middle
bolt which has the biggest space, then make the space recovered
step by step. The schematic diagram for the dismantlement of the
HP, and LP outer cylinder bolt is show as the following:

图 10 高中压缸螺栓紧拆顺序示意图 图 11 低压缸螺栓紧拆顺序示意图
Figure10 HP and IP bolt tight Figure 11 LP bolt tightn dismantlement
dismantlement sequnce sequnce schematic diagram
schematic diagram 一般使用不锈钢管状电加热器加热螺杆中心孔,使螺杆伸长,当螺

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止加热,取出加热管后,将螺帽旋出; Generally, we use the electrical heater of the stainless pipe type
to heat the screw center hole, and make the screw to extend.
When the bolt is heated to the predestinated time, the screw cap
is loosened by the spanner. When the screw cap can be moved
slightly, the heating should be stopped, then the heating pipe is
picked out and the screw cap is revolved out. 在旋松螺帽或加热到予定时间,螺帽与垫圈平面脱空时,如发现螺
将螺帽来回转动以防止咬扣; When the screw cap is loosened or heated to the preset time and
the screw cap is separated from the washer, if the screw cap is
blocked or over fastened, we can use the small hammer or the
copper stick to hit slightly on the top or around the screw cap, at
the same time, move the screw cap back and forth in order to
prevent the lock joint. 在松螺栓时,如发现咬扣现象,应停止拆卸,等螺栓温度降至室温,
气焊工用割把割下螺帽,保存螺杆; When loosening the bolt, if there is any lock joint, the
dismantlement should be stopped immediately. When the bolt
temperature decreased to the room temperature, pour the coal oil
or the bolt loosing fluid in the screw, use the suitable torque to
move the screw cap, and impact the head with the big hammer at
the same time. If necessary, heat the screw cap properly, smooth
the burr of the inside of the screw gradually and revolve out the
screw cap. When ensure that the screw cap can’t be dismantled,
the screw cap can be cut by the skilled welder and the screw rod
is reserved. 汽缸扣盖后,打入销子,按标记放入球面垫圈,旋入螺帽,同拆卸
顺 序 冷 紧 汽 缸 螺 栓 , 冷 紧 力 矩 按 螺 栓 名 义 直 径 每 1cm 施 加
10.8kgm 力矩考虑。 After covering the casing, imbed the pin, put the sphere washer
according to the mark, revolve the screw cap, and cold fasten the
casing bolt as the sequence of the dismantlement. The cold tight
torque is considered according to the bolt nominal diameter, that
is, exert 10.8kgm torque for each centimeter. 高中压汽缸螺栓冷紧结合后即可热紧:根据热紧螺帽旋转弧长数值
做好样板,在螺帽上划子记号。 After the cold tightness of the HP and IP casing bolt, the hot
tightness can be done. The arc length value is accordance with
the hot tightness screw cap, and the mark should be done on it. 使用加热棒加热螺栓,加热顺序同冷紧顺序,加热时间在 15-30 分

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套上管子板至螺帽记号线与汽缸上基准对准为止。 Use the heating stick to heat the bolt, the heating sequence is as
the same as the cold one. The heating time is in 15-30 minutes,
when heat the handle revolving screw cap to half the length of the
hot fastened arc length, the heating can be stopped, then sheathe
the pipe plate to the marking line of the screw cap and make it
meet the casing upper base. 各汽缸中分面螺栓需热紧的在热紧前需进行冷紧,冷紧采用力矩扳
手,不得用锤击。 All of the hot tightness for each casing’s split bolt should be done
before the cold tightness which use the torque spanner without
the hammer. 中分面螺栓热紧伸长量考核,允许误差±10%,如果用转角法,则
否达到要求,如超差,需再次加热,调整转角进行修正。 The evaluation of the split bolt hot tight extension allows the error
as ±10%. If use the intersection angle method, when the bolt is in
its position, the original length should be measured by the bolt
extension measure equipment, and the remeasurement of the
bolt should be done when then hot tightness decreased to the
room temperature in order to get the extension value, evaluate
whether the extension value meet the requirement, if not, the
reheating should be done and the intersection angle should be
regulated to calibrate.
表 5 高压外缸螺栓热紧伸长量
Table 5 HP out cylinder bolt hot tightness extension value

热紧前冷紧力 参考转角
螺栓规格 度 伸长量
数量 矩(N.M) (°)
(mm (mm)
) quantit Cold tightness Reference
specificatio Extensio
y torque before intersectio
n Bolt n value
hot tightness n angle
M ×
M ×
M ×
M ×
M ×
M ×

Page 88 of 629
热紧前冷紧力 参考转角
螺栓规格 度 伸长量
数量 矩(N.M) (°)
(mm (mm)
) quantit Cold tightness Reference
specificatio Extensio
y torque before intersectio
n Bolt n value
hot tightness n angle
M ×
M ×
M ×
M × 螺帽全部热紧后,装复螺帽护盖。 After all the hot tightness of the bolt, the screw cap boot is
Remark: casing paint prescription
1 高中压内缸涂料配方:铁粉(Fe3O4)30%,红丹粉 20%,二
硫化钼粉 50%,用精炼亚麻仁油调合适度(较为稀度为佳)。
1 HP, and IP inner cylinders paint prescription: ion powder
(Fe3O4) 30%, red lead 20%, and molybdenum disulfide
powder 50%, use the refined linseed oil to mix to the suitable
degree (the comparable dilution is the best)
2 低压内外缸和高中压外缸涂料配方:鳞状墨铅粉 40%、氧化镁
20%、红丹粉 40%。用酚醛清漆调和适度,也可使用专用汽缸涂
料(罐装 MF—2 型密封胶)。
2. LP inner-outer cylinder and HP and IP outer cylinders paint
prescription: scaly ink lead powder 40%, magnesium oxide
20%, and red lead 40%.use the phenolic resin varnish to mix
to the suitable degree and also use the special casing
paint(tinned MF—2 seal gum)
2.2.3 汽轮机转子检修
2.2.3 Turbine rotor maintenance 转子结构概述 The general description of the rotor structure
接。各转子各自支撑在 2 个轴承上,整个轴系通过位于#2 轴承座内的推

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Turbine rotor is made up of HP rotor, IP rotor, and LP rotor, which is
connected by the rigid coupling. Each rotor is supported on two
pieces of bearing separately. All of the shaft system is positioned in
the axial direction by the thrust bearing on the NO.2 bearing pedestal,
and the whole turbine-generator rotor expands with the thrust disc as
its dead point to the forth and back. After the manufacture of each
rotor, the high speed dynamic balance test and over speed test is
done in the manufacture’s special high speed dynamic balance
machine. If the unbalance is caused by the component transposition
at the site of the power plant or any other reason, we can regulate the
balance at the site directly. 高压转子 HP rotor
The HP rotor is the low alloy steel integral rotor, it has the high
intensity under the high temperature. There is a patch of balance
groove at each side of the two disks’ surface, which is used to
add the clump weight in order to compensate the unbalance
高压转子的单列调节级和 10 级压力级叶片均设计为三叉型叶根,
The HP rotor’s single row governing stage and 10 pressure
stages blades is designed as the trident blade root which has the
good tightness. The outer circle of the rotor in the disc has a
series of stage teeth grooves to assemble the diaphragm steam
steal. The moving blade of each stage is connected as a group by
the rivet band which is installed with the axial seal steam. There is
the blocking stage teeth grooves at the two ends of the rotor in
order to assemble the seal steam so as to prevent the leakage at
different level of the stage and the escapement of the steam.
(A)高压转子 (A) HP rotor

(B)中压转子 (B) IP rotor

(C)中间垫片 (C) immediate bush

(D)螺栓 (D) bolt

(E)螺母 (E) nut

(F)滑动锥形套筒 (F) sliding conical

(G) damper
(H) indication hole
(K) axle pin
(L) bolt
Page 90 of 629
图 12 高-中、中-低联轴器型式
Figure 12 HP-IP and IP-LP coupling type
零件及配合螺钉孔。装上垫片,移动其中 1 根转子来使两个半联轴
The front-end of the rotor connects to the rotor outrigger shaft
which is installed with the main oil impeller and connected to the
emergency breaker. The back-end of the rotor is rigid connected
with the IP rotor. The coupling conveys the torque, axial thrust,
lateral shear load and flexural torque. There is the bush between
the two rotors, which is used to change the thickness of the bush,
regulate the relative position of each rotor and maintain the
needed dynamic and static space. In order to dismantle the bush,
the rotor must do the axial movement so as to separate the two
half coupling between the adjacent rotor until it comes away the
orientation flinch. For this purpose, there is the jacking bolt hole
between the two half coupling. The accuracy between the two half
coupling is very important to the neutralize the right installation
method. Before the rotor is in position, the half coupling plane is
inspected by the plate. If there is any bruise or burr, it should be
scraped, but without using the file, all of the bolt hole and
scudding is examined and any possible discovered burr is
eliminated at the same time. After the correct alignment, all of the
component and cooperated bolt hole of the coupling should be
cleaned. Then the bush is installed, and one of the rotor is moved
in order to connect the end of the two half coupling. The use of
bolt to draw them tighter is forbidden. At last the bolt is installed
and the general method is used to fasten it gradually.
The HP rotor has the single sequence structure, compared with
the governing stage back flow layout, this one can decrease the
current loss and advance the inner efficiency 中压转子 IP Rotor

Page 91 of 629
不平衡。12 级压力级叶片均设计为三叉型叶根,围带引导蒸汽沿着
叶轮外周流动,减少叶片振动应力, 调整叶片频率在允许范围内,
The IP rotor is the low alloy steel integral rotor, it has the high
intensity under the high temperature. There is a patch of balance
groove at the face of the first stage impeller’s disc and the inverse
of the forth and eighth stage impeller’s disc and two patches of
balance grooves at the inverse of the 12 stage impeller’s disc,
which is used to add the assemble weight in order to compensate
the unbalance amount. The 12 stage pressure stage blade is
designed as the trident blade root. The band leads the steam to
flow around the outer circle of the impeller in order to decrease
the blade vibration stress and regulate the blade frequency in the
allowed range, it makes up of the seal steam together with the
diaphragm so as to decrease the steam leakage.
The IP rotor, HP and LP rotor are rigid connection, and the type of
the coupling is still the same one. 低压转子 LP Rotor
低压转子系低合金钢整锻转子,设置为双流 5 级对称结构,保证了
LP rotor is the low alloy steel integral rotor, which has the double
flow five stages symmetric structure to ensure the thrust balance
of the flow part. At the end of the symmetric last stage rim, there
is a patch of balance groove used to install the clump weight. At
each end of the LP rotor there is the rigid coupling (shown as the
following Figure), which is integrated with the rotor, and rigid
connected separately with the IP rotor and generator rotor. The
turning gear big wheel is installed between the two coupling of the
LP rotor and generator. At the same time, this wheel works as the
coupling bush and can regulate the relative position of the LP
rotor and generator rotor so as to maintain the needed dynamic
and static space. The end face of each coupling and bush is
manufactured into the orientation lip which can register with each
other. If the coupling is separated, the rotor must be moved in
axial by the jacking bolt.

Page 92 of 629
Before the rotor is positioned on the bearing pedestal, each
coupling’s end should be check by flat plate, and its checking
content and process are described in the HP coupling’s relevant
content. Clean all the coupling and match each bolt hole, when
each rotor and turning gear gearwheel are elevated in position,
make sure that all of the component is matched to its
correspondent mark. During the installation, in order to meet the
requirement of the shaft system alignment drawing, the rotor is
moved to connect with each half coupling, the use of bolt to draw
them is forbidden, meanwhile, ensure the correct installment and
each bolt’s franking should face a side of the coupling’s governing
valve end.
A LP rotor
A 低压转子 B Generator rotor
B 发电机转子 D Special made bolt
D 特制螺栓 E Special made nut
E 特制螺母 F bolt extention use
F 伸长螺栓用锥形孔 taper hole G baffle
G 堵板 H Recgonize hole
H 识别孔 I bolt
I 螺栓
图 13 低-发联轴器型式
Figure 13 LP rotor—generator coupling type
The diaphragm seal steam is installed among each stage, and the
static blade is on the diaphragm. In order to minimize the
efficiency decrease aroused by the steam leakage, the seal
steam is installed on the inner and outer ring of the diaphragm.
The diaphragm is positioned in the inner cylinder by a series of
keys, so that the diaphragm center can consist with the rotor
center when there is the expansion in three directions. The
beading is at the outer side of the LP rotor last stage’s disc, which
is used as the measuring plane of the rotor end displacement
stoke counter. When the unit is originally started or finished its
overhaul, the beading is used to confirm the relative displacement
of the LP rotor and casing.

Page 93 of 629
The forward and reverse first, second and third stage blades are
the self-contained band trident blade root, the forward and
reverse forth stage is the fir tree blade root and the forward and
reverse fifth stage blade is the fin blade. 工艺方法、质量标准、注意事项 Process method, quality standard and Precaution 轴颈扬度测量
2,2,3,2,1 Journal lift measurement
For the following situation, the journal lift value should be
measured, and take the journal lift value, calibration and
installation record, and the recorded unit sinking situation as the
reference for the rotor alignment.
1 修前、拆卸联轴器螺栓前及后的轴颈扬度;
1 The journal lift before the maintenance, and before and
afterthe dismantlement of the coupling bolt.
2 推拉垫片抽出清理前及后的轴颈扬度;
2 The journal lift before and after the clean of the push-and-pull
3 修后、紧联轴器螺栓前及后的轴颈扬度;
3 The journal lift after the maintenance and before and after the
tightness of the coupling bolt.
1 施工工序
1 Procedure
1.1 将需测量的轴颈表面擦拭干净,将合像水平仪放置在轴颈
1.1 Clean the surface of the journal, put the combined
diagram level at the center of the journal and make the
level’s landscape bleb stable at the center position.
1.2 调整水平仪的刻度盘使纵向水泡稳定在中间位置,并记录
1.2 Regulate the combine level’s dial, make the portrait bleb
stable at the center position and record the number on the
1.3 将水平仪掉转 180°方向,放于原来的位置上,以同样的方
1.3 Turn the level to the 180° direction, put it to the original
position and use the same method to record the second

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number, at this time the bubble’s direction is the journal
lift’s direction.
1.4 依次方法测量其它各轴颈之扬度。见图 9。


1.4 Use the same method to measure the other journal lift.
Shown in Figure9.

图 14 扬度测量
Figure 14 Measurement of lift
2 技术要求及质量标准
2 Technology requirement and quality standard
2.1 测量前应将转子盘动在第一飞环或第二飞环向上的固定位
2.1 Before the measurement, the rotor should be turned to
the fixed position of the first or second flying ring.
2.2 使用水平仪前应将水平仪擦拭干净,放置平稳。
2.2 Before the usage of the level, it should be cleaned and
put stably.
2.3 测量计算方法:若两次测量相反,数值大的为扬起方向 ,
扬度取其代数差的 1/2,即: 两次读数之差的二分之一
为轴颈扬度数值。即(a-b)/2 格。
2.3 Measuring calculation method: if the two measurement
has the opposite direction, the big value is the lift
direction, the lift value is the half of the two value’s
difference, that is, (a-b)/2.
两次测量方向相同时,扬度取其代数和的 1/2,扬起方向用
If the two measurements have the same direction, the lift
value is 1/2 of algebraic sum; the lift direction is
represented as the arrowhead
If the level reads the same value twice but the scale
indication is in reverse, the level is the accurate one.

Page 95 of 629 测量转子晃动度、弯曲度 The measurement of the rotor’s shaking degree and bending
1 将被测表面打磨光洁;
1 Polish the intended measured surface
2 将被测部位的圆周八等分,用粉笔逆转向编上序号(第一点应
2 Eight dissect the circumference of the measured position, use
the chalk to number it in the reverse direction. (the first one
should be numbered permanently)
3 顺转向(逆时针)盘动转子,记录各点读数,最后回到位置
3 Turn the rotor in the clockwise direction, record each reading
and return to the position “1” finally. Its reading should be the
same as the original reading, otherwise, the reason should be
check and the remeasurement should be done, the shaking
degree is the difference value between the maximum and the
minimum. The bending of the section is the half value of the
same diameter’s two end reading, the maximum one is the
maximum bending.
4 高中、低压转子晃动度标准。
4 HP, IP and LP rotor shaking degree standard

图 15 高压转子延伸轴测量示意图
Figure 15 HP rotor extension shaft measurement schematic diagram
e:高中、低压转晃动值标准:≯0.06㎜ 弯曲标准:≯0.03㎜
e: HP,IP,LP ROTOR shaking degree standard : ≯ 0.06 ㎜ bending

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f: HP and IP rotor extension shaft shaking standard:≯0.05㎜
The Precautions in the measurement:
1 检查量具的精确度不得低于 0.01mm;
1 The accuracy of the measuring apparatus should be not less than
2 测量位置准确;
2 The measuring position is exact.
3 测量时轴颈应清理干净。
3 The journal should be cleaned in the measurement. 轴颈不柱度、椭圆度的测量 The measurement for the journal’s taper and ovality
1 测量锥度的方法:用外径千分尺测量,在轴颈同一纵断面内测
1 The measurement for the taper: use the outerside micrometer
to do the measurement, the taper is the difference value
between the maximum and minimum of the journal’s same
vertical section, its standard should not more than 0.02mm.
2 椭圆度的测量方法:一种是在轴承座水平结合面上固定一只百
求不大于 0.02mm.。另一种测量方法是用外径千分尺在同一横
2 The measurement for the ovality: one of the method is to fix
one dial indicator on the horizontal connecting surface of the
bearing pedestal, and make it press on the journal, bring it to
the “0” position, and turn the rotor slowly to a circle. The
maximum jumping value of the dial indicator is the maximum
ovality of the journal; its standard should be not more than
0.02mm. The other method is to use the outerside micrometer
to measure the difference value between the maximum and
minimum of the same transect, this value is the ovality. 推力盘、联轴器、转轮端面瓢偏度测量 The measurement of the thrust disc, coupling and the
rotating wheel end face’s skewness
1 装好转子临时限位装置,适当限制转子轴向串动。将被测部位
1 Install the rotor temporary limiting device and limit properly
the axial movement of the rotor. Eight dissect the

Page 97 of 629
circumference of the measured position and number it with
the chalk in the reverse direction, the position of the first point
should have the fixed mark.
2 在距边缘相同距离的端面上对称转子同心固定两只百分表,把
2 Fix two dial indicators at the symmetric rotor concentricity
which has the same distance to the brim, make the measuring
rod to the marked “1”and “5” point, and regulate the surface
needle to erect the disc surface.
3 顺转向盘动转子,使百分表依次对准各点并记录两百分表的读
3 Turn the rotor in the clockwise direction, make the dial
indicator match each point sequence, record the two dial
indicator’s reading and make the indicator back to the “1”
and“5” position(the rotor can not be turned in the reverse
direction during the measurement).
4 计算推力盘瓢偏值,先算出两只百分表同一位置读数的平均值,
4 Calculate the skewness of the thrust disc, first count the
average value the two dial indicator’s same place, then count
the difference at the same diameter, this is this diameter’
absolute value at the thrust disc, and the maximum one is the
maximum thrust disc skewness value.
表 6 平面瓢偏度测量记录表
Table 6 plane skewness measuring record

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
读 Table Ⅰ
数 Ⅱ表
reading Table 1’ 2’ 3’ 4’ 5’ 6’ 7’ 8’


(1+1’)/ (2+2’)/ (3+3’)/ (4+4’)/ (5+5’ (6+6’ (7+7’ (8+8’
Calculat 2 2 2 2 )/2 )/2 )/2 )/2
e the

Page 98 of 629
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
读 Table Ⅰ
数 Ⅱ表
reading Table 1’ 2’ 3’ 4’ 5’ 6’ 7’ 8’

Average a b c d e f g h

Skewne a-e b-f c-g d-h
ss value
5 测量中的注意事项和质量标准
5 The Precautions and quality standard in the measurement
5.1 检查量具的精确度不得低于 0.01mm;
5.1 The precision of the measuring apparatus should be not
less than 0.001mm.
5.2 测量位置准确,松紧程度一样;
5.2 The measuring position is accurate and the tightness is
the same.
5.3 测量时轴颈应清理干净。
5.3 The journal is clean in the measurement.
5.4 盘转子时应防止#2 下瓦随转子翻出。
5.4 When turn the rotor, the evagination of the NO.2 subdrain
should be prevented.
5.5 装设百分表时表杆相距推力盘边缘应有 10mm 距离,并使
5.5 When install the dial indicator, there should be 10mm of
the indicator bar phase distance thrust disc’s brim, and
the indicator bar should erect with the thrust disc at the
bigges degree.

Page 99 of 629
图 16 转子瓢偏的测量
Figure 16 rotor skewness measurement
5.6 推力盘端面应光滑无毛刺,百分表应装设牢固,表指针准
5.6 The thrust disc should be smooth and has no burr, the dial
indicator should be fixed and the indicator pointer is
5.7 计算推力盘瓢偏值,最大不得超过 0.02mm。
5.7 Calculate the thrust disc skewness value and the
maximum should be not more than 0.002mm.
5.8 靠背轮最大允许瓢偏值为 0.03mm。
5.8 The coupling’s maximum skewness value is 0.03mm.
5.9 叶轮(整锻的)允许瓢偏值为 0.03mm。
5.9 The impeller(integral-forged) permitted skewness value is
0.03mm. 汽轮机转子串轴测量 Turbine rotor position measurement
1 施工工序
1 Construction procedure
1.1 将推力瓦组合,盖上推力轴承的内盖,打入内销,拧紧水
平中分面螺栓,并装好#1 瓦。
1.1 Combination the thrust bush, cover the inner thrust
bearing cap into the inner pin, screw on the bolts, and
install the # 1 bush.
1.2 将一磁性百分表架固定在推力轴承外壳上,装上百分表使
1.2 Fix a magnetic dial indicator frame to the thrust bearing
housing, install the dial indicator with its rod supported on
thrust bush ball and in parallel with the shaft, to measure
the axial movement amount of bush.

Page 100 of 629

1.3 将另一磁性百分表架固定在轴承座结合面上,装上百分表
1.3 Fix another magnetic dial indicator with bearing pedestal
joint surface, installed it to make the rod supported on the
face of the rotor and parallel with the shaft
1.4 用千斤顶将转子来回推向前后极限位置,读出百分表的最
1.4 Use jack to push the rotor to and fro to front and rear limit
location; read the dial indicator of the maximum and
minimum values of the instructions.
1.5 转子百分表的差值,便是总窜动量,此窜动量减去
瓦枕移动量,即为推力间隙 。。
1.5 The difference value of rotor dial indicator is the amount
of the total axial displacement, which minus the amount of
movement bush, namely, thrust clearance. .
1.6 本机推力间隙标准值为:0.25~0.38㎜。本机推力间隙的测
1.6 Thrust clearance standard value of this machine: 0.25 ~
0.38 mm. The clearance of this machine can also
measured by moving thrust bearing shell.
2 技术要求及质量标准
2 Technical requirements and quality standards
2.1 盘转子时应防止相邻支持轴承下瓦随转子翻出。
2.1 During turning rotor, prevent the adjacent support bearing
lower bush from pulling out with rotor.
2.2 推力瓦块的组装应按编号组合,并应清理干净。推力瓦清理
2.2 The thrust bush assembly of bush should be combined in
number, and should clean up. After that, it should be
poured into a little turbine oil during the assembly.
2.3 百分表应装设牢靠、平稳,表针准确。
2.3 The dial indicator should be installed in solid, smooth,
hands and accurate.
2.4 推力间隙应在 0.25-0.38mm 范围内,否则应查明原因并作
2.4 Thrust clearances should be in 0.25-0.38mm range,
otherwise, identify causes and make appropriate
adjustments. 动静叶间的间隙测量 The gap measurement between dynamic and static blades

Page 101 of 629

The main purpose of dynamic and static measurement of the gap
is to monitor the minimum clearance at the steam inlet side which
shall not be less than the original design value, to monitor
whether diaphragm creeps or amplitude clearance of fixed
diaphragm steam film resistance (blade tip steam seal) is too
small, which will cause static and dynamic friction after start. If
clearance is too large, it will affect the unit efficiency.
1 测量要求
1 Measurement requirements
1.1 将转子的零位向上(#1 飞锤向上);
1.1 Make the zero position of rotor upward (# 1 Fly upward);
1.2 将转子推向工作面;
1.2 Make the rotor into the working face;
1.3 用塞尺、楔形塞尺测量动叶叶根和叶顶的轴向间隙。在测量
1.3 Use the plug-foot, wedge-shaped plug tape to measure
the axial clearance of dynamic blade roots and the blade
top. In the measurement, the pieces of plug foot stick
should be not too much, generally not more than three
pieces; if it is the use of wedge-shaped plug-foot, non-
excessive force in order to avoid measurement error,
measurement values shall be subject to the minimum
point. The axial clearance between impeller and the
diaphragm should be recorded during the first overhaul
for the newly installed unit or the relevant parts are
reinstalled, and make a clear record in measuring point to
prepare for recheck. In measurement, the axial clearance
of the impeller, blades and the diaphragm should be the
impeller skewness degree, diaphragm vertical degree and
its position deviation to the minimum value. When the
deviation between the measured data and the original
data is too large, they should further proofread and check
the reason, if necessary, make appropriate treatment.
1.4 测量完毕后,顺时针将转子转动 90°,再对以上测量工作测

Page 102 of 629

1.4 After measurement has been completed, rotate the rotor
clockwise 90°, and then measured again the above-
mentioned survey (the above measurement should be
done twice in the stages of disintegration and re-installed
and make a complete test record).
2 施工工序
2 Construction Process
2.1 测量前将楔形塞尺上的指示滑尺拉向后面适当位置。
2.1 Before measuring, put the indication slide rule of wedge-
shaped feeler gaugeto the proper position.
2.2 将楔形塞尺的尖端塞入转子的测量部位。
2.2 Put the tip of the stick to the measurement position of
2.3 再将滑尺推至楔形塞尺前端与汽缸结合面位置,或与静叶
2.3 And then push the slider to the joint face location between
wedge-shaped plug-foot front-end and the cylinder, or
locations of the static blade end face
2.4 用手固定好滑尺,慢慢取出塞尺。
2.4 Fixed the slide rule by hand, and slowly remove the feeler
2.5 用外径千分尺测量楔形塞尺滑尺尖端所指部位的厚度,并
2.5 Measure the thickness of the pointed position by the
wedge-shaped feeler slide rule with micrometer diameter
and make the record.
2.6 动、静叶间隙测量位置如图 3、图 4 所示,标准如表 5 所示。
2.6 Dynamic and static blades clearance measuring position
is shown in Figure 3, Figure 4 shows, the standard as
shown in table 5.
表 7 动、静叶间隙测量标准 单位:mm
Table 7 Dynamic and static blades clearance measurement standard
unit: mm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
B ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

Page 103 of 629


图 18 2-11 级通汽间隙测量位置
图 17 第 1 级(单列速度级)通汽间隙测量位置 Diagram 18
Diagram 17 Stage 1 (single-row speed stage) 2-11 stages steam pass clearance
steam pass clearance measurement location measurement location

3 技术要求及质量标准
3 Technical requirements and quality standards
3.1 测量前先将转子推向后侧,使其和推力瓦工作瓦块靠紧,
3.1 Before measurement, first push the rotor to the rear side
to make it close to the working thrust bush closely, and
make the first fly ring upward, finally do the first
3.2 再按转子转动方向将转子旋转 90℃位置进行第二次测量。
3.2 And then turn the rotor by 90 ℃ in the rotation direction
for the second measurement.
3.3 测量时,楔形塞尺插入测量部位不得用力过大。
3.3 During measurement, insert a wedge-shaped feeler
gauget for measurement shall be of no excessive force.
3.4 被测部位不得有凸凹不平或毛刺。
3.4 There shall be no uneven or glitches in the measured
3.5 在测量时,如个别数值变化较大时应查找原因。
3.5 In the measurement, if some value changes too much,
find the causes.
3.6 低压转子的测量:其转子位置与高压转子相同,分别在 90°
和 180 °位置测量。
3.6 The measurement for low-pressure rotor: the rotor
position is the same as high-pressure rotor, respectively,
measuring in the 90 ° and 180 ° position.

Page 104 of 629 汽轮机转子找中心 Alignment of turbine rotor
1 施工工序
1 construction procedure
1.1 将高、低压转子按组装标记对好,并在靠背轮螺孔内穿入两
只找中心用的专用销子(两只销子 180°对称穿入)。
1.1 Align the high and low pressure rotors according to the
assembly mark, and insert two special pins into the
coupling screw(insert the 2 pins by 180 ° symmetrically).
1.2 将找中心用的专用百分表架安装在相距 180°的高压转
1.2 Install the special dial indicator frame in screw terminal of
the high-pressure rotor by 180 °and install a dial indicator.
Make the two pointers to the terminal surface of low
pressure rotor coupling and make the round indicator
pointer to the circle of low pressure rotor coupling.
1.3 将钢丝绳按转子转动方向盘绕在低压转子靠背轮的圆
1.3 Wind the steel rope to the circle of low pressure rotor
coupling according to the rotor rotation direction, with one
end fixed on a dedicated pin and another hanging on a
small hook of the traveling crane.
1.4 校对好百分表,按转子转动方向盘动转子,分别在 0°;
90°;180°;270°位置测量读数,并作记录。当转子回到 0°
1.4 After calibrated dial indicator, turn the rotor in the rotation
direction, respectively, in the 0 °; 90 °; 180 °; 270 °
position measure and make the record. When the rotor
back to 0 ° position, dial indicator pointer should return to
the same indication as the calibration indication,
otherwise, find the causes and measure again.
1.5 根据测量数值分别计算其圆周之差及端面之差。
1.5 In accordance with the respective measured values to
calculate the difference between the circumference and
the end face of the poor.
1.6 低压转子与发电机转子找中心测量方法相同。
1.6 The alignment of low-pressure rotor and generator rotor is
the same as it.
2 技术要求及质量标准

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2 technical requirements and quality standards
2.1 表架及百分表的装设应牢固,端面百分表的装设应垂直靠
2.1 the installation of frame and dial indicator should be fixed
tightly; the installation of end face indicator should be
vertical to the coupling end face; the installation of circle
indicator should be vertical to the central line of shaft
2.2 行车盘动转子时,应缓慢进行。防止绳头滑脱伤人或损坏表
2.2 Slowly turn the rotor by traveling crane to prevent the rope
sliding to injure personnel or meter.
2.3 在百分表读数时,应稍松行车小钩,放松钢丝绳,使转子
2.3 When read the indicator, slightly loose small hook of crane
and relax steel rope to make the rotor in a free state.
2.4 找中心时,应测量两次。并应对照测量数据,要求基本一致
2.4 During alignment, we should measure it twice and
compare with the measured data with the same
2.5 靠背轮找中心应符合下列标准。否则应予以调整。
2.5 The alignment of coupling should accord with the
following standards, otherwise we should adjust it:
End difference: 0.08mm
Circumference difference: 0.10mm
3 对轮找中心的调整
3 Adjustment during alignment of coupling

3.1 百分表读数记录及其计算,如下图记录:

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3.1 Dial indicator reading record and the calculation is shown
as the following diagram record:
其中:B1=(B1′+B3″)/2 B2=(B2′+B4″)/2
where: B1 = (B1 '+ B3 ") / 2 B2 = (B2' + B4") / 2
B3=(B3′+B1″)/2 B4=(B4′+B2″)/2
End face: b = B1-B3, as the upper and lower mouth
b '= B2-B4, as left and right mouth opening.
Circle: a = (A1-A3) / 2, as high and low displacement, that
is, the center deviation in vertical direction of coupling
a '= (A2-A4) / 2, as left and right displacement, that is, the
center deviation in horizontal direction of coupling
3.2 中心不合适时的调整
3.2 Adjustment if the center is not proper

Adjustment calculation is as follows:
δA=LA×(ΔX/Ф)+ ΔY
其中:ΔX 即为上下张口 b;ΔY 即为圆周高低位移 a;

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Where: ΔX namely, the upper and lower mouth opening b;
ΔY is the high and low displacement a of circle;
LA 、LB 为靠背轮到轴瓦的距离;Ф 为靠背轮直径
LA, LB is the distance between coupling and bearing
bush; Ф for the coupling diameter
3.3 调整轴瓦的方法
3.3 The method of adjusting bush
直中心线的夹角为 θ,致使垫片厚度的调整值与要求的轴

The bearing bush of this unit has spacer, so the gasket
thickness of lower bearing bush can be changed to move
bearing bush. Since the angle between both sides of the
center line and bearing bush vertical center line is θ,
resulting gasket thickness adjusting value is different from
the required bearing bush movement amount. The
relationship between the two is shown as the drawings.
(Adjustment diagrams)
3.3.1 垂直方向移动 V 时,下部垫铁垫片加减值与轴瓦移
动量 V 相同,两侧垫铁垫片则分别加减 Vcosθ。
3.3.1 When move the V in vertical direction, the
adjustment amount of lower gasket is the same as
V; the gaskets at both sides should add or minus
respectively Vcosθ.
3.3.2 水平方向移动 H 时,下部垫铁垫片不动,两侧垫铁
垫片分别加减 S=Hsinθ。
3.3.2 When move the H in horizontal direction, the
lower sizing blocks gasket does not move, the
gaskets at both sides plus or minus S = Hsinθ
respectively. 3.3.3 若轴瓦需同时在垂直、水平方向
3.3.3 If it is necessary to move in vertical and horizontal
directions, the adjustment value of both sides is

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the sum of the above-mentioned two items.
4 注意事项
4 Precautions
In view of the unit operating conditions and the same type of
unit installation requirements, particularly the following
requirements for alignment of coupling:
4.1 高中压转子对低压转子对轮中心,端面下张口 0.179mm,
外圆错口,高中压侧对轮中心低 0.243mm。
4.1 Alignment between high pressure rotor and low pressure
rotor, end face lower mouth opening is 0.179mm, outer
circle indented joint, the coupling center at high and
middle pressure sides is lower as 0.243mm.
4.2 低压转子对发电机转子对轮中心,端面下张口 0.151mm,
外圆错口,低压转子中心低 0.085mm。
4.2 Alignment between low pressure rotor and generator
rotor, end face lower mouth opening is 0.151mm, outer
circle indented joint, the low pressure rotor center is lower
as 0.085mm. 拆卸联轴器螺栓,转子起吊及转子就位 Remove coupling bolts; lift rotor and rotor in place
1 拆卸联轴器螺栓
1 Remove coupling bolts
1.1 拆低压 B 转子联轴器和发电机转子联轴器。卸下联轴器法兰
取下两联轴器间的垫板和盘车大齿轮,这样就将低 B 转子
1.1 Remove the low-pressure rotor B coupling and the
generator rotor coupling. Remove the coupling flange
bolts on the Stop shield and remove the shield. Then
remove the coupling nuts and bolts, install the bolts to the
generator rotor coupling bolts to open the coupling flange,
remove the two plate and the turning gear, so that the low
B rotor and generator rotor separated;
1.2 拆低 A 转子联轴器和低 B 转子联轴器。把顶力螺栓装到低 B
1.2 Remove low-A rotor coupling and low-B rotor coupling.
Install the jacking bolt on the low B rotor coupling, the rest
is the same as the above;

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1.3 拆中压转子联轴器和低 A 转子联轴器。拆除方法与高、中压
1.3 Remove the intermediate pressure rotor coupling and the
low pressure rotor A coupling. Removal method is the
same as high and intermediate pressure rotor coupling. In
order to make high, medium pressure cylinder inside the
rotor and stationary components (such as the diaphragm)
with the right to keep space, therefore, hydraulic jacks
and the jacking bolts must be accompanied by work, and
use dial indicator to monitor the relative and absolute
displacement of medium-pressure rotor and intermediate
pressure cylinder. There is one dial indicator at each side.
Pay Precaution to observe whether it is in synchronization
during opening.
2 转子起吊
2 lift the rotor
2.1 起吊转子时应由经验丰富的专人指挥。转子起吊前,工作负
2.1 The special skilled personnel should lead to lift the rotor
and before lift it, the responsible person should check the
following items:
2.1.1 对轮螺栓已拆除,两对轮已顶开 3mm 以上的间隙;
2.1.1 The coupling bolts have been removed, the
clearance between two couplings is jacked more
than 3mm;
2.1.2 修前测量工作已做完,记录准确、清晰完整;
2.1.2 Measurement has been finished with accurate,
clear and complete record;
2.1.3 已经拆去转子前后轴瓦的上半;
2.1.3 The upper half of the rotor around the bush has
2.1.4 推力瓦的工作瓦片已经取出;
2.1.4 The working bush of thrust bush has been
2.1.5 转子支架已经放好,支架滚轮应干净,转动灵活,

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2.1.5 Rotor support has been put away, support rollers
should be clean, rotating flexible, and poured oil.
2.2 行车司机应配合电气人员对行车进行细致的检查,行车的
2.2 The driver of crane shall check crane with electric
personnel; the braking and abdication protection devices
of crane should be sensitive and reliable.
2.3 检修起吊负责人应对起吊专用工具和钢丝绳进行细致的检
2.3 Maintenance lifting principal should check special tools
and steel rope; the test should be passed and rotor is
fixed without damage.
2.4 转子前后,左右都应有人监视,从汽缸内吊出转子时应注
2.4 Someone should supervise around the rotor; when lift
rotor from cylinder, pay Precaution to the sound in static
and dynamic part, and the rotor can not shake.
2.5 转子两端、叶轮两侧应安排不少于 6 人扶持转子,整个起吊
2.5 At least six people should be arranged to support the rotor
at the two ends of rotor and impeller; during the lifting
process, the six personnel should be responsible for
2.6 转子微吊后,将框式水平仪放在轴颈处检查并调整转子的
水平,水平仪读数不超过 5 格(即误差不超过 0.10mm)。
2.6 After lifting to a certain height, put the frame journal to
check and adjust the level of the rotor, the horizontal
instrument reading should be less than 5 grid (i.e., error is
less than 0.10mm).
2.7 转子起吊过程中,应监视动静部分和前后轴封不得发生摩
2.7 During rotor lifting process, monitor the dynamic and
static parts and front and rear gland seal to make sure
there is no friction, shaking, jam phenomenon.
2.8 转子吊出后,应平稳地放置在专用支架上。
2.8 After rotor is lifted out, it should be smoothly placed in
special bracket.
3 转子就位
3 Rotor in place
3.1 转子就位前必须将下隔板套、平衡活塞汽封及下隔板、下轴

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3.1 Before rotor in place, lower blade carrier, balance piston
steam seal and lower diaphragm, bearing and front and
rear seal sleeves should be installed completely; pour
turbine oil to lower bearing bush. After thrust bush on non-
work surface is installed, we can put the rotor in place;
3.2 转子起吊前,应先用压缩空气将转子吹干净;
3.2 Before lifting rotor, use the compressed air to blow the
rotor clean;
3.3 转子起吊后,将框式水平仪放在轴颈处检查并调整转子的
水平,水平仪读数不超过 5 格(即误差不超过
3.3 After lifting rotor, put the frame journal to check and adjust
the level of the rotor, the horizontal instrument reading
should be less than 5 grid (i.e., error is less than
3.4 转子对正汽缸后,应按起吊时的规定扶持转子,然后慢慢
3.4 After rotor alignment to the cylinder, support the rotor
according to the regulation, and then slowly drop it.
During the process, it is not allowed to occur the friction,
collisions, and pressed the thrust bush between dynamic
and static parts.
3.5 转子落下后,拆掉起吊工具,装好顶转子的专用工具,将
3.5 After rotor drops, remove the lifting tools, install the
specialized tools for jacking the rotor to jack it to non-work
surface of thrust bush, install the work surface thrust bush
and pour the turbine oil to journal and thrust bush. And
then turn the rotor with copper stick or by hand, and check
there is no friction among all parts. 叶片清理、转子检查及采取的一般措施 Blade clean-up, the rotor inspection and general measures
1 动叶片检查项目
1 dynamic blade inspection items
According to the scaling degree of blade, we can use the
methods such as water blasting, manual cleaning, use emery

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cloth, sand blasting, high pressure water to clean blade and
impeller. The notices and quality standards during clean-up
and inspection:
1.1 要求叶片清理面露出原金属光泽;
1.1 Require clean surfaces of blade appears the original
metallic luster;
1.2 叶片裂纹、松动、歪斜、变形等现象应进行处理或更换,末
1.2 Blade cracks, loose, skew, distortion and other
phenomena should be handled or replaced, and check
whether there is grooves and fracture phenomena in
blades of the two final stages, and make a record;
1.3 用半磅小锤或铜棒轻轻敲击检查各级叶片松动现象;
1.3 use the hammers with half a pound, or brass rod gently
tap to inspect whether the blade is loose.
2 转子检查检查项目
2 Rotor Inspection Items
2.1 转子进行化学取样分析;
2.1 Rotor chemical sampling analysis;
2.2 转子无裂纹,损伤等缺陷,动叶片、围带、叶根等应无损伤
2.2 There is no rotor crack, damage and other defects;
dynamic blades, band and roots should be no damage,
cracks and severe corrosion. All blades is fixed tightly and
the pin is not loose
2.3 叶片测频应在合格范围;
2.3 Blades measuring frequency range should be qualified;
2.4 叶轮无裂纹腐蚀或机械损伤,无动静磨擦痕迹,高温叶片
2.4 There is no impeller crack corrosion or mechanical
damage, no traces of dynamic and static friction, no creep
of high temperature blade. The balance block and bolts in
the hole are not loose, no serious damage;
2.5 轴颈及推力盘工作面光滑,无麻坑槽纹,推力盘及对轮端
面瓢偏度小于 0.02mm,平面不平度小于 0.02mm,轴封处
径 向 跳 动 小 于 0.025mm , 轴 颈 椭 圆 度 和 锥 度 小 于
0.02mm,主轴弯曲度不大于 0.03mm;
2.5 Journal and thrust plate face are smooth without little pit;
thrust plate and ladle on the round face side is less than
0.02mm, plane roughness is less than 0.02mm, Seal

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runoff is less than 0.025mm, axial joviality is less than
0.02mm, the main shaft eccentricity is not greater than
2.6 联轴器螺栓无裂纹,螺纹无断扣乱扣,表面光滑无毛刺,
2.6 there is no crack of coupling bolts and crack-free, screw-
free; the surface is smooth without burr and hardness is
2.7 检查对轮螺栓孔有无毛刺、拉伤、锈垢等,盘车齿轮啮合情
2.7 Check whether there is the burr, strain, rust, etc. in
coupling bolt hole, and turning gear meshing;
2.8 检查所有汽封的梳齿、汽封槽道有无损伤,并做好记录;
2.8 Check all steam seal meshing, whether there is damage
and make a record;
2.9 检查叶轮平衡块有无松动;
2.9 Check whether the balance block of impeller is loose;
2.10 检查低压转子处靠背轮螺栓是否松动。
2.10 Check the coupling bolt of the low-pressure rotor is
2.11 对于叶片常见缺陷,应采取如下措施:
2.11 For the blade common defects, take the following
1 叶片根部有裂纹应更换叶片;
1 Replace the blade if there is crack in blade root;
2 叶片进、出汽边卷曲可用弧形垫垫住叶片,然后用
2 If blades steam inlet and outlet is curling, use arc-
shaped cushion to bush blade and then use small
hammer to straighten curly part; for the part with
the fracture, use the special tool to repair;
3 叶片出汽边缘的轻微裂纹,可用锉刀修成圆口或局
3 For the small crack in the steal outlet boundary,
use the special tool to repair or partially weld to
eliminate the crack. 复装阶段 Reassembly phase

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1 概述
1 Overview
When reinstall components, strictly accordance with the
relative positions of the original, so all parts will be unloaded
from the machine and marked for later re-assembly. Before
re-assembly of the rotor, make sure all the re-assembled
parts surface cleaning, non-oxide, residue, waste and
particles. The steps of rotor assembly are basically the
opposite of the steps according to the removal order.
After remove the joint with gasket due to some reasons, the
original gasket can not be used again during reinstallation
because the poor sealing effect may cause joint leakage,
resulting in joint face is completely broken. Bolt and nut must
be fastened, but uniform, the bolts (or nuts) can only be
screwed several rounds in sequence.
2 吊装转子之前,应先装好下隔板套及隔板,下推力轴承和所有
2 Before lifting the rotor, first install the lower diaphragm and
blade carrier well and the lower thrust bearing and all the
lower bearing bushs.
3 用起吊装置吊起转子,注意调整好水平,将转子吊放在下部轴
3 Lift the rotor with lifting device, pay Precaution to adjusting the
level, hang and put rotor on the lower bearing bush. When lift
and put rotor, be careful not to hit the fixed components (such
as nozzles, diaphragm, etc.). 推力轴承检查、测量 Thrust bearing inspection, measurement
Journal and thrust bush, plate surface should be smooth, no wear
marks, bumps.
1 吊走相邻支持轴承压盖,拆出推力瓦盖水平结合面螺栓,用顶
丝均匀顶起 10-20mm,然后吊出,拆出球枕水平结合面螺栓,

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1 Lift the support bearing cover nearby, remove thrust bush
cover level surface bolts, jack it evenly up to 10-20mm with
the top wire, and then hanging out, remove the bolts on the
ball pillow level, pull out the pin, with special rings hang out
the upper part of the ball pillow, to dismantle its thrust bush,
while contact I C to remove the temperature measuring point.
2 取出两半油封环(出油、进油)再旋出下半部分正、反两推力面的
2 Remove the oil seal ring (inlet oil and outlet oil) and then spin
out the lower half of both positive and negative thrust surface
bush pieces for safekeeping.
3 检查推力瓦块表面钨金应光滑,完整、无脱落、磨损、过热熔化
3 Check tungsten payment of thrust bush surface should be
smooth, complete, and non-shedding, abrasion, thermal
melting, and other mechanical damage, the bush work prints
should be uniform, bush inner and outer part, and pin-hole
should be no wear marks, swing bearing line had no
significant wear and tear, after bush blocks assembled and
can swing along the line
4 测量推力瓦厚度与原始记录相比,应相差甚微,各瓦块厚度之差
应小于 0.02mm,如有异样,应查明原因进行处理,瓦块楔形进
油区应符合图纸要求,入口间隙 0.1 左右,一般瓦块钨金厚度为
4 Compared with the original records, thickness of thrust bush
should be little difference; the difference between the
thickness of each bush should be less than 0.02mm, if not so,
identify the causes and deal with it, wedge-shaped bush
pieces oil inlet area should meet the drawing requirements,
import gap is of about 0.1, generally tungsten thickness of
bush is 1.5 ± 0.1mm.
5 检查轴封环结合面,使之间隙<0.03mm,不错口,总间隙符合标准。
5 Check the seal ring joint face and make the gap <0.03mm
with good meshing and the total clearance accords with
6 推力轴承在全组合的情况下,检查与推力盘接触的印痕,要求接
6 In the whole combination circumstances of thrust bearing,
check the contact prints with thrust plate, request access to
uniform, S> 75%, check in the best way of dry mill inspection,
so as to avoid misconception.
7 测量、调整推力瓦轴向间隙。

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7 Measurements, adjustment of the thrust bush axial clearance
7.1 推力轴承在组合状态,盖上推力轴承的瓦盖,打入内销,拧
7.1 The thrust bearing in the combination state, covered with
bush cap of thrust bearing, insert into the inner pin,
fastening the horizontal surface with screws.
7.2 架两块百分表,一块指在转子的基准端面上,一块表针指在推
7.2 Use two dial indicators, one point to the rotor-side
surface; another to the thrust gland, namely the
measurement of the rotor movement quantity and the
amount of movement bush pillow
7.3 用两个千斤顶或其它方法将转子来回推至极限位置,读出百
移动量,即为推力间隙,一般要求推力间隙为 0.40~0.45,
瓦移动量<0.05 最大不超过 0.07。
7.3 Use two jacks or other methods to push the rotor back
and forth to the limit position, dial indicator read out the
greatest value of the minimum instructions, dial indicator
for the non-ran the amount of the difference, minus the
amount of bush movement, namely, thrust clearance, the
general required thrust gap of 0.40 ~ 0.45, bush amount
of movement "is not more than 0.05, the maximum can
not be more than 0.07.
7.4 推力瓦的轴向间隙可通过调整瓦的调整环厚度来达到。
7.4 Thrust bush axial clearance can be adjusted by adjusting
the ring thickness to achieve.
7.5 推力轴承正式组装:
7.5 Thrust bearing assembly:
7.5.1 清理干净(用面粘)各零部件,将球面座下半组装好。
7.5.1 Clean up (with side stick) all the parts and
assemble the lower half spherical seat.
7.5.2 将进油油封环下半装入相应的槽中。
7.5.2 Install the second half of the oil seal ring into the
corresponding slot.
7.5.3 放入转子,调整好各浮动间隙使之差总间隙为
7.5.3 Put into the rotor, adjusting the float clearance so
that the difference total clearance gap is 0.4 ~
0.55, screw it on.
7.5.4 装入下推力瓦块,联系热工装好之测量温元件及导

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7.5.4 Install the lower thrust bush, contact the I&C to
install temperature measuring element and
leading wires, checking each bush shaking
7.5.5 将轴承座的压板压牢。
7.5.5 Press the bearing platen firmly.
7.5.6 装上球面座上半,(含压块,测温元件等)中分面用螺丝
7.5.6 Fit with spherical seat upper part (including block,
temperature measurement devices, etc.) screw on
the surface with screw.
7.5.7 盖上推力轴承上盖,检查上盖与球面座之间的间隙
在 0~0.1 范围内,最后将中分面螺栓拆紧。
7.5.7 Seal with thrust bearing cover; inspect the
clearance between upper cover and the spherical
seat in the 0 to 0.1 range, and eventually screw
on the bolts
7.5.8 扣#2 瓦轴承箱上盖,调整与推力瓦轴承上盖紧力值
为 0.02mm 间隙~0.03mm 过盈。
7.5.8 Cover # 2 bush bearing box upper cover, adjust
with the thrust-bush bearing on the value of
0.02mm gap tightly edge ~ 0.03mm.
2.2.4 喷咀、隔板和隔板套检修
2.2.4 Nozzle, diaphragm and blade carrier maintenance 概述 Overview
Nozzle group and the diaphragm are the parts to complete steam
thermal energy conversion to kinetic energy, with a high working
temperature and the big differential pressure and small gap with the
rotor; diaphragm is installed in inner casing by a series of keys, which
can guarantee the concentricity with rotor during free expansion in
three directions (axial, vertical, horizontal).

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The low-pressure cylinder with the corresponding blade carriers of
inter-cylinder or outside shoulder bump with the axial position, at the
same time, entrusted with supporting key support level on the carved
surface of the cylinder from the left and right bushs to ensure the high
and low position of the center, and the blade carriers with the top and
bottom of the pin to determine the center of the left and right
locations. Blade carriers for the upper and lower semi-structured,
carved face with long bolts to connect. In addition to installing
clapboard kit at all levels of diaphragm, but also equipped with a
radial steam seal, it is compatible with the dynamic blade band to
reduce the leakage of steam along the blade at the top. 检修工艺方法、质量标准、注意事项 Maintenance process, quality standards, notices 结构概述 Structural Overview
1 喷嘴组和高中压隔板
1 Nozzle group and HIP diaphragm
成,共 4 组,分别嵌在 4 个喷嘴室的环形槽内,喷嘴组两端用
Nozzle group is formed by milling blades profile and welding
diaphragm and outer ring on the integral piece. There are four
nozzle groups embedded in circular slot of 4 nozzle chambers
separately. Both ends of nozzle group are sealed by sealing
pins, in which one end is fastened on nozzle chamber by
positioning pin while the other can expand or shrink freely.
本机高压缸共 11 级,隔板 10 级,置于高压内缸内部,不设隔
板套。调节级喷嘴组(第一级隔板)在喷嘴室内,第 2-10 级隔
The turbine has high-pressure cylinder of 11 stages,
diaphragms 10 stages, placed inside high-pressure inner
cylinder with no blade carriers. Governing stage nozzle group
(1st stage diaphragm) in the nozzle chamber, the 2-10 stages’
diaphragms are installed in the high-pressure inner cylinder.
中压缸共 12 级,第 1-9 级隔板置于中压内缸内,10-12 级隔板
There are totally 12stages in IP casing, in which stage 1-
9diaphragms areset inside the IP casing and stage10-
12diaphragms in blade carrier.

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Diaphragm steam seal is ellipse steam seal. Dynamic blades
band fits with diaphragm steam seal, there’s steam seal ring
equipped at diaphragm root and all the diaphragms’ midsplit is
fastened by bolts.
高、中压缸隔板的工作温度均在 350℃以上,为适应高温工作
HP,IP casing diaphragms have a working temperature of
above 350℃, therefore, to adapt with this high temperature
condition, diaphragms are of welding structure;static blades
are of high efficiency diffluence cascades. The cascades are
composed by main flow plate and splitflow plate, with
diaphragm of high strength and rigidity, which makes low loss
in static blade flow.
表 8 高压隔板材料及叶栅
Table 8 high pressure diaphragm material and cascade
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

高压内缸(材质)high pressure inner cylinder
n position

材质 材质
m material material

材质 材质
blade material material
表 9 中压隔板材料和叶要栅
Table 9 intermediate pressure diaphragm material and cascade

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

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安装部位 隔板套
中压内缸(材质?)intermediate pressure inner cylinder
Installatio ()blade
n position carrier

Diaphrag 材质?material 材质?material

Guide 材质?material 材质?material
2 低压隔板
2 low-pressure diaphragm
低压缸内正反向共设 2×5 级隔板,2×1 副隔板套,对称反向布
置。 隔板内、外环上装有汽封装置。正、反向第 1 至第 3 级隔板
LP casing is equipped with totally 2×5stages diaphragms as
well as 2×1 blade carriers symmetrically in forward and
reverse direction. There is steam seal in diaphragm and outer
ring. 1-3stages diaphragms are installed in the corresponding
balde carriers, and the other in the casing.
第 1、2 级采用焊接结构,静叶为直叶片;第 3-5 级是铸造结构,
静叶为扭叶片。其中第 1 级采用分流叶栅,隔板汽封采用斜齿
汽封,各级均带有径向汽封。第 4 级隔板出汽边外沿装有去湿
The 1,2stages are of welding structure, with straight static
blades;the 3-5stages are of forged structure, with twisted
static blades. The first stage uses diffluence cascades,
inclined teeth steam seal for diaphragm and radial steam seal
for each stage.The stage 4 diaphragm has dehumidifying ring
at its steam outlet side, and all of the disphragms are
fastened with bolts.
表 10 隔板材料
Table 10 diaphragm material

级数 stage 24/29 25/30 26/31 27/32 28/33

隔板套(材质?)blade carrier 低压内缸(材质?)low pressure
material cylinder material

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板体(材质?)platen body
diaphragm 材质?material

guide blade 材质?material 材质?material
3 支撑方式
3 Support mode
High-pressure diaphragm, medium-pressure diaphragm, low
pressure diaphragm are used suspending pin support way;
blade carrier and diaphragm support and location are the
same. Because low pressure blade carrier is heavy, except
that adopting the suspending pin support way, it also adopts
the way to support with the lower pin on the outer cylinder. 隔板及隔板套检修工艺要求 Diaphragm and blade carrier maintenance process requirement
1 隔板套及隔板解体
1 Disassembly of blade carrier and diaphragm
1.1 拆上下隔板套,将隔板套及隔板中分面螺栓、销子松开,并做
1.1 Remove the upper and lower blade carrier, loosen the blade
carrier and diaphragm middle surface bolts and pin, make the
mark for convenient reinstallation. Lift the blade carrier and
upper diaphragm in order. Check the middle surface steam
leakage and the static and dynamic part collision and marks
for the record. Clean and repair the bolts of diaphragm and
blade carrier according to the situation.
1.2 用导杆、葫芦、行车将隔板逐级吊出,吊走下隔板套,如隔板及
1.2 Use the guide rod, hoist and crane to lift diaphragm stage by
stage, lift the lower blade carrier; if the diaphragm and
cylinder fixed too tightly and can not be lifted, use the copper
stick rap the two sides of diaphragm and blade carrier to
break the oxide and then lift it; or use two screw rods and slot
steel frame to pull and rap to lift. Mark the locked part and

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deal with it and check the contact of suspending pin.
1.3 隔板吊后应放在专用的架子上或垫木板,隔板及隔板上的螺栓
1.3 After lift the diaphragm put it on the special frame or
supported with wooden plate; the removed bolts on
diaphragm and blade carrier should be kept in the box and
stored; block or cover the hole after lifting diaphragm and
blade carrier.
2 隔板检修
2 Diaphragm maintenance
2.1 检查隔板导叶轮有无伤痕,卷边、松动,腐蚀和组合不良。用小锤
2.1 Check whether there is scare, turned edge, loose, corrosion
or bad coupling on diaphragm’s guide blade wheel. Do the
sound check by using hammer to tap on static blades. If there
are abnormal blades, use amplifier or staining method to do
the further check. Check and clean nozzles group. Check
whether there are cracks or distortion on guide blade ring.
And clean oxide skin.
2.2 隔板本体的出汽侧边缘,尤其是铸铁隔板环静叶的铸入处有无
2.2 Check whether there are cracks or fall off phenomenon on
diaphragm body’s steam outlet side edge, especially casting
point of cast iron diaphragm ring static blades. Regulate the
static blades’ cracks, break and so on defects. Use rattail file
to repair the small break. If the cracks are too long, should
make stop-expanding hole on the peak of cracks. If the outlet
edge is crimped seriously, the necessary thermal regulation
should be done. And the big break should be welded up.
2.3 隔板及隔板套的悬挂销有无松动。
2.3 Check whether there is loose on diaphragm and hang pin of
blade carrier.
2.4 焊接隔板中分面处的两端静叶有无脱焊,开裂漏焊、伤痕、卷边
2.4 Check whether the welding diaphragm midsplit surface’s two
ends static blades have welding-off, cracks and missing-
welding, scars, crimping, loose, bad combination or corrosion,
becoming thin by blown.
2.5 隔板套及隔板解体后,用专用的喷砂工具,依次喷射清洗正反

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2.5 After disassemble blade carrier and diaphragm, use the
special sand blasting tools to spray and clean up front and
rear static blades until the metal exposed its original color or
use abrasive cloth to clean up diaphragm to remove rust.
2.6 检查隔板及隔板套中分面接触情况检查时可将隔板和隔板套放
2.6 Check the split’s contact condition of diaphragm and blade
carrier. During check, can put diaphragm and blade carrier on
other places in casing or outside the casing, but it must be
supported firmly.
2.6.1 清理好上、下隔板或隔板套水平中分面,并在一个面上
2.6.1 Clean up the upper and lower diaphragms and blade
carrier’s horizontal midsplit surface, and spread red
lead powder on one surface, buckle up diaphragm
(diaphragm can be hang up by crane, or by guide
chains with a little bit hard) and move it slightly back
and forth along axial line, and check the flange
contact condition, and use the clearance gauge to
measure the clearance.
2.6.2 中分面接触面积应>75%,高中压隔板及隔板套中分面
间 隙 应 小 于 0.05mm , 低 压 隔 板 中 分 面 间 隙 应 小 于
2.6.2 Flange contact area should be bigger than 75%, high
and intermediate pressure diaphragm and blade
carrier flange’s gap should be less than 0.05mm, low-
pressure diaphragm’s midsplit clearance should be
less than 0.10mm.
2.7 检查测量隔板的轴向、径向间隙(一般情况下,隔板变形不大,
2.7 Check and measure diaphragm’s axial and radial clearance
(normally, diaphragm’s deformation is small, so this work can
be canceled)
2.7.1 轴向间隙测量
2.7.1 Measurement of axial clearance 将隔板吊入汽缸或隔板板套内 Hang diaphragm into the casing or blade
carrier 在汽缸上装百分表,表头指到隔板平面上 Install dial indicator on the casing, the

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indicator’s heads to the diaphragm’s plane
surface 用撬杠沿轴向方向撬动,表针的读数即为隔板轴
向膨胀间隙。 Use crowbar to pry it along the axial direction.
The reading of indicator is the diaphragm’s
axial expansion clearance.
2.7.2 径向间隙测量
2.7.2 Measurement of radial clearance 下隔板的径向膨胀间隙,可用压铅丝法或压肥
δ=3mm 铅块,吊入下隔板,测量下隔板挂耳
隙。 Lower diaphragm’s radial expansion
clearance can be measured by pressing lead
wire method or pressing soap method. Place
δ = 3mm lead block in the diaphragm groove
and the guide groove, hang the diaphragm
into the bush. Measure lower diaphragm’s
hanger bearing force surface and there
should be no clearance (if there is any
clearance, use copper rod to knock
diaphragm’s horizontal surface until clearance
disappears) and then hang out the
diaphragm, measure the thickness of flatted
lead wire which is lower diaphragm’s radial
expansion clearance. 隔板底部纵向键与槽的底部间隙必须大于隔板
的径向膨胀间隙。 Diaphragm bottom’s vertical key and groove’s
clearance must be greater than the
diaphragm’s radial expansion clearance. 上隔板径向间隙测量,可通过将上隔板吊入上
隙(一般 2~2.5mm) When measuring upper diaphragm’s radial
clearance, we can suspended by the
diaphragm into the upper half radius or half
bush. and then measure the value which the
diaphragm midsplit surface below the casing
midsplit surface. The difference between this

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value and the value which the lower half
diaphragm above the casing midsplit surface
shall be upper diaphragm top expansion
clearance (usually it is 2 ~ 2.5mm)
2.8 用涂色法检查悬挂销支承面接触情况应≧60%。
2.8 Check hanging pin bearing surface contact with the coloring
method. it should be ≧ 60%.
2.9 隔板套及隔板找中
2.9 Alignment of diaphragm and blade carrier
2.9.1 在高中压转子与高中压缸汽封洼窝中心,低压转子与低
压缸#3、#4 轴承内侧挡油环洼窝中心为后的基础上进
2.9.1 It should be carry out after find out the high and
intermediate pressure rotor and the high and
intermediate pressure casing gland seal socket’s
centers, low-pressure rotor and the low-pressure
casing # 3, # 4 bearings inside damping oil retaining
ring socket’s center.
2.9.2 调整隔板横向中心时,可以通过修刮补焊下隔板纵销键
总间隙在 0.04~0.08mm,否则应重新调整。
2.9.2 When adjust the horizontal center of diaphragm, we
can repair, scratch and weld the lower diaphragm’s
vertical pin key’s two sides to accomplish it. The filing
and welding of vertical pin must ensure that the
diaphragm total clearance on both sides of vertical
pins is 0.04 ~ 0.08mm. Otherwise, it should be
regulated again.
Diaphragm’s height can be adjusted by mend and
scratch the lower diaphragms hanger and add or
remove gasket methods. But must pay Precaution to
remain enough clearance hanger’s up and left right
expansion clearance. The specific criteria shown in
Horizontal center adjustment data is (a-b) / 2
高低中心调整数据为 c-(a+b)/2
High and low center adjustment data is c-(a + b) / 2
当然隔板调整横向中心数值如果较小∠ 0.3mm,也可通

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When adjust the horizontal center value of the
diaphragm, if it is ∠ 0.3mm, we can also adjust the
left /right lugs (hanging pin) height to ensure the
value. It does not require repair, weld, mend and file
vertical pin of diaphragm.

表 11 设计允许中心偏差值
Table 11 Designed allowed center diviation value

a-b c-(a+b)/2
与#1.2 瓦内侧油档洼窝
±0.05 ±0.025
With #1,2inside oil damper socket

With high and middle press. Casing ±0.30 ±0.15
高中压转子 gland seal socket
High and 与隔板套洼窝
Intermediate ±0.30 ±0.15
With blade carrier’s socket
press. rotor
±0.10 ±0.05
With gland seal body coaxial socket

±0.10 ±0.05
With diaphragm coaxial degree
#3、4 瓦内侧油档洼窝
±0.05 ±0.025
With #3,4 inside oil damper socket
低压 与低压汽封体同轴度
转子 With low press. Gland seal coaxial ±0.10 ±0.05
Low pressure degree
rotor 与低压隔板同轴度
With low press. Diaphragm coaxial ±0.10 ±0.05
其原理如图所示:The theory is as the figure shows:

b a

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图 19 隔板找中心
Figure 19 Alignment for diaphragm
2.9.3 隔板找正方法,可采用锻轴或拉钢丝方法测量找正,也可
2.9.3 Alignment for diaphragm methods. It can be used
forging shaft or pulling stainless steal wire methods to
find center and can also use rotor directly to find
diaphragm’s center, but it is difficult to measure
correctly. Alignment for diaphragm usually uses lower
half diaphragm gland seal’s socket as the standard. 拉钢丝找正方法如下: Alignment by pulling stainless steal wire is as
1 在汽轮机纵向中心线前后位置上各装置一个用
槽钢做成的 架子,架子上面装有上、下、左、右可
1 At the front and rear of turbine vertical center
line position, set a channel steel shelf with
adjustable bolts on the shelf top, bottom, left
and right side which is used for hanging wire.
2 沿纵向中心线方法,在汽轮机中心线之高度上
拉起直径 0.40~0.75mm 钢丝,钢丝采用材质较
重力相当于钢丝拉力的 2/3,钢丝也可通过蜗
±0.03mm 范围内然后用千分尺进行测量,为提
2 Along the vertical center line method. Above
the height of the turbine vertical centerline
diameter of 0.40 ~ 0.75mm, pull a stainless
steel wire which is good material stainless
steel or spring stainless steel wire. Pull both
ends fasten with heavy blocks. The blocks’
gravity is equivalent to 2 / 3 of the wire’s
tension. It also can be pulled fasten by wire
wound machine through the worm gear-
driven. Two ends wire bell used for targeting
the basic center line should be hanged on the
same side of the wire and respectively
targeting to the centerline. Use the shaft

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bearing front and rear oil damping socket
position after adjusting wheels to Alignment
as the standard, and make two sides and
lower side distance difference within ±
0.03mm range. And then use micrometer to
measure the value. In order to improve the
measurement accuracy, micrometer must
have simple power display device that means
micrometer probe contacts with wire which
will make out a sound or indication light. 使用假轴方法如下: The use of artificial shaft as follows:
1 将假轴做为转子放缸内固定,其轴窜动
的水平方向测量一次,转动 90°、180°,再反转
1 Put artificial shaft as the rotor into casing and
fix it, the shaft’s axial float should be
<0.30mm. Use clearance gauge with special
caliping rod, or install dial indicator directly
seat on the artificial shaft, use it to measure it.
During measuring, target diaphragm socket
horizontal direction to do a measurement, and
then rotate 90°and 180°, do a measurement
once again reversed.
2 当静叶持环、平衡汽封及隔板洼窝中心相差:
左右及上下之差绝对值<0.05mm 时,不作调整。
2 When the stationary blade carrier, balance
gland seal and diaphragm socket center left
and right, top and bottom difference absolute
value are <0.05mm, it is no need to adjust.
Method of adjusting the vertical deviation, add
or minus the thickness of the hanging pin of
diaphragm both sides, adjust the horizontal
deviation, weld the bottom pin’s one side,
scratch another side, in order to achieve the
2.9.4 隔板找正注意事项
2.9.4 Diaphragm’s find center notifications 用拉钢丝测量时应计算出钢丝拉紧后的最大垂

Page 129 of 629 When use pull stainless steel wire to
measure, should calculate out the biggest
vertical arc after the wire is pulled fasten. If it
is a larger difference between this arc and the
rotor vertical arc, we must calibrate the
measured values. 如机组低压缸在运行后有下沉现象,调整洼窝
中心可适当修整。 If low-pressure casing has sinking
phenomenon after running, adjust the socket
center properly.
2.9.5 隔板套找正调整方法同隔板调整方法,但要注意调整
2.9.5 Blade carrier’s Alignment adjustment method is the
same with diaphragm’s, but during the adjustment, in
addition to selling fine tuning of suspension hanging,
the other supporting the same time to adjust,
diaphragms sets of carved face vertical casing lift
degrees should have the same lift degree direction of
casing vertical midsplit surface.
3 隔板套及隔板组装
3 Blade carrier and diaphragm’s assembly
3.1 用压缩空气吹净隔板及隔板套。
3.1 Use compressed air to blow the diaphragm and blade carrier.
3.2 高中压内缸的进汽导管吹净,导管检查清洁后用布包好,加封。
3.2 Blow and clean high and intermediate pressure internal
casing steam inlet pipe. After check and the pipe is clean, use
cloth to bundle it and add sealing.
3.3 在隔板缘涂黑铅粉以后,依次吊入缸内或隔板套内。
3.3 After paint black lead powder on the diaphragms’ edge, hang
diaphragms into the casing or bushes by sequence.
3.4 转子工作结束后扣上隔板套及上隔板
3.4 After rotor work is finished, cover up blade carriers and
4 注意事项:
4 Precautions:
1 隔板装入以前,应通孔检查各汽道及喷嘴无杂物,遗物,低压
1 Before diaphragm is put into, we should check all steam

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passages and nozzles without foreign matter, artifacts. When
assemble low-pressure diaphragm, prevent wrong installation
2 转子吊出以后同时用胶布将高压喷嘴封好。
2 After the rotor is hanged out, use tape to seal high-pressure
2.2.5 汽封检修
2.2.5 Maintenance of gland seal 结构概述 Structure Overview
Set in the steam turbine dynamic and static parts relevant parts’ seal
device, is known as the gland seal. Gland seal's main role is to
prevent and reduce steam leakage, improve unit economics.
Diaphragms can reduce the inter-stages’ gland seal steam leakage
and reduce the rotor axial thrust. It includes through the casing end
wall’s front and rear gland seals.
The relevant rotor corresponding with gland seal ring has a series of
step-shaped convex plate. Gland seal ring arranged with line to line
high-and low gland seal teeth, respectively target to the rotor concave
groove and the convex shoulder. Gland seal rings are generally
composed of several pieces, placed in gland seal body groove, and
suppressed by using spring. Sealing teeth in the low-pressure part
gland seal ring seal is flat teeth. The surface combining with the rotor
is cylindrical surface, its structure is more simple than high and the
low gland seal teeth. Gland seal tooth tip is very thin, even if the static
and dynamic parts have friction happened, the heat it generates is not
big. And the gland seal ring is suppressed by spring piece, making
radial yielding when rub happens, it will not have a serious accident.
Gland seal tooth clearance can be regulated in the final assembly. 高压隔板汽封 High-pressure diaphragm gland seal

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It includes gland seal body combining with the blade shroud and
gland seal ring combining with rotating shaft. Gland seal body
whose gland seal strips are directly embedded into gland seal
body groove with hold-down strip. Each stage diaphragm is
mounted with four rings of gland seal strip.
隔板汽封环由六段组成,以 T 形根部直接装入隔板内圆槽内。隔板
Diaphragm gland seal ring is formed by six section and with T-
shaped root slot directly installed into diaphragms inner circle
groove. Diaphragm midsplit surface is suppressed by hold-down
plates and SOC.HD. cap screw, in order to prevent their rotation
and the gland seal ring falls off when lifting up the diaphragm.
Each gland seal arc is suppressed by arch-shaped spring piece,
arch-shaped spring piece’s one end has bend head inserted into
the slot on the arcs section. In each arc segment there is
equipped a pressure supply groove which is placed into the
steam inlet side, with the help of steam force to compress gland
seal ring to the center. Each arc gland seal arc section at all joint
faces are provided with a matching mark number for identification,
so it should be assembled according to the numbers. 中压隔板汽封 Intermediate-pressure diaphragm gland seal
结构形式同高压隔板汽封。隔板汽封环由 6 个弧段组成,以 T 形根
Diaphragm structure is the same with high-pressure gland seal.
Diaphragm gland seal ring is formed by six arc section, with T-
shaped root installed into the diaphragm internal circle
corresponding slot. Use stopper pins to prevent gland seal ring’s
rotation. Stopper pins go through the upper gland seal near the
horizontal midsplit arc section’s narrow slot.
Six gland seal arc sections (gland seal ring) are compressed by
the arch-shaped spring piece, and arc-shaped spring piece’s one
end has bend head inserted into arc section groove. arch spring
insert the film end of a bend arc slot. Each gland seal arc is
suppressed by arch-shaped spring piece, arch-shaped spring
piece’s one end has bend head inserted into the slot on the arcs
section. In each arc segment there is equipped a pressure supply
groove which is placed into the steam inlet side, with the help of

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steam force to compress gland seal ring to the center. Each arc
gland seal arc section at all joint faces are provided with a
matching mark number for identification, so it should be
assembled according to the numbers. 低压隔板汽封 Low pressure diaphragm gland seal
It only set with gland seal ring combining with rotating shaft
installed into corresponding diaphragm inside circle’s groove.
Gland seal ring is formed by six arc sections, use stopper pins to
prevent their rotation. Each arc section is compressed by the
wave shape spring piece. Spring piece’s one end has bend head
inserted into arc slot. 高、中压缸轴封 High, intermediate pressure casing gland seal
In order to prevent the steam leaking out from the high,
intermediate pressure casing into the atmosphere, this function is
accomplished by installed on the rotor end’s gland seal ring.
Thereinto, high-pressure casing gland seal is formed by the
former gland seal body and post gland seal body. Middle-pressure
casing gland seal is formed by the former body medial, lateral,
and post body.
高压缸轴封前汽封体装有 6 个带有 T 字形根部和设有供压槽的汽封
环;后汽封体内侧、外侧分别装有 5 个和 6 个带有 T 字形根部和设
High-pressure casing front gland seal body is installed with 6 seal
gland seal rings with T-shape root and supplying pressure
grooves; Rear gland seal body medial and lateral respectively
have 5 and 6 gland seal rings with T-shaped root and supplying
pressure grooves.
中压缸轴封前汽封体内侧、外侧分别装有 6 个和 5 个带有 T 字形根
部和设有供压槽的汽封环;后汽封体装有 5 个带有 T 字形根部和设
Middle-pressure casing front gland seal body medial and lateral
have respectively 6 and 5 gland seal rings with T-shaped root and
supplying pressure grooves; Rear gland seal body medial and
lateral have 5 gland seal rings with T-shaped root and supplying
pressure grooves.
每一汽封环由 6 个弧段组成,各汽封弧段用螺钉固定并由弹簧压紧。

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Each gland seal ring is formed by six arc sections. Each gland
seal arc is fixed by the screw and compressed tight by spring.
Gland seal ring has the stopper pin to prevent rotation and to
avoid fall-off during lifting the upper half. Stopper pins are
installed in the groove of the upper half gland seal ring arcs going
into horizontal midsplit surface. Between inside and outside gland
seal bodies, the "X" chamber goes through outside gland seal
body connects with gland seal steam control system by outside
gland seal body lower side two symmetric interfaces. Under
variety of operating conditions, it can automatically maintain the
pressure in the chamber at a certain value. At the bottom of the
chamber has drain pipe to discharge accumulated water. Steam
leak-out and leak-in air is from the "Y" chamber through the
outside gland seal body lower half two symmetric interfaces
leading to the condenser and maintain a certain vacuum, in order
to prevent steam leak out to the turbine room and the air leaks
into the turbine inside.
Gland seal body axial location is finished during the installation on
outer casing. Vertical and horizontal position adjustment is
through regulating the gasket. Gland seal midsplit surface is fixed
by bolts, and use bolt to fix it on the outer casing end wall (Gland
seal flange surface). And use the concave groove to match outer
casing walls’ convex shoulder in order to do the axial position, the
midsplit surface is supported by support key, the bottom has
location pin. Key’s cylindrical pin part is fixed on the casing side
wall. Regulating key’s width is match to gland seal body and has
the corresponding marks. These keys allow gland seal body to do
radial expansion and keep its center no change. 低压轴封 Low Pressure Gland Seal
In order to prevent the steam leaking out from the low-pressure
casing and prevent the air leaking into the low-pressure casing,

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so it is equipped with the low-pressure gland seal. Low-pressure
gland seal is located at both ends of the rotor. Gland seal body is
divided into upper and lower halves, with the bolts to connect
them together.
Low-pressure gland seal is fixed by bolts on the low-pressure
casing’s outside cylinder. Adjust lifting bolt, and then use adding
pins, and fastening bolts to approach the location.
汽封体内装有 4 个平齿汽封环,每一汽封环由 8 个弧段组成,带有
T 字形根部和供压槽。各汽封弧段用螺钉固定并由弹簧压紧,并以
Gland seal body is equipped with four flat teeth gland seal rings.
Each gland seal rings is made up by 8 arc sections with T-shaped
root and supplying pressure groove. Each gland seal arcs section
is fixed by screws and suppressed tight by the spring, and use
stopper pin to prevent its rotation, and avoid upper half falling off
during lifting. Stopper pin is installed in the upper half gland seal
ring arc section horizontal midsplit surface’s groove.
Introduce steam from the gland seal steam control system to the
"X" chamber through low pressure casing lower half end wall
pipeline, in variety of operating conditions it can automatically
maintain its pressure at constant value. During startup this steam
is provided by the auxiliary steam header and in normal operation
it comes from high and intermediate pressure ends’ gland seal
steam leakage after the water spray cooling. Steam leak-out and
leak in with the air is lead from the "Y" chamber through low-
pressure casing lower half end wall pipeline to gland seal heater,
and maintain its definite vacuum, in order to prevent steam
leakingout to the turbine room and the air leaking into the Turbine.
Remove the pipe plugs from the gland seal body upper half top,
and it can be equipped with steam pressure gauges and
thermocouples. 汽封检修工艺方法、质量标准及注意事项 Gland seal maintenance process, quality standards and
precautions 轴封盒解体

Page 135 of 629 Gland seal box’s disassembly
1 拨出轴封盒水平结合面销子,拆掉螺丝。
1 To allocate the box’s horizontal joint face pins, and remove
2 吊走上汽封盒(有排汽流环的汽封盒,应先拆去导流环)。
2 Hang out gland seal box (If the gland seal boxes has exhaust
steam flow ring, should remove the flow guiding ring at first).
3 检查汽封盒中分面有无漏汽痕迹,汽封段有无磨损,初步检查下
3 Check whether there is steam leakage trace on boxes’
midsplit surfaces and whether there is abrasion on the gland
seal section. Check whether there is radial and axial loose
lower gland seal box. 拆卸检查汽封块 Check gland seal block demolition
1 事先对要拆卸的汽封块槽道渗上煤油。
1 Infiltrate kerosene into gland seal block’s groove before
2 用铜榔头敲击汽封面端面,使之活动后再拉出汽封块,如锈蚀严
重比较难拆,可用 5-10mm 厚的钢板锉成与汽封块的端面形状
2 Use copper hammer to knock gland seal cover face, so make
it flexible and then pulled out gland seal blocks. If it has
serious rust corrosion and make it more difficult to
disassemble, we can file 5-10mm stainless steel plates into
the shape similar with the gland seal block’s end surface but
smaller size gaskets. They are bushded on the gland seal
block. Use small bend copper rod to withstand gland seal
block end face, and use hammer to knock them out slightly.
3 用钢丝刷或纱纸、煤油等清理汽封块,槽道及其它部件。
3 Use stainless wire brush, emery paper or kerosene and so on
to clean up gland seal blocks, grooves, and other
4 检查汽封弹簧片弹性是否良好,有无裂纹。
4 Check whether gland seal spring piece’s flexibility is good,
and has crack.
5 检查汽封块调整螺钉有无断裂、松动。
5 Check whether the gland seal block regulating screws have
breakage and loosening.

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6 修理刮尖所有的汽封块齿尖。
6 Repair and scrap all of the gland seal block tooth tip.
7 注意事项
7 Precautions
7.1 拆汽封块时不得伤及端面及齿,应无变形、损伤。
7.1 When disassemble gland seal block, shall not break the end
face and teeth, there should be no deformation and damage.
7.2 对吊出的汽封盒,汽封块必须统一编号,编号可采用如下方法:
7.2 The hanged out gland seal boxes and gland seal blocks must
have unified numbering. The numbering can use the following
7.2.1 每段汽封分别在序号前冠以特定字母,如高压汽封为 H
打头,中压汽封用 Z 打头,低压汽封 L 打头。
7.2.1 At the front of each gland seal’s number it is preceded
by a particular letter, such as labeled H for high-
pressure steam, Z for intermediate pressure gland
seal, L for low-pressure gland seal.
7.2.2 每圈汽封均编为一组,六段弧度打上同一组号,一般
7.2.2 Each gland seal ring is allocated to one group, six
arcs degrees are marked with the same group of
numbers. Usually according to steam flow numbers,
each end face’s connector is marked at and front and
rear to prevent wrong installation.
7.3 弹簧片要扎好,同样要做好标记,附各汽封间隙设计值。
7.3 Spring pieces shall be tied up, and marked well, with each
gland seal clearance designed values. 检查项目 Checklist
1 汽封盒水平结合面检查接触情况,接触面积应>60%,空扣情况下,
0.05mm 塞尺不通,上下汽封盒凹字应无错口现象,否则,应重
1 Check the gland seal horizontal joint face’s contact condition.
The contact area should be >60%. Under the non-buckle
condition, 0.05mm feeler can not be inserted. The upper and
lower gland seal boxes concave groove should have no error
mouth phenomenon, otherwise, the pits should be re-
2 测量调整汽封盒洼窝中心,测量调整方法同隔板洼窝中心调整

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2 Measure and adjust gland seal box’s socket center.
Measurement and adjustment method is the same with the
adjustment of diaphragm socket center method. 汽封及轴封轴向和径向间隙的测量调整 Measurement of axial and radial clearance adjustment of
steam seal and gland seal
1 汽封径向间隙测量调整
1 Steam seal radial clearance’s measurement and
1.1 在解体前和复装后,应拆除弹簧片后重新组装汽封块,并
1.1 Before disassembly and re-installation, it should removed
spring pieces at first and then re-assemble gland seal
blocks, and use bamboo wedge to withstand gland seal
blocks’ two sides to prevent the blocks sink. Under the
rotor is on position condition, use feeler to measure
midsplit surface two sides’ radial clearance and make a
record. In order to make a record, we can insert wood
wedge or screwdriver into gland seal ring back arc during
measurement to prevent the gland seal ring yield to back
passage, in order to ensure the measurement accuracy.
1.2 测量汽封的径向间隙,通常用压胶布的方法,近汽封间隙
要求,在每块汽封两端近 15mm 处,贴相应层数的胶带
(常用医用胶面,做成 10mm 宽左右带子,每层一般按
0.25mm 计算)胶布必须贴紧,且各层胶布宽度应依次减少,
1.2 When measuring steam seal radial clearance, usually use
press tape method. Requirements for near steam seal
clearance: At each steam seal two end’s nearly 15mm
place, paste the corresponding layers tape (commonly
use medical adhesive surface tape which is made into
about 10mm wide tape. each layer is 0.25mm in general)

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tape must stick tightly, and each tape layer width should
reduced in turn, paste together with ladder shape, and
then cast red lead oil the corresponding parts of the rotor.
Hang the rotor into casing. After rotate the rotor one circle,
hang out the rotor to observe the white tape’s abrasive
trace. And then according to the degree of the trace,
determine the value of the steam clearance. And use the
same method to measure upper steam seal clearance,
paste tape on the upper half gland seal and the upper half
diaphragms steam seal selected teeth. And then hang the
rotor in it, buckle the diaphragm and the gland seal box,
and then rotate rotor to measure, but must prevent the
lower half steam seal ring jacking up upper half steam
seal ring. The blades tip steam seal and root steam seal
should be measured together.
Gland seal gap adjustment is usually using modify elastic
gland seal block’s force bearing surface and add or
remove bushs to achieve. For good extension material,
can use twist and hit method to narrow the clearance.
2 汽封轴向间隙测量调整
2 Steam seal axial clearance’s measurement adjustment
2.1 测量汽封轴向间隙一般用小塞尺直接测量,测量部位见本部
分图 1、图 2。
2.1 Measuring gland seal axial clearance usually use a small
feeler to do direct measurement. Measurement parts refer
to this section’s Figure 1, Figure 2.
2.2 轴向间隙调整方法,如果汽封盒的汽封同时偏向一侧可在汽
2.2 Axial clearance adjustment method. if the steam seal
boxes’ steam seal lean to one side, we can add or remove
gaskets on steam seal box’s axial direction to regulate. If
one group of steam seal block of the diaphragm steam
seal or gland seal box leans to one side, it should be
replaced in general.
调整汽封块周向总间隙在 0.3~0.5mm,修刮各汽封块接触面
应 0.05mm 不通,安装时汽封块径向接缝各圈应错开。
Steam seal block circumferential total clearance should

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be 0.3 ~ 0.5mm, modify each steam seal block’s contact
surfaces shall be smaller than 0.05mm. During
installation, steam seal blocks’ radial joint rings should be
staggered. 复装 Re-assembly
1 重新清理干净,汽封盒,汽封块,汽封槽道,并涂黑铅粉。
1 Clean steam seal boxes, steam seal block, steam seal
grooves again and paint them with black lead powder.
2 按记号吊入各下汽封盒,装入下汽封块及弹簧片,用压缩空气
2 According to the numbers, hang the steam seal box in, and
install steam seal blocks and spring pieces, and blow and
clean them with compressed air.
3 上半部分汽封装好压条,将压板螺钉紧好。
3 Install hold-down strips for upper half steam seal, and fasten
well the platen screws.
4 吊入转子。
4 Hang the rotor into it.
5 检查上半部汽封块确已装好后,扣汽封盒及上隔板,紧好中分
5 Check whether the upper half gland seal block has indeed
installed well. Buckle up the gland seal box and diaphragms,
and fasten well the midsplit surface screws.
6 全部汽封复装以后,盘动转子,验证汽封内,有无动静磨擦声。
6 After all steam seal’s re-installation, rotate the rotor, and verify
whether there is dynamic and static friction sound in the
steam seal.
2.2.6 轴承检修
2.2.6 Bearing maintenance 轴承结构概述 Bearing structure general description 径向轴承 Radial Bearings
汽轮机发电机组轴系中,共有 8 个支持轴承,每一根转子均由二个
轴承支承,其中:汽轮机有 6 个径向轴承,高压转子、中压转子以
及低压转子各 2 个,编号依次是 1-6 号;发电机 2 个,编号分别为
7、8 号。汽轮机的 6 个支承轴承和发电机轴承均为带球面轴瓦套的
椭圆轴承,#1、#2 轴承双侧进油,#3、#4、#5、#6 轴承为单侧进油,

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Turbine-generator unit’s shaft system has eight support bearings,
each rotor has two bearings supporting, which includes: there are
six radial bearings for steam turbine, high-pressure rotor, middle-
pressure rotor and the low-pressure rotor has 2 for each one,
their numbers are 1-6; generator has 2 bearings whose No. are
7,8 respectively. Turbine’s six supporting bearings and generator
bearing are elliptical bearings with ball bearings bushes. # 1, # 2
bearings are two sides inlet oil. # 3, # 4, # 5, # 6 bearings are
one-side inlet oil, and the other side has oil discharge hole, and
the upper bushs have circumferential grooves. During the
installation, must be careful to # 3, # 4, # 5, # 6 bearings’
relationship of inlet, outlet oil orifice position and direction.
#1、#2、#3、#7、#8 支持轴承设有一个顶轴油孔,其余#4、#5、#6 轴
承则设有两个顶轴油孔,#1-#7 顶轴油管规格均为 Φ14×3,#8 顶
轴油管规格为 Φ14×2。
# 1, # 2, # 3, # 7, # 8 supporting bearings have a jacking oil hole.
# 4, # 5, # 6 bearings are equipped with two jacking oil holes. # 1
- # 7 jacking oil tube specification is Φ14 × 3, # 8 jacking oil tubes’
specification is Φ14 × 2.

表 12 支承轴承参数 单位:mm
Table 12 supporting bearing parameters unit:mm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Bearing NO.

轴承型式 双侧进油椭圆轴承
type Double sides inlet oil elliptic bearing
轴径 mm
Bearing Ф200 Ф250 Ф250 Ф360 Ф360 Ф360
diameter mm
Bearing length

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Inlet oil press.
Inlet oil temp.
( ℃)
℃ ℃ ℃
Temp.rise (℃)

Jacking oil
press. (MPa)
Lose stable
Not lose
rotating speed Not lose stable
(rpm) 推力轴承 Thrust Bearing
为了轴向定位和承受轴向力,汽轮发电机轴系设有 1 个独立设置的
推力轴承,置于#2 轴承箱内。前后推力瓦各为 10 块,面积相等,
均为 1460cm2,可以承受汽机转子的正向推力和反向定位作用。推
力瓦块钨金厚度为 1.4mm。前后推力瓦各有一瓦块设有金属温度测
In order to do axial position and bear axial force, turbo-generator
shaft system has an independent thrust bearing which placed in #
2 bearing box. Each front and rear thrust bearing have ten bushs
whose areas are equal and are 1460 cm 2. They can bear steam
turbine rotor’s forward thrust and have reverse location function.
Thrust bush black bronze’s thickness is 1.4mm. Front and rear
thrust bushs have a metal temperature measuring point for each.
Thrust bush back oil return temperature is measured by inserted
into thrust bearing installation seat’s oil return oil tank from

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bearing box cover gauge top cover. Thrust bushs and installation
rings and so on components are installed in the shell to form body
part(see Figure - thrust bearing body part). The body part is fixed
on the installation seat (see Figure - thrust bearings installed
Block). Installation seat connects with the high-pressure casing by
the push-pull rod, the supporting surface is on the midsplit
surface, contact to each other by the copper gasket of the
stainless steel bushs and the bearing box midsplit surface.
Therefore, the thrust bearing does the axial movement in the high
and intermediate pressure bearing following the high pressure
casing’s expansion and shrink. This structure makes casing
expanding with the small resistance.
出,当推力瓦所受平均均布压力为 20bar 时,弹性安装环的变形量
为 0.1mm,若变形量为 0.15mm 时,
图 20 推力轴承安装座 Figure 20 Thrust Bearing
Installation holder
1.安装座 2.推力轴承 3.推力杆
1. Install holder 2. Thrust bearing
4.压板 5.进油滑块 6.轴承箱 3. Thrust rod
则推力瓦上受到的平均压力为 1.5х20bar=30bar。汽轮机组在运行
4. Platen 5. Inlet oil slide 6.
Bearing Box

Installation ring of thrust bearing ring is flexible and can enable

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the thrust force bushs’ stress to be balance. Depending on the
installation ring material’s elastic modulus, structural dimensions
and stress condition, the installation ring design is calculated out,
when the thrust bush receives an average distribute pressure
20bar, the elastic installation ring’s deformation is 0.1mm. If the
deformation amount is 0.15mm, then thrust bushs will receive
average pressure 1.5х20bar = 30bar. During steam turbine unit’s
operation, each bush received the deformation under the largest
thrust can retaining the flexibility of this displacement by the
elastic cylindrical pin installed in the installation ring (see Figure -
elastic installation ring chart). During unit’s maintenance, we can
calculate out the biggest pressure corresponding bush received
by measuring the deformation of the elastic cylindrical pin, to
judge the thrust bushs of work. Therefore, should pay Precaution
not to impact the elastic cylindrical pin when take out installation
ring during maintenance.

Elastic installation ring detailed chart

图 21 推力轴承本体部分
Figure 21 thrust bearing body part

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图 22 推力轴承的安装环
Figure 22 thrust bearing’s installation ring

雷菲(6785) 轴承检修 Bearing maintenance 径向轴承 Axial bearing
1 检查内容
1 Checklist
1.1 检查轴瓦钨金表面状况,有无脱落胎,裂纹、沙眼、磨损、腐蚀,过
1) Inspect the tungsten alloy of bearing bush to see whether there
is strip, crack, sand hole, abrasion, corrosion, superheat etc.
phenomena. Inform metal defect detection when necessary
(Manually press the bearing alloy edge to check out whether
there is extruding oil bubbles on the interface between the
lining and bearing alloy).
1.2 检查修刮轴颈与轴瓦应全长接触良好,接触角为 60º;
2) Inspect the bearing journal and bearing bush should completely
contact well and the contact angle should be 60º.
1.3 球面瓦的球面接触均匀,接触面积应>70%,球面与洼窝无划伤
3) The spherical surface of spherical bush should contact
uniformly. The contact square must possess more than 70% of
the total and no scratch and fin on the spherical surface and
1.4 各瓦枕调整垫铁接触良好;
4) The adjusting iron cushion of all bearing shoe should contact
1.5 垫铁的调整垫片应用钢片,数量不超过三片;
5) The fitting strip of iron cushion should be made of steel strip
with the number of less than three.
1.6 对轴瓦钨金表面不均匀磨痕要做轻微修刮,修刮轴瓦一定要注意:

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6) Slightly scrape it if there is non-uniform abrasive trace on the
tungsten alloy surface of bearing bush. When maintaining and
scraping the bearing bush, pay attention to the following points:
 The scraping range must be small and wide.
 Strictly scrape out the groove.
 Scrape across if the scraping range is large. Do not
scrape in a direction all the time.
1.7 涂色检查瓦枕块与轴承座洼窝接触面。检查修刮使轴瓦垫铁与轴
承箱洼窝,???? 轴承内瓦外球面与外瓦内球面接触均匀,接触
为面积大于 70%,检修时一定要注意垫铁紧固螺丝是否松动。轴
瓦下部垫铁在没有放转子前应有 0.03~0.05mm 间隙。
7) Inspect the contact surface of the bearing shoe and bearing
groove in the way of painting. Scrape and maintain to
guarantee the bearing iron cushion and bearing tank
groove????, the external spherical surface of the bearing inner
bush and the internal spherical surface of the bearing outer
bush must contact uniformly. The contact square should be
more than 70%. When carry out the maintenance, pay attention
to the fixed screw of iron cushion which should be fastened and
not loosened. There should be a clearance of 0.03-0.05mm in
the lower iron cushion of the bearing bush before the rotor is
put in it.
2 轴承测量
2 Bearing measurement
2.1 轴承顶隙测量
2.1 Measurement of bearing top clearance
2.1.1 清理轴颈及上轴瓦、并把两根约 0.5~0.70mm 的铅丝(铅
丝直径比顶隙大 0.50mm 为宜)沿轴向放在轴颈前后,放时
1) Clear the bearing journal and the upper bearing bush. Put
two lead wires about 0.5-0.7 mm in the front and back of
the bearing journal along the shaft direction. When putting
the lead wire, avoid touching the groove in the middle of
upper bearing bush.
2.1.2 组合上半块轴瓦,均匀的紧固结合面螺丝使结合面压紧。
2) Assemble the upper half bearing bush; uniformly fasten the
screws of the interface to make it pressed tightly.
2.1.3 松开结合面螺丝吊上轴瓦。
3) Loosen the screws on the interface and hang the bearing
2.1.4 取出铅丝,用千分表测量其厚度亦做好记录。

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4) Take out the lead wire, and measure its thickness by the
micrometer gauge, take a record as well.
2.2 轴承侧隙测量
2.2 Measurement of bearing side clearance
约为轴颈直径的 1/10~1/12,塞尺不应超过三片,此时塞尺厚度
一般要求轴瓦顶隙为轴颈直径的 1‰~1.5‰,侧隙为轴颈直径
的 1.5‰~2‰。
Use clearance/feeler gauge to carry out the measurement on
the four angles in the horizontal interface of the bearing bush.
The inserting depth into the bush mouth of the feeler leafs ( ≦3)
should be 1/10 ~1/12 of the journal diameter. At this moment,
the feeler thickness is the clearance of the two sides of
Normally, the bush top clearance should be 1‰ ~1.5‰ of the
journal diameter; while the side clearance must be 1.5‰ ~2‰
of journal diameter.
2.3 轴承紧力测量
2.3 Measurement of bearing tightening force
2.3.1 轴瓦组合工作完毕后,清理干净轴承盖结合面及轴承座油
1) After finishing the bearing bush assembly, clear and clean
the bearing casing interface and the oil chamber of the
bearing pedestal.
2.3.2 根据紧力值,选择直径为 0.30mm 铅丝放在上轴瓦与轴承
等厚度的垫片,一般用 0.30~0.40mm 的不锈钢垫片或铜
2) According to the tightening force value, put the lead wire of
0.30mm diameter in the interface between the upper
bearing journal and the top of bearing casing. And
symmetrically put four gasket of same thickness on the
bearing pedestal interface; the stainless steel gasket or
sheet copper of 0.30~0.40mm is normally used.
Sometimes, the method of putting the lead wire and no
gasket on the bearing pedestal interface is employed to
measure it.
2.3.3 组合上轴承盖,并均匀地紧固轴承盖结合面的螺丝再松

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3) Assemble the upper bearing casing, and uniformly fasten
the screws on the interface of bearing casing, then loosen
it. Suspend out the bearing casing and then measure the
lead wire thickness (normally take the measurement in four
directions (front, back, left and right). The tightening force
value should be the difference that the average thickness
of gasket minuses the average thickness of the pressed
lead wire. If the value is negative, that is called clearance,
otherwise, it is tightening force.
2.3.4 一般轴承紧力值的调整都是通过调整上轴瓦顶部瓦枕垫
4) Usually the baring tightening force adjustment is carried out
by governing the bearing shoe gasket on the top of bush.
Some are carried our by adjusting one-side fitting strip on
the bearing casing interface. The tightening force of
spherical bearing bush is ±0.03mm. For the bearing casing
in the operation, properly increase the value when its
temperature is relatively high because of heating.
Moreover, normally its tightening force value in cold state is
not more than 0.25mm (≤0.25mm).
2.4 轴承箱油档间隙测量
2.4 Clearance measurement of oil cover of bearing box
2.4.1 用塞尺依次测量各外挡调整间隙,如外油档的间隙偏大,
1) Use the feeler gauge to measure the adjusting clearance of
every external damper in turn. If the clearance of external
oil cover is bigger, beetle the copper teeth to extend its
height and shorten the clearance; if the top and bottom
clearance are too big, maintaining and scraping the
interface of oil cover can also be employed. It is necessary
to change the copper teeth if the above methods are
evidenced ineffective.
2.4.2 浮动油档主要靠机械加工来达到各部要求,如左右间隙符
2) The floating oil cover meets the requirements mainly by
machining. If the left and right clearances meet the
requirements, it is needed to scrape the interface when the
top and bottom clearance are too big. Change it if the left
and right clearances do not satisfy the requirements.

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2.5 检查各瓦块顶轴油囊深度,用直尺搁在钨金上,油囊深度应符合标
准(0.35~0.50 mm)。
2.5 Inspect the depth of jacking oil sac of each bush by putting the
ruler on the tungsten alloy to measure it. The oil sac depth
should meet the normal standard(0.35~0.50 mm).
表 13 各轴承间隙数据表 单位:㎜

轴承号 轴瓦顶部间隙 瓦盖紧力 油档间隙(直径)

1 — ±
2 — ±
3 — ±
4 — ±
5 — ±
6 — ±

Table 13 Data table of bearing clearances

Unit: mm

Bearing No. Bottom clearance Tightening force Clearance of oil

of bearing bush of bush cover cover(diamete
1 — ± r)
2 — ±
3 — ±
4 — ±
5 — ±
6 — ±

3 油档检查修整
3 Oil cover inspection and maintenance

3.1 检查油档盖及油梳,不应有毛刺,异物存在,不应有裂纹,5 孔/

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1) Inspect the oil cover casing and oil comb which should not
have bur, foreign matter, and crack. The steel screen of 5holes/
inch should be clean and unblocked.
3.2 装入油档时在垂直法兰内涂以密封胶,用调整螺丝调整间隙,用
2) When install the oil cover, put the sealing rubber on the vertical
flange. Adjust the clearance with adjusting screw and fasten
the bolt with torque spanner.
3.3 #1~#6 轴承箱外油档间隙标准:
3) Standards for clearance of the external oil cover of bearing
3.3.1 #1、2、轴承箱外油档间隙标准:上部 0.50~0.60mm,左、
右 0.20~0.25 mm,下部 0.05~0.08 mm;
3.3.1 Standards for clearance of the external oil cover of #1
and #2 bearing box: top 0.50 ~ 0.60mm, left and right
0.20~0.25 mm, bottom 0.05~0.08 mm;
3.3.2 #3、#4、#5、#6 轴承箱外油档间隙标准:上部 0.45~
0.55mm , 左 、 右 0.32 ~ 0.36 mm , 下 部 0.05 ~ 0.08
3.3.2 Standards for clearance of the external oil cover
of#3,#4,#5, and #6 bearing box: top 0.45 ~0.55mm,
left and right 0.32~0.36 mm, bottom 0.05~0.08 mm; 推力轴承检修 Maintenance for thrust bearing
1 解体检查、测量
1 Disassembly inspection and measurement
1.1 吊走#2 轴承盖,拆出推力瓦盖水平结合面螺栓,用顶丝均匀顶
起 10-20mm,然后吊出,拆出球枕水平结合面螺栓,拨出锥销,
1) Take away the #2 bearing casing and dismantle the bolts on
the horizontal interface of the thrust bush cover. Use the fixed
screw to uniformly make out a height of 10-20mm, and then
take it out. Dismantle the bolts on interface of the spherical
shoe, and pull out the taper pin; use the special suspending
ring to take out the upper half spherical shoe. Remove the
thrust bush, at the same time confirm I&C personnel to remove
the temperature measuring points.
1.2 取出两半油封环(出油、进油)再旋出下半部分正、反两推力面的推
2) Pick out two halves’ oil sealing ring (oil inlet and oil outlet), and
then rotate off the thrust bush of two-side thrust surface at the

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lower half part. Keep them well.
1.3 检查推力瓦块表面钨金应光滑,完整、无脱落、磨损、过热熔化、
扇形体宽度的 1/2 或更大,瓦块内外径及销钉孔应无磨损痕迹,
3) Inspect the tungsten alloy on the thrust bush should be smooth,
complete, and not experience strip, abrasion, being melting by
Superheating, corrosion and any other mechanical damage.
The working trace of every bush should be uniform. The
contact width should be 1/2 or more than 1/2 of the fan width.
There should be no abrasive trace on the inner and outer
diameter of the bush and the pin bolt hole, and no obvious
abrasion on the swaying support wire. The bush can sway
freely along with the swaying wire after being assembled.
1.4 测量推力瓦厚度与原始记录相比,应相差甚微,各瓦块厚度之差
应小于 0.02mm,如有异样,应查明原因进行处理,瓦块楔形进油
区应符合图纸要求,入口间隙 0.1 左右,一般瓦块钨金厚度为
4) There should be slight difference between the original record
and the measured thrust bush thickness. The thickness
difference among every bush should be less than 0.02mm.
Find out the causes and solve it if there is any problem. The
wedge oil admission area of the bush should meet the
requirement of the design plan. The inlet clearance should be
around 0.1mm and the normal depth of bush tungsten alloy
should be1.5±0.1mm.
1.5 涂色检查轴承与轴承体的接触情况应大于 70%。
5) Carry out painting inspection on the contacting condition of the
bearing and bearing body, it should be more than70%.
1.6 检查轴承与轴承体顶部间隙(压铅丝法测量)。
6) Inspect the top clearance of the bearing and bearing
body( measure it by pressing the lead wire).
1.7 推力轴承与轴承体之间的接触面积70%;
7) The contact square between the thrust bearing and bearing
body should be more than70% (70%).
1.8 检查轴封环结合面,使之间隙<0.03mm,不错口,总间隙符合标准。
8) Inspect the ring interface clearance of gland seal should be
less than 0.03 mm, correctly contacted and the total clearance
should meet the requirement.
1.9 推力轴承在全组合的情况下,检查与推力盘接触的印痕,要求接
9) Under the condition that the thrust bearing is fully assembled,

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inspect the contacting trace on the thrust panel should be
uniform and the square should be more than 75 % (S>75%). It
is better inspecting it in the way of dry milling in case there is a
fault image.
1.10 测量、调整推力瓦轴向间隙。
10) Measure and adjust the axial clearance of the thrust bush.
1.10.1 推力轴承在组合状态,盖上推力轴承的瓦盖,打入内
1.10.1 The trust bearing is in the state of assembly. Close
the bush casing of the trust bearing, insert the inner
pin and screw down the screws on the horizontal
1.10.2 架两块百分表,一块指在转子的基准端面上,一块
1.10.2 Install two micrometers. One points at the normal
terminal surface of the rotor, another pointing at
thrust pressure casing. They are used to separately
measure the rotor and bush shoe moving amount.
1.10.3 用两个千斤顶或其它方法将转子来回推至极限位置,读
力间隙为 0.25~0.38 mm,瓦移动量<0.05,最大不
超过 0.07mm。
1.10.3 Use two jacks or other method to push the rotor to
the limit position come and go. And then read the
maximum and minimum value on the dial indicator.
The differential value of the dial indicator should be
? minuses the bush moving value, which is also
called the thrust clearance. Normally the thrust
clearance is 0.25 ~ 0.38 mm, the bush moving
distance less than 0.05mm, and its maximum not
more than 0.07mm.
1.10.4 推力瓦的轴向间隙可通过调整瓦的调整环厚度来达到。
1.10.4 The axial clearance of the thrust bush can be
adjusted by governing the ring thickness of the
2 推力轴承组装
2 Assembly of the thrust bearing
1.1 清理各轴承油室、零部件,并取出油孔的堵塞物,用面团粘干净,
1) Clear every bearing oil chamber, spare parts. Pick out the
blockage in the oil hole and use the flour paste to stick it

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thoroughly. Take close inspection on each oil hole and groove,
and assemle the lower part of the spherical seat.
1.2 经详细检查验收合格后,(应有化学监督),在轴承洼窝及瓦枕内注
2) After inspecting every point meet the requirement (including the
chemical supervision), inject a little lube oil into the bearing
groove and bearing shoe. And then reassemble the lower bush
(do not install that reversely). Inspect the spherical lining to see
whether it is laid flatly.
1.3 将进油油封环下半装入相应的槽中。
3) Put the lower half part of the inlet oil sealing ring into the
corresponding groove.
1.4 装入下推力瓦块,联系热工装好测温、差胀、热电偶元件及导线,
4) Install the lower thrust bush. Contact I&C personnel to install
the temperature measuring part, differential expansion
element, thermocouple part and wire. Inspect the swaying
angle of each bush.
1.5 放入转子,调整好各浮动间隙使之差总间隙为 0.4~0.55,紧好其
5) Put into the rotor. Adjust each flexible clearance to make the
total difference of clearance is 0.4~0.55mm. Fasten the screws
of the subsurface.
1.6 装上球面座上半(含压块、测温元件等),中分面用螺丝上紧。
6) Install the upper half pf the spherical seat (including the
pressed compact, temperature measuring element). Screw
down the middle subsurface.
1.7 将轴承座的压板压牢。
7) Press the pressed compact of the bearing pedestal firmly.
1.8 确认无异物遗留后,安装部件齐全合格,盖上推力轴承上盖,检
查上盖与球面座之间的间隙在 0~0.1 范围内,最后将中分面螺栓
8) After ensuring that there is no foreign matter left and the parts
is installed completely and meet the requirement, close the
thrust bearing upper casing. Inspect the clearance between the
upper casing and spherical seat should be in the range of
0~0.1mm. Finally fasten the bolt of the middle surface.
1.9 扣#2 瓦轴承箱上盖,调整与推力瓦轴承上盖紧力值为 0.02mm
间隙. ~0.03mm 过盈。
9) Close the upper casing of #2 bearing box. Adjust the upper
casing of thrust bush to make its tightening force is 0.02mm

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clearance, and ~0.03mm interference.
1.10 轴承工作结束后,应将进油管、疏油槽清理干净,疏通接上。
10) After the bearing finishes working, clear the oil admission pipe
and oil discharge groove, then connect it after it is clear.
2.2.7 滑销系统
2.2.7 Sliding pin system 结构概述 Structure description
A set of sliding pin system is needed to set in order to keep the cylinder
freely expand in orientation, to make sure the cylinder and rotor can
share the same center, and to avoid vibration produced by the
unnecessary stress because of the non-uniform expansion. Kinds of
sliding pins should be installed between the cylinder and fundamental
sole plate as well as between the cylinder and bearing pedestal.
Moreover, keep the bolt for fixing the cylinder with certain clearance to
guarantee the free expansion of cylinder. It can also help to keep the
unit with static center.
According to the structure, installing position and different function,
usually the sliding pin system consists of transverse pin, longitudinal
pin, vertical pin, claw transverse pin, sliding pin, angle and etc.
高中压外缸前、后端分别以 定中心梁与 前轴承座和 中轴承座相连。定中
Front and back of HP, IP, LP external casings are connected by
centering beam and front bearing pedestal and middle bearing
pedestal. The centering beam is fixed by bolts and pins, to keep correct
axial and horizontal position of cylinder and bearing pedestal.
There are two longitudinal keys installed both in the front and back
between the front bearing pedestal and front seat support, between the
middle bearing pedestal and middle seat support. By the longitudinal
keys, the front and middle bearing pedestal can slide in axial direction
on its seat support, at the same time the axial center line can be kept
unchangeable. The pressed board in the side of the bearing pedestal
can restrict the bearing pedestal to prevent it from deflection or

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jumping. There is appropriate clearance between the pressed board
and bearing pedestal shoulder, which is for the axial sliding.
每个低压缸都由与外缸下半一体并向外伸出的连续支座支托, #1 和#2
低压外缸的每端共设置 4 块横向定位板,以限制两个低压外缸的横向位
置,但允许其轴向自由膨胀。另在#1 低压外缸进汽中心线两侧装有两块
Every LP casing is supported by a continuous subsocket which is
integrated with the lower half part of the external casing and scratches
out. For the #1 and #2 LP external casing, each terminal installed four
transverse orientation boards which is use to limit the axial position of
the two LP external casings but support free axial expansion. There are
two axial orientation boards installed on the two sides of the steam
admission centerline of # 1 LP external casing, which is used to limit
the axial position but for its free transverse expansion. The intersection
point of the separated connecting line horizontal and vertical orientation
boards is the thermal expansion dead point of the stators of this unit.
The orientation boards are all concreted with the cement base, which
makes them hard and then guarantee the horizontal and vertical
orientation of the LP casing.
在运行时,#1 低压缸的前端向调阀端膨胀,藉助于定中心梁推动高中压
缸、中轴承座、前轴承座共同向调阀端膨胀。而#1 低压缸的后端向电机端
膨胀,并藉助于推拉装置,推动#2 低压缸向电机端膨胀。
During the operation, the front end of #1 LP casing expands toward the
adjusting valves, which helps the centering beam drive the HIP casing,
middle bearing pedestal, and front bearing pedestal to expand together
toward the adjusting valves. While on the back of the #1 LP casing, the
expansion goes to the motor and the push-and-pull device helps the #2
LP casing expand to the motor.
The dead point of the HP and LP internal casings locates on the
horizontal section between the two centerlines of the HP and LP steam
inlet pipes. The HP static blade carrier is supported in the internal
casing which is supported in the external casing. The external casing
expansion goes forward centering the dead point, so for the HP static
blade carrier, the expansion goes to the front bearing pedestal.
The LP internal casing is supported on the external casing, and they
share the common dead point, so the expansion in the LP casing
extends to the front and back terminals centering the dead point. 检修工艺要求、质量标准、注意事项

Page 155 of 629 Maintenance process requirement, quality standards, precautions 检修方法 Methods of maintenance
1 在每次的机组大修中,所有外露部分滑销均应拆开进行检查;
1) During the overhaul of the unit, all the exposed sliding pins
should be first disassembled and then inspected.
2 当滑销间隙过大时,应用补焊后加工或另配制新销子的办法将间
2) If the clearance of the sliding pin is too big, decrease the
clearance by making up the welding then assembling it or
change a new one.
3 当滑销间隙过小或有磨损,卡涩痕迹时须用刮刀修刮;
3) If the sliding pin clearance is small or experiences abrasion and
blockage, scrape it using the scraping knife.
4 检查所有滑销应光滑、无毛刺、无变形,清理干净,并涂上干二
4) Inspect all sliding pins which should be smooth, with no burs
and deformation. Make it clean and paint dry molybdenum
5 滑销组装应按原记号,装回原处,并按要求调整各滑销间隙(在
5) Assemble the sliding pins based on the original marks and
adjust the clearance according to the requirements (the
clearance should be made in the same direction if the sliding
pins are in the same straight line).
6 安装好的销子,应做好防止灰、砂掉入的措施,对清理有困难的
6) For the installed pins, take measures to prevent the ash and
sand dropping into it. Use the compressed air to blow out the
foreign matters in some sliding pins if difficult to clean out them. 滑销系统检修工艺要求 Maintenance requirements for sliding pin system
1 检修前应测量滑销各部间隙并做好记录;
1) Before the maintenance, take measurement to the sliding pin
clearances and make a record.
2 分解前应检修各销子应无变形,无毛刺;
2) Before disassemble inspect the pins which should not undergo
deformation and burs.
3 研刮好的滑销,应使全长的间隙均匀,并符合要求,接触面积应

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在 75%以上,各接触面积应达 80%以上,表面粗造度 1.6 以下,
3) For the grinded and scraped sliding pins, make its total
clearance uniform and meet the requirements. The contacting
square should be more than 75% and each contacting square
more than 80%. The coarse degree should be less than 1.6,
otherwise, scrape it.
4 因为销子不合格更换的销子或补焊后的销子,其强度不得低于原
4) For the changed or made-up pins which haven’t met the
requirements, their strength should not be less than that of the
original ones. For the big clearance of sliding pins, do not make
it up by spot welding (full welding admitted) or in the way of
twisting and squeezing.
5 检查缸胀指示用的架子应紧固不松动,装置缸胀的表应根据记号
5) Inspect the frame indicating the casing expansion should be
fastened and not loosened. The gauge indicating the casing
expansion should points zero according to the marks to avoid
errors appearing in the future operation.
6 对于排汽缸与台板的连结螺丝,如果垫圈的间隙过小,要用刮削
6) For the screws connecting the steam extraction casing and
sole plate, if the gasket clearance is too small, thin the gasket
or screw cap to increase the clearance by scraping. Do not
increase the clearance by decreasing the tightness force of the
screws. Do not make up the gasket clearance of the joint bolt
by adding a gasket, but change a thick gasket. 猫爪垫片检查 Claw gasket inspection
1 拆下连接螺栓;
1) Dismantle the joint bolt.
2 将汽缸顶起,抽出猫爪垫片;
2) Support the steam casing up and extract out the claw gasket.
3 测量垫片总间隙;
3) Measure the total clearance of the gasket.
4 用细砂布将推拉垫片两侧清理干净,并将猫爪垫片凹槽处清理干
4) Use the emery to clean the two sides of drawable gasket and

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the groove of the claw gasket.
5 将垫片用磷状黑铅粉或二硫化钼粉揩擦后复装,并复装连接螺栓;

5) Use the black lead powder or molybdenum disulfide to wipe up

the gasket and then reassemble it and the joint bolt.
6 要求高、中压缸猫爪下平面接触均匀,面积大于 75% 。
6) The surface under the claws of HP and LP casing should be
contacted uniformly; its square should be more than 75%. 前轴承箱底座滑块检查清理 Inspection and cleanness for slide block on the base of front
bearing box
1 首先测量轴承底角销各部尺寸,并记录原始数据,作为依据,拆
1 Measure the sizes of each parts of the angle pin under the
bearing, and take a record of the original data as reference.
Disassemble the angle pin bolt, and put the angle pins in the
certain places to keep them well. Install the special tools and
jack on the claws in the two sides of the front lower casing.
Install the dial indicator to monitor the casing jacking value.
2 将外缸两侧同时顶起,顶起的高度不得大于 0.5mm,即两侧百
百分表,监其读数不得大于 0.40mm,起吊过程中不得卡涩。
2 Jack up the two sides of the outer casing simultaneously, and
the jacking height should be less than 0.5mm. That means the
dial indicator readings in the two sides should be same. Use
the traveling crane to slightly suspend or jack the bearing
pedestal, at the same time install the dial indicator whose
reading should be less than 0.4mm. There should be no
blockage in the process of suspending.
4 从轴承座两侧将滑块拉出,将滑块和油槽中的油清理干净,检查
积应大于 75%。
4 Pull out the siding block from the two sides of the bearing
pedestal. Clean out the oil on the sliding block and oil groove.
Inspect the sliding block contacting surface should be smooth
and flat without fins. The two surfaces should be in good state
of contact and the contacting square should be more than 75%.
5 将滑动表面涂上高温润滑脂,复装滑块,落下轴承箱及外下缸,
5 Paint the high temperature grease on the sliding surface, and
then reassemble the siding block. Drop down the bearing box
and outer lower casing. The reading of dial indicator should

Page 158 of 629

return to the original place, if not, find out the causes and solve
the problems.
6 用专用高压油枪往滑板块的油槽内注入润滑脂(可选用二硫化钼
6 Use the special HP oil gun to inject the lube oil (molybdenum
sulfide lime grease or lithium grease) into the oil groove of the
sliding block and fulfill it.
表 14 各滑销间隙标准

名称 图号 位置 要求间隙
a+b 0.05~0.08
猫爪横销 图 23 c 0.05~0.07
d >71
a+b 0.04~0.08

汽 缸 与 调 速 汽 门 图 24 F ≥3
立销 c+d 0.04~0.08
E ≥1.5

汽 缸 与 轴 承 座 立 图 25 a+b 0.06~0.10
销 c >1.5
a+b 0.04~0.06
基础台板纵销 图 26
c >0.5
a 0.04~0.07
连接螺丝 图 27 b 2/3D
c 1/3D
a 0.04~0.06
角销 图 28
c >2

Table 14 clearance standards for sliding pins


Name Diagram No. Place Clearance standard

Claw transverse pin Diagram 23 a+b 0.05~0.08
c 0.05~0.07

Page 159 of 629

d >71
a+b 0.04~0.08

Vertical pins for casing and F ≥3

Diagram 24
speed governing valve c+d 0.04~0.08
E ≥1.5

Vertical pins for casing and a+b 0.06~0.10

Diagram 25
bearing pedestal c >1.5

Longitudinal pin of base sole a+b 0.04~0.06

Diagram 26
plate c >0.5
a 0.04~0.07
Joint screw Diagram 27 b 2/3D
c 1/3D
a 0.04~0.06
Angle pin Diagram 28
c >2

a b
c d


a b

Diagram 23 Claw transverse pin Diagram 24 Vertical pins for casing

and speed governing valve

c a b


Page 160 of 629

Diagram 25 Vertical pin between Diagram 26 Longitudinal pin of base
sole plate casing and bearing pedestal

c b

Diagram 27 Joint screw Diagram 28 Bearing angle pin

connecting casing and sole plate
2.2.8 盘车装置
2.2.8 Turning gear device 概述 General description
Turning gear is used in the period of unit startup and shutdown. During
the unit startup, the turning gear drives the rotor to rotate in a low
speed in order to make it heated uniformly; or after the unit shutdown, it
turns the rotor to rotate and keeps it being cooled uniformly in order to
decrease the possibility of its deformation. Before start the unit, turn the
rotor, which can be used to inspect whether the turbine meets the
requirements for startup, such as whether there is friction in the moving
and static parts, whether the bending of main shaft is normal etc.
After the turbine shutdown, the steam casing and rotor etc parts
gradually become cooled from hot state. Their lower part undergoes

Page 161 of 629

quick cooling and upper part slow, therefore the rotor experiences bend
because of the temperature difference between the upper part and
lower part. The bend degree increases with the time of unit outage. For
the big steam turbine, this thermal bending can reach a big value and
can gradually disappear after tens of hours. Do not restart the steam
turbine before the thermal bending value decreases to the set value.
Therefore, turning gear must be put into operation after unit shutdown,
because it can stir the steam flow in casing and helps to eliminate the
temperature difference between the casing upper and lower parts.
Moreover, the turning gear can prevent the rotor form deformation and
helps to eliminate the damage on the bearing bush because of the
bearing journal with high temperature as well.
盘车装置所采用的 SSS 离合器是一种齿型离合器,当驱动部分的速度达
即当汽轮发电机转子速度低于盘车转速时,可以启动盘车电机使 SSS 离
盘车装置主体安装在前轴承箱内,盘车电机马达型号为 ???。驱动轴穿
上。电机功率为 37KW,转速 1480rpm。减速装置速比为 27.5,盘车转速
约 54rpm。
The SSS clutch used in the turning gear is kind of toothed clutch. It will
start automatically when the speed of driving part is equal to that of the
driven part. While when the speed of driven part exceeds that of driving
part, the clutch will automatically release. Therefore, the turning gear
can automatically put into or out of operation. That is to say, when the
rotor speed of steam turbine generator is lower than the rotating speed
of turning gear, start the turbine gear motor to put the SSS clutch into
operation; in converse, the clutch is out of operation, which means the
turning gear stop rotating. The turning gear body is installed in the front
bearing box. The motor model of turning gear is ????? the driving shaft
passing through the box walls connects motor through hydraulic
coupler. The turning gear motor locates on the sole plate under the
front bearing box. The motor power is 37KW, and revolution
1480rpm.the speed ratio of speed reducer is 27.5, and the revolution of
turning gear is about 54rpm. 盘车主体结构及工作原理 Turning gear structure and working principle
涨,盘车装置设计时考虑了其膨胀量 δ(最大为 40mm),以保证盘车

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The turning gear structure (see the diagram) consists of the following
parts: pawl (1)locating in the pawl groove, ratchet(2), spiral gear(3),
buffer (4), bearing (5), worm wheel (6), sliding piece (7), internal spur
gear(8), external spur gear (9), worm shaft(10) , lube oil pipe(11)etc.
The torque is transmitted by the worm wheel shaft connecting with the
motor in the external left side of the front bearing box. There is helical
gear in the outer diameter of sliding piece, ratchet in the inner hole, and
in another end is an internal spur gear transmitting the torque of turning
gear. When the limit sliding bar moves to the terminal, it will get a
buffering force from the buffer, which helps to avoid exceeding the
maximum of admitted replacement in operation. The turning gear has
its own oil tube, and is supplied lube oil passing through a two-way
filter which is parallel to the lube oil system. Due to the thermal
expansion of the HP rotor, the expansion value δ (max: 40mm) has
been considered when design the turning gear. That will guarantee the
engagement of the driving mechanism of turning gear to be correct.
汽轮机静止时启动盘车:汽机静止时棘爪伸出顶在棘轮上,当盘车启动 ,
Start turning gear when turbine in stoppage: when the steam turbine is
in stoppage, the pawl stretches out to jack against the ratchet; when
the turning gear starts, the pawl will push the sliding piece. Due to the
inertia of turbine rotor which blocks the movement of the sliding piece,
thus an axial force will be produced when the worm wheel’s rotating
force passes to the spiral gear of sliding piece. The axial force can
drive the sliding piece to move left wit the axial direction. At this
moment, the internal spur gear and external spur gear of sliding piece
will engage with each other to transfer the torque, and to drive the rotor
of seam turbine rotate until the turning gear possesses the rated
动件在 0~54rpm 的过程中,被推向左侧。
When the sliding piece axially moves to the terminal with the direction
to the front part of steam turbine, the oil flow discharge in the buffer can
help to limit the collision of the sliding piece and terminal part. At this
moment, the pawl disengages from the ratchet and still stretches out.
Moreover, the sliding piece is pushed t left when its revolution is in the
range of 0~54rpm.
反方向的转矩推动滑动件沿轴向缓慢向右移,使其内正齿与外正齿脱开 ,
转速达到 140rpm 时,棘爪受离心力的作用时尾部甩开爪部缩进,盘车
Disengagement of turning gear after steam turbine rolling: when the
revolution of turbine rotor is higher than that of turning gear, a torque in

Page 163 of 629

converse will be produced to push the sliding piece to move to left
axially and slowly. Then the internal spur gear and external spur gear
will disengage with each other. Due to that the revolution difference
between turning gear and rotor gradually increases, the progress is
relatively stable. When the steam turbine revolution reaches 140 rpm,
the tail of pawl will throw off the claw and retract; turning gear
disengage with rotor of steam turbine; the revolution of steam turbine
will increase and turning gear undergoes disengagement.
140rpm 时,棘爪伸出,棘爪与棘齿啮合,当机组转速降至 54rpm 时,
通过反力矩时滑动件进入工作位置,齿轮套啮合,由盘车装置盘动转子 ,
Automatic operation of turning gear during outage of steam turbine:
after the steam turbine undergoes disassembly stoppage or emergency
tripping, when the steam turbine is in decreasing revolution, the
auxiliary oil pump will start, which will cause the startup of jacking oil
pump and turning gear motor. When the unit revolution decreases to
140rpm, pawl stretches out and engages with ratchet; when the unit
revolution decreases to 54rpm, the sliding piece goes to the working
position by reaction torque, and gear sleeve engages, and turning gear
turns rotor at the same time keep the revolution with this level (54rpm).
件)进行手动盘车,其转矩约 20kg.m。转子每转动 90°,大约要 5 分钟,
Manual turning gear: there is a hexagonal shaft head on another end of
the input shaft of turning gear. When the turning gear is power off,
dismantle the cover in the right side of the bearing box and manually
operate the turning gear with ratchet spanner belonging to the turning
gear, and its torque is 20??. It takes 5 min for the rotor to rotate 90°,
which will ensure the rotor is heated uniformly. At this moment, the lube
oil and jacking oil system must be in operation, oil pressure normal,
and rotor jacked up.

Page 164 of 629

图 29 盘车主体剖面图

Page 165 of 629

Sliding piece

Be in disengagement

Steam turbine
in hot state


Rotor of steam turbine

Steam turbine
Engagement in hot state

Profile section
Profile section

spur gear

Rotating External
direction spur gear

Diagram 29 Turning Gear section

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The turning gear must be operated after the AC auxiliary oil pump and
jacking oil pump has been put into operation, because at this moment
the lube oil has possessed a certain pressure and the shaft jacked up.
When carry out the stoppage, turning gear should be stopped first, and
then stop the lube oil pump and jacking oil pump, and this sequence
should not be changed. Turning gear can be put into operation at any
time, fox example the turning gear motor can be started even when the
steam turbine is in high-speed revolution. 盘车装置主体的润滑
管路供给盘车轴承,SSS 离合器和蜗杆润滑油。其回油从盘车装置主体
将回油孔上面临时塑料堵头拆去,以免回油通道受阻。 Lubrication of turning gear device
The lube oil for turning gear is supplied by the lube oil system of the
steam turbine bearing. In the front bearing box, there is inner oil
pipeline supplying for the turning gear bearing, SSS clutch and worm
rod. Its returning oil is discharged to the bearing box from the hole
which is lower than the centerline of worm rod locating under the shell
body of the turning gear device. Therefore, before the turning gear is
put into operation, dismantle the temporary plastic block on the oil
returning hole in case the oil returning channel is blocked. 液力耦合器的使用 Hydraulic coupler usage
温度开关,当温度超 145℃时,熔断环就会熔化,受熔断环控制的销子
The hydraulic coupler is installed between the motor and turning gear
body, and the teeth coupling in the two ends. They are both the
important machines that need to be adopted. It needs to inject the oil
before using the hydraulic coupler. The oil type should meet the
regulation. There is a temperature switch for the hydraulic coupler.
When the temperature exceeds 145℃, the fuse ring will be melted and
the pin controlled by it will stretch out 盘车装置检修工艺方法、质量标准、注意事项 Maintenance process methods , quality standards and
precautions of turning gear

Page 167 of 629 检修工艺要求 Maintenance process requirement
1 注意事项
1 Precautions
1.1 每项零部件从设备上移开时,作上标记,以便以后重新装配。
1) Do the marks on the dismantled parts.
1.2 盘车装置重新装配之前,确保所有要装配的零件无锈蚀,污物,
2) Before reassembling the turning gear, ensure all the parts do
not undergo corrosion, dirtiness and particles etc. Use white
cloth to clean it. Notice: the cotton gauze may cause some
accident although they are not used on the moving machine.
1.3 不用汽油作为清洁剂。除非另有规定,要用煤油和工业酒精。
3) Don’t use gas as the cleanser unless there is a regulation
about that. Normally use kerosene and industrial alcohol.
1.4 任何情况下,包含垫片的接头被拆卸,再次连接时不能使用同一
4) When reconnecting the disassembled joint with gasket, do not
use the same gasket. One the gasket is pressed, the sealing
surface easily suffers leakage if use the original gasket.
Moreover, the defect of sealing surface can cause leakage on
the connection surface, which will cause the gasket seat
2 盘车解体
2 Turning gear disassembly
2.1 拆除供油管、供汽管和相应法兰。
1) Dismantle the oil supplying pipe, steam supplying pipe and
corresponding flange.
2.2 拆除自动控制接线;
2) Dismantle the auto control wiring.
2.3 拆除盘车电机电源线;
3) Dismantle the power supply wires of turning gear motor.
2.4 拆除盘车装置的安装用螺栓。
4) Dismantle the installing bolt of turning gear.
2.5 拆除液力耦合器及两端的齿型联轴器。
5) Dismantle hydraulic coupler and the tooth coupling in the two

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2.6 拆解盘车装置,将盘车装置起吊放置在专用支架上,禁止啮合齿
6) Disassemble turning gear and suspend it up to the special
support. Keep the engaged gear away from the earth.
2.7 移去链盖,移去操作把和盖子,测量记录驱动链的偏差。
7) Move away the chain cover, operating handle and cover;
measure and record the deviation of the driving chain.
2.8 拆卸内齿轮,把盘车装置上部转向下,把盘车装置放在支架上
8) Dismantle internal gear; turn downwards the upside of turning
gear and put the turning gear on the support.
2.9 在一侧固定齿轮轴,另一个齿轮面长度方向的中间安装一指示表,
9) Fix up the gear shaft in one side; install an indicator at the
middle of the other gear length direction to measure the
clearance of gear by the indicator.
2.10 对互锁齿轮负荷齿轮面侧的所有侧面刷上深兰色或红丹,转
10) Paint heavy blue or red lead on all side surface of the load gear
side of the interlocking gear. Rotate the gear and make the
heavy blue side toward the gear teeth in other controlled
direction. Inspect the shape and size of the blue marks on the
tooth face of other gears. Measure and record the tooth joint.
2.11 拆解空转齿轮和啮合齿轮。
11) Disassemble idler gear and mesh gear.
2.12 测量并记录轴和套筒间的间隙。外径千分尺,测量并记录每
12) Measure and record the clearance between the shaft and shaft
sleeve. Use outer micrometer of outer diameter to measure the
diameter of each shaft and make a record of it. Use pillar meter
or micrometer of inner diameter to measure the diameter of
each sleeve and record it. Calculate the clearance between the
shaft and sleeve and record it. Inspect the indentation of each
3 检查标准
3 Inspection standard
3.1 各传动齿轮啮合接触:长度≥75%,高度≥65%;
1) Engagement contact of each driving gear: length≥75%,

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3.2 齿轮箱结合面局部间隙:垂直、水平≤0.05mm;
2) Partial clearance of connection surface of gear box: vertical,
horizontal ≤0.05mm;
3.3 各进油管及孔应清扫干净、畅通;
3) Each oil inlet tube and hole should be clean and clear;
3.4 顶杆与摆动轮外壳端面接触应紧密贴合;
4) The carrier rod and terminal surface of the wobble gear shell
should contact closely;
3.5 摆 动 齿 轮 与 转 子 齿 轮 间 隙 : 顶 部 : ≥ 1.50mm ; 两 侧 0.08—
5) Clearance of wobble gear and rotor gear: top≥1.50mm, two
sides 0.08—1.20mm;
3.6 盘形弹簧予紧值:0.20—0.50㎜;
6) Pretightening force value of belleville spring: 0.20—0.50mm;
3.7 弹簧顶柱缓冲值:4㎜;
7) Buffering value of spring carrier rod: 4mm;
3.8 SF 复合衬套间隙:当 55㎜<复合衬套直径 D<100㎜时,间隙为
D 0.280.25㎜;当 100㎜<复合衬套直径 D<200㎜时,间隙为 D
8) Clearance of SF compound bushing: when the diameter of
compound bushing is 55mm<d<100mm, the clearance is
0.280.25mm (diameter); when the value is 100mm<d<200mm,
the clearance is 0.400.36mm (diameter); if the clearance
exceeds the maximum value, change the shaft sleeve;
3.9 SF 复合衬套间隙与轴的直径间隙为 0.10—0.30㎜;
9) Clearance of SF compound bushing and the diameter
clearance of shaft is 0.10—0.30 mm;
3.10 装配后应检查各齿轮副的齿侧间隙为 0.33—0.50㎜。
10) After assembling the device, inspect the tooth-side clearance of
each gear pair is 0.33—0.50mm.

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Regulation and Security System & Oil System

审 核
复 审
Super supervisor:

Page 171 of 629

2.2.9 EH 油系统
2.2.9 EH Oil System 概述 Overview
EH 油系统由供油装置、抗燃油再生装置及油管路组成。供油装置的主要
(结构如图 1)。油管路系统主要由一套油管及附件和畜能器组成。
EH oil system comprises oil supply device, fire resistant oil
regeneration device and oil pipeline. Main functions of the oil supply
device are to supply the hydraulic oil for the control portion and help
to pressurize. At the same time, it has to ensure the normal
physicochemical features and operation characteristics of the
hydraulic oil.
It is composed of oil tank, oil pump, control block, oil filter, magnetic
filter, overflow valve, energy accumulator both high voltage and low
voltage, terminal panel, some alarming indicators for oil pressure, oil
temperature and oil level, control standard equipment and a set of
self-cycle filter oil system and self-cycle cooling system.
Fire resistant oil regeneration device is used to store the absorbent
and make the fire resistant oil be regenerated (make the oil
neutralized and moisture removed.) It is mainly composed of
diatomaceous earth device and precision filter (see the construction
sketch as Fig. 1). Oil piping system consists mainly one set of oil
piping, accessories and energy accumulator. 设备简介 Equipment introduction EH 油箱 EH oil tank
主油箱由不锈钢材料制成。油箱外形尺寸为 × × 米。储备容量:
立方米,设计压力: MPa。油箱上装有两个浮子型液位报警装置及
一个加热器,在油温低于 20℃时应给加热器通电,提高 EH 油温。
Main oil tank is made of stainless steel material. The appearance
size of it is …meter. Storage capacity: …cubic meter. Design
pressure: …MPa. On tank body, there installed two float liquid
level alarms and thermocouples for measuring the oil

Page 172 of 629

temperature, four magnetic filters which are composed of
stainless steel stems with magnetic steel air cores, air strainer,
manual operated oil discharge valve and control block. Besides,
at the bottom part of the oil tank, there is a heater installed. When
the oil temperature falls down less than 20℃, please energize the
heater to increase the EH oil temperature. 供油泵 Oil supply pump
型 式 : 高 压 变 量 柱 塞 泵 ? 台 , 容 量 : ? L/min , 出 口 油 压 : ?
MPa,转速:?r/min,电机:?kw 。抗燃油主油泵(供油泵)的
系统,其容量各为 100%,每一泵系统由一台交流电动油泵及进出
力低至 11.2±0.2 MPa),备用泵即自动启动。
Specification: high pressure variable piston pump(s) … ones.
Capacity: …L/min. Outlet oil pressure: … MPa. Rotating speed:
… r/min. Motor: … kw. Function of fire resistant oil pump (oil
supply pump): supply the stable and sufficient hydraulic oil for the
system. There are two independent pump systems in pump
station, whose capacities are 100% individually. Each pump
system comprises one Alternative Current (AC) motor oil pump,
inlet and outlet valves, inlet and outlet strainers, and overflow
valves. Two pumps serve each other as standby course. In
normal operation, only single pump runs. When the running pump
cannot maintain the normal oil pressure due to some causes
(pressures falls down to 11.2±0.2MPa), the standby pump starts
up automatically. 溢流阀 Overflow valve
溢流阀的作用是在 DEH 系统的供油装置中作为安全阀使用防止系
统过载,保护系统安全。整定压力:± MPa。
The overflow valve installed in oil supply device of the DEH
system functions as safety valve to protect the system in case of
overload. Set pressure: ± … MPa. 蓄能器 Energy accumulator
This system has six high pressure energy accumulators installed
along the high pressure oil supply piping and four low pressure
energy accumulators installed along the oil pressure return piping.
高压蓄能器是球胆式,充氮压力 9.3 MPa,下部油室与高压供油管

Page 173 of 629

High pressure energy accumulator is rubber bladder like. Nitrogen
filling pressure is 9.3 MPa, and the lower oil chamber is
connected with the high pressure oil supply piping. The high
pressure energy accumulator aims to maintain the oil pressure of
the system and make up necessary oil for system, as well as
absorbing high frequency flutter component of the system.
低压蓄能器是球胆式,充氮压力 0.21 MPa,由氟橡胶制成的球胆
Low pressure energy accumulator is rubber bladder like. Nitrogen
filling pressure is 0.21 MPa. Fluorine rubber made bladder is
installed in the stainless steel made shell body to function as
buffer that absorb the return oil when the load is released quickly. 自循环冷却系统 Automatic circulation cooling system
Besides the normal return oil cooling course, the oil supply
system has an extra independent automatic circulation cooling
system. This extra system keeps the temperature of oil tank within
the normal work temperature range in abnormal working condition
(like ambient temperature is too high). Cooling pump can be
controlled by temperature switch and by manual operation to start
up or slut down. It mainly consists of the cooling pump and oil
冷却油泵:型式:叶片泵,泵流量:50L/min,电机:卧式 Y90L-4
2KW 380VAC 50HZ 三相,转速:1500r/min。
Cooling oil pump: specification: vane pump; pump flow: 50L/min;
motor: horizontal type Y90l-4 2KW 380VAC 50HZ three phases;
rotating speed: 1500r/min. 自循环滤油系统 Automatic circulation filter oil system
机组运行以后,EH 油油质会变差,为了不影响机组的正常运行,
设独立的自循环滤油系统。油泵从油箱内吸入 EH 油,经过两个过
滤精度为 1μm 的过滤器回油箱。油泵可以由 ER 端子箱上的控制按
When the units are in normal operation, efficiency of the system
filter oil is quite low. After running for one period, the EH oil quality
may decrease. In order not to influence the normal operation, and

Page 174 of 629

keep the cleanness of oil system to expand the reliable operation
span, an independent self circulation filter oil system is installed in
the oil supply device. Oil pump absorbs EH oil from the oil tank,
and send it through two filters with accuracy around 1μm, then it
comes back to the oil tank again. The oil pump can be started up
or shut down by the control button on the ER terminal board
滤油泵: 型 式: 叶片 泵,泵 流量: 20 L/min ,电机 型 式: 卧式
Y80L-4 1KW 三相,转速:1430 r/min。
Filter oil pump: specification: paddle pump; pump flow: 20L/min;
motor type: horizontal type Y80L-4 1KW three phases; rotating
speed: 1430 r/min. 控制块 Control block
控制块安装在油箱顶部,上面安装有四个十微米的滤网 ,两个单
Control block is installed on top of the oil tank, upon which there
are four 10 μm strainers, two single way valves, one overflow
valve and two shut-off valves installed. 冷油器 Oil cooler
Two oil coolers are installed beside the oil tank. Cooling water
passes through the pipe while the system oil flows around the
piping inside the oil cooler shell. Cooling water is controlled by the
electromagnetic valve at the cooler circulation water outlet. 检修工序、工艺标准 Maintenance procedure and process standard EH 油箱 EH oil tank
During normal minor repair process, it is not necessary to
discharge oil to clean it. During an overhaul or defection occurs
(such as cleaning the strainer at the oil tank inlet), and the oil tank
top cover has to be removed, please operate according to the
following rules:

Page 175 of 629

图 1 控制块结构
Fig. 1 Control block structure
1 把油箱内的抗燃油放到清洗合格的专用油箱内,并用密封罩将整个 EH
2 在拆卸油箱盖之前,必须把盖及所使用的工具清洗干净后,方可进行
3 将油泵出入口阀门与油箱解列,并封好各油口。
4 拆开人孔门,取下垫子。
5 用无水酒精或丙酮对各部件进行清洗。
6 恢复人孔门及油管道。
7 在抗燃油打入油箱之前,应再仔细对油箱检查,确认无误后,方可打
8 把油箱内经化验合格后的抗燃油用带滤网的加油泵打入清洗干净的 EH
1) Discharge the fire resistant oil in the oil tank to the special oil tank,
which has been, met the cleaning requirements. Seal the whole EH
oil tank with seal cover.
2) Before disassembling the oil tank cover, clean up the cover and all
the needed tools. Start taking apart then.
3) Diconnect the oil pump inlet and outlet valves from the tank body and
seal all oil ports.
4) Disassemble the access hole door, and take away the gasket.
5) Clean all the components with anhydrous alcohol or acetone.
6) Assemble the access hole door and oil piping.
7) Before filling the fire resistant oil into the tank, please check the oil
tank again carefully to make sure no problem occurs. Start filling the
oil then.
8) After the fire resistant oil meets the requirement after chemical
analysis, fill it into the cleaned EH oil tank by oil dosing pump with
strainer. 供油泵 Oil supply pump

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Regarding the oil pump, it is suggested not to disassemble it, so
just change another pump. Exchange it in the following steps
when the unit is in operation:
1 启动备用油泵,将要拆的泵停掉,并确认备用泵已投入工作;
2 将要拆泵的吸入管路上相关的阀门关闭,并挂严禁操作牌;
3 将泵的高压出口管路上的阀门关闭(此阀门是位于油箱控制块
4 拆掉泵的所有吸入口和出口管及其附件;
5 断开联轴器并从支架上拆下油泵;
6 从旧泵上拆去联轴器,并重新装到新的油泵上;
7 换上油泵及联轴器组件;
8 装上联轴器弹簧并检查对中,接上泵的吸入和出口管及其附件;
9 打开油泵出入口阀门,检查所有泵的接头是否有泄漏;
10 如油泵所有接头没有漏油,启动油泵;
11 若泵的出口压力正常的话,则停掉备用泵并让它置与“自动”控制的位
1) Startup the standby oil pump. Shut down the pump to be disassembled.
Make sure the standby pump has been put into operation.
2) Close all the related valves along the absorption piping attached to the
pump to be disassembled. A NO OPERATION board should be hanged
upon it.
3) Close the valve on the pump high pressure outlet piping (this valve is on
the oil tank control block). A NO OPERATION board should be hanged
upon it.
4) Disassemble all the absorption ports and outlet tube as well as all
accessories of the pump.
5) Cut off the coupling and take apart the oil pump from the supporting
6) Disassemble the coupling from the old pump and assemble it on the new
oil pump
7) Change the oil pump and coupling components.
8) Assemble the coupling spring and check the alignment. Connect the
absorption and outlet pipes as well as other accessories with the pump.
9) Open the oil pump inlet and outlet valves, and check all the connections
of the pump to make sure there is no leakage.
10) If there is no leakage along all the connections, then start up the oil

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11) If the outlet pressure of the pump is normal, then shut down the standby
pump and set it on AUTOMATIC CONTROL position. 溢流阀 Overflow valve
The overflow valve is damaged, and change a new one.
1 要更换溢流阀时,机组必须停机,系统油压必须放掉;
1) When the overflow valve needs to be changed, the unit has to
be shut down, and the oil pressure of the system has to be
2 拆除溢流阀的固定螺栓,取下溢流阀及 O 型圈;
2) Take apart the fixing bolt of the overflow valve. Then
disassemble the overflow valve and O ring.
3 用绸布将结合面清理干净,换上装有新 O 型圈的新溢流阀;
3) Use a piece of silk cloth clean up the interface. Change a new
overflow valve with new O ring.
4 再开启油泵,重新整定溢流阀压力。
4) Start up the oil pump again and reset the overflow valve
5 整定溢流阀压力;调压范围为:17±0.2 MPa;
5) Set the overflow valve pressure. Adjusting range is as follows:
17±0.2 MPa
5.1 将油泵压力调整至略高于整定压力;
5.2 调整溢流阀:调整手轮将手轮旋入,观察系统压力到整定
5.3 将手轮锁定在调好的位置上。
5.1)Adjust the oil pump pressure a little bit higher than the set
5.2)Adjust the overflow valve: screw in the hand wheel and observe
the system pressure to accord it with the set value.
5.3)Lock the hand wheel on the set position. 蓄能器 Energy accumulator
高压蓄能器氮气正常压力为 9.1 MPa,可在零油压时的蓄能器表上
读出。如果气压降到 8.2 MPa 时,应重新充气。低压蓄能器氮气正
常压力为 0.21 MPa,可在零油压时的蓄能器表上读出。如果气压降
到 0.1655 MPa 时,应重新充气,重新充气步骤如下:

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Normal pressure of the nitrogen in high pressure energy
accumulator is 9.1 MPa, which can be read on the accumulator
gauge when the oil pressure is zero. If the air pressure falls at 8.2
MPa, fill air again. Normal pressure of the nitrogen in low
pressure energy accumulator is 0.21 MPa, which can be read on
the accumulator gauge when the oil pressure is zero. If the air
pressure falls at 0.1655 MPa, please fill air again. Concrete steps
are as follows:
1 全关蓄能器的进油阀;
2 打开相应的回油阀,让蓄能器皮囊(活塞)下的油压降到零;
3 将蓄能器氮气阀门上的保险盖拆掉;
4 读出蓄能器气压表读数,并记录做为今后参考。蓄能器只能用
5 将氮气瓶软管与蓄能器充气阀相连。将蓄能器气阀的顶部六角
螺帽松出 1 圈,此时阀杆由于空气夹头的作用会松开,以进行
6 当充到所要求的压力值时,关闭氮气瓶上的阀门,旋紧蓄能器
7 关闭蓄能器回油阀;
8 慢慢地打开蓄能器进油阀到全开位置。
1) Completely close the oil inlet valve f the energy
2) Open the relative oil return valve, decreasing the oil
pressure below the accumulator piston to zero.
3) Take apart the relief cover on the nitrogen valve of
the energy accumulator.
4) Read the accumulator pressure gauge and make
marks for later reference. Only dry nitrogen can be filled into
the accumulator.
5) Connect the nitrogen hose with the accumulator air
filling valve. Screw one circle of the socket screw cap on top
of the accumulator air valve. At this point, valve stem may
become loose because of air gripper. In this way, the air
starts to be filled in. Open the valve on the nitrogen bottle
and fill air until the accumulator gauge indicates pressure.
6) When air filling capacity reaches the required value,
close the valve on the nitrogen bottle. Screw on the socket
crew cap on top of the accumulator tight enough and take
apart the hose.
7) Close the return oil valve on the accumulator.
8) Slowly open the accumulator oil inlet valve till

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complete openness. 自循环滤油系统 Self circulation filter oil system
检查再生装置滤器的油压。如果任一个滤器油温在 43℃到 54℃之
间,压力高达 0.21 MPa 时,就需要更换滤芯。
Check the oil pressure of the regeneration device filter. If oil
pressure of any filters is between 43℃ and 54℃ and pressure is
as high as 0.21 MPa, then it is necessary to change the cartridge. 调试、运行 Commission and operation 大修后 EH 系统冲洗 EH system flushing after overhaul
凡是 EH 油系统第一次冲油,管路系统经过改造或是大修(检查) ,
有几个部件被拆开,修理或调换过,均须对 EH 系统进行冲洗。冲
洗的步骤包括使 EH 油循环通过此系统及用临时滤器来滤去 EH 油
0.5 升),分析 EH 油中的杂志含量及清洁度。
If it is the first time to fill oil to the EH oil system, or the piping
system has been reconstructed or overhauled (check), or several
components has been taken apart, repaired or changed, the EH
system needs to be flushed. Flushing process includes several
steps, like making EH oil circulating through this system, filtering
the impurities in the EH oil by temporary strainer, closely
monitoring oil temperature of the system during the flushing
period, taking oil sampling periodically ( about 0.5 liter), analyzing
the impurity content and cleanness of the EH oil. 冲洗步骤 Flushing procedure
1 系统冲洗的准备
1 Preparation for system flushing
1.1 在对系统进行任何维修之前,必须确保两个油泵都已关掉,并
已锁住。马达的电源必须断开。在过了相当一段时间使 EH 系统
油全部回到 EH 油箱后,做以下几步工作。
1.1 Before carrying out any maintenance to the system, please
make sure two oil pumps both have been shut down and
locked. Power of the motor has to be cut off. After a certain
period, when EH system oil returns back to EH oil tank
completely, do the following several steps.
1.2 拆去 EH 油箱控制板上的四只滤油器,换上 3μm 精度的临时冲

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1.2 Take apart the four filters on the EH oil tank control board,
and replace them with temporary flushing filters with 3μm
accuracy. Put the disassembled filters into clean plastic bags
and make marks.
1.3 完全关闭 EH 系统去精密滤油器的组件管路上的两只隔离阀。
1.3 Completely close the two isolation valves along the precision
filter component piping of the EH system.
1.4 拆除危急遮断控制块上的六只电磁阀及电路,换上冲洗块,把
1.4 Take apart the six electromagnetic valves and circuit on the
interrupting control block and replace them with flushing
block. Put the electromagnetic valves into clean plastic bags
and make marks.
1.5 拆去调节汽门、主汽门油动机上的滤油器,用 10μm 的冲洗滤
1.5 Disassemble the oil actuator filters on the governing valve,
main stop valve and replace them with flushing filters with
10μm accuracy. Put away the disassembled filters and keep
them in good condition, and make marks.
1.6 拆除调节汽门、主汽门、油动机上的电液转换器及电路,用冲洗
1.6 Take apart the governing valve, main stop valve, electro-
control converter on the oil actuator as well as the circuit, and
replace them with flushing board. Put the disassembled
electro-control converter into clean plastic bags and make
1.7 旋出调门、主汽门、再热主汽门、油动机上的快速卸荷阀、调整手
1.7 Screw off control valve, main stop vale, reheating main stop
valve, and quick unloading valve of the oil actuator and adjust
the hand wheel, to make it work at lowest pressure.
1.8 拆除再热主汽门、再热调门、油动机上的电磁阀及电路和供油节
1.8 Disassemble the reheating main stop valve, reheating control
valve, electromagnetic valves on the oil actuator and circuit,
as well as oil supply throttling orifice, and replace them with
flushing board. Put the disassembled electromagnetic valves
into clean plastic bags, and make marks.
2 EH 油箱加油
2 EH oil tank filling
2.1 检查 EH 油箱泄油阀是否全关,并将其堵上。检查油箱透气装置

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2.1 Check the EH oil tank oil relief valve to see whether it is
completely closed and plug it. Check the oil tank ventilation
device and oil filling components to ascertain whether they
are reliably installed on the oil tank board.
2.2 将 EH 油桶尽量放置在靠近 EH 油箱处,清洗油桶顶部,去掉
孔盖。从油桶取 0.5 升的油样进行化学化验合格后方可使用。
2.2 Put the EH oil barrel close to the EH oil tank as near as
possible, and clean the oil barrel top, removing the cover.
Take sampling around 0.5 liter from the barrel to do the
chemical experiment. Use it only after it meets the
2.3 将 EH 系统冷却泵接好电源通电,并试好泵的反正转,取下冷
EH 油桶顶部大口,并将油桶上通气孔打开。
2.3 Supply power to the EH system cooling pump and adjust well
the pump normal-reverse rotor. Remove the threaded plug at
the cooling pump absorption port, and connect the special
hose. Insert the inlet hose of the pump into big opening at top
of the EH oil barrel and open the ventilation port on the oil
2.4 打开 EH 系统冷却泵吸入管口处阀门及出口阀门,启动输送泵,
向 EH 油箱加油。
2.4 Open the valve at the EH system cooling pump absorption
pipe mouth and the outlet valve. Start up the conveying pump
and then fill oil into the EH oil tank.
2.5 当油位指示器指示油已充好时,停油泵,关闭油泵进出口阀门,
将软管从油泵的吸入管口处取下,软管从 EH 油箱抽出,并装
2.5 When the oil level indication displays that the oil has been
filled well, shut down the oil pump. Close the oil pump inlet
and outlet valves, and remove the hose form the oil pump
absorption pipe. Pull back the hose from the EH oil tank and
screw on the oil filling screw cap.
2.6 从 EH 油箱中拆出输送泵吸入软管,泵的电路也拆去。将输送泵
洁、干燥的地方。如果油桶中剩有 EH 油,将桶口盖紧。将油桶
搬离油箱区,以便处理或存放。严禁把剩余 EH 油的排入地沟。
2.6 Remove the absorption hose connected with EH oil tank
conveying pump, and the pump circuit. Remove the
conveying pump hose and filters and clean them up
thoroughly. Put the conveying pump and related other
equipment into a clean and dry place. If there is still oil
remained in the barrel, screw on the barrel mouth tightly.
Carry the oil barrel away from the oil tank for better treatment

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or storage. Do not drain the remained EH oil into gutter way.
3 清洗
3 Cleaning
EH 油泵系统的清洗按照下列步骤进行:
Cleaning of EH oil pump system should follow the below
3.1 调整(旋出)EH 油箱控制板上的溢流阀,使出口压力为 3.445
MPa。在调整时,应监视 EH 油箱上的压力表。
3.1 Adjust (screw out) the overflow valve on control board of the
EH oil tank, making the outlet pressure around 2.445 MPa. As
adjust it, please monitor the pressure gauge on EH oil tank.
3.2 继续地开动 EH 油箱主电动泵,使油充满相连的管子和部套组
件。开动 EH 油箱主电动泵(运行人员)操纵。
3.2 Continue to start the motor pump of EH oil tank till the oil fills
the connected pipes and other components. Start up the EH
oil tank main motor pump (by operational personnel).
3.3 把控制循环水到 EH 油箱冷油器去的阀门全部关闭。
3.3 Close all the valves controlling water circulation connected
with the oil cooler of EH oil tank.
3.4 在冲洗时,应检查系统隔膜阀是否关闭,这会使 EH 油流过油
3.4 During the flushing process, it is required to check whether
the diaphragm valves of the system have been closed or not.
It may increase the oil speed while it flows through oil actuator
components. When flushing, closing the shut-off valves of
each oil actuator may also increase the oil velocity.
3.5 开动 EH 油箱备用电动泵(运行人员操纵)。EH 油的温度最高
允许 57℃(55-60℃)。为了在其余的冲洗过程中保持此温度
3.5 Start up the standby motor pump of EH oil tank (by
operators). The maximum EH oil temperature limit is 57℃(55-
60℃). In order to maintain this temperature during the left
flushing process, open the circulation water valve and make it
flow through oil cooler.
3.6 关闭 每 一个 油动机 块 上的高压 截 止阀(这时系统压力应为
力降到 3.445MPa 以下,冲洗这些油动机,时间至少为 2 小时,
机去的高压截止阀,直至压力降到 3.445MPa 以下,然后进行
冲洗,时间至少为 2 小时,重复上述过程,直至所有的油动机
均已至少冲洗了 2 小时。

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3.6 Close high pressure shut-off valves on every oil actuators (at
this point the system pressure should be 3.445MPa). Open
the high pressure shut-off valve on one side of the unit, and
keep it till the oil supply pressure falls below 3.445MPa. Flush
these oil actuators for at least 2 hours, and then close the
high pressure shut-off valves on these oil actuators. Open the
high pressure shut-off valves on the way to oil actuators to be
flushed, and keep it till the pressure falls down below
3.445MPa. Start flushing for at least 2 hours and repeat the
above mentioned procedure and make sure all the oil
actuators have to be flushed for at least 2 hours.
3.7 每隔 2 小时拆出 EH 油箱中的四根磁棒,用不起毛的布擦清它
3.7 For every 2 hours take apart the for magnetic rods in the EH
oil tank, and wipe them with cloth. Install it into them.
3.8 泵的出口滤油器压差开关整定在 0.689MPa,如果压差报警装
3.8 Pressure difference switch of the oil filter at pump outlet
should be set around 0.689 MPa. If the pressure difference
alarm acts, please change the cartridge.
3.9 冲洗 8 小时之后,打开去精密滤器的旁通阀,并且关闭再生滤
油器前的截止阀,进行杂质滤油器的冲洗,时间为 4 小时,然
滤油 precision filter after flushing for 8 hours. Close the shut-
off valve in front of the oil regeneration filter. Flush the oil
impurity filter for 4 hours. Open the oil inlet valve of the oil
regeneration filter connected with the oil impurity filter. Close
the bypass valve on the oil impurity filter.
3.10 在冲洗过程中,将 EH 油箱方向控制阀置于中间位置。
3.10 Set the direction control valve of the EH oil tank in the
middle position during the flushing process.
3.11 冲洗之前和冲洗停止以前,抽取 EH 油样。EH 油的中和指
数在大于 3 小时的间隔中必须保持不变,而且中和性指数
不得大于 0.10 毫克(KOH)/克。
3.11 Take EH oil sampling two times before flushing is started
and before it is stopped. The neutralizing index of the EH
oil has to keep constant and unchanged during the three-
hour period. The neutralizing index has to be not more
than 0.10 mg (KOH)/gram.
3.12 冲洗完成时,关断 2 个 EH 油箱电动泵(只能在控制室中
3.12 Shut down two of the EH oil motor pump (just stay in the
control room to shut down the pump by clicking the
corresponding button). Lock the pump control switch onto

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the shutdown position.
3.13 改变方向控制阀,使油仅通过油箱的一个冷油器的组合件。
3.13 Change direction of the control valve, causing the oil only
passes through one oil cooler components of the oil tank.
3.14 使用制造厂推荐的工具拆去油箱顶盖透气装置和加油帽组
3.14 Use the tools recommended by the manufacture to
disassemble the ventilation devices on top of the oil tank
and the oil filling cap components. Take apart the strainer
out of the oil tank. Clean it up and re-install it well.
Assemble the ventilation device and oil filling cap
components again.
4 系统清洁度的测定
4 System cleanness test
4.1 在回油滤油器前,从主回油总管所设的取样点中取出 1.5 升的
4.1 Take 1.5 liter oil sampling to analyze at sampling point set on
the main return oil in front of the return oil filter.
4.2 在临时滤芯用正式的金属滤芯替换之前,油的污染程度须保持
5-10 微米颗粒/100 毫升…………9700 个
10-25 微米颗粒/100 毫升…………2680 个
25-50 微米颗粒/100 毫升…………380 个
50-100 微米颗粒/100 毫升………56 个
大于 100 微米颗粒/100 毫升………5 个
4.2 Before the temporary cartridge is replaced by special metal
cartridge, oil pollution degree has to be within the following
range. Analyze the impurity of sampling oil, which is taken
from the return oil main pipe, and their content should be
within the following limits:
5-10 micro meter particle/ 100 milliliter……….9700 ones
10-25 micro meter particle/ 100 milliliter ……….2680 ones
25-50 micro meter particle/100 milliliter ……….380 ones
50-100 micro meter particle/100 milliliter ……….56 ones
Over than 100 micro meter particle/ 100 milliliter ……….5
4.3 在冲洗过程中,油的中和指数可能会增加,但在冲洗结束以前,

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油的中和指数在 3 小时的周期中应保持不变,每克的中和指数
不得大于 0.10 毫克 KOH/克。
4.3 The oil neutralizing index of the oil may increase during the
flushing process. The index within the three-hour period
should be constant and unchanged. The index for every gram
should be not more than 0.10 milligram KOH/ gram.
4.4 所有的磁棒均须清洁无杂质。
4.4 All magnetic rods have to be clean without any impurity.
4.5 机组启动前,要有油液清洁度的实验室证明书。油样需送到有
4.5 Before the unit is started up, it is required to have the
Experiment Confirmation for the oil cleanness. Oil sampling
has to be sent to official experiment laboratory to do chemical
analysis and set the confirmation.
5 系统恢复到正常运行状态
5 System is restored back into normal operation
5.1 在下列位置用永久的金属网滤芯换去所有的临时滤芯。
5.1 At following positions, replace the temporary cartridge with
permanent metal net cartridge.
5.1.1 油箱控制块上的泵的出口(两只滤油器)。
5.1.1 Pump outlet on oil tank control block (two oil filters).
5.1.2 主汽阀油动机控制块(每个油动机有 1 只滤油器)。
5.1.2 Control blocks of oil actuator on main stop valve (one
filter on each oil actuator).
5.1.3 调节汽阀油动机控制块(每个油动机有 1 只滤油器)。
5.1.3 Adjust the control block of oil actuator on main stop
valve (one filter on each oil actuator).
5.2 用以前拆下的电液转换器调换下主汽阀和调节汽阀、再热调节
5.2 Replace the flushing board of the oil actuator under the main
stop valve, adjusting valve, and reheat-adjusting valve. Use
the disassembled electromagnetic valve to replace the
flushing board under the reheat-adjusting valves, reheat main
stop valves. Restore the disassembled throttling orifice
related components. Put the flushing board into clean plastic
bags for later use.
5.3 用以前拆下的电磁阀调换下危急遮断控制板上的冲洗板。
5.3 Use disassembled electromagnetic valve to replace the

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flushing board on the emergency trip control board.
5.4 拆去油箱入口盖板,拆出油泵进口滤器进行彻底清洗。检查油
5.4 Take apart the oil tank inlet cover board. Disassemble the oil
pump inlet filter and clean it up. Check inside face of the oil
tank and then install the cover board and filter. Do not get the
oil in the tank get polluted.
5.5 不要从油箱中取走冲洗后的油,这些油要比油桶中的油干净。
5.5 Do not take the oil after flushing as sampling from the tank.
The oil at this point is much cleaner than that in the oil barrel.
Fill in clean oil after filtration to make up the oil consumption
during the flushing process. Then install the ventilation cap.
5.6 放回输送软管中的油,装上油桶上的管塞,擦干软管,从输送
5.6 Discharge the remained oil in conveying hose. Put into the oil
barrel tube plug and dry the hose with cloth. Disassemble the
dirty filter from the conveying pump. Put the pump and hose
into clean protection tank.
5.7 检查液-气蓄能器的充氮压力。
5.7 Check the nitrogen filling pressure of the hydraulic-gaseous
energy accumulator.
5.8 EH 溢流阀及油动机快速卸载阀须重新调整。重新对三通阀定位
5.8 EH overflow valve and oil actuator quick unloading valve
should be adjusted again. Calibrate the tee valve again to
select one oil cooler and start up circulating water. 安全、健康、环保要求 Safety, health, and environmental protection requirement 安全 Safety
1 进入现场必须按《安规》规定着装和使用安全防护用具。
2 两人及以上工作时必须明确一名工作负责人。
3 现场应设有足够的照明,并符合《安规》要求。
4 使用电动工具必须使用漏电保护器,并遵守电动工具的使用规
5 清洗、油箱加油时,要防止火灾。严禁使用汽油清洗机件。
6 高处作业必须正确使用安全带、工具,材料的传递应遵守安规

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7 认真遵守起重、搬运的安全规定。
8 工作结束应及时恢复工作过程拆除的栏杆、防护罩、沟盖板等防
9 工作结束清点人员、工具,收回剩余的材料,消除火种,清扫
10 清理工作现场易燃易爆杂物。
11 电焊地线接在被焊件上,禁止远距离回路。
12 现场准备充足的消防器材。
13 动火工作期间设专人监护。
14 工作结束清理现场,不遗留任何火种。
1) People should wear properly and use safety protection devices
according to Safety Code when going to plant.
2) For two personnel or more, one has to be selected to take in charge.
3) Lighting in plants has to be enough and goes with the Safety Code
4) If the personnel are supposed to use electricity driven tools, the
current leakage safety device should be adopted in accordance with
the Electricity Driven Instrument Applying Instruction. Do not use
instrument or tools with defects.
5) It is required to prevent fire when flush the oil tank and fill in oil to it.
Do not use gasoline cleaning components.
6) When work at a high position, certain safety belt and special tools
should be adopted. Material passage should accord with safety code.
7) Carefully obey the lifting and transportation safety code.
8) As soon as the work is done, the disassembled protective facilities
during the work such as handrail, protecting shield, and trench cover
should be restored
9) As soon as the work is done, count working staff, instrument and
tools, remained material and so on. Eliminate the residual fire and
clean up the site.
10) Clean away inflammable and explosive matters on site.
11) Welding earth line is connected with the welded components. No
long-distance circuit is permitted at all.
12) Sufficient fire fighting instrument should be well prepared.
13) During work with fire, special personnel should be on site to
supervise it.
14) After the work is done, clean up the working site. Make sure no fire-

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proof material is left at all. 健康 Health
1. 接触抗燃油时必须带耐油橡胶手套。
2. 手上有伤口时禁止接触抗燃油。
3. 接触对人体有毒、有害或有刺激性气味的化学物品时必须做好
1) It is required to wear oil resistant rubber glove on condition that it may
contact with fire resistant oil.
2) It is restricted to contact with fire resistant oil when there is wound on
3) Necessary protective measures should be taken when it has to
contact with poisonous, harmful or smell-stimulus chemicals. 环境 Environment
1. 更换后的废油必须倒入指定的油桶中,不得随便倾倒。
2. 使用后废弃的或剩余的化学物品必须放到指定位置,不得随便
3. 工作结束后必须做到“工完、料净、场地清”。
1) Discharged waste oil has to be poured into certain barrel and cannot
be treated liberally.
2) Waste or residual chemicals after using have to be poured into
indicated place, and cannot be disposed at random.
3) When the work is finished, make sure the principle as “work is
finished, material is cleaned, and site is tidy” is strictly followed.
2.2.10 液压调节控制系统
2.2.10 Hydraulic adjusting and control system 概述 General
成。DEH 的末级放大与执行机构:阀门开启由抗燃油压力来驱动,
个调节系统有 12 个执行机构机构,(高压主汽阀执行机构 2 套,
中压主汽阀执行机构 2 套,高压调节汽阀执行机构 4 套,中压调节
汽阀执行机构 4 套)分别控制着 12 只蒸汽阀的位置。所有的执行系

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主要由油缸、液压块、伺服阀、截止阀和逆止阀等组成(见图 5)。对
量。(示意图见图 4)开关型执行机构主要由油缸、液压块、二位二
通电磁阀、截止阀和逆止阀等组成(见图 6)。对于开关型执行机构
阀门在全开或全关位置工作。(示意图见图 7)
Hydraulic adjusting control system is composed of electro-
hydraulic converter, oil actuator and displacement transducer
(LVDT). DEH final amplifier and actuator: startup of the valves is
driven by fire resistant oil pressure while shutdown is driven by
spring force on the operation seat. Oil cylinder of actuator is one-
sided inlet casing.
The whole adjusting system comprises 12 actuators, (high
pressure main stop valve actuators 2 sets, intermediate pressure
main stop valve actuators 2 sets, high pressure governing valve
actuators 4 sets and intermediate pressure governing valve
actuators 4 sets), which control 12 steam valves respectively.
All the actuation systems have one independent set of actuators,
electro-hydraulic servo valves (on-off-type steam valve is
excluded), isolation valves, shut-off valve, quick unloading valve
and oil filter.
Actuator is a kind of combination valve. On the oil cylinder of the
actuator, there is one control block interface. Isolation valve, quick
unloading valve, shut-off valve and related accessories and
components are installed on the block to constitute a whole unit, a
combined valve actuator with function of controlling and quick off.
Only intermediate pressure main stop valve actuator is on-off-
type, and the others are all control type (both thrust force type
and pulling force type).
Control type actuator consists of components like oil cylinder,
hydraulic block, servo valve, shut-off valve and check valve (see
FIGURE 5). For control type actuator, the steam valve can be
controlled at any position, adjusting the steam inlet proportionally
(see FIGURE 4). On-off-type actuator comprises oil cylinder,
hydraulic block, two-position two-way electromagnetic valve, shut-
off valve and check valve (see FIGURE 6). For on-off-type
actuator, it works on condition that valves are open or closed
completely (see FIGURE 7). 设备介绍 Equipment introduction 油动机 Oil actuator

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The function of oil actuator is to operate the main steam valve
and governing valve to supply steam to the casing. The oil
actuator is of one-side oil inlet type. It is usually installed behind
the spring chamber of each steam valve. The cylinder rod is
connected with the valve plug. Reheat governing valve is installed
on top of spring chamber of the oil actuator. One side works for
the startup driving force for the steam valve. Shutdown driving
force lies in the spring force. Together with isolation valve, check
valve, quick unloading valve and filter, they constitute a control
system. Oil actuator itself is composed of upper and lower end
closures, casing body, and piston and cylinder rod. 快速卸荷阀 Quick unloading valve
调整杆、溢流阀、弹簧和密封圈等组成。见图 8。
Quick unloading valve is connected with actuator oil flow way. It is
controlled by emergency trip oil pressure to shut down quickly. In
normal operation, pressure-adjusting rod should be set at
maximum value, and the emergency trip oil pressure is same as
the high-pressure oil pressure. The effect of slide valve spring
helps it to clip on the valve seat. In this way, it can prevent the
working oil from leaking back to oil tank. When the adjusting
interception oil or emergency trip oil is leaking, the working oil in
the oil cylinder of quick unloading valve should be released too.
Close the main stop valve and adjusting valve by spring force.
Quick unloading valve can also be closed by manual as steam
valve. Close any steam valves by manual, please firstly close the
isolation valves to prevent large amount of high-pressure oil from
releasing by quick unloading valve. Then screw out the pressure-
adjusting rod in reverse direction, and observe and make sure the
oil actuator and steam valve move to the closed position.
If the valve needs to be opened again, please firstly set the
pressure at maximum value by adjusting the rod and slowly open
the isolation valve. Quick unloading valve is composed of control

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block, check valve, slide valve, pressure adjusting rod, overflow
valve, spring and sealing ring (see FIGURE 8.) 电液转换器(伺服阀) Electro-hydraulic converter (servo valve)
这样以保证电气信号消失时系统的安全运行。如图 9。
Electro-hydraulic converter consists of one torque motor, two
stages of hydraulic amplifier and mechanical feedback system.
For the two stages of amplifier, the first stage is twinjet nozzle and
damper system, and the second stage is slide valve system.
When electrical signal passes in through servo amplifier, there
must be current flowing through electric coil on magnetic iron in
the middle of torque motor. A magnetic field is produced. Under
the effect of magnetic iron on both sides, certain rotating torque is
yielded out, making the iron rotating. This may cause series of
rotating to the dampers connected with it and this damper may
stretch in the middle part of the two jet nozzles.
When working condition is stable, the spaces from two sides to
the jet nozzle are equal in distance. In this way, the oil releasing
area on both sides of jet nozzles are equal, so it is with oil
pressure on two sides. If there are electric signals indicating
closing or opening, or armature and damper are left deviated or
right deviated, and consequently cause some variation of the
releasing area (or flow variation). This may cause oil pressure
change. Electric signal changes into torque mechanical signal
and then into oil pressure signal again.
During this process, jet-nozzle damper system expands the
signal, causing displacement of lower slide valve due to
unbalanced oil pressure at two ends. Therefore, slightly close or
open the steam valve. In order to increase the stability of
adjusting system, this valve installs feedback spring. As slide
valve moves, the counteracting force yielded by feedback spring
is equal as the force produced by torque motor. At this point, the
damper returns to the middle position. Pressure difference at two
ends of slide valve is zero. The slide valve stays at new position

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until another signal current comes. Electro-hydraulic converter is
mechanically deviated. This ensures safety operation of the
system when electrical signal disappears, as FIGURE 9 shows. 隔绝阀 Isolation valve
Isolation valve is used to cut off oil supply as it conveys high
pressure oil to the oil actuator. It is completely opened as it works.
Close this valve during operation, and non-shutdown
maintenance to oil actuator, electro-hydraulic converter, servo
valve, quick unloading valve and displacement transducer can be
carried out, such as cleaning or exchanging the filter. 逆止阀 Check valve
在油动机的控制油路中设有 2 个逆止阀,一个是通往危急遮断油路
Two check valves are set on control oil passageway of the oil
actuator, among which one is on the main pipe guiding to
emergency trip oil way. This one aims to prevent the main pipe oil
from returning to the oil actuator. This phenomenon may occur
when one oil actuator is being repaired, and related isolation
valves are closed. Oil pressure under the oil-driven piston
releases completely and other actuators are still in operation. The
other check valve is installed on return oil piping way to prevent
oil from flowing back to the actuator that is ready to be repaired.
The oil comes from the pressure oil return main pipe. Two valves
work together to ensure safe maintenance to the oil actuator
without unit shutdown

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图 2 控制型执行机构液压系统示意图
Fig. 2 Control type actuator hydraulic system sketch

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Page 199 of 629 滤网 Strainer
网孔为 10 微米。在正常情况下,滤网要求每年更换一次,如果有专
In order to ensure cleanness of the high pressure oil passing
through electro-hydraulic converter, and ensure the normal
operation of throttling hole, jet nozzle and slide valve, the high
pressure oil flowing into the electro-hydraulic converter goes to a
strainer firstly. The size of the mesh hole is 10 micrometer. In
normal condition, strainer has to be exchanged for one year. If the
strainer is cleaned up by special equipment, it can be reused
again. 线性位移差动变送器 Linear displacement differential transducer
LVDT 是一种电气机械式传感器,它产生与其外壳位移成正比的电信
Linear Variable Differential Transducer (LVDT) is electric
mechanical type transducer. It produces the signal that is
proportional to out shell displacement. It works in accordance with
working principle of differential transformer: when relative
displacement appears between iron core and coils, the potential
induced by secondary coils turns into electric signal once being
rectified and filtered. The electric signal is output in representing
the relative displacement of iron core and coils. Acting as reverse
feedback, the signal is used to simulate the displacement of
actuator, or in other words, the openness of the adjusting valve. 二位二通电磁阀 Two-position two-way electromagnetic valve
Close the valve by remote control to test the valve rod
periodically. When electromagnetic valve works, it releases the
emergency trip oil of the reheat main stop valve quickly.
Consequently it cause the quick unloading valve acts.
Specification of electromagnetic valve: 4W10D10.

张为虎(9409) 检修工序、工艺标准

Page 200 of 629 Maintenance procedures and process standards 油动机 Oil actuator
1 检修工序
1 Maintenance procedures
1.1 拆除所有联接油管路,并封好各管口。
1.1 Remove all the oil connection pipes and properly seal the
1.2 拆除活塞杆与阀杆的连接销子和油动机与阀体的固定螺栓
1.2 Remove the connecting pins between the piston rods and
valve rods as well as the fixing bolts of oil actuator and
valve body to disconnect the oil actuator from system.
1.3 松开长螺栓顶丝,拆出上、下端盖连接螺栓,取下上、下端
1.3 Release the jackscrew of stay bolt
Remove the connecting bolts for upper and lower end
Remove the upper and lower end covers
Get the piston out of the oil cylinder.
1.4 拆掉上端盖固定螺钉,取下铜衬套。
1.4 Remove the fixing bolt for the upper end cover, and taking
off the copper bush.
1.5 用专用工具将胀圈从活塞上取下,测量各部尺寸并做好记
1.5 Take off the expansion ring from the piston with special
tool, and keep records after measurement of the
dimension of each part.
1.6 拆除螺杆与活塞固定螺母,取下活塞杆。
1.6 Remove the screw rod and fixing nut of piston, and take
off the piston rod.
1.7 检查油缸磨损情况,测量各部间隙,并做好记录。
1.7 Check the wearing condition of the oil cylinder, measure
the clearance between different sections and make
1.8 所有零部件全面进行检查、测量,并用无水酒精或丙酮清洗
1.8 Take an overall inspection and measurement towards the
components. Clean them with absolute alcohol or
acetone, and then wrap them up and put them into special

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1.9 检修完毕,经验收后,以拆卸相反和顺序进行复装。
1.9 After acceptance when maintenance work finished,
reassemble them in conversed sequence of removing.
2 工艺标准及技术要求:
2 Technical standards and requirements:
2.1 油缸内表面光滑,无磨损、沟痕、毛刺等缺陷。
2.1 The interior surface of oil cylinder should be smooth and
free from defects such as abrasion, scratch and burrs etc.
2.2 活塞及活塞环应完好,无毛刺、卷边、沟痕等缺陷。
2.2 The piston and piston ring should be intact, and without
defects such as burr, rolling edge or scratches etc.
2.3 油缸与上、下端盖结合面应光洁平整,无毛刺、麻点、凹坑、
划伤等缺陷。油缸端面与活塞杆中心线成 90°±0.05°。
2.3 The combining surface between oil cylinder and upper &
lower end caps should be smooth and even, without
defects such as burr, rolling edge or scratches etc., the
end surface of oil cylinder should form 90°±0.05°angel
with the central line of piston rod.
2.4 铜衬套与活塞杆配合间隙 0.05~0.12mm。
2.4 The matching clearance between copper bush and piston
rod should be 0.05~0.12mm.
2.5 活塞杆应光滑无锈迹、弯曲、裂纹、卡涩等现象。
2.5 The piston rod should be smooth and without rust stains,
bending, cracks or unsmooth blockage etc.
2.6 活塞环装在活塞上,无歪斜、扭曲、卡涩等现象,活塞环端
2.6. Piston ring should be fixed on the piston, and without
deflection, bending, cracks or inflexibility etc. The end slot
of piston ring should meet the standard. The piston ring
should be replaced if the slot exceeds the limit.
2.7 油动机行程、缓冲行程,应符合标准要求,否则应调整。
2.7 The travel and buffering travel of oil actuator should meet
the standard requirement, or they need to be adjusted.
2.8 上、下端与压盖两平面应平行,平面间距离 0.08mm。
2.8 Upper & lower caps should be parallel with the two planes
of gland bush, and the distance between the planes
should be 0.08mm.
2.9 各油路应畅通、清洁,复装应彻底检查。
2.9 Each of the oil passages should be smooth and clean,

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and they should be thoroughly examined before
2.10 上试验台进行调试。
2.10 Commissioning on the test-bed. 快速卸荷阀 Quick unloading valve
1 检修工序
1 Maintenance procedures
1.1 拆除快速卸荷阀与控制块连接螺栓,将阀从控制块上拆除。
1.1 Quickly remove the connecting bolts between quick
unloading valve and control block, and then dismantle the
valve from control block.
1.2 拆除溢流阀连接螺栓,首先应缓慢松开使弹簧伸长至自由
1.2 Remove the connecting bolts for overflow valve. Firstly
release the whole bolt after releasing the spring to its free
length and then take off the overflow valve.
1.3 取弹簧、滑阀、衬套及节流塞。
1.3 Take off the spring, sliding valve, bush and throttling plug.
1.4 解体溢流阀,将整定手轮反向旋至最大,拆去其压力整定
1.4 Disassemble the overflow valve, reversely turn the setting
hand wheel to maximum position and remove its pressure
setting hand wheel.
1.5 松开压力调整杆背帽,缓慢松开调整螺塞,使其弹簧伸长
1.5 Release the back cap of pressure adjusting rod, and
slowly release the adjusting plug screw to make the
spring stretch to its free length, and then take off the
adjusting rod and adjusting screw and back cap.
1.6 取出弹簧座、“O”型圈、弹簧及阀、从另一侧取出螺塞及隔
1.6 Take off the spring seat, “O” ring, spring and valve and
then take off the screw and the isolation ring on the other
1.7 拆除逆止阀,检查其“O”型密封圈和弹簧情况。
1.7 Remove the check valve, check the“O”ring and spring.
1.8 对所有零部件进行全部检查,清洗及测量各部间隙并做好
1.8 Take overall inspection toward all the components, clean
and measure the clearance of the sections and keep

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1.9 更换不合格的零部件及“O”型圈。
1.9 Replace unqualified components and “O”rings.
1.10 按拆卸的相反顺序进行复装。
1.10 Reassemble according to the reversed sequence with
2 工艺标准和技术要求
2 Technical standard and requirements
2.1 滑阀表面要光滑无毛刺、麻点、划痕及凹坑等缺陷。
2.1 The surface of the sliding valve should be smooth and
free from defects such as burr, macula, scratch and pit
2.2 各弹簧应完好,无变形、裂纹及断裂等缺陷,组装后,应调
2.2 The springs should be intact and free from detects such
as deformation, cracks or ruptures etc. They should be
flexible for adjusting after assembling,
2.3 阀座及阀接触良好,其接触面 100%,无毛刺、裂纹等缺陷
2.3 The valve should be properly connected with the valve
seat, and the connection interface should be 100%, and
free from defects of burr and cracks etc. The valve thread
should be intact and free from macula, perforation or
bending due to wearing.
2.4 衬套应完好、光滑,无毛刺、麻点、严重磨损现象。
2.4 The bush should be intact and smooth, free from burr,
macula and serious wear.
2.5 各密封圈完好,如有缺陷予以更换。
2.5 The sealing rings should be intact without defects, if not,
replace them.
2.6 各法兰结合面应光滑平整,无毛刺、卷边、裂纹等缺陷。
2.6 The flange connection face should be smooth and even,
free from detects such as burr, curling or cracks etc.
2.7 各油口、油路应畅通、清洁,应无任何堵塞现象。
2.7 The oil outlet and oil passages should be smooth and
clean, without any blockage.
2.8 滑阀与衬套的配合间隙应符合标准。
2.8 The matching clearance between sliding valve and bush
should conform to the standards. 电液转换器

Page 204 of 629 Electro-hydraulic converter
Do not carry out maintenance during overhaul or minor repairs, if
there is any abnormal operation, for example the oil actuator
could be replaced if there are signals reflecting the oil actuator is
shaking, the oil actuator refused to shut down or the oil actuator
refused to start up, and the abnormal condition of the oil actuator
was defined as caused by electro-hydraulic converter after the
other parts is examined and confirmed with no problem.
1 关闭隔绝阀;
1 Close the isolating valve;
2 拆下电液转换器;
2 Remove the electro-hydraulic converter;
3 清理干净结合部分;
3 Clean the connection part;
4 更换新的“O”型圈;
4 Replace with new 0 type ring;
5 装上新的电液转换器。
5 Replace with new electro-hydraulic converter. 隔绝阀 Isolating valve
The isolating valve is not necessary to be replaced if it is tight and
free from defects, or it could be grinded or replaced during
shutdown of the unit or system if it is not tight, but remember to
keep it clean.
1 拆卸隔绝阀。
1 Dismantle the isolating valve.
2 安装新隔绝阀。
2 Install new isolating valve. 逆止阀 Check valve
The check valve is not necessary to be repaired since it could
“check”, or it should be grinded during the unit or system
shutdown, and grinded/assembled in dust-free room. 滤网 Strainer
1 关闭油动机隔离阀。
1 Close the isolating valve of oil actuator.
2 拆装滤网前,首先将周围用丙酮清洗干净,达到滤网周围没有

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2 Before disassembling the strainer, clean the surroundings
with acetone until the surroundings of strainer free from dust.
3 拆出滤网后应立即封闭好腔室,防止进入杂质和灰尘,同时把
3 Seal the chamber at once after the strainer was removed to
prevent foreign materials or dust from entering, and put the
strainer into enclosed container.
4 用合格的无水酒精或丙酮在超声波仪器内进行清洗(清洗时,
4 Clean it in ultrasonic instruments by qualified absolute alcohol
or acetone (take the O ring out during cleaning).
5 清洗过的清液经化学检验合格,清洗后残留物的杂质计数必须
5 The residual impurity in the lotion after cleaning should be
within limited value:
表 1 杂质控制标准
Table 1 Controlling standard for foreign materials
5μm~10μm <9700

每 100 毫升杂质颗粒数 10μm~25μm <2680

Foreign particle numbers per 25μm~50μm <380
100 ml 50μm~100μm <56
<100μm <5

6 滤网合格后装入干净的塑料袋或容器内备用。
6 Put the qualified strainer into clean plastic bag/container as
7 滤网安装前应装好合格的“O”型圈,检查腔室内有无杂质和残
7 Fix proper O ring before assembling the strainer, and check if
there is foreign materials or residuals in the chamber.
8 装上滤网及密封盖“O”型圈,上好密封盖。
8 Fix up strainer and O ring of sealing cover, mount in the
sealing cover. 调试、试运 Commissioning and test running 线性位移差动变送器调零 To set the linear displacement differential transformer to zero
将油动机开到中间行程的位置,移动 LVDT 铁芯,直到测试点的
LVDT 输出电压为零伏。可以将夹子松开,再移动整个 LVDT 外壳进
及夹子。注意事项:调整 LVDT 时,油动机会走动,因此每次调整
Turn the oil actuator to its medium travel position, and move the
LVDT iron core until the LVDT output of the tested point becomes
zero volt. Release the clamp and move the entire LVDT casing to

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give rough adjustment. Then release the fastening bolt camp and
move the iron core to apply refined adjustment, and tighten the
bolt camp and clamp.
Notice: The oil actuator would work when adjusting the LVDT, so
the oil actuator should be turned to its medium travel point after
each adjustment. 调整开启阀门的偏压 To adjust the voltage bias of the opening valve
When the output voltage of controller reached the values listed in
Specifications on Setting Value of Control, the valve should not
act. The process is accomplished through adding a voltage bias
signal to input signal. Adjust the bias potentiometer until the oil
actuator begins to actuate at proper signal voltage. 调增益 To adjust the gain
增益电位器。增益的调整必须在行程开始的 5mm 范围内,并且须在
The gain potentiometer is mounted in order to make the
variation/volt of the input signal to cause required travel changing.
The adjustment of the gain must be within 5mm at the beginning
of the travel, and before the Cam Effect begin. 调整凸轮效应开始点 To adjust the start point of Cam Effect
Adjust the cam effect potentiometer to make the variation
relationship of the input signal close to the curve drawn according
to the listed values of leaflet Instruction to Control Setting Value.
Notice: they may probably not perfectly match with the curve. 特别说明 Special description
Read the leaflet of Instruction to Control Setting Value before
making these adjustments, and pay attention to the input voltage
value and travel value of the oil actuator in the list. 备品、配件表:(见表 2) List of spare parts (reference to Table 2) 安全、健康、环保要求 Safety, health and environmental protection requirements 安全 Safety

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1 进入现场必须按《安规》规定着装和使用安全防护用具。
1 The personnel should enter into the field with uniform and
safety protection appliances according to the Safety
2 两人及以上工作时必须明确一名工作负责人。
2 There must be one principal if the work is operated by more
than two persons.
3 现场应设有足够的照明,并符合《安规》要求。
3 There should be adequate lighting on site confirms with the
specification of Safety Regulation.
4 使用电动工具必须使用漏电保护器,并遵守电动工具的使用规
4 The leak protector should be used along with electric tools
which are used according to the instructions for electric tools.
Defected tools are not allowed to be used.
5 严禁使用汽油清洗机件。
5 It is forbidden to clean the components with petrol.
6 高处作业必须正确使用安全带、工具,材料的传递应遵守安规
6 Personnel working high must correctly use safety belt and
tools, and their material transportation should conform to the
specification of Safety Regulations.
7 认真遵守起重、搬运的安全规定。
7 Carefully implement the safety regulations for hoisting and
8 工作结束应及时恢复工作过程拆除的栏杆、防护罩、沟盖板等防
8 The protection facilities such as rails, protection covers, ditch
covers etc. should be recovered as soon as possible after
completion of the work.
9 工作结束清点人员、工具,收回剩余的材料,消除火种,清扫
9 Check the amount of personnel, tools and take back the left
materials, remove kindling and clean the working lot after
complete of the works.
10 清理工作现场易燃易爆杂物。
10 Clear out of the flammable and explosive foreign matters on
11 电焊地线接在被焊件上,禁止远距离回路。
11 The electric welding earthing wire should be connected onto
the welded piece, and long distance circuit is forbidden.
12 现场准备充足的消防器材。
12 Prepare adequate fire-fighting equipment on site.
13 动火工作期间设专人监护。
13 There should be person specially assigned for supervising the
hot works.

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14 工作结束清理现场,不遗留任何火种。
14 Clear the lot after complete of the works, and do not leave any
kindling. 健康 Health
1 接触抗燃油时必须带耐油橡胶手套。
1 Person who touches fire-resistance oil must wear oil-proof
rubber gloves.
2 手上有伤口时禁止接触抗燃油。
2 Person who has injuries on hands is forbidden to contact fire-
resistance oil.
3 接触对人体有毒、有害或有刺激性气味的化学物品时必须做好
3 Make careful security measures when contacting chemicals
which are toxic, harmful to human body or pungent. 环境 Environment
1 更换后的废油必须倒入指定的油桶中,不得随便倾倒。
1 Replaced waste oil must be put into specified oil bucket, and
should not be dumped at random.
2 使用后废弃的或剩余的化学物品必须放到指定位置,不得随便
2 Deposed or left chemicals after usage must be put into the
specified places, and should not be discarded at random.
3 工作结束后必须做到“工完、料净、场地清”。
3 The standard “Work should be completed, materials should
be clean and field should be cleared” should be met after
completion of the work.
2.2.11 保安系统
2.2.11 Security system 概述 Overview
卸油孔,遮断系统处于备用状态。(超速遮断机构原理见图 10)
The emergency system of the unit includes: mechanical
overspeed protection, electrical overspeed protection, axial
displacement protection, bearing low oil pressure protection, fire
resistance oil low pressure protection, condensation low vacuum

Page 209 of 629

protection. Where in, the mechanical overspeed emergency trip
system is an independent system, which takes oil system in which
the main lubricating oil pumps are connected. When the unit is in
normal operation, the oil in disengaged main pipe enters into the
emergency trip oil sliding valve in two ways after throttled from the
outlet pipe of main oil pump. One route of the oil, after being
throttled for second time, works on the emergency trip oil sliding
valve and presses it onto the valve seat to close the oil discharge
outlet of sliding valve. The other route of oil, after being throttled
for one time, is imported into the over speed testing sliding valve
and then enters into the emergency trip sliding valve. As the area
on the left of the emergent tip sliding valve is less than the right
area, so the oil pressure pushes the sliding valve to its left side,
thus tightly press the disk valve onto valve seat and plugs the oil
discharge hole, and then the trip system is in standby mode. (See
principles of overspeed trip mechanism to Figure 10) 危急遮断器(危急保安器) Emergency governor
EH 油压,关闭蒸汽阀。若要重新建立 EH 油压,必须手动复位。危
急遮断器由飞锤、弹簧、调整螺母、平衡组块等组成。(如图 11 所
The mechanical overspeed trip device is flying hammer type,
which is fixed in the horizontal hole on the extension shaft of high
and intermediate pressure rotators, and its center of gravity
deviate from the geometrical center of rotating shaft. During
normal condition the flying hammer is fastened into the transverse
hole with compression spring. When the rotating speed of rotator
reaches certain value, the centrifugal force of the pendulum
increase and send out the flying hammer out to knock the hook
and cause the sliding valve to move, thus removes the oil
pressure in the high pressure main oil pipe and opens the
membrane valve; which in turn will automatically discharge the
EH oil pressure in the emergency trip main pipe and close the
steam valve. If it needs to establish EH oil pressure, one needs to
manually reset it. The emergency trip is consisted of flying
hammer, spring, adjusting screw and balance block. (Shown as
figure 11) 危急遮断油门 Emergency trip oil valve

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In normal condition the oil pressure in the oil chamber of
emergent oil releasing sliding valve is equal to the oil pressure of
main oil pump. When the unit is over-speed, the flying hammer
will knock onto the disengaged plate. And then the disengage
plate will rotate surrounding the supporting point anticlockwise. It
will drive the emergent oil releasing sliding valve to move
rightward, and the disk valve at the left of emergent oil discharge
sliding valve will leave its valve base and discharge the pressure
of disengaged oil. The disengaged oil is consistent of the
following two channels of oils: one is formed by the oil from the
main oil pump after entering into the oil chamber of emergent oil
discharge sliding valve; the other one is from by the oil from the
main oil pump after entering into the oil chamber of emergent oil
discharge sliding valve through two throttle holes and the
overspeed protection testing sliding valve. When the disengaged
oil pressure is released, the membrane valve opens and the
pressure of emergency trip oil rout releases. The main steam
valve and adjusting steam valve close, and the turbine
emergently stop. Thus prevented the turbine from overspeed, and
kept turbine safe. 危急试验油门 Emergent testing oil valve
The function of emergent testing oil valve is to test whether the
actions such as the disengaging mechanism is normal or not. Pull
forth the testing handle of the oil valve to make the connected
testing sliding valve to slide leftward and cut the main passage
from disengaged main oil pipe to emergent oil discharge sliding
valve. Discharge only the oil from primary throttling and pressure
decrease when testing the disk valve oil discharge on emergent
oil discharge sliding valve by manually disengage it, because this
would discharge a few amount of oil and decrease the
disengaged oil pressure a little bit which will not actuate the
diaphragm valve and avoid stop of the unit. Emergent testing oil
valve consists of parts as handle, connecting rod, testing sliding
valve, spring and casing etc., it is in the same control block with
emergency trip oil valve. 手动脱扣及复位装置 Manual disengagement and reset devices

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Locale manual disengagement and reset device is also named as
manual emergent protector, with which the functions to stop the
unit or reset locally when there is faults during operation of the
turbine. It consists of components such as handle, lever,
connecting rod and thrusting disengagement board etc. 摇控复位装置 Remote control reset device
The device consists of four-way solenoid valve, remote controlled
replacement cylinder, piston connecting rod and reset-trip rod etc.
Before the emergency trip sliding valve resets, the four-way
solenoid valve is out of power which in turn close the compressed
air passage to cylinder and the trip mechanism is in disengaged
condition. In order to make the overspeed trip sliding valve reset,
supply power to solenoid valve to import steam in one end of the
cylinder and export steam in another end. When air enters into
cylinder and pushes the piston and connecting rod, the rod will
rotate and close overspeed trip valve, and then the fast limit
switch will be actuated. This indicates that the piston had reached
the end of its travel. After the piston reached its end of travel, the
overspeed trip valve will replace. Then the solenoid valve cuts the
power supply, and air enters into the other end of cylinder to push
back of the piston. At the end, the Reset-Trip handle returns to
normal position. 隔膜阀 Diaphragm valve
薄膜接口阀联系着安全油系统与 EH 油系统,其作用是,当遥控挂
放至油箱的回油口,即可建立危急跳闸油路的油压,使 EH 油系统
正常工作,汽轮机具备开启阀门的条件。(图 12)当超速遮断机构
弹簧打开,把 EH 油排到回油管,EH 油压消失,关闭所有的进汽
The membrane interface valve is connected with the safety oil
system and EH oil system, with the functions that: after remote
latch or manual reset, the trip oil valve closes and the trip safety
oil of lubrication oil system establishes oil pressure which
overcomes the strength of spring to press the valve core. Thus
the returning oil valve from emergency trip oil route to oil tank is
blocked, which in turn establishes oil pressure for emergency trip
oil route. This makes the EH oil system work normally, and
enables the opening of turbine valves. (Figure 12)When the

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manual overspeed testing level rod of the overspeed trip
mechanism actuates, the safety oil pressure disappears or
reduces, and the valve is opened by compression spring to drain
the EH oil to returning oil valves. And then EH oil pressure
disappears, thus all the steam inlet valves and exhaustion valves
are closed, and all the bypasses as well as drainage valves are
opened. 危急遮断控制块 Emergency trip control block
位于前轴承座右侧,共有 6 个电磁阀、两个逆止阀、两个节流孔板及
抗燃油,使所有蒸汽阀关闭而停机。AST 电磁阀采用串并联连接方
是受 DEH 控制器 OPC 控制。布置成并联方式。两个 OPC 电磁阀动
作 OPC 总管中 OPC 抗燃油泄掉,调节汽阀和再热调节汽阀立即关
It is at the right side of front bearing supporter, and consists of 6
solenoid valves, two check valves, two throttling orifices and
pressure switches etc. There in, four solenoid valves are auto
shutdown trip (20/AST) type, which will discharge the fire
resistance oil in the automatic shutdown emergency trip main pipe
after receiving stop signals and stop the unit by closing all the
steam valves. AST solenoid valves take series-parallel connection
type, and has two passages in which at least two solenoid valves
at each actuates will shut down the unit. The other two solenoid
valves are overspeed protection controller valve (20/OPC). They
are controlled by OPC of DEH controller and arranged in parallel
type. Two of the OPC solenoid valves actuate and the OPC
resistance oil in the OPC main pipe discharges, the adjusting
steam valve and reheating adjust steam valve would close at
once. 试验组件块 Testing assembly block
There are three testing blocks in the unit, which includes fire
resistance oil pressure low, bearing oil pressure low and
condensator vacuum low blocks. Assembly parts for each of the
blocks consist of one steel testing block, two pressure gauges,
two check valves, two solenoid valves and three needle type
valves. Each of the components is arranged with two passages.
One side of the assemble inlets oil from system oil supply, and the
other side is connected with oil discharge valve or ventilation

Page 213 of 629

valve. There is always a throttling hole in each of the passages,
for the purpose to free the tested parameters from being affected.
There is an isolation valve at the oil supply end, and it allows
assembly of the testing block to leave other parts of the system
unaffected. 空气引导阀 Air guiding valve
OPC 管道中,控制液压逆止阀的开启与关闭。在正常运行时,EH
0.6MPa 时,若抗燃油压力升高到 1.45MPa 时,则阀就开始打开,
当升高到 2.38 MPa 时,阀门则全开。OPC 电磁阀动作时,危急遮
断总管中的压力就下降,当抗燃油压力降至 0.75 MPa 阀门在弹簧
力和压缩空气力的作用下关闭(图 13)。
In the OPC pipes, controls the opening and closing of check
valve. During normal operation, The high pressure oil of EH
system works on the piston in operation oil tank, and force the
valve rod to move down against the force of spring, and the valve
core would seal the venting holes. The pressured air from
compressed air station will go to exhaustion check valve to work.
During shutdown of the unit, the emergency trip main pipe will
connect with the returning oil, and the oil pressure decreases,
then the valve rod moves up and down under the strength of
spring and cuts the passage from air to exhaustion check valve
and make it connect with the air, hence the exhaustion check
valves would be closed. If pressure is reestablished in the main
pipe of emergency trip device, the actions would take reversed
order. The valve will start to open when the compressed air
pressure is 0.6Mpa, and the pressure of fire resistance oil
increases to 1.45Mpa; and it will fully open when the pressure
rises to 2.38Mpa. The pressure in the main pipe of emergency trip
device decreases when OPC solenoid valve actuates. When the
pressure of resistance oil decreased to 0.75Mpa, the valve closes
under the forces from spring and compressed air. 检修工序、工艺标准 Maintenance procedure and technical standard

Page 214 of 629

our way solenoid valve

uto unit-stop main pipe

team supply
Membrane valve

emote controlled
eplacement device Oil discharge

ain oil pump
Emergency trip device
ripping Emergency governor

evice Level rod position 危急遮断器(危急保安器)
Test Normal

Page 215 of 629

osition limit switch

echanical overspeed Manual overspeed

low oil
nd manual trip main test level rod

Figure 10 Principle chart for

overspeed tripping mechanism
Page 216 of 629
Page 217 of 629
1. Spring localizing bolt 2. Flying hammer 3. Spring of flying hammer
4. Balance block 5. Trip device body
Figure 11- Emergency trip device

Page 218 of 629

Page 219 of 629
Mechanical overspeed and
manual disengagement main pipe

EH emergency trip oil

Figure 12
Membrane valve

Page 220 of 629

1 检修工序
1 Maintenance procedures
1.1 测量飞锤与遮断油门挂钩的脱扣间隙;
1.1 Measure the tripping clearance between the pendulum
and the hoop of trip oil valve;
1.2 拆卸前,先用深度尺测量弹簧保持环顶面到重锤顶面的距
1.2 Measure the top surface distance between the spring
retaining ring and the weight dropper with depth gauge,
and make records and mark on the original position of the
spring retaining ring;
1.3 拆卸弹簧保持环,记录弹簧保持环旋转的圈数;
1.3 Remove the spring retaining ring, and record the number
of turns of spring retaining ring;
1.4 取出弹簧检查,弹簧应无变形、锈蚀;
1.4 Take out and examine the spring, and there should be no
deformation or corrosion;
1.5 测量重锤的行程,检查重锤表面;
1.5 Measure the travel of hammer, and check the surface of
1.6 拆下危急遮断器底面的紧定螺钉,取下平衡块;
1.6 Remove the fastening screws at the bottom of emergency
governor, and take off the balance block;
1.7 测量弹簧内壁与重锤的径向间隙、重锤内壁与的径向间隙、
1.7 Measure the radial clearance between inner wall of spring
and hammer, radial clearance between inner wall of
hammer and ?, radial clearance between bottom of the
hammer and speed governor body;
1.8 清理干净各部件后按拆卸反顺序复装,注意弹簧保持环应
1.8 Clear up the components and reassemble them in the
reverse order of assembly, notice that the spring retaining
ring should return to its original position.
2 工艺标准
2 Technological standards
2.1 弹簧应无变形、锈蚀;
2.1 The springs should be free from deformation and
2.2 弹簧内壁与重锤的径向间隙:上部:0.4~0.8mm;下部:
2.2 The radial clearance between inner wall of the springs and
the hammer: upper: 0.4~0.8mm; bottom: 0.1~0.4mm;
2.3 重锤内壁与的径向间隙:0.1~0.13mm;重锤底部与调速
体的径向间隙:0.4~1mm;:重锤行程为 7mm;
2.3 The radial clearance between inner wall of hammer and ?:

Page 221 of 629

0.1~0.13mm; the radial clearance between bottom of the
hammer and speed governor body: 0.4~1mm;travel of
the hammer: 7mm;
2.4 重锤活动灵活,不卡涩,重锤表面应光滑、无毛刺、锈蚀;
2.4 The hammer should be flexible, and without unsmooth
blockage. The surface of the hammer should be smooth,
free from burr or corrosion;
2.5 正常运行时,碰钩与飞锤间隙:1.57~2.36㎜;遮断位置
时,碰钩与飞锤间隙不小于 0.5㎜,遮断机构与复位连杆间
应有 1.6㎜的搭档。
2.5 The clearance between hoop and hammer during normal
operation: 1.57 ~ 2.36 ㎜ ; and at the trip position, the
clearance between hoop and hammer should not be no
less than 0.5mm, and there should be a clearance of
1.6mm between trip mechanism and reset connecting rod. 危急遮断油门 Emergency trip oil valve
1 检修工序
1 Maintenance procedures
1.1 拆除与危急遮断油门相连的有关杠杆和脱扣板、扳机等,做
1.1 Remove the lever sticks, disengaged board and trigger
etc. connected with emergency trip oil valve, make exact
1.2 将危急遮断油门从安装板上拆下,放入油盘内;
1.2 Take out the emergency trip oil valve from installation
board, and put it into the oil plate;
1.3 拆下危急遮断油门后盖板,取出遮断滑阀(遮断继动器)、
1.3 Remove the rear cover board of emergency trip valve, and
take out the trip sliding valve (trip relay), trip sliding valve
sleeve and testing sliding valve (testing relay) for
1.4 拆下限位螺母,取下碟阀进行检查,并用红丹粉研磨碟阀
1.4 Remove the position limiting bolt, take off the disk valve
for inspection and grind the sealing surface of the disk
valve with red lead powder.
1.5 测量遮断滑阀与遮断滑阀套筒的径向间隙、试验滑阀与壳体
1.5 Measure the radial clearance between trip sliding valve
and trip sliding valve sleeve, as well as the radial
clearance between testing sliding valve and casing body;

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1.6 测量遮断滑阀、试验滑阀行程;
1.6 Measure the travel of trip sliding valve and testing sliding
1.7 将各部件清理干净后按相反顺序复装;
1.7 Assemble the components according to the reverse order
to disassembly after cleaning;
1.8 复装杠杆时,保证脱扣板(挂钩)与危急遮断器飞锤的转
动间隙 1.57~2.36mm,复置扳机间隙最小为 0.79mm。
1.8 Make sure that the running clearance between
disengagement board (hook) and emergency trip flying
hammer is 1.57~2.36mm, and the minimum clearance for
resetting the trigger is 0.79mm.
2 工艺标准
2 Technological standards
2.1 滑阀表面应无磨损、锈蚀;
2.1 The surface of the sliding valve should be free from
abrasion and corrosion;
2.2 碟阀密封面应无凹坑、麻点,碟阀密封线连续无间断,顶端
2.2 There should be no pits or macula on the sealing surface.
The sealing line of the disk valve should be consistent and
without break. The thickness of the top sealing surface is:
2.3 遮断滑阀行程:9.7mm;试验滑阀行程:17.3mm;
2.3 Travel of the trip sliding valve: 9.7mm; travel of testing
sliding valve: 17.3mm;
2.4 脱 扣 板 ( 挂 钩 ) 与 危 急 遮 断 器 飞 锤 的 转 动 间 隙 1.57 ~
2.36mm,复置扳机间隙最小为 0.79mm;
2.4 The running clearance between disengagement board
(hook) and emergency trip flying hammer is 1.57 ~
2.36mm, and the minimum clearance for resetting the
trigger is 0.79mm.
2.5 杠杆应传动灵活、无卡涩现象。
2.5 The lever rod should be flexible without unsmooth
blockage. 危急试验油门 Emergency testing oil valve
1 检修工艺
1 Maintenance techniques
1.1 拆除手柄固定销,取下手柄,拆除弹簧及连杆;

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1.1 Remove the fastening bolt of the handle to remove the
handle and disassemble the spring and connecting rod;
1.2 拆除有关油管道并封口;
1.2 Remove relevant oil pipes and seal them;
1.3 松开端盖螺栓,取下端盖,抽出试验滑阀,全面检查;
1.3 Release the bolts on end covers, and take them off. Draw
out the sliding valves, and thoroughly inspect;

1.4 按拆卸的相反顺序进行组装。
1.4 Assemble the components in the reverse order of
2 质量标准及技术要求
2 Quality standards and technical requirements
2.1 试验滑阀表面应光滑,无任何锈蚀、划痕及弯曲现象;
2.1 The surface of the testing sliding valves should be
smooth, free from any corrosion, scratches and bending
2.2 弹簧无变形、扭曲、断裂现象,测量自由长度并做好记录,

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2.2 The spring should be free from deformation, distortion or
rupture, measure the free length and make records. The
spring should be free from declination, deviation etc. and
the testing sliding valves should move flexibly without
unsmooth blockage.
2.3 滑阀与壳体的配合间隙为 0.08~0.10mm;
2.3 The matching clearance between sliding valve and casing
body should be 0.08~0.10mm;
2.4 试验滑阀的行程为 17.3mm。
2.4 The travel of the testing sliding valve should be 17.3mm. 手动脱扣及复位装置 Manual disengagement and reset devices
1 检修工艺
1 Maintenance technological process
1.1 解体手动脱扣及复位杠杆,取出定位销。
1.1 Disassemble the manual disengagement and reset level
rod, take off the positioning pins.
1.2 测量脱扣滑阀行程和各部间隙,并做好记录。
1.2 Measure the travel of disengage sliding valve and the
clearances between each part and then make records.
1.3 全面检查清洗,按拆卸的相反顺序进行组装。
1.3 Thoroughly check and clean, and then assemble
according to reverse order of assembly.
2 质量标准及技术要求
2 Quality standards and technical requirements
2.1 连杆动作应灵活,无卡涩、反抗、弯曲现象。
2.1 The movement of the connecting rod should be flexible,
and free from unsmooth blockage, revolt or bending.
2.2 各定位销配合应严密,无松旷等现象。
2.2 The respective positioning pins should match tightly and
free from looseness etc. 摇控复位装置 Remote control reset device
1 检修工艺
1 Maintenance procedures
1.1 拆除电磁四通阀,复位气缸的各连接通道,并封好各管口。
1.1 Remove solenoid four-way valve, reset the connecting
passages of cylinder and seal the pipes.
1.2 拆除连杆器、限位器、连杆器下端连杆,妥善保管好。
1.2 Remove the connecting device, retainer, lower connecting

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rod of connecting rod device, and keep them properly.
1.3 整体拆除复位气缸,放在指定的检修场所。
1.3 Remove the entire reset cylinder and put it into specified
maintenance field.
1.4 解体复位气缸,取出气缸盖及密封圈,将活塞及活塞杆一
1.4 Disassemble the reset cylinder, take off the cylinder cover
and sealing ring, draw out the piston together with its
connecting rod out of the cylinder, and then disassemble
1.5 全面检查,清洗各部件,测量间隙做好记录。
1.5 Thoroughly inspect and clean the components and make
records after measuring the clearance.
1.6 更换不合格的部件,组装按拆卸相反的顺序进行。
1.6 Replace unqualified components, and assemble them
according to reverse order of assembly.
2 质量标准及技术要求
2 Quality standards and technical requirements
2.1 活塞杆、活塞表面应光滑,无锈蚀、划痕、弯曲、裂纹等缺陷
2.1 The piston rod and piston surface should be smooth and
free from detects such as corrosion, scratches, bending
and ruptures etc. It should be flexible and free from
unsmooth blockage.
2.2 各管道应清洁、畅通。
2.2 The pipes should be clean and smooth.
2.3 各杠杆、连杆器及连杆动作应灵活,无卡涩、反抗现象。
2.3 The level rods, rod connecting devices and connecting
rods should move flexibly, and free from unsmooth
blockage or rebelling. 隔膜阀 Diaphragm valve
1 检修工艺
1 Maintenance procedures
1.1 拆除机械超速和手动脱扣母管,松开阀杆与机构杆连接螺丝。
1.1 Remove the mechanical overspeed and manual
disengagement main pipe, and release the connecting
screws for valve rod and mechanical rod.
1.2 用长螺栓将膜片腔解体,取出膜片、膜片托。
1.2 Disassemble the membrane chamber with long bolt, and

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take off the membrane and membrane holder.
1.3 拆卸膜片腔下壳取出弹簧。
1.3 Disassemble the lower casing of membrane chamber and
take off the spring.
1.4 拆卸构架,松开阀盖螺母抽出阀芯。
1.4 Disassemble the frame, and draw out the valve core after
releasing bonnet nut.
1.5 将阀体整个从管道上拆除,放在指定场所并包扎好。
1.5 Disassemble the entire valve from the pipe works, and put
it into specified field after properly wrapped.
1.6 全面检查、清洗,按拆卸的相反顺序进行组装。
1.6 Thoroughly check and clean, assemble the components in
reverse order of assembly.
2 质量标准及技术要求
2 Quality standards and technical requirements
2.1 膜片完好平整,无裂纹破损等缺陷。
2.1 The membrane should be intact and free from defects
such as cracks or damage etc.
2.2 弹簧无扭曲、变形、裂纹、断裂等现象,组装后无歪斜。
2.2 The spring should be free from distortion, deformation,
cracks or ruptures etc. and it should be straight after
2.3 阀杆应完好、光滑、无弯曲、锈蚀等缺陷。
2.3 The valve rod should be intact, smooth and free from
defects such as bending or corrosion etc.
2.4 阀芯、阀线完好,无麻点、贯穿现象,腔室干净清洁,节流
2.4 The valve core and thread should be intact, free from
macula, worn etc. The chamber should be clean, and the
throttling holes should be smooth.
2.5 用丙酮或酒精清洗各部件并妥善保管好。
2.5 Properly reserve the components after they are cleaned
with acetone or alcohol.
2.6 性 能 测 定 : 正 常 情 况 : 安 全 油 压 为 0.7MPa,EH 油 压
14MPa,当安全油压降至 0.4MPa 时,此阀开始打开;当 EH
油压为零时,安全油压升至约 0.45Mpa 时,隔膜阀开始复位。
2.6 Performance measurement :under normal condition: the
pressure of safety oil is 0.7MPa, EH oil pressure is
14MPa, and the valve will open when the pressure of
safety oil decreases to 0.4MPa; when EH oil pressure is

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zero and safety oil pressure increases to about 0.45MPa,
the membrane valve begins to reset. 调试、运行 Commissioning and test running
Oil filling test aims at verifying whether the overspeed protection
flying hammer and emergency trip oil discharging valve act
normally when speed of the rotator does not increase. The oil for
the oil filling test is the pressure oil from the outlet of main oil
pump, which enters into the central hole of turbine rotator through
the oil filling test valve, and then goes to the fixing end face of the
flying hammer. The flying hammer flies out under the effect of
centrifugal force and oil supplying pressure, thus the sliding valve
would act to carry out the test.
1 充油试验前,必须全面检查汽轮机的运行情况正常,并在额定
1 Thoroughly verify the operation condition of the turbine before
oil filling test, if it is normal and carry out the test under rated
rotating speed.
2 把超速遮断手柄打到试验位置,并保持这一位置到试验结束后
2 Turn the overspeed trip handle to test position, and keep it at
this position until the test is finished, if not, the turbine will trip.
3 缓慢地开启充油试验阀,注意油压变化,监视喷油嘴前油压是
3 Slowly open the oil filling test valve, and observe the variation
of the oil pressure. Monitor whether the pressure of oil before
the nozzle is changing, so as to check whether the overspeed
protection and emergency oil discharge sliding valve could
work normally.
4 记录飞锤飞出时油压,检查手动脱扣及复位手柄是否自动转到
4 Record the oil pressure when the flying hammer flies out,
check whether the manual disengagement and reset handle
turned to disengagement position automatically.
5 确信脱扣正常后缓慢关闭充油试验阀,使油压消失,飞锤自动
5 Slowly close the oil filling test valve after convinced that
disengagement is normal to make the oil pressure disappear,
and the flying hammer automatically resets. At this time
operate the disengagement and reset handle to reset position.
6 在确信危急泄油滑阀已恢复正常工作位置时,才能将脱扣及复
6 Turn the disengagement and reset handle slowly to normal

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working position only after convinced that the emergency oil
discharge sliding valve has recovered to normal working
7 最后缓慢把试验油门手柄打到正常位置,此时试验全部结束,
7 Slowly turn the handle of testing oil valve to normal position,
and the whole test is finished. Then keep record.
8 注意若在试验中飞锤不能自动复位,应首先检查充油试验阀是
8 Notice that if the flying hammer could not automatically reset
during the test, check whether the oil filling test valve is
completely closed. 安全、健康、环保要求 Safety, health and environmental requirements 安全 Safety
1 进入现场必须按《安规》规定着装和使用安全防护用具。
1 Enter the field with uniforms and safety protection equipment
according to the requirements of Safety Specifications.
2 两人及以上工作时必须明确一名工作负责人。
2 There should be one principal when the work is operated by
two or more people.
3 现场应设有足够的照明,并符合《安规》要求。
3 There should be adequate lighting on site, and it should
confirm with the requirements of Safety Specifications.
4 使用电动工具必须使用漏电保护器,并遵守电动工具的使用规
4 Use leak protector along with power tools and follow the
instructions for them. Defected tools are forbidden to be used.
5 严禁使用汽油清洗机件。
5 It is forbidden to clean the components with petrol.
6 高处作业必须正确使用安全带、工具,材料的传递应遵守安规规
6 Correctly use safety belt and tools during working at height,
and follow the safety specifications when passing the
7 认真遵守起重、搬运的安全规定。
7 Strictly follow the safety specifications during hoisting and
8 工作结束应及时恢复工作过程拆除的栏杆、防护罩、沟盖板等防
8 Timely recover the dismantled protection works such as rails,
shields and ditch covering boards etc. after complete of the
9 工作结束清点人员、工具,收回剩余的材料,消除火种,清扫工

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9 Check the personnel and tools after work completion and tae
back the left materials. Eliminate kindling and clean the
working field.
10 清理工作现场易燃易爆杂物。
10 Clear the flammable and explosive materials on the working
11 电焊地线接在被焊件上,禁止远距离回路。
11 The welding earthing wire should be connected to the welding
pieces, and long distance circuit is forbidden.
12 现场准备充足的消防器材。
12 There should be adequate fire fighting facilities on site.
13 动火工作期间设专人监护。
13 There should be special personnel for the supervision during
hot work.
14 工作结束清理现场,不遗留任何火种。
14 Clear the work site after completion and do not leave any
kindling. 健康 Health
1 接触抗燃油时必须带耐油橡胶手套。
1 Wear oil-proof rubber gloves when touching the fire resistance
2 手上有伤口时禁止接触抗燃油。
2 Never touch the fire resistance oil when there is wound on
3 接触对人体有毒、有害或有刺激性气味的化学物品时必须做好防
3 Make proper prevention measures when contacting chemicals
which are toxic or harmful to human body, or with pungent
smell. 环境 Environment
1 更换后的废油必须倒入指定的油桶中,不得随便倾倒。
1. Waste oil after replacement should be poured into specified oil
bucket and it is not allowed to pour the oil at random.
2 使用后废弃的或剩余的化学物品必须放到指定位置,不得随便
2 Abandoned or residual chemicals must be put to specified
position and they are not allowed to be discarded at random.
3 工作结束后必须做到“工完、料净、场地清”。
3 “All works are complete; materials are clean; working lot is
clear” is what required to be achieved after completion of
2.2.12 润滑油系统
2.2.12 Lubrication oil system

Page 230 of 629 概述 General description
本机组润滑油采用 N32 号透平油(西屋标准)。润滑油系统为 1 个
The lubrication oil of the unit applies N32 turbine oil (of Western
house standards), and it is a closed system. Lubrication oil is
stored in the oil tank, and it is pressured and filled into the oil
injector through the main oil pump drive by turbine shaft. It is
divided into two ways after drew the oil in the oil tank with oil
injector, one way goes to the inlet of main oil pump, and the other
way goes to the bearings after went through the reversal valve
and oil cooler.
In addition, a small part of the pressure oil from the outlet of the
main oil pump could also be used as standby oil source for the
sealing oil on hydrogen side of generator, after it went to the
mechanical overspeed trip and manual trip device in the front
bearing case through check valve.
The functions of the lubrication oil system:
1 为汽轮机、发电机的径向轴承提供润滑油。
1 To supply lubrication oil for journal bearing of turbine and
2 为汽轮机推力轴承提供润滑油。
2 To supply lubrication oil for the thrust bearings of turbine.
3 为汽轮机盘车装置提供润滑油。
3 To supply lubrication oil for the turning gear of turbine.
4 为装于前轴承箱内的机械超速脱扣及手动脱扣装置提供控制用
4 To supply controlling pressure oil for the mechanical
overspeed trip and manual trip devices in the front bearing
box. 润滑油箱 Lubrication oil tank
润滑油箱横卧在?米的平台上。油箱外壳为?mm 的碳钢钢板卷制
而成,两端用压制的分封头焊牢。润滑油箱的工作容积为 30m3。
(见图 14) 润滑油箱的顶部安装的设备有:润滑油泵的交流电动

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The lubrication oil tank is horizontally placed on platform of ?m
elevation. The outer casing of the oil tank is make of ?mm carbon
steal plate, and the two heads of the tank are welded with pressed
sub-heads. The working volume of the lubrication oil tank is 30m 3.
(See figure 14)On the top of the lubrication oil tank, there are
following equipment: AC & DC motor for lubrication oil pump, high
pressure pump and its motor, two sets of smoke exhaustion fans
and their motors and demister, oil level meter and oil level
controller, pressure gauge, returning oil sleeves etc.
承润滑油泵及其逆止阀、危急润滑油泵及其逆止阀、6 只浸没式电加
On the lateral part of the lubrication oil tank, there are following
devices: temperature adjuster, electric heater, interface with oil
purifying device, interface for inlet/outlet of oil cooler etc. Devices
equipped within the lubrication oil tank include: overflow valve and
check valve at the outlet of high pressure pump, check valve,
throttling orifice, bearing lubrication oil pump and its check valve
at the outlet of main oil pump, emergency lubrication oil pump and
its check valve, 6 submerged type electric heater, returning oil
strainer etc.
内部的管路上装有 5 个摇板式逆止阀。
There are two kinds of oil level meters in the lubrication oil tank:
one is fixed at the ceiling of the tank, which display the oil level
values at local. The other is oil level switch, which is fixed on the
round cover plate at the top of oil tank, and it sends oil level
signals according to high, low and low-low oil level to central
control room. In addition, there are 5 waving plate type check
valves. 主油泵 Main oil pump
青铜铸件,接长轴右端为 1 根具有内螺纹的短轴,其上装有离心式
前轴承座在座架上移动时起密封作用。(见图 19)
It is double suction centrifugal type, the outlet is pear shape
section spiral housing, and there are bleeding plug screws at both
inlet and outlet. The impeller, which is made of sophisticate
bronze casting piece is fixed on the extended shaft of rotator, and
it is backward bending type. On the left hand of the extended shaft
is one piece of short shaft with internal thread, with centrifugal
type emergency trip device and axial displacement measuring
disc. There is a sealing ring under the flange at the outlet of the
pump, which is used to seal when the front bearing moves on the

Page 232 of 629

supporting bracket (see figure 19). 注油器 Oil injector
有 5 个通道喷嘴。它将从主油泵出口来的高压油的压力能转化为喷
过滤网及底盘上均布 8 个孔的油被吸上,与喷嘴出口的油相混合后,
汽蚀。注油器出口管路上装有 1 只可调逆止阀,用来调整轴承入口
油压。(见图 20)
The on injector, fixed on the internal pipe works of the oil tank,
could be regarded as a kind of low effective jet pump, which has 5
passage nozzles. It converts the pressure of the pressure oil from
main oil pump outlet to kinetic energy of the nozzle outlet and then
the potential energy.
The detail process is like following: the accelerated pressure oil
through nozzle of oil injector from main oil pump generates a low
pressure area between the outlet of the nozzle and the throat of
diverging pipe, and the check plate is absorbed up and thus
absorbs the oil in oil tank.
The oil is absorbed by the 8 holes averagely allocated on the
strainer and base plate, and enters into the diverging pipe after
mixing with the oil at outlet of the nozzle. As its speed decreases
in the diverging section, so part of the pressure could be recycled
and it will drain out from the outlet of diverging pipe.
The oil from oil injector is divided into two routes, one goes into
the bearings through on injector; the other one supply oil for the
pressure head of the on injector to prevent cavitations. There is an
adjustable check valve on the outlet pipe of oil injector, which is
used to adjust be oil pressure of bearing inlet. (See figure 20) 交流润滑油泵和直流润滑油泵 AC/DC lubrication oil pump
浸没在油箱的润滑油中。一般当轴承油压下降到 0.082Mpa 时,才
直 流 润 滑 油 泵 向 轴 承 供 油 。 一 般 当 轴 承 油 压 下 降 到 0.069 ~
0.076Mpa 时,才启动该泵。交流润滑油泵(BOP)和直流润滑油泵
The AC lubrication oil pup is vertical centrifugal pump. The motor
is connected with the pump through fixed type coupling, and the
pump is submerged into the lubrication oil in the oil tank. The
pump is generally opened when the bearing oil pressure
decreased to 0.082MPa. The DC lubrication oil pump is also stand
centrifugal pump. Its motor is on the top of the oil tank and

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connected with pump through coupling, the pump is submerged
into the lubrication oil in the oil tank. The DC lubrication oil pump
is used as standby pump for AC pump, and it would start to supply
oil to the bearing when the AC power supply breaks or the bearing
lubrication oil pump has fault. Generally speaking, the pump is
opened when the bearing oil pressure is decreased to 0.069 –
0.076MPa. The AC lubrication oil pump (BOP) and DC lubrication
oil pump ( EOP ) are similar in structure as well as the
maintenance procedures. 高压泵 High pressure pump
高压泵为交流齿轮泵。通过固定式联轴器与电机相连,并组装在 1
轮、机械密封装置、壳体等到部件组成 ,泵端采用机械密封。高压泵
泵出口压力达不到要求时才启动该泵。在泵的出口管上装有 2 溢流
High pressure pump is AC gear pump. It is connected with the
motor through fixed type of coupling and assembled on a public
base plate and then horizontally mounted onto the round covering
plate at the top of oil tank. It is consisted of driver and driven gear,
mechanical sealing device and casing etc. and the pump end is
sealed mechanically. The pressure oil from the outlet of high
pressure pump is only used for the mechanical overspeed and
manual trip device in the front bearing box, it is also the standby
oil supply for hydrogen sealing oil of generator. The pump is only
started when the outlet pressure of main oil pump is inadequate
during startup and shutdown of the unit. There are 2 overflow
valves at the outlet of the pump, which are sued to adjust the
outlet oil pressure of the pump. 排烟风机装置 Smoke exhaustion device
每台排烟风机装置有 4 个主要部件:除油雾装置、可调式碟阀、油雾
的气流。此外,两台排烟风机出口各有 1 只逆止阀。
There are two smoke exhausters on the top cover of the oil tank,
with the function to absorb the oil gas from the lubrication oil tank
and exhaust it to prevent the oil gas from infiltrating into the
machine room, and keep a certain degree of vacuum between the
connected space of bearing base, oil tank and sleeves. In normal
condition, one is in service and the other is standby. Each of the
smoke exhauster includes 4 main components, and they are
demister device, adjustable disk valve, oil-mist separator, smoke

Page 234 of 629

exhauster and motor. The oil gas in the oil tank is firstly absorbed
by the smoke exhauster, and then goes through the stainless steel
gasket in the demister device. The oil in the oil gas would thus
being stopped by the gasket and accumulates in the demister
device and drop back to the oil tank under gravity force. After the
air flow goes through the demister device and smoke exhaustion
fan, the oil drops come to drainage pipe. The adjustable disk valve
could control the air passing through demister device and smoke
exhaustion fan. In addition, there is a check valve at both the
outlet of the two smoke exhaustion fans. 冷油器 Oil Cooler
冷油器的作用是冷却润滑油,维持轴承进油温度为 43℃~49℃。本
台冷油器始终充满油。在冷油器顶部 1 根装有流量观察计的油管用
The function of oil cooler is to cool the lubrication oil and maintain
the inlet oil temperature for bearing at 43℃~49℃. There are two
oil coolers for this unit among which one is in service and one is
standby during normal operation. There is a reversal valve to
switch between the two oil coolers, and the standby oil cooler
could always be full of oil through the help of connection pipe.
There is one piece of oil pipe with flow observer meter to observe
whether the oil of oil cooler is full. There are one thermocouple
and one disc type thermometer on the oil cooler pipe, which are
used to measure the inlet/outlet oil temperature of the oil cooler.
流管板等。冷油器换向阀的壳体上有 6 个接口,其中 4 个接口经常
向阀时,先逆时针方向转动手轮 2~3 圈,松开套筒与碟阀后,缓慢
地转动手柄 180 度,然后把手柄固定下来,再顺时针方向转动手轮,
The main parts for each oil cooler include: casing, water chamber,
return chamber, pipe bundle, water inlet pipe plate and return pipe
plate. There are 6 interfaces on the casing of reversal valve for oil
cooler, and among which 4 interfaces are frequently used. The
reversing handle should not be turned when the oil cooler was
activated. When operating internal reversal valve, turn the handle
2-3 circles anticlockwise first; and turn the handle 180 degrees
after releasing the sleeve and disk valve; then fix the handle and
turn the hand wheel clockwise to reset the sleeve and disk valve. 润滑油净化装置 Purifying devices for lubrication oil

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There are one set of lubrication oil purifying device for two units,
and one set of lubrication oil storage tank for two units. The
lubrication oil purifying device is parallel connected to the turbine
oil system, and its oil is from the main oil tank which will return to
the main oil tank after being purified. It could both be operated
along with the turbine oil system and be operated independently
for circulation filtering purification for the oil of main oil tank and its
own oil tank.
It consists of flow control valve, flow observer, oil inlet magnetic
valve, floating ball valve, oil conveying valve, smoke extractor fan,
bag filter, oil-water separator, automatic drainer, chemical
absorption pot, automatic back flush filtering device, refined filter
and oil storage room. 顶轴油泵 Jacking oil pump
Start the jacking oil pump before start the turning gear of the unit,
and thrust the journal away from the bearing pad through high
pressure oil. Thus eliminate the dry friction between them and
reduce the startup torque of the turning gear so as to reduce the
power of the gear motor. The jacking oil system consists of
plunger oil pump, magnetic oil filtering device at the oil filling pipe,
filtering cores and column valve, vacuum alarm switch, plate type
ball valve, pressure adjusting valve and jacking oil terminal box.

雷菲(2128) 设备简介 Equipment description
表 2 主油箱技术规范

容量 m3 尺寸 mm 设计压力 Mpa
× ×
Table 2 Technical specialization for main oil tank

Capacity (m3) Size (mm) Design pressure (Mpa)

× ×
表 3 主油泵技术规范

流量 单位(m3/h)

Page 236 of 629

出口压力 单位(Mpa)

入口压力 单位(Mpa)

总重 Kg
Table 3 Technical specialization for main oil pump

Flow Unit (m3/h)

Outlet pressure Unit (Mpa)
Inlet pressure Unit (Mpa)
Material of pump shell
Material of shaft
Material of impeller
Total weight Kg

表 4 交流润滑油泵技术规范

流量 单位 m3/h

出口压力 单位 Mpa

转速 单位 r/min

扬程 单位 m
Table 4 Technical specialization for AC lube oil pump

Flow Unit (m3/h)
Outlet pressure Unit (Mpa)
Rotating speed Unit (r/min)
Delivery head Unit (m)

Page 237 of 629

表 5 直流润滑油泵技术规范

流量 单位 m3/h

出口压力 单位 Mpa

转速 单位 r/min

扬程 单位 m
Table 5 Technical specialization for DC lube oil pump

Flow Unit (m3/h)
Outlet pressure Unit (Mpa)
Rotating speed Unit (r/min)
Delivery head Unit (m)

表 6 高压泵(氢密封备用泵)技术规范

流量 单位 m3/h

入口压力 单位 Mpa

出口压力 单位 Mpa

转速 单位 r/min

Table 6 Technical specialization for HP pump (standby pump of hydrogen sealing)

Flow Unit (m3/h)
Outlet pressure Unit (Mpa)

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Inlet pressure Unit (Mpa)
Rotating speed Unit (r/min)

表 7 排油烟风机装置技术规范

设计吸入空气量 m3/h

设计吸入负压 KPa

设计出口压力 KPa

最高吸入气体温度 ℃

排风机全风压 KPa

排风机风量 m3/h

流量 m3/h

转速 r/min
Table 7 Technical specialization for oil and fume exhaust fan

Design quantity of Air
Design capacity of negative
pressure admission
Design outlet pressure KPa
Highest temperature of

admitted gas
Total air pressure of fan KPa
Air flow of fan m3/h
Flow m3/h
Rotating speed r/min
表 8 冷油器技术规范

型 式
数 量 台

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冷却面积 m2
冷却水入口设计温度 ℃
出口油温 ℃
冷却水流量 kg/h
油 量 m3/h
管子尺寸(外径×壁厚) mmmm
管 侧 MPa(g)
壳 侧 MPa(g)
管 侧 ℃
壳 侧 ℃
材 料
管 子
壳 体
水 室
管 板
管板尺寸(外径×壁厚)  mmmm
每台总重 kg
Table 8 Technical specialization for oil cooler

Number Set
Cooling area m2
Design inlet temperature of cooling water ℃
Outlet oil temperature ℃
Cooling water flow kg/h
Oil quantity m3/h
Tube size( outer diameter× wall
Design pressure

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Tube side MPa(g)
Shell side MPa(g)
Design temperature
Tube side ℃
Shell side ℃
Water chamber
Tube plate
Tube plate size( outer diameter× wall 
thickness) mmmm
Total quantity each set kg
表 9 润滑油净化装置技术规范

型号 TY-II-2000L/H-------12000L/h

流量 L/h 2000~12000

工作真空度 MPa - 0.075~0.095

工作压力 MPa ≤0.5

工作温度 ℃ 40~70

声级 DB(A) ≤80

过滤精度 um ≤5

水份 PPM ≤50
Table 9 Technical specialization for lube oil purification

Model TY-II-2000L/H-------12000L/h
Flow L/h 2000~12000
Working vacuum MPa - 0.075~0.095
Working pressure MPa ≤0.5
Working temperature ℃ 40~70
Sound level DB(A) ≤80
Filter precision um ≤5

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Moisture PPM ≤50

表 10 顶轴油泵技术规范

型 式 柱塞泵(PV29 2R5DCO2)
制造厂 北京北重汽轮电机有限责任公司
数 量 台 2
容 量 m3/h 8.1
出口压力 MPa(g) 18±0.2
转 速 r/min
材 料
壳 体 碳钢
轴 45
柱 塞 35CrMo
型 式 Y225M-4
容 量 kW 55
电 压 V 380
转 速 r/min
总 重 kg
Table 10 Technical specialization for jacking oil pump

Type Plunger pump(PV29 2R5DCO2)

Beijing heavy machine steam turbine & motor limited
Number Set 2
Capacity m3/h 8.1
Outlet pressure MPa(g) 18±0.2
Rotating speed r/min
Shell Carbon steel
Shaft 45
Plunger 35CrMo

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Type Y225M-4
Capacity kW 55
Voltage V 380
Rotating speed r/min
Total quantity kg

表 11 润滑油储油箱(净油箱和污油箱)技术规范

容量 m3 尺寸 设计温度
型号 设备材质 Mpa
Volume Design
model material Designed
m3 size temp.

2×30 M3 HXYX-60-PLTU1 × × Q235B Normal 90℃
Table 11 Technical specialization for lube oil storage tank (clean one and dirty
one) 检修工序、工艺标准 Maintenance procedure, process standards 主油箱 Main oil tank
1 主油箱检修工序
1 Maintenance procedure of main oil tank
1.1 打开油箱放油门,将主油箱内剩油放尽;
1) Open the oil discharge valve of oil tank and release the spare
oil thoroughly.
1.2 揭开油箱顶部的花纹铁板,周围并设置围栏,以免外人误入。
2) Open the iron board on the top of oil tank; set fence in the
1.3 在将油箱顶部清扫干净后,揭开滤网上部盖板及人孔盖,将滤
3) Clean the top of oil tank, and then open the cover plate and
manhole casing on the top pf filter. Take the filter out for
inspection. Make up welding for or change it if broken.
1.4 经化学人员查看油箱内部情况后,从人孔门进入油箱内部清理。

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4) After the chemical personnel inspect the inner condition of the
oil tank, enter into the oil tank for cleanness from manhole.
First use the cover plate to block the oil discharge valve in the
bottom of oil tank. Then use calico, kerosene, and flour to
clean it. Reassemble it after ensuring it passes the test by
chemical personnel. Take anti-corrosion measures to treat the
corrosive part.
1.5 检查注油器和油位指示器。
5) Inspect oil ejector and oil level indicator.
1.6 将放油器盖板拿出,检查油箱内无遗物,放进滤网扣上盖板脏
6) Take out of the cover plate of oil discharger. Inspect on
anything left in the oil rank and put the filter into it. Then put
on the cover plate and that of the manhole.
1.7 检查排烟风机。
7) Inspect fume exhaust fan.
1.8 关闭油箱放油门及事故放油门将油注入油箱至规定值。
8) Close the oil discharge valve of oil tank and the emergency oil
discharge valve. Inject oil into the oil tank reaching the
regulated valve.
2 工艺标准
2 Process standards
2.1 清理油箱内壁:干净无锈蚀、油污,经化学监督合格;
1) Clean the inner wall of oil tank to ensure it is clean without
corrosion, oil stain and meets the chemical requirements.
2.2 检查清理滤网:干净无破损;
2) Inspect and clean filter which should be clean and no
2.3 检查注油器:喷嘴无堵塞,螺栓无松动;
3) Inspect oil ejector. No blockage for nozzle and no looseness
on the bolt.
2.4 检查油箱内管道、螺栓:无磨损、无松动。
4) Inspect the internal pipes and bolt of oil tank which should not
be abrasive and unloosened 主油泵 Main oil pump

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1 检修工序
1 Maintenance procedure
1.1 拆卸前箱上盖:系统热工拆卸测量保护装置支架,拆卸前箱结
1) Dismantle the upper casing of front tank: I &C personnel is in
charge of measuring the support of protection device.
Dismantle the positioning pin and bolts on the connecting
surface of front tank. Adjust the traveling crane to make it
locate in the right upper place of the front tank casing. Fasten
the steel wire in four corners and hoist it down statically after
the chain block screeding.
1.2 将转子延伸轴从高压转子上拆下,先用百分表测量转子延伸轴
2) Dismantle the rotor extending shaft from high-pressure rotor.
Then use dial indicator to measure the flange swing degree in
the connecting parts of the rotor extending shaft and high-
pressure rotor, as a reference for reinstallation. Dismantle the
connecting bolts of rotor extending shaft and high-pressure
rotor, do the marks for each as well.
1.3 拆卸主油泵上盖、危急遮断器处的所有油管,做好记号;
3) Dismantle the upper casing of main oil pump and all oil pipes
in the part of emergency tripper, make the marks as well.
1.4 拆卸主油泵中分面连接螺栓,吊出主油泵上盖;
4) Dismantle the connecting bolts on the middle surface of main
oil pump, and then hoist out of the upper casing of main oil
1.5 用塞尺测量主油泵前后四只油封环的间隙;
5) Use feeler gauge to measure the clearance of four oil sealing
rings n front and back of the main oil pump.
1.6 旋出四只油封环进行检查:钨金表面光滑、完整,无脱胎、裂纹
6) Rotate out of the four oil sealing rings for inspection. The
tungsten surface should be smooth, complete and no
bodiless, crack and abrasion phenomenon.
1.7 吊出转子延伸轴放在专用支架上;
7) Take out of the rotor extending shaft and put it on the special

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1.8 用专用扳手拆下调速体进行进行检查:表面无磨损、裂纹,内部
8) Use special spanner to dismantle the speed governor for
inspection. Its appearance should not undergo abrasion and
crack. The internal oil line should be clear and unblocked.
1.9 拆下叶轮、键和衬垫进行检查:表面无磨损、裂纹,叶轮内部油
9) Dismantle the impeller, keys and lining for inspection. Their
appearance should not undergo abrasion and crack and the
internal oil line of impeller should be clear and unblocked. The
wear ring in the connecting part pf the impeller and oil sealing
ring should not experience abrasion, crack and looseness.
1.10 检查转子延伸轴表面,测量转子延伸轴晃动度;
10) Inspect the surface of rotor extending shaft and measure the
swing degree of it.
1.11 将各部件清理干净后按解体反顺序复装。
11) After cleaning every parts, reinstall them in the reverse
sequence of disassembly.
2 工艺标准
2 Process standards
2.1 检查油封环钨金:钨金表面光滑、完整,无脱胎、裂纹及磨损,
1) Inspect the tungsten of oil sealing rings. The tungsten surface
should be smooth, complete and no bodiless, crack and
abrasion phenomenon. The contacting surface must be
2.2 测量四只油封环的间隙:
2) Measure the clearance of four oil sealing rings:
 Radial clearance of the rear sealing ring (1) and rotor
extending shaft: 0.05mm~0.15mm
后油封环(1)与主油泵壳体的轴向间隙:0.05 mm ~0.13mm
 Axial clearance of the rear sealing ring (1) and main oil
pump proper: 0.05 mm ~0.13mm
 Radial clearance of rear sealing ring (2) and impeller:

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后油封环(2)与主油泵壳体的轴向间隙:0.05 mm ~0.13mm
 Axial clearance of the rear sealing ring (2) and main oil
pump proper: 0.05 mm ~0.13mm
 Radial clearance of the front sealing ring (1) and impeller:
 前油封环(1)与主油泵壳体的轴向间隙: 0.05 mm ~
Axial clearance of the front sealing ring (1) and main oil pump
proper: 0.05 mm ~0.13mm
 Radial clearance of the front sealing ring (2) and speed
governor: 0.05mm~0.15mm
前油封环(2)与主油泵壳体的轴向间隙:0.05 mm ~0.13mm
 Axial clearance of the front sealing ring (2) and main oil
pump proper: 0.05 mm ~0.13mm
2.3 检查调速体:表面无磨损、裂纹,内部油路应畅通无堵塞
3) Inspect the speed governor whose surface should not bear
crack and abrasion, and the internal oil line clear and
2.4 检查叶轮、键和衬垫、耐磨环、:表面无磨损、裂纹,耐磨环应无
4) Inspect impeller, keys, lining and wear ring to ensure their
surface not bear crack and abrasion and the wear ring
unloosened. The impeller, shaft and pins should match
perfectly without looseness. Carry out static balance when
need to change a new impeller.
2.5 泵壳水平结合面必须严密,清理干净后紧上三分之二螺栓,用
0.02mm 塞尺检查不得塞入,结合面平整,不用垫片。
5) The horizontal connecting surface of pump shell should be
closed. Fasten two out of three bolts after cleaning it. Use
scale of 0.02mm to check out it can not be put into; the
connecting surface should be flat and gasket unused.
2.6 泵轴弯曲≤ 0.02mm,叶轮瓢偏≤ 0.04mm。
6) Bend of pump shaft should not more than0.02mm (≤ 0.02mm)
and impeller displacement≤ 0.04mm 注油器 Oil ejector

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1 检修工序
1 Maintenance procedure
1.1 拆卸注油器进出口法兰螺栓,吊出注油器。或拆卸注油器进口法
1) Dismantle the inlet and outlet flange bolts of oil ejector and
take out of oil ejector. Or dismantle the inlet flange bolt of oil
ejector for inspection inside of oil tank.
1.2 拆卸注油器进口滤网固定螺栓,取下滤网检查;
2) Dismantle the fixed bolt of inlet filter of oil ejector and take out
of the filter for inspection.
1.3 拆卸特制螺母和拉杆螺栓,将扩散管与其它部件分离;
3) Dismantle the special nuts and pull-rod bolt; separate the
diffusing pipe from other parts.
1.4 检查安装盘和控制盘;
4) Inspect installation panel and control panel.
1.5 检查注油器喷嘴是否堵塞;
5) Inspect nozzle of oil ejector to ensure there is no blockage.
1.6 检查扩散器;
6) Inspect diffuser.
1.7 按解体相反顺序复装。
7) Reinstall them in the reverse sequence of disassembly.
2 工艺标准
2 Process standards
2.1 滤网应完好、无破损、堵塞、锈垢;
1) The filter should be completely good, unbroken, unblocked
and without rust scaling.
2.2 安装盘和控制盘应无磨损、锈垢,控制盘在最大倾斜角时不能卡
涩,控制盘和安装盘的接触面积不少于 75%;
2) Installation panel and control panel should not bear abrasion
and rust scaling. There is no blockage when the control panel
is with the maximum slope angle. The contacting surface of
control panel and installation should be no less than 75%
2.3 注油器喷嘴是否堵塞。
3) Inspect the nozzle of oil ejector to ensure there is no

Page 248 of 629 交流润滑油泵、直流润滑油泵 AC lube oil pump, DC lube oil pump
1 检修工序
1 Maintenance procedure
1.1 通知电气,拆除电机的接线;
1) Inform the electric personnel to dismantle the connecting wire
of motor.
1.2 拆除电机与泵壳的连接螺栓和对轮螺栓,妥善保管;
2) Dismantle the connecting bolt and wheel bolt of the motor and
pump shell, keep them in proper place.
1.3 进入主油箱,拆除油泵的连接油管道及出口法兰螺丝,并把拆
3) Enter into the main oil tank to dismantle the connecting oil
pipeline and outlet flange screw of oil pump. Amount and pack
them well and them take out of the oil tank.
1.4 用行车吊出电机及泵体,放在指定的检修场所;
4) Use traveling crane to suspend out the motor and pump
proper; put them in the regulated place.
1.5 测量轴的串轴量,做好记录,拆除泵轴承的润滑油管,并封好
5) Measure the axial displacement of shaft and make a record of
it. Dismantle the lube oil pipe pf pump bearing and seal the
pipe mouth.
1.6 拆除靠背轮、轴承盖、轴背帽及进油口处滤网、短节和叶轮背帽,
6) Dismantle coupling, bearing cap, shaft back cap, oil admission
filter, nipple, and impeller back cap. Take out the nipple and
1.7 用铜棒轻轻由电机侧向泵侧锤击泵轴,抽出泵轴;
7) Use copper bar to knock the pump shaft from motor side to
pump side, and draw out the pump shaft.
1.8 全面检查、清洗各部件,测量各部间隙,按拆卸相反的顺序组装
8) Thoroughly inspect and clean each part and the clearance;
assemble the parts in the reverse sequence of dismantling.
2 工艺标准
2. Process standards
2.1 叶轮与密封环的间隙:0.12~0.20㎜。
1) Clearance of impeller and sealing ring: 0.12~0.20 mm.

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2.2 泵轴串量为:3~5mm。
2) Axial displacement of pump shaft: 3~5mm.
2.3 泵轴应光滑、无弯曲、毛刺现象,叶轮完好,无裂纹、磨损现象。
3) The pump shaft should be smooth, unbend without bur; the
impeller should be completely good without crack and
2.4 各轴承应灵活,无卡涩、松扩现象,否则更换新件。泵组装后,
4) Each bearing should be flexible without jamming and
looseness, otherwise change a new one. After the pump
assembly, it can be manually operated flexibly without
blockage. The shaft axial displacement should be same with
that before maintenance.
2.5 泵轴弯曲≤ 0.21mm,叶轮瓢偏≤ 0.04mm。
5) Pump bend ≤ 0.21mm, impeller displacement≤ 0.04mm.
2.6 找中心:平面≤0.05mm,圆周≤ 0.04mm。
6) Alignment: plane ≤0.05mm, circle ≤ 0.04mm 高压泵 HP pump
1 检修工序
1 Maintenance Procedure
1.1 联系电气拆电机接线。
1.1 Contact with electric person to remove the motors’ wiring.
1.2 拆除出口压力表,出口法兰螺栓及对轮螺栓,并包好各油
1.2 Remove the pressure gauge, flange bolts and coupling
wheel bolts at outlet and seal all oil inlets & outlets.
1.3 用行车把泵吊到检修场地,解体油泵。
1.3 Lift the pump to maintenance field with crane and
disassemble it.
1.4 拆泵轴端盖及机械密封装置,轻轻地取出动、静环、弹簧,
1.4 Remove the end cover and the mechanical seal device,
and take out the rotary & static rings, spring carefully to
avoid the damage to the rotary rings, and then check the
seal surface of the rotary & static rings.
1.5 拆除泵端,在主传动轴上做记号,取出传动轴。

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1.5 Remove the pump end, then mark on the main driving
shaft and take the driving shaft out.
1.6 全部检查、清洗各部件,测量各部间隙,并做好记录。
1.6 Check and clean all the components, then measure the
clearance between any two components and keep the
1.7 按拆卸的相反顺序进行组装。
1.7 Reassemble all the components in the sequence which is
reversible to the disassembling.
2 工艺标准
2 Process standards
2.1 机械密封动、静环密封面应光滑,无划痕、磨损、裂纹等现象
组装时用红丹粉研靠,其接触面为 90%以上,弹簧无变形、
2.1 The rotary & static ring seal surface in mechanical seal
should be smooth without scrape, wear and crack etc.
Stuff the red lead powder during disassembling, the
contact surface is more than 90 percent; there is no
deformation, torsion and breakage in the spring, or
change it.
2.2 主、从齿轮咬合完好,无松歪斜现象,转动灵活,啮合间隙
2.2 The driving gears engage well with the driven ones
without looseness and deflection. The gears can rotate
flexibly. The engagement clearance should be in
accordance with the standard.
2.3 找中心:张口≤ 0.04mm,圆周≤ 0.05mm。
2.3 Alignment: Opening ≤ 0.04mm, circumference≤ 0.05mm. 排烟风机 Fume exhaust fan
1 除油雾装置
1 Oil mist removing device
1.1 拆除滤网组件与壳体联接螺栓(M14)。
1.1 Disassemble the strainer components and connecting
bolts (M14).
1.2 将卡环卡在悬挂螺钉(M16)上,吊出滤网组件。
1.2 Place the snap ring on the hanging screw and pull out the
strainer components.
1.3 用煤油清理干净滤网组件及壳体内壁后,用压缩空气吹干。

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1.3 Clean the strainer components and inner wall of the shell
with the kerosene then dry it with compressed air.
1.4 复装滤网组件,紧联接螺栓。
1.4 Reassemble the strainer components and screw the
connecting bolts tightly.
2 排烟风机
2 Fume exhaust fan
2.1 通知电气拆除电机接线。
2.1 Contact with electric person to remove the motors’ wiring.
2.2 拆除连接管道,整体吊出风机,放在指定检修场所,并封
2.2 Remove connecting pipelines and lift the fan as a whole,
then remove it to the predetermined maintenance field, at
last seal the oil pipelines ends.
2.3 拆卸风机盖与涡壳连接螺栓,取下电机与叶轮。
2.3 Remove the bolts connecting the fan cover and the scroll.
Take the motor and the impellers out.
2.4 全面检查各部件,更换易损件,组装按拆卸的相反顺序进
2.4 Check all the components. Change the vulnerable parts,
and then reassemble all the components in the sequence
which is reversible to the disassembling.
3 工艺标准
3 Process Standards
3.1 风机叶轮与外壳完好无损,叶轮无变形、扭曲等现象。组装后
3.1 The impellers and the shell should be complete without
damage. There should be no deformation and torsion etc.
in the impellers. The turning gear operates flexibly without
blockage and scrape after reassembling. No vibration
occurs in operation.
3.2 除油雾装置滤网应完好,无破损,否则更换新件,壳体内
3.2 The strainer in the oil mist removing device should be
complete without damage, or change it. No oil sludge and
rust in the inner wall of the shell. 冷油器及换向阀 Oil Cooler and Reversal valve
1 冷油器的工艺标准

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1 Process standard of the oil cooler
1.1 打开冷油器下部放油门,将冷油器内部积油放净,并打开
1.1 Open oil drain valve lied in lower part of the oil cooler and
the water discharge valve to discharge the accumulated
oil and water.
1.2 拆下冷油器进出口冷却水管法兰螺栓及水侧放空气管法兰
1.2 Remove the flange bolts of the cooling water pipes laid in
inlet & outlet of the oil cooler and the air pipes of water
1.3 拆下冷油器回流室与壳体连接螺栓,并取出密封隔圈及 O
1.3 Remove the bolts connecting the oil cooler
return/reversing chamber and the shell, and then take the
seal ring and O ring out.
1.4 拆下冷油器上水室盖及短接螺栓,吊出上水室至检修场地。
1.4 Remove the cover of upper water chamber and bolts, and
then remove the upper chamber to maintenance field.
1.5 用行车将冷油器芯子吊出,放入专用加热箱,用加热后的
磷 酸 三 钠 水 煮 洗 , 时 间 为 2 小 时 , 磷 酸 三 钠 含 量 为 5-
1.5 Lift the oil cooler core with the overhead crane, and then
put it into special heating tank for cleaning by boiled in
heated water with 5-10 percent tri-sodium phosphate for 2
hours. Lift again the core from tank and wash it by clean
1.6 联系化学配酸,对冷油器芯子进行酸洗,合格后,再用磷
酸三钠水煮洗,时间为 1 小时,磷酸三钠含量为 2-5%,然
1.6 Contact person in chemical department to prepare acid for
cleaning the oil cooler core. If qualified, clean it by boiled
in water with 2-5 percent tri-sodium phosphate for 1 hour,
lifting again the core from tank and washing it by soft
water, and then wipe the diagram with white cloth until
there is no stains in the cloth, and dry it by compressed
1.7 由化学验收合格,铜管表面光洁,无裂纹,无腐蚀,无脱
1.7 The chemical department takes charges of the
acceptance, the copper pipe surface should be smooth
without cranks and corrosion and core dropping off. No

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scaling in the inner surface.
1.8 更换冷油器下水室油、水侧 O 形圈,验收合格后,按解体相
1.8 Change the oil of lower oil cooler water chamber and the
O ring in water side, and reassemble the oil cooler except
the upper cover after passing the chemical department
1.9 开启润滑油泵,对冷油器铜管进行检漏,如有泄漏,可用
1.9 Start lube oil pump, check whether the leakage exists in
the copper pipe of oil cooler, if there is leakage, and stuff
the two ends of the pipe with purple copper until passing
the acceptance.
1.10 复装上盖,更换油水侧 O 形圈,清理检修现场。
1.10 Reinstall the upper cover, change the O rings at both
oil and water sides, then clear up the maintenance
2 冷油器换向阀工艺标准
2 Process standard of oil cooler reversal valve
2.1 拆除冷油器换向阀进油室底部螺塞,将换向阀内剩油放掉;
2.1 Remove the bolts at bottom part of reversal valve oil
intake chamber and discharge the residual oil of the
reversal valve.
2.2 拆除换向阀进油室与阀体联接螺栓,拆下换向阀进油室;
2.2 Remove the bolts connecting reversal valve oil intake
valve and the valve body and the oil intake chamber.
2.3 拆除固定换向阀进油侧阀碟的开口销、特制垫片、螺母,取
2.3 Remove split pin, special gasket, nut of valve disc in oil
intake side of fixed reversal valve, and then take the valve
disc out.
2.4 拆除换向阀手柄、手轮以及手轮下部的垫片、套筒环、O 形圈;
2.4 Remove the handle, hand wheel, washer, bushing ring, O
ring of the reversal valve.
2.5 拆除换向阀出油室上法兰螺栓,取下法兰及套筒;
2.5 Remove the flange bolts of the oil outlet chamber, and
then take the flange and bush out.
2.6 吊出心轴和出油室阀碟;
2.6 Lift the mandrel and valve disc in the oil outlet chamber.

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2.7 检查进、出油室阀碟;
2.7 Check the valve discs of oil inlet & outlet chamber.
2.8 检查套筒与心轴、上法兰与套筒密封圈;
2.8 Check the seal ring between the bush and mandrel, upper
flange and bush.
2.9 清理进、出口油室及阀体内壁,检查其锈蚀情况。
2.9 Clean the oil inlet & outlet chamber and inner wall of the
valve body, and then check the degree of its rust and
3 工艺标准
3 Process Standard
3.1 冷油器铜管内壁清洁无水垢。
3.1 The inner wall of the oil cooler copper pipe is clean
without scale.
3.2 冷油器铜管表面清洁无油污。
3.2 The surface of the oil cooler copper pipe is clean without
oil stain.
3.3 冷油器水侧试验压力:0.6Mpa,试验时间:15min;油侧试
验压力:0.4 Mpa,试验时间 15min。
3.3 The water side testing pressure of oil cooler: 0.6Mpa,
testing time: 15min, the oil side testing pressure: 0.6Mpa,
testing time: 15min.
3.4 冷油器滤网干净无破损。
3.4 The strainer of oil cooler is clean without damage.
3.5 换向阀阀碟密封面完好、无裂纹,密封线连续、无间断,阀
碟 与 阀 体 密 封 面 接 触 面 积 不 小 于 85% , 局 部 离 缝 小 于
3.5 The seal surface of the valve disc is complete without
crack. The sealing line should be continuous without
interruption, the contact surface between the valve disc
and valve body is large than or equal to 85%, the partial
gap should be less than 0.02mm.
3.6 阀碟与阀体径向间隙为:1.5~2mm。
3.6 The radial clearance between valve disc and valve body
is: 1.5~2mm.
3.7 阀体内壁干净、无锈垢。
3.7 The inner wall of the valve body is clean without rust. 润滑油净化装置及贮油箱

Page 255 of 629 Lube oil Purifying Device and Storage tank
1 检修工序
1 Maintenance procedure
1.1 将净油贮油箱、沉淀室、过滤室的油排放干净。
1.1 Discharge the oil in storage tank, sedimentation room and
filtering room.
1.2 取出袋滤器进行清洗或更换。
1.2 Take the bag filter and clean or change it.
1.3 取出各滤网,清理检查,根据压差情况,决定是否更换滤
1.3 Take out all the strainers and clean them, whether to
change it depends on the differential pressure.
1.4 各油室清洗干净,各油管进行检查。
1.4 Clean all the oil chambers and check oil pipes.
1.5 拆除输油泵各连接管道,整体取出泵,解体检查。
1.5 Remove oil conveying pump and connecting pipes, take
out the pump as a whole and disassemble it for check.
1.6 拆除排烟风机连接管道,解体检查。
1.6 Remove fume exhaust fan and connecting pipes. Take out
the pump as a whole and disassemble it for check.
2 工艺标准与技术要求:
2 Process standard and technical requirements
2.1 各油室应彻底清理干净,无任何油污、杂质等,经化学验收
2.1 All the oil chambers should be clean without any oil stain
and impurity, and pass the chemical acceptance test.
2.2 输油泵齿轮应啮合良好,各齿无缺口,严重磨损等缺陷,油
2.2 The gears of the oil conveying pump should engage well
without such defects as indentation and severe wear. The
axial displacement of the oil pump should be ≯0.06mm.
2.3 袋滤器应安装牢固。
2.3 The bag filter should be firmly fastened.
2.4 检修结束后,在投运时应放净过滤罐的空气。
2.4 Discharge all the air of the filtering tank after the
maintenance has finished.

Page 256 of 629 顶轴油泵 Jacking oil pump
1 检修工序
1 Maintenance Procedure
1.1 电机停电并拆线,关闭出入口油门。拆除并封好各管口。
1.1 Cut off the power supply of the motor and remove the
wires. Close the oil inlet and outlet valve. Remove the
valves and seal the pipes end.
1.2 拆卸电机对轮螺栓。
1.2 Remove the coupling wheel bolts of the motors.
1.3 对轮侧端盖法兰拆除,取出“O”型密封圈。
1.3 Remove coupling wheel the flange at end cover; take out
the O ring.
1.4 拆卸泵体与泵壳连接螺栓,取下泵体。取下滚珠轴承挡圈,
1.4 Take down the bolts connecting the valve body and valve
shell, remove the pump body, retaining ring of the ball
bearing. Take out the bearing.
1.5 取出配油盘、泵侧端盖拆卸,取出轴承。
1.5 Remove the oil distribution plate, end cover at pump side
and take out the bearing.
1.6 取出回程盘、定心弹子、柱塞、内套、弹簧外套等。
1.6 Take out the return plate, centering marble, plunger, inner
bush and spring bush etc.
1.7 测量各部间隙,做好记录。
1.7 Measure all the clearance and keep a record.
1.8 全面检查、清洗各部件,按拆卸的顺序逆序进行组装。
1.8 Carry out overall check and clean on all the components.
Reassemble them in the sequence against the
2 工艺标准
2 Process standards
2.1 柱塞表面光洁,无单面磨损,和缸体配合无松旷、卡涩,中
2.1 The plunger surface is smooth without damage in the
single surface. No looseness and blockage between the
plunger and casing. The intermediate oil hole is smooth.

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2.2 回程盘和滑靴之间无磨损,接触面无毛刺,定心弹子表面
2.2 No wear between the return plate and the sliding boot. No
burr on the contact surface. The centering marble surface
should be smooth without wear.
2.3 内外套、配油盘接触面无毛刺、磨损,与壳配合不松动,弹
2.3 No burr and wear on the surface connecting the
inner/outer bush and oil distribution plate. It is firmly
fastened on the shell. The spring is good without
deformation and crack.
2.4 “O”型密封圈无老化,轴承活动良好、配合无松旷,传动轴
2.4 No aging in the O ring, the bearings rotate well and
coordinate with each other well. The driving shaft surface
is smooth without torsion.
2.5 测量各部间隙符合标准要求。
2.5 Measure the clearance between any two components
involved and the clearance meets the standard. 润滑油冲洗和调试 Washing and commissioning of lube oil 冲洗系统前的准备程序 Preparations before washing.
It is about the washing procedure after the steam turbine overhaul
is done. While the washing procedure before the unit starts up for
the first time should be carried out according to Oil System
Washing and Installation Regulations. The washing scope is
determined by where the steam turbine-generator is checked. If
only the LP casing needs to be checked after the upper casing is
removed, then this part of turbine should be washed. If checking
the whole turbine, it is suggested to wash the control system of all

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Cover all the bearing seats and bearing box before they are
checked. Keep they covered in the process of the washing. Pay
attention to the waste, iron chips, burrs and other impurities in the
bearing seat, because the purpose of washing is to remove the
sediment formed by them. When the drilling, gas cutting and
chiseling are carried out in any bearing box and oil tank, you need
to take measures to protect near metal surface and remove the
chips immediately. As for the changed oil pipe, carry out the
mechanical cleaning. As for the new pipe, either the mechanical
cleaning or chemical is acceptable. A most important is that
cleaning and check all the bearing parts before injecting oil in oil
1 油系统的主要部件
1 Main component in oil system
1.1 油箱:油箱和油净化设备应排净残油并彻底洗净。所有与润
1.1 Oil tank: the residual oil in oil tank and oil purifying facility
should be fully discharged and cleaned. The surface
which contacts with lube oil with pain loss should be
cleaned and repainted as required by the manufacturer.
1.2 冷油器:如果连续运行两年而未作清洗的话,则应取出并
1.2 oil cooler: if the oil cooler operates continuously for 2 year
without clean, take out the pipe bundle and clean it as well
as the casing.
1.3 汽轮机轴承座:检查并清洗轴承座,所有轴承座和轴承箱
1.3 Steam turbine bearing seat: check and clean the bearing
seat. The inner wall of bearing seat and bearing box with
pain loss should be cleaned and repainted as required by
the manufacturer. Remove the thrust bearing pad to check
its framework (casing) and clean it.
1.4 套装油管道:拆下并清洗机组上所有套装油管道的清洗法
1.4 oil pipes: Remove and clean flanges of oil pipe in the unit.
2 注意事项
2 Attentions
2.1 冲洗由两台装在油箱顶部的泵来完成。
2.1 The washing is accomplished by two pumps at top of oil

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2.2 应与集控室间建立紧急停泵的通讯联络。建议用户在油箱上
2.2 Contact with central control room for emergency
shutdown. It is suggested to install temporary emergency
switch to control washing pump.
2.3 在两台泵运转的情况下,在所有溢流孔上都要装上 150 目
2.3 On the occasion that two pumps operates together, install
temporary filter with 150 meshes in all overflow holes
including holes in inlet. Remove this filter after the
washing is done.
2.4 油净化系统应在冲洗前并在整个冲洗过程中一直投入运转。
2.4 The oil purifying system should operate all the time before
and in the process of washing.
2.5 在冲洗时汽机现场应避免气割、焊接作业及一切明火。在冲
2.5 Prevent gas cutting, welding or direct fire in turbine field
during washing. The fire extinguishing apparatus should
be available in service at any time.
2.6 露在外面或人够得着的油管现场焊缝可以用敲击或振动的
2.6 The welding slag exposed or can be reached in oil pipe
can be removed by tapping or shaking. Usually it is not
necessary to do this if the unit is in operation. 冲洗系统的连接 Connection of washing system
The following paragraphs are about how to connect the pipe in
prescribed bearing of steam turbine. First, we come to the elliptic
bearing which can be lubricated by any one of the following 2
1 由支座上开的油槽供油,使进油直接进入底座。
1 Supply the oil through the channel on the support, so the oil
can flow to the pedestal directly.
2 推力轴承的准备工序如下:如果由一根单独可拆卸的管子或管

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2 The preparations are as follows: if the oil is provided by a
removable single tube or pipe, remove this tube and place the
hose and filter. If the oil is supplied by inner channel, remove
the trust block of the thrust bearing and accomplished by the
framework. When the washing is done, remove all the
impurities by hand.
3 临时管线上的所有阀门都必须是闸阀。当装临时软管时,应适当
3 All valves on the temporary should be gate valves. The length
of the hose should be appropriate to prevent it is so tight.
Each connector of the hose should be chucked tightly by
clamp. Check all the tube clamps during washing and fixed
them to prevent its moving. 冲洗 Washing
The oil washing is classified into some stages. If the whole system
is expected to be washed, wash the bearing system first, and then
other systems. Injecting lube oil to lube oil tank unit the oil level
reached to normal operating level. Place the oil purifying system
in service before washing. If the lube oil tank is not full which is
acceptable, it needs to connect the oil tank with oil purifying
system temporarily. The designed standard connection mode is:
when the oil level is below the normal operating level, outer oil
purifying system can not suck oil. Because the oil flow needed in
the washing is larger than normal operation, two pumps need to
operate together.
Adjust the reversing three-way valve on the oil tank to ensure that
oil flows through two oil coolers. As for the device with bearing oil
safety valve, raise their pressure set point to make sure the valve
ca n not open. Recover its original set point after washing. Start
one pump and stop immediately to verify leakage. Start the pump
again and operate it continuously. Then start the second pump.

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Open the valves connecting the hose integrated components. Pay
close attention to the oil level of bearing tank, because the oil
flowing in bearing system in maintenance is more than that in
normal operation. The washing would be better if the hose from
bearing connector extends and inserts to oil discharge pipe.
油循环两小时左右或油温达 71.1℃左右时停运油泵。将过滤器接在
管,再使油循环 30 分钟并检查所有的过滤器。希望每只轴承上都有
Check that whether the oil actuator current of oil pump exceeds
the allowable or not. Monitor the return oil level outside of the
return oil filter to ensure no oil overflow. Stop all running oil pump
before changing filter of oil tank. If the oil circulates about 2 hours
or the oil temperature reaches above 71.1℃, stop the oil pumps.
Connect the filter to bypass hose. Clean the filters installed in the
oil tank. Circulate the oil for 30 minutes more and check all filters
by using two hoses of each bearing. It would be better if each
bearing has oil sample filter (it is not a must). The washing would
be more effective when the valves needs to be opened to a
certain degree even fully opened adequate valves in the
temporary hoses to ensure oil actuator of the pump realizes full
load operation. 系统清洁度的测定 Measurement of the System Cleanliness
When the system cleanliness test is carried out, please try to
make sure that the environmental pollution does not influence the
result. If you operate the oil sample filter with dirty gloves or take
the filter to analytical facility with dirty vessel, the operation above
cause’s pollution easily which results in the inaccuracy test of the
lube oil system. In the backwashing, the chemical personnel
should sample the oil and assay it periodically until the oil is
qualified. Whether to clean the filter during washing depends on
the oil cleanliness. 将系统恢复到正常运行状态 Return the system to normal

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Install the upper cover of all the radial bearings to recover the unit
and return the inclined bearing to normal as well. Cover and
reserve the oil hose. Cover the bearing box seat. In the process of
system returning to normal, prevent the impurities entering to
system. After the system is recovered, it is better to carry out oil
circulation for a period of time. 安全、健康、环保要求 Requirements on Safety, Health and Environmental
protection 安全 Safety
1 进入现场必须按《安规》规定着装和使用安全防护用具。
1 Wear prescribed cloth and use protective tools before you
enter into field according to Safety Regulations.
2 两人及以上工作时必须明确一名工作负责人。
2 Specify a person in charge if two or more people work
3 现场应设有足够的照明,并符合《安规》要求。
3 The illumination at site should be adequate and be in
accordance with Safety Regulations
4 使用电动工具必须使用漏电保护器,并遵守电动工具的使用规
4 Use the leakage protector when you need to use electric
tools. Comply with the instruction. Do not use the tools with
5 严禁使用汽油清洗机件。
5 It is not allowed to clean the parts with gasoline.
6 高处作业必须正确使用安全带、工具,材料的传递应遵守安规规
6 Use the safety belt and other tool when you work in high
altitude. The material conveying should be in accordance with
Safety Regulations.
7 认真遵守起重、搬运的安全规定。
7 Comply with the regulation of lifting and conveying.
8 工作结束应及时恢复工作过程拆除的栏杆、防护罩、沟盖板等防
8 Replace the guide rail, protective cover, trench cover etc.

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which are removed in maintenance.
9 工作结束清点人员、工具,收回剩余的材料,消除火种,清扫工
9 When the maintenance is finished, Check the person, tools,
reserve the surplus material, eliminate kindling and clean the
maintenance field.
10 清理工作现场易燃易爆杂物。
10 Remove the flammable impurities in the maintenance field.
11 电焊地线接在被焊件上,禁止远距离回路。
11 The grounding line used for electric welding should connect to
the welded parts. Never connect it from the long distance.
12 现场准备充足的消防器材。
12 Prepare adequate fire extinguishing apparatus at site.
13 动火工作期间设专人监护。
13 There should be a special person for supervisory in fire
14 工作结束清理现场,不遗留任何火种。
14 Clean the site when the maintenance is finished. Remove any
kindling. 健康 Health
1 接触润滑油时必须带耐油橡胶手套。
1 Wear the rubber glove when you touch the lube oil.
2 接触对人体有毒、有害或有刺激性气味的化学物品时必须做好防
2 Take protective measures when the chemicals such as the
poisonous, harmful or irritant gas expose to you. 环境 Environment
1 更换后的废油必须倒入指定的油桶中,不得随便倾倒。
1 The waste oil should be placed into prescribed barrel. Do not
dump it as you like. .
2 使用后废弃的或剩余的化学物品必须放到指定位置,不得随便
2 The waste or surplus chemicals should be placed to
prescribed place. Do not throw it away.

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3 工作结束后必须做到“工完、料净、场地清”。
3 After the maintenance work is finished, all the work should be
done thoroughly, the material should be clean and the field
should be clear up.
2.2.13 配汽机构
2.2.13 Steam Distribution Mechanism 概述 Brief Introduction
本机组共有 10 只蒸汽阀门,其中 2 只自动主汽门,4 只高压调节汽
门;2 只再热主汽门和 2 只再热调节汽门。均采用单侧进油的油动机
There are 10 steam valves in total in the unit. 2 auto main stop
valves, 4 HP governing valves, 2 reheat main stop valves, 3
reheat GV. All of them are controlled by the oil actuator with one
side oil supply. 自动主汽门 Auto main stop valve
能开启,其通流能力约为 25%额定蒸汽流量,它在调节汽阀全开的
The HP steam admission valve is composed by a main stop valve
and 2 GVs. The main stop valve is arranged horizontally while the
GV vertically. The 2 steam admission valves are installed at both
sides of HP casing and fastened on base by main stop valve seat.
One end of the seat is an elastic frame and horizontal carrier. The
opening and close is controlled by fluid and spring respectively.
The main stop valve operates horizontally. There is a small
starting valve in the main stop valve, which can be open under full
pressure. With 25 percent of rated steam flow, it can be used t o
control the turbine speed precisely when the steam turbine starts
with full arc steam admission mode and fully open of GV.
The main valve disc of main stop valve is non-balance, when the
load or speed is controlled by GV and the main stop valve needs

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to be fully opened, it is necessary to close the rear GV to a certain
degree. That is to say, when the differential pressure of the main
valve disc reduced to a certain degree, the main valve disc can be
open. When the main stop valve is fully open or closed, the valve
stem is quipped with self-seal device to reduce leakage. There is
a steam filter in the main stop valve to prevent the impurities
entering into steam turbine. In the trial run, a fine strainer should
be installed in outside of the permanent filter. The function of the
main stop valve is to cut off the steam supply at emergency if
necessary. 高压调节汽阀 HP GV
本机组共有 4 个高压调节汽阀。调节汽阀的功能是控制蒸汽流量,
4 HP GV are installed in the unit. They are used to control the
steam flow to govern the speed and load of steam turbine
precisely. GV is ball valve with diffusion pipe exit. The valve head
is loose to ensure that the valve disc align with the inlet of diffuser.
The valve disc is partial balance type which requires proper lifting
force. 再热主汽阀 Reheat main stop valve
再热主汽门和两个再热调节汽阀所构成的 Y 形组件。再热主汽门为
Two reheat steam admission valves integrated components (Y
components composed by one reheat main stop valve and 2
reheat GV) are installed at both sides of IP casing. The reheat
main stop valve is flap type which is arranged horizontally. When it
is fully opened, the valve disc lies below the air flow, thus the fluid
resistance loss is slight which result in full pressure differential
acts on the valve disc to ensure valve without leakage. The outer
bypass orifice stands in front and behind of valve disc bottom part
with the purpose of balancing the pressure difference upstream
and downstream. Thus the valve can be open in the test. The
steam relief valve is installed on the bearing cover of the rotary
shaft to reduce the shaft end pressure when it is opened or
closed. 再热调节汽门 Reheat GV

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本机组共有 2 只再热调节汽门,再热调节汽门为平衡式柱塞单座阀。
2 reheat GV, balance plunger valve with single seat, are installed
in the unit. The opening and close is controlled by hydraulic
pressure and spring force respectively. The reheat GV is
composed by main valve disc, valve body, valve stem, bush,
strainer, spring, and spring room. The GV is installed vertically
with oil actuator in the upper part; its open is realized by oil
actuator which serves as the actuator in hydraulic system. While
its closing is accomplished by spring force. 设备简介 Brief introduction of the equipment
表 11 高压自动主汽门
Figure 11 HP auto main stop valve
数 量 单位(只)
Quantity Unit
内 径 单位(mm)
Inner diameter Unit
Material of valve body and valve
No. of main stop valve bypass
main stop valve test frequency
主汽阀试验持续时间 单位(s)
main stop valve test duration Unit
Load decrease rate in main stop %
valve test
表 12 高压调节汽阀
Figure 12 HP GV
型 式

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数 量 单位(只)
Quantity Unit
内 径 单位(mm)
Inner diameter Unit
Material of valve body and valve
GV test frequency
主汽调节阀试验持续时间 单位(s)
GV test duration Unit
Load decrease rate in GV test
Throttle ratio of GV
表 13 再热主汽阀
Figure 13 Reheat main stop valve 
数 量 单位(只)
Quantity Unit
内 径 单位(mm)
Inner diameter Unit
Material of valve body and valve
Reheat shutdown valve test
Reheat shutdown valve test 单位(s)
Load decrease rate in reheat %
shutdown valve test
表 14 再热调节汽门

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Figure 14 Reheat GV 

数 量 单位(只)
Quantity Unit
内 径 单位(mm)
Inner diameter Unit
Material of valve body and valve
Reheat GV test frequency
再热调节阀试验持续时间 单位(s)
Reheat GV test duration Unit
Load decrease rate in reheat
GV test 检修工序、工艺标准 Maintenance Procedure & Process Standard 自动主汽门 Auto Main Stop Valve
1 检修工序
1 Maintenance Procedure
1.1 联系热工,拆除有关信号。
1.1 Contact I&C personnel to disable relative signals.
1.2 拆除阀门上所有的疏水及漏汽管道,并封好管口。
1.2 Remove all the drainage pipes and steam leakage pipes
on the valves and seal the pipes ends.
1.3 取下杠杆与主汽门连接销上开口销,打出销轴,将杠杆拉
1.3 Take down the split pin connecting the lever and
connecting pin of main stop valve. Take the pin out. Pull
the lever and then check the pin and the lever.
1.4 拆除横担与油动机连杆销子及油动机与弹簧室固定螺栓,

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1.4 Remove the pins connecting the cross arm and the oil
actuator rod and the fixed bolts connecting the oil actuator
and spring room respectively, and then insolate the oil
actuator from the system.
1.5 用塞尺检查门盖四周的间隙,并做好记录,间隙应该相等
其偏差不大于 0.5mm。
1.5 Measuring the valve bonnet clearance with the feeler
gauge and keeps the record. The clearance should be
equal to each other; the error should be not more than 0.5
1.6 对称地拆下六只弹簧室盖与弹簧室的紧固螺栓,然后对称
1.6 Remove six bolts connecting the spring covers and spring
room symmetrically. Take down four special bolts slowly to
make sure spring extend freely within range.
1.7 取下弹簧检查,测量各弹簧自由长度。
1.7 Take down the spring for check and measure the free
lengths of all springs.
1.8 取下弹簧导杆与导块连接销的开口销,打开连接销检查。
1.8 Remove the split pins of the spring guide bar and
connecting pin of guide block. Open the connecting pin for
1.9 取出弹簧架与弹簧导杆检查,拆除弹簧架时应防止弹出。
1.9 Take down the spring frame and guiding bar for check.
Prevent the spring frame popping up when removing it.
1.10 用行车将弹簧室吊住,拆卸弹簧座与阀盖的固定螺栓,
1.10 Lift the spring room with overhead crane; Remove the
fixed bolts connecting the spring seat and the valve
bonnet. Lift the spring room to maintenance for check.
There should be no obvious damage on the inner
surface of the spring seat.
1.11 拉出门杆,用深度尺测量预启阀行程和主汽阀行程。
1.11 Pull out the valve stem. Measure the range of prestart
valve and main stop valve with depth indicator.
1.12 用螺栓加热棒加热双头螺柱,松开门盖与阀座的连接螺
栓(最后保留两只对称螺栓不卸),将卸下的螺栓 妥
1.12 Heat the studs with heating bar. Loose the bolts
connecting the valve bonnet and the valve pedestal
except two symmetrical bolts. Reserve the bolts which

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have been removed.
1.13 挂好钢丝绳及倒链,并稍微吃劲,松开最后保留的两只
1.13 Hang the steel wire rope and chain block. Do not
make it too tight or too loose. Loose the last two
symmetrical bolts. Lift the main stop valve out of the
valve body and move it to maintenance field. Take
down the pads. Seal the chamber with special cover
(strip/ribbon) to prevent the impurities into valve body.
1.14 拆除导块与门杆连接销,取下导块,从阀盖下部缓慢地
1.14 Remove the pin connecting the guide block and the
valve stem. Take down the guide block. Pull out the
main valve disc from the lower part of the valve
1.15 全面检查清理阀头、阀杆、滤网、各密封面等,应无任何
1.15 Carry out the overall check and clean for valve head,
valve stem, strainer and all seal surface etc. There
should be no defect. Measure the clearance between
any two components and the bending of the valve
stem. If the tortuosity exceed the limit, change it. If the
pre start valve is blocked, disassemble it and change
the wear parts.
1.16 由金属组对阀杆、阀头探伤,门盖螺栓、螺帽做硬度检
1.16 Detect the damage of the valve stem and valve head
with metal group. Measure the rigidity of the valve
head bolts and the nuts. Change the unqualified parts.
1.17 检修结束后,按拆卸相反的顺序进行组装。
1.17 Reassemble the main stop valve after the
maintenance has finished.
1.18 复装时,热紧阀盖螺栓前应冷紧,冷紧采用力矩扳手,
不得用锤击法,冷紧力矩 770N.m。热紧螺栓参考转角
100°,伸长量 0.52mm。
1.18 During reassembly, cold tighten the valve bonnet bolts
with torque wrench instead of hammer firstly, and then
thermal fasten it. The cold tightening torque is
770N.m. The reference corner angle of thermal
fastening is 100° and degree of extension is 0.52mm.
1.19 弹簧座组装调整后,将特制螺栓拆除。

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1.19 Remove the special bolts after the spring seat is
disassembled and adjusted.
2 质量标准与技术要求:
2 Quality Standard and Technical Requirements
2.1 预起阀与主汽门行程 mm
2.1 Stoke of prestart valve and main stop valve mm
main stop valve stroke: 102mm
Prestart valve stroke: 25.4±0.8mm
main stop valve full stroke: 188±3mm
2.2 间隙
2.2 Clearance
Clearance between main valve disc and valve ring
surface: 0.20--0.25mm
Clearance between main valve disc and seal liner of valve
stem: 0.08--0.13mm;
Clearance between valve stem and seal liner: 0.25--
Clearance between valve stem and outer guiding bushing:
Clearance between seal pressing ring and valve stem:
2.3 门盖螺栓、螺帽的硬度要求
2.3 Rigidity requirement on valve bonnet bolt & nut
2.3.1 HB279 及以下;
2.3.1 Below HB279 (including HB279)
2.3.2 更换新件

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2.3.2 Change new parts
HB280 至 HB289 之间:建议两年内更换;
Between HB280 and HB289: it is suggested change
within 2 years
HB290 至 HB360 之间:可继续使用;
Between HB290 and HB360: can be used
HB361 及以上:更换。
HB361 and above, change it.
2.4 阀杆与导杆应光滑、无弯曲、无裂纹、无卡涩无磨偏等现象;
2.4 The valve stem and guiding bar should be smooth without
torsion, crack, blockage and wear etc.
2.5 弹簧应完好,无歪斜、扭曲、裂纹、断裂等现象,测量自由长
2.5 The spring should be complete without deflection, torsion,
crack and breakage. Measure the free length and
compared the measured value with that before overhaul.
Check that whether it deforms or not. If deformation
occurs, change it. There should be no deflection and wear
in spring after reassembling.
2.6 主阀、阀座应完好无损,阀座无开焊、卷边、裂纹、损伤。阀
面 100%;
2.6 The main stop valve and valve pedestal should be
complete without damage. There should be no welding
off, beading crack and damage in the pedestal. The valve
circuit of valve head and valve pedestal should be well
connected without punch through, stains. The seal
connecting surface is 100%.
2.7 各连接部分应活动灵活,无反抗、卡涩现象;
2.7 The connection parts works flexibly without reaction and
2.8 门盖结合面、各疏水法兰结合面应平整光滑、无麻点、凹坑、
2.8 The valve bonnet connecting face and all the drainage
flange connecting surface should be smooth without
stains, pits, burrs. Change the spiral wound gasket.
2.9 各销轴应光滑无磨损、裂纹、毛刺,无弯曲、变形;
2.9 All pin rolls should be smooth without wear, crack, burr,
bending and deformation.

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2.10 复装时,拧紧阀盖与阀壳连接螺栓时,阀盖与阀壳四周
间隙必须相等,其偏差不大于 0.05mm;
2.10 Screw up the bolts connecting the valve bonnet and
the valve shell during reassembling. The clearance
between them should be equal. The error should be
2.11 滤网应无吹蚀、变形、裂纹,网孔无堵塞,如果滤网有
2.11 There should be no corrosion, deformation, crack and
blockage in the strainer. If the defects exist in it, pull
out strainer for check.
2.12 阀杆弯曲度应≤0.05mm,如弯曲度超标,应解体预启
2.12 The valve stem bending should be ≤0.05mm, if the
bending exceeds the limit, disassemble the prestart
valve. 调节汽阀 Governing Valve (GV)
1 检修工艺
1 Maintenance Process
1.1 联系热工,拆除有关电信号;
1.1 Contact I&C personnel to disable relative electric signals.
1.2 拆除油动机活塞杆与连杆销子,将油动机从系统上解列;
1.2 Remove the pins of the oil actuator piston rod and
connecting rod. Disconnect oil actuator from system.
1.3 拆除所有疏水管法兰及门杆漏汽管道,并封好管口;
1.3 Remove flanges in all drainage pipes and valve stem
leakage pipes. Wrap the pipe properly.
1.4 上好专用长螺杆,松开上弹簧盖的螺栓,均匀地松专用长
1.4 Loose the bolts in the spring cover with special long
screw. Loose the nuts of the special long bolts to make
sure the spring extends to a maximum. (Do not rotate the
screw t o prevent the spring popping up and injure
person.)Take down the upper cover. Take out the spring to
measure the free length and keep a record.
1.5 拆除弹簧下座与支承块的连接螺栓,取出弹簧下座。拆除支

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1.5 Remove the bolts connecting the spring seat and support
block. Take out the spring seat. Take down the bolts
connecting the support block and ball washer. Take out
the support block and ball gasket.
1.6 拆除弹簧架与阀座的连接螺栓,取下弹簧架,测量连杆与
1.6 Remove the bolts connecting the spring bracket and the
valve seat. Take out the spring bracket. Measure the
clearance between the connecting rod and spring bracket.
1.7 拆卸阀座结合面螺栓,用行车将调门从阀体上吊出,将阀
1.7 Remove the bolts on the valve seat connecting surface.
Lift the GV from the valve body with overhead crane and
move it to maintenance field. Take out the gasket, seal the
valve body chamber with strip or ribbon to prevent falling
object. .
1.8 将连接杆旋下,从阀杆下部抽出阀碟及阀杆,拆卸完毕全
1.8 Remove the connecting bar by spinning. Pull out the valve
disc and valve stem from the lower part. Carry out overall
check and cleaning. Measure the clearance between any
two components and the valve stem bending.
1.9 由金属组对阀杆、阀头探伤,门盖螺栓、螺帽做硬度检查,
1.9 Detect the damage of valve stem and valve head with
metal group. Carry out rigidity check for valve bonnet bolts
and nuts. Change the unqualified parts.
1.10 检修结束后,按拆卸相反的顺序进行复装;
1.10 Reassemble the GV in reversible sequence after the
maintenance is finished.
1.11 待组装调整好弹簧后,将专用螺杆拆除。
1.11 Remove the special screw after the spring has been
2 质量标准与技术要求:
2 Quality Standard and Technical Requirements
2.1 主阀行程: ± mm
2.1 Main valve stroke: ± mm
2.2 部套间隙标准 mm
2.2 Clearance standard mm

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Clearance between connecting bar and spring bracket:
Clearance between valve stem and upper guide bushing:
Clearance between main valve and guide bushing: 0.25~
Clearance between upper bush and valve seat: 0.05 ~
Valve rod tortuosity: 0.00~0.05mm。
2.3 阀杆应光滑、无弯曲、裂纹、卡涩、磨偏等现象;
2.3 The valve stem should be smooth without torsion, crack,
blockage and wear etc.
2.4 簧应完好,无歪斜、扭曲、裂纹、断裂等现象,测量自由长度
2.4 The spring should be complete without deflection, torsion,
crack and breakage. Measure the free length and
compared the measured value with that before overhaul.
Check that whether it deforms or not. If deformation
occurs, change it. There should be no deflection and wear
in spring after reassembling.
2.5 阀头、阀座型线应完好、无麻点、凹坑、贯穿现象,密封接触
2.5 The wiring of valve head and valve seat should be
complete without stains, pits, throughin. The connecting
surface is well sealed.
2.6 连接部分应活动灵活,无反抗、卡涩现象;
2.6 The connection parts works flexibly without reaction and
2.7 盖结合面、各疏水法兰结合面应平整光滑、无麻点、凹坑、毛
2.7 The valve bonnet connecting face and all the drainage
flange connecting surface should be smooth without
stains, pits, burrs. Change the spiral wound washer. 再热主汽阀

Page 276 of 629 Reheated Main Steam Stop Valve
1 检修工艺
1 Maintenance process
1.1 联系热工拆除有关电信号;
1.1 Contact I&C personnel involved to disable relative signal.
1.2 拆卸门盖螺栓,吊出门盖放在指定位置,取下结合面垫片;
1.2 Remove the bolts of the valve bonnet. Lift the valve
bonnet and move it to a prescribed place. Take out the
gaskets on the connecting surface.
1.3 用塞尺测量摇臂两侧总间隙,并做好记录;
1.3 Measure the total clearance between both sides of the
rocker arm with feeler gauge and keep a record.
1.4 用行车把阀碟吊起,检查其密封面情况,并用塞尺检查接
1.4 Lift the valve disc with overhead crane. Check the seal
surface. Check the connecting surface with feeler gauge.
1.5 主阀解体(不常修项目)
1.5 Disassemble the main valve. (Unusual maintenance item)
1.5.1 拆除油动机,吊至指定位置,测量修前弹簧压缩长度,
1.5.1 Remove the oil actuator. Lift it to the prescribed place.
Measure the compress length before maintenance
and keep a record.
1.5.2 对称上好两个专用方头紧定螺栓均匀地松开压缩弹簧直
1.5.2 Screw tightly two special fix bolts symmetrically. Loose
compress spring to ensure it reached to free length.
Remove the spring flange bolts. Pull out alignment
pin. Take out spring seat and spring flange.
1.5.3 取出弹簧,测量自由长度,并做好记录;
1.5.3 Take down the spring. Measure the free length and
keep a record.
1.5.4 拆除弹簧室与支架法兰连接螺栓,吊出弹簧室;
1.5.4 Remove the bolts connecting spring room and support
flange. Lift spring room.
1.5.5 拆除阀杆与连杆,连杆与杠杆接头上固定销(先拆除开

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1.5.5 Take down the valve stem and connecting bar.
Remove the fixed pin connecting rod and lever (take
down the split pin first). Take out valve stem and
connecting bar.
1.5.6 拆卸油动机遮断阀连接杆及轴承螺丝,放在专用橱内;
1.5.6 Remove the connecting bar and bearing screw of oil
actuator trip valve. Put them in special cabinet.
1.5.7 松开摇臂与阀碟的固定螺栓,取下碟阀,查看接合面并
1.5.7 Loose the fixed bolts of rocker arm and valve disc.
Take out the valve disc. Check the connecting surface
and reserve the valve disc well.
1.5.8 用千斤顶或大铜棒自油动机侧向遮断阀测顶出或敲出摇
1.5.8 Jack out or tap out rocker arm shaft from oil actuator
side to trip valve side with the jack or large copper bar.
(Note that shaft channel should be align with the key.)
1.5.9 在摇臂轴即将顶出时,挂好钢丝绳将其吊出放好;
1.5.9 When the rocker arm is to be jacked out, place steel
wire rope and lift the rocker arm to a prescribed place.
1.5.10 挂好拐臂上钢丝绳,稍微吃力,拆卸拐臂与壳体的固定
1.5.10 Hang the steel wire rope on the rocker arm properly.
Remove the fixed bolts on the rocker arm and shell.
Lift the rocker arm to a prescribed place.
1.5.11 检查转轴球面垫片,要求 80%接触,并注意保管好;
1.5.11 Check the ball gaskets of rotary shaft. It is required
the contacting area should be 80 percent. Reserve
them well.
1.5.12 对所有零部件全面进行检查、清理,测量各间隙,更换
1.5.12 Carry out overall check and cleaning for all parts.
Measure the clearance between any two parts.
Change the vulnerable parts.
1.5.13 组装以拆卸的相反顺序进行,在组装时,注意拆卸时记
1.5.13 Reassemble the reheated main stop valve in
reversible sequence. Pay attention to the marks make
in dissembling to avoid mistakes.
2 质量标准和技术要求:

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2 Quality Standard and Technical Requirements
2.1 间隙标准 mm;
2.1 Clearance Standard mm;
Clearance between main shaft of rocker arm and bushing:
Total clearance between both sides of rocker arm: 2.425~
Clearance between supporting and valve body: upper
part: 0.025~0.125mm,lower part: 0.03~0.23mm;
Clearance between valve disc and the rocker arm: 4.65~
Clearance between valve disc nut and rocker arm: (full
arc) 0.33~0.38mm;
Clearance between spring bar and bush in the spring
room: 0.075~0.15mm。
2.2 弹簧连杆与上连杆连接处间隙 6.6m,以复核油动机是否是从
2.2 Clearance between the spring bar and upper connecting
bar is 6.6m which serve as a standard for verifying the oil
actuator can realize the distance between beginning
position to lift height.
2.3 阀碟与阀座接触良好,接触面 100%,阀线完好,无贯穿、麻点
2.3 The valve disc contacts with the valve sear well, the
contacting surface should be 100 percent. The valve
connecting line should be complete without defects such
as through-in and spots.
2.4 摇臂轴与衬套结合面接触良好,其接触面应 100%;
2.4 The rocker arm shaft contact with bushing well. The
contacting surface is 100 percent.
2.5 阀 碟 抵 住 限 止 器 ( 全 开 位 置 ) , 应 保 持 油 动 机 行 程

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2.5 When the valve disc reaches the position limiter (fully
open), the oil actuator stroke should be 177.8mm.
2.6 各球形垫片应接触良好,其接触面应 80%以上;
2.6 All ball washers should contact with each other well. The
contacting surface should be more than 80 percent.
2.7 各阀杆、主轴应光滑、无弯曲、裂纹、卡涩现象;
2.7 All valve stem and main shaft should be smooth without
torsion, crack and blockage.
2.8 各弹簧应无变形、扭曲、裂纹及断裂现象,组装后位置要正
2.8 There should be no deformation, torsion, crack and
breakage in the spring. The spring should be stand
vertically without deflection and wear.
2.9 连杆连接部分,应灵活自如,无卡涩现象,各法兰接合面
2.9 The connection part works flexibly without blockage. The
contacting surface of all flanges should be smooth and
clean without such defects as stains, pits or burrs.
2.10 更换各齿形垫片及铜垫重新熘火使用。
2.10 Change all grooved gaskets and copper washer which
can be used again after quenching. 再热调节汽门 Reheat Governing Valve
1 检修工艺
1 Maintenance Process
1.1 联系热工拆除有关电信号;
1.1 Contact I&C personnel involved to the disable electric
1.2 拆除所连接的疏水、漏汽管道及油管道,并注意封好管口;
1.2 Remove all drain valves and leakage pipes and oil pipes.
Seal the ends of the pipes properly.
1.3 拆卸门盖螺栓,用行车吊至专用支架上,并对腔室进行封
1.3 Take down the bolts in the valve bonnet. Lift it to special
supporting with overhead crane and seal the chamber
with strip.
1.4 拆解联轴器,装上专用的长丝杆,用专用长丝杆缓慢均匀

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1.4 Remove the coupling. With the special long screw, Loose
the spring to a free length. Take down the top screw
connecting the piston rod and the coupling. Separate the
piston and coupling by allowing a stick inserting the
through hole of the piston rod. Remove the oil actuator
and switch box. Lift all of them to a prescribed place.
1.5 拆除弹簧室与阀盖的连接螺栓,吊下弹簧室外壳,放到指
1.5 Remove the bolts connecting the spring room and the
valve bonnet. Lift the outer casing of the spring room to a
prescribed place. Take out the upper spring seat, spring
and lower spring seat. Measure the free length of the
1.6 用行车吊起阀门盖,将手扶正阀碟,使其门盖与阀碟脱离;
1.6 Lift the valve bonnet with overhead crane. Disconnect the
valve bonnet with valve disc by righting the valve disc by
1.7 将阀盖放平到指定位置,再把阀碟放到专用架上;
1.7 Place the valve bonnet in a prescribed place. Put the
valve disc on a special supporting.
1.8 松开阀盖与外衬套(主阀外套)固定螺钉,取出衬套;
1.8 Loose the fixed screw connecting the valve bonnet and
outer lining (outer lining of the main valve). Take out the
1.9 拆除阀碟与套圈固定螺钉,拆卸阀杆;
1.9 Remove the fixed screws connecting the valve disc and
the ring. Take down the valve stem.
1.10 将阀碟从阀杆上取下,拆卸完毕;
1.10 Take out the valve disc from the valve stem. With that,
the disassembling is finished.
1.11 对各部件全面检查、清理,并测量各部间隙,并做好记
1.11 Carry out the overall check and cleaning for all parts.
Measure the clearance between any two parts and
keep a record.
1.12 在螺母和阀臂之间每相隔 90 放一只垫片,并拧紧螺母,
注入螺纹之间润滑剂 PDS57301N3。
1.12 Place a washer between nut and valve arm. Screw
the nut tightly. Pay attention to the lubricant

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PDS57301N3 between screw thread.
2 质量标准和技术要求
2 Quality Standards and Technical Requirement
2.1 间隙标准
2.1 Clearance Standard.
Clearance between upper valve stem and coupler: 0.025 ~
Clearance between lower valve stem and coupler: 0.025 ~
下阀杆与衬套配合间隙:上部:0.33~0.38 mm ,中部:0.33
~0.38 mm ,下部:0.33~0.38mm;
Clearance between lower valve stem and lining: upper: 0.33~
0.38 mm, intermediate: 0.38 mm, lower: 0.33~0.38mm;
Clearance between valve disc and lining: 0.7~0.9mm;
GV total stroke: 203mm;
Clearance between GV piston ring and channel:
2.2 缓冲器行程 6.4mm,即将油动机活塞拉下到油缸底部为止,
并做好记录,然后退回 6.4mm,即为缓冲器行程。
2.2 The buffer stroke is 6.4mm, which refers to pulling the oil
actuator piston to the bottom part, keep a record, then
return to 6.4mm.
2.3 调节阀活塞环装槽后,转动并检查其垂直方向和端缝的间
2.3 Place the GV piston ring in groove, then rotate it and
check the vertical clearance and the end seam clearance.
2.4 调节阀套筒内径与活塞环研磨,应达到规定要求。
2.4 The rubbing between GV bush and the piston ring
satisfies the requirements.
2.5 在阀门总行程内,套筒内径的圆周上接触应有 30%以上。
2.5 Within the valve total stroke, inner bush contact in
circumference should be more than 30 percent.

Page 282 of 629

2.6 每一道环的周向接触应为宽度的 80%以上。
2.6 The ring contact in circumference should be more than 80
percent of its width.
2.7 阀杆顶端面与联轴面涂油检查接触面情况,然后用力矩
46kgf/m 拧紧后,再装定销。
2.7 Paint oil on the valve stem top end surface and the
coupling surface. Check contacting surface. Screw tightly
with torque wrench 46kgf/m. Mount the stop pin.
2.8 调节阀滤网不钻孔部分应位于进汽的对侧(即 180°处)。
2.8 The GV strainer without holes should be opposite to the
steam admission side. (The angle between them is 180°)
2.9 阀杆应光洁,无弯曲、裂纹、卡涩等缺陷。
2.9 The valve stem should be clean and smooth without
defects such as torsion, crack and blockage.
2.10 阀碟、阀座表面应光滑,无毛刺、裂纹等缺陷,阀线完
2.10 The valve disc and valve seat surface should be
smooth without defects such as burrs and cracks. The
valve line should be complete without holes, spots
and pits etc. the piston ring of valve disc should be
complete without breakage and burrs. Before
reassemble the piston ring and the valve disc, some
paint which can be used to prevent should be coated
on the piston ring.
2.11 组装弹簧室外壳时,应先将弹簧室与阀杆对中,然后打
2.11 When assembling outer casing of the spring room,
align the spring room with the valve stem first, then
screw the stop pins tightly.
2.12 检查各弹簧应完好,无歪斜、扭曲、变形、裂纹、断裂等
2.12 Check that the springs should be complete without
defects such as deflection, torsion, deformation, crack
and breakage. Measure the free length and compared
the value with that measured before maintenance,
change the spring if necessary. After the spring is
installed, there should be no deflection and wear.
2.13 检查各法兰接合面应接触良好,无麻点、凹坑、毛刺等
2.13 Check that the flange connecting surface should be

Page 283 of 629

tightly contacted without such defects as spots, pits or
2.14 阀盖螺栓做金相检查(打硬度及探伤)。
2.14 Carry out metallic phase check for valve bonnet and
bolts. (Measure the rigidity and damage)
2.15 更换各齿形垫片,并清理好各接合面。
2.15 Change all serrated gasket and clean the connecting
2.16 按拆卸的相反顺序进行复装。
2.16 Reassemble in the reversible sequence.

Page 284 of 629

Generator shaft central line

seal ring

Double-flow double-ring seal bush

Only one oil path Return oil

at air side

Foam removing box

hydrogen side
Seal oil inlet at

Seal oil inlet at air

Page 285 of 629 运行、调试 Operation and commissioning.
Before the startup of unit, test the flexibility of steam admission
valve. No jam or blockage.
2.2.14 发电机密封油系统
2.2.14 Generator sealing oil system. 概述 General description.
阀门的开度,以起到对油压的调节作用. 通过差压阀的调节保证空
侧密封油压始终高出发电机内气体压力 0.084MPa;通过平衡阀的

Page 286 of 629

Working principle diagram for sealing oil system
The sealing oil system in this unit adopts double flow loop type
sealing bearing to seal the part in generator rotor which advances
into generator terminal cover to prevent the pressure air in
generator from escaping along the axis.
The generator sealing oil will feed oil to two ring type oil
distributing grooves in sealing bearing. The feeding of oil is
divided into two loops on air side and hydrogen side. The oil will
flow along the rotor axis and escape into the clearance between
the sealing bearing bore and rotor. The air will not escape if the
pressure of sealing oil is kept higher than the air pressure in
generator. The oil fed in hydrogen side will flow through the
clearance between axis and sealing bearing into hydrogen side
and finally flow into bubble eliminating tank. The oil fed in air side
will flow through the clearance between axis and sealing bearing
into bearing side and finally flow into return oil sealing tank in air
side with the bearing returning oil. In this way air and humid air
are prevented from penetrating into generator.
Main equipments in generator sealing oil system include: Sealing
oil pump, hydrogen side returning oil sealing tank, bubble
eliminating tank, oil cooler, differential pressure valve, balance
valves, oil filter, oil smoke discharging fan, hydrogen side
returning oil control tank, etc.

Page 287 of 629

Sealing oil pump is used to supply two independent circulating
sealing oil source for sealing bearing. The system contains
hydrogen side AC main oil pump, hydrogen side DC main oil
pump and four air side DC stand-by pumps. All these pumps are
screw rod- type constant current pumps.
Inside the antifoaming tank, air in the oil from hydrogen side will
expand and flow out. The antifoaming tank can also prevent
sealing oil flowing into generator. After the returning oil flows into
air side returning oil sealing tank, most of it will return to main oil
tank through U shape tube, and the rest will be transferred into air
side sealing oil loop by oil pump and serves as oil source for air
side sealing oil pump.
2 oil smoke discharging fans and one vacuum pressure gauge are
connected in the tip of the air side returning oil sealing tank to
keep a negative pressure inside the air side returning oil sealing
tank (-500~-250Pa).
The function of differential pressure valve and balance valve is to
drive the valve core to move upward and downward through the
difference of pressure signals. In this way the opening of valve is
changed, thus the adjustment of oil pressure is realized. With the
adjustment of differential pressure valves, the sealing oil pressure
at air side is kept 0.084MPa higher than the air pressure in
generator. With the balance valve adjustment, the air side sealing
oil pressure in the sealing bearing is kept 0.49KPa higher than the
sealing oil pressure at hydrogen side.
Oil control tank on hydrogen side is the oil storage tank for
hydrogen side oil loop. It is made up of tank proper, oil make-up
valve, oil discharge valve, oil level indicator and the low oil level
alarm controller. In operation, certain oil level is held by oil make-
up valve and oil discharge valve controlled by two floating balls.
In addition, oil cooler and oil filter are installed in air side to adjust
oil temperature and filter out the foreign matters in oil. The oil filter
adopts doctor-bar structure and is installed in the oil admission
pipe. The advantage is the high filtering precision to remove dust
in filter element when in operation.

Page 288 of 629 设备简介 Brief introduction of
the equipment 氢侧密封油泵 Sealing oil pump on
hydrogen side
1 氢侧交流密封油泵:
1 AC sealing oil pump on
hydrogen side
Outlet pressure: 1MPa
Rotating speed: 1420r/min
功率轴: 1.69kw;
Power shaft: 1.69kw.
type: screw type pump
2 氢侧直流密封油泵
2 DC sealing oil pump at hydrogen side
Modell: HSNH80Q---46NZ
Outlet pressure:1Mpa 双流环密封瓦结构图
Rotating speed:1420r/min
功率轴: 1.69kw;流量:4.8m3/h;型式:螺杆泵
Power shaft:1.69kw;
Flow: 4.8m3/h;
Type: screw type pump

Page 289 of 629 空侧密封油泵 Sealing oil pump on air side
1 空侧交流密封油泵
1. AC sealing oil pump
on air side
型 号 : HSNH280—
Modell: HSNH280—
Pressure: 1 Mpa
Rotating speed:
Power: 11.7kw
流量:29 m3/h
Flow: 29 m3/h
Type: screw pump
2 空侧直流密封油泵
2 DC sealing oil pump on air side
Modell: HSNH280—49NZ
Pressure: 1MPa
Rotating speed: 2930r/min
Power: 11.7kw
流量:29 m3/h;
Flow: 29 m3/h
Type: screw pump 主差压阀结构图

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Structure diagram for main differential
pressure valve 冷油器 Oil cooler
1 氢侧冷油器
1 Oil cooler at hydrogen side
度: 49℃;
Designed pressure: 1.3MPa
Weight: 380kg.
Inlet water temperature: 38℃.
Outlet water temperature: 49℃.
Inlet oil temperature: 66℃.
Outlet oil temperature: 49℃.
Heat exchanging power: 37kw.

2 空侧冷油器
2 Oil cooler at air side
设计压力:1.5Mpa; 试验压力:1.8 Mpa; 产品重量:860kg;
进水温度:38℃; 出水温度: ℃; 进油温度:70℃;
出油温度:49℃; 热交换功率:183kw
Designed pressure: 1.5MPa
Test pressure: 1.8 MPa
Weight: 860kg.
Inlet water temperature: 38℃.
Outlet water temperature: 49℃.
Inlet oil temperature: 70℃.
Outlet oil temperature: 49℃.
Heat exchanging power: 183kw. 差压阀 Differential pressure valve

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1 主差压阀
1 Main differential pressure valve
工作行程:最大 8mm
Working travel: maximum 8mm
Differential pressure to hold: 0.084MPa (oil pressure higher than
hydrogen pressure)
Working feature: downward movement of valve rod closes the valve.
法兰尺寸: Dg80
Flange size: Dg80
信号接口:ZG1/4 ″
Signal interface: ZG1/4 ″
2 备用差压阀
2. Stand-by differential pressure valve
工作行程:最大 8mm
Working range: maximum 8mm
Differential pressure to hold: 0.056MPa (oil pressure higher than
hydrogen pressure)
Working feature: downward movement of valve rod opens the valve.

法兰尺寸: Dg65
Flange size: Dg 65
信号接口:ZG1/4 ″
Signal interface: ZG1/4 ″ 平衡阀 Balance valve
保证在密封瓦处的空侧密封油油压高于氢侧密封油油压 0.49KPa。
To ensure that air side sealing oil pressure in the sealing bearing
is kept 0.49KPa higher than the sealing oil pressure at hydrogen

Page 292 of 629 排氢风机 Hydrogen discharging air fan
型号:ZFDHB-7-1; 风量:420m3/h; 风压:4.6Kpa;
主轴转速: 2900r/min;原动机功率:3KW; 进/出口尺寸:Dg100
电机:YB801-2 0.55KW 380V A.C
Modell: ZFDHB-7-1.
Air amount: 420 m3/h.
Air pressure: 4.6KPa
Main shaft rotating speed:2900r/min
Motor power: 3kw.
Inlet/outlet size: Dg100.
Motor: YB801-2 0.55KW 380V A.C 滤油器 Oil filter
1 空 侧 滤
油 器
1 Oil filter
Model: ZJL-60-2;
temperature: 48℃
Specification: 80;
工 作 压 力 :
流 动 阻 力 :
Flow resistance: 0.05MPa

Page 293 of 629

Filtering precision: 80μm
流量:480 m3/h;
Flow: 480 m3/h;
2 氢侧滤油器
2. Oil filter on hydrogen side
Model: ZJL-60-1
Medium temperature: 48℃;
Working pressure: 1.0MPa
Filtering precision: 80μm;
流量:240 m3/h
Flow: 240m3/h 氢侧回油控制箱 Returning oil control tank on hydrogen side
油箱容积:0.123 m3;
Oil tank capacity: 0.123m3

Permissive hydraulic value of oil level: ±55mm;
工作油位基准:箱体中心线;最低允许油位:中心线下 100mm
Reference for working oil level: center line of tank; minimum permissive
oil level: 100mm lower than center line 检修工序、工艺标准 Maintenance process and standard 氢侧回油控制箱 Returning oil control tank on hydrogen side
1 检修工艺

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1 Maintenance process
1.1 打开氢侧回油控制箱排油阀(可用下部针阀),将氢侧回油控
1.1 Open the oil drainage valve of the returning oil control tank on
hydrogen side (lower needle valve as well), fully drain the oil
in returning oil control tank on hydrogen side.
1.2 打开氢侧回油控制箱人孔门,用白布、煤油将控制箱内部清理干
1.2 Open the man hole of returning oil control tank on hydrogen
side. Clean the inside of the control tank with cloth and
kerosene. Do chemical test to make sure them to meet the
requirements. The inner wall and elements in control tank
should be clean without rust.
1.3 检查液位指示器。
1.3 Check the oil level indicator.
1.4 检查浮球、连接杆、销紧螺母、环销,记录浮球、连接杆、销紧螺
1.4 Check the floating ball, the connection rod, locknuts, ring pin,
and take a record the position of them.
1.5 拆开连接杆、销紧螺母、环销,取下浮球。
1.5 Remove the connection rod, the locknuts, the ring pin and
take out the floating ball.
1.6 拆卸补油阀、排油阀与控制箱的连接螺栓,拆下补油阀、排油阀
1.6 Remove the make-up oil valve, and the connection bolts
between oil drainage valve and control tank. Remove oil
make-up valve and oil drainage valve.
1.7 取出补油阀、排油阀阀杆,检查阀杆及密封面。
1.7 Remove the valve rod of oil make-up valve and oil drainage
valve. Check the valve rods and sealing surface.
1.8 检查补油阀、排油阀阀体内部和阀座密封面。
1.8 Check the inside part of the oil make-up valve and oil
drainage valve and the sealing surface of valve frame.
1.9 检查氢侧回油控制箱上、下部四个针阀。
1.9 Check the four needle valves on the upper and lower part of
returning oil control tank on hydrogen side.
1.10 将各部件清理干净后按拆卸反顺序复装。
1.10 Re-install the elements in the reverse removal order after
2 质量标准

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2 Quality standard
2.1 连接杆、销紧螺母、环销无松动、脱落,浮球上下活动灵活、无卡
2.1 No looseness on connection rod, locknuts and ring pin. The
floating ball moves upward and downward flexibly without jam.
2.2 阀杆无磨损、弯曲,密封面完好、无裂纹、锈蚀,密封线连续、无
2.2 No abrasion or bend in valve rod. The sealing surface is intact
without cracks, rust. The sealing liner is constant without
2.3 阀体无裂纹,内部无锈蚀,阀座密封面完好、无裂纹、锈蚀,密
2.3 No cracks in valve. No rust inside he valves. The sealing
surface of valve holder is intact without crack or rust. The
sealing line is constant without interruption.
2.4 针阀打开、关闭灵活。
2.4 The needle valve opens and closes flexibly. 差压调节阀 Differential pressure adjusting valve
1 检修工艺
1 Maintenance process
1.1 拆卸差压调节阀与系统的连接法兰,将差压调节阀吊至检
1.1 Remove the connection flange between the differential
pressure adjusting valve and the system. Lift the
differential pressure adjusting valve to maintenance field.
1.2 打开氢侧排气口,将残余气体排掉。
1.2 Open the air exhaustion valve on hydrogen side to
discharge residual air.
1.3 拆下差压调节阀上部气室与阀体的连接螺栓,取下气室壳
1.3 Remove the connection bolts between upper air chamber
in differential pressure adjusting valve and the valve
proper. Remove the shell of air chamber.
1.4 记录压力调节扳手和调节螺母的位置,松开压力调节扳手
1.4 Record the position of pressure adjusting spanner and the
adjusting nuts and then loosen them.
1.5 取出气侧承压波纹管和密封式波纹管进行检查,可用没有

Page 296 of 629

1.5 Check the bearing wave tube on air side and the sealing
type wave tube after taking them out. Detect the leakage.
The wave tube should be safe from deformation or
1.6 拆卸阀杆与弹簧架的连接螺栓,检查弹簧,测量弹簧自由
1.6 Remove the connection bolts between valve rod and
spring frame. Check the spring and measure the free
length of it.
1.7 拆卸差压调节阀下部进油阀与差压调节阀阀壳的连接螺栓,
1.7 Remove the connection bolts between lower oil admission
valve in differential pressure adjusting valve and the shell
of this adjusting valve. Take out the oil admission valve in
lower part.
1.8 拆卸下部进油阀的底盖,取出阀杆检查。
1.8 Remove the bottom cover of the lower oil admission valve.
Take out and check the valve rod.
1.9 检查下部进油阀阀体内部和阀座密封面。
1.9 Check the interior part of the lower oil admission valve
and the sealing surface of valve holder.
1.10 将各部件清理干净后按拆卸反顺序复装。
1.10 Re-install the elements in the reverse removal order
after cleaning.
2 质量标准
2 Quality standard
2.1 弹簧无变形、断裂、锈蚀;
2.1 No deformation, cracks or rust in spring.
2.2 阀杆无磨损、弯曲,密封面完好、无裂纹、锈蚀,密封线连续
2.2 No abrasion or bend in valve rod. The sealing surface is
intact without cracks or rust. The sealing line is constant
without interruption.
2.3 阀体无裂纹,内部无锈蚀,阀座密封面完好、无裂纹、锈蚀
2.3 No cracks on valve body. No rust in the valve. The sealing
surface of valve holder is intact and fine without crack,
rust. The sealing line is constant without interruption. 压力平衡阀

Page 297 of 629 Pressure balance valve
1 检修工艺
1 Maintenance process
1.1 拆卸压力平衡阀与系统的连接法兰和油管,将差压调节阀
1.1 Remove the connection flange and oil tube between
pressure balancing valve and system. Lift and take the
differential pressure adjusting valve into the maintenance
1.2 拆卸平衡阀盲盖螺栓,打开盲盖。
1.2 Remove balance valve blank bolts and open the blank
1.3 拆卸上部、下部座式环螺栓,取出座式环,拆下内阀进行检
1.3 Remove the upper and lower seat-type ring bolts and take
out the seat-type ring. Remove the inner valve to check.
1.4 拆卸活塞油缸和阀体的连接螺栓,将活塞油缸和阀体分开。
1.4 Remove the connection bolts of piston oil cylinder and
valve body. Separate the piston oil cylinder and valve.
1.5 拆卸油缸下部罩盖螺栓,取下罩盖。
1.5 Remove bolts in the lower cover of oil cylinder and take
out the cover.
1.6 测量调节螺钉的位置,松开锁紧螺母后松开调节螺钉。
1.6 Measure the position of adjusting screw. Loosen the
adjusting screw after loosening the locknutts.
1.7 拆卸活塞油缸缸盖和油缸的连接螺栓,取下油缸缸盖,拆
1.7 Remove the connection bolts of piston oil cylinder cover
and the oil cylinder. Remove the oil cylinder cover. Pay
attention the spring tension. Better to choose lengthened
screw rod.
1.8 取出弹簧调整块、活塞弹簧、弹簧、活塞螺母进行检查。
1.8 Take out and check the spring adjusting block, the piston
spring, the spring and piston nuts.
1.9 取出活塞检查,测量活塞与油缸的径向间隙。
1.9 Take out the piston and check it. Measure the radial
clearance between piston and oil cylinder.
1.10 拆卸阀杆固定螺母,取出阀杆进行检查;阀杆无磨损、

Page 298 of 629

1.10 Remove the fixing nuts of valve rod. Take out the
valve rod and check it. No abrasion or bend in it.
1.11 清理检查油缸内壁。
1.11 Clear the inner wall of oil cylinder.
1.12 将各部件清理干净后按拆卸反顺序复装。
1.12 Re-install the elements in the reverse removal order
after cleaning.
2 质量标准
2 Quality standard
2.1 内阀密封面完好、无裂纹、锈蚀,密封线连续、无间断。
2.1 The sealing surface of inner valve is intact without
abrasion or rust. The sealing line is constant without
2.2 弹簧无变形、断裂、锈蚀。
2.2 No deformation, break or rust in spring.
2.3 阀杆无磨损、弯曲。
2.3 No abrasion or bent in valve rod.
2.4 阀体无裂纹,内部无锈蚀,阀座密封面完好、无裂纹、锈蚀
2.4 No crack in valve and no rust in it. Sealing surface on
valve pedestal is intact without cracks or rust. The sealing
line is constant without interruption,

Page 299 of 629 减压阀
Structure of Pressure Pressure relief valve 减压阀结构图 Relief Valve
1 检修工艺
1 Maintenance process
1.1 拆卸减压阀与系统的连接法兰和油管,将差压调节阀吊至
1.1 Remove the connection flange and oil tube of Pressure
relief valve and system. Lift and take the differential
pressure adjusting valve into the maintenance field.
1.2 测量调节螺钉的位置,松开锁紧螺母后松开调节螺钉。
1.2 Measure the position of adjusting screw. Loosen the
adjusting screw after thelocknutts are loosened.
1.3 拆卸弹簧式壳体与外壳的连接螺栓,拆下弹簧式壳体和隔
1.3 Remove the connection bolts between spring type shell
and the casing. Take out the spring type shell and
membrane gasket. Take out the spring clamping plate.
Check the spring.
1.4 测量承压板螺母位置,松开锁紧螺母后取下承压板、推进板
1.4 Measuring the position of bearing plate nuts. Take out the
bearing plate, advancing plate and gasket of advancing
plate after loosening thelocknutts.

Page 300 of 629

1.5 拆卸外壳与减压阀阀体的连接螺栓,拆下外壳。
1.5 Remove the connection bolts between shell and relief
valve to remove the shell.
1.6 拆卸减压阀底部法兰,取下底部法兰和密封垫片。
1.6 Remove the flange at the bottom of pressure relief valve.
Take out the bottom flange and sealing gasket.
1.7 拆下阀杆进行检查。
1.7 Remove the valve rod and check it.
1.8 检查、清理阀体内部和阀座密封面、导向衬套。
1.8 Check and clear the inside of valve and the sealing
surface of valve frame as well as the guiding bushing.
1.9 将各部件清理干净后按拆卸反顺序复装。
1.9 Re-install the elements in the reverse removal order after
2 质量标准
2 Quality standard
2.1 弹簧无变形、断裂、锈蚀。
2.1 No deformation, break or rust in spring.
2.2 阀杆无磨损、弯曲,密封面完好、无裂纹、锈蚀,密封线连续、
2.2 No abrasion, or bend in valve rod. The sealing surface is
intact without crack rust erosion. The sealing line is
constant without interruption.
2.3 阀体无裂纹,内部无锈蚀,阀座密封面完好、无裂纹、锈蚀
2.3 No cracks in valve body. No rust in the valve. The sealing
surface of valve frame is intact without cracks or rut
erosion. The sealing line is constant without interruption.
No abrasion in guiding bush. 密封油泵 Sealing oil pump
1 检修工艺
1 Maintenance process
1.1 拆除泵的出入口法兰螺栓与地脚螺栓,解开泵对轮螺栓,
1.1 Remove the inlet and outlet flange bolts as well as anchor
bolts of pump. Disassembly the wheel bolts of pump and
keep them well.

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1.2 用专用工具拆下背轮,测量轴的串轴量,并做好记录。
1.2 Remove the coupling with special tool. Measure the
displacement of axis and take a detailed record of it.
1.3 拆除密封装置端盖螺栓,慢慢取下动静环、弹簧等,检查动
1.3 Remove the bolts in header cover of sealing device.
Slowly take out the static and dynamic ring and spring.
Check the abrasion in static and dynamic sealing ring.
Keep them well.
1.4 拆泵两端面盖,用塞尺测量齿轮啮合间隙及齿轮与泵壳体
1.4 Remove two end face cover. Measure the meshing
clearance and the clearance between gear and pump
shell with feeler gauge. Take a record of it.
1.5 取出齿轮前后轴承,检查清洗,按拆卸的相反顺序进行复装。
1.5 Take out the front and back bearing of gear. Check and
clean them. Re-install them in the reverse order of
2 质量标准
2 Quality stamdard
2.1 机械密封装置的动、静环密封面应光滑、无磨损、无划伤现象,
2.1 The sealing surface of static and dynamic sealing ring in
mechanical sealing device is smooth without abrasion or
scratch mark. Polish them with abrasive paper before
assembly. Add riddle to it and the contact area should be
more than 80%.
2.2 各主、从齿轮啮合痕迹均匀,无明显磨损现象,轴承转动灵
2.2 The meshing mark of drive and driven gears are in
uniform. No clear abrasion mark. The bearing moves
flexibly without jam or looseness.
2.3 各部间隙应符合标准。
2.3 Clearance of the assemblies meets the requirements.
2.4 泵复装后,盘动应灵活,窜轴量应同修前一致。
2.4 The running of the pump is flexible after reinstallation. The
displacement of shaft is consistent with the valve before
maintenance. 排烟风机

Page 302 of 629 Fume exhaust fan
1 检修工艺
1 Maintenance process
1.1 通知电气拆除电机接线。
1.1 Inform the electric personnel to remove the motor
connection wire.
1.2 拆除连接管道,整体吊出风机,放在指定检修场所,并封
1.2 Remove the connection pipeline and lift out the air fan to
the appointed maintenance position. Seal the removed oil
1.3 拆卸风机盖与涡壳连接螺栓,取下电机与叶轮。
1.3 Remove the connection bolts between air fan and the
scroll case. Take out the motor and impeller.
1.4 除雾器解体,清理滤网。
1.4 Disassemble the mist eliminator and clean the strainer.
1.5 全面检查各部件,更换易损件,组装按拆卸的相反顺序进
1.5 Take a thorough check of each assembly. Replace the
abrasive assembly. The re-installation are done in reverse
removal order.
2 质量标准
2 Quality standard
2.1 手动盘车灵活,无卡涩、磨擦等现象,运行后无振动。
2.1 The impeller and blades are intact without deformation or
distortion. After assembly, the manual turning gear is
flexible without jam or friction. No vibration in movement.
2.2 除雾器滤网应完好,无破损,否则更换新件。
2.2 Strainer in mist eliminator is intact without break and
abrasion. Replace it if any. 空侧回油密封箱、消泡箱 Returning oil sealing tank and antifoaming tank at air side.
Returning oil sealing tank and antifoaming tank at air side are
container equipment. Maintenance of them focuses on the inner
cleaning. Drain the residual oil before cleaning. During the

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cleaning, seal the oil entrance on bottom of oil tank with strap to
prevent the falling in of foreign matters. Do the chemical test after
the clearing to make sure they meet the requirement. For the
tanks with liquid level meter, check the liquid level meter. 空侧滤油器(滤网) Oil filter at air side (strainer)
1 检修工艺
1 Maintenance
1.1 油管道放油,拆除滤网的法兰螺栓,取出滤网,放在干净的油盘中。
1.1 Drain the oil. Remove the flange bolts in strainer. Take out the
filter and put it in a clean plate.
1.2 拆开滤网室下放油螺塞,放尽滤网室中存油,检查内部,用丙
1.2 Remove the oil drainage bolts on bottom of filter chamber.
Drain out the accumulated oil in filter chamber. Check the
interior. Clean them with acetone or ligroin. Twist on the
screw-in plug and wrap it with cloth.
1.3 用丙酮或石油醚清洗滤网,检查有无破损,转动手柄,清洗干
1.3 Wash the filter with acetone or ligroin. Check the abrasion or
breaks. Rotate the hand knob. Wash and clean the scraper.
1.4 按拆卸的相反顺序进行复装。
1.4 The re-installation is done in the reverse removal order.
2 质量标准
2 Quality standard
2.1 滤网刮片应完好无损,手柄转动应灵活,无卡涩现象。
2.1 Scrapers in strainer are intact. The handle is flexible without
2.2 滤网无破损、变形现象,复装时用压缩空气吹净。
2.2 No abrasion, break or deformation in filter. Purge and clean it
with compressed air.
2.3 更换上盖垫子,检查油管及滤网室,确认无误后,复装。
2.3 Replace the gasket of the upper cover. Check the oil tube and
strainer chamber. Re-install it if no fault is confirmed.


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雷菲(2802) 发电机密封油系统的调整 Adjustment for generator sealing oil system 发电机启动前密封油系统进行调整的条件 Required conditions
1 发电机密封瓦和端盖安装完毕,发电机内不充氢。
1) The sealing pad of generator and end cover has been
installed; no hydrogen in generator.
2 氢、油、水工况监测柜投入。
2) Monitor cabinets for the working condition of hydrogen, oil and
water have been put into operation.
3 消泡箱高液位和发电机漏液报警器动作正常。
3) The high level of antifoam box and liquid leakage alarm of
generator indicate normally.
4 确认润滑油系统已经运行。
4) Ensure the lube oil system had been operated. 空侧油路的调试 Commissioning for oil line in air side
1 按密封油系统及管道连接图所示阀门的开闭位置调整各阀门。
1) Adjust each valve according to the sealing oil system and
piping diagrams which indicate the open and closed position
of valves.
2 将空侧安全阀的调整螺杆旋至最外,使其在低压下即能打开排
2) Revolve the adjusting crew of air-side valve to the further
position, keeping that it can be opened to discharge oil in low
3 松开差压调节阀的压力弹簧,使差压调节阀在最小的氢油差压
3) Loosen the pressure spring of pressure difference adjusting
valve so that the pressure difference adjusting valve can be
opened at minimum differential pressure of hydrogen oil to
discharge oil. During the initial operation, open the vent plug
of oil chamber to carry out air exhaust.
4 关闭备用油路阀门,将备用油源与空侧油路隔开。
4) Close all valves of standby oil line and separate the standby
oil source from the oil line of air side.

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5 启动空侧密封油泵。
5) Start sealing oil pump in air side.
6 氢侧回油控制箱和消泡箱注油。
6) Inject oil to antifoam box and oil return control box of
hydrogen side.
7 关闭阀门(MKW02AA001),关闭差压调节阀。
7) Close the valve MKW02AA001 and the pressure difference
adjusting valve.
8 调整安全阀的调整螺杆,直至空侧密封油泵的出口压力符合要
8) Regulate the adjusting screw of safety valve until the outlet
pressure of sealing oil pump in air side meets the
9 打开阀门(MKW02AA001),调整差压调节阀,使空侧密封油
压高于发电机内气压 0.084Mpa。
9) Open the valve MKW02AA001 and regulate the pressure
difference adjusting valve to make the sealing oil pressure in
air side higher than the internal air pressure of generator
(0.084Mpa). 氢侧油路的调试 Commissioning for oil line in hydrogen side
1 将氢侧安全阀的调整螺杆旋至最外,使其在低压下即能打开排
1) Adjust the screw of safety valve of hydrogen side so that it
can be opened to discharge oil in low pressure.
2 启动氢侧密封油泵。
2) Start the sealing oil pump in hydrogen side.
3 关 闭 阀 门 ( 10MKW27AA001 ) 、 ( 10MKW28AA001 ) 及
3) Close the valve 10MKW19AA191, 10MKW28AA001, and
10MKW20AA001. Screw down the adjusting screw of safety
valve 10MKW20AA001 until the outlet pressure of sealing oil
pump in hydrogen side meets the requirement.
4 打 开 阀 门 ( 10MKW27AA001 ) 、 ( 10MKW28AA001 ) 及
4) Open the valves 10MKW27AA001, 10MKW28AA001, and
10MKW20AA001; primarily adjust the valve

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5 调整阀门(10MKW27DP001),使与之对应的各差压计指针
偏差在±490Pa 差压范围内。用阀门底部的调整螺杆进行调整,
5) Adjust the valve 10MKW27DP001 to make the indication
deviation of its corresponding pressure difference meters
within the range of ±490Pa. Use the adjusting screw in the
bottom of valve to regulate and revolve it to the internal
direction. The pressure in hydrogen side will therefore
increase. Tighten the screws after adjustment. 空侧高压备用油路的调试 Commissioning for HP standby oil line in air side
1 汽轮机高压备用油源需经过减压阀减压,减压阀的调整步骤为:
1 It needs to decrease the pressure of HP standby oil source of
turbine by relief valve. The adjustment procedures of relief
valve are as follows:
1.1 使减压阀处于关闭位置,送高压备用油源;
1) Make the relief valve closed and supply the HP standby oil
1.2 关闭阀门(10MKW07AA004)、(10MKW07AA004);
2) Close valve 10MKW07AA004 and 10MKW07AA004
1.3 打开减压阀,调整安全阀使油压达到规定值;
3) Open the relief valve; adjust the safety valve to make the
oil pressure reach the regulated valve.
1.4 调整减压阀使油压达到规定值。
4) Adjust the relief valve to make the oil pressure reach the
regulated valve.
2 打开阀门(10MKW07AA005)和(10MKW07AA004)。
2 Open the valve 10MKW07AA005 and 10MKW07AA004.
3 关闭空侧密封油泵,投入空侧高压备用油源。
3 Close the sealing oil pump in air side; put the HP standby oil
source of air side into operation.
4 调整备用差压调节阀,使空侧密封油高于发电机内气压
4 Regulate the standby pressure difference adjusting valve to
make the sealing oil pressure of air side higher than that
(0.056MPa) inside the generator. 安全、健康、环保要求 Safety and environment protection requirements

Page 308 of 629 安全 Safety
1 进入现场必须按《安规》规定着装和使用安全防护用具。
1) On entering the site, appropriate attire must be worn and
safety protection tools used in accordance with the Safety
2 两人及以上工作时必须明确一名工作负责人。
2) One person must be designated as the person in charge of
work involving 2 or more personnel.
3 现场应设有足够的照明,并符合《安规》要求。
3) The site must have adequate illumination that accords with
the Safety Code requirements.
4 使用电动工具必须使用漏电保护器,并遵守电动工具的使用规
4) An electric leakage protector must be used when using
electrical tools. The tools must be operated in accordance
with their usage regulations. Do not use defective tools.
5 严禁使用汽油清洗机件。
5) Do not use gasoline to clean the mechanical parts.
6 高处作业必须正确使用安全带、工具,材料的传递应遵守安规规
6) Ensure safety harnesses and tools are correctly used when
working at high elevations. The passing of materials, tools, etc
must obey the safety regulations.
7 认真遵守起重、搬运的安全规定。
7) Obey the hoisting and transportation safety regulations at all
8 工作结束应及时恢复工作过程拆除的栏杆、防护罩、沟盖板等防
8) Protective equipment removed during maintenance, such as
railings, covers, channel covers, etc, must be replaced once
maintenance is completed.
9 工作结束清点人员、工具,收回剩余的材料,消除火种,清扫工
9) Ensure all personnel and tools are accounted for on
completion of maintenance. Return leftover materials to
storage. Remove any sparks or ashes. Clean and tidy the
10 清理工作现场易燃易爆杂物。

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10) Remove flammables, explosive materials and foreign objects
from the area.
11 电焊地线接在被焊件上,禁止远距离回路。
11) The welding earthing line should be welded on the proper
parts, do not connect it too far from the welding part.
12 现场准备充足的消防器材。
12) Ensure the site has appropriate fire extinguishing equipment.
13 动火工作期间设专人监护。
13) Ensure special personnel is on hand to monitor hot work.
14 工作结束清理现场,不遗留任何火种。
14) Clean the site, 健康 Health
Take proper measures when touching poisonous, harmful and
pungent chemicals. 环境 Environment
1 更换后的废油必须倒入指定的油桶中,不得随便倾倒。
1 The waste oil must be put into the regulated oil drum but not
any other places.
2 使用后废弃的或剩余的化学物品必须放到指定位置,不得随便
2 The dumped or leftover chemicals must be collected in the set
3 工作结束后必须做到“工完、料净、场地清”。
Ensure the maintenance has been completed with no leftover
material clean and site tidy after finishing the work.

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Rotatory parts

审 核
复 审
Second review:

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2.2.15 给水泵
2.2.15 Feedwater pump 概述 General description
There are three motor-driven speed governing feedwater pumps
in the feedwater system of this unit. Their function is to deliver the
water to boiler from the deaerator after it has been heated by two
HP heaters.
The driving way and matched type of the motor-driven pumps is
like this: the booster pump is driven by one end of the motor;
feedwater pump is driven by another end of the motor through a
hydraulic coupling. They are connected by a laminated flexible
使用 L-TSA32 透平油。前置泵、给水泵、电机、偶合器装在各自的底
The bearing lube oil for feedwater pump and booster pump are
supplied by the lube oil system of hydraulic coupling. It is better to
use turbine oil of L-TSA32. The booster pump, feedwater pump,
motor, and coupling are mounted in their corresponding pedestals
which are fixed on a common concrete base. 技术规范 Technique specialization
表 1 FK6D32 型给水泵

名称 单位 TMCR

型 号 FK6D32M

型 式 筒体芯包、卧式
泵送介质 锅炉给水
级 数 6

进口流量 m3/h 685

出口流量 m3/h 651

进口压力 Mpa 1.182

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出口压力 Mpa 22.78

扬程 m 2301
抽头扬程(第 3 级) mH2O 1125
汽蚀余量(必须) m 37.9

效率 % 81.7

抽头出口压力 Mpa 8.81

抽头流量 m3/h 34

轴功率 KW 4517

进水温度 ℃ 183.49

密度 m3/h 883.16

转速 r/min 5491
Table 1 FK6D32 feedwater pump

Name Unit TMCR

Model FK6D32M
Type Drum and core, horizontal
Boiler feedwater
Stage 6
Inlet flow m3/h 685
Outlet flow m3/h 651
Inlet pressure Mpa 1.182
Outlet pressure Mpa 22.78
Lifting m 2301
Suction delivery head
mH2O 1125
( third stage)
NPSH ( obligatory) m 37.9
Efficiency % 81.7
suction outlet pressure Mpa 8.81
suction flow m3/h 34

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Shaft power KW 4517
Inlet water temperature ℃ 183.49
Density m3/h 883.16
Rotating speed r/min 5491 设备简介 Equipment description
This pump is kind of horizontal, centrifugal and six-stage drum
pump which is composed of drum proper and internal parts of
pump. The feedwater pump is driven by hydraulic coupling and
there is a connecting part called laminated flexible coupling
between them. There are mechanical sealing mounted in the
driving end and free end of the feedwater pump. Closed-type
circulated water serves the flushing work. The flushing water is
cooled by a heat exchanger whose cooling water is supplied by
external water source. The bearing consists of double-way thrust
bearing in free end, radial bearing and the radial bearing in driving
end. All lube oil for bearings come from the lube oil system of
coupling. 内部组件 Internal components
盖和筒体之间有一 O 型圈,形成一高效的密封,这个密封圈嵌在筒
为渡铜钢圈,相邻内泵壳的接口为止口套接式,并嵌有 O 型圈,各
The internal components of pump can be wholly extracted out
from the pump drum body but no need to dismantle the inlet and
outlet piping. The internal components together with the drum
body contribute to the main pressure limit of pump. There is a ???
between the big end cover and finishing guide blade, and an O-
ring with highly sealing between big end cover and drum proper.
This sealing ring is mounted in the groove of drum proper. The
bolt of big end cover is controlled by a hydraulic tightening device.
The connection surface of the big end cover and drum proper
needs to be processed to great smoothness and cleanness. A

Page 314 of 629

gasket of bronzed steel ring is mounted between the internal
pump casing of last stage and drum proper. The interface of
neighboring internal pump casings is????? With an O-ring
mounted. The internal positioning pin of guide blades is set on the
pump casing of former stage. All pins between stages are fully
closed, not connecting with the pump-conveying liquid.
又能 在热波动时自由膨胀。
The internal components refer to the internal pump casing and
connecting parts for fixing guide blade which are fixed on the
drum proper by a butterfly spring locating between the final stage
guide blade and outlet big end cover. This kind of spring supply
sufficient static pressure for connection surface during the
assembly and turbine outage, which allows the internal
components free expansion. When the pumps are in operation,
the water pressure difference then is built, which guarantees the
closely sealing of connection surface. The inlet guide blades in
pump inlet side are positioned by a closed-type ?? to guarantee
the alignment of internal components when installing the core
drum. This ? can guarantee the inlet guide blades to be fastened
positioning on drum proper by tension ring, at the same time
allows them free expansion during thermal fluctuation. 中间抽头 Middle suction
There is a middle suction in the second stage. Two sealing rings
are mounted between the core drum and drum proper for sealing
work. A circumferential space exists outside of the first two stage
pump casings. On the secondary internal pump casing locates a
radial hole which makes the secondary-pressure water enter into
circumferential space. On drum proper mounted a tap mouth
which drives the secondary tapping water go to the middle suction
joint from circumferential space. 平衡装置 Balancing device

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The pumps uses balance drums installed in the back of final stage
impeller. The balancing drum rotates as a pressure reducing
device in the throttling lining fixed on the big end cover. The outlet
pressure reacts in the unbalancing area of final stage impeller to
make a spare pushing force pointing to inlet end exist and shaft in
tension. The balancing drum is pressed on the shaft, positioned
by shaft shoulder in axial direction, and screwed down by a nut in
low-pressure side. The balancing drum is positioned on the shaft
by keys and fastened by nuts. 轴承 Bearing
1 径向轴承
1 Radial bearing
Pump shaft is supported by a pair of normal column radial
sliding bearing, with tungsten lining of forced lube oil coming
from the main lube oil system. Bearing is fixed by a bearing
pressed cover which is fixed on the lower-half bearing support
by bolts. The whole components are poisoned by pins to
guarantee the future work that reassembles them correctly.
2 自位瓦块式推力轴承
2 Self positioning bush-type thrust bearing

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图 1 推力轴承图
Thrust Thrust sunk screw
bearing bush
Slotted circle Thrust block
Thrust bearing pan head key positioning screw
lining screw

RTD outgoing pin

RTD plug

pan head

Diagram 1 Thrust bearing

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The self-positioning bush thrust bearing has same capacity for
the thrust load in two directions, adapting to two rotating
The thrust ring component is composed of support rings. The
bushes spread uniformly among the separated positioning
parts. The outer diameter is mounted in the flange of support
ring. The bush Is mounted in a concave groove in its two side
through the head of positioning part for convenient
poistioning, which helps the bush freely slide and avoid falling
down in the progress. 轴端密封 Shaft end sealing
从密封腔里漏出热水。还有一些凝结密封水沿着迷宫密封泄露经 U
The pumps are equipped with fixed lining and sealing water as
kind of unloading labyrinth-type sealing, to guarantee the sealing
water not enter into pumps without pump-conveying water
leakage during the pump operation. The cooling water is injected
to the sealing cavity and then flows to the direction that pump-
conveying water flows and meet the outer leaked pump-
conveying water in the unloading ring. In the unloading ring pipes
are connected to the inlet of booster pump; as long as the sealing
water pressure is kept higher than the inlet pressure of booster
pump, thus there will be no hot water leaked from sealing cavity.
Some condensing sealing water leaked along with labyrinth by U-
shape pipe then to condenser. 检修工艺 Maintenance requirement
When carrying out maintenance, obey the safety and

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management regulations from beginning to end. Since the
feedwater pump is a part of the whole pump group, the following
illustration should be considered combining with the illustration of
booster pump and other equipment. 准备工作 Preparation
1 切断电机电源及润滑油系统电源;
1 Cut off the power supply for motor and lube oil system.
2 切断所有仪表的电源;注意:隔离给水泵组时,应参见系统的
2 Cut off the power supply for all instrument. Notice: refer to the
operation illustration of system when isolating the feedwater
3 检查泵组的进口、出口阀和再循环的进、出口阀是否关闭;
3 Inspect the inlet and outlet valves of pumps and recirculating
inlet/outlet valves to make sure they are all closed.
4 切断冷却水源;
4 Cut off cooling water source.
5 关闭第二级中间抽头阀门;
5 Close the valve of secondary middle suction.
6 打开放水阀和排气管,放空筒体内的水;
6 Open the water discharge valve and vent pipe, drain the water
of drum thoroughly.
7 进行任何维修之前,必须保证泵壳内已无压力。
Make sure there is no pressure in the pump casing before any
郭爱利 检查轴承 Examine the bearing
When disassembling bearing, due to on-site examining or bearing
replacement, with out removing the core package, follow these
1 传动端径向轴承
1. Radial bearing at driving end
1.1 断开并移开所有影响拆卸工作的仪表,在电线接头上做好

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1.1 Cut off and withdraw all the instruments that affecting
disassembly work. Mark and wrap the connecting end of
the electrical wire for reassembly.
1.2 拆下那些影响拆卸工作的小口径管道;拆下与给水泵连接
1.2 Disassemble the narrow pipes that affecting the
disassembling work; remove the coupling cover
connected to the feedwater pump and disconnect the
coupling, then remove the laminations and intermediate
connecting part.
1.3 拆下紧固传动端轴承支架盖与进口端盖的螺母、螺栓;
1.3 Remove the nuts and bolts that fastening the bearing
supports and inlet covers at driving end.
1.4 拆下轴承支架盖与轴承支架间双头螺栓上的紧固螺母并拆
1.4 Remove the clamp nuts on the stud bolts between bearing
support covers and bearing support and also remove the
locating pin.
1.5 在轴承盖上装上吊环。用起顶螺钉顶起轴承支架盖,小心地
1.5 Install hanging ring onto bearing cover. Use jack screw to
jack up the bearing support cover, and carefully remove
the cover by the hanging ring without damaging the oil
baffles at the two sides of the bearing support.
1.6 拆下径向轴承压盖与轴承支架间双头螺栓上的紧固螺母,
1.6 Remove the clamp nuts on the stud bolts between the
radial bearing cover and the bearing support, remove the
locating pin, jack up the bearing cover with jack screw and
then remove the bearing cover.
1.7 拆下上半部径向轴承和挡油圈,移去防转销,顶起轴,将
1.7 Remove the upper half radial bearing and oil baffle.
Remove the stop pin, jack up the shaft, and rotate the
lower bearing and oil baffle upward and remove them.
Since the upper and lower halves of the bearing and oil
baffle cannot be counter changed, so for installation
discrimination, mark the upper and lower halves
1.8 检查轴承和轴颈部位有无损坏和磨损现象,并检查挡油圈

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面列表 2 数值比较,测量间隙超出或可能在下次检查前超
1.8 Examine if there are damages and corrosions at the
bearing and bearing journal; also examine the oil baffle
and replace them when necessary. Measure the bearing
clearance and compare to the values in Table 2 (end part),
and replace the bearing if the measured values exceed
the updated clearances or will exceed before next
examining. Precautions: apply a little bit lube oil onto the
shaft and bearing surfaces before the final assembly.
1.9 绕轴转下下半部分的轴承和挡油圈到位,然后放下轴;
1.9 Rotate the lower part of the bearing and oil baffle in place
around the shaft, and then lay down the shaft.
1.10 装上上半部分的轴承和挡油圈, 确保定位销在位。认清
1.10 Install the upper part of the bearing and oil baffle and
ensure that the locating pin is in place. Judge the upper and
lower marks of the bearing and oil baffle correctly.
1.11 装上轴承压盖,安装时应保证轴承的防转定位销准确到
1.11 Install the bearing cover, with the stop and locating pin
in place. Install the two locating pins and clamp nuts
on the bearing cover and tighten them.
1.12 将轴承支架盖吊装到位,确保其两端的挡油圈正确到位,
1.12 Hang the bearing support to its place, make sure that
the two side oil baffles is correct and in place. Then
install the clamp nuts and stop pin and tighten the
nuts. Finally dismantle the hanging tools.
1.13 装上并拧紧紧固轴承支架盖和进口端盖的螺母和螺栓;
1.13 Install and tighten the nuts and bolts for fastening the
bearing support cover and inlet cover.
1.14 接通断开的所有小口径管道,装上并接好仪表;
1.14 Connect all the narrow pipes and install and connect
the instruments.
1.15 联上联轴器并装上联轴器护罩。
1.15 Connect the coupling and install the protection cover.
2 自由端径向推力轴承
2 Radial thrust bearing at free end.

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2.1 断开并拆下所有仪表,在电线接头上做好标记包扎好,以
2.1 Disconnect and remove all the instruments, mark and
wrap the connecting end of the electrical wire for
2.2 拆下所有有影响拆卸工作的小口径管道;
2.2 Disassemble all the narrow pipes that affecting the
disassembling work.
2.3 下传动端联轴器护罩,并断开联轴器,移去叠片和中间联
2.3 Rotate the coupling cover downward, disconnect the
coupling, and then remove the laminations and
intermediate connecting part.
2.4 拆下端盖与自由端轴承支架间的紧固螺钉,拆下端盖,卸
下 O 型圈;
2.4 Remove the fastening screws between the end cover and
free end bearing support; remove the end cover and the O
type ring.
2.5 拆下轴承支架盖与轴承支架间双头螺栓上的紧固螺母,并
2.5 Remove the clamp nuts on the stud bolts between bearing
support cover and bearing support and also remove the
locating pin.
2.6 拆下紧固轴承支架盖与大端盖的螺栓、螺母;
2.6 Remove the bolts and nuts that fastening the bearing
support cover and big end cover.
2.7 在轴承支架盖装上吊环,用起顶螺钉顶起轴承支架盖,装
2.7 Install hanging ring onto the bearing cover. Use jack screw
to jack up the bearing support cover. Install proper
hanging tools, and carefully remove the cover without
damaging the oil baffles.
2.8 拆下定位销,拆下径向轴承压盖与轴承支架间双头螺栓上
2.8 Remove the locating pin, the clamp nuts on the stud bolts
between radial bearing cover and the bearing support and
the bearing cover.
2.9 拆下上半部的径向轴承和挡油圈;
2.9 Remove the upper part radial bearing and oil baffle.
2.10 拆下推力轴承罩上的紧固螺钉和定位销,拧入起顶螺钉,

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2.10 Remove fastening screws and locating pins on the
thrust bearing cover, and screw in the jack screw.
Jack up the thrust bearing and remover it. Be careful
not to damage the radial bearing and oil baffle when
removing the upper bearing pedestal and oil baffle.
2.11 顶起轴,将下半部径向轴承和挡油圈转上来并拆下;
2.11 Jack up the shaft, rotate the lower radial bearing and
oil baffle upward and remove them.
2.12 松开弹簧,从下半部轴承支架上拆下润滑油密封圈;
2.12 Loosen the spring; remove the lube oil sealing ring
from the lower bearing support.
2.13 拆下紧固端盖上挡板的内六角螺钉,拆下挡板,从端盖
2.13 Remove the socket head screws that fastening the
damper on the end cover. Remove the damper, and
remove the lube oil sealing ring and spring from the
groove of the end cover.
2.14 按下述方法依次拆下整个推力轴承撑板:
2.14 Disassemble the whole bearing plate of the thrust
bearing sequentially according to the following
The resistor temperature detecting probe of the thrust
bearing is plugged into thrust bearing bush and fixed
on the bearing plate; the lead wire enters the junction
box through the lower part bearing pedestal. Before
remove the bearing plate from the bearing support,
disconnect the lead wire of the temperature detecting
probe from the junction box and draw out the wire
through the sealing sleeve. Rotate the whole thrust
bearing plate around the shaft till the half bearing
plate with stop pin can be removed. Then rotate the
other half bearing plate till it is removed. Remove the
thrust bearing plate at the other side of the thrust
collar in the same way. When jacking the shaft, only
jack to the degree that the weight on the radial

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bearing can be released.
2.15 检查径向轴承、轴颈部分、推力瓦块、推力盘、对开的润
间隙并与后面列表 2 数值比较,测量间隙超出或可能在
2.15 Examine if there are corrosions or damages on the
bearing, bearing journal, thrust bush, thrust collar, split
lube oil sealing ring and oil baffle, and replace parts
when necessary. Under normally allowable condition,
besides on the deactivated and dull surface of the
Babbitt metal, there should be no observable
corrosion of the thrust bush. It is suggested to replace
the bush when more than dull surface of Babbitt metal
is deactivated. Examine if there are corrosions or
damages on the bearing, bearing journal and the oil
baffle, replace them when necessary. Measure the
bearing clearance and compare to the values in Table
2 (end part), and replace the bearing if the measured
values exceed the updated clearance or will exceed
before next examining. Precautions: apply a little bit
lube oil onto the bearing journal plate, shaft and thrust
bearing bush surfaces before the final assembly.
2.16 顶起轴,绕轴转动下半部分的径向轴承和挡油圈使其正
2.16 Jack the shaft, rotate the lower radial bearing and oil
baffle around the shaft to their correct place on the
bearing support, install the inner split lube oil sealing
ring and the spring, and finally lay down the shaft.
2.17 依次按下述方法安装推力轴承撑板成为一个整体;注意
板的拼合线与轴承支架的水平中分面之间成 90°,定位
2.17 Assemble the thrust bearing plate into a whole

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sequentially according to the following methods. Note
that the resistor temperature detecting probe is to be
plugged into the thrust bearing bush and fixed onto
the bearing plate. Make sure that the probe is installed
in correct place when installing the thrust bearing
plate, and the wires should pass through the lower
bearing pedestal. There should be a 90°between the
split line of the thrust bearing plate and the horizontal
joint surface of bearing support. The locating pin is
inside one of the groove on the thrust bearing cover.
Put the half bearing plate without locating pin onto the
shaft, and make the alloy surface of its bush contact
to the thrust collar, and then rotate it into the support.
Put on the other half bearing plate with locating pin
and rotate the whole thrust bearing plate around the
shaft till the locating pin is just contacted to the
bearing support. Install the thrust bearing plate at the
other side in the same way. Do not examine the axial
clearance by plugging feeler into the clearance
between the thrust bearing bush and thrust collar,
because in such way, not only the measured result is
inaccurate, but also the Bobbitt metal surface of the
bearing bush will be damaged.
2.18 将端盖用六角螺钉固定到下半部轴承座上,检查轴向间
室处内壁间的间隙。原始轴向间隙值见后面列表 2 数值,
2.18 Fix the end cover onto the lower bearing pedestal by
hexagon screws. When examining the axial
clearance, fully lean the shaft to the driving end to let
the thrust collar closely contacted to the inside thrust
bearing bush; then measure the clearance between
the outer thrust bearing washer and the inner walls at
the thrust bearing chamber of the end cover with
feeler. Of the original axial clearances, see in Table 2.
Find out the reasons for any of the measured changes
and remove the end cover. Before installing the end
cover of the thrust bearing, make sure that the
temperature detecting probe is inside the thrust
bearing bush, also ensure that the wires are passing
through the lower bearing pedestal.
2.19 装上推力轴承压盖,用定位销和螺钉来定位和固定;
2.19 Install the thrust bearing cover, and use locating pin
and screws for locating and fastening.
2.20 装上上半部分径向轴承;

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2.20 Install the upper part radial bearing.
2.21 装上轴承压盖,安装时保证轴承的防转销正确就位,然
2.21 Install the bearing cover while making sure that the
stop pins are in correct place. Then use pin bolts and
nuts to locate and fix the bearing cover onto the
2.22 装上上半部分挡油圈;
2.22 Install the upper oil baffle.
2.23 装上自由端轴承支架盖,用定位销和螺栓、螺母将其固
2.23 Install free end bearing support cover, use locating
pins, bolts and nuts to fix it onto the bearing support
and big end cover 。 Then remove the hanging tools
and hanging rings
2.24 将对开润滑油密封圈和弹簧装到端盖的槽内,用内六角
2.24 Install the split lube oil sealing ring and spring into the
groove of the end cover. Fix inner hexagon screws
onto the damper to clamp the lube oil sealing ring.
2.25 在端盖上装上两个新的 O 型圈,在轴承支架上装上端
盖,用螺钉拧紧,螺钉拧紧力矩为 130N.m;
2.25 Install two new O type rings onto the end cover, and
then install the end cover onto the bearing support,
using screws to tighten, with a tightening moment of
2.26 装上联轴器,并装上联轴器护罩;
2.26 Install the coupling and its protection cover.
2.27 装上和接好仪表和小口径管道。
2.27 Install and connect the instruments and the narrow
pipes. 检查机械密封 Examine the mechanical seal
The following instructions are for the examining or replacement
and removing of the mechanical seal. If there is no special
condition, examine the driving end and free end seal at the same
time. It is suggested to examine the mechanical seal when
examining the bearing unless there is specific fault to correct.

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1 传动端轴封
1 Gland seal at driving end
1.1 按上述传动端径向轴承 1.1-1.8 解体步骤取下传动端径向轴
1.1 Remove the driving end radial bearing according to the
above steps in 1.1-1.8.
1.2 拆下紧固联轴器螺母的螺钉,用专用扳手拆下联轴器螺母;
1.2 Remove the fastening screws of the coupling. Use special
spanner to remove the coupling nuts.
1.3 拆下泵轴上的半联轴器,取下联轴器键和其上的固定螺钉;
1.3 Remove the half coupling on the pump shaft. Then
remove the coupling key and the fastening screws on it.
1.4 拆下轴承支架上的紧固螺栓螺母和定位销,拆下传动端轴
1.4 Remove the fastening bolts and nuts and locating pins on
the bearing support, and then remove the driving end
bearing support.
1.5 在轴上标好抛油环的位置,然后松开紧定螺钉,从轴上拆
1.5 Mark the position of the oil slinger on the shaft, then
loosen the fastening screws and finally remove the oil
slinger from the shaft.
1.6 拆下紧固传动端托板的螺栓,拆下传动端托板;
1.6 Remove the bolts for fastening the driving end carrier and
then remove the carrier.
1.7 用专用工具旋下传动端锁紧螺母和抛水环螺母;
1.7 Screw off the driving end locknuts and water slinger nuts
with special tools.
Note: screw the driving end thread leftward.
1.8 拆下紧固密封衬套的螺栓,拆下密封衬套;
1.8 Remove the fastening bolts of the sealing liner, and then
remove the sealing liner.
1.9 用专用工具抽出密封轴套;
1.9 Draw out the sealing shaft sleeve with special tools.
1.10 检查密封轴套和密封衬套有无损坏,测量轴套外径和衬

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1.10 Examine if there is damage of the sealing shaft sleeve
and sealing liner. Measure the outer diameter of the
shaft sleeve and the inner diameter of the liner to
obtain the radial clearance. Replace the shaft sleeve
and liner if the clearance exceeds the values for
replacement in the table.
1.11 换上所有新的 O 型圈;
1.11 Install the new O type rings.
1.12 装上密封衬套,用螺栓把衬套紧固在进口端盖上;
1.12 Install the sealing liner and use bolts to fix it onto the
inlet end cover.
1.13 装上密封轴套,到位;
1.13 Install the sealing shaft sleeve and make sure it is in
1.14 旋紧抛水环螺母和锁紧螺母;
1.14 Tighten the water slinger nuts and locknuts.
1.15 装上传动端托板,紧固螺栓;
1.15 Install the driving end carrier and tighten the bolts.
1.16 在轴上套上抛油环,将其滑在拆开时所标的位置,拧紧
1.16 Pass the shaft through the oil slinger, slide the slinger
to the marked position, and then tighten the fastening
1.17 装上传动端轴承支架,用定位销到位,并拧紧与进口端
1.17 Install the driving end bearing support, put it in place
by locating pin, and then tighten the nuts of the
connecting bolts at the inlet en cover
1.18 按传动端径向轴承 1.10-1.14 安装步骤装上传动端径向
1.18 Install the driving end radial bearing according to the
steps in 1.10-1.14.
1.19 装上联轴器键并用螺钉定位,拧紧,然后装上半联轴器;
1.19 Install the coupling key and use screws to locate and
tighten, and then install the half coupling.
1.20 用专用扳手装上联轴器螺母并且拧紧,用锁紧螺钉锁紧
1.20 Install the coupling nuts and tighten them with special
spanner. Use locking screws to tighten the coupling

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1.21 装上齿轮联轴器,并装好护罩;
1.21 Install the gear coupling and the protection cover.
1.22 装上所有小口径管道和仪表。
1.22 Install all the narrow pipes and the instruments.
2 自由端轴封
2 Free end gland seal
2.1 按上述自由端径向推力轴承 2.1 到 2.15 解体步骤拆下自由
2.1 Remove the free end radial bearing and thrust bearing
according to the disassembly steps in the above free end
radial thrust bearing, 2.1 to 2.5.
2.2 拆下自由端轴承支架与大端盖间的紧固螺栓和螺母及定位
2.2 Remove the fastening bolts, nuts and locating pin
between the free end bearing support and gig end
2.3 弄平推力盘锁紧垫圈的舌片,用专用扳手取下推力盘螺母和
2.3 Flatten the tongue plate of the thrust collar locking
washer; remove the thrust collar nuts and locking washer
with special spanner.
2.4 加热推力盘轮毂,用推力盘拆卸工具将推力盘从轴上拆下,从
2.4 Heat the hub of the thrust collar. Use thrust collar
disassembly tools to remove thrust collar from the shaft,
and remove the oil slinger from the shaft.
2.5 在轴上标好抛油环的位置,然后松开紧定螺钉,从轴上取下抛
2.5 Mark the oil slinger position on the shaft, then loosen the
fastening screws and finally remove the oil slinger.
2.6 拆下紧固自由端托板的螺栓,拆下自由端托板;
2.6 Remove the bolts for fastening the free end carrier and
then remove the free end carrier.
2.7 用专用工具旋下自由端锁紧螺母和抛水环螺母;
2.7 Screw off the free end clamp nuts and water slinger nuts
with special tools.
Note: Screw the free end thread rightward.

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2.8 拆下紧固密封衬套的螺栓,拆下密封衬套;
2.8 Remove the fastening bolts of sealing liner and then
remove the sealing liner.
2.9 用专用工具抽出密封衬套;
2.9 Draw out the sealing liner with special tools.
2.10 检查密封轴套和密封衬套有无损坏,测量轴套外径和衬
2.10 Examine if there is damage of the sealing shaft sleeve
and the sealing liner. Measure the outer diameter of
the shaft sleeve and the inner diameter of the liner to
obtain the radial clearance. Replace the shaft sleeve
and liner if the clearance exceeds the values for
replacement in the table.
2.11 换上所有新的 O 型圈;
2.11 Install the new O type rings.
2.12 装上密封衬套,用螺栓把衬套紧固在密封箱体上;
2.12 Install the sealing liner and use bolts to fix it onto
sealing box.
2.13 装上密封轴套,到位;
2.13 Install the sealing shaft sleeve and make sure it is in
2.14 旋紧抛水环螺母和锁紧螺母;
2.14 Tighten the water slinger nuts and locknuts.
2.15 装上自由端托板,旋紧螺母;
2.15 Install the driving end carrier and tighten the bolts.
2.16 在轴上套上抛油环,将其滑到拆卸时所标的位置,然后
2.16 Pass the shaft through the oil slinger, slide the slinger
to the marked position, and then fix it onto the shaft
with fastening screws.
2.17 在轴上装上推力盘键,加热推力盘轮毂,然后将推力盘
2.17 Install the thrust collar key onto the shaft, heat the
thrust collar hub, install the thrust collar onto the shaft
and when it is in place, screw on its nuts immediately,
and then with locking washer.
2.18 当组件冷却后,拧下推力盘螺母,放上新的锁紧垫圈,

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2.18 After the components are cool, screw off the thrust
collar nuts, put on the new locking washer, screw on
the thrust collar nuts and tighten with special spanner,
and then lock with locking washer.
2.19 将自由端轴承支架装到大端盖上,并用定位螺栓螺母拧
2.19 Install the free end bearing support onto the big end
cover and tighten with locating bolts and nuts.
2.20 按自由端径向推力轴承 2.16 到 2.27 安装步骤装上自由
2.20 Install the free end radial bearing and thrust bearing
according to the assembly steps in the free end radial
bearing and thrust bearing 2.16 to 2.27. 检查轴向运转位置和推力轴承间隙 Examine axial running position and thrust bearing clearance
The following examining should be done with the pump core
package installed inside the drum and after the driving end and
free end bearings and chemical seal are removed. During the
examining, the coupling cover and coupling should be removed;
the two ends of the core packet rotor part should be supported
well from the beginning to the end.
1 在传动端上必须安装以下几项:
1.1 冷却套和密封腔体;
1.2 下半部轴承座;
1.3 下半部径向轴承。
1. The following items must be installed on the driving end:
1) Cooling sleeve and sealing cavity.
2) The lower half bearing pedestal.
3) The lower half radial bearing.
2 在自由端上必须安装以下几项:
2.1 冷却套和密封腔体;
2.2 下半部轴承座、下半部径向轴承;
2.3 推力盘、键、推力盘螺母和锁紧垫圈及轴承端盖。
2. The following items must be installed on the free end:

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1) Cooling sleeve and sealing cavity.
2) The lower half bearing pedestal; the lower half radial
3) Thrust collar, key, thrust collar nuts and locking washer
and bearing end cover.
3 按下述方法检查轴向运转位置
3 Examine the axial running position in the following steps
3.1 将转子尽可能的向泵传动端靠足,以推力盘的外侧面为基
3.1 Put the rotor close enough to the pump driving end, take
the outer side surface as the basis, draw a line on the
horizontal joint surface of the free end lower half bearing
3.2 将转子尽可能的向自由端靠足,用相同的基准,在自由端
的距离,该值应该是约 8 mm;
3.2 Put the rotor close enough to the pump free end, take the
same basis, draw the second line on the horizontal joint
surface of the free end lower half bearing pedestal, and
then measure the distance between the two lines and it is
about 8mm.
3.3 在下半部轴承座内放上内侧的推力轴承撑板、推力瓦块和推
3.3 Put the inside thrust bearing carrier, thrust bush and thrust
bearing liner (adjusting liner) into the lower half bearing
pedestal; put the rotor closer to the pump free end, draw
the third line on the horizontal joint surface of the free end
lower half bearing pedestal (take the same basis), and the
distance between this line and the inner line should be
half of the distance between the first and second lines.
4 按下述方法检查推力轴承间隙
4 Examine the thrust bearing clearance in the following method
4.1 在下半部轴承座上装上外侧的推力轴承撑板、推力瓦块和推
4.1 Install the out side thrust bearing carrier, thrust bearing
bush and thrust bearing liner (adjusting liner) on the lower
half bearing pedestal. Do not put the feeler between the
thrust collar and the thrust bearing bush, for by doing this,
not only the axial clearance measured is not accuracy, but

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also the Babbitt metal surface of the thrust bearing bush
will be damaged.
4.2 按以上所述方法移动泵轴并仔细测量间距来检查轴向间隙,
泵轴进行检查;所有的原始轴向间隙值见图 INDRAMAYU-
4.2 Examine the axial clearance by moving the pump shaft
according to the above method and measuring the
spacing carefully, i.e. move the pump shaft and make the
one end of the thrust collar contact closely to one side of
the bush, then plug the feeler gauge between the other
side thrust bearing liner (adjusting liner) and the inner wall
of the thrust bearing cavity to examine the clearance. In
the same way, move the pump shaft to the other side and
examine. Of all the original axial clearance values, see in
figure INDRAMAYU-FK6D32M-00(1/3). Find the causes
for any of the measurable clearance change.
5 若换上备用的推力轴承组件时,按下列步骤进行检查:
5 Examine in the following steps if the standby thrust bearing
components are installed:
Note that the spare parts of the supplied bearing liner
(adjusting liner) has margins, the users should conduct
necessary turning adjusting.
5.1 将转子置于其轴向运转位置,在轴承支架的推力轴承室上
5.1 Lay the rotor at its axial running position, on the bearing
cavity of the bearing support, accurately measure the
distance between the cavity inner walls and thrust collar
inside surface and record. In the same way, measure the
distance between the out side thrust bearing cavity inner
walls and thrust collar outside surface and record.
5.2 拆下内侧和外侧推力轴承撑板上的衬垫(调整垫),并精确的
5.2 Remove the liners (adjusting liners) on the inside and
outside thrust bearing carrier. And process them
accurately into the following sizes.
5.2.1 内侧推力轴承衬垫(调整垫)的厚度=所测得的推力

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5.2.1 Thickness of the inside thrust bearing liner
(adjusting liner) =the measured distance between
the thrust bearing cavity inner walls and thrust
collar inside surface - thickness of thrust bearing
5.2.2 外侧推力轴承衬垫(调整垫)的厚度=所测得的推力
5.2.2 Thickness of the outside thrust bearing liner
(adjusting liner) =the measured distance between
the thrust bearing cavity walls and thrust collar
outside surface - (thickness of thrust bearing
components + axial clearance of thrust bearing)
5.3 将推力轴承衬垫(调整垫)装到推力轴承撑板上,重复进行前
5.3 Install the thrust bearing liner (adjusting liner) onto the
thrust bearing carrier, and repeat the examining work in
step (4).
6 将转子置于其轴向运转位置,检查传动端和自由端机械密封的
6 Lay the rotor at its axial running position and examine the
mechanical seal setting positions of the driving and free ends.
Process or replace the adjusting ring of the mechanical seal
when necessary to ensure the needed sizes. 大修 Overhaul
It is applicable for the pump overhaul and core bag removing and
disassembly. If there is spare core bag, before disassembly or
corrosion mending, prepare and install the spare core package
according to the following methods. 大修前准备 Preparations for Overhaul
1 同前所述做好泵的维修准备工作;
1 Carry out the pump maintenance and preparation work in the
same way above.
2 从传动端和自由端的轴承支架和轴封上拆下所有影响拆卸工作

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2 Remove all the instruments and narrow pipes influencing the
disassembly work from the driving end and free end of
bearing support and gland seal.
3 断开并拆下两根平衡室回水管道;
3 Disconnect and remove the two water return pipes of balance
4 断开并拆下轴承的润滑油进油和回油管道;
4 Disconnect and remove the inlet and return lube oil pipes of
the bearing.
5 检查所有起吊设备和专用工具是否良好;注意传动端的泵轴螺
5 Examine to see if all the hanging equipments and the special
tools are in good condition. The pump shaft nuts of the driving
end should be leftward screwing while the free end pump
shaft nuts are rightward screwing. For the convenience of the
assembly, remark the reference number on the parts when
necessary. 抽出芯包 Draw out the core package
The whole steps for drawing out the core package are explained
and supplied with diagram in the drawing.
1 拆下联轴器罩,然后拆下叠片和中间联接体;
1 Remove the coupling cover and then remove the laminations
and intermediate connecting part.
2 从联轴器螺母上拆下紧定螺钉,然后用扳手拆下联轴器螺母;
2 Remove the screws from the coupling nuts and then remove
the nuts with spanner.
3 拆下半联轴器,半联轴器键;
3 Remove the half coupling and the key.
4 拆下拉紧环上的螺栓,并移去拉紧环,丢弃‘O’形圈和垫片;
4. Remove the bolts on tensioning ring and remove the
tensioning ring. Throw away the O type ring and washer.
5 按照图 INDRAMAYU-J1-3A-00 将拆卸管装到传动端轴承体上,
5. Install the removed pipes onto the driving end bearing
according to figure INDRAMAYU-J1-3A-00, and install the
roller wheel supporting components onto the pump base.

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6 拆下大端盖螺栓上的螺帽,按 INDRAMAYU-J8-3B-00 的步骤
6. Remove the caps on the big end cover bolts, and remove the
big end cover nuts according to figure INDRAMAYU-J8-3B-00.
7 用芯包拆卸工具将芯包从筒体中抽出。参见图 INDRAMAYU-J1-
7 Draw out the core package from the drum with special tools.
Refer to figure INDRAMAYU-J1-3A-00. 泵芯包解体 Disassembly of pump core package
1 解体的准备工作,注意芯包在解体期间,应把芯包稳定地支撑
1 Preparing work of disassembly: during the disassembly of
core package, supporting it stably; first disassemble at the
horizontal position and at last disassemble the vertical
position; remember that the weight of the core package
should not b supported by shaft at any time. Note that the
clamp nuts of the balance drum, free end sealing shaft sleeve
and water slinger nuts, locknuts and thrust collar nuts are all
screwed rightward, while the driving end coupling nuts, water
slinger nuts and locknuts are screwed leftward.
1.1 在芯包由行车的起吊工具吊着的情况下,在维修现场布置
1.1 When the core package is hanged by the hanging tool of
traveling crane, arrange proper supporting shelf or
working bench in the maintenance site.
1.2 将芯包水平放置在支架上,拆下上面的起吊工具和吊耳;
1.2 Lay the core package horizontally on the support and
remove the hanging tool and hanging ear on it.
1.3 参见图,装上芯包支撑板使其紧贴在进口端盖,上,用 4
1.3 Refer to the drawing, install the core package supporting
plate and make it contact closely to the inlet end cover,
use four pull-rods with thread on the two ends to pass
through the hole of the big end cover, screw them into the
hole on the supporting plate and tighten the clamp nuts
and make them contact closely to the supporting plate.
1.4 在拉杆的另一端套上垫圈,旋上螺母,以固定芯包组件;

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1.4 Fix washer onto the other end of the pull-rods, and screw
on the nuts to fix the core package components.
1.5 在大端盖上用螺栓和螺母垫圈装上吊耳。
1.5 Install the lifting eye onto the big end cover with bolts and
nut washers.
2 拆卸传动端轴承和轴封
2 Remove the driving end bearing and gland seal
2.1 拆下拉紧芯包的螺母、垫圈和压紧板及轴头上的双头螺栓;
2.1 Remove the clamp nuts, washers of the core package,
pressure strip and the stud bolts on the shaft head.
2.2 旋下第一级拆卸管,拆下固定在传动端轴承支架上的拆卸
板,按上节所述步骤(4)~(8)、4. 3 节所述步骤(4)
2.2 Screw off the primary disassembled pipes, remove the
disassembled plate fixed on the free end bearing support,
and remove the bearing and sealing shaft sleeve in the
steps from(4)~(8)of the upper segment and (4)~
(9)of 4.3.
3 拆卸自由端径向和推力轴承和轴封(参见图 2)
3 Remove the free end radial thrust bearing and gland seal
(refer to figure 2)
按 2.2 节所述步骤(4) ~(14)、上节所述步骤(2)~(9)拆下
Remove the gland seal and sealing bearing in the steps of (4)
~ (14) in segment 2.2 and ( 2 ) ~ ( 9 ) in the upper
4 内泵壳解体
4. Inner pump casing disassembly
4.1 拆下传动端和自由端的轴承和机械密封;
4.1 Remove the driving end and free end bearings and
mechanical seals.
4.2 用双头螺栓、螺母及支承板将转子固定;
4.2 Fix rotor with stud bolts, nuts and supporting plate.
4.3 吊起芯包至垂直位置放到支撑架上,注意起吊时任何时候
4.3 Hang up the core package to a vertical position and lay it
onto the support. Note that the weight of the core package
should not be withstood by the pump shaft at any time.
4.4 拆下拉杆与大端盖的螺母和垫圈,拆下拉杆;

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4.4 Remove the nuts and washers of the pull-rod and the bog
end cover and then remove the pull-rod.
4.5 吊起大端盖,将其小心地吊离泵轴并吊开;注意起吊大端
4.5 Hang up the big end cover and move it away from the
pump shaft carefully. Be careful not to damage the
balance drum or its liner.
4.6 弄平平衡鼓止动垫圈的止动舌,用专用扳手拆下平衡鼓螺
4.6 Flatten the stop tongue plate of the balance drum stop
washer, remove the balance nuts with special spanner
and then remove the stop washer.
4.7 取出平衡鼓密封压圈及密封圈;
4.7 Take out the sealing pressure ring and sealing ring of the
balance drum.
4.8 用火焰加热平衡鼓直到产生足够的膨胀,用平衡鼓拆卸工
衡鼓,如拆不出,待冷却后重复步骤 4.8;
4.8 Heat the balance drum with fire till it expands enough;
then remove the balance drum and its key with its special
disassembly tools and keep them carefully. Do no remove
the balance drum forcefully, and if failed, repeat step 4.8
after cooling.
4.9 从末级导叶上拆下蝶形弹簧;
4.9 Remove butterfly spring from the final stage guide blade.
4.10 拆下把末级导叶紧固于泵壳上的锁紧片和螺钉,拆下末
4.10 Remove the locking plate and screws that fastening
the final stage guide blade onto the pump casing, and
then remove the final stage guide blade.
4.11 用火焰加热末级叶轮轮毂直至产生足够的膨胀拆下末级
待冷却后重复步骤 4.11;
4.11 Heat the final stage impeller hub with fire till it
expands enough and can be removed. Remove the
impeller and mark it for re-installing. Remove and
keep the impeller key and ring dey. Do not remove the
impeller forcefully. If removing fails, repeat step 4.11
after cooling.
4.12 拆下第五级内泵壳与第四级内泵壳的紧固螺钉,拆下第
五级内泵壳,拆下上面的 O 形圈和挡圈。

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4.12 Remove the fastening screws of the fifth and fourth
inner pump casings, remove the fifth inner pump
casing and then remove the O type ring and stop ring
on it.
4.13 吊走第五级内泵壳及导叶。
4.13 Hang away the fifth inner pump casing and guide
4.14 用火焰加热第五级叶轮轮毂至产生足够的膨胀能拆下叶
4.14 Heat the fifth impeller hub with fire till it expands
enough and can be removed, remove the impeller and
then remove and keep the impeller key and ring dey.
4.15 重复以上步骤 4.13 至 4.14 直到轴上仅留下首级叶轮,
去掉第二级泵壳上的 O 形圈和密封挡圈。注意第三级泵
4.15 Repeat the steps from 4.13 to 4.14 till only the primary
impeller is left on the shaft. Remove the O type ring
and sealing stop ring of the secondary pump casing.
Note that the connecting screws of the third and
secondary pump casings are tightened by locking
plate, so remove the locking plates before removing
these screws.
4.16 在轴端拧上吊轴吊耳,装上起吊工具,小心地将轴从进
4.16 Screw on the ear of the hanging shaft onto the shaft
end, install the hanging tools and hang the shaft away
carefully from the inlet end cover.
4.17 将轴水平支撑,用火焰加热首级叶轮轮毂,拆下首级叶
4.17 Support the shaft horizontally, heat the primary
impeller hub with fire, remove the primary impeller and
then remove and keep the impeller key.
4.18 用起吊工具将进口端盖从支架上吊开。
4.18 Hang away the inlet end cover from the support with
hanging tools.
费蕾(4247) 检查、更新和修理工艺规程 Regulation on Inspection, Replacement and Maintenance
内、外千分尺测量所有部件的径向间隙,并对照后面列表 2 数值进

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All the parts should be clean and inspected to make sure if there
is erosion or damage. Use the inside and outside micrometer to
measure radial clearance of all parts and compare with the value
in the attached table 2. If the clearance reaches the maximum
allowance value or will reach the value before the overhaul in next
time, replace this part. Mainly take the working performance of the
pump in account. If the outlet pressure drops to the unallowable
extent, the motor power consumption or turbine steam
consumption is too much, or when the vibration of the pump rises
to the unallowable value, the overhaul for the pump should be
carried out.
1 叶轮与磨损环
1 Impeller and Wear Ring
1.1 检查叶轮有无磨蚀痕迹,特别是在叶片顶部。检查叶轮内径
1.1 Inspect if there is corrosion on the impeller, especially the
tip of the blade, and inspect if there is damage occurred in
the inner diameter of the impeller due to disassemble. In
addition, remove the burr to make sure the inner hole
smooth without deformation.
1.2 检查叶轮颈部外圆和与之对应的导叶及内泵壳衬套,并测量
其径向间隙,若间隙超过后面列表 2 中的更换间隙值,或
1.2 Inspect the outer circle and corresponding guide vane and
inner pump casing bushing in the journal parts of the
impeller, and measure the radial clearance. If the
clearance exceed the replace clearance in the attached
table 2, or would exceed before the next time inspection,
the ware ring have to be replace according to the following
1.2.1 以叶轮内孔为基准,修正颈部外圆至完整;
1.2.1 Take the inner hole of the impeller as basemark to
adjust the journal outer circle to complete.
1.2.2 车削去进口端盖、内泵壳和导叶上的磨损环;
1.2.2 Use turning to remove the wear ring on the inlet
cover, inner pump casing and guide vane.
1.2.3 彻底清洗该环座,将新的磨损环放到液体氮中数分

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1.2.3 Thoroughly clean the ring pedestal. After put the
new wear ring into the liquid nitrogen for
contraction in several minutes, install in the
regular position. Note: If there is no properly
protection, it is not allowed to get the wear ring out
1.2.4 用点焊锁住磨损环。
1.2.4 Block the ware ring by spot welding.
1.2.5 按后面列表 2 的新间隙加工新的磨损环内径
1.2.5 Process the inner diameter of the new wear ring
according to the attached table 2.
2 轴
2 Shaft
2.1 检查轴有无损坏及变形,并检查其同心度,同心度应在
0.02mm 之内;
2.1 Inspect if there is damage or deformation on the shaft and
inspect to make sure the concentricity within 0.02mm.
2.2 检查所有螺纹是否完好,检查所有键槽是否光洁。
2.2 Inspect if all screw thread is adequate and if all key slots
are smooth.
3 轴封
3 Gland Seal
3.1 检查密封轴套和密封衬套有无损坏;
3.1 Inspect if there is damage on seal gland sleeve and seal
3.2 测量密封轴套和密封衬套的径向间隙,若间隙值超过规定
3.2 Measure the radial clearance between the seal glad
sleeve and seal busing. If the clearance exceeds the
regular replaceable clearance, replace a new one.
4 径向和推力轴承
4 Radial and Thrust Bearings
4.1 彻底清洗径向轴承并检查有无损坏或磨蚀痕迹,测量轴承间
隙并与后面列表 2 数值比较,如有必要更新;
4.1 Thoroughly wash the radial bearing and inspect if there is
damage or abrasion. In addition, measure the bearing
clearance and compare with the attached table 2, carry
out the update when necessary.
4.2 彻底清洗并检查推力瓦块有否磨损和损坏。注意在正常运行

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4.2 Thoroughly wash and inspect if there is abrasion and
damage on the thrust bush. In the normal operation
condition, pay attention to that there is no other abrasion
can be observed except the Babbitt metal blunt and dark
face on the thrust bush.
4.3 检查推力盘有无磨损或损坏,必要时更换新的。
4.3 Inspect whether there is damage or abrasion on the thrust
disc, and replace a new one when necessary.
4.4 检查润滑油密封圈有无损坏或磨损,必要时更换新的
4.4 Inspect if there is damage or abrasion on the lubricate oil
seal ring, and replace a new one when necessary.
5 一般检查
5 General Inspection
5.1 检查所有的双头螺栓、螺母和螺钉有无损坏或缺陷,必要时
5.1 Inspect if there is damage or flaw on all stud, nut and
screw, and replace a new one when necessary.
5.2 所有接头垫片、O 型圈、档圈等在组装时都应更换新的;
5.2 When assemble all joint washers, O ring, and endless
flange must use the new one.
5.3 所有定位销必须清理干净并完好,磨损和损坏的键必须更新;
5.3 All position pins should be adequate and clean, replace a
new one when they are damaged or wore.
5.4 所有键必须完好的装在键槽中,磨损和损坏的键必须更新;
5.4 All key should be adequately installed in the key slot,
replace a new one when they are damaged or wore.
5.5 检查联轴器及螺栓有无磨损或损坏,必要时更换新的。
5.5 Inspect if there is damage or corrosion on the coupling
and bolt, and replace a new one when necessary.
6 间隙
6 Clearance
The first group is the clearance value of the new parts, the
second group is the clearance value which should be replaced
the new parts, except the other specified, and the clearance is

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the diameter direction.
表 2 给水泵的运动间隙值 单位 mm
Table 2 the moving clearance value of feedwater pump unit mm

间隙位置 第一组 第二组

Clearance position First group Second group

0.140/0.215 0.26
Radial bearing and shaft

Oil throw ring and oil deflector 0.350/0.410 0.47

Inner pump casing bushing 0.410/0.490 0.675
and journal part of the inlet

Guide vane lining and shaft 0.410/0.490 0.675
journal of the impeller

0.410/0.490 0.675
Balance drum and its bushing
Final guide vane and big end 1.23/2.27 --
cover (axial)
总轴向间隙(装在推力块时) 根据检查
Total axial clearance (installed 0.4 According to
in the thrust bush) the inspection
Inner pump casing and 4 --
4 --
Guide vane and impeller(axial)
转子总的轴向窜动(推力瓦块不 8 --

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The total axial displacement
(thrust bush not installed)

7 动平衡
7 Dynamic Balance
If replacing the rotor or repair the parts, the dynamic balance
inspection should be carried out. If there is the equipment
allowed to carry out the dynamic balance, the following
inspection methods can be adopted.
7.1 将转子支撑在轴承中心线处,检查动平衡,其值应在动平
衡精度等级 G2.5 GB9239-1988(ISO 1940/1-1986(E)以内;
7.1 The rotor should be supported in the center line of the
bearing, and inspect the dynamic balance, the value
should be controlled within the balance precision grade
G2.5 GB9239-1988(ISO 1940/1-1986(E).
7.2 动平衡可通过去除叶轮盖板上的金属来达到,但要在以下
界限内(注意如果动平衡去重量超过 7.2.1 和 7.2.3 项规定
7.2 The dynamic balance can be realized by removing the
metal on the cover of the impeller, but have to in the
following boundary (Note: if the dynamic balance
removing weight exceeds the limit required in the term of
7.2.1 and 7.2.3, consult with the manufacture.
7.2.1 叶轮前后盖板的任一点厚度不能少于 6.5mm;
7.2.1 Any point thickness in the front and back cover of
the impeller should be no less than 6.5mm.
7.2.2 直径在 260 到 290mm 这一范围外禁止从叶轮上切
7.2.2 If the diameter is out of the range of 260mm-
290mm, do not cut the metal from the impeller.
7.2.3 去重金属的质量按扇形计算,其弧长不能超过叶轮
7.2.3 The quality of metal should be calculated
according to sector, the arc length should be no
more than 1/10 of the perimeter of impeller. 芯包组装 Core cladding Assembly

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Before assembly, either all parts or inner hole and oil path should
be thoroughly cleaned. Note: During the assembly, coated
colloidal graphite or similar material on the shaft, inner diameter of
impeller, shaft sleeve and inner diameter of balance drum. Polish
them again after they are fully dry.
1 内泵壳、叶轮组装
1 Inner pump casing and impeller assembly
1.1 将泵轴水平支承在支架上,装上首级叶轮键;
1.1 horizontally supports the pump shaft on the support, and
installs the primary stage impeller key.
1.2 加热首级叶轮后部毂,将其装到轴和键上直到与轴肩紧靠;
洗一下。然后重复步骤 1.2。如果轴温度高于环境温度,等轴
1.2 After heat the hub in the back part of the primary stage
impeller, install it on the shaft and key until it close with the
shaft collar. Precaution: do not forcibly install the impeller.
If the impeller can not get the position which contact with
the shaft collar, take off the impeller and check if there is
burr or fouling on it. Clean it when necessary, and then,
repeat the procedure of 1.2. If the shaft temperature is
higher than the ambient temperature, reinstall the impeller
after cooled the shaft.
1.3 将进口端盖吊放到支撑台上,确保其正确就位在组装支撑
1.3 Suspend the inlet cover on the support table, and make
sure it in the correct place of assembly support plate.
1.4 等轴和首级叶轮冷却后,在自由端装上轴吊环,垂直吊起
1.4 After the shaft and primary stage impeller are cooled,
install shaft lifting eye on the moveable end. Vertically lift
the pump shaft on the top of the inlet end cover.
1.5 小心地放下泵轴直到叶轮进口颈部进入端盖的衬套中,叶
1.5 Carefully put the pump shaft down until the journal of the
inlet impeller enters into the bushing of the cover. The
impeller located in the inlet cover. Remove the lifting eye
in the shaft end.
1.6 在内泵壳上装上新的 O 形圈、挡圈和 Garlock 密封;
1.6 Install a new O ring in the inner pump casing, oil deflector
ring and Garlock seal.

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1.7 将防转销装在导叶上,将首级泵壳及导叶吊装到首级叶轮
1.7 Install the anti-rotation pin in the guide vane, and installed
the primary stage pump casing and guide vane in the
primary stage impeller in order to make sure the inlet
cover of inner pump casing in a proper position, and
remove the lifting tools.
1.8 用内六角螺钉将首级泵壳固定在进口端盖上,螺钉头不能
1.8 Use the socket head screw to fix the primary stage pump
on the inlet cover, and the screw head can not extend the
surface of the inner pump casing.
1.9 在进一步组装之前,先按下述方法检查总的轴向窜动:
1.9 Before carry out the assembly in further step, inspect the
main axial displacement by the following methods:
1.9.1 在自由端装上轴端吊耳,装上适当的起吊工具;
1.9.1 Install the shaft end lifting eye on the freely end
and proper lifting tools.
1.9.2 吊住泵轴,允许首级叶轮支承在进口端盖上;
1.9.2 Suspend the pump shaft, and allow the primary
impeller supporting on the inlet cover.
1.9.3 以首级内泵壳的表面为基准,在轴上标一条线;
1.9.3 Take the surface of primary inner pump casing as
basemark, and mark a line on the shaft.
1.9.4 用千斤顶尽量将轴顶起向自由端靠足,仍以前面的
1.9.4 Use jack to raise the shaft in order to close to the
moveable end, according to the formal basemark
to mark the second line in order to lower the shaft.
1.9.5 测量两线之间的距离,此值约为 8 mm。如果不到必
须查找原因。注意允许最小窜动量为 6 mm;
1.9.5 Measure the distance between two lines, which
value is 8 mm. If the value can not reach the
value, the reason has to be found. Note: the
allowable minimum displacement momentum is 6
1.10 装上次级叶轮的卡环和键;
1.10 Install the retaining ring and key of sub-stage impeller.
1.11 按步骤 1.2 装上次级叶轮;
1.11 Install the sub-stage impeller follows the procedure of

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1.12 按步骤 1.7 到 1.13 安装其余的叶轮、内泵壳和导叶,按
1.12 Install the residual impeller, inner pump casing and
guide vane follows the procedure from 1.7 to 1.13,
and inspect there is no change on the total axial
displacement follows the procedure (9). Pay attention
to the connection screw between the second and third
stage pump casing, and use the new locking clip for
1.13 将末级导叶用六角螺钉固定在末级泵壳上;
1.13 Use the hex screw to fix the final stage guide vane on
the final stage pump casing.
1.14 在轴上装上平衡鼓键,加热平衡鼓然后将平衡鼓装到轴
1.14 Install the balance drum key. After heat the balance
drum, install it on the shaft to make it fight against with
the shaft collar and aim at the key slot. Immediately
install the balance drum nut and screw it on to make it
fights against the balance drum.
1.15 当组件冷却后,拧下平衡鼓螺母,放上新的密封圈和密
1.15 After the components are cooled, unscrew the
balance drum nut and put on the new sealing ring,
sealing press ring and new locking washer. Screw the
balance drum nut, and then lock the locking washer.
1.16 装上叠形弹簧;
1.16 Install the pile type spring.
1.17 将拉杆一端拧上旋紧螺母然后将拉杆拧到芯包撑板上,
1.17 Screw the nut in the one end of the pull bar, and then,
screw the bar on the core cladding supporting plate.
1.18 在末级导叶和大端盖间放上调节螺栓螺母,小心地放下
1.18 Put the adjustable bolt and nut between the final stage
guide vane and big end cover. Carefully put down the
big end cover, and pass through the pump shaft and
straining screw bar.
1.19 调节螺栓螺母直到支撑板和大端盖工作面之间的距离为

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1.19 Adjust the adjustable bolt and nut until the distance
between the supporting plate and big end cover
working surface is 752±0.10mm.
1.20 在拉紧螺杆上装上垫圈和螺母,并旋紧螺母,拆下起吊
1.20 Install the washer and nut in the staining screw bar,
and screw on the nut, and disassemble the lifting
1.21 装上传动端定位装置;
1.21 Install the driving end location device.
1.22 装上吊耳,将芯包吊至水平位置放在支架上,然后拆去
1.22 Install the lifting eye, lift the core cladding to the
horizontal position and put it on the support, and then
disassemble the location device. Precautions : when
life the core cladding to the horizontal position, do not
use the shaft to bear the weight of the core cladding.
2 机械密封安装
2 Mechanical seal Installation
When carry out the assembly, the core cladding should
support the support, and fill with cushion course for preventing
damage. Precautions: the following instruction is applied
either in the driving end or moveable end mechanical seal.
2.1 在每个冷却套槽内换上新的 O 形圈,并将冷却套装到进口
2.1 Replace a new O ring on each cooling bushing slot, and
install the cooling bushing in the inlet end cover and big
end cover.
2.2 在每个密封腔体槽内换上新的 O 形圈,并将密封腔体装到
2.2 Replace the new O ring on each seal chamber slot, and
install the seal chamber in the cooling bushing.
2.3 用螺栓将冷却套和密封腔体固定到进口端盖和大端盖上;
2.3 Use the bolt to fix the cooling bushing and seal chamber
in the inlet cover and big end cover.
2.4 按照机械密封说明安装键和机械密封。
2.4 Install the key and mechanical seal according to

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3 安装传动端轴承
3 Install the driving end bearing.
3.1 在抛油环的槽内装上新的 O 型圈,装上抛油环,应使抛油
3.1 Install the new O ring and oil throw ring on the oil throw
ring slot. Make the oil throw ring aim at the bearing, and
then, use the fixed screw to fix the oil throw ring on the
3.2 用定位销将传动端轴承支架定位在进口端盖上,用螺栓、螺
3.2 Use position pin to locate the driving bearing support on
the inlet cover, and use bolt and nut to fix them.
3.3 抬起轴,给下半部径向轴承涂上点油,绕轴转下使其到位;
3.3 Raise the shaft, coat a little bit oil on the lower part of the
radial bearing, and rotate to the required position around
the shaft.
3.4 绕轴转下下半部挡油圈使其安装到位,然后放下轴;
3.4 Rotate around the lower part of the oil deflector to make it
in the correct position, and then put the shaft down.
3.5 装上上半部径向轴承,保证上、下部轴承标记相符;
3.5 Install the upper part radial bearing and make sure the
mark of the upper and lower part of the bearing is
3.6 装上径向轴承压盖,确保防转销正确就位,用定位销和螺
3.6 Install the radial bearing gland and make sure the position
of anti-rotating pin is correct. Use the location pin and nut
to locate and fasten the bearing gland.
3.7 装上上半部挡油圈;
3.7 Install the upper part oil deflector ring.
3.8 装上传动端轴承支架盖,用定位销、螺栓、螺母将其定位在
3.8 Install the support cover of driving end bearing, use
position pin, bolt and nut to make it on the bearing
support, and fasten it on the bearing support and inlet end
4 安装自由端轴承
4 Install Moveable end Bearing
4.1 在抛油环的槽内装上新的 O 型圈,将抛油环装上轴上,安

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4.1 Install the oil throw ring which is installed a new O ring in
the shaft. When install it, make the oil throw ring nozzle
aim at the bearing, and then, fix it on the shaft by screw.
4.2 在轴上装上推力盘键;
4.2 Install thrust disc key on the shaft.
4.3 加热推力盘轮毂,然后将推力盘装到轴上,确保键槽对准
4.3 Heat the hub of thrust disc, and then, install the thrust disc
in the shaft. After make sure the key slot air at the thrust
disc and fight against with the shaft collar, screw the thrust
collar nut, and tightly against the thrust collar.
4.4 当推力盘和轴冷却至室温时,拧下推力盘螺母,放上新的
4.4 When the thrust collar and shaft is cooled to the ambient
temperature, unscrew the thrust collar nut. After put on a
new locking washer, screw the thrust nut by special
spanner, and then, lock it by the locking washer.
4.5 用定位销将自由端轴承支架定位在大端盖上,并用螺栓螺
4.5 Use the position pint to locate the moveable end berating
support on the big end cover, and screw it by bolt and nut.
Precaution: before the assembly, coat a little big lubricates
oil on the surface of the shaft and radial bearing.
4.6 抬起轴,将下半部径向轴承和挡油圈绕轴转到规定位置,
4.6 Raise the shaft, and rotate the lower part radial bearing
and oil reflector ring to the regulated position. Install
lubricate oil seal and spring on the shaft, and then, put the
shaft down. Be sure that: the resistance temperature
measuring probe is fixed on the thrust bush and bearing
supporting plate. When install the thrust bearing
supporting plate, before the sealing is fixed, put the probe
in the correct position, the left conductor will pass through
the bearing support and seal ring to send back the
4.7 将不带定位销的半部撑板放在轴上,使其推力瓦面与推力

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4.7 Put the half part of supporting plate without carrying the
position pin on the shaft in order to make the thrust bush
connect with the thrust disc, and then, put it in the bearing
support. Put on another half part of supporting plate in
order to rotate the whole thrust bearing supporting plate
along with the shaft until the position pin fight against the
bearing support. Use the same method to install
supporting plate in another side. Keep it in mind: do not
insert clearance gauge between the thrust bush and disc
to inspect the axial clearance, because this measuring
method is not exact and can damage the surface.
4.8 用螺钉将轴承端盖固定到轴承支架上,检查轴向间隙,检
间隙,原始的轴向间隙值 0.40mm,对任何可测到的变动都
4.8 Use screw to fix the bearing cover on the bearing support,
and inspect the axial clearance. When carry out the
inspection, make the axial driving end close to in order to
make the thrust bush attach to the internal thrust bush.
Use clearance gage to measure the clearance between
the outer side thrust bearing supporting bushing ( adjust
bushing) and cover. The original radial clearance value is
0.40mm. Find out the reason for any change can be
Note: Before install the thrust bearing, make sure plug of
temmperature detecting probe is set in slot of bearing
4.9 装上推力轴承罩,并用定位销和螺钉将其定位固定在轴承支
4.9 Install thrust bearing cover, and use the position pin and
screw to fix it on the bearing support.
4.10 装上上半部径向轴承;
4.10 Install the upper part radial bearing.
4.11 装上径向轴承压盖,确保轴承防转销正确就位,然后用
4.11 Install radial bearing gland to make sure the position
of the bearing anti-rotation pin is correct. and then,
use position pin and nut to fix it in the lower part of
bearing support.
4.12 装上上部挡油圈;

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4.12 Install an upper part oil deflector ring.
4.13 装上轴承支架盖,确保挡油圈的防转销在轴承支架盖内
4.13 install bearing support cover to make sure the position
of the anti-rotating pin is correct inside of the bearing
support cover.
4.14 用定位销、螺栓、螺母将轴承支架盖定位固定在轴承支
4.14 Fix the bearing support cover in the bearing support
by using position pin, bolt and nut.
4.15 将润滑油密封圈装到端盖的槽内并装上其弹簧,用螺钉
4.15 Install the lubricate seal ring and spring in the cover
slot, and use the screw to fix the damper in the cover
in order to clip the seal ring.
4.16 在端盖上装上两个新的 O 型圈,用螺钉将其紧固在轴
承座上,螺钉紧固力矩为 130N·m。
4.16 Install two new O rings on the cover, and use the
screw to fix it on the bearing pedestal. The screw
straining moment is 130 N·m.
5 芯包组装
5 Core cladding Assemblies
参见 INDRAMAYU-J1-3A-00。
Refer to INDRAMAYU-J1-3A-00。
5.1 用螺栓将拆卸板紧固在传动端轴承支架上,旋入第一级拆
5.1 Use bolt to fix the disassembly plate on the support of the
driving end bearing, and screw the first stage disassembly
5.2 拆下组装芯包的螺母和拉杆,然后从进口端盖上拆下支撑
5.2 Disassemble the nut and pull rod of the core cladding, and
then, disassemble the supporting plate from the inlet
5.3 在大端盖、进口端盖的圆周槽内分别装上新的 O 形圈;在进
端盖的密封圈挡圈必须装在 O 形圈的进水口侧;
5.3 Separately install a new O ring in the slot around the big
end cover and inlet cover. Install a new stainless steel
tooth mat. Precaution: the seal ring reflect ring of inlet
cover should be installed in the water inlet side of the O

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5.4 大端盖上拧上吊环,在进口端盖上装上吊耳;
5.4 Screw lifting ring on the big end cover and lifting eye on
the inlet end cover.
5.5 将滚筒起顶组件固定在泵座;
5.5 Fix the lifting components of roller drum in the pump
5.6 把所有拆卸管都联接起来,将拆卸管组件推入筒体直到拆
5.6 Connect with all disassembled tubes, and put the
disassembled tube into the drum until it on the lifting
components of roller. Use the sling to connect the
disassembled tube components with the drum blot.
5.7 将芯包向筒体内移动直至第一节拆卸管能与拆卸管组件联
5.7 Move the core cladding to the drum until the first segment
of disassembled tube connect with dissembled tube
components, and put the core cladding on the lifting
components of rolling drum. And then, remove the sling
which connected tube with drum bolt.
5.8 拆去进口端盖上的起重工具和吊耳。注意芯包进入筒体时,
5.8 Disassemble the lifting tools and lifting eye on the inlet
cover. Precaution: when the core cladding enters into the
drum, adjust rolling drum lifting components in order to
make the center of the inlet cover and drum same.
5.9 将芯包小心地推入筒体内,拆下每级位于滚筒起顶组件处
体时,应非常小心确保各 O 形圈和 Garlock 密封件不受损
5.9 Carefully push the core cladding into the drum,
disassemble the disassembling tube in each rolling drum
lifting components until big end cover are all covered with
big nut. Precaution: when the core cladding enters into
drum, make sure every O ring and Garlock seal parts will
be not damaged and the core cladding has the same
center with the drum.
5.10 继续推芯包入筒体直到进口端盖和大端盖准确的定位在
5.10 Continuously push the core cladding into the drum,
until the inlet cover and big end cover can correctly

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locate in the drum.
5.11 当大端盖装贴在筒体上时,拆下端盖上的吊环;
5.11 When the big end cover is installed in the drum.
Disassemble the lifting ring on the cover.
5.12 从泵座上拆下滚筒起顶组件, 从传动端轴承座上拆下
5.12 Dissemble the rolling drum lifting components from
the pump pedestal, and disassemble the
disassembling tube from the driving end bearing
5.13 在大端盖双头螺栓上装上大螺母,并用手紧螺母;
5.13 Install big nut on the double ended bolt of big end
cover, and manually screw the nut.
5.14 用螺栓液压张紧装置预紧大螺母,参见图
5.14 Use bolt hydraulic pressure tension device to screw
the big nut, refer to diagram INDRAMAYU-J8-3B-00.
5.15 给大螺栓装上保护帽;
5.15 Install a protection cover for the big bolt.
5.16 在进口端盖和大筒体间装入新的垫片、O 形圈和挡圈;
5.16 Install new washer, O ring and reflector ring between
inlet cover and big drum.
5.17 将保持环装到进口端盖和大筒体间的凹槽内,用螺栓把
5.17 Install the holding ring in the slot between inlet cover
and big drum, and use bolt to fix the holding ring on
the big drum.
5.18 装上联轴器键,并装上半联轴器;
5.18 Install the key of the coupling, and install the upper
part of coupling.
5.19 旋入联轴器螺母,用专用板手旋紧,并用螺钉锁住;
5.19 Screw the coupling nut by special wrench, and use
screw to lock it.
5.20 在联轴器处手动盘泵,确保泵能旋转自如;
5.20 Manually turn the pump on the coupling, and make
sure the pump can freely rotate.
5.21 检查联轴器对中性;
5.21 Inspect the alignment of the coupling.

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5.22 装上联轴器叠片和中间联接体,然后装好罩壳;
5.22 Install the lamination and intermediate connection
parts, and then install the cover.
5.23 装上仪表,用新的接头垫圈接上冷却水管、润滑油管、
5.23 Install instrument, and use new joint washer to
connect the cooling water tube, lube oil tube, and all
minor caliber tubes which take apart before
王笑(P165) 试运行 Test operation
Test the inlet and outlet pressure of feed water pump, the motor
current, lubricant oil pressure to see whether it is within the
permitted range or not. Check the bearing to see whether there is
abnormal noise or not, whether the temperature is too high or not,
and whether the vibration is beyond standard or not. Check the
mechanical seal to make sure it is not leaking. Examine to make
sure whether the cooling water is circulating normally in lubricant
oil cooler, electric motor air cooler and mechanical seal or not.
The following table is reference parameter for feed water pump
表 3 轴承运行参考温度
正常 报警 1 报警 2
传动端径向轴承 70 75 90
自由端径向轴承 70 75 90
自由端推力轴承 75 80 95
Table 3 Operation Temperature Reference of Bearing
Normal Alarm 1 Alarm 2
Driving end radial 70 75 90
Free end radial bearing 70 75 90
Free end thrust bearing 75 80 95 故障检查及处理

Page 355 of 629 Malfunction check and solutions
If some parts or components fail to work normally, firstly ascertain
the main causes of the malfunctions before exchanging the
damaged components.
表 4 故障及处理方法
故障 可能原因 处理操作
1 电源故障 检查电源
2 电机故障 检查电机

泵组没能启动 3 启动装置故障 检查启动装置

4 泵组内卡住 依次断开每个联轴器,确定卡住
5 泵组处于跳闸状态 检查原因,重新整定跳闸值
1 电机或电源故障 检查电机与电源
2 旋转方向不对 检查旋转方向
3 前置泵或给水泵内极度磨损 泵解体检查,必要时进大修
4 再循环系统故障 检查该系统
5 给水泵转速低 检查偶合器调速系统和工作状况
6 泵进口压力低 检查进口情况
1 润滑油量不足或被污染 检查油源
2 泵和偶合器对中不好 检查对中情况
3 轴承磨损或偏移 检查轴承
4 润滑油规格不对 检查油的规格
1 出口压力低 检查流量
2 泵转子与静止部件有磨擦 检查间隙
3 泵内间隙过大 检查间隙
4 机械密封安装错误 检查机械密封
水泵过热或卡 检查进口阀是否打开,进口滤网
住 1 水泵在断水状况下工作 是否清洁。检查前置泵出口压力是
2 水泵内部有磨擦 检查间隙
3 供油不足或油的规格不对 检查油源和油的规格

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4 润滑油系统故障 检查油系统
5 轴承磨损或偏移 检查轴承
6 泵组对中不好 检查对中情况

1 转子部件动平衡差 找出泵组中引起故障的设备,检
2 联轴器对中性过差 检查对中情况
3 轴承磨损 检查轴承
4 地脚螺栓松动 检查螺栓
噪 音 和 振 动 过 5 泵内部间隙过大 检查间隙

6 吸入口失压 检查进水系统
7 联轴器损坏 检查联轴器

8 由于管道支承不良造成振动而引 检查泵组附近管道和支撑

9 再循环系统故障 检查再循环系统

Table 4 Malfunction and Solutions

Malfunction Possible cause Corrective action
1 Power failure Check power
2 Motor failure Check motor
3 Startup devices failure Check startup devices
Pumps startup Respectively disassemble
failure couplings to ascertain the
4 Pumps inside space jammed
jammed parts. Overhaul if
Ascertain causes and reset
5 Pumps in tripping state
tripping values
Pumps 1 Motor or power failure Check motor and power
output 2 Incorrect rotating direction Check rotating direction
3 Terrible friction inside booster Disassemble and check.
pump and feed water pump Overhaul if necessary.
4 Recirculation system failure Check this system

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5 Low rotating speed of feed Check coupler speed governing
water pump system and its working state.
6 Low inlet pressure of feed water
Check inlet condition
1 Inadequate or polluted lubricant
Check oil source
2 Misalignment of pump and
Bearing Check misalignment
running hot
3 Bearing friction or deviation Check bearing
4 Improper lubricant oil Check oil specification
1 Low outlet pressure Check flow amount
2 Friction between pump rotor
Check clearance
Pumps and stationary components
excessive 3 Excessive clearance inside the
power Check clearance
4 Installation mistake of
Check mechanical seal
mechanical seal
Check inlet valve (opened or
not?) and cartridge (cleaned or
1 Water pump no water running
not) .Test booster pump outlet
pressure(normal or not? )

Water pump 2 Pump inside friction Check clearance

overheat or 3 Inadequate oil supply or Check oil supply and oil
jammed improper oil specification specification
4 Lubricant oil system failure Check oil system
5 Bearing friction or deviation Check bearing
6 Misalignment of pumps Check alignment situation
Find out malfunctioned
1 Poor dynamic balance of rotor
equipment in pumps. Check
dynamic balance of its rotors.
2 Poor alignment of coupling Check alignment
noise or 3 Bearing friction Check bearing
vibration 4 Loosen anchor bolts Check bolt
5 Excessive clearance inside
Check clearance
6 Intake pressure loss Check water supply system

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7 Coupling damage Check coupling
8 Resonance caused by Check piping near pumps and
inadequate piping bracket. brackets
9 Recirculation system failure Check recirculation system
Note: Please also refer to instructions of related equipments like motor and
2.2.16 液力偶合器
2.2.16 Hydraulic coupler 概述 General
Hydraulic coupler is a device to change the mechanical energy of
the primary mover (motor) into mechanical energy by hydraulic
energy. The output torque and operating rotating rate can be
changed only by adjusting the hydraulic oil supply. Further, the
stepless speed changing of the main pump is achieved in this
way. 技术规范 Technical specification
表 5 设备规范
名称 单位
型 号 R17K.2E(VOITH)
输入转速 r/min 1490
输出转速 r/min 5491
最大输出功率 kW 4517
调速范围 % 25~100
机械损失(全载) kW 205±32
液力损失(全载) kW 96.5
效率 % 94
滑差 % ≤3

Table 5 Equipment Specification

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Name Unit
Model R17K.2E(VOITH)
Input rotating speed r/min 1490
Output rotating speed r/min 5491
Maximum (power) output (MPO) kW 4517
Speed adjusting range % 25~100
Mechanical loss (full load) kW 205±32
Hydrodynamic loss (full load) kW 96.5
Efficiency % 94
Slip % ≤3 设备简介 Equipment brief introduction
Main components of hydraulic coupler devices include: the
housing, driving gear, shaft, hydraulic coupler, bearing, oil pump,
scoop tube adjusting device, oil cooler, oil strainer and so on.
Refer to the constructional sketch. 箱体 The housing
The housing includes components like bearing pedestal, tank
base and oil tank. The tank base is the body shouldering all loads.
Its upper part connects to the bearing, tank cover bolts while the
lower part connects to the oil tank with bolts. The housing and oil
tank constitutes a compact entity in this way. Housing cover
functions as protection for the gear, over which there installed the
eccentric adjusting sleeve for adjusting scoop tube. 齿轮和轴 Gear and shaft
Driving gear is skew tooth cylindrical gear is made of stainless

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steel by carburizing, quenching and fine grinding. It is hot shrink
onto the shaft. Gear shaft is made of carbon steel. Lubrication is
sprayed with pressure at engaging point. 液力偶合器 Hydraulic coupler
Slide control of coupler is achieved by the scoop tube, adjusting
the oil supply and oil output. Many radical blades are in the
coupler pump impeller, about 20~40 ones. To prevent resonance
situation, blades on turbine are usually 1~4 ones less than that of
pump wheel. One safety fusible plug is installed on outward rotary
casing of the coupler in case of excessive temperature of
operating oil inside the coupler. 齿轮传动装置的轴承 Bearing of gear driving device
Every gear shaft has two sliding bearings to support it. These
bearing are all composed of semi-structured bearing bushes. The
axial force yielded by coupling rotation is shared by pump wheels,
and two-way thrust bearings on the turbine rotors respectively.
Thrust bearing consists of thrust shoes of the thrust button.
Lubricant oil used for the bearing and thrust bearing is usually
pressure oil. 勺管调节装置 Scoop tube adjusting device
Install one scoop tube device close to the rotary internal sleeve of
turbine side. Hydraulic transmitting oil can be adjusted by
changing the travel length of the scoop tube. Rotating speed of
pump is changed in this way. Scoop tube moves away from the
operating chamber (also oil surface direction). Oil discharged from
the scoop tube decreases while oil is filled into the operation
chamber from mail oil pump. In this way, rotating speed of the
pump is increased. As scoop tube moves inwards the oil surface,
oil discharged from the scoop tube increases. The rotating speed

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of the pump decreases consequently. 油系统 Oil system
It mainly contains one main oil pump, one auxiliary oil pump,
two oil coolers and oil piping. Main oil pump and auxiliary pump
are respectively driven by the input shaft of the coupling and one
motor. They are all gear oil pump. Main oil pump supplies oil for
recirculation loop as the coupling runs. Auxiliary oil pump supplies
oil for all bearings before the motor is started up or shut down. Oil
coolers can be classified into working oil cooler and main
lubrication oil cooler, among which the previous one functions as
operating oil in the cooling coupling tank, and the latter one aims
to cool the lubricant oil for all bearings. 检修工艺 Maintenance process 解体 Disassembling
1 排出动力油;
1 Discharge the power oil.
2 分解输入轴和输出轴对轮。
2 Disassemble wheels of input shaft and output shaft.
2.1 联轴器解体前晃度测量,在液力偶合器与给水泵及液力偶合
2.1 Before disassembling the coupling, the shaking degree
has to be tested. Apart from marking exactly at the related
positions such as one between the hydraulic coupler and
feed water pump, as well as the one between hydraulic
coupler and motor coupling, it is necessary to measure
the shaking degree of coupler wheel. Specific steps are as
2.1.1 将联轴器的圆周分成8等分,并用记号笔标识序号;
2.1.2 将百分表装上,表测量杆指向所标记号的1位置,并
2.1.3 按旋转方向盘动偶合器转子,依次对准各点进行测量,

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2.1.4 最大晃度值是联轴器直径两端相对数值差的最大值。
2.1.1 Divide the coupling circle into 8 equal sections and mark the
sequence with marking pen.
2.1.2 Install a dial indicator, and set the stick pointing at the position
marked 1. Make the stick be vertical to the coupling outward
2.1.3 Move the coupler rotors in accordance with the rotating direction.
Respectively calibrate each point to test it. The reading value
when it returns back to the initial position should be same as the
initial value. Otherwise, test it again.
2.1.4 Maximum shaking degree valve is the maximum difference
between the diameters of coupling two ends.
2.2 联轴器螺栓拆除
2.2 Disassemble bolts of coupling
When disassembling the coupling, related positions of
bolts, screw caps, gaskets and holes should be marked
respectively. When taking apart the bolt, do not use iron
hammer to hit the bolt end. Instead, one cooper rod
should be put as a cushion to prevent damage to the
screw thread. The disassembled pins from the coupling
should be kept well in case of loss.
2.3 复检联轴器中心
2.3 Repeat testing the coupling center
中心复检过程中,一般需 3 块百分表,两块测量端面,一
联轴器圆周进行四等分,转子每转动 90°记录一次表的读数,
After disassembling the couplings at two ends of the
coupler, it is required to re-test the centers of the coupler
and equipment at two ends and record the results.
Generally, when re-testing the coupler center, only the
actual value at the center needs to be recorded. Not
necessary to adjust it back within the standard range.

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Altogether 3 dial indicators are needed to re-test the
impeller center, among which two are assigned to test the
end face, and the other one is supposed to test the circle.
These three gauges are fixed onto the coupling by clips.
In order to achieve the test precision of the test, the two
gauges for two ends should be installed at corresponding
positions which are in same diameter and have equal
distance with the center. Record the initial values of each
gauge. When start testing, firstly please divide the circle
into four equal sections. Ever since the rotor moves 90°,
record the reading value. The rotor has to move a whole
circle, and then fill the test result into related tables. At this
point, the disassembling work can be started.
3 控制勺管的解体
3 Control scoop tube disassembling
Disassemble the link lever connecting to the actuator, and
check the control handle on the actuator. Take apart eh stick
at the scoop tube position and measuring rule bracket. Take
apart the position control ring and move it, which is beneficial
for checking the control handle.
4 拆卸箱盖
4 Disassemble the housing cover
Take apart the shaft center line and other fittings that may
cause blockage. Disassemble all vertically arranged bolts and
tapered pins. Remove the fixed bolts above all interfaces.
Loosen bolts on motor shell of the auxiliary oil pump, and then
pull down the motor. After disassembling the intermediate
shell, please screw off the flange bolts on shell wall of the
auxiliary lubricant oil pump. Disconnect the upper cover by
screwing off the bolts, and lift up the top cover of the coupler
with crane. During the lifting process, the top cover has to
keep its balance in case of any collision between the top
cover and the rotor components, causing damage to the
equipment. Put the top cover onto a bed timber stably.
5 解体偶合器转子组件

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5 Disassemble the (coupler) rotor components
点 6 的轴承瓦座上,通过供油槽穿一根(最小直径 Φ1㎜)的钢
丝并在瓦座顶部拧到一块。轴承测点 7 的轴瓦与瓦座通过帽罩结
紧一个 M24 的吊环,将转子组件吊起放到橡胶垫上。拆下捆绑
Take apart the control shaft from the housing guide apparatus
and lubricant oil injecting tube from the input side. Remove all
the temperature pickup. Disassemble the thrust bearing cover
as well as the outward thrust bearing. Take apart the thrust
disc and remove the sector block from the thrust bearing. Go
a steel wire (minimum diameterΦ1 ㎜ ) through the oil supply
slot on bearing seat of measuring point 6, and screw it
together at top of the base. The bearing bush at measuring
point 7and the bearing pedestal are connected together by
Remove the fusible plug out of the main body and discharge
the residual oil liquid in the body. Screw off the fixing bolts on
pump side bearing and remove it. Screw a M24 lifting bolt into
the central hole on the main driving shaft of the coupler rotor
6 偶合器组件的解体
6 Disassembly to the coupler components
进一步解体轴瓦及解体推力轴承的轴承测点 9、10、11、12。
After the driving worm wheel is removed from the drum body,
the drum body itself may slide downwards. Therefore, three
wood columns are usually adopted to support the drum.
Screw off the bolts connecting the drum and pump wheel.
Disconnect the driving worm wheel with shaft from the drum.
Put away the three wood columns and slowly put down the
drum in the scoop tube direction. Screw off the bolts fixing the
driven worm wheel and press down the driven worm wheel.
There are two inside holes on the driven shaft flange.
Disassemble the inwards opening spring clamp through the
inside bore diameter and draw off the positioning bolt. From
the scoop tube chamber, draw off the scoop tube and its

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positioning sleeve. At this point, the drum can only be
removed through scoop tube chamber. Take off the scoop
tube chamber on the horizontal level and loosen the bolts.
The upper part of the scoop tube chamber can be
disassembled to give convenience to the disassembly of the
bearing bush and measuring point 9, 10, 11, 12 of the thrust
7 输入轴的解体;
7 Disassembly of the input shaft
松开 1 瓦轴承盖固定螺栓。用绑线(最小直径 Φ1㎜)把轴瓦的
轴承测点 1 和 2 束缚在一起,起吊输入轴,吊离箱体并放在枕
Loosen the bearing cover fixing bolt of bush 1. Bind the
measuring point 1 and 2 of the bearing on bearing bush
together with binding wire (minimum diameter Φ1 ㎜). Lift the
input shaft away from the housing and put it on a bed timber.
Remove the binding wire and bearing bush from the input
8 解体主油泵;
8 Disassemble the main oil pump.
9 解体辅助润滑油泵。
9 Disassemble the auxiliary lubricant oil pump. 清洗检查偶合器部件 Clean up and check the coupler components
1. 清洗拆下来的所有转动部件。
2. 检查主动涡轮和从动涡轮(叶片栅的共振实验)。
3. 检查勺管机械装置磨损程度及机械装置的功能。检查是否需要更
4. 在滑动轴承回装之前,需把轴及轴承的安装表面抛光。
5. 从密封的表面上清除掉旧的密封胶。
6. 冲洗油箱并除去油泥渣和密封胶残渣。
1) Clean all the disassembled rotating components.
2) Check the driving worm wheel and driven worm wheel (blades
resonance test).
3) Check the abrasion of the scoop tube mechanical device and
functions of the mechanical devices. Check to see whether
necessary to change a new fusible plug or not. Examine situations of
all the bearings.
4) Before the slide bearing is installed back, the installation surface of

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the shaft and bearing should be polished.
5) Clean the waste sealing gel away from the sealing surface.
6) Flush the oil tank and remove the oil and mud residue and sealing
gel residue. 回装 Reinstallation
1 说明
1 Instruction
1.1 用耐油密封胶涂敷所有密封表面;
1.1 Use the oil resistant sealing gel to coal all the sealing
1.2 当装配转子部件时,请注意在零件表面上的标记号。
1.2 When installing the rotor and its components, pay close
attention to the marks on the components surface.
2 偶合器转子组件的组装
2 Installation of the coupler rotor components
按照标记,安装推力轴承 8 和 9 以及 10 瓦,并按照勺管室组件
簧卡圈。安装从动涡轮并栓紧固定。起吊筒体,用 3 根木棒支撑
Install the thrust bearing bush 8, 9, and 10 according to the
marks. Put the scoop tube chamber into its exact space
position. Assemble the upper and lower parts of the chamber
and bind them together. After painting the sealing gel, please
install the output shaft end cover. Screw on the fusible plug
tight onto the drum. The drum should be installed back to its
working position through the chamber.
Assemble the scoop tube and its guide apparatus into the
chamber. Positions are in accordance with the positioning bolt
holes. Install the positioning bolts and opening spring clamp.
Put in the driven worm wheel and screw it tight enough. Lift
the drum and support it with three wood rods. Install the
driving worm wheel onto the driving shaft and tighten it onto
the drum.
3 偶合器转子组件的装配
3 Installation of the coupler rotor components

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安装 5 瓦及 6 瓦,用绑线固定。悬吊转子组件。用密封胶涂法兰
Install bush 5 and 6 and tighten them with binding wire. Lift
the rotor components. Paint the lower part of the flange
surface with sealing gel. Put the rotor components back into
the housing and remove the binding wire. Assemble the thrust
bush base, thrust bush, thrust disc, and bearing end cover.
Then install the control stem.
4 输入轴的装配
4 Installation of the input shaft
用绑线固定好 1/2 瓦和 3/4 瓦,起吊输入轴,装入箱体内,拆去
Tighten the bush 1/2 and bush 3/4 with binding wire. Lift the
input shaft and install it into the housing. Then remove the
binding wire.
5 主油泵装配。
5 Assembly of main oil pump.
6 辅助油泵装配。
6 Installation of auxiliary oil pump.
7 箱盖的安装。
7 Installation of the housing cover.
8 调节勺管的位置
8 Adjusting the scoop tube position
Install the position adjusting ring on the coupler housing and
tighten it onto the adjusting stem with positioning bolts. Put in
the measuring rule bracket and the stick at scoop tube
position according to their original positions. Connect the link
lever of the actuator with the adjusting link lever. Note there is
no adjusting limit on the scoop tube, but the adjusting limit is
on the actuator.
4.3.9 其余工作
4.3.9 Other work
Check the alignment of the primary mover and driven
machine. Connect the coupling and install the protection

Page 368 of 629

shield. Install back the disassembled piping and leg wire.
Fill in the working oil again. 质量标准 Quality standard
1 轴承间隙
1. Bearing clearance
表 6 液力偶合器各瓦间隙表
轴 承 序 号
尺 寸
1 2 3、4 5 6 7 8、9 10

Φ140 Φ140 轴向间 Φ105 Φ115 Φ85 轴向间 Φ90

轴径 隙 隙
Min 0.21 0.21 0.200 0.17 0.17 0.088 0.200 0.094
Max 0.275 0.275 0.319 0.232 0.232 0.14 0.324 0.145
更换轴承间隙 0.295 0.295 0.619 0.252 0.252 0.160 0.624 0.165

Table 6 Clearance Parameter of Hydraulic coupler Bearings

Bearing Number
1 2 3、4 5 6 7 8、9 10
Axial Axial
Shaft diameter Φ140 Φ140 clearanc Φ115 Φ85 clearanc Φ90
e e
Min 0.21 0.21 0.200 0.17 0.17 0.088 0.200
0.23 0.14
Max 0.275 0.275 0.319 0.232 0.14 0.324
2 5
value for
0.295 0.295 0.619 0.252 0.252 0.160 0.624 0.165

2 泵轮与涡轮轴向间隙为:4.5~5.0mm。
2. The axial clearance between pump wheel and worm
wheel is: 4.5~5.0mm.
3 泵轮转子同涡轮转子的径向跳动和端面跳动应:≤0.03mm。
3. Radial run-out and end face run-out of the pump wheel rotor

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and worm wheel rotor should be: ≤0.03mm.
4 转子径向晃度、凸肩端面飘偏≤0.03mm。
4. Radial shaking degree of the rotor and the shoulder end face
deviation should be ≤0.03mm.
5 升速齿轮基准端面飘偏≤0.02mm。
5. Speed raising gear basic end face deviation should be
6 升速齿轮齿顶圆径向晃度≤0.05mm。
6. Radial shaking degree of the speed raising gear top tooth
should be ≤0.05mm.
7 推力盘端面飘偏≤0.04mm。
7. Thrust disc end face deviation should be ≤0.04mm.
8 泵轮与涡轮套止口配合间隙为:0.03~0.09mm。
8. Cooperative clearance between the pump wheel and worm
wheel sleeve should be within the range of : 0.03~0.09mm.
9 增速齿轮接触面积沿齿宽≥75%、沿齿高≥65%。
9. Speed raising gear interface area along the gear width should
be ≥75%, and it should be ≥65% along the gear height.
10 增速齿轮齿侧间隙为 0.30~0.45mm。
10. Side clearance of the speed raising gear should be 0.30 ~
11 推力瓦块接触面积≥75%。
11. Contacting area of the thrust bush block should be ≥75%.
12 推力瓦块厚度偏差≤0.02mm。
12. Thickness deviation of the thrust bush block should be
13 传动扭距、功率的连接螺栓、螺钉紧固,无松动、变形、裂纹、损
13. Connecting bolt and screw between the driving torque and
power should be tight and secure, no loose, no deformation,
no crack and no damage.
14 泵轮、涡轮叶片应无裂纹、损伤。
14. Pump wheel and worm wheel should have no crack and
15 涡轮与涡轮套上巴氏合金应无裂纹、脱胎。
15. The babbit alloy on worm wheel itself and its sleeve should
have no crack and in place securely.

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16 涡轮与排供油腔体径向总间隙为 0.30~0.50mm。
16. Total radial clearance between the worm wheel and oil supply
and discharge chamber should be within 0.30~0.50mm.
17 壳体、油箱法兰结合面无幅向沟槽、刻痕及损伤。
17. No horizontal slot, nick or damage should exist on the housing
and oil tank flange interface.
18 勺管口无碰伤、凹陷、豁边等缺陷。
18. The scoop tube opening should have no defects like collision,
dishing or gap.
19 轴承、供排油腔体装配紧力为 0.03~0.05mm。
19. The assembly tension of the bearing and oil supply and
discharge chamber should be within 0.03~0.05mm.
20 勺管与勺管套配合间隙为:0.03~0.05mm,配合灵活,无卡涩。
20. The working clearance between the scoop tube and its sleeve
should be within 0.03 ~ 0.05mm. They have to act flexibly
without any jamming.
21 涡轮套与供排油腔体径向总间隙为 1.00~1.10mm,且四周均匀。
21. Total radial clearance between the worm wheel sleeve and oil
supply and discharge chamber should be within1.00 ~
1.10mm, and the surrounding has to be even and equal.
22 顺序阀阀芯与阀套配合总间隙为:0.03~0.05mm。顺序阀阀芯
22. The total working clearance between the sequential valve
core and valve sleeve should be within 0.03 ~ 0.05mm. This
valve core and sleeve should be smooth without any blur and
23 齿轮应无裂纹,打齿,根切现象。
23. There should be no defects like crack, tooth loss and
24 减压阀同顺序阀。
24. Relief valve and sequence valve.
25 齿轮润滑油泵齿轮轴向单侧间隙为 0.04~0.07mm。
25. The clearance between gear shaft of the gear used lubricant
oil pump and the single side is 0.04~0.07mm.
26 齿轮油泵齿侧间隙为 0.10~0.20mm。
26. Tooth side clearance of the gear oil pump is 0.10~0.20mm.
27 齿轮油泵轴瓦间隙为 0.08~0.12mm。

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27. Bearing bush clearance of the gear oil pump is 0.08 ~
28 齿轮油泵齿面接触 75%以上,不得偏斜。
28. The tooth interface contact of the gear oil pump should be
above 75%, no deviation is permitted.
29 各转子回装后盘动灵活、不卡、不磨。
29. Shaft turning after all rotors have been installed back should
be flexible, no blockage and no friction.
30 勺管与控制轴装配:空齿数 1 个。
30. Installation of scoop tube and control stem: one free tooth.
31 推力瓦轴向间隙为 0.25~0.30mm。
31 Axial clearance of the thrust bush is 0.25~0.30mm.
32 轴窜动量为 0.20~0.30mm。
31. Axial displacement should be 0.20~0.30mm.
33 大齿轮转子密封环与密封端盖轴向距离≥1.5mm。
32. Axial distance between sealing ring of the big gear rotor and
sealing end cover should be ≥1.5mm.
34 冷油器打压 5 分钟不漏。
33. The oil cooler should be pressured for 5 minutes. No leakage
35 润滑油压在 0.25MPa 左右。
34. Lubricant oil pressure is around 0.25MPa .
36 中心要求见给水泵部分质量标准。
36. The center requires seeing parts of the quality standard of the
feed water pump.
2.2.17 前置泵
2.2.17 Booster pump 概述 General Description
This pump aims to supply the water coming out from deaerator to
the feed water pump, increasing the water pump inlet pressure. 技术规范 Technical specification

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表 7 设备规范
名称 单位 TMCR
型号 FA1D56A
型式 卧式、轴向中分泵壳型
泵送介质 锅炉给水
级数 1 级双吸叶轮
流量 m3/h 685
进口压力 Mpa 1.02
出口压力 Mpa
扬程 m 100.5
汽蚀余量(必须) m 3.98
效率 % 82.7
轴功率 KW 200.2
进水温度 ℃ 183.49
密度 kg/m3 883.16
转速 r/min 1490

Table 7 Equipment specification

Name Unit TMCR
model FA1D56A
type Horizontal, axial midsplit pump shell type
Pump conveying
Boiler feed water
Stage Stage 1 double suction impeller
Flow m3/h 685
Inlet pressure Mpa 1.02
Outlet pressure Mpa
Delivery head m 100.5
NPSH(must) m 3.98
Efficiency % 82.7
Shaft power KW 200.2

Page 373 of 629

Inlet water
℃ 183.49
Density kg/m3 883.16
Rotating speed r/min 1490

表 8 接口垫片尺寸
接口位置 材料 尺寸 截面厚度
泵体与泵盖之间 橡胶制品 现场配 0.8mm
盖、泵体与冷却壳体之间 橡胶制品 现场配 0.4mm
冷却壳体与密封盖之间 橡胶制品 现场配 0.4mm
自由端轴承座与端盖之间 耐热橡胶 φ133 3.5
机械密封轴套与泵轴之间(O 形 耐热橡胶 φ80 5.7

Table 8 Interface gasket dimension

Interface position Material Dimension Sectional
Between pump body and Rubber Onsite 0.8mm
cover product assembly
Between cover, pump body Rubber Onsite 0.4mm
and cooling shell product assembly
Between cooling shell and Rubber Onsite 0.4mm
sealing cover product assembly
Between bearing pedestal of Heat resistant φ133 3.5
free end and end cover rubber
Between mechanical seal Heat φ80 5.7
shaft sleeve and pump shaft resistant
(O ring) rubber 设备简介 Equipment introduction

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This pump is single stage, horizontal and axial split type. One
shell is supported near the center line to allow the axial and radial
expansion to retain its alignment. It consists of shell body,
impellers, shaft, and impeller sealing ring, bearing, shaft seal,
coupling and pump base. Mechanical seals are installed at the
driving end and free end of the pump. Bearing is composed of
two-way thrust bearing at free end, radial bearing and radial
bearing at driving end. Lubricant oil used for all bearings is
supplied by the oil system of the coupler.
The shell is made of cast by carbon steel with high quality. It is a
twin turbine shell type which is divided at the horizontal center
line. Inlet and outlet piping is install at lower part of the shell, in
case of the trouble such as disassembling connecting piping
during maintenance. Compressed asbestos gasket is installed on
the horizontal interface of the shell. One air evacuation valve is
set on top of upper cover.
The impeller is twin suction type. This can ensure its axial force
balance. One two-way thrust bearing is installed at free end. It is
the key that fix the impeller onto the shaft. The axial position is
decided by nuts on wheel hubs at two ends. Impeller sealing ring
is installed inside the shell body. It is positioned by rotation
resistant pin, to decrease the water loss.
Bearing is installed on the bracket. It is rolling bearing and
lubricated by diluted lub.oil. One cooling water chamber is
installed on the bearing bracket.
This pump installs one mechanical seal, which is composed of
rotor ring of spring bracket and stationary ring of the water cooler.
One set of water cooling devices are installed on the separated
packing tank. This help to keep the low ambient temperature
around the rotating part of the mechanical seal. The disc-like
coupling between the pump and motor is metal made laminated
structure, and it is flexibility and torsional stiffness combined

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图 2 前置泵结构简图
Fig.2 Structure sketch of the booster pump 检修工艺 Maintenance process 维修的准备工作 Preparations before maintenance
Before maintenance, some isolation work has to be done
according to the following steps:
1. 切断电机及润滑油系统的电源;
2. 切断所有仪表电源;
3. 检查泵组进口和出口阀及再循环系统进口和出口阀门是否关闭;
4. 检查冷却水源是否被切断;
5. 切断给水泵第二级抽头阀门;
6. 打开放水,放气孔,把泵壳内水排出;
7. 维修前必须确保泵内是无压的。
1) Cut off the power supply of the motor and lubricant oil system.
2) Cut off the power supply of all instruments.
3) Check to see whether the inlet and outlet valves of pumps as well as
inlet and outlet valves of the recirculation system have been closed or
4) Check to see whether the cooling water source has been cut off or

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5) Close the secondary suction valve of the feed water pump.
6) Open the water discharge and ventilation hole, discharging the water
in the pump shell.
7) Make sure that there is no pressure inside the pump before
注:若要拆机械密封,须进行步骤 1-7。
Note: If the mechanical seal has to be disassembled, the above
mentioned steps 1-7 have to be taken.
雷菲(4658) 检查轴承 Bearing inspection
注:组装时,所有接口垫片和 O 型圈都应更换新的。
If it is not necessary to dismantle the rotor parts but dismantle the
bearings for inspection and replacement, dismantle according to
the following procedures:
(Notice: during reassembling, all the joint gaskets and O rings
should be replaced)
1 传动端轴承
1. Driving-end bearing
1.1 拆下联轴器防护罩;
1.1 Dismantle coupling protecting cover
1.2 拆下联轴器螺栓,并取下联轴器叠片组件;
1.2 Dismantle coupling bolts and pick out coupling lamination
1.3 拆下传动端轴承座油管;
1.3 Dismantle oil pipe of driving-end bearing pedestal;
1.4 拆下轴承热电阻测温探头,防止损坏;
1.4 Dismantle the temperature-measuring probe of bearing
thermal resistance in case it is damaged;
1.5 拆下盖板与轴承座连接的螺钉,滑动盖板,使其脱离轴承
1.5 Dismantle the screws connecting cover board and bearing
pedestal, and slide the cover board to withdraw it from
bearing pedestal;
1.6 拆下轴承座上下两半部的紧固螺母;
1.6 Dismantle the tightening nuts in upper and lower part of
the bearing pedestal;
1.7 拆下定位销,把起吊螺栓拧入轴承盖,小心吊起轴承盖并
1.7 Dismantle the positioning pins and screw down the lifting

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bolts into the bearing cover, and lift the bearing cover out
carefully; ensure that the positioning pins and joint surface
should not be damaged;
1.8 拆下挡油圈和径向轴承上半部;
1.8 Dismantle the oil baffle and upper part pf journal bearing;
1.9 顶起泵轴,绕着轴转动挡油圈下半部和径向轴承下半部,
1.9 Jack up the pump shaft and rotate the oil baffle lower part
and journal bearing lower part along with shaft and then
take them out;
1.10 清洗并检查径向轴承及挡油圈有无损坏和磨损,若有损坏
1.10 Clean and inspect journal bearing and oil baffle to see
whether they suffer damage and abrasion, if so, replace
them. Journal bearing and oil baffle’s upper and lower
parts can not be interchanged; do marks on them for the
future assembly;
1.11 将径向轴承和挡油圈下半部涂上一层油装到原位,放下轴;
1.11 Paint oil on the journal bearing and the lower part of oil
baffle and assemble them to the original position, and
then put down shaft;
1.12 将上半部挡油圈装入轴承盖,确保定位正确;
1.12 Put the upper oil baffle into the bearing cover and ensure
its positioning is correct;
1.13 将上半部径向轴承在轴颈上就位;
1.13 Place the upper journal bearing on the bearing journal;
1.14 拧松起吊螺栓,确保螺栓不凸出接口工作面,吊起轴承盖
1.14 Loosen the bolts and then lift them to ensure that they are
not over the joint working surface; and then lift bearing
cover and put it on the bearing pedestal;
1.15 装上轴承盖,安装定位销;
1.15 Install bearing cover and positioning pin;
1.16 将螺母拧在双头螺栓上,紧固上、下两半轴承座;
1.16 Screw down the nuts on the double-head bolt and fasten
the upper and lower bearing pedestals;
1.17 装上盖板,并用螺栓紧固在轴承座上;
1.17 Install cover board and fasten it on the beating seat by
1.18 装上轴承测温元件;
1.18 Mount temperature-measuring element of bearing;
1.19 装上轴承座油管;
1.19 Mount bearing pedestal oil pipe;
1.20 装好叠片式联轴器及联轴器防护罩。
1.20 Assemble the lamination-type coupling and coupling

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protecting cover;
2 自由端推力轴承和径向轴承
2. Free-end thrust bearing and journal bearing
2.1 拆下联轴器防护罩;
2.1 Dismantle coupling protecting cover;
2.2 拆下联轴器螺栓,并取下联轴器叠片组件;
2.2 Dismantle coupling bolt and take down the coupling
lamination assembly;
2.3 拆下自由端轴承座油管;
2.3 Dismantle free-end bearing pedestal oil pipe;
2.4 拆下推力轴承和径向轴承热电阻测温探头。推力轴承的热电
2.4 Dismantle the temperature-measuring probes of thrust
and journal bearing thermal resistance. The thermal
resistance of thrust bearing is inserted into the thrust pad,
in this case, be careful when do that.
2.5 拆除轴承座与端盖之间的六角螺栓,卸下端盖,并拆下端
盖上的 O 形圈;
2.5 Dismantle the hexagonal bolt between bearing pedestal
and end cover, dismantle end cover and the O ring on it;
2.6 拆下自由端轴承座与自由端轴承盖的螺栓上的螺母,并拔
2.6 Dismantle the free-end bearing pedestal and the screw on
the bolt of free-end bearing cover. Pick out the positioning
pin and screw into the lifting bolt. Lift out the bearing cover
2.7 绕轴旋转推力轴承座环,直至座环的上半部拆下,再旋转
2.7 Axially rotate the thrust bearing pedestal ring until its
upper part is dismantled. And then rotate the lower part of
bearing pedestal ring and dismantle it;
2.8 拆下径向轴承和挡油圈的上半部;
2.8 Dismantle the upper parts of journal bearing and oil baffle;
2.9 用合适的方法顶起轴;
2.9 Jack up the shaft with proper methods;
2.10 绕轴旋转径向轴承和挡油圈下半部,并将它们从轴承座上
2.10 Axially rotate the upper parts of journal bearing and oil
baffle, and then dismantle them from the bearing pedestal.
Journal bearing and oil baffle’s upper and lower parts can
not be interchanged; do marks on them for the future
2.11 清洗并检查径向轴承、油挡圈是否磨损和损环;
2.11 Clean and inspect journal bearing and oil baffle to see
whether they suffer damage and abrasion;
2.12 清洗并检查推力瓦块及推力盘是否损坏或磨损;如果更换

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2.12 Clean and inspect thrust pad and thrust disc to see
whether they suffer damage and abrasion. If a new thrust
pad needs to be changed, inspect the axial clearance. In
the normal operation, there should be no abrasion except
a little darkness on Babbitt metal of the thrust pad. When
the dark surface reaches half of the Babbitt metal surface,
it is suggested that the thrust pad should be replaced;
2.13 将下半部径向轴承、挡油圈涂上一层油,并绕轴旋转装入原
2.13 Paint oil on the lower part of journal bearing and oil baffle,
and then axially rotate them into the original position and
put down pump shaft;
2.14 将轴承座的端盖换上新的 O 形圈,并用六角螺栓紧固于轴
2.14 Change a new O ring for the end cover of bearing
pedestal and use hexagonal bolt to fasten it on the lower
part pf bearing pedestal;
2.15 按下述方法依次安装推力轴承:把不带销的半个推力轴承
力轴承座环的中分面与水平成 45°,定位销嵌在上半部轴承
2.15 Install thrust bearing as following procedures: put half
thrust bearing pedestal ring without pin on the shaft. The
thrust pad points at and places against the thrust disc;
then axially rotate it into the lower bearing pedestal and
put another thrust bearing pedestal ring with pin on the
upper part of first half ring. Rotate the whole thrust
bearing pedestal ring until the pin reaches to the median
vertex. Install the thrust bearing pedestal ring in another
side in same way as above. The split surface of thrust
bearing pedestal ring places 45° to horizon. The
positioning pin is inserted into the groove of upper bearing
2.16 检查轴向间隙,将泵轴向传动端方向靠足,使推力盘与内
2.16 Inspect the axial clearance and make pump shaft closed
to driving end in order to make that the thrust disc and
inner thrust bearing touch each other closely. Use scale to
measure the clearance between adjusting ring of outer
thrust bearing and end cover. Make pump shaft move

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forward to free end and then measure clearance. Make a
comparison between two measurement values and the
set original axial clearance. If there is obvious difference,
find out the causes. Notice: do not put the scale between
thrust disc and thrust pad to carry out measurement in
case the Babbitt metal surface is damaged. When
inspecting radial clearance, tighten the end cover to its
original position;
2.17 将上半部止挡油圈装入轴承盖内,并保证定位正确;
2.17 Put upper oil baffle into bearing cover and ensure its
positioning is correct;
2.18 装上上半部径向轴承;
2.18 Install the upper journal bearing;
2.19 装上轴承盖在轴承座上,安装时确保起吊螺栓不能凸出接
2.19 Put bearing cover on bearing pedestal and ensure that the
bolt is not over the joint combination surface when being
lifted; avoid damaging journal bearing and floating oil
sealing, and then install positioning pins. And use nuts to
tighten the upper and lower bearing pedestals;
2.20 装上轴承热电阻测温探头;
2.20 Install bearing thermal resistance temperature-measuring
2.21 装上轴承座油管;
2.21 Install oil pipe of bearing pedestal;
2.22 装好叠片式联轴器及联轴器防护罩。
2.22 Install lamination-type coupling and coupling protecting
cover. 检查机械密封 Inspect mechanical sealing
The mechanical sealing should be inspected simultaneously with
the bearing inspection unless some specific failures needed to be
1 传动端机械密封
1. Mechanical sealing of driving end
1.1 按 4.2.1 节步骤 1―9 拆卸;
1.1 Dismantle according to the procedures (1-9) described in
1.2 拆下联轴器螺母;
1.2 Dismantle coupling nuts;
1.3 拆下半联轴器及键;
1.3 Dismantle lower coupling and keys;
1.4 拆下传动端轴承座盖板;
1.4 Dismantle cover board of driving-end bearing pedestal;

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1.5 拆下油管和水管。注意终支撑着泵轴;
1.5 Dismantle oil drainage pipe and water pipe, and ensure
the pump shaft is supported all the time;
1.6 拆下传动轴轴承座下半部与泵壳连接的定位销和螺钉,并
1.6 Dismantle positioning pins and screws connecting the
lower part of driving bearing pedestal and pump casing,
and remove the lower part of bearing pedestal;
1.7 参考机械密封说明,按以下工序进行:拆下机械密封;检
1.7 Refer to the description of mechanical sealing and carry
out according to following procedure: dismantle
mechanical sealing and inspect the sealing parts. Replace
them if necessary. And then install the mechanical sealing;
1.8 用定位销使传动端轴承座下半部就位与泵壳上,并用六角
1.8 Make the lower part of driving bearing pedestal position
on the pump casing by positioning pin and use hexagonal
bolt to fasten it;
1.9 装上传动端轴承座盖板;
1.9 Install cover board of driving-end bearing pedestal;
1.10 装上油管和水管;
1.10 Install oil feeding pipe and water pipe;
1.11 按 4.2.1 节步骤 11-18 安装传动端径向轴承;
1.11 Install journal bearing of driving-end according to the 11-
18 procedures described in 4.2.1.
1.12 装上半联轴器键,并装上半联轴器;
1.12 Install the upper coupling and its keys;
1.12 旋紧联轴器螺母,装上定位螺钉,防止螺母松动;
1.12 Screw down coupling nut and install positioning bolt in
case the nut is loosened;
1.14 装好叠片联轴器及防护罩。
1.14 Install lamination-type coupling and protecting cover.
2 自由端机械密封
2. Free-end mechanical sealing
2.1 按 4.2.2 节步骤 1―10 拆卸自由端径向轴承和推力轴承;
2.1 Dismantle free-end journal bearing and thrust bearing
according to the 1-10 procedures described in 4.2.2;
2.2 拆下密封水管,注意应始终支撑着泵轴;
2.2 Dismantle sealing water pipe and ensure the pump shaft
is supported all the time;
2.3 拆下自由端轴承下半部;
2.3 Dismantle the lower part of free-end bearing;
2.4 拆下推力盘螺母和锁紧垫片;
2.4 Dismantle thrust disc nut and tightening gasket;

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2.5 拆下推力盘;
2.5 Dismantle thrust disc;
2.6 从轴上拆下浮动油封;
2.6 Dismantle floating oil sealing from the shaft;
2.7 参考机械密封说明,进行以下工序:拆下机械密封;检查
2.7 Refer to the description of mechanical sealing and take
the following procedure: dismantle mechanical sealing
and inspect the sealing parts. Change new ones if
needed. And then install the mechanical sealing;
2.8 装上浮动油封;
2.8 install the floating oil sealing;
2.9 装上推力盘键,用火焰加热推力盘内榖,装上推力盘;装
2.9 Install thrust disc keys and use flame to heat the inner hub
of thrust disc. Install thrust disc and its nut and then screw
them down;
2.10 等到推力盘冷却后,拆下推力盘螺母,装入防松垫圈,紧
2.10 When the thrust disc is cooled, dismantle its nut and
install lock washer. Tighten thrust disc nut;
2.11 装上自由端轴承座下半部;
2.11 Install lower part of free-end bearing pedestal;
2.12 安装润滑油和密封冷却水管道;
2.12 Install lube oil and sealing cooling water pipes;
2.13 按 4.2.2 节步骤 13-22 安装自由端径向和推力轴承及联轴器。
2.13 Install free-end radial and thrust bearing and coupling as
the procedures 13-22 described in 4.2.2. 大修 Overhaul 大修前的准备工作 Preparation before overhaul
When beginning the overhaul, the pump groups should be
isolated by the following methods:
1 切断电机及润滑油系统的电源;
1. Cut off the power supply for the motor and lube oil system;
2 切断所有仪表电源;
2. Cut off power supply for all the instruments;
3 检查泵组进口和出口阀门及再循环系统隔绝阀门是否关闭;
3. Check if the inlet and outlet valves of pump group and
isolation valve of recirculating system are closed;
4 检查冷却水源是否被切断;
4. Check whether the cooling water source has been cut off;
5 打开放水、放气孔,把泵壳内水排出。注意在维修泵之前,

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5. Open the water drainage and vent holes to discharge the
water out of the pump casing. Ensure there is no pressure
inside pump before the pump maintenance;
6 断开并拆下所有影响解体的仪表;
6. Cut off and dismantle all instruments which may influence
the disassembly;
7 拆下所有影响解体的小口径管道;
7. Dismantle all pipeline with minor-caliber which may
influence the disassembly;
8 检查所有起吊装置和专用工具是否良好。注意传动端泵轴上
8. Check if all lifting devices and special tools are in good
condition. Notice: the screw thread on the driving-end
pump shaft should be left-revolved; but right-revolved for
the free-end. Make new marks on each assembly for the
future installation. 泵解体 Pump disassembly
1 按 4.3.1 节步骤 1-6 拆卸传动端径向轴承;
1. Dismantle the driving-end journal bearing according to the
1-6 procedures described in 4.3.1;
2 按 4.3.2 节步骤 1-6 拆卸自由端径向轴承和推力轴承;
2. Dismantle the free-end journal bearing and thrust bearing
as the 1-6 procedures described in 4.3.2;
3 拔出泵体和泵盖联接的定位销,旋下紧固螺母;
3. Pick out the positioning pin connecting the pump and
pump cover, and screw down the nut;
4 拆下两端机械密封盖与密封冷却壳体的联接螺钉、机械密封
4. Dismantle the connecting bolt double-end mechanical
sealing cover and sealing cooling casing proper, and
tightening bolt of mechanical sealing bearing sleeve. Slide
the mechanical sealing out of shaft;
5 拆下两端密封冷却壳体与泵壳的联接螺栓;
5. Dismantle the connecting bolt of the double-end sealing
cooling casing proper and pump casing;
6 把起吊装置装入泵盖上的吊耳里,用顶升螺钉将泵盖顶起
6. Put the lifting device into lifting lug on the pump cover and
use jacking screw to jack up the pump cover. Lift the
pump cover carefully and then take it out;
7 装上起吊装置,吊住转子;
7. Install lifting device and suspend the rotor;
8 绕着叶轮旋转泵壳磨损环,直至其脱离泵体的槽,然后吊

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8. Rotate the pump casing along with the impeller wear ring
until it runs out of groove of the pump proper. And then lift
out the rotor and deliver it to the proper maintenance field. 转子解体 Rotor disassembly
1 把转子水平放置在支架上,确保转子牢固,平稳地在架子
1. Put the rotor on the support in horizontal level; ensure it is
firmly and statically mounted on the support;
2 参考机械密封说明,从泵轴上拆下传动端和自由端机械密
2. Refer to the description of mechanical sealing. Dismantle
the driving-end and free-end mechanical sealing
assembly, mechanical sealing shaft sleeve and shaft
sleeve keys out of pump shaft;
3 从泵轴上拆下传动端和自由端的冷却壳体和泵壳磨损环。
3. Dismantle the driving-end and free-end cooling casing
proper and pump casing wear ring out of pump shaft; 检查、更换和维修程序 Inspection, replacement and maintenance procedures
向运行间隙都必须用内、外径千分尺测量,并与本节 5.6 条所给的
Clean all parts and inspect thoroughly and check whether they
suffer abrasion and damage. The radial movement clearance of
all parts has to be measured by the inner and outer micrometer,
and compare with the values supplied in this chapter (tip 5 and 6),
if the measured value surpasses the regulated limit, replace that
part. The operating performance of pumps should be considered
first. For example: if the outlet pressure of pump decreases to
below the permissible value; if the power consumption of motor
obviously increases or the vibration value increase to overpass
the permissible degree etc.
1 叶轮和泵壳磨损环
1. Impeller and pump casing wear ring
1.1 检查叶轮是否有冲蚀现象,特别是在叶片的端部;
1.1 Inspect impeller to see whether there is flushing and
corrosion especially at the end of blades;
1.2 检查叶轮和与之对应的泵壳磨损环,测量两者之间的径向
间隙,若间隙超过下列 6 条中所给的值,应重新配置泵壳
1.2 Inspect impeller and the corresponding pump casing wear
ring. Measure the radial clearance between the two. If the
clearance exceeds the set values in the following six lines,
re-collocate the pump casing wear ring.
2 轴和轴套

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2. Shaft and shaft sleeve
2.1 检查轴的任何损坏和弯曲情况并检查同心度,同心度应在
表读数 0.025mm 之内;
2.1 Inspect shaft damage and bending degree and its
concentricity which should be within 0.025mm of the
2.2 检查机械密封轴套有无损坏或磨损情况。
2.2 Check if the mechanical sealing shaft sleeve suffers
damage and abrasion.
3 机械密封
3. Mechanical sealing
Check if the mechanical sealing suffers damage and
abrasion. If it is necessary, replace a new one (refer to the
Mechanical Sealing Illustration).
4 径向轴承和推力轴承
4. Journal bearing and thrust bearing
1 彻底清洗并检查径向轴承有无损坏或磨损。必要时更换新的
1. Clean the journal bearing and check if it suffers damage
and abrasion. If it is necessary, replace a new one;
2 彻底清洗并检查推力块有无损坏或磨损,必要时更换新的
2. Clean the thrust pad and check whether it suffers damage
and abrasion. If there is, change a new one. In the normal
operation, there should be no abrasion except a little
darkness on Babbitt metal surface of the thrust pad. When
the dark surface reaches half of it, replace for a new thrust
3 彻底清洗并检查推力盘有无损坏或磨损,必要时更换新的。
3. Clean the thrust disc and check if it suffers damage and
abrasion. If it is necessary, replace a new one;
4 轴承挡油圈及浮动油封有无损坏或磨损,必要时更换新的。
4. Clean the oil baffle and floating oil sealing and check if
they suffer damage and abrasion. If it is necessary,
replace a new one;
5 一般维修
5. Routine maintenance
5.1 检查所有的双头螺栓、螺母和螺栓有无损坏或变形,按需要
5.1 Check if all double-head bolts, nuts and bolts suffer
damage or deformation. If it is necessary, replace new
5.2 组装时所有的接口垫片和 O 型圈都要换新的;
5.2 All joint gaskets and O rings should be replaced for new

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ones during assembly.
5.3 检查联轴器的各个部件和螺栓有无磨损或损坏,必要时更
5.3 Check if each part of coupling and bolts suffer damage or
abrasion. If it is necessary, replace a new one;
6 间隙
6. Clearance
The first group is the clearance values of new components, while
the second group is about the clearance values of ones which
should be replaced.
表 9 前置泵的运行间隙 单位 mm
间隙位置 第一组 第二组
径向轴承与轴之间 0.08/0.10 0.18
叶轮与泵壳磨损环之间 0.56/0.62 1.18
2.0(传动端) _____
6.0(自由端) _____
推力盘与推力块(轴向) 0.30/0.50 根据检查
8.0 _____

Table 9 Operating clearance of front-positioning pump

Unit: mm
Clearance position First group Second group
Between journal bearing
0.08/0.10 0.18
and shaft
Between impeller and
0.56/0.62 1.18
pump casing wear ring
Between impeller and 2.0 ( driving end) _____
pump casing wear ring
6.0 ( free end) _____
( axial)
Thrust pad and thrust According to
disc(axial) inspection
Total axial displacement of
8.0 _____
rotor ( without thrust pad)

7 动平衡
7. Dynamic balance
Carry out dynamic balance inspection when replacing the
rotor or repair the components.

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If the equipment on-site proper, inspect dynamic balance
as follows:
7.1 以轴颈的中心线为支承点,检查转子的动平衡,其值应在
动平衡精度等级 G6.3 GB9239-1988(ISO 1940/1-1986(E))
7.1 Take the centerline of bearing journal as support point to
inspect the dynamic balance of rotor. The value should be
within G6.3 GB9239-1988(ISO 1940/1-1986(E)) (dynamic
balance fineness level).
7.2 要达到动平衡,可从叶轮盘上切削去金属,但切削量应在
过 1 .6mm;直径 400mm 以外处,禁止切削去金属;按扇
形计算切削金属量,扇形的弧度不能超过圆周的 10%。注意
7.2 In order to carry out dynamic balance, it is allowed to cut
off metal from the impeller disc and the cutting amount
should be within the following limits: the thickness of any
point on impeller disc should not exceed 1.6mm; do not
cut metal outside the place of 400mm diameter; calculate
the metal cutting amount according to the sector whose
radian should not exceed 10% of the circle. If the metal
cutting amount exceeds the regulated value, contact the
8 装配备用叶轮
8. Installation of spare impeller
The impeller can only be dismantled from shaft when
standby impeller or shaft needs to be installed. Before
dismantling the impeller from pump shaft, make sure of its
original position on the pump shaft for future assembly.
Replace the impeller according to following procedures:
8.1 松开叶轮螺母锁紧垫圈,用专用工具拆下两端叶轮螺母和
8.1 Loosen impeller nut lock gaskets. Use special tools to
dismantle impeller nut lock gaskets at two ends;
8.2 从轴上拆下叶轮和键;
8.2 Dismantle impeller and keys from the shaft;
8.3 检查键与备用叶轮或轴的键槽的配合是否合适;
8.3 Check if the keys and standby impeller or the key groove
of shaft match properly with each other;
8.4 在轴上装上叶轮,安装时注意叶轮的方向,并确保叶轮的
8.4 Install impeller on shaft and pay attention to the direction
of the impeller. Make sure the key groove of impeller is
aligned with the keys.
8.5 确保叶轮的轴向位置与原来位置相同以保证叶轮对中;

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8.5 Ensure the axial position of impeller is same with original
position to guarantee the impeller alignment;
8.6 装上叶轮锁紧垫圈和叶轮螺母,并轻轻预紧。
8.6 Install impeller lock washer and impeller nut and fasten
them slightly in advance. 组装泵 Pump assembly
Before the pump assembly, clean all the parts including holes and
oil pipelines. When assembling the pump, it is better to paint
colloidal graphite or something like that on the shaft and in the
bearing sleeve hole; and then clean them when they are dry.
1 将泵轴和叶轮组件支撑在木架上;
1. Make the pump shaft and impeller assembly supported on
wooden frame;
2 将泵壳磨损环装到叶轮盖板上;
2. Mount pump casing wear ring on impeller cover board;
3 将两端的冷却壳体换上新的密封垫装到轴上;
3. Replace new sealing gasket of cooling casing proper at
two ends and then install it on the shaft;
4 把转子栓好,小心地吊起,放进泵体内,在放转子时注意
4. Tie the rotor firmly and lift it out, and then put it in the
pump body. Put the pump casing wear ring into groove of
pump body correctly when laying the rotor. Ensure the
cooling casing proper is placed in the right place. Do not
damage the sealing gasket;
5 更换新的泵体中分面密封垫;
5. Replace the sealing gasket on the mid-split surface of the
pump body;
6 将起吊装置装到泵盖的吊耳内,确保所有接合面都很清洁
6. Mount the lifting device into the lug of pump cover and
ensure all joint surfaces are clean. Lift the pump cover to
pump body carefully;
7 将机械密封轴套键装到轴上。
7. Install mechanical sealing sleeve keys on the shaft;
8 按机械密封说明,安装机械密封;
8. Install mechanical sealing according to Mechanical
Sealing Illustration;
9 按 4.3.1 节所讲步骤第 8-13 装上传动端轴承;
9. Install driving-end bearing according to the 8-13
procedures described in 4.3.1;
10 按 4.3.2 节所讲步骤第 8-11 装上自由端轴承;

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10. Install free-end bearing according to the 8-11 procedures
described in 4.3.2;
11 按以下步骤检查转子轴向位置和推力轴承的轴向间隙:
11. Inspect the axial position of rotor and axial clearance of
thrust bearing as the following procedures:
11.1 将转子向传动端靠足,以推力盘内侧面为基准,在轴承座
Move rotor to driving end and take inner side of thrust disc
as bench mark to draw a straight line on the horizontal
plane of the lower half pf bearing pedestal;
11.2 再将转子向自由端靠足,以相同的基准面在轴承座的水平
Move rotor to free end and take the same bench mark to
draw another straight line on the horizontal plane
11.3 测量二线间的距离,该值应为约 8mm;
Measure the distance between the two lines, and it should
be around 8mm;
11.4 把内侧两半部推力轴承导环及间隔圈装入轴承座下半部内
第三条线,该线应距内侧一条线 2mm;注意转子应从二条
线的中位向传动端靠 2mm。
Mount guide rings and isolation ring of the two half thrust
bearings in inner side to the lower part of bearing
pedestal. Move rotor to driving end. Take the same bench
mark and then mark the third line on the bearing pedestal
horizontal plane. This third line should be 2mm away from
the inner line. The rotor should move 2mm to the driving
end from the median position of the two lines.
11.5 将外侧两半部推力轴承导环及间隔圈装入轴承座下半部内;
Mount guide rings and isolation rings of the two half thrust
bearings in outer side of the lower part of bearing
11.6 在电机位于运转位置条件下,检查电机侧与泵侧半联轴器
工作面之间的轴向距离,其值应为 175mm;
When the motor is in operation, check the axial distance
between the half coupling working surface at motor side
and pump side, and that distance should be 175mm;
11.7 按上述方法推移泵轴,仔细测量轴向间隙,将推力盘紧贴
座之间,用塞尺测量该间隙,该间隙应为 0.30/0.50mm ,
Push and move pump shaft according to the above
methods. Measure the axial clearance. Stick the thrust
disc on one side of the thrust pad; use feeler gauge to
measure the clearance between the bearing pedestal and
adjustment block of thrust pad in another side; the

Page 390 of 629

clearance should be 0.30/0.50mm. Find out the reason if
any changes appear during measurement. Do not insert
the feeler gauge between thrust disc and thrust pad, in
this way the measurement result would be incorrect and it
may cause damage to the Babbitt metal surface of thrust
pad as well.
12 将自由端径向轴承上半部放到轴上;
12. Put the upper part of free-end journal bearing on the shaft;
13 把止油挡圈上半部装入自由端轴承座上半部,并保证其定
13. Put the upper part of oil baffle into the upper half of free-
end bearing pedestal, and ensure its positioning pin works
14 装上轴承盖在自由端轴承座上,安装时确保起吊螺栓不能
14. Install bearing cover on free-end bearing pedestal. During
installation, ensure the lifting bolts do not budged the joint
surface and pay attention not to break the journal bearing
and floating oil sealing. And then mount positioning pins
and fasten the upper part and lower part of bearing
pedestal with nuts;
15 将传动端径向轴承上半部放到轴上;
15. Put the upper part of driving-end journal bearing on the
16 把止油挡圈上半部装入传动端轴承座上半部,并保证其定
16. Install the upper part of oil baffle into the upper part of
driving-end bearing pedestal and ensure the positioning
pin works normally;
17 吊起上半部轴承座,放到下半部轴承座上。安装时确保起吊
17. Lift the upper part of bearing pedestal and put it on the
lower part. When installing, ensure the lifting bolt not
bulged the joint surface and not break the journal bearing
and oil baffle. And then mount the positioning pin and use
nut to tighten the upper and lower parts of bearing
18 用六角螺栓将盖板紧固在轴承座上。注意此时应保证转子能
18. Use hexagonal bolt to fasten the cover board on bearing
pedestal. At this time, ensure the rotor can rotate flexibly;
19 检查联轴器对中情况然后装上叠片组件,用螺栓和螺母将
19. Install lamination assembly after inspecting the coupling
alignment and then use bolts and nuts to tighten it;

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20 接好机械密封冷却水的进、出口管道,接好泵壳放气管道,
20. Correctly connect the inlet and outlet pipeline of
mechanical sealing cooling water, the vent pipe of pump
casing, and also connect the other small-diameter
pipelines which are disconnected during dismantle;
21 用螺钉装好联轴器保护罩;
21. Use screws to assemble coupling protecting cover;
22 将在拆卸时拆除的仪表线接好。
22. Connect the wires of the instruments which are removed
during dismantling.
王笑(4909) 8B1D 型机械密封 8B1D mechanical seal
8B1D 型系精密的产品,鉴于密封面已磨成高度的平面性,因此在
Regarding precision products like 8B1D type, the sealing interface
has already been rubbed to be highly flat. Therefore, as it is
transported, a kind of protective device should be installed on the
sealing surface in case of damage. When disassembling it, treat it
carefully in case of surface friction or stripping.

Page 392 of 629

图 3 机械密封结构图

O RING(Φ142.6)








FIG. 3 MECHANICAL SEAL STRUCTURAL SKETCH 工艺要求 Technological requirements
Before the seal is installed, the following requirements have to be
1. 检查轴套直径的容许偏差为 ±0.05mm,并且椭圆度不得超过
2. 检查轴套表面精度应 0.4~0.6μm 内或更精密;
3. 应保证轴套的表面无锐边或毛口,因为静环须在这些表面通过;
4. 应 保 证 将 静 环 必 须 通 过 的 轴 套 的 前 沿 斜 切 成 10° , 长 度 为
10mm,并倒成圆角 1mm;
5. 检查泵轴的轴向窜动不能超过离轴的工作位置 0.08mm;
6. 检查静环垂直度必须是正确的,静环的研磨面和轴心必须相互
成 90°,并在 0.03mm 百分表读数内;
7. 检 查 机 械 密 封 盖 与 静 环 配 合 的 孔 和 轴 之 间 的 同 心 度 应 在

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0.05mm 以内;
8. 彻底并小心清洗机械密封盖的工作面和孔,机械密封盖的工作
面应机械加工成光滑并与轴的垂直度在 0.03mm 百分表读数内;
9. 轴套的孔必须使液体不能透过,检查轴套的 O 形圈,保证不能
1. The permitted diameter deviation of the shaft sleeve is ±0.05mm, and
ellipticity has to be no more than 0.025mm.
2. The surface accuracy of the shaft sleeve should be within 0.4 ~0.6μm or
even more accurate.
3. There should be no sharp edge or burr on the sleeve surface because the
stationary ring has to go through these surfaces.
4. Cut a slope of 10°on the front of the sleeve on which the stationary ring
may pass through. The length of the angle should be 10mm and make
sure it can be count made into a 1mm angle.
5. The axial float on the pump shaft has to be ensured within the range of
0.08mm from the working position.
6. Check the verticality of the stationary ring and make sure its accuracy.
The rubbing surface of the stationary ring and the axis ha to be vertical to
each other with 90°angle. Make sure it is within the range of 0.03mm dial
7. Check the hole between mechanical seal and stationary ring, and make
sure the concentricity of the shaft and the hole should be within 0.05mm.
8. Thoroughly and carefully clean the working interface and hole of the
mechanical seal cover. The working interface of the mechanical seal
should be technically processed into a smooth surface. Make sure its
verticality with the shaft is within the reading range of the 0.03mm dial
9. Make sure that the sleeve hole cannot have any liquid pass through it.
Check the O ring of the shaft sleeve. Protect it from being damaged or
polluted. 安装步骤 Assembling process
1 在这一装配上所使用的 O 形圈系用乙烯-丙稀制成,因此,不
1 All O rings used in this set of equipment are all made of FEP
material. Therefore, no oil can be adhered onto the sealing
fittings or working bench clamp. Some liquid soap can be
used as lubricant.
2 将轴套以竖立的方式放在台钳上,其带动销贴近钳台的表面;

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2 Vertically put the shaft sleeve on the bench clamp, with its
driving pin attached with the clamp surface.
3 润滑密封装置内 O 形圈和密封装置通过的轴套的前沿;
3 The O ring in the lubrication sealing device and the sealing
device pass through the front edge of the shaft sleeve.
4 轻轻地使密封通过轴套,必须小心切勿使动环受损,只能使用
4 Lightly and carefully have the seal pass through the shaft
sleeve in case of any damage to the rotating ring. Use hand to
push the sealing device along the sleeve. While doing this
work, use a piece of clean cloth to cover on the rubbing
surface of the rotating ring. This method is adoptable.
5 保证带动销从轴套凸出 8mm,并将这支销和动环支承座背面的
5 Ensure the driving pin bulged out of the sleeve about 8mm.
Keep this pin in the same line with the bore at back of the
driving ring support seat. Lightly move down the self sleeve of
the sealing device until it approach the shoulder of the sleeve.
6 保证在轴套要通过的轴段前沿要有 2.5mm 长、10°斜度的引入段
润滑轴套 O 形圈并将其装入轴套槽内;
6 Retain a section of pull-in part with a length of 2.5mm and
slope degree of 10°on the front edge of the shaft for passage
of the sleeve. Lubricate the O ring of the shaft sleeve and put
it into the sleeve slot.
7 轻轻地使轴套在轴的上面通过(与密封装置一起),小心切勿
损坏套的 O 形圈;
7 Gently let the sleeve passing above the shaft (together with
sealing device), and be careful in case of damaging the O ring
of the sleeve.
8 在正确地将轴套定位后,用平头螺钉固定在轴上,必须保证平
8 After accurately positioning the sleeve, fix it onto the shaft with
flat screw. Make sure the head of the flat screw not bulge out
of the outer diameter of the sleeve.
9 保证机械密封盖的所有尺寸都是正确的;
9 Make sure the accuracy of all sizes of the mechanical seal
10 将盖板的平边放在工作表面上;
10 Put the smooth edge of the cover board onto the working

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11 保证 5mm 直径的销子凸出 4.75mm 并且不能变形;
11 The pin with 5mm diameter should be made sure to bulge out
of 4.75mm and no deformation at all.
12 小心将保护涂层从静环刮去,保证静环的研磨面不受损伤;
12 Carefully shave the protective coat off the stationary ring. The
rubbing surface of the stationary ring cannot be damaged at
13 由于静环需用销定位,可在密封盖室的前面作一记号以与销的
13 Because a pin is needed to position the stationary ring, one
mark can be made in front of the sealing cover chamber in
order to have them in the same horizontal line.
14 在静环的外径上作一记号与销槽对齐,必须小心在这一过程中
14 Make a mark the outer diameter of the stationary ring to
accord with the pin slot. Be careful during this process in case
of damaging the rubbing surface of the stationary ring.
15 使用液体皂对 O 形圈加润滑并将它们小心地嵌入在密封盖室内
15 Lubricate the O ring with liquid soap and insert these rings
into different slots in the sealing cover chamber.
16 使静环和密封盖室的轴心垂直,并将销的记号对齐,用手将静
16 Make the stator be vertical with the axis of the sealing cover
chamber in accordance with the pin mark. Push the stationary
ring into its chamber till the slots completely.
17 彻底擦净静环和动环的研磨表面;
17 Thoroughly clean the rubbing surfaces of the stationary ring
and moving ring.
18 将密封定位环装在静环上,在密封盖结合面上垫 0.40mm 的垫
18 Install the positioning ring onto the stationary ring. Put a
gasket with thickness of 0.40mm between the sealing cover
19 将盖板组合在轴上通过,应特别小心切勿使静环与轴接触;
19 Have the cover board fittings pass through the shaft. Pay
close attention to it, preventing the stationary ring touching the
20 用手指拧紧密封盖板所有的螺栓,然后将每只螺栓间隔地分别

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20 Screw on all the bolts on the sealing board, and respectively
fasten the bolts in order to output strength evenly, to make
sure no leakage on the interface. Pay attention that if strength
is output unevenly while screwing on these bolts, it may
deform the working interface of the moving ring and stationary
ring with accurate rubbing. 在转动设备前必须做到以下几点 Before rotating the equipment, achieve the following conditions:
1 完成设备的装配,按旋转方向转动轴(如可能用手转),保证
2 查阅可能取得的所有设备的操作说明来检查所有的管道连接的
3 在启动设备前,保证密封室灌满液体并恰当的放气。干运转会引
1. After the assembling is completed, rotate the shaft in accordance with the
rotating direction (by manual if possible), to make sure the freely rotating.
2. Refer back to all possible materials regarding the operation instruction of
all equipment, to ensure correct pipeline connection. Especially pay
attention to the requirements of recirculation/ cooling of the seal.
3. Before startup, ensure the sealing chamber is full with liquid and proper
ventilation has been done. Dry rotating will cause overheat, and damage
to the sealing surface. In this way, the life span of the seal may be
reduced to a large extent. 移去密封 Removal of the seal
1 将轴套必须洗清并加油,将盖板和轴套移去并将其放置在清洁
1 Clean the shaft sleeve firstly and add oil into it. Remove the
cover board and sleeve and put them onto a clean vice bench.
2 拆卸密封装置;
2 Disassemble the sealing device.

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Note: The elastic snap ring on the sealing fittings inside the support
seat has to be removed firstly. Therefore, press the spring tightly to
eliminate the pressure to the elastic snap ring. 装配密封(参见下图) Assembly of the seal (refer to the following picture)

图 4 机械密封组装图
Fig.4 Assembly drawing of the mechanical seal
密封重新装配及放回泵体内部之前,必须更换下述易损部件:O 形
Before reassemble the seal and before it is put back into the

Page 398 of 629

pump body, the following mentioned components of easy damage
should be exchanged: O ring, support ring, moving ring and
stationary ring.
1 将弹簧定位在动环支承座的孔内;
1 Position the spring into the hole on the moving ring bracket
2 将推力环装配在动环轴承座,小心地将外径上的槽口与动环轴
2 Install the thrust ring onto the moving ring bearing pedestal.
Align the slot opening on the outer diameter with the waving
trace inside the moving ring bearing pedestal and make sure
they are in the same line.
3 将支承环和 O 形圈装入动环,然后将这一动环的组合装在推力
3 Insert the support ring and O ring into the moving ring. Then
install this onto the thrust ring. Gently align the recess slot on
the moving ring outer diameter with the waving inside the
bearing pedestal and make them in the same line.
4 使用一块光滑和平面的材料来保护密封件的表面,将弹簧轻压
口的距离保持在 6mm 和 12mm 之间(取决于密封件的大小);
4 Use a piece of smooth and flat material to protect the surface
of the sealing fittings. Slightly press the spring and position
the elastic snap ring into its slot. Retain distance between the
small holes at two ends and the bearing pedestal be within the
range from 6mm and 12mm (depend on the size of sealing
5 可以让密封件延伸至它的自由长度,并检查已完成的平头螺钉,
5 Sealing components can be extended till its free length.
Check the flat screw which has been done. No contact with
the bore diameter of the moving ring bearing pedestal.
Note: Two circumferential lines cut on the outer wall of the
sealing components moving ring bearing pedestal. One
passes through the thread hole of the flat screw, showing that
the flat screw has metric thread. The other one serves as a
kind of objective instruction, to see whether the sealing
components have been adjusted till its normal working length.
If no problem occurs, this thrust ring should be in same line
with the second line after appropriate installation.

Page 399 of 629 拆卸密封件 Disassembly of the sealing components
1. 用一块光滑扁平的材料来保护密封件的表面并轻压密封件的弹
2. 将一只尖端的工具插入轴承座内的小孔或凹槽,将弹性卡环移
3. 将动环内的 O 形圈、支承环、推力环和弹簧移去。
1. Use a piece of smooth and flat material to protect the surface of the
sealing components and gently press the spring.
2. Insert a sharp-pointed tool into the small holes or slots of the bearing
pedestal. Remove the elastic snap ring.
3. Remove the components like O ring, support ring, thrust ring and spring
out inside the moving ring.

Note: One of the disassembly processes is to remove elastic snap
ring of the sealing components in bearing pedestal. Therefore, the
spring has to be pressed tightly to release the pressure it effects
to the elastic snap ring.
2.2.18 凝结水泵
2.2.18 Condensate pump 概述 General Description
The condensate pump is a kind of vertical pump manufactured by
Chang Sha Water Pump Cop. Ltd. The pump supplies condensate
to polishing device, and then it flows into deaerator through low
pressure heater.
每台机组配 100%容量凝结水泵 2 台,1 台运行,1 台备用。凝结水
For each unit, there are two condensate pumps with 100%
capacity. One is in operation while the other is standby.
Condensate pump is driven by constant speed motor directly. The
water flow is controlled by control valve behind the pump. When
the running pump trips due to emergency trip, the standby pump
can operate automatically. 技术规范、结构特性及主要部件材质

Page 400 of 629 Technological specification, structure features and materials of
main components
表 10 设备规范
名称 单位 数据
型式 立式筒袋式 6 级导叶离心水泵
凝结泵型号 C590III-6
流量 m3/h 872.48
扬程 mH2O 288.7
水温 ℃ 42.69
入口额定压力 kPa 8.5(不含静压和管道阻力)
入口最低压力 kPa 6.0(不含静压和管道阻力)
转速 r/min 1480
轴功率 kw 827
泵效率 % 83
首级叶轮必须汽蚀余量 m 2.8
级数 6
轴功率 kW 827

旋转方向 从电机往泵看,泵逆时针旋转
最小流量 m3/h 200
最小流量下扬程 mH2O 339.6
泵关闭扬程 mH2O 340
泵正常运行轴承双侧振幅 mm ≤0.076
事故运行轴承双侧振幅 mm 0.12
含氧量 <15 ppb;最大不大于 40 ppb
含钠离子 <20 μg/l
含二氧化硅 <30 μg/l
硬度 <20 μmol/l
电导率 0.3 μs/cm

Table 10 Equipment specification

Page 401 of 629

Name Unit Data
Vertical, drum like, 6-stage guide vane,
centrifugal pump
Condensate pump model C590III-6
Flow m3/h 872.48
Delivery head mH2O 288.7
Water temperature ℃ 42.69
8.5(exclude static pressure and pipeline
Inlet rated pressure kPa
6.0(exclude static pressure and pipeline
Inlet minimum pressure kPa
Rotating speed r/min 1480
Shaft power kw 827
Pump efficiency % 83
Primary stage impeller m 2.8
Stage(s) 6
Shaft power kW 827
Rotating direction Anti-clockwise as seeing from motor to pump
Minimum flow m3/h 200
Delivery head under
mH2O 339.6
minimum flow
Pump shutdown delivery
mH2O 340
Two sides amplitude of
bearing during pump mm ≤0.076
normal operation
Two sides amplitude of
bearing during emergency mm 0.12
Condensate standard(Tmax≤80℃)
Oxygen content <15 ppb;Maximum is no more than 40 ppb
Sodium ion content <20 μg/l
Silicon dioxide content <30 μg/l
Hardness <20 μmol/l

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Conductivity 0.3 μs/cm

表11 结构特性

项目 单位 数据

泵壳设计压力 MPa 0.7

泵壳水压试验压力 MPa 1.0

叶轮级数 - 6

第一级叶轮型式 - 双吸

叶轮直径(最大/最小) mm Φ452

泵轴直径 mm Φ100

轴长度 m 6.4

径向轴承数量 - 4

联轴器型式 - 弹性柱销

临界转速 r/min 2000

径向轴承型式 - 导轴承

推力轴承型式 - SKF滚动轴承

推力轴承荷载 KN 58.8

机械密封型式 - 集装式

机械密封制造厂 - 上海博格曼

泵筒体直径 mm Φ1020

泵筒体长度 m 4.675

出水泵壳材料 - Q235-A

泵座材料 - HT250

导叶材料 - QT500-7

外筒体材料 - Q235-A

首级叶轮 - ZG0Cr18Ni9

次级叶轮 - ZG2Cr13

轴 - 45#

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水导轴承 - CFZ-1

轴承座 - HT250

拉杆螺栓 - 无

推力环 - 无

机械密封 - SIC+石墨

泵进口尺寸 mm Φ700

泵进口公称压力 MPa 1.0

泵出口尺寸 mm Φ450

泵出口公称压力 MPa 4.0

泵轴承冷却介质 - 除盐水(闭式水)

泵轴承冷却水量 m3/h 3

泵轴承冷却水压力 MPa 0.3~0.6

泵密封水量和水压 m3/h / MPa 0.18~0.3 /0.1~0.2

Table11 Structure features

Items Unit Data

Pump casing design pressure MPa 0.7

Pump casing water pressure test

MPa 1.0

Impeller stages - 6

Primary impeller type - Double suction

Impeller diameter
mm Φ452

Pump shaft diameter mm Φ100

Shaft length m 6.4

Radial bearing(s) - 4

Coupling type - Elastic pin

Critical rotating speed r/min 2000

Radial bearing type - Guide bearing

Page 404 of 629

Thrust bearing type - SKF rolling bearing

Thrust bearing load KN 58.8

Mechanical seal type - Packaging type

Mechanical seal manufacture -

Pump body diameter mm Φ1020

Pump body length m 4.675

Water outlet pump casing material - Q235-A

Pump seat material - HT250

Diffuser material - QT500-7

Outer casing material - Q235-A

Primary impeller - ZG0Cr18Ni9

Secondary impeller - ZG2Cr13

Shaft - 45#

Water guide bearing - CFZ-1

Bearing pedestal - HT250

Stay bolt - No

Thrust ring - No

Mechanical seal - SIC+Graphite

Pump inlet size mm Φ700

Pump inlet nominal pressure MPa 1.0

Pump outlet size mm Φ450

Pump outlet nominal pressure MPa 4.0

Demineralized water
Pump bearing cooling medium -
(closed type)

Pump bearing cooling water amount m3/h 3

Pump bearing cooling water

MPa 0.3~0.6

Page 405 of 629

Pump sealing water amount and
m3/h / MPa 0.18~0.3 /0.1~0.2

表12 主要部件材质

零件名称 材质 标准代号

外筒体 Q235-A

泵体、泵座、吸入段 HT250

吐出弯管 Q235-A

导叶 QT500-7

叶轮 ZG2Cr13

首级叶轮 ZG0Cr18Ni9

次级叶轮 ZG2Cr13

顶轴 无

泵轴 45#

中间段轴 无

平衡鼓 无

轴套 1Cr18Ni9

推力轴承 轴承钢 SKF

径向轴承 CFZ-1

托架或轴承座 HT200


推力环 无

Table12 Main components material

Component name Material Standard code

Outer cylinder Q235-A

Pump body, pump seat, suction


Page 406 of 629

Spew elbow Q235-A

Guide vane QT500-7

Impeller ZG2Cr13

Primary impeller ZG0Cr18Ni9

Secondary impeller ZG2Cr13

Top shaft No

Pump shafte 45#

Middle section shaft No

Balancing drum No

Shaft sleeve 1Cr18Ni9

Thrust bearing Bearing steel SKF

Radial bearing CFZ-1

Support or bearing pedestal HT200

Stay bolt

Thrust ring No 结构简介 Structure introduction
泵为地坑立式外筒型 6 级导叶离心水泵。水泵本体通过压水接管用
The pump is of vertical &outer cylinder type located in a pit with 6-
stage guide vanes centrifugal pump. Pump body is installed inside
the outer cylinder with mounting bedplate. It is achieved by
connecting the pressure water pipes with spew elbow by bolts.
The pump comprises of components like outer cyinder, shell body
inside the cylinder, rotor components and gland seal components.
The rotor components are supported by guide bearing radially,
and the bearing is lubricated by self-conveyed media. Gland seal
is of mechanical seal type. The axial thrust of the condensate
pump is bore by pump proper. On this condition, there are one
thrust adjusting roller bearing and one deep groove ball bearing

Page 407 of 629

on the pump proper. The weight of the axial thrust and rotor is
bore by thrust adjusting roller bearing.

图 5 凝结泵结构示意图

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It is composed of spew elbow with motor base and outer cyinder
with mounting bedplate and suction inlet. The spew elbow
comprises of stuffing box and gland seal. The lower part is
connected with the components of the shell inside cylinder and
functions as suspending. 内壳体部件

Page 410 of 629 Inner shell components
The inner shell components are fixed by bolts below the spew
elbow. It consists of pressure water connecting pipe, spew
section, middle section, guide vane, cover board, pump body, and
suction bell mouth. Components like sealing ring, guide vane
sleeve, lining sleeve are installed along the middle section, guide
vane and related parts of other shell body. 转子部件 Rotor components
The axial thrust of the pump is taken by pump body. The motor
shaft and pump shaft are connected by elastic coupling. The axial
height of the rotor components can be adjusted up and down by
adjusting nut on thrust bearing components, making the flow
center of impeller outlet, guide vane and pump body are in same
level. Components like impeller, shaft sleeve are fixed on the shaft
by keys, shaft sleeve nuts and locknuts. 轴封部件 Gland seal components
轴封装置位于填料函体内,为保持泵内的真空状态,通过 0.1~
0.2Mpa 压力水进行轴封或冲洗。
Gland seal appliance is installed inside the stuffing box. In order to
keep vacuum in the pump, use 0.1 ~ 0.2Mpa pressure water for
gland seal or flushing. 平衡管 Balance pipe
The balance pipe is led out from the lower part of the spew elbow
and connected with condenser top. It discharges air in outer
cylinder to the condenser, to balance the vacuum degree between
the outer cyinder and condenser. In this way, the suction
conditions of the water pump can be stablized and running
performance of the pump can be ensured too. 检修工艺及质量标准

Page 411 of 629 Maintenance process and quality standard 解体 Disassembling
1. 允许工作手续办完,通知电气部门拆电机引线及电机座脚螺栓;
2. 拆泵出口法兰螺栓、平衡管﹑水封管﹑排水管﹑排气管等,并在
3. 联轴器相对位置做好记号。另外,当联接螺栓﹑螺母同时装配时
1. After the working permit is finished, inform the electric department to
remove the motor leads and anchor bolts of the motor base.
2. Take apart the components at pump outlet, such as flange bolts, balance
pipe, water seal pipe, water discharge pipe and ventilation pipe. Make
relative alignment marks at parts where they connect the flanges to
prevent improper installation later. To prevent any foreign matter falling
into the pipe mouth, it is required to use plastic cloth to seal the mouth.
3. Make marks on relative positions of the coupling. Besides, a pre-mark
should be made on connecting bolts and nuts to guarantee fit-in at same
3.1 联轴器晃度测量
3.1 Coupling shaking degree measurement
泵解体前,将联轴器圆周分成 8 等分,并用记号笔标上序
号,将百分表安装好,把表测量杆对准 1 位,表测量杆与
Before the pump is disassembled, divide the coupling
circle into 8 equal parts and mark them with marking pen.
Install the dial indicator, positioning measuring stick to
position 1. At this point, the measuring stick and outward
circle of the coupling are in vertical angle. Spin the rotor in
rotating direction to measure it at these points. The
reading number back to the initial position has to accord
with that of the initial measurement. Otherwise, ascertain
possible reasons and measure again. The maximum
shaking degree is the maximum of difference between two
ends of the impeller diameter.
3.2 联轴器标识
3.2 Coupling mark

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Make relative marks on pump wheels, motor wheels and
adjusting gaskets before the coupling is disassembled.
Installation has to accord with the marks made before.
Mark the disassembled wheel pins, bolts and
corresponding bolt holes to avoid unnecessary mistake.
3.3 轴器找中心及对轮间距复检
3.3 Coupling centering and wheel space reexamination
Before the coupling is disassembled and after it is
reassembled, it is required to center the coupling and
reexamine the wheel space. Specific examining methods
are as follows:
3.3.1 轮中心校验。在安装在水泵联轴器端面及圆周位置
装 3 块百分表,两块百分表测量杆打在泵对轮端面
上,一块表测量杆打在泵对轮圆周上,并将 3 块百
动机对轮,每隔 90°测量一次对轮圆周与端面的偏
动 180°,重新校一次中心值,求出二次校中心的平
均值。校中心的标准为圆不大于 0.05mm,面也不
大于 0.05mm。
3.3.1 Wheel center calibration. Install three dial
indicators at wheel end faces and around its
circle. Two measuring sticks of dial indicators
points to the wheel end faces, and the other one
points around the wheel circle. Install the bases of
the indicators onto the motor wheel. After
adjusting the sticks, spin the motor wheel. For
every 90°, measure the deviation between the
wheel circle and end face and take down notes.
Use the adjusting bolts on the bases to adjust
position of motor, keeping the deviation within
permitted range. Use proper thick cushion
between the motor and pump interface to adjust
the deviation. If the deviations at these three
positions have reached the requirement, use bolts
to connect the wheel. After pump shaft is slightly
lifted, spin the motor and pump around
180°Recalibrate the center. Make an average
value of the twice calibration. The standard for
center calibration is no more than 0.05mm for
circularity, and no more than 0.05mm for surface.

Page 413 of 629

3.3.2 对轮间距复查。测出两联轴器平面距离和调整环的
环。机加工时调整环两端平行度不大于 0.015mm。
3.3.2 Reexamine the wheel space. Measure the plane
distance between two couplings and the thickness
of the adjusting ring. The difference between two
values should equal as half of the total lifting value
of the pump shaft. If the difference is too big, the
adjusting ring should be adjusted or exchanged.
The parallelism at two ends of the adjusting ring
during process is no more than 0.015mm.
4 拆卸联轴器前先要拆除螺栓﹑螺母上的防松(双耳)止动垫片
4 Before disassembling the coupling, please take apart the (two
ears) lock gasket between the bolts and nuts.
5 依次松卸联轴器的联接螺栓﹑螺母,但是,拆卸时应在 180°的
5 Respectively loosen the connecting bolts and nuts on the
coupling. However, two backup bolts should be put on
180°position and loosen them at last. Make sure the rotor
starts lower. After it is done, measure the clearance between
adjusting nuts and motor coupling end face, and this number
is the lifting value of the pump rotor.
6 进行水泵与电机的轴心对中检查。水泵轴通过测量轴与机械密封
6 Check the axis centering of the water pump and motor. The
center is calibrated by adjusting the clearance between
measuring shaft of water pump and mechanical seal lining
7 拆除电机与吐出弯管的联接螺栓﹑螺母,吊起电机,移至临时
7 Take apart the connecting bolts and nuts on motor and spew
elbow, and then lift the motor onto the temporary location.
Please pay close attention to the whole process, because the
motor is very high. For placement of the motor, a bracket
should be adopted to prevent the coupling at shaft ends
touching the ground, and also the motor cannot fall down in
this way.
8 松开泵联轴器备帽上止动螺钉,拆下备帽。吊起联轴器时可使用

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8 Loosen the stop screw on the backup cap of the pump
coupling and take apart the cap. The manual hoist or chain fall
can be adopted to lift the coupling. After the coupling is
removed, paint a coat of antirust paint or lubricating oil on the
shaft and shaft holes of the coupling. The thread at shaft end
should be protected well in case of damage.
9 拆下机械密封,整套取出,参照机械密封使用说明书;
9 Take apart the mechanical seal, pulling out as a whole set.
Refer back to the mechanical seal instruction.
10 在轴上端安装吊环螺钉,用手动葫芦或行车将转子吊起﹑放下,
10 Install lifting bolts on top part of the shaft. Use manual hoist or
travel crane to lift and lower the rotor. Measure and record the
full displacement of the rotor.
11 拆下填料函体与吐出弯管的螺母,将顶盖螺钉拧入顶丝孔,慢
11 Take apart the nuts connecting stuffing box and spew elbow,
screw the top cover bolts into the screw hole. Slowly pull out
the stuffing box together with the guide bearing and relief
sleeve at a constant speed and distance.
12 在泵本体的起吊过程中,拆下吐出弯管与外筒体的紧固螺母。由
12 Take apart the clamping screw connecting the spew elbow
and outer cyinder during the lifting process of the pump body.
Since there are vibration resistant device (fastening bolts)
installed between the outer cyinder and inside shell, it needs
great attention and care to lift the pump body gently and
vertically to prevent collision to the vibration resistant device.
At slot of the outer cyinder, a cover board should be placed to
prevent foreign matter from falling into the cylinder. Besides,
an ENTRY FORBIDDEN area should be enclosed to response
for personnel’s safety.
13 泵本体吊起后运到拆卸场地,须横卧摆放;
13 When the pump is lifted and transported into the certain
disassembling area, it should be placed in horizontal direction.
14 拆卸吐出弯管与压水接管时,水平吊起吐出弯管,将其轻轻拔
14 When disassembling the spew elbow and pressure water
connecting pipe, please lift the spew elbow horizontally and
pull it out gently. After the spew elbow is removed, please use
a lifting jack to support the shaft in case of shaft bending.

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15 内壳体与转子部件的拆卸:
15 Disassembling of the inside shell body and rotor components:
15.1 拆卸压水管时,因里面设有导轴承,从拆卸的安全性着
15.1 When disassembling the pressure water pipe, it is
better to remove the inside shell body with connection
to the pipe, to make sure the safety as there is no
guide bearing inside it.
15.2 有套筒(中间)联轴器时,拆卸时要注意螺纹咬死的可
15.2 If there is sleeve (intermediate) coupling, pay attention
to the thread seizing problem during the
disassembling process.
15.3 在吸入喇叭口上装入顶丝螺栓,顶出吸入喇叭口。由于
15.3 Install bolts on the suction bell to force out the suction
bell. There is guide bearing installed inside the bell,
and please remove it gently in horizontal direction.
15.4 松卸轴端锁紧螺母,依次拔出轴套﹑键﹑首级叶轮;
15.4 Loosen the locknut at shaft ends, and respectively pull
out the sleeve, keys, and primary impeller.
15.5 拆卸泵体﹑泵盖,然后依次拆下轴套﹑叶轮﹑导叶﹑中
15.5 Take apart the pump body, cover, sleeve, impeller,
guide vane, middle section, and final guide vane.
15.6 在压水管与吐出段连着时,将轴朝吐出侧拔出。为方便
15.6 As the pressure water pipe is connected with the
spew section, please pull out the shaft heading
forward the spew side. To facilitate pulling out the
shaft, the sleeve adhered on the shaft can be not
15.7 拆卸压水接管与吐出段;
15.7 Remove the pressure water connecting pipe and
spew section.
15.8 中间轴承部位的轴套可根据需要拔出。而轴套螺母上装
15.8 The sleeve on the middle part of the bearing can be
pulled out if necessary. As there are lock screw on the
sleeve nuts, please firstly remove the positioning bolts

Page 416 of 629

and then take apart the sleeve. After the above
mentioned steps are finished, put all disassembled
components on plane board well in case of damage or
熊咏梅(4461) 零部件的清洗 Cleaning of the components
After the disassembly of pump, thoroughly clean all the
1 零件间的配(接)合面及填料腔要用油石磨光;
1 The combination surface between components and the
packing chest must be polished by hones.
2 对于转动部件的动配合部位,要特别仔细地用油石打磨;
2. For the movable fit joints in rotating parts, polish them
carefully with hones.
3 壳体﹑叶轮﹑导叶﹑中段等过流部位要用钢刷刷净或砂纸打磨;
3. The over-current parts such as shells, impellers guiding
blades, and the middle section must be cleaned with steel
brush or polished with abrasive paper.
4 与水有接触的部分附有水垢时,请用氯乙烯等溶剂除去;
If water scale exists in the parts which are contacted with
water, remove it with polyethylene or other solvent.
5 轴及与轴相配合的各个零件务必仔细清洗,否则发生咬合不能
5 The shaft and the joint parts of shaft must be cleaned to avoid
the malfunction caused by occlusion.
6 动配合部位的迷宫槽﹑导水槽等部位,要充分除去这些部位上
6 Thoroughly remove the impurities in labyrinth slot and water
guiding slot in movable fit joint parts.
7 用于配管的节流孔和带小孔的零件注意不要堵塞。
7 Note that the throttling holes used in distribution pipes and the
parts with small holes should not be blocked. 零部件的检查 Inspection of assemblies.
1 转子部件
1 Rotor assemblies
1.1 动配合部位﹑配合部位有无磨损﹑擦伤,测量动配合部位
1.1 Check the abrasion in movable fit joint parts and other
joint parts. Measure the size of movable joint part and
take a record of the measurement result. Refer to the
clearance list of joint parts.
1.2 叶轮的吸入口﹑过流部位有无异常磨损和变形等异常情况;
1.2 Check the abnormal abrasion and deformation or other

Page 417 of 629

abnormality in impeller suction and the over-current part.
1.3 轴的动配合部位﹑螺纹部位有无磨损﹑卡住等;
1.3 Check the abrasion and jam in the movable joint part and
the screw thread.
1.4 检查轴的振动并作好记录,其振动值是否在允许值内;
1.4 Check the vibration of the shaft and take a record. Check
whether the vibration is within the permissible value.
1.5 当轴发生弯曲时,可参照有关方法进行校直。
1.5 If there is bending in shaft, calibrate it according to
relevant method.
2 泵体(导流体)﹑内壳体部件
2 Check assemblies in pump body (flow guide) and interior
2.1 动配合部位﹑配合部位有无磨损﹑腐蚀﹑碰伤等,测量动配
2.1 Check the abrasion, corrosion and damage in movable
joint parts and other joint parts. Measure the size of
movable joint part and take a record of the measurement
result. Refer to the clearance list of the joint parts.
2.2 检查各零部件的配(接)合面﹑填料部位是否有磨损﹑泄漏
2.2 Check the abrasion and leakage of the combination
surface of the joints and the packing in each assembly.
2.3 泵的过流部位(尤其是导叶等零件)是否有异常磨损﹑打击
2.3 Check if there are abrasion, strike marks and other
abnormality in the overflow part of pump, especially the
guiding blades.
2.4 未完全解体的零件(如轴承﹑密封环﹑衬套等)其安装螺钉
2.4 For the assemblies that are not completely disassembled,
check the looseness of the fixing bolts.
3 轴承部位
3 Check the bearing
3.1 动配合部位有无磨损﹑伤痕,其配合状况有无异常,检测尺
3.1 Check the abrasion and defacing in movable joint parts.
Measure the size of movable joint part and take a record
of the measurement result. Refer to the clearance list of
the movable joint parts.
3.2 轴承的配合部件(轴套)是否有磨损及伤痕,其配合状况有
3.2 Check the abrasion in the fitting components (bearing
sleeve) of bearing as well as the fitting condition. Check
and measure the size of fitting components and refer to
clearance list
4 联轴器部件

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4 Coupling assemblies.
4.1 联轴器(包括加长联轴器)﹑调整螺母等是否有变形﹑磨损
4.1 Check the deformation and abrasion of coupling (including
the lengthened coupling) and adjustable nuts.
4.2 联接螺栓﹑螺母有无异常,其螺栓孔是否异常;
4.2 Check if the connection bolts, nuts and the bolt holes are
4.3 对中面和配合面有无伤痕﹑凹凸﹑腐蚀等。
4.3 Check if there is damage, unevenness and corrosion of
the alignment surface and fitting surface.
5 管路及其它是否有异常凹凸﹑损伤的产生和异物的混入﹑堵塞
5 Check if there is abnormal unevenness, damage, foreign
matters and blockage in pipeline. 泵的装配 Assembly of the pump
After the replacement or the maintenance of fault assemblies, re-
check the interior and joint surface of them new assemblies to
avoid abrasion and deformation. After the assemblies are well
prepared, assemble them. The assembly of them is almost
according to the reversed order of the removal. Pay attention to
the followings:
1 整体
1. Overall assembly
1.1 O 形密封圈﹑密封垫及垫块类,应按照总装图确定装配部
安装时要充分注意 O 形密封圈﹑密封垫片等的表面,千万
1.1 For the assembly of O rings, sealing gaskets and pads,
the assembly position, quantity, size and material are in
accordance with requirements of the general assembly
drawing. Each part is assembled in correct order. Pay
attention to the surface of O rings and the sealing gaskets
and prevent the damage or missed assembly.
1.2 各动配合部位﹑与轴的配合部位﹑键表面以及螺栓的螺纹
1.2 The movable fitting parts, the fitting parts of the shaft, the
key surface and the screw thread of the bolts must be
smeared with solid lubricant (such as molybdenum
1.3 注意键及其它零件的脱落;
1.3 Pay attention to the looseness of key and other
1.4 零部件上打有组合标记﹑级数标记时,一定要按对准标记

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1.4 If the assembly is marked with assembly mark and class
mark, the assembly should be done according to the
marks and the class in orders.
1.5 装配时防止异物混入泵内;
1.5 Prevent foreign matters falling into pumps during
1.6 轴套上的定位螺钉,应确认装配到位时方可拧入。
1.6 The positioning bolts in bushing must be confirmed at the
proper position before being screwed in.
2 水泵本体装进外筒体之前,务必确认好外筒体安装底板上的水
平度,水平度为 0.05/1000 以下。
2 Before the pump proper is installed into exterior pump
cylinder, make sure that the horizontal degree of the
installation base plate of exterior cylinder is proper. The
horizontal degree should be less than 0.05/1000.
3 各处的止动垫片(圈)须确认已折弯,以防螺栓﹑螺母松动与
3 All the locked spacers should be confirmed bended to avoid
the looseness and falling down of bolts and nuts. 质量标准 Quality standards
表 13 间隙允许值 单位:㎜
Table 13 permissible clearance value unit:mm
最小间隙 最大间隙 允许最大磨损间隙
Minimal Maximum Maximum permissible
clearance clearance abrasion clearance
0.10 0.38 0.55
Guiding wheel edge
Primary stage impeller 0.34 0.41 0.60
front ring
Primary stage impeller 0.34 0.41 0.60
back ring-
Standard stage 0.34 0.41 0.60
impeller ring
0.25 0.38 0.55
Guiding bearing
0.25 0.38 0.55
Inter-stage bearing

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0.42 0.48 0.65
Throttling bushing
Throttling guiding 0.12 0.24 0.45
1 对轮与轴的配合紧力:0-0.02mm;
1 Fitting tension between coupling and shaft: 0-0.02m.
2 导轴承与轴套的单边间隙:005-0.21mm。最大 0.40mm;
2 Unilateral clearance between guiding bearing and axis
bushing: 0.05-0.21mm; maximum 0.4mm.
3 中间轴承与轴套单边间隙:0.05-0.21mm。最大 0.40mm;
3 Unilateral clearance between intermediate bearing and
bearing bush: 0.05-0.21; maximum 0.40mm.
4 轴与轴套配合间隙:0-0.05mm;
4 Fitting clearance between shaft and bushing: 0-0.05mm.
5 密封环总间隙:0.55-0.55mm;
5 Total sealing ring clearance: 0.05-055mm.
6 诱导轮与诱导轮衬套间隙:0.2-0.35mm;
6 Guiding wheel to guiding impeller wheel clearance: 0.2-
7 装诱导轮前转子总串量为:8±1mm。装诱导轮后转子总串量为:
7 Total displacement for rotor before the installation of guiding
wheel: 8±1mm. After installation, the displacement is
8 各 段 轴 最 大 弯 曲 小 于 0.03mm , 整 根 轴 最 大 弯 曲 小 于
8 Maximum bending for shaft in each section should be less
than 0.03mm. Maximum shaft bending is less than 0.05mm.
9 叶轮及诱导轮的晃度均应小于 0.10mm;
9 Impeller to guiding wheel vibration should be less than
10 对轮中心:圆差<0.05mm,面差<0.04mm;
10 Impeller center: circularity difference is less than 0.05mm,
plane difference is less than 0.04mm
11 泵轮无汽蚀,无裂纹;轴承表面光洁,无裂纹;对轮无裂纹,
11 No steam erosion or crack in pump wheel. The bearing
surface is smooth without crack. No crack or abrasion in
coupling. The interior and exterior surfaces of bushing are
smooth. Check if the welding of the middle connection pipes
and each pump components have any crack and other faults.

Page 421 of 629 泵的常见故障、原因与处理方法 Common faults, causes and solutions for pump.
故障Fault 无水排出 汽蚀噪音 轴承温度高
流量不够 扬程不够 吸入不良 轴功率过大 振动大
No Steam Excessive high 处理方法
Inadequate Inadequate Bad Excessive Excessive
项 目items discharged erosion; bearing Solutions
flow delivery head suction shaft power vibration
water noise temperature
● ● ● Correct the connection of
Incorrect rotating
motor according to the
泵内未充满输送 后向泵内注入液体,并且
液 把泵内气体排尽
Inadequate ● Open vent valves and
conveying liquid system valves. Feed liquid
in pump into pump. Exhaust the air
in the pump.
吸入管未充满液 开启吸入管路上的排气
体 阀,再向管道内注入输送
Inadequate ● ● ● ● ● 液,并将管道内气体排
liquid in suction 尽,然后再检查吸入管路
pipe Open air exhaustion valve
吸入管内气体侵 in suction pipe. Feed liquid
入 into pipe. Exhaust air in
● ● ● ● pipe. Check the suction
Invading air in
suction pipe
液体中有空气 按照 2、3 项执行
Air existence in ● ● Follow item 2,3
有效汽蚀余量不 检查吸入管路阀门及锥形
够 过滤器
Inadequate ● ● ● ● Check valves in suction
effective air pipe and the cone filter
erosion residual
吸入配管进气 查验吸入配管系统
Air in suction ● ● Check and test pipe
pipe system
达不到额定转数 按电机使用权用说明书检
Failed to reach 查电机
● ● ● Check motor according to
rated rotating
speed the directions
转速过高 按 8 项执行
Excessive ● Follow item 8
rotating speed
泵出口压力不够 速零件的磨损
Inadequate Turn down the outlet valve

pump outlet to adjust outlet pressure.
pressure But it will accelerate the
abrasion of assemblies.
锥形过滤器的筛 读数,其值是否在规定值
眼阻塞已超过了 内,否则,应停机冲洗和
规定 清扫过滤器
The blockage in Check the reading valve of
screen hole of ● ● the differential pressure
Cone filter gauge before or after the
exceeds the filter. If the valve exceeds
regulation the rated value, shutdown
it to wash and clean filter.

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密封环、轴套等 它异物进入
Replace sealing ring and
Abrasion in ● bushing. Check the
sealing ring and
deviation of rotor or the
bushing invading of foreign
叶轮破坏和磨损 偏位或有其它异物进入
Abrasion or ● Replace impeller. Check
break in impeller the rotor deviation and
invading of foreign matters
泵内漏损加剧 损伤的零件
Exacerbation in ● Check all the parts in
pump, leakage pump. Replace the bad
轴心不良 重新找正轴心
Improper axial ● ● ● Re-alignment of axial
center center
轴弯曲 将轴校直
● ●
Bending in axis Make it straight
转子与固定部件 轴是否弯曲
Test whether the axial
Contact between ●
center meet the
rotor and fixing
requirements. Check the
bending in axis
轴承磨损 ● 检测轴承磨损量,若超过
Abrasion in 允许间隙则需要更换
bearing Measure the abrasion. if it

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exceeds the permissive
clearance, replace it.
转子不平衡 校转子平衡
Unbalanced ●
Check the rotor balance.
rotor Calibrate it to be balanced
● Check and reinforce the
Unreliable base
电机的振动 查

Motor vibration Check according to the
与泵联接管路支 检查与泵相联的各种配管
撑不良 及阀门的支撑点位置
Improper Check all the pipe

supporting in connected to pump.
connecting Check the supporting
pipeline to pump position of valves.

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2.2.19 水环式真空泵
2.2.19 Water ring type vacuum pump 概述 General description
For condensing type turbine unit, vacuum extraction system is for
the establishment and maintenance of the low back pressure of
turbine unit and condenser vacuum. Mechanical vacuum pump
system consists of steam side water ring vacuum pump, water
chamber vacuum pump, driven motor, steam and water separator,
plate type working water cooler, pneumatic butterfly valve, high
and low water level adjustor, connection pipeline valves and all
the controlling assemblies. Vacuum pump is the key equipment in
the system. And the two kinds of vacuum pumps are designed
and produced by Gardner Denver Nash Co., Ltd.
汽侧真空泵的抽空气量应能保证凝汽器的背压维持在 7.5kPa,循环
水水温 30℃,并留有足够的裕度。此时,各真空泵的抽吸性能(抽
Taking into consideration of all the working conditions of
condenser and the cooperation function of maximum condenser
working condition, the extraction volume of steam side vacuum
pump should hold the condenser back pressure around 7.5KPa
and circulation water temperature around 30℃. In addition an
adequate margin must be kept. In this way pump performance
(extraction volume, shaft power) are ensured.
对应凝汽器工况下,即吸入压力 7.5kPa,对应冷却水温 30℃时,
单台真空泵的抽干空气能力达 62kg/h,真空泵轴功率 82KW。
When the suction pressure of condenser is 7.5KPa and relevant
cooling water temperature is 30℃, the dry air extraction ability of
a single set vacuum pump should reach 62kg/h and the vacuum
pump shaft power should be 82KW.
对应凝汽器工况下,即吸入压力 6.9kPa,对应冷却水温 26℃时,
单台真空泵的抽干空气能力达 75kg/h,真空泵轴功率 82KW。
When the suction pressure of condenser is 6.9KPa and relevant
cooling water temperature is 26℃, the dry air extraction ability of
a single set of vacuum pump should reach 75kg/h and the
vacuum pump shaft power should be 82KW.
每台机组配置汽侧水环式真空泵 2 台,电动机与真空泵采用直联方
式,机组启动时,2 泵运行;正常运行时,1 台运行,1 台备用。
Each unit is equipped with 2 steam side water ring vacuum
pumps. Motor and vacuum pumps adopts direct connection mode.
During unit startup, 2 pumps are in operation. During normal
operation, one is in service and another is standby.

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每台机组配置 1 台凝汽器水室真空泵。
Each unit is equipped with one condenser water chamber vacuum
pump 设备规范及有关参数 Equipment regulation and relevant parameters
表 14 汽侧水环式真空泵
Table 14 Steam side water ring vacuum pump

型式 立式锥体双级泵
Type Vertical cone double stage pump
62(凝汽器 7.5kPa,循环冷却水温 30℃ )
62(condenser 7.5kPa,circulation cooling water
temperature 30℃ )
Rotating speed( r/min)
电机冷却方式 风扇
Motor cooling mode fan
Heat exchange cooling water
3000 (single pump)
volume (kg/h)
工作水量(kg/h) 13600(单泵)
Working water volume (kg/h) 13600( single pump)
Condenser operation minimum 4.7
back pressure (KPa)
启动抽真空时间(2 泵运行)min
30(抽真空至 33.86 kPa)
Vacuum pump startup time (2
30(vacuum to 33.86KPa)
pumps in operation) min
Make up water volume for 500
热交换器面积 m2 ≈8(单泵)
Thermal exchange area m 2 Around 8 (single pump)
Extraction startup time table
时间(min) 抽真空至对应背压所需的总时间(min)
Time needed for Total time needed from extraction to relevant
Relevant condenser
extraction of this back pressure
back pressure
101.3—80 2.77 2.77
80—60 3.17 5.94
60—40 4.26 10.20

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40—20 7.47 17.68
20—10 8.35 26.03
10—8 3.35 29.38
8—6 6.07 35.45
表 15 水室真空泵
Table 15 vacuum pump in water chamber

2BV6 131
型式 上置式单级平圆盘泵
Type Up-set single stage flat disk pump
名称 数据 单位
Name Date Unit
Operation back 20 kPa
运行出力 m3/h(凝汽器20kPa)
Operation output m3/h(condenser 20kPa)
Vacuum pump rotating 1450 r/min
旋转方向 顺时针
Rotating direction Clock-wise
电机冷却方式 风扇
Motor cooling mode Fan
热交换器形式 无
Heat exchanger type none

Heat exchange cooling kg/h
water volume
热交换器面积 无
Heat exchange area no
Vacuum pump working 0.9 m3/h
water volume
Makeup water volume 0.9 m3/h
for separator

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三 台 真 空 泵 同 时 启 动 抽 空 容 积 为 1200m3 , 水 温 30℃ 时 , 抽 至
0.030MPa(a):需要 16min。
The start-up extraction capacity for three vacuum pumps is 1200m 3.
When the water temperature is 30℃, it would take 16 minutes to
extract the pressure to 0.03MPa
表 16 部件材质及润滑型式
Table 16 material for components and the lubebrication type
汽侧真空泵 水室真空泵
Vacuum pump at Vacuum pump in
steam side water chamber
HT200 HT200
Pump shell
叶轮 铝青铜
Impeller Al-bronze
Q235 Q235
#45 2Cr13
Pump shaft
导轴承或轴套 进口轴承 进口轴承
Guiding bearing or bushing Inlet bearing Inlet bearing
换热器材质 钛板
Heat exchange material Titanium plate
Water sealing material
轴承型式 滚动轴承 滚动轴承
Bearing mode Rolling bearing Rolling bearing
锂基润滑脂EP2 锂基润滑脂EP2
Lithium base grease Lithium base grease
Bearing lube oil type
EP2 EP2 检修内容 Maintenance items 汽侧水环式真空泵、水室真空泵维护消缺项目 Service items for steam side water ring vacuum pumps and
water chamber vacuum pumps
1 汽侧真空泵填料密封检查;
1 Check the sealing of packing in steam side vacuum pump.
2 水室真空泵机械密封检查;
2 Check the mechanical sealing of water chamber vacuum
3 相关阀门的检修及密封检查;

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3 Maintenance for relevant valves and sealing test.
4 轴承检查;
4 Check of bearings.
5 阀片检查;
5 Check of valves
6 设备缺陷的处理。
6 Solutions for equipment faults. 汽侧水环式真空泵、水室真空泵检修项目 Maintenance items for steam side water ring vacuum pump
and water chamber vacuum pumps
1 汽侧真空泵填料密封检查;
1 Check the sealing of packing in steam side vacuum pump.
2 水室真空泵机械密封检查;
2 Check the mechanical sealing of water chamber vacuum
3 入口门密封检查;
3 Check the sealing of inlet valves.
4 轴承检查;
4 Check of bearings.
5 阀片检查;
5 Check the valve plates
6 主轴表面检查,金属探伤,弯曲检查;
6 Check the surface of shaft. Carry out metal detection and
bending test.
7 热交换器检查;
7 Check of heat exchanger.
8 汽水分离器检查;
8 Check for steam and water separator.
9 导轴承或轴套检查。
9 Check the guiding bearing and bushing. 设备简介 Brief introduction of equipment
Water ring vacuum pump is composed of ten assemblies, namely
pump body, rotor, distributing plate, valve plate assembly, gland
seal, side cover, bearing, water supply pipeline, gland seal water
supply pipeline and automatic water drainage valve. The
distributing plate includes front and back distributing plate and
they ate installed at two ends of the pump. Valve plate assembly
is installed at the venting position of distributing plate with the

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function of automatic adjustment of venting angle. Gland seal is
sealed with stuff which is made of Teflon.
Impeller adopts lower eccentric design to balance the bearing
force so that the power consumption is decreased and start-up
current is brought down. The axial force of shaft and bearing is
small (it is the differential value between working pressure and the
weight of impeller, for flat plate pump, the value is the sum of
working pressure and impeller) so the cone design is adopted.
This design possesses the following advantages: wide snap, good
flow, little air or water resistance force, large quantity of trapped
liquid is permitted. In addition the working efficiency is greatly
raised by the condensing function through nozzle. The clearance
between impeller and cone is small.
Working principle: The impeller is installed inside the pump
eccentrically. Before the start up of pump, fill some water into the
pump. A rotating water ring is formed in the pump under the
centrifugal force when the impeller is rotating. Impeller and the
distributor on two sides of it will form a sealed air chamber. During
the fist half round (through suction hole), the sealing capacity will
expand gradually and air will be absorbed in. In the second round
of rotation (through vent hole), the sealing capacity will gradually
decrease and air is exhausted with some drained water. To keep a
stable water ring, water must be continuously fed into the pump
during operation.
和真空泵入口气动蝶阀自动关闭。引水罐为立式,容积 1m3,设计
压力 0.6MPa,材料为碳钢内衬胶,耐海水腐蚀。引水罐底部应设放
In addition, to avoid sea water from being absorbed into the
vacuum pump in water chamber, which will cause erosion to the
assemblies inside the pump, a vacuum water guiding tank is set
before the vacuum pump. This water guiding tank will set the
automatic water level control device. When the water level
reaches the limit value, the vacuum pump will automatically
shutdown. The inlet pneumatic butterfly valve in both water
guiding tank and vacuum pump will automatically close. Water
guiding tank is of vertical type and the capacity of it is 1m3. The

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designed pressure of it is 0.6MPa. The material is carbon steel
interior lining rubber which can withstand sea water erosion.
Water drainage valve is designed at the bottom of water guiding
tank and the vent valve at the top. 检修工序和工艺标准 Maintenance process and quality requirements 汽侧水环式真空泵检修工序 Maintenance process for steam side water ring vacuum pump
1 解体
1 Disassembly
1.1 解体前准好备品备件、使用工具,选择检修场地,准备零件
1.1 Before the disassembly, prepare the spare parts and the
tools. Select maintenance field and prepare container for
1.2 通知相关单位,拆卸电机电源,拆联轴器连接弹性柱销,复
1.2 Inform relevant departments to remove the power supply
of motor, connection elastic pin for coupling. Recheck the
center and then remove the motor. Take a record of center
1.3 拆卸泵出入口法兰及所有与泵体相连接的管路,热工元件、
1.3 Remove the inlet and outlet flange of pump and the
pipelines connected to pump body. Remove I & C
elements and all the valves.
1.4 松开地脚螺栓,将泵运至指定检修场地,用专用工具或加热
1.4 Loosen the anchor bolts and take the pump to appointed
maintenance field. Take out the coupling at pump side by
special tool or by heating.
1.5 解体两侧端盖结合部;
1.5 Disassemble the connection part of the end covers at two
1.6 拆卸两侧轴封环后,旋下轴承盖紧固螺栓,同时取下两侧
1.6 After the removal of sealing ring at two sides, twist out the
tightening bolts on bearing casing. In addition, remove the
bearing end cover at two sides as well as the oil ring and
damper ring.
1.7 分别拆卸两侧轴承套、轴承、内轴承毛毡和离心盘;
1.7 Separately remove the bearing bushing, the bearings, the
inner bearing felt and centrifugal plate at two sides.
1.8 卸开填料压盖,填料、填料环,并取下填料套;
1.8 Remove the capping, the packing material, packing ring
as well as packing sleeve.
1.9 拆卸检查盖板。拆开侧盖紧固螺栓,及一切与泵体相连的螺

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1.9 Remove and check the capping. Remove the tightening
bolts at side cover and other bolts connected with pump
body and mark them. Move away the side cover and put it
at safe place. Measure the thickness of connection gasket
and record it.
1.10 逐级抽出转子,吊走泵体。
1.10 Pull out the rotor stage by stage and lift away the
pump proper.
2 清理检查
2 Clean and check
2.1 轴外观检查。转子应无伤痕,锈蚀现象,所有螺纹良好,所有
2.1 Check the appearance of shaft. There should be no
damage and rust corrosion in rotor. All the screw threads
are good. No burr in key slot, and no abrasion, steam
erosion and fractures in blades.
2.2 检查轴承游隙,内外套及滚动体磨损情况,确认能够继续
2.2 Check the bearing variation and the abrasion of internal
and external bushing as well as the abrasion in roller. After
ensuring that they are still useful, lay glycerinum on it and
put it at clean place for re-installation. The bearing
variation should be less than or equal to 0.25mm. No
abrasion in and out of bushing. No point erosion in roller.
2.3 轴封环、档环、油环、离心盘、填料套、水封环、等易损件检查。
2.3 Check the gland seal ring, damper rig, oil ring, centrifugal
disc, packing sleeve, water sealing ring and other wearing
parts. There should be no abrasion, crack, ruptures in
them, if not, replace them.
2.4 侧盖、侧板、阀片及阀片压板检查。上述部件无裂纹及砂眼,
2.4 Check the side cover, side plate, valves and valve
capping. No cracks or sand holes in them. The valve
plates should be replaced one by one.
2.5 叶轮检查。叶轮无磨损及汽蚀,如有严重磨损及汽蚀应更换
2.5 Check the impeller. There should be no abrasion or
cavitation in impeller. Replace the impeller if serious
abrasion and cavitation happens in impeller.
2.6 测量泵轴弯曲值。泵轴弯曲值≤0.03mm;
2.6 Measure the bending value of pump shaft. It should be
less than or equal to 0.03mm.
2.7 各套装部件端面瓢偏及晃度符合规定要求,转子晃度:
2.7 The deflection and the swaying degree for end surface in

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each assembly meet the requirements. The rotor vibration
should be less than 0.05mm.
2.8 检查其它设备如分离器及热交换器等;
2.8 Check other equipment such as separator and heat
2.9 全部设备及零配件清扫干净,露出金属光泽;
2.9 Clean all the equipment and assemblies until there is the
metal lustre.
2.10 按原垫片厚度做好各部垫片,已备组装。
2.10 Prepare gaskets for each part according to original
thickness for installation.
3 组装
3 Assembly
3.1 在检修场地将转子穿入泵体内,并按顺序组装侧板、阀片、
转子总窜: 0.50~0.75mm;
3.1 Put the rotor into the pump in maintenance field. Install the
side plate, valves, valve capping and side cover in correct
order. Check the axial contact between rotor end surface
and the distributor at two sides. Total rotor displacement
should be 0.50-0.75mm.
3.2 泵侧盖结合部组装按解体顺序进行,泵体全部组装完毕,
3.2 Assemble the connection part in pump side cover
according to the sequence of removal. When the pump is
well assembled, rotate the rotor to monitor abnormal
sound. No friction between impeller end surface and
3.3 将泵体吊装回原位,检查调整各部间隙;
3.3 Put the pump body to original position, and check
clearance between the assemblies.
3.4 回装联轴器,进行找正工作。中心:圆周:0.08mm,端面:
3.4 Re-install the coupling and carry out alignment. Center:
circularity: 0.08mm; end face: 0.08.
3.5 紧好泵体地脚螺栓,连接对轮弹性柱销,扣好对轮罩;
3.5 Tighten the anchor bolts for pumps and connect the
elastic pins for coupling, and then close the coupling cover
3.6 清扫设备附近卫生及擦拭设备;
3.6 Clean the surrounding of equipment and wipe the
3.7 恢复措施,试车。泵组的轴承温升不得超过 35℃,实测最
高温度不超过 75℃。振动双振幅值小于 0.05mm。
3.7 Restorative measures. Carry out operation test. The
bearing temperature increase in pump group should not
exceed 35℃. The real highest temperature should be no

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more than 75℃. The vibration bi-amplitude value should
be less than 0.05mm.
郭爱利(4237) 水室真空泵检修工序 Maintenance procedure of water chamber vacuum pump
1 解体
1 Disassembly
1.1 通知电气拆卸电机电源,拆联轴器连接弹性柱销,复查中
1.1 Inform electrical staff to disassemble the motor power
supply, remove the connecting elastic pin of the coupling,
reexamine the center and then remove the motor. At the
same time, record the center value.
1.2 拆卸泵出入口法兰及所有与泵体相连接的管路,热工元件、
1.2 Remove the inlet and outlet flanges of the pump, the pipes
connected to the pump proper, the I&C elements and the
valves, etc..
1.3 松开地脚螺栓,将泵运至指定检修场地,用专用工具或加
1.3 Loosen the ground bolts, remove the pump to the
appointed maintenance site, and then draw out the pump
side coupling with special tools or heating method.
1.5 解体两侧端盖结合部;
1.5 Disassemble the end cover connections at the two sides.
1.6 拆卸两侧轴封环后,旋下轴承盖紧固螺栓,同时取下两侧
1.6 After disassembling the two side gland seal rings, screw
down the bearing fixing bolts, at the same time, remove
the two end covers, oil rings and baffle rings.
1.7 分别拆卸两侧轴承套、轴承、内轴承毛毡和离心盘;
1.7 Disassemble the two side bearing sleeves, bearings, inner
bearing hair felt and centrifugal disc respectively.
1.8 卸开机械密封,并进行认真检查;
1.8 Disassemble the mechanical seal and examine carefully.
1.9 拆卸检查盖板。拆开侧盖紧固螺栓,及一切与泵体相连的螺
1.9 Disassemble and examine the cover plate. Remover the
fixing bolts of the side covers and all the other bolts

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connected to the pump proper, mark on them, and remove
the side cover stably to a safe place. Measure the
thickness of the connecting surface washer and record.
1.10 抽出转子放置于合适位置。
1.10 Draw out the rotor and lay it to a proper place.
2 清理检查
2 Cleaning and examining
2.1 轴外观检查。转子应无伤痕,锈蚀现象,所有螺纹良好,所
2.1 Shaft appearance examining. There should be no scar
and rust corrosion. The screw threads should be in good
condition. The key grooves should have no burs. The
blades should have no abrasion, cavitation and rupture.
2.2 Examine the bearing clearance, abrasion degrees of inner
and outer sleeves and rolling elements. If they are able to
be used continuously, apply glycerin to these parts and
put them at a clean place for re-assembly. The bearing
clearance should ≤0.25mm; the inner and outer sleeves
should have no injuries; the rolling elements should have
no pit corrosions.
2.3 轴封环、档环、油环、离心盘、机封、水封环等易损件检查。均
2.3 Examine the parts subjected to wear, such as gland seal
rings, baffle rings, centrifugal disc, mechanical seal and
water seal rings, etc.. They should have no abrasions,
cracks, ruptures, or, replace them.
2.4 侧盖、侧板、阀片及阀片压板检查。上述部件无裂纹及砂眼,
2.4 Examine the side covers, side plates, valve plates and
their pressed plate. There should be no cracks and air
bubbles on them. Replace the valve plate one by one.
2.5 叶轮检查。叶轮无磨损及汽蚀,如有严重磨损及汽蚀应更换
2.5 Examine the impeller. The impeller should have no
abrasion and cavitation, and it should be replaced if there
are serious abrasion and cavitation.
2.6 测量泵轴弯曲值。泵轴弯曲值≤0.03mm;
2.6 Measure the bending value of the pump shaft. It should

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2.7 各套装部件端面瓢偏及晃度符合规定要求,转子晃度:
2.7 The end face skewness degrees and swinging degrees of
the shell parts should meet the requirements. Rotor
swinging degree should <0.05mm.
2.8 检查其它设备如分离器及热交换器等;
2.8 Examine other equipment like separator and heat
exchanger and so on.
2.9 全部设备及零配件清扫干净,露出金属光泽;
2.9 Clean all the equipments and spare parts till there are
2.10 按原垫片厚度做好各部垫片,已备组装。
2.10 Prepare all the washers according to the original
thickness for assembly.
3 组装
3 Assembly
3.1 在检修场地将转子穿入泵体内,并按顺序组装侧板、阀片、
3.1 Put the rotor into the pump proper in the maintenance site.
Assemble the side plates, valve plates, valve plate
pressed plates and side cover sequentially. Also examine
the axial contact condition between the rotor end face and
the two side distributors.
3.2 泵侧盖结合部组装按解体顺序进行,泵体全部组装完毕,
3.2 Assemble the pump side connection part in the same
sequence of disassembly. After pump proper assembly is
completed, turn the rotor and listen if there is abnormal
sound. There should be no friction between the impeller
end surface and the distributor.
3.3 将泵体吊装回原位,检查调整各部间隙;
3.3 Hang up install the pump proper to its original position.
Examine and adjust the clearances of all parts.
3.4 回装联轴器,进行找正工作。
3.4 Reassemble the coupling, and align.
3.5 紧好泵体地脚螺栓,连接对轮弹性柱销,扣好对轮罩;
3.5 Fasten the pump proper ground bolts, connect the
coupling elastic pin and fasten the coupling cover.
3.6 清扫设备附近卫生及擦拭设备;

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3.6 Clean the surroundings of the equipment and wipe the
3.7 恢复措施,试车。泵组的轴承温升不得超过 35℃,实测最
高温度不超过 75℃。振动双振幅值小于 0.05mm。
3.7 Recovery measure—trial run. The bearing temperature
rise of the pump should not exceed 75℃. The double
amplitude vibration value should be less than 0.05mm. 工艺标准 Process standard
1 轴承游隙≤0.25mm;内外套无损伤,滚动体无点蚀;
1 The bearing clearance should ≤0.25mm; the inner and outer
sleeves should have no injuries; and the rolling elements
should have no pit corrosion.
2 泵轴弯曲值≤0.03mm;
2 The pump shaft bending value should ≤0.03mm.
3 各套装部件端面瓢偏及晃度符合规定要求,转子晃度:
3 The end face skewness degrees and swinging degrees of the
shell parts should meet the requirements. Rotor swinging
degree should <0.05mm.
4 叶轮端面总间隙:安装前 ? ,安装后总间隙: ? , 叶轮端面与
4 Impeller end face total clearance: Before installation ? ; After
installation ? . There should be no friction between the
impeller end face and distributor.
5 叶轮顶部和筒壁间隙值:?
5 Clearance between impeller top and drum wall: ?.
6 泵体水平切口在排出端;
6 The horizontal cut of the pump should be at the outlet end.
7 泵体法兰上水平刻线应装在排气侧;
7 The horizontal scale on the pump flange should be installed at
the exhaust side.
8 中心:圆周:0.05mm,端面:0.05mm;
8 Center: circumference: 0.05mm, end face: 0.05mm.
9 汽水分离器水位计清晰可见;
9 The water lever meter of the steam-water separator should be
clear to observe.

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10 新叶轮静平衡试验:不平衡重量≤5g。
10 Static balancing test of new impeller: the unbalancing weight
should be ≤5g. 调试和试运 Commissioning and Test running 启动前的准备 Preparation before startup
1 打开填料压盖,向填料挤入少许普通机油作润滑;
1 Open packing gland and extrude a little bit general machine
oil into the packing for lubricating.
2 通过供水管路向真空泵内供水冲洗,用水盘动转子,然后通过
放水管把污水排净,对于试运转后或投入过正式运行但停车 2
2 Wash the vacuum pump with the water coming from the water
supply pipe. Use water to turn the rotor, and then discharge
the waste water through the relief pipe. If the pump shut down
for more than 2 days after commissioning or normal operation,
wash it by filling water and turning the gear before restart in
order to prevent motor burning caused startup failure due to
inner rust corrosion and scaling.
3 检查电气部分是否安全、接线是否正确;
3 Examine the electrical part to see if it is safe and if the wire
connection is correct.
4 检查电动机的转动方向是否符合真空泵的转向;
4. Examine if the rotating direction of the motor is in accordance
with the rotating direction of the vacuum pump.
5 检查联轴器护罩或皮带罩是否得到可靠得固定。
5 Examine if the coupling protection cover or belt cover is
reliably fixed. 启动 Startup
1 开启供水闸阀,向泵内供水,当自动排水阀有液体流出时
1 Open the water supply gate valve and supply water into
the pump. Close the gate valve when there is water
flowing out from the automatic water discharge valve.
2 打开进汽闸阀;

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2 Open the steam inlet gate valve.
3 当自动排水阀没有水流出时,启动电机,真空泵开始运转。
同时打开供水闸阀,时真空压力表得指针接近 0MPa(表压)
3 When there is no more water flowing out from the
automatic water discharge valve, start up the motor and
the vacuum pump will start to run. At the same time, open
the water supply gate valve and the indicating needle of
the vacuum pressure gauge will point at near 0 MPa
(gauge pressure). The absolute pressure decreases as
the pump letting in the steam, so the indicating needle
move to the negative values.
4 如果在真空泵启动前,凝汽器已形成真空,进汽闸阀应处
4 The steam inlet gate valve should be at closed position if
the condenser forms a vacuum before the startup of the
vacuum pump. And when the pipe vacuum reaches the
specific value after the startup of vacuum pump, slowly
open the gate valve. Note that when the output pressure
of the vacuum pump is higher than the atmospheric
pressure, the shaft power will be increased and the motor
will even be damaged when serious increase occurs.
5 检查真空泵轴承振动、轴承温度、噪音正常;
5 Examine and make sure the bearing vibration,
temperature and noise are normal.
6 检查汽水分离器水位和排气正常;
6 Examine and make sure the water lever and the exhaust
of the steam-water separator are normal.
7 检查板式换热器工作正常;
7 Examine and make sure that the plate heat exchanger is
working normally.
8 检查密封填料处温度和渗漏液流量正常。
8 Examine and make sure that temperature and leakage
flow at the sealing stuffing are normal. 停车 Shutdown
1 停泵前先检查系统中个相应设备能否进入投运程序;
1 Examine to if the corresponding equipments of the system are
able to enter the operation program before the pump

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2 关闭供水闸阀,然后立即停运电动机。注意确认进汽阀关闭;
2 Close the water supply gate valve and then shut down the
motor immediately. Note that the steam inlet valve should be
at closed position.
3 打开排水阀门或拧开放水螺塞,放清积水,以防生锈或在低温
3 Open the water discharge valve or screw off the water
discharge plug and give out the accumulated water in order to
prevent it from rust corrosion and frost cracking in low
temperature. 安全、健康、环保要求 Safety, health and environmental protection requirements 安全 Safety
1 进入现场必须按《安规》规定着装和使用安全防护用具;
1 When in site, wear and use safety and protection articles
according to the requirements in the SAFETY CODE.
2 两人及以上工作时必须明确一名工作负责人;
2 A person responsible for work should be appointed when
there are two or more than two working persons.
3 现场应设有足够的照明,并符合《安规》要求;
3 There should be enough lightening in site and it should meet
the requirements in the SAFETY CODE.
4 使用电气工具必须使用漏电保护器,并遵守电动工具的使用规
4 When using electrical tools, leakage safety device must be
used and the service requirements should be followed. Do not
use the tools with defectiveness.
5 认真遵守起重、搬运的安全规定;
5 Follow the lifting and carrying safety regulations carefully.
6 高处作业必须正确使用安全带,工具、材料的传递应遵守安规规
6 Use safety belt correctly when working high above the ground.
The passing of the tools and materials should meet the safety
7 叶轮焊接时必须接地线,防止烧毁轴承;
7 Earth line should be connected when welding the impeller to
prevent bearing burning.

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8 清洗、油箱加油时,要防止火灾。严禁使用汽油清洗机件;
8 Prevent fire disaster from occurring when washing or filling oil
into the oil tank. Do not use gasoline to wash the turbine
9 现场准备充足的消防器材;
9 Prepare adequate fire fighting equipments in site
10 动火工作期间设专人监护;
10 There should be specialized person to supervise during hot
work working.
11 工作结束应及时恢复工作过程拆除的栏杆、防护罩、沟盖板等;
11 Recover the handrail, protection cover, slot cover plate, etc.
disassembled during working process after the works are
12 工作结束清点人员、工具,收回剩余的材料,清除火种,清扫工
12 Check the personnel and tools after the finish of work. Collect
the leftover materials. Eliminate the fire sources and clean the
working site. 健康 Health
1 进入容器或风箱内工作必须有良好的通风设备,防止人在箱内
1 There should be good ventilation equipments if works are to
be done inside container or air box to prevent asphyxia.
2 接触对人体有毒、有害或有刺激性气味的化学物品时必须做好防
2 Protection measures should be taken when the staff is going
to contact poisonous, harmful or irritative chemical
substances. 环境 Enviroment
1 更换后的废油必须倒入指定的油桶中,不得随便倾倒;
1 The replaced waste oil should be poured into the appointed oil
can. Do not pore anywhere else.
2 使用后废弃的或剩余的化学用品必须放到指定位置,不得随便
2 The waste or leftover chemical substances should be put at
the appointed position, and do not put anywhere else.

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3 工作结束后必须做到工完、料净、场地清。
3 After the works are finished, clear up the materials on site.
2.2.20 循环水泵
2.2.20 Circulating water pump 概述 General description
本工程 3×330MW 机组的冷却水系统采用直流海水作为冷却水,供
供水系统流程示意: 港池取水口→取水明渠→粗格栅→移动式清污
The cooling water system of this 3×330MW unit project uses
once-through seawater as its cooling water source. Expand unit
system of through-flow supply system is its water supply system.
The cooling water is mainly supplied to condenser and auxiliary
equipment. The water supply system process is as follows:
harbor basin water intake port→ water intake channel→coarse
screen→ traveling trash remover→ rotary filter→ circulating water
pump→ circulating water pressurized pipes→ condenser→
circulating water drainage pipe→ siphon well→ circulating water
drain channel→ drain port. The system has two sets of water
circulating pumps, which can be operated in parallel or singly to
meet the working conditions of the entire unit safety and economic
operation. Under the parallel operation, the flow deviation of the
same water circulating pump should be limited within 5%.
该泵系引进美国 I-R 公司的先进技术发展起来的产品,用来输送
流泵 LKX。其特点是在泵外筒体不拆卸的情况下,转子可单独抽出
This pump is developed by advanced technology of the American
I-R company, and is used to transport sea water below 55℃.
According to the structure and the installation type, this pump
belongs to vertical rotor drawable diagonal flow pump LKX. The
feature is that the rotor can be pulled out from the pump body for
maintenance alone while the pump casing is without
dismantlement. The pump shaft is installed vertically, and the
motor is directly connected with the pump. The pump intake is
vertically downward, and the outlet is horizontally arranged and
extended under the base of the pump.

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This pump adopts stuffing sealing. The axial thrust of pump is
withstood by the motor. Pump bearings use rubber bearing and
Thordon bearing. And when rubber bearing is used, there is
protection sleeve for pump shaft and clean pressurized water is
filled into it for lubricating. The pump shaft uses high quality
carbon steel; the impeller is made of stainless steel and other
parts are welded together by steel plates.
Water pump parts contacting with seawater all adopt preventive
measures, and the parts contacting with atmosphere adopt salt
mist preventive measures. Water pump materials, except for
seawater corrosion resistance, should be considered with the
condition of adopting electrochemical corrosion protection.
Impressed current cathode protection method is used for the
internal structures of inner shell of circulating water pump housing,
guide blade, impeller, external walls of shaft lubricating water pipe,
etc. Also, sacrificial anode protection method is adopted for
protecting the external walls of circulating water pump and the
flow deflector. And for some positions, heavy anti-corrosive paint
method and sacrificial anode protection method can be used
together. 技术规范 Technical specifications
表 17 设备规范
Table 17 Equipments Specifications
型 号
Vertical, Drawable Rotor, Fixed
Blades, and Mixed Flow

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流 量(m3/s)
Flow (m3/s)
扬 程(m)
Delivery Head(m)
转 速(r/min)
Rotating Speed(r/min)
Shaft Power(KW)
Pump Efficiency(%)
汽蚀余量 mH2O
Net Positive Suction Head mH2O
出口公称直径 mm
Outlet Nominal Diameter mm
进水温度℃ 25~37(正常工况 normal operation
Water Inlet Temperature ℃ condition)

出口公称压力 MPa
Outlet Nominal Pressure MPa
Normal Bearing Vibration Value ±0.076
(Double Amplitude value) mm
输送介质 海水
Pump Conveying Medium Seawater
Maximum Axial thrust (T)
泵轴长/轴段根数 m/个
Pump Shaft Length/Shaft Segment 10m/2
Quantity m/Each
功率 Power KW 1400
Matched Motor YL1400-14/1730-1
转子提升高度(mm) 6

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Rotor Lifting Height (mm)
Number of Stage
Essential Net Positive Suction Head 6.87
Minimum Submerged Depth (m)
Clockwise (Looking from Motor
Rotating Direction
Towards Pump)
轴承润滑水 本身输送水
Bearing Lubricating Water Proper Conveyed Water
Main Components material
Discharge HT200Ni2Cr HT200Ni2Cr
泵壳 叶轮
HT200Ni2Cr ZG0Cr18Ni12Mo2
Pump Casing Impeller
进水喇叭 底板 料
Suction Mouth Soleplate Q235-A+
Anticorrosive paint
316 Impeller Hough 0Cr18Ni9
Main Shaft
Lock Ring
电机座 调节螺母
Q235-A 45#
Motor base Regulating Nut
Impeller ZG0Cr18Ni12Mo2 Q235-A
Ground Bolt

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内接管 a、b、c
ZG310-570 Internal 0Cr18Ni9
Pump Coupling Connecting Pipe
a, b, and c
Intermediate 0Cr18Ni9 HT200Ni2Cr
Packing Gland
填料函体 轴套
HT200Ni2Cr 0Cr18Ni9
Stuffing Box Shaft Sleeve
导轴承 轴承套
龙 0Cr18Ni9
Guide Bearing Bearing Sleeve
Bearing Support

注:循环水泵型号 72LKXA-16
Note: Circulating water pump model is 72LKXA-16
72——泵外筒体直径为 72 英寸,即 1800m;
72——The diameter of pump cylinder is 72 inch, i.e.1800m.
L ——立式;
L ——Vertical
K ——转子可抽出式;
K ——Drawable Rotor
X ——吐出口在泵安装基础层之下;
X ——Outtake port is under pump installation base
A ——设计顺序,叶轮经过切割;
A ——Design sequence, the impeller is cut
16——Design point delivery head 检修内容 Maintenance Contents 检修项目 Maintenance Items
1 盘根套磨损情况;

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1 Packing sleeve abrasion degree;
2 叶轮室下端精加工锥面与吸入喇叭口锥面贴合检查;
2 Examine the joint between impeller chamber lower finish
machining conical surface and suction trumpet conical
3 叶轮密封环检测;
3 Test the impeller sealing ring.
4 轴承压盖检测;
4 Test the bearing cover.
5 联轴器找正,泵体调平;
5 Align the coupling, and adjust the levelness of the pump.
6 赛龙导轴承检查;
6 Examine the Thordon guide bearing;
7 叶轮室凸耳与外接管凹槽表面检查;
7 Examine the surface of the impeller chamber lug and the
external water pipe slot. 维护消缺项目 Maintenance and troubleshooting items
3. 检修工艺及质量标准
3. Maintenance process and quality standards
1 盘根磨损情况;
1 Packing abrasion situations;
2 轴承运转情况;
2 Bearing operation conditions;
3 冷却水投运情况;
3 Cooling water operation conditions;
4 其他泄漏点。
4 Other leakage points. 检修工艺及质量标准 Maintenance process and quality standards 电机部分拆卸 Motor disassembly
1 拆掉电机机架固定外圈螺丝及固定挡油板的内圈螺丝,落下底

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1 Remove the outer fixing screws of the motor frame and the
inner fixing screws of the oil blocking board, and put the
bottom cover down.
2 电机与泵体靠背轮螺栓拆卸,用钢字头在电机与水泵靠背轮处
作记号,按一定顺序将连接螺栓打上数字。在 180°方向留下两
2 Remove the motor and the pump coupling bolts, mark the
motor and water pump coupling with steel letter head, and
number the connecting bolt according to a certain sequence.
Leave the two bolts at 180 ° direction, and loose the nuts.
3 解体前原始中心校对:把电机端盖吊走,把盘车专用工具装在
转子上。在靠背轮处水平方向互成 90°的方向上装两只百分表,
1/4 转读数一次,作好记录;
3 Original center calibration before disassembly: lift away the
motor cover; install the specified tools of turning gear on the
rotor. At the horizontal 90 ° direction place of coupling
wheels, , assemble two percentage meters, also measure the
end face opening with inside micrometer and record the value.
Turn the gear according to the rotating direction of pump, and
there should be specified person to direct the turning gear.
And the percentage meters should be monitored. Read the
percentage meters and record the values When every 1/4
circle is turned.
4 通知热工拆除所有测温元件;
4 Inform I&C Staff to remove all the temperature measuring
5 通知电气顶起电机转子;
5 Inform Electrical staff to jack up the motor rotor.
6 电机推力头的拆卸:首先将推力头上面的卡环拆掉,并做好记
6 Disassembly of the motor thrust head: First remove the fixing
ring on the thrust head and mark it. Then using special tools
to remove the thrust head and lift it out with traveling crane to
the rubber washer, and jack out the flat key by screw.
7 用合像水平仪测量机架水平,作好记录,将机架与电机定子紧
7 Use combined diagram level meter to measure the levelness
of the frame and record the result. Loosen the fixing screws of
the frame and motor stator; pull out the fixing screws and lift
up the upper frame and the motor rotor.

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8 用合像水平仪测量定子水平作好记录,并松开定子与泵体联接
8 Use combined diagram level meter to measure the levelness
of the stator and record the result. Loosen the joint bolt of the
stator and the pump body and then lift away the stator. 水泵部分拆卸 Water pump disassembly
1 拆除泵轴承及盘根冷却水管;
1 Remove the cooling water pipes of the pump shaft and
2 对称拆掉泵支座与泵体联接螺丝,用四个专用起盖螺钉将泵盖
2 Remove the joint bolts of the pump support and the pump
body symmetrically. Use four special screws to jack up the
pump cover and the pump body uniformly until the rabbet
exits, and then lift out and lay them on the special support.
3 将泵转子吊起,同时注意可抽部件中叶轮室防转块与外接管防
3 Lift up the pump rotor, at the same time, pay attention to the
separation of the impeller chamber rotary-preventing block
and the outer connecting pipe rotary-preventing block damper.
Measure the lifting value and record it.
4 靠背轮的拆卸:将靠背轮止退垫片打平,用专用钩形扳手将锁
4 Disassemble the coupling: flatten the washer of the coupling,
loosen the fixing nuts by special spanner, then lift out the
coupling with jack and traveling crane and take out the flat
5 依次取出上主轴对应轴套、填料轴套及短键,“O”型密封圈,
5 Take out the shaft sleeve, stuffing sleeve and the short key in
accordance with upper main shaft, the O type seal ring, the
sleeve nut and the lock screws of the packing sleeve
6 拆除套筒联轴器外圆紧定螺钉,退出套筒联轴器,然后拆卸内
接管 a、b 螺丝;
6 Remove the outer fixing screws of the sleeve coupling, take
out the sleeve coupling and then remove the screw a and b of
the internal jointing pipe.
7 将导流片与导流片接管拆除,注意定位销孔和导流片的方向,

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7 Remove the flow deflector and deflector jointing pipe; pay
attention to the direction of the locating pin hole and the flow
deflector. Then take out the upper Thordon guide bearing from
the bearing chamber of the stuffing box.
8 从填料函体外圆取出“O”型密封圈,从导流片接管上法兰拆除
8 Take out the O type sealing ring from the outer circle of the
stuffing box; remove the stuffing box from upper flange of the
deflector jointing pipe.
9 拆卸分半填料压盖,掏出各环填料,清理填料函、轴承;
9 Remove the half stuffing cover, take the filler of each ring out
and clear up the stuffing box and the bearing.
10 用专用工具拆卸轴承紧定螺母,松开轴承螺丝,用顶丝将轴承
10 Remove the fixing nuts of the bearing with special tools,
loosen the nuts. Jack out the bearing body with top screw and
lift it down.
11 泵叶轮拆卸:先把叶轮哈夫锁环、螺栓、垫圈拆下,用专用拆卸
11 Disassemble the pump impeller: first remove the Hough lock
ring of the impeller, the bolts and the washer, then
disassemble the impeller with special tools and finally take out
the flat key and keep it properly.
12 去除盘根套紧定螺钉,再用铜棒慢慢敲打轴套处,使其松动取
12 Remove the fixing bolts of the packing, and then hit the shaft
sleeve slowly with Copper stick to loosen and remove it. And
finally take out the sleeve keys.
13 检查轴径表面应光洁无损伤,裂纹及扭曲,两端螺纹完好;
13 Inspect the journal surface, it should be complete and have no
damage, no crack and no twist. And the screw thread at the
two ends should be complete and in good condition.
14 测量轴径向晃度:把轴的两端架在V型铁上,V型铁要放稳固,
14 Measure the radial swinging degree of the shaft: lay the two
ends of the shaft on the V type metal support which is
steadily laid. And put on the percentage meter, the pointer
should be pointing at the shaft center. Then slowly turn the
pump shaft. If the shaft is bent, there will be a large reading
and a small reading in each turn, and the difference of the two
readings will be the swinging degree, while half of the

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swinging degree is the bending value.
15 检查叶轮应完好、无裂纹沙眼等缺陷,流道应光滑。如局部有裂
15 Inspect the impeller, it should be complete with no cracks and
no sand holes, and the flowing channel should be smooth. If
there are cracks and steam corrosive holes on some parts, if
not casting new impeller, weld the missing parts, and conduct
impeller static balance test. And carry out repair welding when
16 叶轮口环与密封环配合良好,间隙≤0.50~0.70mm,叶轮口环磨
16 The impeller port ring and the sealing ring should be well
jointed, with a clearance≤0.50~0.70mm. Plate the impeller
port ring when the ring is severely abraded, and the plating
layer should≤0.30mm. Besides, the methods of adding shroud
to the port ring can also be adopted.
17 轴套外圈应光滑无毛刺,不许有沙眼、裂纹等铸造缺陷;
17 The outer circle of the shaft sleeve should be smooth with no
burs and no casing defectiveness of sand holes and cracks.
18 对 补 焊 或 新 换 叶 轮 应 进 行 静 平 衡 试 验 , 泵 轴 最 大 晃 度 :
18 Conduct static balance test of the welded or newly replaced
impeller. The maximum swinging degree should≯0.05mm, and
the end face skewness of the shaft shoulders
19 检查叶轮内径与轴配合间隙 0~0.075mm,轴套内圈与轴配合间
隙 0~0.14mm,叶轮最大外径上允许不平衡质量为 300g,叶轮
口环对叶轮内孔跳动度≤0.06mm 。
19 Examine the jointing clearance between the impeller inner
diameter and the shaft. It should be within 0~0.075mm. The
jointing clearance of the inner circle of the shaft sleeve and
the shaft should be within0~0.14mm. The maximum permitted
unbalancing weight of the impeller outer diameter is 300g.
The jumping degree of the impeller port ring to the impeller
inner hole should≤0.06mm.
张为虎(4518) 导轴承 Guide bearing
1 导轴承应在主轴平放时与主轴轴径对研,其接触点应大致均匀;
1. Guide bearing should rubbed with the main shaft when the

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main shaft is horizontally placed, and the points of contact
should be generally average;
2 与导轴承配合的主轴轴径应光洁无划迹,否则用油石研磨。
2. The main shaft journal that assorts with the guide bearing
should be smooth and free from scratches, or it should be
rubbed with hone. 水泵部分组装 Assembly of water pump
1 在上主轴装好轴套键、轴套、垫圈,用螺栓拧紧;
1. Fix the sleeve keys, shaft sleeve, washer on the main shaft,
and fasten them with bolts;
2 在上主轴下端装上键,随后将轴穿入套筒联轴器,将套筒联轴
2. Mount on keys on the lower end of upper main shaft, and then
insert the bearing into the sleeve coupling and fasten the
sleeve coupling onto the shaft;
3 连接内接管 a、b,将可抽部件放入壳体内。在此过程中,当叶轮
室防转块与与外接管 a 防转块挡板接触时,可继续下放直至叶
3. Connect internal connecting pipes a & b, and put the flexible
parts into the casing body. During this process, when the anti-
rotating block in the blade chamber contacts with the anti-
rotating block damper of external connecting pipe A, continue
to lower it until the finish machining conical surface at the
lower end of blade chamber fully joint with the finish
machining conical surface of suction bell;
4 将导流片与导流片接管连接起来,然后起吊至上主轴上方,调
4. Connect the flow deflector with the flow deflector take over,
and then hoist them up over main shaft. Adjust the direction of
flow deflector and paste sealing gum on the contacting
surface between flow deflector take-over and pump
supporting, insert the bearing and put it down to connect it
with the pump supporting plate;
5 将下主轴穿入轴承腔的填料函、填料压盖及支座,将支座与导流
5. Insert the lower main shaft into the stuffing box, stuffing gland
and supporter, and fasten the supporter with the upper flange
of the flow deflector take-over;
6 叶轮轮毂处晃动值不便测量,泵轴摆度调整在填料函体位置用
对中楔形块调整,保证联轴器处径向跳动不超过 0.05mm;

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6. The waving value at the impeller wheel hub is not convenient
to be detected, and the waving of the pump shaft should be
adjusted at the stuffing box position with alignment wedge.
Make sure that the axial displacement at the coupling would
not exceed 0.05mm;
7 装好叶轮键、叶轮、再装垫子,并将叶轮哈夫紧固;
7. Fix the impeller keys, impellers, and then the washers, and
fasten the impeller with
8 将紧定衬套、导轴承与轴承腔的组合体、止退垫片、紧定衬套螺
8. Fasten the bushings, combining unit of guide bearing and
bearing chamber, anti-thrust washer, fasten the bushing bolts,
and fix the end cap of the bearing to its proper position;
9 安装对轮键、泵对轮、垫圈、止退垫圈;
9. Fix coupler keys, pump coupler, washer and anti-thrust
10 测量泵窜动量:使导叶体端面与叶轮上端面贴合,将转子落至
极下位置,再提升转子 6mm,盘车检查转子是否灵活。
10. Measure axial displacement of pump: make the end face of
the guide blade joint with the upper end face of impeller, and
lower the rotor to ultimate down position. Then lift the rotor for
6mm, check the flexibility of rotor with turning gear.
Note: axial displacement must be bigger than the lifted height of
the rotor.
8 将泵转子部分吊入泵体,并将泵盖螺丝穿入后对称紧好。
8. Hoist the pump rotor into the pump body and symmetrically
fasten the pump cover bolts after put them in. 电机部分组装 Assembly of electric motors
1 用抛光机清扫机座平面,将定子和机架的组合体吊入电机支座
1. Clean the motor base with polishing machine, and put the
combining unit of rotor and the frame onto the motor
2 紧固电机支座螺丝,用合像水平仪测量其定子各支角处水平;
2. Fasten the bolts on motor supporter, and measure the horizon
level of the rotor arms with coincidence level meter;
3 联系电气将转子吊入定子内;

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3. Contact the electric staff to hoist the rotor into stator;
4 按解体时的记录安装推力瓦块、推力头,使转子质量转移到推力
4. Assemble the thrust bush, thrust head according to the record
made during disassembly, and shift the mass of rotor to thrust
bearing. Then measure the horizon of frame with coincidence
level meter on the four arms, and make adjustment by
adding/reducing pads at the arms;
5 装好盘车工具测量电机跳动度,跳动度应≦0.05mm,超过允许
5. Fix up the turning gear to measure the flopping value of motor,
and the flopping value should ≦0.05mm. If the value exceeds
the allowable range, make adjustment by scraping the thrust
head face or adding copper sheet;
6 对轮端面误差及圆周误差均≦0.05mm;
6. The wheel end face error and the circle error should
7 调整空气间隙:拆卸对轮及电机定子与支座连接螺丝,在需要
调整的方向且成 90 度的位置上各安装一只表,表头触在电机定
7. To adjust the air clearance: disassemble the connecting bolts
between coupling, motor stator and supporter, fix a meter
vertically to the directions where need adjustment. The meter
head should touch the outer casing of the electric stator, and
the movement value could be read out from the meter by
moving the stator with traveling crane;
8 复查对轮中心;
8. Reexamine the wheel center;
9 调整推力轴瓦受力:在对轮中心,推力盘水平合格的情况下,
9. Adjust the stress of thrust bush: adjust the thrust bush when
the coupling center and thrust plate level is qualified to make
the stresses on the supporting bolts average. Taking it as
basis when the pointer of the percentage meter on the thrust
plate begins to move, and monitor that the pointer should
have no movement. Lock up each of the thrust bushes after
they were adjusted, and contact the I & C members to install
the measuring elements for thrust bushes. 试运行 Commissioning

Page 455 of 629 准备工作 Preparation works
1 将循环泵盘根处注入清水,打开循环水泵进口阀们,开启凝汽
300~500mm 后,启动电机,当水泵到达正常转速,记录压力
1. Fill clean water into the packing of circulating pump, and open
the inlet valve of circulating pump, and open the air
exhaustion valve of condensate water chamber. Pre-open the
outlet valve 300~500mm when there is no water back
flashing, and start the motor and record the pressure value
when the pump reaches its normal rotating speed;
2 电 机 启 动 前 轴 承 温 度 不 低 于 15℃ , 运 行 时 各 轴 瓦 温 度
2. The temperature of the bearing should be no less than 15℃
before the motor starts up, and each of the bearing
temperature should be ≤70℃ during operation;
3 水泵试运应达到以下指标:
3. The pump should meet the following indexes during test
3.1 泵出口压力稳定,并达到额定压力值;
3.1 The outlet pressure of the pump is steady and reaches
rated pressure values;
3.2 电机工作电流不超过额定值;
3.2 The working current of motors does not exceed rated
3.3 各转动部件的振动值不许超标,如果振动太大,可将泵组
3.3 The vibration value of the rotating parts should not exceed
requirement. If the vibration is too big, disassemble the
pump unit coupling and make the motor singly operate,
and check the vibration in order to analyze the reason for
vibration. 质量要求与标准 Quality requirements and standards
1 叶轮与密封环径向间隙:050~0.70mm;
1. Axial clearance between the impeller and sealing ring:
2 联轴器端面飘偏≯0.04mm,径向晃度≯0.04mm;
2. End face deflection of coupling ≯0.04mm, and axial

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displacement ≯0.04mm;
3 机架水平度≯0.10mm;
3. The horizon of frame ≯0.10mm;
4 轴承振动≤0.08mm(合格),≤0.06mm(优良);
4. Bearing vibration ≤0.08mm (qualified), ≤0.06mm (good);
5 导轴承径向间隙:0.16~0.20mm;
5. Axial clearance of guide bearing: 0.16~0.20mm;
6 导轴承温度≤70℃;
6. Guide bearing temperature ≤70℃;
7 润滑油型号及加油周期依据设备运转情况再定。
7. The model of lubrication oil and its feeding period depends on
the operation performance of the equipment.
2.2.21 低加疏水泵
2.2.21 Low pressure heater drainage pump 概述 Overview
供输送#2 低加疏水箱疏水至凝结水系统。疏水排气系统设置两台低
It is used to transmit the drainage water from #2 low pressure
heater drain tank to condensate water system. The drainage and
exhaustion system is equipped with two sets of low pressure
drainage pump, and one is for operation and the other is standby.
Outlet pipes of each pumps are connected with drain tank, in
order to make sure that the water level of drain tank is within
allowable range.
The pump is single body case section type multi degree
centrifugal pump, and is mainly composed of stator, rotor, bearing
and gland seal.
结合面主要靠金属面密封,并设有 O 型密封圈作为辅助密封。
Stator part: mainly composed of water inlet section, intermediate
section, water outlet section and guide blades, they are tensed by
pulling bars to form the working chamber. The inlet and outlet are
all vertically upward. The stable combining faces between the
sections mainly depend on metal faces to seal, and there is no O-

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type sealing ring for assistant seal.
Rotating part: mainly consists of shaft, impellers, balance drum
and shaft bushing etc. the shaft transmit the dynamic power to
impeller and make it work; the balance drum is used to balance
the axial forces, and there is replaceable bushing for protecting
the shaft.
Bearing part: mainly consists of bearing body, bearing cap and
sliding bearing, therein, there are two single-row radial thrust ball
bearings assembled by couplings in the bearing body at the non-
coupling end, and this is to prevent the balance drum from being
over worn. The sliding bearing uses thin lubrication oil, and there
is cooling chamber prepared for bearing body, which could supply
the water cooling bearing.
Gland seal part: takes mechanical sealing. Mechanical sealing
needs to be filled into water with a certain amount of pressure
from outside supply, for the use to cool the lubrication oil and flush
the mechanical sealing.
Transmission: the pump is driven by the motor through resilient
shaft coupling. The pump should be in clockwise rotation when
viewed from motor side.
图 6 DG155-30×6 型多级泵结构图
Figure 6 Structure drawing of DG155-30×6 type multi-stage pump

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① 冷却水进口 ②冷却水出口 ③水封水
①Cooling water inlet ②Cooling water outlet ③Water sealing water
表 18 部件名称

序号 名称 序号 名称 序号 名称
1 轴承体 6 导叶 11 尾盖
2 进水段 7 密封环 12 填料密封部件
3 平衡水管 8 中段 13 水冷填料压盖
4 导叶套 9 出水段 14 O 型密封圈
5 叶轮 10 平衡鼓 15 轴承部件
Table 18 Components names

No. Name No. Name No. Name

1 Bearing body 6 Guide blade 11 Tail hood
Feed water Stuffing sealing
2 7 Sealing ring 12
section parts
Balance water Intermediate Water cooling
3 8 13
pipe section stuffing gland
Guide blade O-type sealing
4 9 Water exit section 14
case ring
5 Impeller 10 Balance drum 15 Parts of bearings

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Cooling water interface schematic 设备规范、主要零件材质 Specifications for the equipment, materials for major parts
表 19 设备规范
Table 19 Equipment specifications

型号 Model DG155-30×6
单壳体节段式 6 级离心泵
型式 Type Single body case section type 6 grades
centrifugal pump
流量(m3/h)Flow (m3/h) 133
入口压力 MPa Inlet pressure MPa 0.07
入口温度℃ Inlet temperature ℃ <95.2
扬程(mH2O)Travel (mH2O) 185
转速(r/min)Rotating speed
轴功率(kw)Shaft power (kw) 90.5
泵效率(%)Pump efficiency (%) 74
水泵必须汽蚀余量 m Necessary net
positive suction head for pump m
泵最小流量 Minimum flow of the pump 38.75

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旋转方向 Rotating direction 顺时针 Clockwise
水泵密封型 Pump sealing type 机械密封 Mechanical sealing
Pump cooling water flow(m3/h)
输送介质 凝结水(饱和水)
Transmission medium Condensate water (saturated water)
表 20 主要部件材质

零件名称 泵体 导叶 叶轮 轴 轴套 密封环
材料 QT500-7 2Cr13 ZG230-450 2Cr13 304 2Cr13
Table 20 Materials for major parts

Name of Pump Guide Shaft Sealing

Impeller Shaft
parts body blade liner ring
Materials QT500-7 2Cr13 ZG230-450 2Cr13 304 2Cr13 检修工艺及质量标准 Maintenance process and quality standards
The quality of this model of pump directly effect the operation of
the pump, as well as its life span, performance parameters,
vibration and noise of the unit. 泵的解体 Disassembly of the pump
1 松开联轴器端轴承体、油封连接螺丝,取出轴承及附件;
1. Release the bearing body of the coupling end, oil tight joint
bolts, and take out the bearing and its accessories;
2 拆卸低压端冷却水进口管、出口管,机械密封部件;
2. Disassembly the inlet and outlet pipes for cooling water on the
low pressure end, and mechanically seal the parts;
3 解体高压端轴承体、轴端并帽、油封,拆卸高压端冷却水进口管
3. Dismantle the bearing body on the high pressure end, jam nut
on the shaft end and oil seal, and disassemble the inlet and
outlet pipes for cooling water at the high pressure end. Take
off the mechanical sealing parts, water seal ring and assorted

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shaft liner;
4 拆卸尾盖螺丝,退出止扣,拉出平衡盘及配合轴套;
4. Disassemble the bolts on tail hood, evacuate the dog clamp,
and poll out the balance plate and assorted shaft liner;
5 拆卸穿杠的同时应将各中段用垫垫起,以免各中段止口松动下
5. Pad the intermediate sections with pads when disassembling
the penetration rods in case that the ring ridges of the
intermediate sections would sink and bend the shaft.
6 拆卸出水段螺丝,松开出口压盖地脚螺栓和泵壳连接螺栓,用
6. Disassemble the water section bolts, release the anchor bolts
for outlet gland and connecting bolts for pump casing.
Horizontally pull out the outlet pipe with electric hoist. Clean it
if there is a jam caused by stains. Soak it with kerosene, and
pull it out after lightly knock it with red copper hammer;
7 向出口侧逐步分解拉出叶轮、抬出导叶,按级排放在木板上,必
7. Gradually disassemble and pull out the impeller, and take out
the guide blade to the exit side, and put them onto boards
according to there grade, and make careful marks if
necessary. Same as the previous step, clean it if there is a
jam caused by stains. Soak it with kerosene, and pull it out
after lightly knock it with red copper hammer. Heat it evenly
with flame gun if necessary, but pay attention to prevent the
shaft from overheated and the impeller from being damaged;
8 将泵轴打磨清洗干净放在滚珠架上测弯曲度。轴颈处<
8. Grind and clean up the pump shaft and test the bending
degree on the ball bearing supporter. The shaft neck should<
0.02mm; and the impeller should <0.05mm;
9 检查、测量平衡盘、盘根套磨损情况,视其情况修车或更换;
9. Check and measure the wearing condition of the balance
plate and packing case, and repair of replace them according
to actual condition;
10 测量各卡圈径向间隙在 0.35~0.50mm 之间,将叶轮按编号套装
0.10mm,最大不大于 0.15mm;
10. Measure and ensure that the axial clearances of the collars
should be 0.35~0.50mm. Put the impellers onto the big shaft

Page 462 of 629

according to their numbers and fasten the jam nuts. Measure
the axial displacement of the impellers in different grades,
generally the value should be less than 0.10mm and with a
maximum value of 0.15mm;
11 用汽油(或清洗剂)将轴瓦清洗干净,检查乌金有无脱胎、起皮
11. Clean the bearing liner with patrol (or cleaning agent), and
check whether there is scaling, peeling and the damaged
condition for Babbitt metal, make immediate grinding or
replace with spare parts if necessary;
12 用压力水把冷却水管及密封水管段内泥砂冲洗干净;
12. Flush the sands in the cooling water pipe and sealing water
pipe sections with pressured water;
13 用金相砂纸逐级将导叶端面清理干净。
13. Clean up the end faces of guide blade with metallographic
abrasive paper grade by grade. 泵的组装 Assembly of the pumps
1 装配好入口端机械密封、水封环,冷却水进出口水管;
1. Properly amount the mechanical seal at the inlet end, water
sealing ring and cooling water inlet/outlet pipe;
2 连接好泵入口端轴承体、油封,然后将泵轴穿入;
2. Properly connect the bearing body at the inlet of the pump
and oil tight, and then insert the pump;
3 按拆卸时的相反顺序逐级组装,但须做好以下工作:
3. Assemble the pump according to the reversed order of
disassembly grade by grade, and make sure of the following
--- 按 记 录 正 确 地 垫 准 叶 轮 间 的 垫 子 和 导 叶 间 青 壳 纸 垫
---Correctly pad the pads between impellers and the fish
papers between guide blades according to records
---Each time a grade of impellers is fixed, wipe the shaft with
white cloth and lightly push it in after applying lubrication
oil on it;

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---Pad the bottom of fixed guide blade, and cover the top of it
with plastic clothes to prevent dust from getting in and
cause leakage after assembly.
4 装完未级叶轮后,配合用电动葫芦装入出水段,清扫垫好出口
4. After the last grade of the impellers is fixed up, mount in the
water outlet section with the help of electric hoist. Clean and
pad the foot gasket on the both sides of outlet glands, and
then fit on the glands and insert bolts to fasten them. After the
bearing pads are fixed, fasten the bolts while turning the rotor
to test the weight, until it turns flexibly and without burden.
Finally fasten the two foot screws;
5 测量调整串轴,装上轴瓦。给轴瓦加好润滑油;
5. Measure and adjust the displaced shaft, mount in bearing
liner. Lubricate the bearing liner adequately;
6 连接平衡管及密封水管等附件;
6 Connect the accessories such as balance pipes and sealing
water pipes etc.
7 电机就位,装上找正卡子和百分表找中心,合格后连对轮装好
7. Get motors prepared, mount in alignment clips and
percentage meter to find the center. Connect the coupling and
assemble the shield after qualified;
8 质量标准:
8 Quality standards:
8.1 工作串轴为事故串轴的(1/2)±0.5mm;
8.1 Operational axial displacement is (1/2) ±0.5mm of the
accidental axial displacement;
8.2 对 轮 中 心 误 差 : 圆 周 误 差 ≤ 0.10mm 平面误差
8.2 The coupling center error: circle error≤0.10mm plane
error≤0.05mm. 注意事项 Precautions
1 固定部分各零件组合后的同心度靠零件制造精度和装配质量来
1. Guarantee of concentricity for the combined parts of the
settled sections depend on the accuracy of their

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manufacturing and assembly quality, so the manufacturing
accuracy and surface roughness of the parts should be
carefully protected, no collide and scratch is allowed. The
molybdenum disulfide used for sealant should be clean, and
the stress on the bolts and screws should be even;
2 叶轮出口流道与导叶进口流道的对中性是依各零件的轴向尺寸
2. Alignment of the impeller outlet interval channel and guide
blade inlet interval channel depends on the axial size of the
parts, and the alignment of the interval channels directly effect
the performance of the pump, so the size of the pump could
not be adjusted at random;
3 泵装配完毕后,在未装机封前,用手转动泵转子,检查转子在
3. After the pump is assembled, manually turn the rotor of the
pump before mechanical seal is assembled to check whether
the rotor turns flexibly in the pump, and check whether the
axial displacement value had reached the requirements;
4 上述检查合格后,在泵的两端轴封处加入机封;
4. Fit on mechanical seals on the glands at the both ends of the
pump after the examine above is qualified;
5 电机与水泵组装时,应将泵联轴器端轴伸向外拉出,再保证泵
和电机两联轴器间的轴向间隙值 3-4 mm;
5. Pull the shaft at the coupling end out when assembling the
motors and water pumps, and ensure that the axial clearance
between the pump and coupling of motor is 3-4mm;
6 泵只能承受自身内力,不能承受任何外力;
6. The pump is allowed to bear no outside forces except its own
inside force;
7 冷却水量,DG155-30×6 型泵每一支路建议为 0.3-0.7m3/h,压
力为 0.2~0.3MPa;
7. For cooling water amount, the suggested value for DG155-
30×6 is 0.3-0.7m3/h for each branch, and the pressure is 0.2
8 机封冲洗水压力一般高于密封腔工作压力 0.07~0.1MPa;
8. The water flushing pressure for mechanical seal is generally
0.07 ~ 0.1MPa higher than the working pressure of sealing
9 介质温度≤80°C 时,只需接轴承冷却水与机封冲洗水;介质温
度在 80°C~110°C 之间时,只需接机封室外腔冷却水、机封冲
洗水、轴承冷却水;介质温度≥110°C 时,所有冷却水都必须接

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9. When the temperature of the medium is ≤80°C, it only needs
to connect the bearing cooling water and mechanical flushing
water; when the temperature of the medium is between 80°C
~110°C, connect only the cooling water in the outer chamber
of mechanical seal room, mechanical seal flushing water,
bearing cooling water; when the temperature of the medium is
≥110°C, all of the cooling waters should be properly
connected. 试运行 Test running 起动 Startup
1 泵起动前应先盘动转子,检查转子是否灵活;
1. Turn the rotor before start up the pump to check whether the
rotor moves flexibly;
2 检查电机转向是否与泵的转向一致;冷却润滑水是否接通;
2. Check whether the turning direction of the motor is in
conformance with the pump, and whether the cooling
lubrication water is connected;
3 关闭泵的出口闸阀、压力表旋塞,用输送的液体或抽真空系统排
3. Close the outlet gate valve and faucet of the pump, and
exhaust the air in the inlet pipe and pump with the transmitted
liquid or evacuation system;
4 检查泵与电机联接螺栓的松紧程度和泵周围的安全情况,使泵
4. Check the fastening degree of the connecting bolts between
pump and motor as well as the safety condition around the
pump, get the pump ready for start up;
5 起动泵,待泵运行正常后,打开压力表旋塞,慢慢开启泵出口
5. Start up the pump, and open the faucet of the pressure gauge
after the pump operates normally. Slowly open the outlet gate
valve of the pump, until the required flow and lift are satisfied.
Try to keep the pump working within specified flow and lift to
gain maximum energy conservation effect, and the pump is
not allowed to operate exceeding maximum flow point. 运行

Page 466 of 629 Operation
1 本型泵靠泵内平衡机构平衡轴向力,平衡装置内有平衡液流出,
1. This type of pump depends on the balance mechanism in the
pump to balance the axial power, and there would be balance
liquid flowing out of the balance device. The balance liquid
flows out of the pump after being connected to the suction
section by the balance pipe or through a short pipe designed
outside the balance room. In order to ensure the normal
operation of the pump, the balance water pipe is forbidden to
be jammed;
2 本型泵轴承温升不得高于环境温度 35℃,轴承的最高温度不应
高于 75℃;
2. The temperature of the bearing for this model of pump should
not be 35℃ higher than ambient temperature, and the
maximum temperature of the bearing is 75℃;
3 机械密封平均泄露量:当机械密封内径≤50mm 时为 3ml/h,
机封内径>50mm 时为 5ml/h;
3. The average leakage amount of mechanical seal: 3ml/h when
the internal diameter of mechanical seal is ≤50mm, and 5ml/h
when the internal diameter of it is >50mm;
4 泵轴封采用机械密封时,起动前必须灌满水,防止机械密封干
4. When it takes mechanical seal for the bearing, fully fill in water
before start up to prevent the mechanical seal from dry
5 转子在运行中存在一定的轴向游动,应保证电机和水泵两联轴
5. There is certain amount of axial displacement when the rotor
is in operation, guarantee the clearance between motor and
the two end-faces of coupling for the pump;
6 泵在运行期间应定期检查叶轮、密封环、导叶套、平衡盘、轴套的
6. Schedular check the abrasion condition of the impeller,
sealing ring, guide blade cover, balance plate and shaft liner,
and replace with new one if the wearing is mass;
7 泵在使用中应根据具体情况,订出详细的操作规程;
7. Make detail operation specifications for the pump when it is
operating according to its actual condition; 停车

Page 467 of 629 Shutdown
1 停车前应先关闭压力表旋塞,慢慢关闭出口闸阀,待出口阀关
1. Close the faucet of the pressure gauge before shut down the
unit, slowly close the outlet gate valve, and shut down the
motor after the outlet valve is fully closed;
2 冬季冷冻季节,如短期停用水泵时,须放掉泵中的存水,以防
2. Drain the residual water in the pump if the pump is not to be
used for a period in the freezing winter to prevent from frost
3 水泵在停用期间,必须每 1 月左右起动运转一次,时间不少于
5 分钟,以保证泵的可靠运转。
3. Start up the pump once a month, and keep it running for no
less than 5 minutes during the shutting down time to
guarantee its reliable operation; 常见故障、故障原因及应采取的措施 Common faults, causes and solutions

故 障 Faults 原 因 Causes 解 决 方 案 Solutions

水泵不出水 1、起动前注入泵内的水 1、注水至少淹没叶轮,

不够(当使用真空泵时, 最好充满泵腔(抽真空时
No flow
则抽真空不够)。 同)。
1. Not enough water 1. Fill in water to
filled before startup of submerge the impeller at
the pump (inadequate least, and better to fully
vacuum when it is fill the pump chamber
vacuum pump ) (same with
vacuumizing )
2. Wrong rotation
direction. 2. Replace the motor
3. Bottom valve is not
opened or jammed.
3. Check the bottom
valve, clean,
4. The suction height of maintenance or replace.
the pump too big.

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故 障 Faults 原 因 Causes 解 决 方 案 Solutions
4. Lower the mounting
漏气。 height of the pump.
5. Air leakage in inlet 5、拧紧或堵塞漏气处。
water pipe or connection
part of instruments. 5. Screw or seal the
6. Internal channel of
impeller being jammed. 7. Clean the impeller.

7、泵的转速不够。 8、检查电机,检修或更
7. Not enough rotating
speed for the pump. 8. Check the motor,
maintenance or replace.
1. Check whether the
1、水流通道被堵塞。 inlet/outlet water interval
channels are smooth,
1. Water flow path being
remove the stem.
2. Maintenance or
2. Clearance between
Inadequate flow or no replace the impeller and
impellers and sealing
flow sealing ring.
rings too big.
3. Rotating speed failed 电机和调整电压。
to meet the required
3. Verify if the voltage is
too low; check if the
motor is damaged;
maintenance the motor
and adjust voltage.

水泵消耗功率过大,电 1、泵的转子与定子摩擦。 1、检查转子与定子摩擦

机电流超过额定值 部位。
1. Friction between rotor
Too big consumed and stator of the pump. 1. Check the friction
power by the pump, place between rotor and
current of the motor

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故 障 Faults 原 因 Causes 解 决 方 案 Solutions
2. Flow exceeds range
of use 2. Use the pump within
the range of use.
3. Friction between
balance plate and
balance ring. 3. Check the end face
exceeds rated value
flop of the balance plate,
and replace it under
serious wearing
4. Too big internal condition.
clearance of the pump
which lowered the pump
4. Disassemble and
check, replace worn

水泵响声异常和振动 1、发生了汽蚀。 1、降低水泵安装高度,

Abnormal noise and 1. Cavitation occurred.
1. Lower the mounting
2. Flexible or shedding height of the pump, and
of work pieces. simplify the admitting
pipes to reduce the pipe
3. Unbalanced rotor.
2. Shut down and make
4. Bended shaft. inspection, and fasten
the parts.
5. Non-concentric
between pump/motor
shaft. 3. Do balance test for
rotor, and turning the
unbalanced weight.
6. Poor basis.

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故 障 Faults 原 因 Causes 解 决 方 案 Solutions
4. Right the main shaft.
5. Adjust the unit to
make them concentric.
7、轴承磨损。 6、加固基础。
7. Worn bearing. 6. Strengthen the base.
8、水泵内间隙过大。 7、更换轴承。
8. Too big internal 7. Replace the bearing.
8. Disassemble and
check, and replace worn
1. Poorly lubricated.
1. Feed oil (Check the
2、轴弯曲。 oil ring and make it
2. Bended shaft.
2. Right the main shaft.
3. Damaged bearing.
Bearing overheated
3. Replace the bearing.
4. Non-concentric
between pump/motor 4、调整机组,使之同心。
4. Adjust the unit to
5、冷却水不足或断水。 make them concentric.
5. Inadequate cooling 5、检查冷却水情况。
water or shortage of
5. Check the cooling
water condition.
2.2.22 闭式循环冷却水泵
2.2.22 Closed Circulating Cooling Water 概述

Page 471 of 629 General description
引风机冷却器、一次风机冷却器、油净化冷却器、EH 油冷却器、汽轮
Closed Circulating Cooling Water (CCCW) pump is used in the
pressure-increasing circulation in cooling water system of the
auxiliaries. The pressure of CCCW (demineralized water) is
increased by pump and then flows to CCCW heat exchanger for
heat transfer. After that, its temperature reduces; next it goes
through such equipment as motor cooler of the condensate pump,
oil station cooler of feed water pump, air cooler of the generator,
cooler of F.D. fan, cooler of I.D. fan, cooler of the primary fan, oil
purification cooler, EH oil cooler, lube oil cooler of steam turbine &
generator, cooler of deslagging valve, sampling cooler, at last it
returns to CCCW pump.
有两台 100%容量的闭式循环冷却水泵,一台运行,一台备用。
CCCW is demineralized water (condensate). There are 2 CCCW
pumps with 100 percent capacity in CCCW system. One is in
operation; the other one is standby. 设备规范、主要零件材质 Equipment specifications & material of main components
表 21 设备规范
Fig 21 Equipment Specifications
型式 Horizontal single-stage double-suction volute
Type centrifugal pump
Delivery head
入口压力 MPa 0.15

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Inlet pressure
Working temperature
水泵必须汽蚀余量 m
NPSH (= net positive 4.8
suction head)
泵最小流量 m3/h
Pump min. flow
Rotating speed
转向 出口在左
Rotating direction Clockwise (seen from the driving end), suction port
is on right, outlet port is on left.
Shaft power
Pump efficiency
水泵密封型式 机械密封
Seal type Mechanical seal
输送介质 除盐水(凝结水)
Conveying medium Demineralized water (condensate)
表 22 主要零件材质
Fig 22 Materials of the main components

零件名 泵体 泵盖 轴套
叶轮 轴 密封环

Pump Pump Shaft
Impeller Shaft Seal ring
Name body cover sleeve

HT250 HT250 ZG230-450 2Cr13 304 2Cr13
Material 设备简介 Brief Introduction of the equipment
500S35 型泵的吸入口与吐出口均在水泵轴心线下方,与轴线垂直

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Both of 500S35 pump’s suction inlet and outlet are under the shaft
center line and vertical to the shaft center line. It is not allowed to
remove the inlet and outlet pipe and the motor during
maintenance. The main components of pump are pump body,
pump cover, impellers, shaft, shaft sleeve and double-suction seal
ring etc. among of them the last three are vulnerable components.
The impellers are firmly fastened on the shaft by shaft sleeve and
nuts. Its axial position can be adjusted by shaft sleeve nuts. The
axial force of the impellers achieves balance by their
symmetrically-arranged blades. The double-suction sealing ring is
used to reduce the water leakage in the pumping chamber flowing
to suction chamber.
泵轴由两副 6315 滚动轴承支持,泵的轴封采用填料密封,轴承润
The pump shaft is supported by two pairs of 6315 rolling bearings.
The gland seal is sealed by packing. The bearings are lubricated
by dry lube oil. The pump is connected to the electric motor by
flexible coupling. 检修工艺及质量标准 Maintenance Process and Quality Standards 解体工序 Disassembling Procedure
1 拆卸泵体附件;
1 Remove the accessories of pump body
2 做好对轮连接状态记号,拆除泵-电机对轮连接螺栓,泵端、腰
2 Mark the coupling connection state. Remove the bolts
connecting the pump and motor, the pump end, end cover of
the motor and pump.
3 松开泵水平中分面紧固螺栓,拔出定位销,使用顶丝顶起泵盖。
3 Loosen the fixing bolts at mil-split surface of pump and pull
out the positioning pins, and jack the pump cover with
jackscrew. Lift it to a proper place by the traveling crane.
Check whether the connecting surface of pump body and
pump housing has defects such as scratch and cavitation.
4 松开轴承座端盖固定螺栓,吊出转子,放置在有利于转子拆卸、
4 Loosen the fixing bolts at end cover of bearing pedestal. Lift

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out the rotor and move it to a maintenance field where is
convenient for maintenance.
5 拆卸对轮,打开端、腰瓦轴承室并取出轴承,拆卸盘根室,取下
5 Remove the coupling. Open the bearing chamber of end bush
and waist bush and take out the bearings. Remove packing
chamber and take out the seal ring at both two sides of the
6 松开端瓦侧的并帽,取下盘根套和轴套。将泵轴稍微向腰瓦侧窜
6 Loosen the lock nut at end bush side. Take out the packing
bush and shaft bushing. Move the pump shaft towards waist
bush. Remove the retainer ring at waist bush and take out the
packing bush and shaft bushing.
7 对拆下的所有部件进行清理、测量、检修,必要时可进行更换。
7 Carry out cleaning, measurement and maintenance on all the
disassembled components, replace them if necessary. Usually
if pump shaft and impeller have no defect, they would not be
further disassembled. 组装工序 Reassembling Procedures
1 轴承及轴承座(甲、乙)内表面应用柴油(汽油)仔细清洗干净
1 Clean the inner surface of bearings and bearing pedestals (A,
B) with diesel oil (gasoline).
2 装配前各加工表面应均匀地涂上优质机油;
2 Apply the high-quality engine oil on the working surface before
3 叶轮和轴套(已装好 O 形密封圈)串在装有叶轮键的轴上,再
装上轴承挡套,并在轴套和轴承挡套之间装上 O 形密封圈;
3 Install the impeller and shaft bushing(with O seal ring) in the
shaft where impeller keys are installed, then the spacer
sleeve, at last place the O ring between shaft bushing and
bearing spacer sleeve.
4 装上填料套、机械密封、机封端盖、挡水圈,并将双吸密封环串
4 Install the packing sleeve, mechanical seal, equipment end
cover, water stop ring, install the double-suction seal ring, and
then bearing cover A and B.
5 装好两端轴承、止动垫圈和圆螺母,并用勾板手和专用扳手拧紧

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5 Install the bearings, lock washers and round nuts at two ends
and tighten the nuts at two ends with F spanner and special
spanner. Then install bearing seat A and B, at last connect the
bearing cover A and B respectively.
6 装上泵联轴器;
6 Install the coupling of pump.
7 将轴系部件吊起置于泵体上,并将轴承座(甲、乙)与泵体连接
7 Lift he shaft and its accessories above the pump body.
Connect bearing seats (A & B) with pump body.
8 装好机封,并将机封位置固定,然后装上泵盖;
8 Install the sealing device. Fix its position and then install the
pump cover.
9 将机封端盖固定,装好回水管部件、排气管部件、管堵等,最后
9 Fix the end cover, install the return water pipes, exhaust pipes
and pipe plugs and its accessories, and at last nail the
nameplate and turning signs. 注意事项 Precautions
1 泵盖上的螺母应注意拧紧,一般用套有 1 米左右长的管子的固
1 The nuts of the pump cover should be tightened. Usually the
fixed spanner covered by about 1 meter tube is used to
tighten the nuts.
2 在装好轴承,未装泵盖前,应检查转子部件的转动是否灵活自
2 When the bearings are reinstalled and the pump cover is not
installed, check whether the components of rotor move flexibly
or not. There should be no jamming or disconnection. Check if
the radial clearance of impeller seal ring is even in
circumference direction.
3 叶轮旋转方向应与进出水流道匹配;
3 The rotating direction of the impeller should match with
inlet/outlet flow passage.
4 在运行过程中必须对机械密封进行冷却和冲洗,冷却冲洗水压
力大于密封腔压力 0.05~0.1MPa,水量为 0.3~0.6m /h,机
械密封的泄漏量为 5~10ml/h。

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4 The mechanical seal should be cooled and cleaned during
operation. The cooling water pressure should be 0.05 ~
0.1MPa higher than that of seal chamber, and the water flow
should be 0.3~0.6m /h. The leakage volume of mechanical
seal should be 5~10ml/h. 工艺要求 Process Requirement
1 拆卸对轮连接螺栓时,应事先做好记号以确保对轮找中心的质
1 Mark the connecting bolts of the coupling before removing to
ensure quality the couplig alignment.
2 拆装对轮时,必须使用“拉马”,禁止用手锤直接敲打,必要
2 Take down the coupler with larmatron. Do not knock it out with
hammer. You can heat it first then remove it if necessary.
3 拆卸泵盖必须先用顶丝顶起,方可起吊。起吊时,泵盖应保持水
3 Raise the pump cover before removing it. In the process of
lifting the pump cover, maintain it horizontal to prevent
damaging the seal ring or bumping the blade.
4 转子起吊后,应放置在有利于转子拆卸、检修的地方。并用枕木
4 The rotor should be moved to a place where is suitable for
disassembling and maintenance. Support the rotor with
sleeper to make sure all parts suspending.
5 转子的各项测量工作,最好使用轴承在原泵体内进行;
5 All the measurement of rotor should be carried out in original
pump by bearings.
6 安装轴承应用紫铜棒轻轻敲入,禁止使用手锤直接敲打。组装到
6 Knock in the bearing slightly by copper rod. Do not knock it in
by hammer directly. Apply adequate butter after reassembling
is completed.
7 对轮找中心时,应注意事先做的记号;
7 Pay special attention to the marks made in advance during
centering the coupler.
8 轴承采用 3 号锂基脂润滑,润滑脂的填充量占轴承座空间的 1/3
~1/2,加脂周期为 4000h。
8 The bearing is lubricated by #3 lube grease. The grease
accounts 1/3~1/2 of bearing pedestal. Add the grease every

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4000 hours. 质量标准 Quality Standard
1 当盘根套和轴套的磨损量超过 0.8mm 时,必须进行更换。新盘
根套、轴套与轴的配合间隙选用 F6 标准,即 0.036~0.058mm
1 When the wearing capacity in packing bushing and shaft
bushing surpasses 0.8mm, replace them. The fitting clearance
between new packing bushing, shaft sleeve and shaft should
meet the F6 standard. (0.036~0.058mm)
2 密封环与叶轮口环间隙为 0.35~0.70mm。密封环与泵体的径向
配合应有 0~0.03mm 的紧力。叶轮与密封环间隙磨损过大时,
2 The clearance between seal ring and impeller wear ring is
0.35~0.70mm. The radial clearance between impeller and
pump body is 0~0.03mm. If the wearing capacity in the
clearance between impeller and seal ring is severely, replace
the impeller or seal ring.
3 对轮找中心误差:
3 Coupling alignment error
圆周误差:泵侧高于电机侧 0.15~0.20mm,左右≯0.10mm
Circumference error: pump side is 0.15~0.20mm higher than
that of motor side. The left & right error≯0.10mm, gaping error
联轴器端面间隙:4~6 mm。
The coupling end face clearance: 4~6 mm. 试转 Test running 运行参数要求 Requirements for Operation Parameters
1 水泵转动方向正确,电机电流、出口压力、流量等参数符合设备
1 The water pump rotates in correct direction. The motor
current, outlet pressure and flow should be within the
prescribed range of equipment specifications.
2 轴瓦振动≤0.08mm,轴承温度不要超过外界温度 35°C,最高
温度不大于 75 °C,运行正常无异音。

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2 The bearing vibration is≤0.08mm , the bearing temperature
should not be 35°C higher than external temperature. The
maximum temperature should be ≤ 75 °C. No abnormal sound
appears during operation. 运行方式要求 Requirements for Operation Mode
Do not increase the rotating speed of the water pump randomly,
but the rotating speed can be decreased. 常见故障、故障原因及应采取的措施 Common failures, causes and solutions

故 障 故 障 原 因 解决方法
Failure Cause Solution
水泵不吸水, 压力表及 1、 注入水泵的水不够
真空表指针剧烈跳动 1 Inject more water in
1 Inject inadequate water in the
the pump
Water pump can not pump
suck water. The pointer 2、拧紧或堵塞漏气处
2、 进水管或仪表漏气
of pressure gauge and
2 Screw the nut tightly
the vacuum gauge 2 Leakage occurs in inlet pipe and
or block the air leakage
swings dramatically. the instrument
1、 校正或更换底阀
1、 底阀没有打开或已淤塞
1 Calibrate or change
1 Bottom valve is not open or is
水泵不吸水,真空表显 the bottom valve.
2、 清洗或更换吸水管
2、 吸水管阻力太大
Water pump can not
2 Wash or replace the
suck water. High 2 The resistance force of sucking
suction pipe.
vacuum shown by the pipe is too large.
gauge 3、 降低吸水高度
3、 吸水高度太大
3 Decrease the suction
3 The suction height is too high.

看压力表水泵出水处是 1、 出水管阻力太大 1、 检查或缩短出水管

1 Too large outlet pipe resistance 1 Check or shorten the

force outlet pipe.
No water splits out
2、 旋转方向不对 2、 改变电机转向
through the pressure
gauge indicates that 2 change the rotating

Page 479 of 629

2 Wrong rotating direction direction of motor
3、 叶轮淤塞 3、 清洗叶轮
the outlet pressure 3 Jammed impeller 3 Clean the impeller
4、 水泵转速不够 4、 增加水泵转速
4 Inadequate water pump rotation 4 Increase water pump
speed rotating speed
1、 清洗泵及管路
1、 水泵淤塞
1 wash pump and
1 jammed water pump pipelines
2、 密封环磨损过多 2、 更换密封环
2 too much abrasion of seal ring 2 change seal ring
3、 转速不足 3、 增加泵转速
Flow is lower than
3 inadequate rotating speed 3 Increase pump
4、 管路阻力太大,泵在小流量区
运行 4、 改变运行参数及工
4 too large pipe resistance force;
pump operates within small flow 4 change operation
area parameter and working
condition point
1、 更换叶轮
1、 叶轮磨损
1 Replace the impeller.
1 The blade abrasion.
2、 调节闸阀,降低流
2、 水泵供水量增加
Excessive pump power 量
2 The water supply of pump
2 Adjust gate valve to
reduce the flow.

运行中出现反常声音, 1、 闸阀开得太大 1、 调节闸阀,降低流

流量下降,直到不出水 量
1 The gate valve opens too much.
Abnormal sound 1 Adjust the gate valve
2、 吸水管阻力过大
appears in operation. to reduce flow
Flow reduces till no 2 Too large suction pipe resistance
2、 检查吸水管和底阀
water splits out.
3、 吸水高度过大
2 Check the water
3 Suction height is too high suction pipe and
bottom valve

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3、 减少吸水高度
3 Reduce the height of
4、 在吸水处有空气渗入 suction part
4 Air leakage exists in water 4、 拧紧或堵塞漏气处
suction part
4 Screw the nut tightly
5、 所输送液体温度过高 the screw or block the
air leakage.
5 Conveying liquid temperature is
too high 5、 降低液体温度
5 Reduce the liquid
1、 对准泵与电机轴中

1、 泵轴和电机轴不在同一条中心
线上 1 Align the pump and
motor shaft.
1 The pump shaft and the motor
shaft are not in the same center 2、 更换轴承
水泵振动 2 Replace the bearing.
2、 轴承已磨损
Water pump vibration 3、 解体检查整台泵,
2 The baring has been worn. 加固基础
3、 转子擦壳,基础松动 3 Disassemble and
check the pump,
3 The rotor crapes casing, base is
enhance the
base/foundation of the
1 No oil or the oil is too dirty
1 Inject oil or change
轴承过热 2、水泵轴和电机轴不在同一条中心 oil.
Bearing is too hot. 2、对准泵与电机轴中心
2 The pump shaft and the motor
2 Align the pump and
shaft are not in the same center
motor shaft.
2.2.23 悬臂泵
2.2.23 Arm-suspended pump 概述 Brief Introduction

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台 125JQ-15 型胶球输送泵,一台 100%容量 IS125-100-250 型凝
结水输送泵,三台机组共设 1 台 100%容量的空预器冲洗水泵均属
The centrifugal pump, the impeller is fixed on the pump end taking
the form of arm suspended, called arm suspended pump. Each
unit is equipped with one 125JQ-15 rubber ball conveying pump
and one IS125-100-250 condensate conveying pump with 100
percent capacity. There is only one air preheater water flushing
pump with 100 percent capacity for the 3 units. The pumps
mentioned above are all arm-suspended pumps. 设备规范 Specifications of the equipment
表 23 胶球输送泵
Fig 23 Rubber ball conveying pump

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表 24 凝结水输送泵
Fig 24 condensate conveying pump
Single stage single suction centrifugal
Head lift
Rotating speed
入口压力 MPa 常压
Inlet pressure Normal pressure
Working temperature
Shaft power
旋转方向 顺时针
Rotating direction Clockwise
水泵密封型式 机械密封
Pump seal type Mechanical seal
Pump efficiency
水泵必须汽蚀余量 m
NPSH (= net positive suction head)
泵最小流量 m3/h
Min. flow
输送介质 凝结水(除盐水)
Conveying medium Condensate (demineralized water)
表 25 空预器冲洗水泵

Page 483 of 629

Fig25 Air preheater water flushing pump
Single stage single suction centrifugal
Head lift
Working temperature
入口压力 MPa 常压
Inlet pressure Normal pressure
Rotating speed
Shaft power
Pump efficiency
旋转方向 顺时针
Rotating direction Clockwise
水泵必须汽蚀余量 m
NPSH (= net positive suction head)
泵最小流量 m3/h
Min. flow
水泵密封型式 机械密封
Water pump seal type Mechanical seal
输送介质 Demineralized water, solvable solid
Conveying medium object

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表 26 泵组结构特性
Fig. 26 Structural characteristics of pump group

凝结水输送泵 空预器冲洗水泵
Condensate Air preheater water
conveying pump flushing pump
外壳体材料 (中段)
Material of outer housing HT250 HT250
(middle section )
Material of pump HT250 HT250
cover(suction section )

1Cr18Ni9 ZG230-450
Material of impeller

2Cr13 #45
Material of shaft

1Cr18Ni9 ZG230-450
Material of shaft sleeve

2Cr13 2Cr13
Material of seal ring

Material of bearing HT250 HT250


0.6/200 0.6/100
Nominal pressure and
diameter of inlet flange


1.6/125 1.6/65
Nominal pressure and
diameter of outlet flange 设备简介

Page 485 of 629 Brief introduction of equipment
泵体叶轮和泵轴均采用耐海水的不钢材质 316L 制成。其它泵叶轮、
盘根套采用铸铁材料,泵轴系#45 钢。
The main components are pump body, pump cover, bearing box
(or carrier), impeller, shaft etc. among of them the impeller and
shaft of rubber ball pump are made by 316L seawater proof
stainless-steel. The impeller and packing sleeve of other pumps
are made in cast iron. The pump shafting is made by #45 steel.
泵盖与吸入管铸为一体,呈水平方向,出水口根据需要可旋转 90
度、180 度、270 度。泵与电机用牙嵌式联轴器直接连接。从传动方向
The pump cover and the suction pipe are cast as a whole. The
outlet can be turned 90, 180, and 270 degree respectively if
necessary. The pump connects with the motor by jaw and toothed
coupling. Viewing from the driving end, the pump shaft rotates
clockwise. The seal ring, made by cast iron, is used to prevent
high pressure water leaking into inlet room. Once it is worn,
replace it with standby one. The seal adopts stuffing sealing. The
structure is explained as the picture below:

1 吸入喇叭 1 suction trump

2 密封环 2 seal ring
3 叶轮螺母 3 impeller nut
4 泵体 4 pump body
5 轴套 5 shaft sleeve
6 填料压盖 6 stuffing press cover
7 轴承压盖 7 bearing press cover
8 轴承 8 bearing
9 托架 9 carrier
10 轴 10 shaft
11 联轴器 11 coupling
12 后盖 12 rear cover
13 叶轮 13 impeller
14 放水圈 14 water discharge

图 7 泵结构简图
Fig. 7 Pump structure 检修工艺及质量标准 Maintenance Process and Quality Standards

Page 486 of 629 解体 Disassembling
1 联系电气拆除电动机电缆头,松开电动机地脚螺丝,拆掉对轮
1 Inform electrical personnel to remove the cable head of motor.
Loosen the anchor bolt of electric motor. Remove the
protective cover of the coupling. Pull out the jaw and toothed
coupling. Remove the chain hoist motor (pay attention to
reserve the cushioning material)
2 拆除泵体有关的冷却水管及密封水管;
2 Disassemble the cooling water pipe and seal water pipe
connecting to the pump body.
3 拆除入口法兰螺栓,取下入口短管;
3 Remove the flange bolt at inlet, and take down the nozzle stub
at inlet.
4 用专用搬手拆除叶轮紧固并帽(反丝)并拆除格兰螺栓,取出盘根;
4 Remove the fastening nut of impeller with special spanner.
Take down the flange bolt and take out the packing.
5 拆除轴承室两端端盖螺栓,松开两端盖外侧骨架油封顶丝;
5 Remove the bolts at both two ends of bearing room and
loosen the jackscrew in outer frame of oil seal.
6 用铜棒将转子组件由叶轮侧向电机端轻轻打出,并吊至检修场地;
6 Knock out the rotor components with copper rod from impeller
side to motor side. Lift them to maintenance field. (The
Impeller moves out of shaft end with the rotor.)
7 用专用工具(如拉马)取下泵侧对轮;
7 Take down the coupling at pump side with special tool (like
8 松开轴承紧固双螺母,用专用工具或铜棒轻轻从电机侧敲下轴承,
间隙小于 0.15mm,使用压铅丝方法测量。确定继续使用或更换
8 Loosen the fastening double-nuts of bearing. Knock out the
bearing with special tool or copper rod from motor side. Wash
pump shaft and bearings with gasoline. Check the bearings
clearance. Usually the clearance between ball and ball track is
less then 0.15mm. Use pressing lead wire method to measure
the clearance. Whether to use again or change depends on
the clearance.
9 用铜棒或专用工具将盘根套从叶轮侧轻轻打出;

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9 Knock out the packing bushing slowly with copper rod or
special tool from impeller side.
10 保管好联轴器、叶轮、盘根套等零部件的键或其它部件;
10 Properly reserve the keys or other parts of coupling, impeller
and packing bushing etc.
11 清理检查叶轮应完好、无裂纹,流道光滑,无较严重汽蚀腐蚀,
11 Check if the impeller is complete without crack. The runner
should be smooth without severe cavitation erosion and
corrosion. Replace or stick the impeller if necessary.
12 检查泵体密封环应光洁,无变形、裂纹及严重磨损,与叶轮口环
处间隙应为密封环直径的 1~1.5%;
12 Check if the seal ring of the pump body is smooth without
deformation, crack and severe wear. The clearance between
seal ring and the impeller wear ring should be 1~1.5% of seal
ring diameter.
13 清理测量叶轮与轴的配合间隙,叶轮口环处径向晃动应在规定范
13 Clean and measure the clearance between the impeller and
the shaft. The radial vibration of snap ring should be within the
14 清理检查轴锈蚀与叶轮、轴承、联轴器配合处应光洁,无损伤,
14 Clean and check if there is shaft rust-eaten/corrosion and the
connection parts of impeller, bearing and coupling are smooth
without damage. The transitional parts of journal diameter
should have no damage. The threads of each part should be
complete. The vibration should meet the requirements.
15 清理检查轴承应转动灵活、无异音,滚珠与滚道配合不松旷,各
15 Clean bearings and check if the bearings rotate flexibly
without abnormal sound. The ball should cooperate with ball
track properly without looseness, and the working surface
should have no defects such as crack, corrosion pit and rust
stain etc.
16 清理测量轴承与轴,轴承壳体配合间隙应符合要求;
16 Clean the bearing and shaft. Measure the fitting clearance
between bearings and shaft & bearing housing. The clearance
should meet the requirement.
17 清理检查轴套(盘根套)应完好,光洁并无裂纹及严重磨损,测量轴
套与轴配合间隙应符合要求,检查其局部磨损深度达 0.80mm 时

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17 Clean the shaft bushing (packing bushing) and check if it is
complete without crack and severe wear. Measure the fitting
clearance between shaft bushing and shaft. The clearance
should meet the requirement. Replace the shaft bushing if the
depth of partial wear reaches to 0.80mm.
18 检查对轮及对轮橡胶弹性块。
18 Check the coupling and rubber elastic block. 组装 Reassemble
1 将轴承加热后套装在泵轴上,加热温度为 80-100℃左右,最高
不超过 120℃。再将盘根套装在泵上,注意轴承组装禁止用榔头
1 Heat the bearings and install it on the pump shaft, and the
heating temperature should be between 80℃ and 100℃ and
the upper limit is 120℃. Install the packing bushing in the
pump. It is not allowed to knock in the bearing forcibly by
2 将连好的泵轴从泵对轮侧穿入轴承箱内,轻轻敲打装入,组装
后要求轴向间隙应在 0.10~0.30mm 之间;
2 Penetrate the assembled pump shaft into bearing box through
pump coupling side, and knock it in slightly. The axial
clearance should be between 0.10~0.30mm as required after
3 各密封面垫料应更换,不要忘装格兰和水封环,然后紧固好轴
3 Change the packing material on each sealing surface. Do not
forget to install flange and water sealing ring. Tighten the bolts
of bearing cover.
4 装上叶轮,并紧叶轮并帽,将轴承箱同转子装入泵涡壳内,旋
4 Install the impeller and tighten the coupling lock nut. Install the
baring box in scroll casing together with the rotor. Screw the
connection screws tightly. Pack the seal gasket and screw the
anchor bolts tightly.
5 装入水泵对轮及对轮橡胶弹性块,电动机就位;
5 Install the water pump coupler and rubber elastic block. The
motor should be in the correct position.
6 组装后用手盘动泵轴、泵体、轴承体内应无磨擦声等异音或卡涩
6 Manually rotate the pump shaft, pump body and bearing.
There should be no friction or other abnormal sound or
unsmooth blockage.

Page 489 of 629

7 对轮找中心,加盘根,联系电气接好电缆头。
7 Align the coupling. Put in the gland packing. Contact electrical
personnel to connect cable head.
熊咏梅(9623 09.10.12) 主要质量标准 Main quality standards
No damage or cracks on pump shaft, impeller or shaft sleeve. The
newly replaced bearings should have no rusting corrosion or
damage, and the rotation should be flexible without abnormal
表 26 质量标准
Table 26 Quality Standards
部位名称 技术要求
Name Technical requirements
radial run-out at impeller ≯0.08mm
sealing ring
密封环配合间隙 叶轮口环直径的 1.5‰~3‰
Sealing ring fit clearance 1.5‰~3‰ of the impeller ring diameter
Fit clearance between 0.02~0.05mm
impeller inner hole and shaft
轴各部径向跳动 叶轮处≯0.08mm 轴套处≯0。04mm 轴承处≯0.02mm
Radial jump in each part of Impeller ≯0.08mm, bearing bushing≯0.04mm,
axis bearing≯0.02mm
Mating tension between 0~0.02mm
bearing inner hole and axis
Fit tension between bearing
housing and bearing
Fit clearance between shaft ≯0.05mm
sleeve and shaft
Perimeter error≯0.10mm; end-face mouth-open
Coupling center deviation

Page 490 of 629 试运 Test running 运行参数要求 Requirements for operational parameters
1 水泵转动方向正确,电机电流、出口压力、流量等参数符合设备
1 Water pump rotates in correct direction. Motor current, outlet
pressure, flow and other parameters should meet the
equipment requirements.
2 轴瓦振动≤0.06mm,温度正常,运行无异音;
2 Bearing bush vibration should be less than or equal to
0.06mm, temperature should be normal. There should be no
abnormal sound during operation.
3 水泵在运转过程中,轴承温升不应超过 35℃,其最高温度不应
大于 75℃。
3 Bearing temperature rising should not be higher than 35℃
during the water pump operation, and the highest temperature
should be less than 75℃. 运行方式要求 Requirements for operation mode
1 运转时对填料的松紧程度进行调整,以每分钟从填料中渗透
10-20 滴水为宜;
1 Adjust the tightness of packing. It is proper to leak 20 water
drops per minute from packing.
2 启动时,如不是灌注水头,必须设法抽真空;
2 During the start-up, if it is not plugged pump, do extract the
3 调整应在该泵的技术规范内使用,以达经济耐用。
3 Adjustment should be done within the technique specification
of the pump to ensure the economical efficiency. 常见故障、故障原因及应采取的措施 Common faults, causes and solutions

故 障 原 因 处 理
Fault Cause Solution
轴功率过大 泵内产生摩擦
Remove the pump to check
Excessive shaft power Friction inside pump
and deal with the friction
叶轮磨损严重 换新叶轮
Inadequate delivery
Serious friction in impeller Replace the impeller
轴承过热 缺乏润滑油或轴承进入杂质 清洗加油换新轴承
Bearing over-hot Shortage of lube oil or foreign Flush and add lube oil,

Page 491 of 629

matter containing replace the bearing
轴承损坏,叶轮磨损后失去平 检查管路是否漏气
Replace bearing.
发生振动 Damage to bearing. Balance
Re-balance bearing.
Vibration loss in bearing caused by
Replace impeller.
abrasion. Large amount of air
admission into pump. Check the pipeline for air

Page 492 of 629

Heat Exchanger and Valves for Pipeline


Prepared by

审 核

Approved by:

复 审
Re-approved by:

Page 493 of 629

2.2.24 高压加热器
2.2.24 HP heater 概述 General description
的,高压加热器系统由三只高加组成:HP7,HP6,HP6 蒸气冷却
The HP heater for the unit is designed and produced by
Hangzhou Boiler Co., Ltd. The HP heater system is composed of
HP7, HP6 and HP6 steam cooler (HP6bis). Before feed water
entering the boiler, main feed water flows from deaerator tank into
HP heater through water pump. HP heater reheats the feed water
by the turbine extraction steam. In normal operation, the water
drainage from HP flows to deaerator. For emergency condition,
the water is drained to the condenser.
汽轮机采用 7 级非调整抽汽,本期工程抽汽系统编号为逆序编号,
水加热器编号为 7、6……1 号加热器,其中压力较低的 6 号加热器
设外置蒸汽冷却器。高压缸排汽即七段抽汽供 7 号高加、中压缸共有
三级抽汽,其中六段抽汽供至 6 号高加外置式蒸汽冷却器和 6 号高
The turbine adopts 7 stages non-governing steam extraction.
Coding for steam extraction system in this project is in reversed
order. According to different steam extraction pressure, it is
divided into steam extraction section 7, 6, 5…1. The number for
relevant HP heater is 7, 6, 5…1. Among these 7 heaters, HP 6#
with relatively low pressure is equipped with external steam
cooler. HP casing steam exhaustion, which is also known as
steam extraction section7, will supply steam for HP heater 7.
Three stages steam extraction serves for IP casing. Among these
three stages, steam extraction section 6 will supply the external
steam cooler for HP heater 6 as well as for HP 6 itself. The fifth
section of steam extraction is for deaerator and auxiliary steam. 设备规范、结构特性及热力设计参数 Equipment regulation, structural features and thermal design
表 1 设备规范
Table 1 Equipment regulation
HP6 高加蒸汽冷
单位 却器
设计参数 unit Steam cooler for
HP heater 6

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JG-900-1 JG-720-2 ZL-230-3
倒立式 U
倒立式 U
形管板表面 式
式 倒立式 U 形管板
Reverse 表面式
型式 Reverse U-
type U- Reverse type U-
type shaped
shaped shaped tube
tube plate
tube plate sheet plate type
数量 台
1 1 1
quantity set
Total area for m2 925 718 235

Heat exchange area m2 105 0 235
in steam cold
Heat exchanging m2 738 623 0
area for condensing

Heat exchanging m2 82 95 0
area for drainage
condensing section
Designed pressure MPa 5.4 3.2 3.2
at shell side
Designed ℃ 350/270 280/240 470
temperature at shell
Designed pressure MPa 27.5 27.5 27.5
at tube side
℃ 290 260 290
temperature at tube
Testing pressure at MPa 8.1 4.8 4.8
shell side
Testing pressure at MPa 41.25 41.25 41.25
tube side
表 2 结构特性
Table 2 structural feature

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单 HP6 高加蒸汽冷却器
位 HP7 HP6 HP6 heater steam
设计参数 cooler
Designed parameters
封头型式 标准椭圆 标准椭圆 标准椭圆
Head type Standard ellipse Standard ellipse Standard ellipse

External diameter for mm Φ1568×34 Φ1436×18 Φ1166×20
shell transition shell ring
and the wall thickness
Shell body external
mm Φ1564×32 Φ1432×16 Φ1040×20
diameter and wall
m 11.097 10.986 7.448
Heater height
m 9 8.2 4.7
Shell size
Shell material (shell 16MnR/SA387Gr.11cl.2 16MnR SA387Gr.11cl.2
ring/shell body)
0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti
Strike plate material
Tube bundle
2 2 2
Tube process
管子与管板连接方式 焊接+胀接 焊接+胀接
Connection mode for Weld and Weld and expansion
tube and tube plate Weld and expansion joint
expansion joint joint
型式 U 形管 U 形管 U 形管
Type U-shaped tube U-shaped tube U-shaped tube
根 900 900 466
Number of tubes
16Mo3 16Mo3 16Mo3
Tube diameter times mm Φ18×2 Φ18×2 Φ18×2
wall thickness
Maximum permissive % 10 10 10
tube pluggage
Water chamber and tube plate
水室与壳体连接方式 焊接 焊接 焊接
Connection mode for weld weld weld

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water chamber and
Material for water P355GH P355GH 20MnMo/P355GH
Material for water 20MnMo 20MnMo 20MnMo
chamber cover
20MnMo 20MnMo 20MnMo
Material for tube plate
Connection mode for 焊接 焊接 焊接
tube plate and water weld weld weld
Connection tube
Feed water inlet mm Φ355.6×25 Φ355.6×25 Φ355.6×25
(external diameter ×wall
Feed water outlet mm Φ355.6×25 Φ355.6×25 Φ355.6×25
external diameter ×wall
Upper steam extraction mm Φ273×10 Φ273×8 Φ325×12
outlet for shell(diameter
×wall thickness)
Water drainage orifice mm — Φ273×11 Φ159×4.5
from previous stage
(external diameter ×wall
Water drainage outlet at
mm Φ219×9 Φ273×8 —
shell side (external
diameter ×wall
Specification/quantity DN100,PN10/1 DN100,PN6.3/1 DN100,PN6.3/1
for Safety valve at shell
Specification/quantity DN20,PN32/1
for Safety valve at water
壳侧放气阀规格/数量 DN20,PN6.3/1
for vent valve at shell

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Main material for nozzle
Material for nozzle of WB36 WB36 WB36
water chamber
Material for nozzle in 20MnMo 20MnMo 15CrMo
bleeding pipe
Material for drainage 20MnMo 20MnMo
表 3 热力设计参数(T-MCR 工况)
Table 3 thermal design parameter (T-MCR working condition)
HP6 高加蒸汽冷
Number 单位 却器
设计参数 Unit HP6 heater
steam cooler
Designed parameter
t/h 969 969 969
Feed water
MPa 22 22 22
Inlet pressure
℃ 210.82 184.24 251.59
Inlet temperature
251.59 210.82 256.26
Outlet temperature
Extraction steam
t/h 84.54 48.83 48.83
MPa 4.2247 2.0992 2.0992
Inlet pressure
℃ 253.59 214.82 452.2
Inlet temperature
Water drainage into heater
t/h 84.54 133.38
218.82 192.24
Temperature 设备简介 General description of equipment
HP7 流到 HP6,从 HP6 到除氧器。当加热器水位达到高 2 水位时,
按机组 VWO 工况设计,换热面积留有 5%的换热裕量并预留 5%堵

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HP heater adopts sliding pressure operation mode and big by-
pass system. HP would be disconnected in case of emergency.
HP heater is designed with step-by-step natural flow drainage.
The water drainage will flow from HP 7 and pass through HP6 and
finally flows into deaerator by making use of the differential
pressure among heaters. When the water level in HP heater is
HH, the liquid level switch will send out signals to open the
emergency drain valve quickly. In this condition, the emergency
water drainage from each HP heater will directly flow through
turbine emergency drainage flash tank into condenser. The heat
exchange ability of it is designed according to the working
condition of VWO unit. 5% thermal exchange margin is kept in
thermal exchange area and a 5% tube plugging margin is also
HP7 高压加热器受热面包括过热段、凝结段和疏水冷却段;HP6 高
压加热器受热面包括凝结段和疏水冷却段;HP6 蒸汽冷却器受热面
The heating surface of HP 7 heater includes the super heating
section, condensing section and drainage cooling section. The
heating area of HP 6 heater includes the condensing section and
drainage cooling section. The heating area of HP6 heater steam
cooler is the super heating section.
HP heater shell structure is the complete welding type with
adequate rigidity. The HP heater and auxiliary devices bear the
greatest stress combination applied to it in each operation working
condition. HP feed water heater is equipped with auto sealing type
man hole cover. The steam side and water side are both equipped
with nitrogen filling protection interfaces and 2 drainage valve in
series to release the pressure and drain the deposited water
during outage and maintenance. The highest point in water
chamber of HP heater has two serial air exhaustion valves to vent
air inside the pipe system during water injection. Pressure release
valves are installed in steam side of HP heater to prevent the shell
from damage when pipe breaks. Water side of HP heater is also
installed with pressure discharging valve to prevent heater from
overpressure caused by thermal expansion when the water
admission valve and drainage valve of heater are closed with
steam extraction on steam side. Strike plates are fixed in the
steam admission point and water drainage to protect tube buddle.
The normal drainage and emergency drainage of each HP heater

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share a joint.
安全可靠,因此能确保设备安全、经济运行 30 年以上。
Tube buddle of HP feed water heater and the connection of tube
buddle plate adopts the expansion welding technique to avoid
cracks and leakage in joint part of tube buddle and tube buddle
plate so that the connection intensity and sealing in joint part
would be safe and reliable. In this way the unit can operate safely
and reliable for more than 30 years. 检修工艺 Maintenance procedure 高加的检漏 Leakage detection for HP heater
1 在检修工作开始前,首先检查工作流程、工作状况、所使用的工
1 Check working procedure, working condition and the tools for
the work before maintenance. After ensuring that all this items
meet the requirements without any mistake, carry out the
2 将支吊架、钢丝绳套安装到位,并装上手动葫芦(导链);
2 Put the supporting bracket, hanger and steel wire rope to
proper position. Install the manual hoist.
3 在高加人口门盖上装好专用工具,搭设合格的脚手驾;
3 Install special tool on the cover of HP heater man hole.
Prepare proper scaffold.
4.2 从高压加热器水室上拆卸人孔盖,应采用下列顺序(注意
4.2 Remove the man hole cover from the water chamber of
HP heater according to the following procedures (pay
attention that all the fittings should be marked with correct
order during removal):
4.2.1 拆除固定人孔盖的双头螺栓和压马条;
4.2.1 Remove the bolt studs and locking bar that fix the
cover of man hole.
4.2.2 用专用的螺栓将拆装装置固定在人孔凸台上,用专用的
4.2.2 Fix the dismantling device in the projection of man
hole with special bolts. Connect the carrier of man
hole dismantling device and the cover of man hole
with special bolts (during the installation of these
bolts, the brace strut should be relieved). It is advised
to lift out and remove the dismantling device and
cover of man hole by proper manual hoist and pulley
wheel group.
4.2.3 拉动手动葫芦,在拉动点施力将其缓慢顶入水室,约

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20mm 距离时,利用扳手将长轴上的螺柱推动人孔盖旋
孔盖至 90`位置,然后取出螺柱。严禁采用旋转手轮方
4.2.3 Pull the manual hoist and supply a force at the pulling
point to advance it into the water chamber slowly.
When it is 20mm away from the water chamber, use
spanner to enforce the stud in long axis to push cover
of man hole to spin to a certain angle. Take out the
stud and put it into the screw opening of short axis
and screw it to 90o to cover of man hole. Take out the
stud. Do not open the cover of man hole by rotating
the hand wheel.
4.2.4 继续缓慢将人孔盖顶入水室,爪板逆时针方向上旋转到
4.2.4 Put cover of man hole into the water chamber slowly
and rotate the claw plate to the proper position. In
addition, spin the hand wheel in anti-clockwise
direction until the cover of man hole contacts with the
claw plate tightly.
4.2.5 小心地缓慢反拉手动葫芦,人孔盖经人孔缓慢退出;
4.2.5 Carefully and slowly pull the hoist in reverse direction
and the cover of man hole will slowly retract from man
4.2.6 人孔盖退出以后,必须采取适当的措施(如软的泡沫垫

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疏 水 冷 却 疏 水 出 口给 水 进 口
过热蒸汽冷 防冲板 过热蒸汽
却 段 隔 板管 束 保 蒸 汽 热 板


疏 水 冷疏 水 冷 却 段

板 (吸入口)

却段端 进口


U形 管

图 1 高压加热器结构示意图
Diagram 1 illustrative drawing for HP heater
5 拆下汽侧放空气门;
5 Remove vent valve at steam side.
6 将压缩空气从汽侧放空气门打入高加汽侧内部;
6 Inject the compressed air from vent valve at steam side into
the steam side of HP heater.
7 用准备好的肥皂水对每一根管子进行检漏(上下水室都要检漏,
即每一根 U 形管的两端都要进行检漏,以免错误判断);
7 Detect the leakage in every pipeline with the prepared
soapsuds (leakage detection must be done in upper and lower
water chamber, to be more specific, both the two ends of U-
shaped tube must be tested to avoid fault judgment).
8 若出现漏点或管子破坏后,如条件允许,用专用工具进行堵漏;
行堵管,U 形管两头要堵住且焊接。其步骤如下:
8 If leakage or breaks occurs in pipeline, treat the leakage with
special tool if condition permits. Without proper condition
onsite, block the leakage with special conical threaded pipe
plug which meets the processing requirement. Both two ends
of U-shaped tube must be blocked and welded. The
procedures are as follows:

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8.1 挖掘:研磨旋转——用 40 到 50mm 直径研磨石做一个规则
8.1 Dig: grind and spin-----make a regular hole with a
grindstone, the diameter of which is 40-50mm
8.2 作记号-切割:暂时放 50mm 长的圆锥形塞子,在焊接水平
以上 3mm 描一处修补块,切割做一个焊接坡口;
8.2 Mark-cut: apply a conical plug of 50mm long. Mark a
repair place 3mm above the welding place, cut a groove
for welding.
8.3 堵住:塞子一定要用锤子锤进,塞子不能在管板之上或后
离管板 1 或 2mm;
8.3 Block: knock the plug in with a hammer. The plug should
not be 1 or 2 mm above or after the tube plate.
8.4 分两层进行焊接;
8.4 Welding should be done at 2 layers.
8.5 管板突出部分不能超过 1 到 2mm,如有必要,就修磨。
8.5 Raised part in tube plate should not exceed 1 to 2mm.
Grind the raised part if necessary.
8.6 修理完成,那修补区域铁屑和焊接渣尘必须彻底清理干净。
8.6 After the maintenance, completely wipe out the iron chips
and welding dust.
9 堵漏结束后,清理水室遗留物,清点人员、工具、材料,确认无
9 After the blocking of leakage, clean the remains in water
chamber. Check the staffs, tools and materials. Only when
these items are confirmed proper and correct can the
following steps be carried out.
10 更换水室密封垫后,将小人孔安装到位;
10 After the replacement of filter plate of water chamber, install
the small man hole to proper position.
11 更换高加人孔盖密封垫(专用金属缠绕垫);
11 Replace the filter plate for man hole cover of HP heater
(special metal spiral wound gasket).
12 用手动葫芦将高加人孔盖拉起,并安装到位;
12 Lift the cover of man hole with manual hoist and fix it to proper
13 装上丝杠和螺母后,将锁母拧紧;
13 Fix the screw and nuts, tighten the lock nut.
14 关上高加汽侧放空气门,堵漏工作结束。
14 Close the air discharge valve at steam side of HP heater. The
blocking of leakage is finished.
15 任何拆去的密封垫和任何损坏的螺栓连接件都必须更新,这是
15 Replace all the removed filter plates and all the damaged
connection fittings of bolts, and this is a must. 壳体、管子的检修

Page 503 of 629 Maintenance for shells and pipes
1 壳体的检修参照压力容器的检修规程、检修工艺标准进行;
1 The maintenance of shell should be done according to the
maintenance regulations and technique standards for
pressure container.
2 管子的检修参照承压管道的检修规程、检修工艺标准进行;
2 The maintenance of pipe should be done according to the
maintenance regulations and technique standards for
pressure bearing pipeline.
3 加热器的传热管须采用无缺陷的管材,凡有缺陷的管材均不允许
3 The heat transfer tube for heater adopts defect free pipe. Do
not use the defective pipe after repairing. Never extend the
pipe by circular welding.
4 高压加热器的焊接必须由持有《锅炉压力容器焊工合格证书》的
4 The welding of HP heater should be done by the personnel
with the Certificate for Boiler Pressure Container Welder. All
the welding and the welding machine should meet the
requirements. 汽侧安全门的解体检查 Disassembly and inspection of safety valves at steam side
1 取下安全门门扳的定位锁;
1 Take out the positioning lock at plate of safety valve
2 取下安全门的手动支架;
2 Take out the manual supporting frame of safety valve.
3 松开安全门调节螺母保护帽。
3 Loosen the protective cap of adjusting nuts for safety valve.
4 松开调节螺母的锁紧螺母,将调节螺母松开,放松弹簧;
4 Loosen the lock nut of adjusting nut to loosen the adjusting
nut and the spring.
5 松开并取下弹簧壳的固定螺母,将壳取下;
5 Loosen the fixing nut of spring shell to remove the shell.
6 将弹簧和压杆取下,取出定位套;
6 Take out the spring and pressure rod. Take out positioning
7 将门芯套和门芯取出,检查有无裂纹、变形等情况。如发现问题
7. Take out the valve core bush and valve core to check if there
are cracks and deformation. Replace them in case of any
8 重点检查门芯的密封面是否光洁完整、是否有变形。对于小量的
8 Focus on the inspection of sealing surface of valve core to

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ensure it is smooth, clean and without any deformation. If
slight deformation or shallow crack is found, carry out the
grinding after the turning of lathe, and the grinding precision
must be in accordance with the requirement of pressure
rating. For serious deformation and large cracks, replace the
valve core timely.
9 检查确无问题后,按照拆卸的相反顺序将安全门的各部件逐一
9 If no fault is confirmed, re-install all the assemblies of safety
valve to proper position in the reversed order of removal. 汽侧安全门的打压试验 Bulge test for safety valve at steam side
1 准备好打压泵等各项打压工具;
1 Prepare bulge pump and other tools for bulge test.
2 将安全门的入口与打压泵的出口用相应的管道连接好,管道须
2 Connect the inlet of safety valve and the outlet of bulge pump
by relevant pipeline. The pipeline must meet the requirements
for pressure bearing capacity under the testing pressure.
3 注入清水,开动打压泵,排净系统内的空气后关闭排空气门,
3 Fill clean water and start up the bulge pump. Vent the air in
the system and then close air exhaustion valve and increase
the pressure slowly.
4 在整个打压过程中如发现有异常情况,须立即停止待查明明原
4 If anything abnormal is found during the bulge test, stop
immediately. After the verification and elimination of the
abnormality, restart the work
5 打压至 6.35MPa,保持十分钟,检查安全门是否渗漏。若有渗
5 Hold the pressure as 6.35MPa for 10 minutes. Check the
leakage in safety valve. If any leakage is detected, treat it and
then restart the bulge test.
6 将压力提升到 7.0MPa,安全门应排放。排放泄压后安全门应回
6 Increase the pressure to 7.0MPa. Safety valve should release
the pressure. Safety valve is to reseat after pressure release.
7 如果尚未升压到 6.35MPa 即排放,拧紧调整螺母增加弹簧紧力
以提高排放压力。如果升压到 7.0Mpa 未还排放,拧松调整螺母
7 If the discharging is done when pressure is not increased to
6.35MPa, tighten the adjusting nut to increase the tension of
spring so that the pressure for discharging would be raised. If
the discharging is still undone even if the pressure is
increased to 7.0MPa, loosen the adjusting nut to decrease the
spring tension to reduce the pressure for discharging.
8 试验合格后,将安全门回装至高加上(或存放好以备用)。

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8 After the test is confirmed good. Re-install the safety valve
onto HP heater (or keep it as stand-by). 解体检修标准项目 Disassembly and maintenance items
1 高加管侧找漏并消除;
1 Check and eliminate leakage at pipe side of HP heater.
2 壳体检查,尤其是焊缝的裂纹检查;
2 Check the shell, especially the cracks at weld seam.
3 安全门的解体检查并进行打压试验;
3 Disassemble the safety valves and check them, and then
carry out the bulge test.
4 高加汽侧放空气门解体检查;
4 Disassemble and check the vent valves at steam side of HP
5 高加汽侧水位计检查;
5 Check the water level gauge at steam side of HP heater.
6 高加管侧的打压试验;
6 Carry out bulge test at pipe side of HP heater.
7 水室人孔门自密封垫更换;
7 Replace the self-sealing gasket at man hole of water chamber
8 高加上其他所有附件检查。
8 Check other accessories on the HP heater. 安全、健康、环保要求 Requirement for safety, health and environmental protection 安全 Safety
1 首先检查安全措施和工作流程符合安全规程的要求之后方可开
1 Firstly, check if the safety measures and working process
meet the requirements for safety regulation before the startup
of work, and then carry out the work.
2 打开高加水侧人孔前须检查确认水室内确无压力,检查疏水门
2 Before opening the man hole at steam side of HP heater,
ensure that no pressure is in water chamber. Make sure that
the water drainage valves are open and the deposited water
has been drained.
3 打开高加人孔盖时,须注意防止被可能积存的蒸汽或热水喷出
3 When opening the cover of man hole of HP heater, take care
not to be hurt by the deposited steam and sprayed hot water.
4 进入高加工作之前须用堵板将进水口封堵好;
4 Block the water inlet with plate plugging before the HP heater
is put into service.
5 高加找漏时须做好防止被高温壳体烫伤的安全措施,如防烫的

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5 During the sealing detection for HP heater, take safety
measures to prevent being burnt by shell with high
temperature, such as wearing heat proof working uniforms,
gloves and special work shoes
6 高加找漏作业时应加强高加内的通风,但严禁直接通入氧气;
6 Strengthen the ventilation inside HP heater during leakage
detection for HP heater. Do not directly put in the oxygen.
7 充压找漏的工作应使用压缩空气,不得使用各类气体的气瓶进
7 The pressurizing and leakage detection should be done with
compressed air. Do not pressurize or detect leakage with
other kinds of gas containers.
8 高加找漏时须设监护人,监护人不得远离工作地点且不得同时
8 A supervisor must be present during the leakage detection for
HP heater. The supervisor should not leave the site or work
for other task in course of the detection.
9 在关闭人孔前,工作负责人许清点人员和工具,检查确实没有
9 Before closing man hole, the person in charge should check
the staffs and tools. Close the man hole only if no person or
tool is left in it.
10 在进行安全门的打压试验时,工作人员应注意防止被可能的泄
10 During bulge test for safety valves, the working staff must
watch out for possible hurt from spraying of leakage.
11 在搬运部件时须注意防止被部件砸伤;
11 When carrying assemblies, take out not to be hurt by the
falling of assemblies.
12 高处作业需使用安全带,并搭制符合安全要求的脚手架;
12 When doing aerial work. Wear safety band. Build proper
scaffold that meets the requirement.
13 进入高加内工作时须使用不超过 12V 的照明灯具;
13 When working in HP heater, the voltage for lighting lamps
should not exceed 12V.
14 使用电动工具须使用漏电保护器,漏电保护器放置在管道容器
14 When using electric driven tools, electrical leakage protector
must be applied at the same time, and it should be put at the
safe place outside the pipeline container. 健康 Health
1 在高加找漏时工作人员应轮换工作和休息;
1 The working staff for HP heater leakage detection should take
turns to work and have rest.
2 在工作中不要用力过猛,防止腰部扭伤;

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2 Avoid overexertion during work and prevent waist sprain.
3 进行打磨工作时使用防尘面具或合格的口罩。
3 When doing grinding, wear dust-proof musk and respirator
filter. 环保 Environmental protection
1 拆下的部件要摆放整齐,拆下的部件要放在事先准备好的胶皮
1 The removed assemblies must be put in order on the
prepared rubber sheets.
2 不使用铅粉或二硫化钼等污染性材料作为密封垫的防粘连涂料;
2 Do not use lead powder or MoS2 or other polluting materials
as conglutination proof coating of the sealing
3 打磨工作时须注意防止尘埃扩散;
3 Avoid the dust diffusion during snagging.
4 工作完毕,清理现场,分类放入垃圾堆。
4 When work is finished, clean the site. Sort out and put the
waste into dustbin. 反事故措施 Accident prevention measures. 严格按照《电业安全工作规程》进行工作,不得为了图省事或嫌麻烦
而简化作业; Strictly adhere to Power Industry Safe Work Regulation during the
work. Never simplify the work to save effort. 动火工作前须清理现场易燃物并经过易燃气体检测合格后方可动火; Clear out combustible object before hot work. The combustible
gas must be tested to meet the requirements before hot work. 进入高加内检修工作须强制通风降温后再进入,现场专设监护人; Carry out ventilation and decrease temperature before entering
into HP heater for maintenance. A supervisor must be present at
the site during maintenance. 高加汽侧壳体及其附件定期检查或检修,每两个大修周期内至少进
行一次耐压试验。 Periodically check and maintain the shell and the fittings at steam
side of HP heater. Carry put at least one pressure proof test
during every two overhaul periods.
2.2.25 低压加热器
2.2.25 LP heater 概述 General description
机组配置的 1#-4#低压加热器由北京北重汽轮电机有限公司设计和
LP heater 1#-4# for the unit are designed and produced by Beijing
Beizhong Turbine Generator Co, Ltd. Before the condensate

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entering the deaerator, the LP heater will heat the condensate
water through extraction steam. In normal condition, LP Heater
drainage will flow step by step, and for emergency, it would flow
into condenser directly.
中压缸四段抽汽供至 4 号低压加热器。低压缸设有三级抽汽,三、二
一段抽汽分别供 3 号、2 号和 1 号低压加热器。4 台低压加热器设小
The fourth extraction steam of IP casing will serve for LP heater
#4. There are 3 stages of steam extraction for LP casing. The
tertiary, secondary and primary steam extraction will respectively
be supplied to LP heater #3, #2 and #1. Four LP heaters are
equipped with small by-pass systems, and they can be separately
disconnected in emergency. 技术规范、结构特性及设计参数 Technique specification, structural characteristics and
designed parameters
表 4 设备规范
Table 4 Technique specification
名称 #1 低加 #2 低加 #3 低加 #4 低加
Name #1 LP heater #2 LP heater #3 LP heater #4 LP heater
热交换面积 m2
Heat exchange area 591 535 542 872
Super heating 0 0 0 100
591 535 488 712
Condensing section
Drain water cooling 0 0 54 60
Designed pressure 4 4 4 4
at water side (Mpa)
100 100 150 170
temperature at water
side (℃)
汽侧设计压力 Mpa
Designed pressure 0.38 0.6 0.68 0.8
at water side
100 100 160 290
temperature at
steam side (℃)
耐水压 MPa
Withstand water 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
壳体直径/材料 φ1400 φ1400 φ1400 φ1400
Shell 20R/16MnR 20R/16MnR 20R/16MnR 20R/16MnR

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Material for tube 20MnMo 20MnMo 20MnMo 20MnMo
8 8 8 8
1Cr18Ni9Ti 1Cr18Ni9Ti 1Cr18Ni9Ti 1Cr18Ni9Ti
管尺寸/材料 φ16×0.8 φ16×0.8 φ16×0.8 φ16×0.8
Tube size/material 304L 304L 304L 304L
U 形管数量
U-shaped tube 661 661 661 962
管总重量 kg
Total weight of tube 3800 3460 3705 5805
净重设备 kg
Equipment net 12679 11708 13097 16677
weight kg
工作重量 kg
16580 15300 17500 24100
Working weight kg
表 5 结构特性
Table 5 Structural characteristics
项 目 参 数 项 目 参 数
Item Parameter Item Parameter
壳侧设计压力 MPa 壳侧安全门整定压力
Designed pressure MPa
at shell side MPa Set pressure for
safety valve at shell
side MPa
壳侧最高工作压力 壳侧设计温度℃
MPa Designed
Maximum working temperature at shell
pressure at shell side ℃
side MPa
管侧设计压力 MPa 管侧安全门整定压力
Designed pressure MPa
at pipe side MPa Set pressure for
safety valve at pipe
side MPa
管侧最高工作压力 管侧设计温度℃
MPa Designed
Maximum working temperature at pipe
pressure at pipe side side ℃

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项 目 参 数 项 目 参 数
Item Parameter Item Parameter
管子材料 管板材质
Pipe material Material for tube plate
加热器总长 m U 型管总根数
Heater total length Quantity of U-shaped
加热总面积 m2 备用管子裕度%
Total heating surface Stand-by tube margin
area m2 %
凝结段面积 m2 管子外径×壁厚 mm
Condensing section Tube external
area m2 diameter×wall
thickness mm
疏水冷却段面积 m2 加热器管侧流程
Total area for drain Process at tube side
water cooling of heater
section m2
加热器型式 管子与管板的连接方
Heater mode 卧式 式
Horizontal Connection mode for
tube and tube plate
水室人孔重量 kg 加热器净重 kg
Weight for man hole Net weight for heater
in water chamber kg kg
加热器运行重 kg
Operation weight for
Weight for shell in
heater kg
removable part kg
加热器外形尺寸 加热器满水重 kg
Heater size Weight for heater with
full water filling 设备简介 General description for equipment
加热器按汽轮发电机组 VWO 工况进行设计。加热器为全焊接型,
侧设计流量能满足 100%负荷的凝结水量(以 VWO 工况的热平衡

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The heaters are designed according to the working conditions of
VWO unit. The heaters of full welding type can bear the changes
of vacuum, extraction steam pressure, the reactive force and
thermal stress of the connection pipes. The designed flow at water
side can meet the requirements for condensate with 100% load
(based on the thermal balance of VWO working condition). When
the heater nearby has faults, the feed water heater can adapt to
the increased flow at steam side caused by the fault heater and
carry on the operation.
管子破裂时能保护壳体的安全,其最小容量能通过 10%的给水流量。
The heater has condensing section and drainage cooling section.
To control drainage water level and ensure that the pipe in
drainage area are fully submerged into water under any working
condition, the heaters are equipped with sufficient water storage
capacity. Pressure releasing valve is set at the water side (pipe
side) of heater. Pressure releasing valve at steam side (shell side)
is to ensure the safety of shell when the pipe breaks. The minimal
capacity can meet the requirement for 10% of flow feed water
接口。5#低压加热器最大堵管比例为的 5%,在堵管率不超过 5%时
The drainage inlet and steam inlet of heater are equipped with
stainless steel buffering damper to protect tube. The material for
heater adopts stainless steel. #5 LP heater is set with joint and
steam exhaustion for continuous for startup and operation. In
addition, normal drain port and emergency drain port are also set.
Joint for nitrogen filling protection is fixed on the heater. The
maximum tube plugging ratio for LP heater 5 is 5%. Normal
operation is guaranteed only when the tube plugging ratio is no
more than 5%. 检修工艺 Maintenance technique 低加的检漏 Leakage detection for LP heater
1 在检修工作开始前,首先检查工作流程、工作状况、所使用的工
1 Check working procedure, working condition and the tool for
the work before maintenance. After ensuring that all this items
meet the requirements, do the maintenance.
2 将支吊架、钢丝绳套安装到位,并装上手动葫芦(导链);
2 Put the supporting frame, hanger and steel wire rope to
proper position. Install the manual hoist.
3 在低加人孔门盖上装好专用工具;

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3 Install special tools at the cover of man hole for LP heater.
4 将手动葫芦(导链)拉紧后,取下低加人孔门锁紧螺母;
4 Pull the manual hoist tightly. Take out the lock nut in man hole
of LP heater.
5 将低加人孔门盖用手动葫芦慢慢放入低加水室;
5 Put the cover for LP heater slowly into water chamber of Hp
heater with manual hoist.
6 拆下水室隔板人孔盖;
6 Remove the cover of man hole in diaphragm for water
7 拆下汽侧放空气门;
7 Remove air exhaustion valve at steam side.
8 将压缩空气从汽侧放空气门打入低加汽侧内部;
8 Transmit the compressed air into the steam side of LP heater
through air exhaustion valve at steam side.
9 用准备好的肥皂水对每一根管子进行检漏(上下水室都要检漏,
即每一根 U 形管的两端都要进行检漏,以免错误判断);
9 Detect the leakage in pipeline with soapsuds (leaking
detection must be done in upper and lower water chamber,
that is both the two ends of U-shaped tube must be tested to
avoid fault judgment).
10 若出现漏点,如条件允许,用专用工具进行堵漏;如现场条件
10 If leakage or breaks occurs in pipeline, treat the leakage with
special tool if condition permits. Without proper condition
onsite, block the leakage with special conical threaded pipe
plug that meets the requirement and then weld it with pipe
port (or tube plate)
11 堵漏结束后,清理水室遗留物,清点人员、工具、材料,确认无
11 Clear out the things left in water chamber after the blocking of
leakage. Check the personnel, material and tool to ensure
everything is right before moving on to the following step.
12 更换水室密封垫后,将小人孔安装到位;
12 Install man hole to proper place after the replacement of filter
plate for water chamber.
13 更换低加人孔盖密封垫(专用金属缠绕垫);
13 Replace the filter plate for cover of man hole in LP heater
(with special mental spiral wound gasket)
14 用手动葫芦将低加人孔盖拉起,并安装到位;
14 Lift the cover of man hole in LP heater by manual hoist. Install
it to proper position.
15 装上丝杠和螺母后,将锁母拧紧;
15 Tight the lock nut after the installation of screw and nut.
16 关上低加汽侧放空气门,堵漏工作结束。

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16 Close the air exhaustion valve at steam side of LP heater.
Leakage blocking is fulfilled. 壳体、管子的检修 Maintenance for shell and pipe
1 壳体的检修参照压力容器的检修规程、检修工艺标准进行;
1 The maintenance of shell is done according to the
maintenance regulation and technique standard for pressure
2 管子的检修参照承压管道的检修规程、检修工艺标准进行;
2 The maintenance of pipe is done according to the
maintenance regulation and technique standard for bearing
3 加热器的传热管须采用无缺陷的管材,凡有缺陷的管材均不允许
3 The heater transferring tube for heater adopts defect free
pipe. Do not use the fault pipe after repairing it. Never
lengthen the pipe by all-round welding.
4 低压加热器的焊接必须由持有《锅炉压力容器焊工合格证书》的
4 The welding of LP heater is done by the personnel with a
certificate for boiler pressure container welder. The weld and
the welding machine meet the requirements. 汽侧安全门的解体检查 Disassembly and check of safety valve at steam side.
1 取下安全门门扳的定位锁;
1 Take out the positioning lock at plate of safety valve.
2 取下安全门的手动支架;
2 Take out the manual supporting frame of safety valve.
3 松开安全门调节螺母保护帽;
3 Loosen the protective cap of adjusting nuts for safety valve.
4 松开调节螺母的锁紧螺母,将调节螺母松开,放松弹簧;
4 Loosen the lock nut of adjusting bolt to loosen the adjusting
nut. Loosen the spring.
5 松开并取下弹簧壳的固定螺母,将壳取下;
5 Loosen the fixing nut of spring shell to remove the shell.
6 将弹簧和压杆取下,取出定位套;0
6 Take out the spring and pressure bar. Take out location
7 将门芯套和门芯取出,检查有无裂纹、变形等情况。如发现问题
7. Take out the valve core sleeve and valve core. Check cracks
and deformation. Replace it in case of any abnormality.
8 重点检查门芯的密封面是否光洁完整、是否有变形。对于小量的

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8 Focus on the check of sealing surface of valve core to ensure
it is smooth, clean and intact without deformation. If slight
deformation or crack is found, take the grinding treatment
after the turning of lathe. The grinding precision must be in
accordance with the requirement of pressure stage. For
serious deformation and crack, replace the valve core.
9 检查确无问题后,按照拆卸的相反顺序将安全门的各部件逐一
9 If no fault is confirmed, re-install all the assemblies of safety
valve to proper position in the reversed order of removal. 汽侧安全门的打压试验 Bulge test for safety valve at steam side
1 准备好打压泵等各项打压工具;
1 Prepare bulge pump and other tools for bulge test.
2 将安全门的入口与打压泵的出口用相应的管道连接好,管道须
0.78 Mpa;
2 Connect the inlet of safety valve and the outlet of pump by
relevant pipeline. The pipeline must possess pressure bearing
ability under the testing pressure. The set pressure for safety
valve at shell side of LP heater 5# is 0.78MPa.
3 注入清水,开动打压泵,排净系统内的空气后关闭排空气门,
3 Fill clean water and start up the bulge pump. Exhaust the air
in system and then close air exhaustion valve. Slowly raise
the pressure.
4 在整个打压过程中如发现有异常情况,须立即停止待查明原因
4 If anything abnormal is found during the bulge test, stop it.
After the verification and elimination of the abnormality, restart
the work.
5 打压至 0.63MPa,保持十分钟,检查安全门是否渗漏。若有渗
5 Hold the pressure as 0.63MPa for 10 minutes. Check the
leakage in safety valve. If any leakage is detected, treat it ad
then restart the bulge test.
6 将压力提升到 0.78MPa,安全门应排放。排放泄压后安全门应
6 Raise pressure to 0.78MPa. Safety valve discharges the
pressure. Safety valve is to reseat after pressure discharging.
7 如果尚未升压到 0.63MPa 即排放,拧紧调整螺母增加弹簧紧力
以提高排放压力。如果升压到 0.78MPa 还未排放,拧松调整螺
7 If the discharging is done when pressure is raised below
0.63MPa, twist the adjusting nut to increase the tightness of
spring so that the pressure for discharging is raised. If the
discharging fails even if the pressure is raised to 0.78MPa,

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loosen the adjusting nut to decrease the spring tightness to
reduce the pressure for discharging.
8 试验合格后,将安全门回装至低加上(或存放好以备用)。
8 After the test is confirmed good. Re-install the safety valve
into LP heater (or keep it as stand-by). 检修项目 Maintenance items
1 低加管侧找漏并消除;
1 Check and eliminate leakage at pipe side of LP heater.
2 壳体检查,尤其是焊缝的裂纹检查;
2 Check of shell. Check the cracks in weld seam.
3 安全门的解体检查并进行打压试验;
3 Disassemble the safety valve and check it. Carry out bulge
4 低加汽侧放空气门解体检查;
4 Disassemble and check the air discharge valve at steam side
of LP heater.
5 低加汽侧水位计检查;
5 Check the water level gauge at steam side of LP heater.
6 低加管侧的打压试验;
6 Bulge test at pipe side of LP heater.
7 水室人孔自密封垫更换。
7 Replace the auto filter plate at man hole of water chamber. 安全、健康、环保要求 Requirement for safety, health and environmental protection 安全 Safety
1 首先检查安全措施和工作流程符合安全规程的要求之后方可开
1 Firstly, check the safety measures and working process. Make
sure they meet the requirements for safety regulation before
the startup of work.
2 打开低加水侧人孔前须检查确认水室内确无压力,检查疏水门
2 Before opening the man hole at steam side of LP heater,
ensure that no pressure in water chamber. Make sure that the
water drainage valve is open and the water deposit has been
3 打开低加人孔盖时,须注意防止被可能积存的蒸汽或热水喷出
3 When opening the cover of man hole of LP heater, take care
not to be hurt by the steam deposit and sprayed hot water.
4 低加找漏时须做好好防止被低温壳体烫伤的安全措施,如防烫
4 During the sealing detection for LP heater, take safety
measures to prevent being burnt by shell with high

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temperature, such as heat proof working clothe, glove and
special work shoes
5 低加找漏作业时应将强低加内的通风,但严禁直接通入氧气;
5 Strengthen the ventilation inside LP heater during leakage
detection for HP heater. Do not directly put in oxygen.
6 充压找漏的工作应使用压缩空气,不得使用各类气体的气瓶进
6 The pressurizing and leakage detection is done with
compressed air. Do not pressurize or detect leakage with gas
7 低加找漏时须设监护人,监护人不得远离工作地点且不得同时
7 A supervisor must be present during the leakage detection for
LP heater. The supervisor should not leave the site or work for
other task in course of detection.
8 在关闭人孔前,工作负责人许清点人员和工具,检查确实没有
8 Before closing man hole, the personnel in charge should
check the staff and tool. Close the man hole only if no person
or tool is left in it.
9 在进行安全门的打压试验时,工作人员应注意防止被可能的泄
9 When doing bulge test for safety valve, the working staff must
watch out for possible hurt from spraying of leakage.
10 在搬运部件时须注意防止被部件砸伤;
10 When carrying assemblies, take out not to be hurt by the
falling of assemblies.
11 高处作业需使用安全带,并搭制符合安全要求的脚手架;
11 When doing aerial work. Wear safety band. Build proper
scaffold that meets the requirement.
12 进入低加内工作时须使用不超过 12V 的照明灯具;
12 When working in LP heater, the voltage for lighting light
should not exceed 12V.
13 使用电动工具须使用漏电保护器,漏电保护器放置在管道容器
13 When using electric driven tools, electrical leakage protector
must be applied. It should be put at safe place outside the
pipeline container. 健康 Health
1 在低加找漏时工作人员应轮换工作和休息;
1 The working staff for LP heater leakage detection should take
turns to work and rest.
2 在工作中不要用力过猛,防止腰部扭伤;
2 Avoid overexertion during work. Prevent waist sprain.
3 进行打磨工作时使用防尘面具或合格的口罩。

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3 When doing snagging, wear dust-proof musk and respirator
filter. 环保 Environmental protection
1 拆下的部件要摆放整齐;
1 The removed assemblies must be put in order.
2 不使用铅粉或二硫化钼等污染性材料作为密封垫的防粘连涂料;
2 Do not use lead powder or MoS2 or other polluting material as
releasing coating.
3 打磨工作时须注意防止尘埃扩散;
3 Avoid the dust diffusion during snagging.
4 工作完毕,清理现场,分类放入垃圾堆。
4 When work is finished, clean the site. Sort out and put the
waste into dustbin. 反事故措施 Accident prevention measures. 严格按照《电业安全工作规程》进行工作,不得为了图省事或嫌麻烦
而简化作业; Strictly adhere to Power Safe Work Regulation during the work.
Never simplify the work to save effort. 动火工作前须清理现场易燃物并经过易燃气体检测合格后方可动火; Clear out combustible object before hot work. The combustible
gas must be tested to meet the requirements before hot work. 进入高加内检修工作须强制通风降温后再进入,现场专设监护人; Do ventilation and decrease temperature before enter into HP
heater for maintenance. A supervisor must be present at the site. 高加汽侧壳体及其附件定期检查或检修,每两个大修周期内至少进
行一次耐压试验。 Periodically check and maintain the shell and the fittings at steam
shell of HP heater. Carry put at least one pressure proof test
during every two overhauls.
2.2.26 除氧器
2.2.26 Deaerator 概述 General description
HP deaerator is one of the important auxiliary equipment in heart
returning system of large scale fire power plant. The function of it
is to remove the dissolved oxygen and other non-condensable
gas to avoid equipment erosion and guarantee the thermal

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exchange effect. In addition, it also serves to hold the vacuum in
condenser. If steam and feed water are directly mixed, and the
feed water is heated to the saturation degree relevant to the
operation pressure of HP deaerator, the pressure above the water
is produced by steam and the partial pressure of other gas is
greatly reduced to close to 0. in this way the oxygen and other gas
dissolved in water will escape from water so that the oxygen and
other non-condensable gas are removed.
除氧器加热蒸汽采用汽轮机 5 段抽汽和辅助蒸汽,5 段抽汽参数见
附件汽轮机热平衡图。辅助蒸汽参数:压力 0.8~1.3MPa(表压)
The HP deaerator for this unit is produced by Shanghai electric
cooperation. Heating steam of deaerator adopts the fifth steam
extraction from turbine and the auxiliary steam. For parameters for
the fifth steam extraction, refer to appliance turbine thermal
balance diagram. Here are some parameters for auxiliary steam:
pressure 0.8-1.3MPa (gauge pressure), temperature ~360℃. To
increase deoxidation speed of feed water during the start up of
deaerator, steam re-boiling tube is set inside the deaerator.
压运行,机组带到一定负荷后,加热蒸汽切换到汽轮机 5 段抽汽,
滑压运行,机组负荷降至一定值后,5 段抽汽不能满足除氧器运行
Deaerator adopts the constant-sliding –constant operation mode.
During the start up of deaerator, auxiliary steam static pressure
operation is applied. When unit carry a certain load, heating steam
will be switched into the fifth steam extraction of turbine and
sliding pressure operation will be used. When the load of unit is
reduced to a certain value, the fifth steam extraction of turbine will
no longer meet the requirement for the operation of deaerator. In
this condition, the steam extraction will be switched into auxiliary
steam and constant pressure operation mode is use. 设备规范、结构特性 Equipment regulation and structural features
表 6 设备规范
Table 6 Equipment Regulation
项目 单位 数据
Item Unit Data
型式 卧式一体化除氧器
Type Horizontal integral deaerator

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t/h 1100
Rated output of deaerator
t/h 1210
Maximum rating of deaerator
Minimum output for stable t/h 343
Highest working pressure for Mpa 1.1194
Mpa 1.28
Designed pressure for deaerator
Highest temperature for heating ℃ 360
Designed temperature for ℃ 372
℃ 151.15
Deaerator water inlet temperature

Minimum permissive water inlet ℃ 常温
Deaerator water outlet ℃ 183.49

ppb 50
Deaerator inlet oxygen content

Maximum permissive oxygen ppb 200
content at deaerator inlet
Guaranteed oxygen content for ppb <5
feed water
Guaranteed oxygen content for ppb <5
feed water under low load
kg/h <92.9
Exhaust steam loss

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Effective volume for deaerator m3 150
water tank
Maximum volume for deaerator m3 212
water tank
mm 17656
Length for deaerator water tank
mm 4000
Deaerator diameter
Material for deaerator shell
mm 28
Deaerator shell wall thickness
Minimum designed thickness for mm 21.03
wall of shell
mm 2.5
Erosion margin
Weld seam coefficient
Thickness for vessel end of mm 28
deaerator water tank
Deaerator operation mode Constant pressure-sliding pressure-
constant pressure
除氧方式(喷嘴进口) 喷雾除氧
Deoxidation mode(nozzle inlet) Atomizing deoxidation
Nozzle quantity /specification
kPa 50
Nozzle resistance
Nozzle material
m /
Elevated lifting height of nozzle
t/h 1200
Load for each spray nozzle

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MPa 0.05
Nozzle pressure drop
防冲挡板设置区域 除氧区
Set area for scour prevention Deoxidation area
Spring full lift safety valve mode
mm DN200
Nominal diameter for safety valve
MPa 1.23
Set pressure for safety valve
Material for main assemblies
零件名称 材料名称
Name Material

Deaerator shell
Shell for water tank

Supporting ring

Shock resistance plate
Re-boiling pipe
Nozzle, joint 20


表 8 除氧器结构特性
Table 8 Structural Feature of Deaerator

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项目 数量 公称压力 公称直径
Item Quantity Nominal Nominal diameter
1 / DN300
Heating steam inlet
1 / DN350
Condensate inlet
1 / DN300
Drainage port for HP heater
1 / DN300
Startup steam pipe
/ / /
Pre-warming steam inlet
4 / DN50
Operation vent pipe
1 / DN80
Startup vent pipe
Valve stem leakage steam 1 / DN150
3 / DN300
Water tank outlet valve
2 2.5 DN200
Safety valve
3 / DN50
Venting inlet for HP heater
2 2.5 DN600
Man hole
1 / DN200
Overflow port for deaerator
1 / DN200
Deaerator emergency drain
Water tank drainage during 1 / DN200
Re-circulation pipe for 3 / DN125
boiler feed water pump
2 / DN100
Interface for balance pipe

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Interface for steam balance 1 / DN150
during continuous blow- down
设备简介 Brief introduction about equipment
除氧器应采用卧式无头 Stork 型除氧器,不采用立式结构形式。除
除氧器平台扶梯重量、检修设备重量、管道 作用力、保温重量、地震
The deaerator adopts horizontal headless Stock type instead of
vertical structure. The deaerator and its shell for water tank adopt
full weld structure with adequate rigidity to bear the greatest force
combination in each working condition. These forces includes
external designed pressure, equipment weight, possible strike and
vibration in steam, water deposit weight, the weight of deaerator
stage elevator, the weight of maintenance equipment, the force of
pipeline, insulation weight, seismic force, reactive force of support,
attached load and the thrust of safety valves.
并达到应有性能。 除氧器汽水进口可能造成汽水对内部设备冲击的
The deaerator is set with steam and water separating device or
area for HP drainage to promise stable operation and adequate
performance. The water and steam inlet of deaerator may cause
the water or steam to strike the inner equipment, so strike
resistance plate made of stainless steel is installed to protect the
interior equipment. The deaerator shell is pieced together by steel
plate that meets relevant the requirements for the producing of
pressure container. The inlet spray nozzle is made of stainless
steel and is located at the position convenient for removing it from
shell. All the other fittings in deaerator that are easily eroded by
compressed air are all made of stainless steel or are treated with
other anti-corrosion methods. Water stored inside deaerator is
deoxidized water with proper oxygen content, which it will not
erode the shell, so the deaerator is made of carbon steel sheet
instead of stainless clad steel sheet.
箱支座采用二鞍座结构,支座中心线距离 9000mm。支座应能承受
To increase the startup speed, pre-warming tube (re-boiling tube)
is set inside the deaerator to shorten pre-worming time. The tube
is made of stainless steel and is set with device to resist water

Page 524 of 629

shock and vibration. The support for water tank adopts double
saddles and the distance between center lines of the saddles is
9000. The support is able to bear the weight and thrust force of
deaerator, all the accessories and the connection pipeline.
除氧器水箱的低压给水管道接口设置 3 个,接管规格为 DN300。为
防 止 杂 物 进 入 给 水 管 内 , 低 压 给 水 管 接 口 高 出 水 箱 底 部 50 ~
100mm 且设置有防旋结构。
There are three conduct joints for the LP feed water pipeline of
deaerator water tank. The specification is DN300. To prevent
foreign matters entering the feed water pipe, the port of LP feed
water pipe is 50-100mm higher than the bottom of water tank. In
addition, it is equipped with anti-spinning structure.
The connection of inlets of deaerator condensate, the inlet of
heating steam, the outlet of feed water and the vent ports, and the
air exhaustion all adopt the welding connection. The other
connection adopts flange connection. Overflow port is set at the
deaerator. Solenoid valve is set in the pipeline of over-flow to
maintain the water level in water tank.
To prevent over-pressure, at least two full lift spring safety valves
are set in deaerator. The material for these valves is cast steel.
The maximum release volume of the safety valve should be no
less than the maximum steam admission volume of deaerator. 检修工艺 Maintenance process 喷嘴检修 Maintenance for nozzles
1 拆缷喷嘴与接管中的固定螺栓和锁紧螺母,移去接管弯头,拆
1 Remove fixing bolts and lock nuts in nozzle and connection
pipes. Remove the joint elbow and the flow distributor. Use
lugs to take out nozzles from deaerator.
2 将拆下的喷嘴进行解体检查;
2 Check the removed nozzles
3 首先拆开连接棒,将全部喷嘴拆开。记下各蝶片编号的位置,以
3 Firstly, remove connection bar and remove all the nozzles.
Take down the position of each lamination number to make it
easy for installation according their number.
4 检查平衡蝶片结合面有无划痕、裂纹及锈蚀,清理并打磨蝶片结
4 Check if there is scratch mark, crack and rust in bonded
surface of Belleville strip. Clean and polish the bonded
surface. Replace the strip if it is damaged.

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5 按编号将平衡蝶片沿着拉杆滑入指定位置,并将盖子盖上;
5 Slide the balance Belleville strip along the pull rod into the
appointed position according to their number, and then cover
the cover.
6 交替地拧紧拉杆上的螺母,保证作用在环上和蝶片上的力均匀;
6 Alternatively tighten the nut in pull rod to ensure that the force
is even in the ring and Belleville strip.
7 在整个回装过程中,须保证部件的清洁。如有杂物脏物落入,应
7 During the re-installation, make sure that the assemblies are
clean. If any foreign matters or dust fall into the assembly,
clean it. 水箱安全门检修 Maintenance for safety valve of water tank
1 取下安全门门扳的定位锁;
1 Remove the positioning lock at the valve key of safety valve.
2 取下安全门的手动支架;
2 Remove the manual supporting frame at safety valve
3 松开安全门调节螺母保护帽;
3 Loosen the regulating nut and protective cap at safety valve
4 松开调节螺母的锁紧螺母,将调节螺母松开,放松弹簧;
4 Loosen the lock nut of regulating nut to loosen the regulating
nut and the spring.
5 松开并取下弹簧壳的固定螺母,将壳取下;
5 Loosen and remove the fixing nut of spring shell and remove
the shell.
6 将弹簧和压杆取下,取出定位套;
6 Remove the spring and pressure bar. Remove the positioning
7 将门芯套和门芯取出,检查有无裂纹、变形等情况。如发现问题
7 Take out the valve core bush and valve core to check the
cracks and deformation. Replace it if any fault is found. Check
the sealing surface of valve core to ensure it is smooth, intact
without deformation. For small deformation and shallow crack,
take the grinding treatment after the turning of lathe. The
grinding precision must be in accordance with the requirement
of pressure class. For serious deformation and crack, replace
the valve core timely.
8 检查确无问题后,按照拆卸的相反顺序将安全门的各部件逐一
8 If no fault is confirmed, re-install all the assemblies of safety
valve to proper position in the reversed order of removal. 水箱安全门的打压试验

Page 526 of 629 Bulge test for safety valve of water tank.
1 水箱安全门的整定压力为 1.2Mpa;
1 The set pressure for safety valve at water tank is 1.2MPa.
2 准备好打压泵等各项打压工具;
2 Prepare bulge pump and other tools for bulge test.
3 将安全门的入口与打压泵的出口用相应的管道连接好,管道须
3 Connect the inlet of safety valve and the outlet of pump by
relevant pipeline. The pipeline must possess pressure bearing
capacity under the testing pressure.
4 注入清水,开动打压泵,排净系统内的空气后关闭排空气门,
4 Fill clean water and start up the bulge pump. Vent the air in
system and then close vent valve. Increase the pressure
5 在整个打压过程中如发现有异常情况,须立即停止待查明明原
5 If anything abnormity is found during the bulge test, stop it.
After the verification and elimination of the abnormality, restart
the work
6 打压至工作压力,保持十分钟,检查安全门是否渗漏。若有渗漏
6 Bulge the pressure to working pressure and hold it for 10
minutes. Check the leakage in safety valve. If any leakage is
detected, treat it and then restart the bulge test.
7 将压力提升到 1.2MPa,安全门应排放。排放泄压后安全门应回
7 Increase the pressure to 1.2MPa. Safety valve should release
the pressure. Safety valve is to reseat after pressure release.
8 如果尚未升压到工作压力即排放,拧紧调整螺母增加弹簧紧力
以提高排放压力。如果升压到 0.75MPa 还未排放,拧松调整螺
8 If the pressure is released when pressure is raised below
6.35MPa, tighten the adjusting nut to increase the tension of
spring so that the pressure for discharging is increased. If the
pressure releasing is still undone even if the pressure is
raised to 0.75MPa, loosen the adjusting nut to decrease the
spring tightness to reduce the pressure for venting.
9 试验合格后,将安全门回装至原位置上(或存放好以备用)。
9 After the test is confirmed good. Re-install the safety valve
into the original position (or keep it as stand-by).
郭爱利(9400 09.10.12) 除氧器水箱的检查 Examining of deaerator water tank
1 首先检查检修工作流程、所使用的工器具等符合安全规程的要求

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1 First examine the maintenance working flow and tools, and if
they meet the requirements in SAFETY CODE, start the
maintenance work.
2 打开除氧器水箱两侧人孔门,往里通入压缩空气(或轴流风机
2 Open the access holes at the two sides of deaerator water
tank, supply compressed air into it (or use axial flow air fan to
supply air into it), and do not supply oxygen. Enter into the
water tank for examining when the allowed condition is
3 逐一检查蒸汽喷嘴有无损坏,如有损坏应及时更换;
3 Examine the steam nozzles one by one, and replace the
damaged ones in time.
4 检查水箱壁的腐蚀情况,壁厚状况,并进行探伤检查,重点检
4 Examine the corrosion degree and the thickness of the water
tank walls, also conduct defect detection test, especially for
the weld seams of the tank. Eliminate the problems founded
5 清理除氧器水箱内的杂物,清点工具和材料等,以确保水箱的
5 Eliminate the foreign matter inside the deaerator water tank,
check the tolls and materials, and keep the water tank clean.
6 更换水箱人孔盖的密封垫,盖上人孔盖;
6 Replace the seal washers on the cover of the access hole and
then lay on the cover.
7 检修完毕,清理现场。
7 Clean the site after maintenance. 管道阀门附件的检查 Maintenance of pipeline valve accessories
1 除氧器的附件阀门的检修参照同型号、同等运行参数阀门的检修
1 For the maintenance of the deaerator accessory valves, refer
to the maintenance code and process standards of valve
having the same type and equivalent operation parameters.
2 除氧器的附件管道的检修参照同等规格、同等运行参数的管道的
2 For the maintenance of the deaerator accessory pipelines,
refer to the maintenance code and process standards of
pipelines having the same type and equivalent operation

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parameters. 检修项目 Maintenance items
1 喷嘴检修;
1 Nozzles maintenance
2 除氧器水箱壳体检查;
2 Shell examining of the deaerator water tank
3 除氧器水箱安全门的解体检查并进行打压试验;
3 Disassembly examining of the deaerator safety valves and
conducing of pressure test.
4 除氧器放空气门解体检查;
4 Disassembly examining of the deaerator air vent valve.
5 除氧器水位计及进、出口门检查;
5 Examining of the water level gauge and inlet and outlet valves
of the deaerator.
6 除氧器再沸腾门检查;
6 Examining of the deaerator reboiling valve.
7 水室人孔密封垫更换;
7 Replacing of the seal washer of the water chamber access
8 除氧器上其他所有附件检查。
8 Examining of all the other accessories of the deaerator. 安全、健康、环保要求 Requirements for safety, health and environmental protection 安全 Safety
1 首先检查安全措施和工作流程符合安全规程的要求之后方可开
1 First examine the safety measures and working process, only
start working if they meet the requirements in SAFETY CODE.
2 打开除氧器人孔前须检查确认其内确无压力,检查疏水门确已
2 Before opening the access hole of the deaerator, make sure
that there is no pressure inside, the water drainage valve is
opened and the remained water is discharged completely.

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3 打开除氧器人孔盖时,须注意防止被可能积存的蒸汽或热水喷
3 Be careful not to be injured by the remained jetting steam or
hot water when opening the access hole.
4 进入除氧器内须做好好防止被高温壳体烫伤的安全措施,如防
4 Take safety measures to prevent being hurt by the high
temperature shell of the deaerator before entering, for
example, uniform, gloves and working shoes and so on.
5 在除氧器内作业时应将强通风,但严禁直接通入氧气;
5 Take strong ventilation when working inside the deaerator, but
do not supply oxygen directly.
6 进入除氧器须做好防滑倒摔伤措施;
6 Take reliable measures to prevent slipping down and being
hurt when entering into deaerator.
7 除氧器内检修时须设监护人,监护人不得离开工作地点且不得
7 During inside maintenance of deaerator, there should be a
supervisor, who is not allowed to leave his post and be in
charge of any work else.
8 在关闭人孔前,工作负责人许清点人员和工具,检查确实没有
8 Before close the access hole, the person responsible for the
maintenance work should check the staff and tools, and make
sure there is no people, no tools or no materials left inside of
the deaerator.
9 在进行安全门的打压试验时,工作人员应注意防止被可能的泄
9 When conduct pressure test of the safety valve, the working
staff should be careful not to be hurt by the possible jetting
10 在搬运部件时须注意防止被部件砸伤;
10 Be careful not to be hurt when carrying parts.
11 水箱检查时应使用安全带;
11 Remember to use safety belt when examining the water tank.
12 进入水箱检查前须用堵板将水箱的给水下降管封堵好以防掉入;
12 Before entering into water tank, block the feedwater down
comer with the plugging plate to preventing falling into it.
13 进入除氧器内工作时须使用不超过 12V 的照明灯具;

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13 Do not use lights more than 12V when working inside
14 使用电动工具须使用漏电保护器,漏电保护器放置在管道容器
14 Use leakage protector when operating electrical tools and lay
it at a reliable place outside the pipeline container. 健康 Health
1 在除氧器内工作时工作人员应轮换工作和休息;
1 The staff working inside the deaerator should work in shift.
2 在工作中不要用力过猛,防止腰部扭伤;
2 Do not use force too heavily to prevent waist wrick.
3 进行打磨工作时使用防尘面具或合格的口罩。
3 Wear dust mask or regular respirator when doing polishing
works. 环保 Environmental protection
1 拆下的部件要摆放整齐;
1 Tidily lay the parts disassembled.
2 不使用铅粉或二硫化钼等污染性材料作为密封垫的防粘连涂料;
2 Do not use contaminating material like lead powder or
Supramoly as the releasing agent for the seal washer.
3 打磨工作时须注意防止尘埃扩散;
3 Prevent dust diffusion when conducting polishing works.
4 工作完毕,清理现场,分类放入垃圾堆。
4 After the work is finished, clear the site and sort the waste in
piles. 反事故措施 Anti-accident measures 严格按照《电业安全工作规程》进行工作,不得为了图省事或嫌麻烦
and do not simplify the procedures. 动火工作前须清理现场易燃物并经过易燃气体检测合格后方可动火; Before hot work, the in site combustibles must be removed and
flammable gas test must be conducted to ensure the condition.

Page 531 of 629 进入除氧器内检修工作须强制通风降温后再进入,现场专设监护人; Only enter the deaerator for maintenance after the forced
ventilation and cooling, and there should also be an in site
supervisor. 除氧器壳体及其附件定期检查或检修,每两个大修周期内至少进行
一次耐压试验; Carry out examining and maintenance periodically for the
deaerator shell and its accessories. Conduct at least one pressure
test within two overhaul period. 进入水箱检查前须用堵板将水箱的给水下降管封堵好以防掉入。 Before entering into water tank, block the feedwater down comer
with the plugging plate to preventing falling into it.
2.2.27 凝汽器
2.2.27 Condenser 概述 General descriptions
This unit adopts direct air cooled condenser. Firstly, the exhausted
steam from the LP casing is lead to the condenser system through
exhaust pipelines, then via steam distributing pipes, it is supplied
to the condenser tube-bank and there the heat exchanging is
happened. Inside the heat exchange tubes, the condensate liquid
is flowing in the same direction as the steam. The non-condensate
steam enters into the sub-condenser through the condensate
liquid manifold and is condensed there. Here inside the heat
exchange tubes, the condensate liquid is flowing in reverse with
the steam.
The non-condensated steam is exhausted into the upper part of
the sub-condenser, and then being extracted and discharged into
the atmosphere in the extraction steam system. Under the
gravitation force, the condensed liquid enters into the condenser
hot well, which is at the bottom of the exhaust pipe of turbine and
is used to collect the condensed liquid remained inside the pipes,
through the condensate liquid tubes, and then being conveyed to
the condensate water system via condensate water pump.

Page 532 of 629

The cooling air for condensing is extracted in by the axial flow air
fan from the around environment and is supplied to the cooling
surface of the fin tube-bank. During the startup and operation
process of the direct air cooled condenser system, the non-
condensed gas is eliminated by the vacuum pump to form the
vacuum needed. 技术规范 Technical specifications

名称 单位 参数
Name Unit Parameters
Single backpressure, Single Shell, Single Flow,
Surface type and Spring Support
m2 17500
Cooling Area
MPa 0.0085
Condenser Pressure
t/h 651.3
Condensing mass flow
Cooling Water Inlet ℃ 30
Cooling Speed
t/h 39730
Cooling Water Flow
Flow Path
根 24348
Cooling Tube Quantity
mm 12410
Cooling Tube Length
循环水入口管直径 mm Φ1820

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名称 单位 参数
Name Unit Parameters
Circulating Water Inlet
Pipe Diameter
Circulating Water Outlet mm Φ1820
Pipe Diameter
Exhaust Steam Pipe Outlet mm Φ273
Condensate Outlet Pipe mm Φ630
Designed Cooling Water t/h 43650
Designed Cooling Water ℃ 30
冷却介质 海水
Cooling Medium Seawater
m3 70
Hot Well effective Volume
凝汽器管材 钛管
Condenser Pipe Materials Titanium Pipe
μg/l 0.9
Clean Coefficient
Condensate Outlet m/s 20
Oxygen Content
m/s <2.5
Pipe Inner Flowrate
Condenser Water kPa 40
resistance 设备简介

Page 534 of 629 Equipment Instructions
直接空冷系统亦称为 ACC(Air Cooled Condenser)系统,它是指汽
The Direct air cooled condenser is also called ACC system (Air
Cooled Condenser). The exhausted steam of turbine is lead into
the outside air condenser and is cooled by air directly to establish
and remain the negative pressure inside the condenser. The
process is as follows: First, the exhausted steam of turbine is lead
into the outside air condenser through large diameter pipelines
while the axial flow cooling air fan at lower part of the air
condenser drives the air to pass the cooler surface. Then, the
exhausted steam is condensed and the condensate water is
returned to the regenerative system of the turbine via condensate
Due to the anti-freezing requirements, the direct air cooled
condenser should generally have both the down-stream flow and
counterflow condensers. The major part of the steam inside the air
cooled condenser is condensed in the down-stream condenser
and the left small part steam is condensed in the counterflow
condenser. In the counterflow condenser, due to the reverse
moving direction of the steam and condensate water, the
condensate water is not easy to be condensed. There is vacuum
evacuation system at the top if the counterflow condenser, which
can extract the air and non-condensing gas away from the
system. 检修工艺 Maintenance process 直接空冷器运行中的查漏 Leak detection during direct air cooled condenser operation.
The principle of Ultrasonic method is to use Ultrasonic wave to
find the leakage point eddying flow and alarm. Or find leakage
points of the air condenser and the vacuum system by helium

Page 535 of 629

mass leak detector. This method is more direct to detect the size
and position of the leakage point from the amount degree and is a
better choice to solve the leak detection problems. Weld the
leakage point after removing partial of the system equipment 直接空冷器翅片的清洗 Fin cleaning of direct air condenser
After a long period of operation, there will be dust on the heat
exchanger surface and influencing the heat exchange. So, the air
condenser should be cleaned after a certain period of time. See
the following method:
1 阀门均在减压位置;
1 The valves are at depressurization position.
2 用于支架的电缆必须接到最近的电源插座上,以上下移动喷嘴
2 The cable serving as support should be connected to the
nearest power socket in order to move the nozzle supports
upwards and downwards.
3 摘下防灰尘罩,将软管装置接入阀门上相应的位置;
3 Take down the dust shield and connect the hose device into
the corresponding position on the valve.
4 检查接口处的密闭性;
4 Examine the sealing condition of the connecting ports.
5 当转动把手至增压系统,以至高压水被释放到喷嘴托架上,高
5 When the handle is turned to pressurizing system and the HP
water is released to the nozzle support, the HP pump will
depressurize automatically.
6 通过上下移动喷嘴托架,完成换热器管束的清洗工作;
6 Complete the cleaning work of the heat exchange tube-bank
by moving the nozzle support upwards and downwards.
7 小心地通过人工左右移动支架,来清洗下一个区域,通过上下
7 Move the support leftwards and rightwards carefully to clean
the next section. And move the nozzle via moving its support.
8 嘴托架来完成该区域的清洗周期;
8 Complete the cleaning period by the nozzle support.
9 每当改变水接头时,转动相应方向的阀门把手,以致喷嘴托架

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与高压系统相隔离。空冷凝汽器布置在主厂房 A 排外高架平台
上,平台 xx 高米。各冷却段排成 6 列,每列由 x 个顺流冷却段
和 x 个逆流冷却段组成。每台机组空冷凝汽器所占面积约为
xxxxm2。每个冷却段由 x 块翅片管束组成接近 60゜的 A 型框架
配一台 9.14m 风机,每块管束宽 xxxm,顺流管束长 xxxm,逆
流管束长 xxxm。
9 When changing the water joint, turn the valve handle in
corresponding direction to isolate the nozzle support and HP
system. The air condenser is arranged on the main plant
building row A outside overhead platform, with a height of XX
m. The cooling sections are arranged into 6 columns
respectively. And each column is made up by X down-stream
cooling sections and X counter cooling sections. The
condenser area for each unit is XXXX m2. Each cooling
section is made up by X fin tube-banks to form an about 60 ゜
A type frame, and is quipped with on 9.41m air fan. Each
tube-bank has a width of XXXm, with a downstream tube-
bank length of XXXm and a counterflow tube-bank length of
XXXm. 检修项目 Maintenance items 小修标准项 Mini repair standard items 大修标准项目 Overhaul standard items 调试和试运 Commissioning and test running 备品配件 Spare parts 安全、健康、环保要求 Safety, health and environmental protection requirements
2.2.28 阀门
2.2.28 Valves 阀门代号 Valve codes
According to structure characteristics, the valves in the pipeline

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system can be divided as Gate Valve (Z), Stop Valve (J), Butterfly
Valve (D), Throttle Valve (L), Check Valve (H), Relieve Valve (Y),
Drain Valve (S), Safety Valve (A), Diaphragm Valve (G), Plug
Valve (X), Ball Valve and so on.
按 压 力 可 分 为 低 压 阀 ( pn<1.6MPa ) 、 中 压 阀
(pn=2.5、4.0、6.4MPa)、高压阀(10MPa< pn <100MPa)、超高
压阀(10MPa< pn <100MPa)。根据机标 JB-308-74 规定,国产阀
According to pressure, they are LP Valve﹙pn < 1.6MP﹚, IP Valve
﹙pn=2.5 、 4.0 、 6.4MPa﹚, HP Valve﹙10MPa< pn <100MPa﹚ and
Ultra-HP Valve﹙10MPa< pn <100MPa﹚. According to JB-308-74
regulations, the home valves all have special designed model.
阀门型号由 7 个单元组成,依次代表阀门的类别、驱动方式、连接型
The valve model is made up by 7 units, which stand for the valve
classification, drive mode, connection type, structure type, seal
ring liner material, nominal pressure and valve body material.
The identification methods of the general valve are: 1) valve
classification, drive mode and connection type can be identified
according to the valve appearance. 2) Nominal diameter, nominal
pressure or working pressure, working temperature and medium
flowing direction are to be identified from the manufacture labels. 阀门型号的意义 The meaning of valve model
表 9 阀门类别代号
Table 9 Valve Classification Codes
类型 代号 类型 代号 类型 代号
Type Code Type Code Type Code

闸阀 蝶阀 止回阀
Gate Valve Z Butterfly D Check
Valve Valve
截止阀 隔膜阀 底阀
Stop Valve J Diaphragm G Foot Valve

节流阀 L 旋塞阀 X 减压阀 Y

Page 538 of 629

类型 代号 类型 代号 类型 代号
Type Code Type Code Type Code
Throttle Plug Valve Relieve
Valve Valve

球阀 安全阀 疏水阀
Ball Valve Q Safety A Drain S
Valve Valve
表 10 阀门驱动方式代号
Table 10 Valve Drive Mode Codes
驱动方式 代号 驱动方式 代号 驱动方式 代号
Drive Mode Cod Drive Cod Drive Mode Cod
e Mode e e

电磁动 0 正齿轮 4 气-液动 8

Electromagnetic Spur Pneumatic-
Gear Hydraulic Driven
电磁-液动 1 伞齿轮 5 电动 9
Electromagnetic- Bevel Electric
Hydraulic Gear
电-液动 2 气动 6
Electro-Hydraulic Pneumati

蜗轮 3 液动 7
Worm Wheel Hydraulic
表 11 阀门连接型式代号
Table 11 Valve Connection Type Codes
连接型式 代号 连接型式 代号 连接型式 代号
Connection Code Connection Code Connection Code
Type Type Type

内螺纹 1 焊接 6 卡套 9
Internal Welding Lock
Screw Sleeve

Page 539 of 629

连接型式 代号 连接型式 代号 连接型式 代号
Connection Code Connection Code Connection Code
Type Type Type

外螺纹 2 对夹 7
External Wafer Type

法兰 4 卡箍 8
Flange Clamping
表 12 阀门结构型式代号
Table 12 Valve Structure type Codes

Page 540 of 629

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
明杆楔式单 明杆楔式双 明杆平行式单 明杆平行式双 暗杆楔式 式单闸阀 暗杆平行
阀 阀 闸阀 闸阀 暗杆楔式单闸 双闸阀 式双闸阀
阀 Non-rising
Rising Stem Rising Stem Rising Stem Rising Stem Non-rising Parallel Non-rising
Gate Valve Wedge Wedge Parallel Parallel Wedge Single Parallel
Wedge Single
Single Double Single Gate Double Gate Double Gate Valve Double
Gate Valve
Valve Valve Valve Valve Gate Valve Gate Valve

直通式(铸 直角式(铸 直通式(锻 直角式(锻

截止阀 造) 造) 造) 造) 直流式 隔膜式 节流式
Stop Valve Straight Right-angle Straight Right-angle Direct Flow Diaphragm Throttling
(Founding) (Founding) (Forging) (Forging)

直通填料式 保温式
旋塞阀 直通式 调节式 三通填料式 Tee 润滑式
Straight Thermal Thermal
Plug Valve Straight Regulating Tee Stuffing Lubricating
Stuffing Protective Protective

止回 直通升降式 立式升降式 直通升降式 单板璇启式 多瓣璇启式

阀 Straight Vertical Straight Single-Peel Multi-peel
Elevation Elevation Elevation Swing Type Swing Type

Page 541 of 629

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Check Valve Type Type Type
浮球式 浮筒式 钟形浮子式 脉冲式 热动力式
Floating Floating Clock Float Pulse Thermal
Drain Valve
Ball Drum Type Type Power
外弹簧薄膜 内弹簧薄膜
式 式 气动薄膜
减压阀 膜片活塞式 杠杆弹簧式 式
External Internal
Relieve Diaphragm Lever Spring Pneumatic
Spring Spring Bellows
Valve Piston Type Type Diaphragm
Diaphragm Diaphragm
Type Type

Page 542 of 629

表 13 阀座密封或衬里材料代号
Table 13 Valve seat Seal or Liner Material Codes
材料 代号 材料 代号 材料 代号
Materials Code Materials Code Materials Code

钢合金 金
T M Lining CJ
Steel Alloy Monel

硬橡胶 石墨石棉
X Hard J Graphite S
Rubber Asbestos

Acid- P CQ
resistant Leather
Steel H
不锈钢 无密封圈 衬塑料
Stainless No Seal W Lining CS
Steel Ring Plastics

渗氮钢 聚四氟乙
Steel Teflon

巴士合金 烯 尼龙
Babbit Metal PCTFE Nylon

硬质合金 聚氯乙烯 酚醛塑料

Hard Alloy PVC Bakelite
表 14 阀体材料代号
Table 14 Valve body Material Symbols
代号 材料名称 代号 材料名称 代号
Code Material Name Code Material Name Code
灰铸铁 铬镍钛(铌)耐酸钢
Gray H T Chrome-Nickel (Nb) Acid P
Cast Steel
Cast-Iron Resistant Steel
碳钢 Cr-Ni-Mo-Ti (Nb) Acid
Malleable K C R
Carbon Steel Resistant Steel

球墨铸铁 铬钼钒合金钢
Spherical Q I Cr-Mo-V Alloy Steel V
Medium Ni-Mo
Alloy Steel
Iron 阀门公称压力系列 Valve Nominal pressure Series
为 kg/cm2 或 0.1MPa)表示,并用短线与阀座密封(或衬里材料)
代 号 隔 开 。 阀 门 的 公 称 压 力 分 为
1 、 2.5 、 6 、 10 、 16 、 25 、 40 、 64 、 100 、 160 、 200 、 320
kg/cm2(0.1MPa)等级。当介质工作温度≥ 450℃时,标示出工作
温度,标示的数值为温度值除以 10 所得值的整数。
In the valve model, the nominal pressure code is expressed by the
value of the nominal pressure (kg/cm2 or 0.1MPa) directly and is
isolated with valve seat seal (or liner material) symbol by short
line. The Valve nominal pressure has the following grades: 1, 2.5,
6, 10, 16, 25, 40, 64, 100, 160, 200 and 320 kg/cm 2(0.1MPa).
When medium working temperature ≥ 450℃, mark out the
temperature value, and the marked value should be the integer of
the result of the temperature value divided by 10. 常用阀门的作用与结构性能 Function and structure performance of Common Valves 闸阀 Gate valve
This product is mainly used as the opening and closing device in
pipelines with gas or liquid medium. It is to put through or cut
down medium flow and not suitable for regulating medium flow.
And it is characterized by small flow resistance and labor saving
during opening and closing.

Page 544 of 629

表 15 性能规范
Table 15 Performance Specifications
50~600 mm
Nominal Diameter(DN)
1.6~25 MPa
Pressure Grade(PN)
Shell Test
试验压力 0.6
LP Seal Test
Test MPa
Pressure 1.1PN
HP Seal Test
Upper Seal Test
-29~425 ºC
Applicable Temperature
Non-corrosive Gas or Liquid like Water,
Applicable Medium
Steam and Oil
The gate valve is used to open or close the pipeline path by
moving it along the line passing the path center and in vertical to
the valve disc. The main opening and closing parts are the valve
disc and the valve seat. The gate plate is vertical to the flow
direction. The flow can be regulated by changing the relative
position between the valve disc and the valve seat, also know as
area of section. To ensure the tightness, grind the seal surface of
the valve disc and the valve seat. The gate valve is characterized
by complex structure, large size, high price, slow opening, no
water hammer and easy regulating. But the defect is that the seal
surface is too large and is easily abraded. Besides the driven
mode, the structure specifications, main valve parts materials and
the maintenance methods of the electrical and manual gate valve
are basically the same.

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Take electrical gate valve as example; see the characteristics in
the flowing:
1 靠电动装置驱动使阀杆升降而带动闸板作垂直于流体的直线位
1 The electrical device drives the valve stem to move upward
and downward, driving the gate plate to move in a strait line
vertical to the fluid. So the opening and closing purpose is
2 阀门采用本体直接堆焊阀座,工艺简单、维修方便;
2 The pedestal of the vale is a direct welding overlay on the
proper, which is of simple process and convenient
3 采用楔式弹性闸板,关闭力矩小,易密封,不易因温度变化而
3 It adopts wedge elastic gate plate, so the torque is small and
the sealing is easy. And the wedge blockage by temperature
change is not easily to occur.
4 采用可换式上密封结构,能辅助填料密封,且维修方便;
4 It adopts replaceable upper sealing structure, which assists
the stuffing seal and the maintenance is convenient.
5 阀盖上部装有油杯,打入润滑油,可润滑阀杆螺母;
5 There is oil cup at the top of the valve bonnet. The lube oil can
be filled via the cup to lubricate the valve stem nuts.
6 密封面焊有耐磨材料,增强密封性能和提高使用寿命;
6 Wear resistant materials are welded on the seal face to
improve the leak-proofness and expand the service life.
7 阀盖上开有 NPT 1/2 螺孔,供用户连接中腔泄压装置。
7 There is a NPT 1/2 screw hole on the valve bonnet for users
to intermediate chamber relieve device.

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1 阀体 1 Valve body
2 闸板 2 Gate Plate
3 阀杆 3 Valve Stem
4 六角螺母 4 Hexagon Nut
5 双头螺柱 5 Stud Bolt
6 垫片 6 Washer
7 阀盖 7 Valve bonnet
8填 8 Stuffing
9 圆柱销 9 Cylindrical Pin
10 六角螺母 10 Hexagon Nut
11 双头螺 11 Stud Bolt
12 填料压板 12 Packing gland
13 支架 13 Support
14 垫片 14 Washer
15 活节螺栓 15 Dog Bolt
16 六角螺母 16 Hexagon Nut
17 止推轴承 17 Thrust Bearing
18 阀杆螺母 18 Valve Stem Nut
19 六角螺母 19 Hexagon Nut
20 双头螺柱 20 Stud Bolt
21 电动装置 21 Electrical Device
图 2 电动闸阀结构及外形简图
Figure 2 Electrical Gate Valve Structure Diagram
表 16 阀门主要零件材料
Table 16 Main Valve parts materials
阀体阀盖 堆焊材
阀板 料
名称 Seal 填料 垫 片 螺栓 螺母
Valve Face
Name body, Stuffing Washer Bolt Nut
Stem Welding
and Plate Overlay
材料 Stainless 35CrMo
WCB 1Cr13 13Cr Flexible Spirotallic 45
Materials A
Graphite Gasket with
表 17 可能发生的故障及维修方法

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Table 17 Possible Failures and Solutions
故障现象 原 因 维 修
Failure Descriptions Causes Solutions
1 均匀拧紧螺母
1 填料压盖未压紧
1 Tighten the Nuts Evenly
1 Loose Packing
gland 2 增加圈数(应将填料绳切成 45º 切
口 , 相 邻 两 圈 切 口 应 错 开 120º 放
2 填料圈数不足 置)
2 Insufficient Stuffing 2 Increase the Cylinder Number (Cut
Stuffing Leakage
Cylinder Number the stuffing rape in a 45º incision, the
adjacent incisions should be laid
3 填料损伤失效 with 120º angle.)
3 Damaged or Invalid 3 更换填料
3 Replace the Stuffing
1 连接螺栓紧固不匀
1Uneven tightness of 1 均匀拧紧螺栓
connecting bolts.
1 Tighten the Bolts Evenly.
阀体与阀盖连接处渗漏 2 法兰密封面损坏
2 重新修整
Leakage at Joint of 2 Damaged Flange
2 Repair it
Valve body and Cover Seal Surface.
3 更换垫片.
3 垫片破裂或失效
3 Replace the gasket.
3 Damaged or Invalid
1 密 封 面 有 污 染 物 附 1 去除污物

1 Eliminate the Contamination.
1 Contaminations on
Seal Surface 2 重新加工修整,研磨密封面,若密
2 密封面被损坏 阀座
2 Damaged Seal 2 Re-processing, Grinding the Seal
Seal Surface Leaks Surface Surface. Re-weld or Replace the
Valve seat if Seal Surface Welding
3 密 封 面 长 期 使用 被 Layer is Inefficient.
3 密封面重新堆焊加工或更换阀座
3 Seal Surface
Abrasion due to Long 3 Re-weld the Seal Surface or
Period Service. Replace the Valve seat.
电动装置不能使阀门启 1 填料压得过紧 1 适当旋松填料压盖上的螺母
闸板不能启闭) 1 The Stuffing Is 1 Loosen the Nut on Packing gland
Pressed Too Much. a Bit Properly.

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2 填料压盖装置歪斜
2 The Packing gland
Device Is Bent.
2 调正填料压盖
3 阀 杆螺 纹损 坏 或 有
污物 2 Adjust Packing gland
Valve Opening and 3 The Valve Stem 3 拆开修整螺纹或清除污物
Closing Failure by Tread Is Damaged or
Electrical 3 Disassemble and Adjust the
Device(Inflexible Thread or Eliminate the Dirt.
Manual Turning or 4 阀 杆螺 母 的 螺纹 严
4 更换阀杆螺母
Gate Plate Opening 重损坏或断裂
and Closing Failure) 4 The Valve Stem 4 Replace the Valve Stem nut
Nut Tread Is Badly 5 校正阀杆
Damaged or
Cracked. 5 Calibrate the Valve Stem

5 阀杆弯曲
5 Valve Stem is Bent.
1 阀体 1 Valve body
2 闸板 2 Gate Valve
3 阀杆 3 Valve Stem
4垫 4 Washer
5 六角螺母 5 Hexagon Nut
6 双头螺柱 6 Stud Bolt
7 阀盖 7 Valve bonnet
8 填料 8 Stuffing
9 圆柱销 9 Cylindrical Pin
10 填料压板 10 Packing gland
11 垫片 11 Washer
12 活节螺栓 12 Dog Bolt
13 六角螺母 13 Hexagon Nut
14 六角螺母 14 Hexagon Nut
15 双头螺柱 15 Stud Bolt
16 支架 16 Support
17 阀杆螺母 17 Valve Stem Nut
18 止推轴承 18 Thrust Bearing
19 轴承压盖 19 Bearing Cover
20 手轮 20 Hand Wheel
21 锁紧螺母 21 Lock Nut

Page 549 of 629

图 3 手动闸阀结构及外形简图
Figure 3 Manual Gate Valve Structure Diagram 截止阀 Stop Valve
This product is mainly used as the opening and closing device in
pipelines with gas or liquid medium. It is to put through or cut
down medium flow and not suitable for regulating medium flow.
And it is characterized by small flow resistance and labor saving
during opening and closing.
Stop Valve uses valve disc to control the opening and closing. The
main opening and closing parts are the valve disc and the valve
seat. The valve disc moves along the pedestal center line so that
the flow can be regulated or cut off by changing the distance
between the valve disc and the valve seat, also know as area of
section. To prevent leakage, the seal surface of the valve disc and
the valve seat is grinded. The stop valve is reliable with tight
opening and closing, also it is easy to be regulated or cut off. But
the defect is that it has complex structures, high price, large fluid
resistance and slow opening and closing. The flowing direction
inside the stop valve is from upward to downward through valve
disc. Besides the driven mode, the structure specifications, main
valve parts materials and the maintenance methods of the
electrical and manual stop valve are basically the same.
Take electrical stop valve as example; see the characteristics in
the flowing:
1 靠电动装置驱动使阀杆升降而带动阀瓣作垂直于管线的直线位
1 The electrical device drives the valve stem to move upward
and downward, so that the valve disc is driven to do straight
moving in vertical to the pipe line, then the opening and
closing purpose is reached.
2 采用在阀体上直接堆焊的阀座,工艺简单、维修方便;
2 The Valve seat is welded on the valve body directly, which is

Page 550 of 629

simple and easy for maintenance.
3 采用平面阀瓣,加工简单,维修方便;
3 The valve disc is flat, so that the processing is simple and the
maintenance is convenient.
4 采用阀盖上直接堆焊上密封结构,能辅助填料密封,且维修方
4 The seal structure is welded on the valve bonnet directly,
which is assisting for the stuffing seal and is convenient for
5 密封面焊有耐磨材料,增强密封性能和提高使用寿命。
5 There is wear resistant material welded on the seal surface
which increases the sealing and expands the service of life.
表 18 性能规范
Table 18 Performance specifications
50~350 mm
Nominal Diameter (DN)
1.6~10 MPa
Pressure Grade (PN)
Shell Test
试验压力 0.6
LP Seal Test
Test MPa
pressure 1.1PN
HP Seal Test
Upper Seal Test
-29~425 ºC
Applicable Temperature
Non-corrosive gas or liquid like water,
Applicable Medium
steam and oil.
表 19 阀门主要零件材料
Table 19 Main Valve Parts Materials
名称 阀体 阀杆 密封面 填料 垫 片 螺栓 螺母
阀盖 堆焊材

Page 551 of 629

body, Material
Na Valve welded
bonne Stuffing gasket Bolt Nut
me stem on the
t and
plate seal
材料 柔性石 不锈钢带柔性石墨缠绕
墨 垫片
Mat WCB/ 35CrMo
1Cr13 13Cr Flexible Stainless Spirotallic 45
erial 25 A
graphit gasket with flexible
e graphite

1 阀体 1 Valve body
2 阀瓣 2 Valve disc
3 阀杆 3 Valve Stem
4 对开环 4 Split Ring
5 阀瓣压盖 5 Valve disc cover
6 垫片 6 Gasket
7 六角螺母 7 Hexagon Nut
8 双头螺柱 8 Stud Bolt
9 阀盖 9 Valve cover
10 填料 10 Stuffing
11 圆柱销 11 Cylindrical Pin
12 填料压板 12 Packing gland
13 垫片 13 gasket
14 六角螺母 14Hexagon Nut
15 活节螺栓 15 Dog Bolt
16 卡板 16 Locking Plate
17 内六角螺钉 17 Inner Hexagon Screw
18 六角螺母 18 Hexagon Nut
19 止推轴承 19 Thrust Bearing
20 阀杆螺母 20 Valve Stem Nut
21 六角螺母 21 Hexagon Nut
22 双头螺柱 22 Stud Bolt
23 轴承压盖 23 Bearing Cover
24 电动装置 图 4 电动截止阀结构及外形简图 24 Electrical Device

Figure 4 Electrical Stop Valve Structure Diagram

Page 552 of 629

表 20 可能发生的故障及维修方法
Table 20 Possible Malfunctions and Eliminating Methods
故障现象 原 因 维 修
Malfunctions Causes Solutions
1 均匀拧紧螺母
1 填料压盖未压紧
1 Tighten nuts evenly
1 Packing gland is not
tight 2 增加圈数(应将填料绳切成 45º 切
口,相 邻 两圈切口应错 开 120º 放
2 填料圈数不足 置)
2 Stuffing cylinder 2 Increase cylinder numbers (cut
Stuffing Leakage
number is insufficient stuffing rape in 45º incision and lay
the neighboring incisions with
3 填料损伤失效 120ºbetween them
3 Stuffing is damaged 3 更换填料
or invalid
3 Replace stuffing
1 连接螺栓紧固不匀
1 Connecting bolts is 1 均匀拧紧螺栓
unevenly tightened
1 Tighten bolts evenly
阀体与阀盖连接处渗漏 2 法兰密封面损坏
2 重新修整
Leakage at joint of 2 Flange surface is
2 Re-process
Valve body and bonnet damaged
3 更换垫片
3 垫片破裂或失效
3 Replace gasket
3 Gasket is cracked or
1 去除污物
1 密封面有污染物附着
1 Contaminations on 1 Eliminate contaminations
seal surface 2 重新加工修整,研磨密封面,若
2 密封面被损坏 更换阀座
密封面渗漏 2 Seal surface is 2 Re-process, grind the seal
Seal surface leakage damaged surface; re-weld if seal welding
3 密封面长期使用被磨 layer is insufficient or replace valve
损 seat
3 Seal surface is 3 密封面重新堆焊加工或更换阀座
abrade due to long 3 Re-weld seal surface or replace
time service valve seat
电动装置不能启闭阀瓣 1 填料压得过紧 1 适当旋松填料压盖上的螺母
1 Stuffing is pressed 1 Loosen the nuts on packing

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too much
2 填料压盖装置歪斜
2 Packing gland is not gland
straight 2 调正填料压盖
3 阀杆螺纹有损坏或有 2 Adjust packing gland
瓣不能启闭) 污物
Electrical device fails 3 Valve stem thread is 3 拆开修整螺纹或清除污物
to open or close valve damaged or 3 Disassemble to process thread
disc(inflexible turning contaminated or eliminate contaminations
of hand wheel or
opening and closing 4 阀杆螺母的螺纹严重 4 更换阀杆螺母
failure of valve disc) 损坏或断裂
4 Replace valve stem nut
4 Valve stem nut
thread is badly 5 校正阀杆
damaged or cracked 5 Calibrate valve stem
5 阀杆弯曲
5 Valve stem is bent

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1 阀体 1 Valve body
2 阀瓣 2 Valve disc
3 阀杆 3 Valve Stem
4 阀瓣压盖 4 Valve disc Cover
5 六角螺母 5 Hexagon Nut
6 双头螺柱 6Stud Bolt
7 垫片 7 Washer
8 阀盖 8 Valve bonnet
9 填料 9 Stuffing
10 圆柱销 10 Cylindrical Pin
11 开口销 11 Split Pin
12 填料压板 12 Packing gland
13 垫片 13 Gasket
14 六角螺母 14 Hexagon Nut
15 活节螺栓 15Dog Bolt
16 阀杆螺母 16 Valve Stem Nut
17 手轮 17 Hand Wheel
18 铭牌 18 Name Plate
19 六角螺母 19 Hexagon Nut

图 5 手动截止阀结构及外形简图
Figure 5 Manual Stop Valve Structure Diagram 止回阀 Check Valve
适用于公称压力 PN≤1.0-4.0Mpa,工作温度≤180℃,作介质为水、
It is applicable for the Opening and closing device of the pipeline
with nominal pressure PN≤1.0-4.0Mpa , working
temperature≤180℃ and water, steam or Nitric acid as its medium.

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Check valve is also called Non-return valve or one-way valve. It is
used abroad in the outlet pipeline, steam extraction pipeline, water
drain pipeline and other non-return medium flow pipelines of all
kinds of pumps. The check valve is automatically opened or
closed by the differential pressure before and behind the valve.
The function is to limit the medium to flow in only one direction
with non-returns. According to structure difference, there are
evaluation type (jumping type) and swing type (rocked panel
type). The elevation type check valve must be installed on the
horizontal pipes and make sure that the axial line of the valve disc
is strictly vertical to horizontal surface to keep the flexible
elevating and reliable work of the valve disc. The swing type can
be installed on horizontal, vertical or slant pipes as long as the
rotating pivot shaft is horizontal.
表 21 性能规范
Table 21 Performance Specifications
50~350 mm
Nominal Diameter (DN)
1.6~10 MPa
Pressure Grade (PN)
Shell Test
试验压力 0.6
LP Seal Test
Test MPa
pressure 1.1PN
HP Seal Test
Upper Seal Test
-29~425 ºC
Applicable Temperature
Non-corrosive gas or liquid like water,
Applicable Medium
steam and oil.

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2 阀瓣

1. Valve body
2. Valve disc
3. Sleeve Guide
4. Medium Washer
5. Valve bonnet
6. Nut
7. Stud Bolt

图 6 止回阀结构及外形简图
Figure 6 Check Valve Structure Diagram

The characteristics of the Check valve are as follows:
1 阀盖填料 V 型结构,可使系统与大气隔离,具有极好的气密性;
1 The V type structure of the valve bonnet stuffing can isolate the
system from atmosphere and has excellent air tightness.
2 材料的选用 304/(CF8)、316L(CF3M),其中承压件采用铸钢,
2 The material are 304/ ( CF8 ) 、 316L ( CF3M ) . The pressure
bearing parts uses casting steel while the valve stem and seal
surface adopt stainless steel.
3 闸阀为平行式双闸板结构,密封可靠,启闭轻便,检修方便;
3 The gate valve structure is parallel double gate plate, which is of
reliable seal, light opening and closing and convenient
4 止回阀自动关闭;
4 The check valve closes automatically.
5 阀门连接形式为法兰,系手动驱动方式。
5 The valve connection is flange and it is driven manually.
表 22 阀门主要零件材料

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Table 22 Maim Valve Parts Material
阀体阀盖阀 密封面堆焊
瓣 材料
阀杆 填料
名称 垫片 螺栓 螺母
Valve Welded
Valve Stuffin
Name body, mater on Gasket Bolt Nut
Stem g
bonnet the seal
and disc surface

料 CR8/CF3M 304/316L / PTFE PTFE 304 45
表 23 可能发生的故障及维修方法
Table 23 Possible Malfunctions and solutions
原 因 维 修
Causes Solutions
1 均匀拧紧螺母
1 填料压盖未压紧
1 Tighten nuts evenly
1 Packing gland is not
tight 2 增加圈数(应将填料绳切成 45º 切
口,相 邻 两圈切口应错 开 120º 放
2 填料圈数不足 置)
2 Stuffing number of 2 Increase cylinder numbers (cut
Stuffing Leakage
turns is insufficient stuffing rape in 45º incision and lay
the neighboring incisions with
3 填料损伤失效 120ºbetween them
3 Stuffing is damaged 3 更换填料
or invalid
3 Replace stuffing
1 连接螺栓紧固不匀
1 Connecting bolts is 1 均匀拧紧螺栓
unevenly tightened
1 Tighten bolts evenly
阀体与阀盖连接处渗漏 2 法兰密封面损坏
2 重新修整
Leakage at joint of 2 Flange seal surface
2 Re-process
Valve body and bonnet is damaged
3 更换垫片
3 垫片破裂或失效
3 Replace gasket
3 Washer is cracked or
密封面渗漏 1 密封面有污染物附着 1 去除污物

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1 Contaminations on 1 Eliminate contaminations
seal surface 2 重新加工修整,研磨密封面,若
2 密封面被损坏 更换阀座
2 Seal surface is 2 Re-process, grind the seal
damaged surface; re-weld if seal welding
Seal surface leakage
3 密封面长期使用被磨 layer is insufficient or replace valve
损 seat
3 Seal surface is 3 密封面重新堆焊加工或更换阀座
abrade due to long 3 Re-weld seal surface or replace
time service valve seat
1 填料压得过紧
1 Stuffing is pressed
too much 1 适当旋松填料压盖上的螺母
2 填料压盖装置歪斜 1 Loosen the nuts on packing
2 Packing gland is not gland
电动装置不能启闭阀瓣 straight 2 调正填料压盖
瓣不能启闭) 3 阀杆螺纹有损坏或有 2 Adjust packing gland
Electrical device fails 3 拆开修整螺纹或清除污物
to open or close Valve 3 Valve stem thread is
disc(inflexible turning damaged or 3 Disassemble to process thread
of hand wheel or contaminated or eliminate contaminations
opening and closing 4 阀杆螺母的螺纹严重 4 更换阀杆螺母
failure of Valve disc) 损坏或断裂
4 Replace valve nut
4 Valve stem nut
thread is badly 5 校正阀杆
damaged or cracked 5 Calibrate valve stem
5 阀杆弯曲
5 Valve stem is bent 隔膜阀 Diaphragm valve
It is applicable for controlling the opening and closing of medium
flowing in general corrosive fluid pipe with a work temperature
≤65℃. It is made up by valve body, valve bonnet, valve stem,

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valve disc diaphragm and driven parts. The opening and closing is
realized by rotating the hand wheel. When rotating the hand wheel
clockwise, the valve disc falls downward and the flow is cut off,
or , it is opened. When working in the water steam pipeline with a
temperature ≤120℃, the diaphragm material should adopt heat
resistant rubber.

图 7 隔膜阀结构及外形简图
Figure 7 Diaphragm Valve Structure Diagram
Precautions during maintenance:
1 本阀除不宜应用于真空管路上,可在管路的任意位置安装作双向流动,
1 This valve can be used at any position of the pipeline for dual flow
except for vacuum pipeline, but ensure the convenience of operation
and maintenance.
2 安装前,应将阀体内腔清洗干净,防止污垢卡阻或损伤密封部件,并检
2 Before installation, clean the inner chamber of the valve body in order
to prevent dirt block or seal part damaged. Also examine if the jointing
bolts are evenly tightened.
3 运行中必须经常检查与介质接触的部件,并按实际使用情况,定期更换
3 During operation, examine the parts contacting to medium regularly.
And replace the parts subjected to wear based on the real situation.
4 当更换隔膜时,应注意切勿将隔膜拧得过紧或过松;
4 When replacing the diaphragm, do not screw it too tight or too loose.

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5 本阀如应用于间断性运行管路上,则在停止使用期间,应清洗与介质接
5 If this valve is applied in intermittent pipeline, wash the medium
contacting parts during non-operation period to expand the service
life. During cutoff period, rotate the hand wheel counterclockwise, and
leave the valve at slightly-opened position to avoid elasticity loss due
to long time pressurization.
6 在手动操纵阀门时,不得借助于辅助杠杆使阀门启闭,以免扭矩过大而
6 When operate the valve manually, do not use auxiliary lever to open
or close, in order to avoid driven parts e or seal parts damage due to
7 经经检修后的阀门,在应用前,需进行密封性试验,合格后方能投入。
7 Conduct leak-test of the maintained valve before re-operation.
表 24 主要性能参数
Table 24 Main performance Parameters
通径 工作压力 试验压力 试验温度
(mm) (MPa)
型号 Teat Pressure Test
Path Working Temperature
Model 密封 强度
Diameter Pressure
(mm) (MPa) Seal Intensity
G41J-6 25~150 0.6 0.66 0.9 Normal
G41J-10 25~200 1.0 1.1 1.5 Normal
表 25 可能发生的故障和消除方法
Table 25 Possible Malfunction and Eliminating Methods
原因 消除方法
Causes Eliminating Methods
手轮旋转不灵活 1 杆上积有污垢或螺纹损伤 1 除污垢或修整螺纹并注以润
Inflexible hand 1 There is dirt on the stem or
wheel the thread is damaged. 1 Eliminate the dirt, re-process
thread and lubricate it
2 杆螺母磨损或拉裂
2 换阀杆螺母
2 The stem nut is abraded or

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2 Replace valve stem nut
3 杆弯曲 3 正或更换阀杆
3 Bent stem 3 Calibrate or replace valve
4 承损裂 stem

4 Cracked bearing 4 换轴承

4 Replace bearing
1 接螺栓紧固不均匀
1 匀紧固
阀体与阀盖连接处渗 1 Uneven tightness of
Leakage at valve connection nuts 1 Tighten evenly
body and valve 2 体衬胶层损裂 2 予更换阀体
2 Cracked proper lining 2 Replace valve body
1 封面间积有污垢
1 除污垢并不得损伤密封面
1 There is dirt among seal
surface 1 Eliminate dirt without
damaging seal surface
2 封面轻微损伤
2 按原曲面修整
2 Slight damage of seal
surface 2 Re-process according to
original curved surface
密封面间渗漏 3 膜拧得过紧或过松
3 当调节隔膜松紧程度
Leakage at seal 3 The diaphragm is too tight
surface or too loose 3 Adjust tightness of
diaphragm properly
4 膜严重被蚀或损裂
4 换隔膜
4 The diaphragm is badly
corroded or cracked 4 Replace diaphragm
5 封面衬胶层损裂 5 予更换阀体
5 The seal surface lining 5 Replace valve body
rubber is cracked 蝶阀 Butterfly valve
1 简介
1 General description
其规格包括公称通径 DN50mm~1600mm(2”~64”)、公称压力
PN1.0MPa~4.0MPa(ANSI CLASS150~300)法兰和对夹连接的
Butterfly valve mainly used to cut off the medium of the
pipeline and equipment. Its function is regulating, throttling

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and resisting return-flow. The specifications includes flange
with nominal path diameter of DN50mm~1600mm(2”~64”) and
nominal pressure of PN1.0MPa~4.0MPa(ANSI
CLASS150~300) and the manual, gear driven and pneumatic
butterfly valve.
The carbon steel valve is applicable for water, steam and oil
medium; stainless steel valve is applicable for corrosive
medium and casting iron valve is applicable for water and gas
medium. Besides, choose the working space according valve
seat material: PTFE≤150℃;stainless steel +complex≤425℃
and rubber≤80℃
For the parts subjected to wear, choose PTFE or flexible
graphite, for the seal is reliable.
2 操作
2 Operations
2.1 作阀门采用手柄或齿轮传动装置、电动或气动蝶阀由电动装
置或气动装置驱动,使蝶板旋转 90°开启或关闭阀门;
2.1 Use handle or gearbox to operate the valve. The electrical
or pneumatic butterfly valve is driven by electrical device
or pneumatic device. The butterfly plate is rotated 90°to
open or close the valve.
2.2 对于手动(包括驱动装置的手轮)或扳手操作的蝶阀,除
2.2 For butterfly valve operated manually (including driven
device hand wheel) or by spanner, besides the specific
rules, turn the hand wheel clockwise or put the spanner
valve at closed position when facing the hand wheel or
2.3 电动、气动蝶阀的开启、关闭指示由电动装置、气动装置上的
2.3 The opening and closing indication of the electrical and
pneumatic butterfly valve is indicated by the position
indictor on the electrical device and pneumatic device.
3 维护使用
3 Maintenance and usage
3.1 检查阀门通道和密封面,如有污垢,应使用清洁布擦拭干

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3.1 Inspect the valve path and seal surface, and when there is
dirt eliminate it with cleaning cloth.
3.2 安装前检查填料是否压紧,应确保填料的密封性,同时不
3.2 Examine if the stuffing is tightened before installation.
Ensure the tightness of the stuffing, at the same time, do
not affect the rotation of the valve stem.
3.3 安装时拧紧连接螺栓的拧紧力应均匀合适;
3.3 Evenly and properly tighten the connection nuts during
3.4 蝶阀可以安装水平、垂直的管道上,安装位置应保证使用维
3.4 The butterfly valve can be installed on both horizontal and
vertical pipes. The installation position should ensure the
convenient maintenance.
3.5 手动阀门在开启或关闭操作时,应使用手柄开、关,不得借
3.5 The manual valve should be opened or closed by handle,
and do not use auxiliary lever or other tools.
3.6 阀门使用应定期检查,检查密封面有无磨损及垫片填料。若
3.6 Examine the valve periodically during operation. Check if
there is abrasion or washer stuffing on the seal surface.
Repair or replace the valve in time when it is damaged or
3.7 电动、气动阀门的传动装置,其保管、保养、安装和使用,详
3.7 For the storage, maintenance, installation and operation of
the electrical or pneumatic driving device, see the details
in Valve Electrical Device Operation Manual and Valve
Pneumatic Device Operation Manual.

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图 8 对夹蝶阀 图 9 法兰连接金属硬密封蝶阀
Figure 8 Wafer Type Butterfly Valve Figure 9 Flange Metal
Hard Seal Butterfly Valve

图 10 对夹中线软密封蝶阀
Figure 10 Wafer Type Center Line Flexible Seal Butterfly Valve
表 26 可能发生的故障和消除方法
Table 26 Possible Malfunction and Eliminating Methods
发生故障的原因 消除方法
Causes Eliminating Methods
渗漏 1 安装不正确 调整蝶阀使之两侧管边中心对

Leakage 1 Incorrect
installation Adjust the butterfly valve to
align the two pipe side
Tighten the connection bolts
for proper tightening force

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Inspect to see if the opening
2 关闭不到位 and closing indication is
2 Insufficient rightly executed.
Closing Carry out the mechanism
adjustment to keep the
indication and real status in
Also inspect if there is
blockage inside the pipeline.
3 阀门零件损坏
3 Damaged valve
1 更换阀座
3.1 阀座损坏
1 Replace valve seat
3.1 Damaged Valve
2 更换蝶板
2 Replace butterfly plate
3.2 蝶板损坏
3.2 Damaged
butterfly plate
1 连接键损坏脱落
1 The connection 1 更换键
驱动机构失效 key is damaged and
1 Replace the keys
Driven mechanism
2 更换锥销
failure 2 锥销剪断
2 Replace the tapered pin
2 The tapered pin is
电动装置和气动装置 见“阀门电动装置说明书”和“阀门气动装置说明
故障 书”
Electrical device Refer to VALVE ELECTRICAL DEVICE
device Failure INSTRUCTIONS 球阀 Ball valve
1 简介
1 General description

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用 于 腐 蚀 性 介 质 。 其 规 格 包 括 公 称 通 径
DN15mm~500mm(1/2”~20”) 、 公 称 压 力
PN1.6MPa~10MPa(ANSI CLASS150~600)螺纹端、法兰端、对
It is mainly for opening or closing the medium inside pipes or
equipment. Choose valve material according to the medium:
Carbon steel valve is for water, steam and oil medium;
stainless steel valve is for corrosive medium. The
specifications include the manual, gear driven, electrical and
pneumatic dyad (split) and triad (wafer) float ball valve and
fixed ball valve connected by the tread end, welding end and
socked welding end with nominal path diameter
DN15mm~500mm (1/2”~20”) and nominal pressure
PN1.6MPa~10MPa(ANSI CLASS150~600).
The applicable temperature is decided by the valve seat
material: PTFE≤150℃ and PPL≤300℃.
Choose PTFE or flexible graphite for Washer subjected to
wear, for the seal is reliable.
2 操作
2 Operations
2.1 手动操作阀门采用手柄或齿轮传动装置、电动或气动球阀由
电动装置或气动装置驱动,使球体旋转 90°开启或关闭阀门;
2.1 Operate manual valve by handle or gearbox; and drive
electrical or pneumatic ball valve by electrical device or
pneumatic device. Rotate the ball for 90°to open or close
the valve.
2.2 手动球阀阀杆顶端刻有凹槽。凹槽方向及扳手长度方向与流
2.2 There is slot on the top of manual ball valve stem. The
valve is opened when the slot direction and spanner
length direction is the same with flowing direction and it is
closed when the slot and spanner length direction is
vertical to the flowing direction.
2.3 电动、气动球阀的开启、关闭指示由电动装置、气动装置上的
2.3 The opening and closing indication of the electrical and
pneumatic ball valve is showed on the position indictor of
the electrical and pneumatic devices.

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3 维护使用
3 Maintenance and usage
3.1 检查阀门通道和密封面,如有污垢,应使用清洁布擦拭干
3.1 Examine the valve path and seal surface, if there is dirt,
eliminate it with cleaning cloth.
3.2 检查填料是否压紧,应确保填料的密封性,同时不应妨碍
3.2 Examine if the stuffing is tightened enough to ensure the
sealing, ant the same time, do not affect the rotation of the
valve stem.
3.3 安装后系统或管路试压时,阀门必须处于全开位置;
3.3 The valve should be fully opened when carrying pressure
test of the system or pipes after installation.
3.4 使用中应将球体全开或关闭,不应将球体部分开启做调节
3.4 During operation, fully open or close the ball valve, do not
open the ball valve for regulating flow.
3.5 手动阀门在开启或关闭操作时,应使用手柄开、关,不得借
3.5 The manual valve should be opened or closed by handle,
and do not use auxiliary lever or other tools.
3.6 阀门使用应定期检查,检查密封面有无磨损及垫片填料。若
3.6 Examine the valve periodically during operation. Check if
there is abrasion or washer stuffing on the seal surface.
Repair or replace the valve in time if it is damaged or
3.7 电动、气动阀门的传动装置,其保管、保养、安装和使用,请
3.7 For the storage, maintenance, installation and operation of
the electrical or pneumatic driving device, see the details
表 27 可能发生的故障和消除方法
Table 27 Possible Malfunctions and Eliminating Methods
可能发生的故障 发生故障的原因 消除方法
Possible Malfunctions Causes Eliminating Methods

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1 填料压盖未压紧
1 均匀地拧紧螺母,将填
1 Packing gland is not 料压紧
tightened enough
1 Tighten the bolts
填料渗漏 2 料因使用过久或保存 evenly, press the stuffing
Stuffing leakage 不妥而失效 tightly
2 The stuffing is invalid 2 更换填料
due to lone time
service or poor 2 Replace stuffing
1 密封面有污杂物附着
1 将污杂物清除干净
1 Contamination on
密封面间渗漏 1 Eliminate the
seal surface
Leakage among seal
2 密封面损坏
surface 2 重新加工修整或更换
2 Damaged seal
2 Re-process or replace
1 连接螺栓紧固不均匀
1 Uneven tightness of 1 均匀拧紧
connection bolts
1 Tighten evenly
阀体与阀盖连接处渗 2 法兰密封面损坏
漏 2 重新修整
Leakage at valve 2 Damaged flange
2 Re-process
body and bonnet joint seal surface
3 更换新垫片
3 垫片破裂或失效
3 Replace gaskets
3 Damaged or invalid
1 填料压得太紧
手柄转动不灵活或 1 适当旋松填料压板上的
1 The stuffing is 螺母
球体不能启闭 tightened too much
1 Loosen buts on packing
Inflexible manual 2 填料压板,压套装置 gland properly.
turning or opening or 歪斜
closing failure of ball 2 校正填料压板
2 The Packing gland
valve and sleeve device are 2 Calibrate packing gland
not straight.
电动装置和气动装置 见“阀门电动装置说明书”和“阀门气动装置说明
故障 书”
Electrical device and Refer to VALVE ELECTRICAL DEVICE

Page 569 of 629

K Direction

a. Float Ball Valve b. Fixed Ball Valve

图 11 手动法兰连接二分体式球阀
Figure 11 Manual Flange Connection Dyad Ball Valve 气动调节阀 Pneumatic regulating valve
表 28 适用范围
Table 28 Applicable Scope
名称 TA 系列调节阀 TB 系列调节阀
Name TA series regulating valve TB series regulating valve

特点 为多级串联涡流降压结构,专门用 阀芯为套筒(笼式)结构,在工业
于高压、大压降等恶劣工况。阀门最 生产中用于调节流体的流量、压力
高压力等级 PN42MPa,阀内最高 等参数。具有阀门流阻小、流通能力
允许压降 32MPa,阀门最大公称 大、关断密封性好、可调比大、运行
通 径 DN150 , 最 高 使 用 温 度 平稳无振动等特点。阀门最高压力
566℃。 等级 PN42MPa,阀内最高允许压
降 25MPa , 阀 门 最 大 公 称 通 径
I t is of multilevel serial eddy
DN450,最高使用温度 566℃。
depressurizing structure and is
specifically used for HP and large The valve core is in sleeve (case)
depressurizing conditions. The structure. It is for regulating the
highest pressure grade is flow and pressure parameters in

Page 570 of 629

industrial production. It is
characterized by small flow
resistance, large flow, tight
PN42MPa; the Maximum closing, big regulating radio and
allowable depressurization inside stable operation with no vibration.
valve is 32MPa; the internal The maximum pressure grade is
maximum nominal path diameter PN42MPa; the maximum
is DN150 and the maximum allowable depressurization inside
service temperature is 566℃. valve is 25MPa; the valve
maximum nominal path diameter
is DN450 and the maximum
service temperature is 566℃.

名称 TY 系列调节阀 J 系列调节阀 J
Name TY series regulating valve series regulating valve

高压力等级 PN42MPa,阀内最高
允许压降 25MPa,阀门最大公称
PN42MPa , 阀 内 最 高 允 许 压 降
通 径 DN450 , 最 高 使 用 温 度
32MPa , 阀 门 最 大 公 称 通 径
DN150,最高使用温度 566℃。
The valve core is in sleeve (case)
It is the multilevel throttle plug
pre-opening structure and is
stop valve. The valve port is far
特点 characterized by balanced and
from medium path, resisting gas
unbalanced structures. When the
Characteristics corrosion and flushing, and is
valve is open, it is in balanced
especially for main stem drain and
structure and the total thrust force
periodical blowdown conditions.
of actuator can be decreased.
The highest pressure grade is
And when the valve is closed, it is
PN42MPa; the Maximum
in unbalanced structure and
allowable depressurization inside
ensures the tight closing with no
valve is 32MPa; the internal
leakage. The highest pressure
maximum nominal path diameter
grade is PN42MPa; the Maximum
is DN150 and the maximum
allowable depressurization inside
service temperature is 566℃.
valve is 25MPa; the internal
maximum nominal path diameter
is DN450 and the maximum
service temperature is 566℃.

Page 571 of 629

1 工作原理
1 Working Principles
When the fluid flows stably through the valve and to the orifice
holes, due to the partial resistance, the flowrate (kinetic energy)
will increase while the static pressure (potential energy)
decreases. At the lower stream, as the flow beam expands and
enters to a bigger area, the speed will decrease while the
pressure increases. Arrange several orifice holes at the throttle
section, and let the fluid pass respectively. The flowrate is
increased to the maximum valve at the minimum area of the
orifice. Due to friction loss, the pressure is decreased heavily. So
control the pressure of the valve to make sure that the partial
pressures are not lower than the gasification pressure of the
liquid, so that the steam bulb will not be formed and the flash
vaporization and gas corrosion can be avoided. Use multilevel
depressurizing inner parts to control valve pressure drop: divide
the depressurization passing the valve into several smaller
pressure drops, and each of the smaller pressure drop should
ensure that the pressure at the flow shrinking section is higher
than the gasification pressure.

Page 572 of 629


Foot gauge Number Clamping Plate

Support Clamping Plate Nut
Stuffing Cover Nut
Stuffing Sleeve Gasket
Graphite Stuffing Bolt
Support Nut
Seal Ring Stuffing Washer
Valve Stem
Valve bonnet Valve Stem Nut
Direction Sleeve Valve bonnet Bolt
Seal Washer
Pressure Sleeve

Seal Ring
Valve Sleeve
Seal Washer

Valve seat

图 12 TA 系列调节阀结构图
Valve body

图 12 TA 系列调节阀结构图
Figure 12 TA Serial Regulating Valve Structure

Page 573 of 629


Foot gauge Number

Clamping Plate
Clamping Plate Nut
Stuffing Cover Nut
Stuffing Pressure Sleeve Support Nut
Stuffing Washer

Valve Stem
Graphite Stuffing Valve Stem Nut
Seal Ring Valve Cover Bolt
Seal Washer
Valve bonnet Valve body

Direction Sleeve Seal Ring

Cage Cover

Valve Sleeve

Seal Washer

图 13 TB 系列调节阀结构图
Figure 13 TB Serial Regulating Valve Structure

Page 574 of 629

(9616 09.10.12 P277)

Actuator Clamp plate

Scale Nut of clamp plate
Stuffing pressing Washer
plate Bolt
Stuffing bushing
Graphite stuffing Supporting nut
Stuffing gasket Bonnet
Guiding sleeve Stem
Cage cover Bonnet nut
Seal ring Washer
Seal gasket Bonnet bolt
Seal gasket
Valve plug

图 14 TY 系列调节阀结构图

Fig. 14 TY series governing valve structure

Clamp plate
Scale Nut of clamp plate

Supporting Nut
Stuffing pressing plate Washer
Stuffing bushing Bolt
Graphite stuffing Supporting nut
Stuffing gasket
Washer Washer
Nut of bonnet
Bushing Bolt of bonnet
Seal gasket Seal gasket
Valve seat
Valve body

图 15 J 系列调节阀结构图
Fig. 15 J series governing valve structure

Page 575 of 629

2 检查维护
2 Inspections and Maintenance
Check that the leakage, abnormal sound or vibration appears in
operation or not. Carry out the overall check for the equipment to
decide whether to change the seal gasket and the graphite
stuffing or not. Screw the loose bolt tightly with spanner if
necessary. Prepare the seal ring and seal gasket with same
specifications, model and material before disassembling. The old
stuffing and gasket/ring can not use again. Close the break valve
in front/behind pipe of governing valve. Begin to disassemble after
confirming no pressure exists in valve.
2.1 阀体上执行器的拆卸
2.1 Remove the actuator in the valve body
2.1.1 在从阀门本体上拆卸执行器时,确认阀门管线上无压力
2.1.1 Confirm that no pressure exists in the valve of pipes
before removing the actuator.
2.1.2 在重要部位做好标识,以便于组装。
2.1.2 Make marks on the important position for easy
2.1.3 旋松夹板螺母,使阀门阀杆脱离执行器连接杆;
2.1.3 Loosen the nut on the clamp plate to disconnect stem
from the connecting bar of actuator.
2.1.4 旋松并取出支架螺栓、螺母;
2.1.4 Loosen and take out the bolt and nut in supporting
2.1.5 垂直提起执行器使之与阀门脱离,小心放置于安全的地
2.1.5 Raise the actuator vertically to disconnect it from the
valve and put it to a safe place.
2.2 阀门本体的解体及组装
2.2 Disassembling and Reassembling of Valve Body.
2.2.1 减压阀解体前,应先关闭蒸汽管道前后截止阀,待设备冷
2.2.1 Before disassembling the pressure relief valve, close
break valves (front and rear) of steam pipes. Begin the
disassembling when the equipment is cool and no

Page 576 of 629

pressure exists in the valve.
2.2.2 旋松并取出阀盖螺母;
2.2.2 Loosen and take out the nut of valve bonnet.
2.2.3 垂直向上提起阀盖使之脱离阀体;
2.2.3 Raise the valve bonnet vertically to disconnect it from
valve body.
2.2.4 旋松并取出填料压板螺母;
2.2.4 Loosen and take out nut of packing gland;
2.2.5 拆除阀盖上的填料压盖、填料压套、石墨填料及填料垫;
2.2.5 Remove the stuffing gland, stuffing pressing sleeve,
graphite stuffing and stuffing gasket;
2.2.6 从阀体中抽出阀杆;
2.2.6 Pull out the stem from the valve body.
2.2.7 从阀体中取出阀座及缠绕垫片。
2.2.7 Take out valve seat and wound washer.
2.3 检查
2.3 Check
2.3.1 把解体拆卸下来的零部件清洗干净,一般情况下用水或
2.3.1 Clean all the parts which have been taken down.
Usually we use water or steam to purge them.
2.3.2 重点检查阀塞与阀座接触部位,阀杆导向部位是否有腐
2.3.2 Pay more attention to the connecting part of valve plug
and valve seat, whether the guiding part of stem has
corrosion, damage and deformation or not. Whether
the damage and deformation appears in sealing part of
valve body & valve bonnet, stem, valve seat, cage
pressing sleeve or not.
2.4 组装
2.4 Assembling
2.4.1 阀座与阀体之间及阀杆与阀座之间在组装前要进行对研,
2.4.1 Grinding the valve seat and valve body, stem and
valve seat with abrasive paste till the sealing surface

Page 577 of 629

is 100 percent contacted with two objects. As for the
valve body which is installed vertically, grind its
corresponding parts vertically.
2.4.2 阀门重新装配时,为保证密封,必须更换厂家提供的相
2.4.2 When reassembling the valve, you must use the seal
ring, seal gasket and seal stuffing with same model
and made by seal material provided by manufacture
to ensure seal quality. If use other seal gasket, the
inner leakage or outer leakage may be caused
because of the different material and inappropriate
2.4.3 按顺序依次镶装阀座、阀笼压套、阀杆等阀内件及阀盖,
2.4.3 Install valve accessories such as valve seat, cage
pressing sleeve, and stem and cover respectively.
Check whether the actual stroke of stem can reach to
the rated stroke or not. The stem should be raised
manually flexible without blockage.
2.4.4 安装阀体与阀盖的连接螺栓,旋紧螺母;
2.4.4 Install the bolt connecting the valve body and valve
bonnet. Screw the nut tightly.
2.4.5 依次安装填料垫、石墨填料、填料压套、填料压盖和压盖
2.4.5 Install the stuffing gasket, graphite stuffing, pressing
sleeve and bolts of pressing plate respectively. Screw
the nut tightly.
2.4.6 安装夹板、支架,旋紧连接螺母;
2.4.6 Install clamp plate and supporting. Screw the
connecting nut tightly.
2.4.7 按标识位置安装执行器,旋紧连接螺母。
2.4.7 Install the actuator according to the mark made
before. Screw the connecting nut tightly.
When the reassembling has been done, next is to carry out
water pressure test and leakage test to verify there is leakage
or not. The actuator commission should be done in
accordance with Actuator Instruction or by professionals.

Page 578 of 629

表 29 可能发生的故障和消除方法
Fig. 29 Possible Faults and Troubleshooting
可能发生的故障 发生故障的原因 消除方法
Possible faults Causes Solutions
1 如果执行器处于正确关闭位
置, 检查手轮末端位置,通
1 由于操作执行器手 1 If the actuator is in correct
轮 过 力 , 阀 座 发 生 closed position, check the
变。 end position of hand wheel,
maybe the driving force
1 valve seat deforms
exceeds set point.
because of improper
actuator operation 2 如果只是单纯阀座损坏,比
2 介质中 含 有杂质而
阀座出现泄漏 于 1/10 mm),就需要再次研
使阀座损坏 磨阀座,直至合线。
Leakage in valve 2 The impurity in the
seat 2 If only the valve seat is
medium damages damaged, such as the valve
the valve seat. port is not fully contacted
3 执行器设置错误, (longer than 1/10 mm), grind
超出使用限制范围 the valve seat again until fully
3 Wrong actuator
setting (exceeding 3 如果发生严重损坏,一定更
the limit ) 换新备件,并观察相应的密封

If it is severely damaged,
change it and pay attention to
the sealing part.
1 试运行后阀盖螺栓、
The bolt and nut in 1 均匀紧固阀盖螺栓、螺母
valve bonnet are not
1 Screw the bolt and nut in
阀盖出现泄漏 screwed tightly after
valve bonnet evenly and
try run.
Leakage in the tightly
valve bonnet 2 阀盖连接处 密封 比
2 更换密封垫圈
2 excessive seal ratio 2 change the seal gasket
at valve bonnet
connection part

Page 579 of 629

1 试运行 后 填料压 盖
1 均匀紧固填料压盖螺栓、螺

1 The bolt and nut in
1 Screw the bolt and nut in
packing gland are not
packing gland evenly and
screwed tightly after
try run.
填料出现泄漏 2 定期检查填料
2 缺少维修
Leakage in stuffing
2 Check the stuffing
2 Lack of
3 加装填料垫或更换填料
3 填料材料失效
3 Add more stuffing gasket or
3 Stuffing fails to
change stuffing.
1 填料挤压过紧
1 旋松填料压盖螺母
1 over-extrusion of
1 Loosen the nut pressing
plate of stuffing.
2 阀杆/阀塞磨损
2 更换阀杆/阀塞
2 wear of stem/valve
2 Change stem/valve plug.
3 清除介质中的杂质,必要时
3 操作介质中 含有的
阀门操作不畅,出 3 Remove the impurities.
现卡涩 3 The impurities in
Change the spool valve and
medium damage the
Valve Blockage check the seal gasket if
spool valve
4 阀门水 平 安装,执
4 如水平安装应检查执行器推
4 The valve is
4 If installed horizontally,
installed horizontally,
check the actuator thrust is
inadequate thrust
adequate or not.
5 执行器坏损
5 见执行器操作使用说明书
5 the actuator is
5 See Actuator Instruction
表 30 调节阀型号表示方法
Fig. 30 Governing valve model expression
公称通径 节流级数
Nominal Throttle
Series pressure
diameter stages

Page 580 of 629

多级涡流降压阀芯=T A(系 DN 20=04
DN 25=05
Multi vortex pressure
DN 32=06
reduction spool valve=T A
(series ) DN 40=07 2 级节流=2
套筒(笼式)阀芯=T B(系 DN 50=08 2 stages
列) throttle=2
DN 65=09
Bushing(cage type ) spool 3 级节流=3
DN 80=10
valve=T B (series ) PN2.5=3
DN100=11 3 stages
预启阀阀芯= T Y(系列) PN4.0=4 throttle=3
Spool valve of Pre start PN6.4=5 4 级节流=4
valve = T Y(series ) DN150=13
PN10=6 4 stages
可调喷嘴喷水减温器= T DN175=14 throttle=4
DN200=15 5 级节流=5
Adjustable nozzle spray
DN225=16 5 stages
attemperator = T W (series ) PN32=9
DN250=17 throttle=5
蒸汽转换阀= T Z(系列) PN42=10
DN300=18 6 级节流=6
Steam change-over valve =
T Z (series ) DN350=19 6 stages
排污阀或疏水阀 DN400=20
= J(系列) DN450=21
Blowdown valve or drainage
valve = J(series )

驱动方式 阀体材料 阀门构型

Driving mode Material of Valve
valve body structure
碳 钢 =1 角形=A
Electric straight stroke=R
Carbon Angular=A
Z 形=Z
合金钢 =2
Alloy steel=2
Electric angle stroke=H

Page 581 of 629

Pipe welding
焊 接=S
Manual=M 法兰联接=F
connection=F 真空隔离阀 Vacuum Isolated Valve
适用于公称压力 PN≤1.0-4.0Mpa,工作温度≤425℃,工作介质为水、
It works as open/close device in the pipe where water ,steam or
air go through. The applicable nominal pressure PN should be
≤1.0-4.0Mpa, working temperature ≤425℃. Especially used in
vacuum and condensate system in thermal power plant.
表 31 性能规范
Fig. 31 Performance Specifications

Page 582 of 629

1 结构特点
1 Structural Characteristics
1.1 阀盖填料室带有真空密封结构,可使系统与大气隔离,具
1.1 With the vacuum seal in stuffing room of valve bonnet, the
system realizes isolation from atmosphere, the seal is
pretty good.
1.2 材料的选用优于普通中低压阀门,其中承压件采用铸钢,
1.2 Made by better material than other IP or LP valves. The
supporting is made by cast iron while the stem and seal
surface is made by stainless steel.
1.3 闸阀为平行式双闸板结构,密封可靠,启闭轻便,检修方
1.3 With the parallel double-gate type gate valve, the seal is
reliable. It is easy to open and close as well as
1.4 采用锥形阀瓣,关闭力矩小,易密封;
1.4 With the taper valve flap, the closing torque is small. It is
easy for maintenance.
1.5 本系列阀门连接形式有法兰、焊接两种;驱动方式分手动、
1.5 Two valve connecting methods: flange and welding. Two
driving modes: electric and manual.
2 维护使用
2 Operation and Maintenance
2.1 使用本阀只许全开或全闭,以防用来作调节流量而损坏密
2.1 It should be fully opened or closed, avoiding to working as
a steam flow governing device which may cause damage
on seal surface.
2.2 开启阀门时,以阀杆的顶点作为全开标志,即开不动的位
到顶点位置上,再倒回 1/2~1 圈作为全开阀门的位置;
2.2 When opening the valve , the peak of the valve stem
serve as a fully-open benchmark. That is to say, if you
can’t open the valve further, it is fully opened. Taking the
temperature change into consideration, we return a half to
1 turn after we fully open the valve.(at peak)
2.3 本阀工作时,应经常在梯形螺纹及阀杆螺母部位涂油润滑;

Page 583 of 629

2.3 Lubricate trapezoidal thread stem nut in normal operation.
2.4 本阀靠旋转手轮使阀瓣启闭,不得借助于其它辅助杠杆或
2.4 Open or close valve flap by turning the hand wheel not
other lever or power.
表 32 阀门主要零件材料
Fig.32 Material of main valve parts

阀瓣 密封面堆
焊材料 填 料
名称 Valve 阀杆 垫 片 螺栓 螺母
body,/v Surface Stuffin
Name Stem Gasket Bolt Nut
alve welding g
bonnet/ material
石墨 不锈钢带柔性石墨
材料 缠绕垫片
WCB/2 Flexib 35CrMo
materi 1Cr13 13Cr Stainless and 45
5 le A
al flexible graphite
spiral gasket
表 33 可能发生的故障和消除方法
Fig. 33 Possible Faults and Solutions
可能发生的故障 发生故障的原因 消除方法
Possible faults Possible causes Solutions
1 均匀拧紧螺母
1 Screw the nut tightly and
1 填料压盖未压紧 evenly.
1 packing gland is not 2 增加圈数(应将填料绳切
tightly pressed. 成 45º 切口 ,相 邻两 圈切
口应错开 120º 放置)
填料渗漏 2 填料圈数不足
2 Increase turns(Set the
Packing leakage 2 inadequate packing
packing rope at an angle
of 45 degree, the second
3 填料损伤失效 turn is stagger 120 degree
to the first turn. )
3 packing fails to work
3 更换填料
3 change packing

Page 584 of 629

1 连接螺栓紧固不匀
1 均匀拧紧螺栓
1 The connecting bolt is
阀 体 与 阀 盖 连 接 not evenly fastened. 1 Screw the nut tightly and
处渗漏 evenly.
2 法兰密封面损坏
Leakage in 2 重新修整
connection part 2 damage in flange seal
of valve body and surface 2 repair
valve bonnet. 3 垫片破裂或失效 3 更换垫片
3 Washer breakage or 3 change the washer
1 去除污物
1 Remove contaminations
1 密封面有污染物附着
2 重新加工修整,研磨密封
1 Contaminations 面,若密封面焊层不够,
accumulated on seal 应重新堆焊,或更换阀座
2 Reprocess: grind seal
密封面渗漏 2 密封面被损坏 surface. If the layers on
the seal surface are
Leakage on seal 2 Damage appears on
inadequate, carry out
surface the seal surface. surface layer welding or
3 密封面长期使用被磨损 change the valve.
3 Wear of seal surface 3 密封面重新堆焊加工或更
appears after long time 换阀座
operation. 3 Carry out seal surface
layer welding or change
the valve seat.

Page 585 of 629

1 填料压得过紧
1 适当旋松填料压盖上的螺
1 The stuffing is over 母
1 Screw loosely the nut in
2 填料压盖装置歪斜 packing gland properly.
2 The packing gland is 2 调正填料压盖
obliquely installed.
手轮转动不灵活 2 Replace the stuffing
或阀瓣不能启闭 3 阀杆螺纹有损坏或有污 gland.
Inflexible hand 物
3 拆开修整螺纹或清除污物
wheel rotation of 3 Damage or
the valve disc contaminations exists in 3 Take down and repair
can not be stem thread. the thread or remove the
opened and contaminations.
closed. 4 阀杆螺母的螺纹严重损
坏或断裂 4 更换阀杆螺母
4 The thread of stem is 4 Change nut of valve
severely damaged or stem.
5 校正阀杆
5 阀杆弯曲
5 Calibrate the stem.
5 The stem is bent.

Page 586 of 629

1 valve body
1 阀体 2 valve disc
2 阀瓣 3 stem
3 阀杆 4 snap ring
4 卡环 5 valve disc pressing
5 阀瓣压盖 plate
6 垫片 6 gasket
7 阀盖 7 valve bonnet
8 六角螺母 8 hexagon nut
9 双头螺柱 9 Stud
10 填料 10 Stuffing
11 真空隔环 11 vacuum spacer ring
12 螺塞 12 screw plug
13 填料压板 13 packing gland
14 销 14 pin
15 垫片 15 gasket
16 六角螺母 16 hexagon nut
17 活节螺栓 17 swing bolt
18 阀杆螺母 18 the stem nut
19 手轮 19 hand wheel
20 铭牌 20 nameplate
21 六角螺母 21 hexagon nut

图 16 真空截止阀结构外形简图
Fig.16 vacuum break valve structure 气动真空疏水阀 Pneumatic Vacuum Drainage Valve
It is installed in the water or steam pipe, working as opening or
closing device.
表 34 性能规范
Fig.34 Performance specifications
产品型号 公称压 试验压力 工作温度 适用介质

Model Testing Working Applicable
Nominal pressure temperature medium
pressur (Mpa) (℃)

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e 密封
(Mpa) Seal
DKJ641H-16C Non-corrosive
DN32 gas like water
1.6 2.4 1.76 ≤425℃
DKJ641H-16C and steam

1 结构特点
1 Structural Characteristics
1.1 阀门与管路连接采用法兰式结构;
1.1 Connect the valve and pipe with flanges.
1.2 密封面运动磨擦力小,启闭轻便,而且密封面磨损有自动补偿
1.2 Little friction on seal surface, easy to open and close, auto
compensation function of seal surface wear.
1.3 结构紧凑,启闭性好、高度小、维修方便;
1.3 Compact structure, easy to open and close, little height,
easy maintenance.
1.4 该阀门本适用于工作温度≤425℃,工作介质为水、蒸汽、或
1.4 It works as a opening and closing device in water, steam
or air pipes with the temperature ≤425℃.
1.5 阀杆表面经抗蚀性氮化处理,刚性、耐磨、抗擦伤性能好。
1.5 The valve surface is subjected to anti-corrosive nitridation
treatment, thus it enjoys good rigidity, wearability and be
able to bear scratch.
表 35 阀门主要零件材料
Fig.35 Material of main valve components
阀体 支架 阀瓣 密封面 阀杆螺母
零件名称 阀杆 填 料
Valve Supporti Valve Seal Nut of
Name Stem Stuffing
body ng disc surface stem

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不锈钢 柔性石墨 铝黄铜
16C DN32
25 WCB 2Cr13 2Cr13 Stainless Flexible Aluminum
DKJ641H- steel graphite brass
16C DN40
2 维护使用
2 Operation and Maintenance
2.1 只许全开或全闭,以防用来作调节流量而损坏密封面;
2.1 It should be fully opened or closed, avoiding to working as
a steam flow governing device which may cause damage
on seal surface.
2.2 本阀工作时,应经常在梯形螺纹及阀杆螺母部位涂油润滑;
2.2 Lubricate trapezoidal thread stem nut in normal operation.
2.3 驱动是否轻便、灵活;
2.3 Check whether the drive works easily and flexibly or not.
2.4 当阀门阀杆螺纹和阀杆螺母出现严重磨损或变形,密封面
2.4 When the thread of valve and stem, the nut of stem is
severely worn or deformed, the seal surface is seriously
worn, carry out maintenance intermediately.
2.5 当阀门壳体严重腐蚀或磨损,导致壳体明显变薄,甚至出
2.5 When the valve body is obviously thinned because of
severe corrosion and wear even the leakage appears,
stop using the body.
2.6 阀门检修装配后,必须按相应标准进行压力试验,每次检
2.6 When the valve is reinstalled after the maintenance has
been done. Next is to carry out pressure test according to
relative standard. Keep a record for future reference after
表 36 可能发生的故障和消除方法
Fig. 36 Possible Faults and Troubleshooting
可能发生的故障 发生故障的原因 消除方法
Possible faults Possible causes Troubleshooting

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1 均匀拧紧螺母
1 Screw the nut tightly and
1 填料压盖未压紧 evenly.
1 Packing gland is not 2 增加圈数(应将填料绳切
tightly pressed. 成 45º 切 口 , 相 邻 两 圈 切
口应错开 120º 放置)
填料渗漏 2 填料圈数不足
2 Increase turns(Set the
Stuffing leakage 2 inadequate stuffing
stuffing rope at an angle of
45 degree, the second
3 填料损伤失效 turn is stagger 120 degree
to the first turn. )
3 stuffing fails to work
3 更换填料
3 change stuffing
1 连接螺栓紧固不匀
1 均匀拧紧螺栓
1 The connecting bolt is
阀 体 与 阀 盖 连 接 not evenly fastened. 1 Screw the nut tightly and
处渗漏 evenly.
2 法兰密封面损坏
Leakage in 2 重新修整
connection part 2 damage in flange seal
of valve body and surface 2 repair
valve bonnet. 3 垫片破裂或失效 3 更换垫片
3 gasket breakage or 3 change the gasket
1 去除污物
1 Remove contaminations
1 密封面有污染物附着
2 重新加工修整,研磨密封
1 Contaminations 面,若密封面焊层不够,
accumulated on seal 应重新堆焊,或更换阀座
2 Reprocess: grind seal
密封面渗漏 2 密封面被损坏 surface. If the layers on
the seal surface are
Leakage on seal 2 Damage appears on
inadequate, carry out
surface the seal surface. surface layer welding or
3 密封面长期使用被磨损 change the valve.
3 Wear of seal surface 3 密封面重新堆焊加工或更
appears after long time 换阀座
operation. 3 Carry out seal surface
layer welding or change
the valve seat.

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1 填料压得过紧
1 The stuffing is over 1 适当旋松填料压盖上的螺
pressed. 母
2 填料压盖装置歪斜 1 Screw loosely the nut in
packing gland properly.
2 The packing gland is
obliquely installed. 2 调正填料压盖
或阀瓣不能启闭 3 阀杆螺纹有损坏或有污 2 Replace the packing
Inflexible hand 物
wheel rotation of 3 Damage or 3 拆开修整螺纹或清除污物
the valve disc contaminations exists in 3 Take down and repair
can not be stem thread. the thread or remove the
opened and
closed. 4 阀杆螺母的螺纹严重损 contaminations.
4 更换阀杆螺母
4 The nut thread of stem
is severely damaged or 4 Change the nut of stem.
broken. 5 校正阀杆
5 阀杆弯曲 5 Repair the stem.
5 The stem is bent.

1 阀体 1 valve body
2 阀瓣 2 valve disc
3 阀杆 3 stem
4 垫片 红
上进气管 4 gasket


5 螺帽 5 screw cap

6 螺栓 油雾器 6 bolt
7 填料 12 7 packing
8 圆柱销 电磁阀 10 8 cylindrical pin
红色按扭为手动调试时使用开关按扭 9
9 填料压盖 8 9 packing gland

13 7
10 活节螺栓 6 10 flexible bolt
14 5
11 横肖 4 11 lateral pin
12 开口肖 2
12 split pin
13 阀盖 13 valve bonnet
14 气动执行器 14 pneumatic actuator



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图 16 气动真空疏水阀结构外形简图

表 37 主要外形尺寸及连接尺寸 单位 mm
Fig. 37 Main overall dimensions and connecting dimensions unit:mm
L D D1 D2 b f z-φd H
32 180 135 100 78 18 2 4-18 530
40 200 145 110 85 18 3 4-18 580 安全阀 Safety Valve
Safety vale serve as protecting device in vessel and pipe. When
the working medium pressure surpasses the prescribed one, the
safety valve will open automatically to reduce pressure. When the
medium pressure returns to normal, it closes automatically.
Safety valve is classified into spring type, lever and weight type
and pre-guide type. Spring safety vale balances pressure in the
vessel and pipe by transferring the spring force to disc. That is to
say, through adjustment of looseness and tightness of spring to
balance the pressure in disc to control the medium pressure.
Lever and weight type safety valve balances the pressure in the
vessel and pipe by transferring the lever force to disc through
weight. That is to say, adjustment the distance acted by weight to
disc to balance the pressure. The pilot operated safety valve is
composed by main valve and auxiliary valve, the later one drives
the former one to act, thus it is also know as pulse safety valve.

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Safety valve is classified into partial-open and normal-open
according to the opening. The partial-open safety valve is used in
the pipe where the liquid passes through, While the normal-open
for gas or steam. Taking the actual working pressure, temperature
and spring pressure into consideration when installing spring
safety valve.

图 17 气压升降式抽汽止回阀 图 18 弹簧式安全阀
Fig.17 Variable pressure extraction check
valve Fig.18 Spring safety valve

1—阀体 body;2—蝶阀 butterfly valve;3—阀盖 bonnet;4—阀杆 stem; 1

—保护罩 protective cover ;2—扳手 spanner;3—调节螺套 adjusting screw
sleeve;4—阀盖 bonnet;
5—套筒 bushing;6—壳体 housing;7—活塞 piston;8—上盖 upper cover;
5—上弹簧座 upper spring seat;6—弹簧 spring;7—阀杆 stem;8—下弹簧
座 lower spring seat;
9—进气管接头 inlet pipe jointer;10—出气管接头 outlet pipe jointer ;11—弹
簧 spring 9—导向座 guide seat;10—反冲盘 disc holder ;11—阀瓣 disc;
12—定位螺杆 positioning screw rod;
13—调节套 adjusting bushing;14—阀座 seat;15—
铅封 lead sealing;16—阀体 body 给水泵出口电动门 Electric Valve at Feed-Water Pump Outlet
1 阀门拆卸

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1 Disassembly of Valve
1.1 切断电源,将阀门开启一定高度,松开电动头与支撑架螺
1.1 Cut off the power supply. Open the valve to a certain
degree. Loosen the bolts connecting electric mechanism
and supporting. Remove the electric mechanism.
1.2 拆下阀门支架与阀体螺栓及压兰螺母,取下阀门支架及压
1.2 Remove the bolts and flange nuts connecting the valve
supporting and body. Take out the supporting and flange.
Loosen the bolts connecting the bonnet and inner valve.
Take out the bonnet and pressing ring.
1.3 将阀芯往下打,使阀芯和分裂环脱开,顺利取出分裂环;
1.3 Knock valve core downwards to disconnect it from splitting
ring. Take out splitting ring.
1.4 重新将支持架安装在阀体口,装上阀盖。将电动装置回装,
1.4 Reinstall the supporting in valve body port, and put the
bonnet on. Reinstall electric mechanism. Turn it
continuously and take out the seal gasket, self-seal ring
together with inner valve. Besides, you can use proper
raising tool or crane to help remove the disc and seal
gasket. If it is impossible to take them out, you can heat
the valve outside to make it expand then remove disc and
seal gasket etc.
1.5 拆卸吊出阀杆、阀瓣。
1.5 Remove and lift out stem and disc.
2 阀门检修
2 Valve Maintenance
2.1 对阀门各部件进行清理打磨检查;
2.1 Finishing the removed components.
2.2 检查阀体有无裂纹;
2.2 Check whether the body has crack or not.
2.3 检查阀瓣和阀座密封面是否有锈蚀、刻痕、裂纹、沟槽及缺口
2.3 Check whether the defects such as the rust, scratch,
crack, groove notch etc exists on disc and seal surface of
seat. As for the slight defects, grinding is ok. The severe

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defect can be eliminated by makeup- welding and
2.4 检查阀杆表面有无缺陷,阀杆的弯曲度椭圆度及表面磨损
是否符合要求。阀杆的弯曲度不应超过 0.1~0.25mm,椭圆
度不应超过 0.02~0.05mm,表面锈蚀及磨损程度不应超过
2.4 Check whether the stem surface has defects or not.
Check whether the stem bending, ellipticity, and degree of
wear meets the requirement or not. The stem bending
should be with in the range 0.1 ~ 0.25mm, the ellipticity
ranges from 0.02 to 0.05mm, the surface rust and degree
of wear should be between 0.1 and 0.2 mm. check
whether the stem thread is complete or not, whether it
matches with nut or not. If the stem does not satisfy the
above mentioned conditions, reprocess stem or change
the parts, the material should be the same as the original
one. .
2.5 检查螺母螺纹应无磨损、无变形、无损坏,与阀杆螺纹配合
良好并且旋转灵活。当螺纹丝扣磨损超过 1/3 时应予以更换;
2.5 Check that the nut thread should not be worn, deformed
and damaged. It matches well with steam thread and
rotates flexibly. When the thread is worn more than 1/3,
change it.
2.6 填料压盖与填料室及阀杆的间隙要符合要求,一般为 0.15
2.6 The clearance between packing gland and packing
chamber and stem should meet the requirement. usually
the clearance ranges from 0.15 to 0.36mm.
2.7 各螺栓、螺母的螺纹应完好,配合适当无咬扣现象;
2.7 The thread of bolts and nut should be complete. And one
should match with the other well without unmatched bolts
and but.
2.8 拆卸电动装置,检查电动与手动转换手柄是否完好。检查轴
2.8 Remove electric device. Check the change-over (Electric-
manual) handle is completer or not. Check whether the
bearing is worn or not. Check whether the pits, corrosion
and surface-dropping off exist in ball and track or not.
2.9 阀芯与阀座密封面做红丹试验,符合标准;
2.9 Conduct red lead test for valve core and seat. They two
pass the test.

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2.10 所有的密封垫片更换新垫。
2.10 Change the seal gasket.
3 阀门装配
3 Reassembly of valve
3.1 回装的原则是先拆的后装,后拆的先装;
3.1 The component removed at first is installed at last.
3.2 更换新的刚性自密封垫,更换新的填料,所用填料必须采
3.2 Use the new rigid self-seal gasket and new stuffing which
is packaged as a whole of graphite and nickel wire in turn.
3.3 在拧紧阀盖螺母时要按照螺栓的要求力矩紧固值对称均匀
3.3 Screw the bolt symmetrically with the proper torque. The
clearance around flange should be even to prevent
3.4 在拧紧填料压盖时用力要均匀,两边螺栓要对称拧紧,注
意不得把压盖紧偏。压兰压入套内的深度为压兰高度的 1/4
3.4 Screw the bolts on packing gland evenly and
symmetrically. The bolts at two ends should be
symmetrically and tightly screwed. The gland occupies
1/4~1/3 of the height of the flange.
3.5 回装完毕后,手动摇阀门,检验阀门动作灵活,否则需查
3.5 When the valve is reassembled, turn the valve manually to
check it rotates flexibly or not. If not find out reasons and
solve the problem.
4 调整阀门行程
4 Adjustment of valve range
4.1 手动操作使阀门全开,至上死点时再回关 2~3 圈作为阀门
4.1 Open the valve fully manually to upper dead point and
close 2~3 turns, the degree of this opening serves as the
fail-open position of valve. Fix the range switch.
4.2 手动操作使阀门全关,至下死点时再回开 1~1.5 圈作为阀
4.2 Close the valve fully manually to lower dead point and
open 1 ~ 1.5 turns, the degree of this opening serves as
the fail-close position of valve. Fix the range switch.
4.3 调整后电动操作阀门,反复开关,检查行程开关工作情况

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4.3 Operate valve by electric after adjustment. Open and
close the valve repeatedly. Check the range switch works
normally or not. If not, readjust it. Only passing the test,
can it put into service.
4.4 检修后的阀门必须处于关闭位子。
4.4 The valve should be closed after maintenance. 高压蒸汽转换阀 HP Steam Change-over Valve
1 阀门的拆卸
1 Disassembly of valve
1.1 阀门拆卸前开启到大约 2~3 圈的开度位置;
1.1 Open the valve to the degree of 2 ~ 3 turns before
removing it.
1.2 切断电源,取下电动装置;
1.2 Cut off the power supply and remove the electric device.
1.3 松开拆去填料压盖螺栓、螺母,拆去行程指示器和限位缓冲
1.3 Loosen and remove the bolts and nuts on stuffing gland.
Take down the retainer of travel indicator and position
buffering device.
1.4 仔细小心的松开并拆去支架与阀体(或阀盖)连接的螺栓
1.4 Loosen and take out the bolts and nuts connecting
supporting and body (or bonnet);
1.5 旋转阀杆螺母,将阀杆与支架拆开,即可吊出支架;
1.5 Turn stem nut. Insolate stem and supporting. Lift out
1.6 松开并拆去支架上部的连接螺栓,然后拆出阀杆螺母、蝶形
1.6 Loosen and remove the bolts in upper supporting. Take
out stem nut and butterfly spring etc.
1.7 拆下定位环,利用阀体颈部的外侧小孔用铁丝向内捅四合
1.7 Remove the retaining ring. Use the iron wire to turn the
four-element ring from the hole in body neck. Remove the
thrust-in ring first, and then the bonnet and stem can be
taken out. . Insolate the stem form bonnet.

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2 阀门的检修
2 Valve maintenance
2.1 清洗所有部件除去脏物,清理出所有密封垫和填料,除去
2.1 Clean all the components. Remove the old seal gasket
and stuffing. Remove the burrs. Check the degree of wear
and scratch on sliding surface.
2.2 阀座上不太明显的磨损,可用研磨膏通过阀瓣与阀座的配
2.2 The slight wear on valve seat can be eliminated by
grinding the disc and seat with abrasive paste. The linear
accuracy is realized by grinding tool and bonnet guide
2.3 对于阀座密封面上明显的划痕和磨损,应通过机械加工、研
机加工的深度不得超过 3mm;
2.3 As for seat seal surface with obvious wear and scratch,
the performance of seal surface between disc and seat
can recover by mechanical processing, grinding, finishing.
The depth of mechanical processing should be ≤ 3mm.
2.4 检查阀杆和阀杆螺母的螺纹是否完整,螺纹的磨损状况;
2.4 Check the stem and the matched nut threads are
complete or not; check the wear of thread.
2.5 检查轴承有无损坏,如有损坏须及时更换;
2.5 Check the bearing is damaged or not. If damaged, change
2.6 检查阀杆的弯曲度,最大弯曲不得超过 0.1~0.25mm;
2.6 Check the stem bending. The maximum bending should
within the range 0.1~0.25mm;
2.7 更换新的自密封环及密封垫填料;
2.7 Change the seal ring and stuffing of seal gasket.
2.8 阀芯与阀座做严密性试验,试验合格后方可回装。
2.8 Conduct leakage test for valve seat and valve internal.
Only the both two passing the test, Can them be
3 阀门的装配
3 Reassembly of Valve
3.1 阀门的回装按照拆卸相反的顺序进行的;
3.1 The sequence is reversible to disassembly.

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3.2 对装配的所有螺栓做好防治高温氧化螺纹咬死的措施;
3.2 Take measures against thread oxygenation in high
temperature which causes thread to stop moving.
3.3 阀门装配后按照润滑标准进行相应的润滑;
3.3 Carry out lubrication after the valve is reinstalled.
3.4 回装完毕后,手动摇阀门,检验阀门动作灵活,否则需查
3.4 When the valve is reassembled, turn the valve manually to
check it rotates flexibly or not. If not find out reasons and
solve the problem.
4 调整阀门行程
4 Adjustment of valve range
4.1 手动操作使阀门全开,至上死点时再回关 2~3 圈作为阀门
4.1 Open the valve fully manually to upper dead point and
close 2~3 turns, the degree of this opening serves as the
fail-open position of valve. Fix the range switch.
4.2 手动操作使阀门全关,至下死点时再回开 1~1.5 圈作为阀
4.2 Close the valve fully manually to lower dead point and
open 1 ~ 1.5 turns, the degree of this opening serves as
the fail-close position of valve. Fix the range switch.
4.3 调整后电动操作阀门,反复开关,检查行程开关工作情况
4.3 Operate valve by electric after adjustment. Open and
close the valve repeatedly. Check the range switch works
normally or not. If not, readjust it. Only passing the test,
can it put into service.
4.4 检修后的阀门必须处于关闭位子。
4.4 The valve should be closed after maintenance. 低压旁路转换阀 LP bypass change-over valve
1 阀门的拆卸
1 Disassembly of Valve
1.1 开启阀门到 2~3 圈的开度位置;
1.1 Open valve to the degree of 2~3 turns.
1.2 可靠的切断电源;
1.2 Cut off the power supply reliably.

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1.3 对重要零部件的位置做好标记;
1.3 Make marks on the position where the important part lied.
1.4 松开并拆去填料压盖螺栓、,拆去行程指示器和限位缓冲装
1.4 Loosen and remove the bolts on stuffing gland. Take down
the retainer of travel indicator and position buffering
1.5 拆去阀盖与阀体支架的连接螺栓,吊出支架;
1.5 Remove the bolts connecting the bonnet and body. Lift out
the supporting.
1.6 吊出阀杆与平衡套。
1.6 Lift out the stem and balance bushing.
2 低压旁路转换阀的检修
2 Maintenance of LP Bypass Change-over Valve
2.1 清理所有部件,除去脏物。更换所有密封垫及填料;
2.1 Clean all the components. Change all the seal gasket and
2.2 检查平衡套密封面有无磨损,不明显的可用研磨膏研磨后
2.2 Check whether the seal surface of balance bushing is
worn or not. If the wear is not severe, grind the seal
surface with abrasive paste and the seal performance
2.3 对于平衡套和阀芯密封面上有明显划痕但不超过 1/3 的磨损,
可进行车削机加工后再研磨处理。超过 1/3 的须进行更换;
2.3 When the scratch on the balance bushing and seal
surface of valve core is obvious but less than 1/3 of wear
in thickness. Reprocess them by milling machine and then
grinding. If the scratch is more than 1/3, change the
balance bushing and seal surface.
2.4 检查阀杆及配套螺母的螺纹是否完好,螺纹的磨损状况,
转动是否灵活。对于磨损量超过 1/3 的螺纹,须进行更换;
2.4 Check the stem and the matched nut threads are
complete or not; check the wear of thread, check whether
the rotor rotates flexibly. If the wear is more than 1/3 of the
thread length of nut, change it.
2.5 检查门杆套、轴承及组件有无损坏,如有损坏须及时更换;
2.5 Check whether the stem bushing, bearing and assembly
is damaged or not. If the damage exists, change it.

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2.6 阀芯与阀座做严密性试验,试验合格后方可回装。
2.6 Carry out leakage test for inner valve and valve seat, only
passing the test can it be reinstalled.
3 阀门的装配
3 Reassembly of Valve
3.1 阀门的回装按照拆卸相反的顺序进行的;
3.1 The sequence is reversible to disassembly.
3.2 紧固螺栓时应按照紧固力矩值对称均匀的紧好,法兰四周
3.2 Screw the bolt symmetrically with the proper torque. The
clearance around flange should be even to prevent
3.3 回装完毕后,手动摇阀门,检验阀门动作灵活,否则需查
3.3 When the valve is reassembled, turn the valve manually to
check it rotates flexibly or not. If not find out reasons and
solve the problem.
4 调整阀门行程
4 Adjustment of valve range
4.1 手动操作使阀门全开,至上死点时再回关 2~3 圈作为阀门
4.1 Open the valve fully manually to upper dead point and
close 2~3 turns, the degree of this opening serves as the
fail-open position of valve. Fix the range switch.
4.2 手动操作使阀门全关 ,使关死点有 2~3mm 的预紧力,固
4.2 Close valve fully manually, and make sure that the dead
point with 2~3mm pretighting force. Fix the range switch.
4.3 调整后电动操作阀门,反复开关,检查行程开关工作情况
4.3 Operate valve by electric after adjustment. Open and
close the valve repeatedly. Check the range switch works
normally or not. If not, readjust it. Only passing the test,
can it put into service. 阀门的安装、检修维护及检修项目 Installation and Maintenance items of valve 阀门的安装与调试 Installation and Commissioning of Valve

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Before installation, Check the valve meets the design requirement
or not according to nameplate and Instruction. Check the model
and type satisfy the working medium parameter in operation or
not. Check whether the overall appearance has defects or not.
Check the stem rotates flexibly or not. Check whether the stem is
blocked or oblique. Check the stuffing satisfies the work medium
定。对于一般的阀门,试验压力为公称压力的 1.25 倍,检修完毕后
所做的水试验压力为实际工作压力的 1.5 倍。对于高温或高压阀门
Carry out water test for valve leakage. Conduct pressure test for
seal surface. The testing medium, method and allowable leakage
are depending on property and parameter of working medium. As
for the common valve, the testing pressure is 1.25 times of
nominal pressure. The water test pressure is 1.5 times of actual
working pressure. As for the leakage test of HP or High
temperature valve, its testing pressure depends on the relative
technical parameters. 阀门的检修与维护 Valve Maintenance
1 盘根渗漏的检查及其消除方法
1 Packing Set Check and Maintenance
It is common that medium leakage occurs at packing set of
stem in operation. The leakage can be stopped by screwing
the bolt on packing set gland. It is not ignored that take
measures to prevent bolt falling in when screwing it tightly. Do
not screw it with too large torque. If the leakage still exists
after the bolt is tightly screwed. Change the packing set to
solve the problem.
分层压入,各层盘根接头应错开 90~120 度,再压紧压盖时要
DG100mm 以下的阀门为 20mm,DG100 以上的阀门为 30~

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程度。压盖压入盘根室的深度应在盘根室深度的 10~20%之间。
Make sure that no pressure in valve, the temperature is
appropriate, and then you can loosen the bolts on pressing
plate to remove the old packing set. Next press the new
qualified packing set layer by layer. The jointer of packing
material in each layer should be far away from 90 ~ 120
degree. Press the pressing plate straightly and leave margin
for further pressing packing. Generally, as for the valve below
DG100mm, the margin is 20mm, while above DG100 is 30 ~
40mm. Rotate the stem when pressing the packing tightly to
check the degree of valve leakage. The pressing plate
occupies 10~20% of the length of the packing chamber. .
2 检修阀门时应注意的事项
2 Precautions in Valve Maintenance
2.1 检修阀门当天不能完成时,应做好措施防止掉进杂物;
2.1 If the valve maintenance can not finish in the prescribed
day, take measures to prevent impurities falling into it.
2.2 更换焊接阀门时,在焊接阀门前要使阀门处于开启的位置
2.2 When changing and welding valve, make sure the valve is
open, preventing temperature increases resulting in
expansion which may block stem or break stem.
2.3 阀门在研磨过程中要勤检查,以便随时纠正磨偏的问题;
2.3 When the valve is grinded, check it for many times to
correct uneven grinding.
2.4 做水压试验的过程中,工作人员不接近试验阀门,以防泄
2.4 When the water pressure test is carries out, working staff
should be close to testing valve to prevent the injury
caused by erupted medium.
2.5 使用风动工具检修阀门时,风管接头处要捆绑牢固,风管
2.5 When the pneumatic tool is put into service, the jointer
should be tied tightly. The pneumatic tube to be used
should be the one with steel wire in it and meet the
pressure requirement not the plastic tube or the common
rubber tube, preventing the human injury caused by
2.6 对每一条合金螺栓都应尽过光谱和硬度检查;
2.6 Carry out spectrum and rigidity check for every alloy bolt.
2.7 在进行更换新的合金钢阀门前,对新阀门应进行光谱材质

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2.7 Verify the spectrum material ro prevent misuse before
change the alloy steel valve. 阀门的解体与组装 Disassembly and Reassembly of Valve
1 阀门的解体
1 Disassembly of valve
1.1 阀门解体前须检查确认要检修的阀门已经从系统中断开、阀
1.1 Check and make sure the valve is isolated from system,
no pressure in pipe before disassembling valve.
1.2 用刷子和棉纱将阀门内外污垢清理干净;
1.2 Clean the valve inside and outside with brush and cotton.
1.3 在阀门和阀盖上打好标记,然后将阀门开启;
1.3 Make a mark on valve and the cover, then open the valve.
1.4 拆下传动装置或手轮,拆下填料压盖螺栓;
1.4 Remove driving device or hand wheel. Take down the
bolts of stuffing gland.
1.5 卸下门盖,旋出阀杆,取下阀瓣,卸下螺纹套筒和轴承;
1.5 Take down the cover. Turn and take out stem, disc, thread
bushing and bearing.
1.6 清除旧垫片,清理盘根室内旧盘根。
1.6 Remove the old washer and packing set.
2 阀门的组装
2 Assembly of valve
2.1 将轴承涂好润滑脂,连同螺纹套筒一起装入轴承室内;
2.1 Smear the bearing with lube grease and install it into
bearing chamber together with thread bushing.
2.2 将阀盖装在阀杆上,使其能自由移动,但锁进螺母不得松
2.2 Install the bonnet on stem and make sure it can move
flexibly, but the lock nut should not be loose.
2.3 将阀杆穿入填料盒内,再套上填料压盖,旋入螺纹套内至
2.3 Insert the stem into stuffing box. Put the stuffing bonnet.
Screw the thread bushing tightly.

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2.4 将阀体、阀瓣、和阀座清理干净;
2.4 Clean the valve body, disc, seat.
2.5 将涂有合适涂料的垫片装入阀体与阀盖的法兰之间,将阀
2.5 Install the washer with proper paint between valve body
and bonnet. Put the bonnet on body correctly. Screw the
bolts with required torque symmetrically and tightly. Make
sure that the clearance around flange is the same.
3 阀门检修所检查的项目及质量标准
3 Maintenance Items and Quality Standards
3.1 法体和阀盖面有无裂纹、沙眼的缺陷,阀体与阀盖结合面平
应符合要求,一般为 0.20~0.50mm;
3.1 The valve body and bonnet surface has no defects such
as crack and holes. The connecting surface between the
two is smooth without damage. As for the flange in which
the surface works as a sub-hole, the radial clearance
should meet the requirement. usually it ranges from 0.20
to 0.50mm.
3.2 阀瓣与阀座的密封面应无裂纹、锈蚀、刻痕等缺陷;
3.2 The seal surface between valve disc and set has no
defects such as crack, rust or scratch etc.
3.3 阀杆弯曲一般不超过 0.10~0.20mm。阀杆螺纹完好,与螺
3.3 The stem bending ranges from 0.10 to 0.20 mm. the stem
thread is complete and match with thread bushing well.
Change the unmatched one.
3.4 填 料 压 盖 、 填 料 盒 与 阀 杆 间 隙 合 适 , 一 般 为 0.10 ~
3.4 The clearance between stuffing gland, stuffing and stem is
proper. Usually the two is 0.10 ~ 0.20mm far away each
3.5 各螺栓、螺母的螺纹应完好,配合适当;
3.5 The thread of bolts and nuts are complete and coordinate
with each other properly.
3.6 轴承的滚珠、滚道应无麻点、腐蚀、剥皮等现象;
3.6 The ball and track of the bearing have no pit, corrosion
and peel dropping etc.
3.7 传动装置动作灵活,各配合间隙要正确,手轮完整无损伤。

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3.7 The driving device works flexibly, all the clearance is
correct. The hand wheel is complete without damage. 大修标准项目 Standard Overhaul Items
1 1#、2#、3#高加进、出口水门解体检查;
1 Disassembly and check of 1#、2#、3# HP heaters inlet and
outlet valves
2 1#、2#、3#高加大旁路转换阀解体检查;
2 Disassembly and check of 1#、2#、3# HP heaters big bypass
changeover valve
3 1#、2#、3#高加旁路阀解体检查;
3 Disassembly and check of 1# 、 2# 、 3# HP heaters bypass
4 5#、6#、7#、低加进、出口水门解体检查;
4 Disassembly and check of 5#、6#、7#、 LP heaters inlet and
outlet valves
5 5#、6#、7#、低加旁路水门解体检查;
5 Disassembly and check of 5# 、 6# 、 7# HP heaters bypass
6 1#、2#、3#高加、除氧器、5#、6#、7#低加危机疏水门解体检查;
6 Disassembly and check of 1# 、 2# 、 3# HP heaters and
deaerators, 5#、6#、7# LP emergency drainage valves
7 1~7 段抽汽电动门解体检查;
7 Disassembly and check of electric valve in 1 ~ 7 section
extraction steam
8 1~7 段抽汽逆止门解体检查,再热冷端逆止门解体检查;
8 Disassembly and check of check valves in 1~7 section
extraction steam and reheat cold section.
9 1-~7 段抽汽疏水调整门解体检查;
9 Disassembly and check of drainage governing valve in 1 ~ 7
section extraction steam
10 高压内、外缸疏水门解体检查;
10 Disassembly and check of drainage valves in inner & outer
HP casing;
11 中压内、外缸疏水门解体检查;
11 Disassembly and check of drainage valves in inner & outer IP

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12 主蒸汽管道疏水门解体检查;
12 Disassembly and check of drainage valves in main steam
13 主给水管道疏水门解体检查;
13 Disassembly and check of drainage valves in main feed water
14 凝结水管道疏水门解体检查;
14 Disassembly and check of drainage valves in condensate
15 再热冷段管道疏水门解体检查;
15 Disassembly and check of drainage valves in reheated steam
cold section pipes;
16 再热热段管道疏水门解体检查;
16 Disassembly and check of drainage valves in reheated steam
hot section pipes;
17. 高压旁路管道疏水门解体检查;
17 Disassembly and check of drainage valves in HP bypass
18 低压旁路管道疏水门解体检查;
18 Disassembly and check of drainage valves in LP bypass
19 1~7 段抽汽管道疏水门解体检查;
19 Disassembly and check of drainage valve in 1 ~ 7 section
extraction steam;
20 高压旁路减温水调整门、喷水门解体检查;
20 Disassembly and check of desuperheating water adjusting
valve and spray valves in HP bypass;
21 低压旁路减温水调整门、喷水门解体检查;
21 Disassembly and check of desuperheating water adjusting
valve and spray valves in LP bypass;
22 高压扩容器内部检查,更换人孔密封垫;
22 Inner check of HP flash tank; change seal gasket in the man
23 低压扩容器内部检查,更换人孔密封垫;
23 Inner check of LP flash tank; change seal gasket in the man
24 辅助蒸汽联箱上连接一道门解体检查;

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24 Disassembly and check of the primary valve installed in the
auxiliary steam header.
25 排汽装置喷水调整门、手动门解体检查;
25 Disassembly and check of spray adjusting valve, manual
valve installed in the air vent device.
26 高压扩容器喷水门解体检查;
26 Disassembly and check of spray valve of HP flash tank.
27 低压扩容器喷水门解体检查。
27 Disassembly and check of spray valve of LP flash tank. 安全、健康、环保要求 Requirements on Safety, Health and Environmental
protection 安全 Safety
1 首先检查安全措施和工作流程符合安全规程的要求之后方可开
1 Check the safety measures and work procedures meet the
requirements of safety regulations first, and then starts
2 松开阀门螺栓前须检查确认管道内确无压力,检查疏水门确已
2 Make sure no pressure in the pipe, the drainage valve is open
and water is fully discharged before loosening the valve bolts.
3 在检修过程中疏水门须一直处于开启为止,以防阀门不严漏出
3 The drainage valves keep open during maintenance to
prevent human injuries caused by valve leakage.
4 松开螺栓时,须注意防止被可能积存的蒸汽或热水喷出伤到;
4 Loosen the bolts carefully, preventing the accumulated steam
or hot water erupting which may cause human injuries.
5 紧急消缺时须做好防止被高温阀门管道烫伤的安全措施,如防
5 Take measures such as wearing work clothes, glove and
shoes against scald maybe caused by high temperature pipes
when emergency fault-eliminating occurs.
6 在汽水管道上进行较长时间的工作时,检修段管道应用带尾巴
6 When you are required to work for long time around steam or

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steam pipes, insolate the maintenance pipes by baffle with
7 在管道上进行气割、电焊工作前须确认管内确实无压力后方可进
7 Make sure no pressure in pipe before the gas cutting and
welding is to be done on pipe.
8 拆除临时堵板前须放净该管段内积存的汽水等介质;
8 Discharge fully the medium such as accumulated water or
steam before removing the temporary baffle.
9 检修工作完毕后,检修工作负责人与工作许可人共同到现场检
9 The person in charge of maintenance and work permitter are
required to check and verify on site after the maintenance has
10 不得在有压力的管道上进行任何检修工作。特殊情况下须做好相
10 Do not begin maintenance on the pipe with pressure. On
special occasion, you must take safety measures and get
approval from chief leader.
11 在搬运管道阀门等部件时时须注意防止被部件砸伤;
11 Move the parts such as pipe and valve carefully to prevent
being struck.
12 在安装、回装管道法兰或阀门时,不准用手指伸入孔内触摸。以
12 Do not stretch you hand to holes for touching when installing
or reinstalling flanges and valves to prevent injuries caused by
13 在可能存在易燃气体或物品的场所进行焊接工作时,须先进行
13 Take measures against fire before you start welding in the
place where inflammable gas or combustibles exists.
14 在可能存在着有毒气体或物品的场所工作时,须先进行通风清
14 When you need to work in the place where poisonous gas or
objects exists, check the ventilation first, and test gas content
by instrument or little animals, do not use flame which may
cause combustion or explosion.
15 进入管道内检修时,需用压缩空气往里强制通风,但不得直接
15 When you need to enters into pipe for maintenance, supply

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compressed air for ventilation not oxygen.
16 进入管道内检修须设专门的监护人,监护人不得离开工作地点
16 When one person enters into pipe for maintenance, a
supervisor should be appointed for protection, and he can not
leave the work place and do other work at the same time.
17 进入管道内不得使用超过 12V 的电压的照明灯具;
17 Do not use the light with more than 12 V voltage when you
need to enter into pipe.
18 使用电动工具须使用漏电保护器,漏电保护器须可靠的放置的
18 Use leakage protector which should be placed outside of pipe
when you need to use electric tools for work.
19 检修地下管道时须在打开的人孔周围设置围栏,夜间悬挂红灯,
19 Install guide rail around pen manhole when repair the
underground pipes. Hang red light at night to prevent other
people dropping into the hole or injured.
20 地下管道检修工作人员不得少于二人,并且设有专门的监护人;
20 The personnel work in underground pipes for maintenance
should be more than three. And the supervisor should be
appointed for protection.
21 在进入可能存在有害气体或温度高的地下管道前,须先进行有
21 When you need to work in the place where poisonous gas or
objects exists, check the ventilation first, and test gas content
by instrument or little animals, do not use flame which may
cause combustion or explosion.
22 高处作业需使用安全带,并搭制符合安全要求的脚手架;
22 Take safety belt, build qualified scaffold when you need t work
in high area.
23 进行管道或阀门的刷漆工作时须注意做好防火防爆的措施。
23 Take measures against fire and explosion when the paining is
done in the pipe or valve. 健康 Health
1 进入管道或地下的工作人员应轮换工作和休息;
1 The person who enters into pipe or work underground should
work and rest in shift.

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2 在工作中不要用力过猛,防止腰部扭伤;
2 Do not over-exert in work to prevent waist sprain.
3 拆除管道或阀门上的保温层时应使用防尘面具或合格的口罩;
3 when you remove the insulation layer on the pipe or valve,
Wear the dustproof mask or qualified respirator.
4 进行打磨工作时使用防尘面具或合格的口罩;
4 Wear the dustproof mask or qualified respirator during
5 进入管道内检修或进入地下检修管道要注意防止摔倒;
5 Be careful when you enters into pipe for maintenance,
preventing injury caused by falling over oneself.
6 进行管道或阀门刷漆工作时要注意通风。
6 Pay attention to ventilation when the painting is done in pipe
or valve. 环保 Environment Protection
1 拆下的部件要摆放整齐;
1 The removed parts should be in good order.
2 不使用铅粉或二硫化钼等污染性材料作为密封垫的防粘连涂料;
2 Do not use the non-conglutinative paint in which the seal
gasket is made by pollution material such as lead powder or
3 打磨工作时须注意防止尘埃扩散;
3 Prevent the dust spreading in grinding.
4 拆除管道或阀门的保温层时不要破坏其再次的使用,以减少垃
4 Be careful when removing the insulation layer on pipe or
valve, thus it could not be damaged and can be used again to
reduce waste.
5 阀门做严密性试验用过的煤油妥善放好,不得直接到入垃圾堆
5 The kerosene use in valve leakage test should be discharged
to a safety place not dump it directly to garbage dump or
underground pipe.
6 进行管道或阀门的刷漆工作时,要做好防止油漆掉在地下或流
6 Paint carefully on pipe or valve to prevent it dropping on the

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ground or other equipment.
7 工作完毕,清理现场,分类放入垃圾堆。
7 When the work is done, clean the site and place the waste to
garbage according to category. 事故措施 Accident Precautions 严格按照《电业安全工作规程》进行工作,不得为了图省事或嫌麻烦
而简化作业; All the work should be done according to Electric Safety Work
Regulations. Do not simplify the work for easiness and trouble-
saving. 动火工作前须清理现场易燃物并经过易燃气体检测合格后方可动火; Remove combustibles on site or the inflammable gas passes the
test before fire work starts. 机房内不得使用汽油等易挥发性的清洗剂,使用的煤油须妥善保管,
以防火灾; Do not use volatile lotion like gasoline. The kerosene to be used
should be reserved well to prevent fire. 进行大面积的刷漆、喷漆等工作时,须设专一的监护人,并且防火
意外爆炸的安全措施,施工地点严禁明火; The supervisor should be appointed and the anti-fire test is
qualified before massive painting starts. Take measure to prevent
volatile gas accumulates which may cause unexpected explosion.
No naked fire on job location. . 使用手动葫芦进行起吊工作时,须将手动葫芦挂在可靠的挂钩上或
稳固的支吊架上,不得歪拉斜吊以防倾倒或部件撞击伤及人身安全; When the lifting is to be done, hang the chain hoist on a reliable
hook or stable supporting, preventing oblique lifting which may
cause dump and components damage or human injuries. 检修用的工器具、部件若需要用车辆运输,驾驶员的工作资质、车辆
行驶,尤其是在晚上加班工作时须特别注意; If the tools and components used in maintenance need to be
transported by vehicles, the driver’s qualification and performance
condition should be in accordance with Traffic Management
Bureau. The drunken working and drunken driving is not
permissive especially at night. 靠近油管尤其是靠近油管法兰处的高温管道需经常检查,保温层外
的金属皮须完整,一旦发现有油漏入保温内立即更换; The pipe with high temperature which near to oil pipe especially

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neat to oil pipe flange should be frequently checked. The steel
sheet out of the insulation layer should be complete. Once the oil
leakage is found, change the insulation layer immediately. 检修时不得以管道作为支吊架,尤其是油管道; Do not take the pipe as suspending supporting especially the oil
pipe. 检修后须检查试验各段抽汽逆止门,保证动作灵活可靠,防止流体
倒流引起汽轮机超速或汽缸进水; The extraction check valve should be tested after the
maintenance is finished. Make sure the check valves work flexibly
to prevent fluid return which may cause turbine over-speed or
water enters into steam turbine. 靠近电气设备的水管尽量不用法兰结构,采用焊接结构,防止法兰
泄漏后水喷洒在电气设备上造成严重事故。 The water pipe near to electric equipment is better to be welded
not flanged. Preventing water leaks from flange and cause
damage to electric equipment.
2.2.29 管道
2.2.29 Pipelines
除氧给水系统,回热抽汽系统,凝结水系统,疏放水系统,闭冷水系统 ,
The thermodynamic system in power plant is composed by thermo
equipment, water pipes, steam pipe and other accessories. The pipes
involves in the power generation and medium conveying. Water and
steam pipe system includes main steam system reheat steam system,
bypass system, deoxygenized feed water system, generative
extraction steam system, condensate system, drainage system,
closed cooling water system, circulating cooling water, open cooled
water system. (industrial water system) 主蒸汽管道系统 Main Steam Pipeline System
17.75MPa/540°C。主蒸汽管道采用的材质为 A335P91。为防止主蒸
Main steam pipeline system mainly means the pipe from outlet
header of boiler superheater to steam inlet of turbine. The Steam

Page 613 of 629

turbine –generator set adopts unit system. The Steam turbine –
Generator set characterizes a separate pipe system in which one
boiler cooperates with one steam turbine and both two are
connected by steam pipes. Under rated working condition, the
inlet main steam pressure and temperature is 17.75MPa/540°C
respectively. The main steam pipe is made by A335P91. In order
to prevent explosion caused by steam pipe creeping in high
temperature and strengthen the material creeping monitoring, no
creeping measuring point is in the pipe. But the point for thickness
measurement is in the elbow of pipe. The pipe thickness should
be measured periodically to prevent explosion caused by long
time wear resulting in thinness. 再热蒸汽管道系统 Reheated steam pipeline system
汽参数为 3.xx MPa/3xx°C,再热阀进口蒸汽的蒸汽参数为 3.xx
3.xxMPa/326.1C°,中压缸进汽的蒸汽参数为 3.xxMPa/538°C。再
热冷段的材质为 A672B70CL32,再热热段的材质为 A335P22。为
道上设有蠕胀测点(在汽机房 xx 米的高度位置上)。在再热冷段与
Reheated steam pipeline system includes reheated cool section
and reheated hot section. The reheated cool section sends the
exhausted steam from high pressure cylinder of turbine to boiler
reheater, and the reheated hot section send the steam which had
passed through the boiler reheater back to intermediate pressure
cylinder to do continuous work. Under rated working condition, the
parameters for the exhausted steam from the high pressure
cylinder are 3.xx MPa/3xx°C, and for the inlet steam of reheated
valve are 3.xxMPa/326.1C°, and the parameters for intermediate
pressure cylinder are 3.xxMPa/538°C. The material for reheated
cool section is A672B70CL32 and A335P22 for reheated hot
section. In order to prevent the steam pipeline of the reheated hot
section from explode for high temperature expansion and to
strengthen the expansion monitoring for materials, there is
expansion test point on the pipe (at the elevation of XX in turbine
house). There are wall thickness test points at the bends between
the steam pipes of reheated cool section and reheated hot
section, scheduled measure it to prevent the pipe from crippling
because its intensity deteriorated after turning thinner and thinner
during long term erosion. 旁路系统 Bypass system

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联旁路,型号为 CCI-DRAG100 AV6+。高压旁路的容量为锅炉额
定最大出力(BMCR)的 30%,低压旁路的容量为高压旁路的流量
The bypass system for turbine unit is named as turbine bypass for
short, with the type of pneumatic tow grades high and low
pressure serial bypass and the model is CCI-DRAG100 AV6+.
The volume of high pressure bypass is 30% of the maximum rated
output of boiler (BMCR), and the volume of low pressure bypass
is the summation of high pressure bypass flow and water spray
amount. The high pressure bypass exhausts the steam with which
the temperature was decreased by spray water to reheated cool
section pipes (the position of joint is behind the exhaustion check
valve of high pressure cylinder), and then enter into the boiler
reheater for heat exchanging to protect the reheater from being
damaged by over temperature. The low pressure bypass exhausts
the steam of reheated hot section with which the temperature was
decreased by spray water to condensater, to recycle the working
materials and protect the environment.
表 38 设备参数表 1
序号 参数类别 单位 高压蒸汽转换阀 低压蒸汽转换阀
1 入口蒸汽压力 MPa
2 入口蒸汽温度 °C
3 入口蒸汽流量 t/h
4 出口蒸汽压力 MPa
5 出口蒸汽温度 °C
6 出口蒸汽流量 t/h

Table 38 Device parameters list 1

Serial Sort of Unit High pressure steam Low pressure steam

number parameter converting valve changeover valve
Inlet steam MPa
Inlet steam °C
Inlet steam t/h
4 Outlet steam MPa

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Serial Sort of Unit High pressure steam Low pressure steam
number parameter converting valve changeover valve
Outlet steam °C
Outlet steam t/h
表 39 设备参数表 2
高压喷水调节 低压喷水调节
参数类别 单位 高压喷水隔离阀 低压喷水隔离阀 阀 阀
计算压力 MPa
计算温度 °C
计算流量 t/h
Table 39 Device parameters 2
High Low
High pressure
pressure Low pressure pressure
Sort of spray
Unit spray spray isolating spray
parameter adjusting
isolating valve adjusting
valve valve
flow 除氧与给水管道系统 Deaeration and feed water pipeline system
数 为 1.xxxMPa/xx°C , 前 置 泵 出 口 处 的 给 水 参 数 为 2.xx
MPa/xx°C,给水泵出口处的高压给水参数为 xx.xxMPa/xxx°C。
The feed water pipeline system includes the entire pipeline
system from downcomer of water tank of deaerator, to booster
pump, feed water pump, three high pressure heater and
economizer of boiler. The pipe system before the feed water pump
is named as low pressure feed water pipelines, and the pipe

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system after the outlet of feed water pump is named as high
pressure feed water pipe system. There is a check valve and a
stop valve at the outlet of each feed water pump. The function of
check valve is to prevent that when the feed water pump is
stopped or standby, pressured water enters into the feed water
pump to cause the pump rotates reversely and rise the pressure
of low pressure main pipe. The stop valve is used to cut the
connection between feed water pump with main pipe when the
pump is stopped or maintained. Under rated load, the feed water
parameter is 1.xxxMPa/xx°C at the inlet of booster pump, and the
parameter of feed water at the outlet of booster pump is 2.xx
MPa/xx°C, and the high pressure feed water parameter at the
outlet of feed water pump is xx.xxMPa/xxx°C. 回热抽汽系统 Heat returning steam extraction system
我厂的单元制机组的汽轮机共有 7 段不调整抽汽。回热抽汽系统的
There are 7 stages unadjusted steam extraction in the turbine in
the unit system of our plant. The heat returning steam extraction is
designed to reduce the cool source loss, rise the feed water
temperature for boiler so as to improve the whole efficiency of the
表 40 汽轮机各级抽汽参数表

工况 压力
抽汽级数 流量 kg/h 温度℃

第一级(至 1 号低加)

第二级(至 2 号低加)

第三级(至 3 号低加)

第四级(至 4 号低加)


第六级(至 6 号高加蒸

第六级(至 6 号高加)

第七级(至 7 号高加)
Table 40 Parameter list for steam extraction of different grades of turbine

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Pressure Temperature
g Stage of extraction Flow kg/h
MPa(a) ℃

第一级(至 1 号低
Stage 1 (to #1 low
pressure heater)

Stage 2 (to #2 low

pressure heater)

Stage 3 (to #3 low

pressure heater)

Stage 4 (to #4 low

pressure heater)

VWO Stage 5 (to auxiliary

steam header)

Stage 5 (to

Stage 6(to #6
steam cooler for
high pressure

Stage 6 (to #6 high

pressure heater)

Stage 7 (to #7 high

pressure heater) 疏放水系统 Water drainage and discharge system
When the unit is starting up, as the heat devices and steam pipes
are in low temperature status, so there would be a lot of
condensed water when the steam pass through them. The

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drainage system is designed to timely discharge those condensed
water to prevent the high speed steam flow from carrying water
and cause water impact; at the same time, it could lower the pipe-
heating time which in turn improve the startup speed of the unit.
When the unit is shutdown, there is discharge pipes designed for
discharging the residual steam and water in the pipes. The water
drainage system of turbine is divided into water discharge of
turbine body part and water discharge of steam pipes. Since the
pressure of the water discharging points are not the same, water
discharging main pipe with different pressure are induced into the
water discharge of turbine body part, and then discharged into
corresponding pipe drainage expansion device or body drainage
expansion device.
Maintenance of other auxiliary equipment
8 闭式水箱的检修及质量标准
8 Maintenance and quality standard of closed type water tank
8.1 打开闭式水箱人孔门,进入内部进行清扫,清出所有杂物
8.1 Open the man hole of close type water tank, enter into it
and make cleaning works. No foreign materials or stains
should be left, and the inlet/outlet hole of the water tank
should not be jammed.
8.2 检查水箱内防腐涂料是否有脱落的,如有脱落应擦净后重
8.2 Check if there is any scaling anti-corrosive paint, if there
is, wipe it clean and reapply new paint.
8.3 闭式水箱应泡水检查,如有漏泄的应打磨补焊处理,补焊
8.3 Check the close type tank in water, grind and weld if there
is any leakage, and the internal part of welded places
should be cleaned again and applied with anti-corrosive
8.4 闭式水箱的梯子和箱顶的围栏应牢固可靠,不应有开焊的
8.4 The ladder and rail on the top of the close type water tank
should be fast, there should be no disconnection on
welded place, if there is, make up the welding.
Maintenance process of leakage stopping with pressure
1 带压堵漏技术介绍

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1 Introduction of leakage stopping with pressure
1.1 概述
1.1 Overview
Leakage on the sealing faces of devices, pipes and valves is
inevitable during normal continuous producing, which would cause
medium loss, energy source waste, environmental pollution, device
and personal security threatening, which in turn will cause break of
the production and bring mass economic loss to the enterprise. While
the leak stopping with pressure technique is to eject special made
leak stopping sealing gum to the leakage position equipped with
special clamps, using injection-gun under pressure and temperature.
The gum will solidify within a short period and form new sealing
construction and stop the leakage.
1.2 原理
1.2 Principle
The tools for leak stopping with pressure include high pressure oil
pump, injection gun, clamps and leak stopping sealing gum etc. The
hydraulic pressure generated by manual hydraulic pump system is
transmitted to the action sleeve of injection-gun through high pressure
plastic pipe, which will produce powerful racking force in the pressing
room of injection-gun. The special leak stopping sealing gum will flow
with a certain velocity under the pressure of racking force, and it will
fill in the leakage position through the internal channel of the clamp
which is predesigned and mounted on the leakage place, thus a new
sealing construction would be built which realizes leak stopping with
1.3 密封胶的选用(见密封胶性能表)
1.3 Choosing the sealing gum (reference to the sealing gum performance
1.3.1 常温常压选用 A、B、C、D 均可。
1.3.1 A、B、C、D could all be used under normal temperature.
1.3.2 压力在 4.0MPa,温度在 70℃~150℃选用 A。
1.3.2 Choose A when the pressure is 4.0Mpa, and the temperature

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is between 70℃~150℃.
1.3.3 负压至 15 MPa,温度在 150℃~250℃选用 B、C1、C2;
1.3.3 Choose B, C1 or C2 when the negative pressure is 15Mpa,
and the temperature is between 150℃~250℃.
1.3.4 负压至 15 MPa,温度在 150℃~450℃选用 C1、C2;
1.3.4 Choose C1 or C2 when the negative pressure is 15Mpa, and
the temperature is between 150℃~450℃.
1.3.5 负压至 15 MPa,温度在 450℃~580℃选用 C2;
1.3.5 Choose C2 when the negative pressure is 15Mpa, and the
temperature is between 450℃~580℃.
1.3.6 负压至 15 MPa,温度在-70℃~-250℃选用 D1。
1.3.6 Choose D1 when the negative pressure is 15Mpa, and the
temperature is between -70℃~250℃.
1.4 密封胶的保管
1.4 Preserving of the sealing gum
贮存温度 0~28℃,避免阳光,手感和表面光滑,无皱纹。保存期二年。
The storage temperature should be 0~28℃, sheilded from sunlight.
The handle of it should be sooth without cripples. The expiring period
is two years.

图 17 带压堵漏工具
Figure 17 Tools for leakage stopping with pressure
2 带压堵漏工艺

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2 Process of leakage stopping with pressure
2.1 漏泄部位的勘测。
2.1 Invesigation on leakage position
并预测在施工中可能发生的变化。测绘漏泄部位的尺寸,要求准确无误 。
Estimate the location and environment of the leakage place, and
whether the injection clamps could be fixed up, and whether the
rejectio-gun could be put to good use. Realize the performance of
jammed medium. Make clear of the temperature, pressure of the
leakage place and injection degree of the medium, and estimate
possible conditions during the operation. Map the size of leakage
place, it is required to be accurate. Keep one man in measuring and
the other man calibrating during the work.
2.2 密封夹具的制作
2.2 Making of sealing clamp
一般性介质采用 45 号钢或 A3F 钢制做,腐蚀性强或高温的介质,夹具
子,0.505~0.585MPa 的介质可用 1 个 M15 螺栓连接;0.585MPa
以上的介质,耳子可用 2 个 M14 螺栓连接。夹具形状与被堵部位形状相
具直径再大,孔数相应增加,孔与孔间隙不要超过 50~50mm。
For common medium, #45 steel or A3F steel could be used; and fro
corrosive or high temperature medium, use stainless steel to make
the clamp. Leak stopping clamp is often made up of two half parts
with two connecting stems on each, medium of 0.505 ~ 0.585MPa
could take one M15 bolt for connection; and for medium above
0.585MPa, use 2 M14 bolts to connect the stem.
表 41 堵漏参考数据

介质压力(MPa) 0.5~0.8 0.8~2.0 2.0~3.5 3.5 以上

贴合间隙(mm) 0.5~0.3 0.3~0.1 0.1~0.5 <0.05
Table 41 Leakage stopping reference data

Medium 0.5~0.8 0.8~2.0 2.0~3.5 3.5 以上

Joint 0.5~0.3 0.3~0.1 0.1~0.5 <0.05
表 42 密封夹具参数

夹具尺寸(mm) <50 50-80 80-120 120-150 150-200

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注射孔数(个) 1-2 2-4 4-5 5-8 8-7
Table 42 Sealed clamp parameters

Clamp <50 50-80 80-120 120-150 150-200

Number of 1-2 2-4 4-5 5-8 8-7
injection hole
2.3 堵漏工作前准备
2.3 Preparation before leakage stopping work
作现场有专职或兼职安监人员监督指导,操作者必须具备一定实践经验 ,
Prepare leak stopping operation tools and verify there fitness. Prepare
sealing gum which complies with the requirement of temperature and
pressure of the medium at leakage place. The operator should
properly wear protective glasses, earplugs, asbestos gloves, hamlet,
high temperature and pressure enduring protective clothes. Gas
masks must be equipped on the venomous and harmful locales.
There should be work guardians in position and there should be
special or plural safety superintendents for supervise and guide, the
operators must have certain practical experience, and have the
following abilities:
2.3.1 对高压注射枪等器具,能熟练的使用和准确的控制以及做到自
2.3.1 Able to skillfully use and accurately control the high pressure
injection-gun etc. and able to do maintenance by oneself;
2.3.2 能根据泄漏点的技术状况,正确选用密封胶的型号;
2.3.2 Able to correctly choose the model of sealing gum according
to the technical features of the leakage point;
2.3.3 对高压注射枪及密封胶的预热温度,能够根据不同型号的密封
2.3.3 Able to choose sealing gums and high pressure injection guns
with proper models according to the preheating temperature
of the gum in different seasons;
2.3.4 能熟练安装夹具的能力,尤其高温管道上;
2.3.4 Able to skillfully fix the clamp, especially onto the high
temperature pipes;
2.3.5 熟知堵漏工作的安全注意事项。
2.3.5 Familiar with the safety precautions for leak stopping works.

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2.4 堵漏操作工艺
2.4 Operation process for leak stopping
将密封夹具固定在漏泄部位上,将预热好的密封胶装于注射枪挤压腔内 ,
Fix the sealing clamp onto the leakage position, and inject the
preheated sealing gum into the pressing room of injection gun, and
screw the clamp onto the injection hole. Press up with hydraulic
pump, the sealing gum would fill into the clamp if the pressure gains
and falls. When one hole is filled up, insert into a bolt with the same
dimension to prevent the sealing gum from out coming. Stop filling the
sealing gum under following conditions:
2.4.1 当泄漏口有堵漏剂外漏时;
2.4.1 When the leak stopping agent is leaking out at the leakage
2.4.2 注意观察注射时的最高表压,在最后一个注射孔加压时不得超
2.4.2 Observe the highest gauge pressure during injection, and the
pressure should not exceed the highest gauge pressure when
pressing the last injection hole;
2.4.3 对泄漏处的用剂量要预先估算,以防注剂过多,进入系统;
2.4.3 Pre-estimate the agent demand for leakage points in order to
prevent excessive agents from entering into the system;
2.4.4 观察泄漏介质的变化,一旦发生逐渐减少时就要严格控制。当无
2.4.4 Observe the change of leakage medium, take strict control
when it decreases gradually. Stop pressing when there is no
leakage, aimless continually to press which would enter the
sealing gum into system and destroy the clamp is forbidden;
2.4.5 密封胶固化后约 30~50 分钟补注一枪以提高密封胶性能;
2.4.5 Make up another injection after 30 ~ 50 minutes when the
sealing gum is solidified to improve the performance of
sealing gum;
2.4.6 用临时螺帽拧入所有注射孔内,并加力矩,保证密封胶密封效
2.4.6 Screw temporary nuts into all the injection holes, and add the
torque to ensure the effect of sealing gum.
3 带压堵漏安全技术规定
3 Safety technical specifications of leak stopping with pressure

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After leak stopping with pressure work is approved by part of the leaders
of sub-sites and the shift leader, machine the leak stopping tools. Send
special personnel to monitor the change of the leakage points and carry
out proper leak stopping preparations. Compile construction scheme and
technical safety measures if necessary.
3.1 一经发现汽水管道漏泄,必须确认漏泄管道设备系统属性,漏泄部位,
3.1 Once leakage is found on the steam and water pipes, the leakage
pipe device systematic attributes and leakage positions must be
verified. Measure the size of leakage points and inform relative
superior leaders;
3.2 确认漏泄部位及测量尺寸时必须穿戴好劳动保护用品,做好防止烫伤措
3.2 Wear proper labor protection tools when verifying the leakage points
and measuring the size, and make proper anti scald measures;
3.3 测量数据要求必须准确;
3.3 The data measuring must be accurate;
3.4 采用带压堵漏技术的缺陷,只限于法兰密封面、砂眼、气孔等不易扩大
3.4 Defects which could be applied with leak stopping with pressure tech
are restrict to defects that are not easy to expand such as sealing face
of flange, blowhole or air holes. For cracks, thinning by flushing or
penetration etc. which are developing defects, the method should not
be used;
3.5 检查带压堵漏工具各部件密封完好,油位正常,操作灵活好用,压力表
3.5 Check and ensure the following items:
 Intactness of sealing for the components of tool used for leak
stopping with pressure;
 The oil level is normal;
 The operation is flexible and fit;
 The pressure gauge is accurate and fit;
 The switch for check valve which is used to fill gum is flexible and
without jam or stuck;
 The connecting screw is intact.
3.6 堵漏工具各部分尺寸必须与漏泄部位配合合适,不应有对漏泄点有外力

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3.6 The size of the leak stopping tools must comply with the leakage
points, and there should be no hard parts which have pressure to
leakage points;
3.7 堵漏工具必须能够承受大于漏泄点介质压力;
3.7 The leak stopping tools must bear pressure bigger than the medium
pressure for leakage points;
3.8 进行带压堵漏工作必须由分场领导指定熟练人员,在工作负责人的指导
3.8 The leak stopping works should be operated by skillful persons by the
dispatch of sub-site leader and under supervise of principal, the
medium pressure of leakage pipe devices must be controlled at the
minimum pressure of the current load;
3.9 工作人员工作中要特别注意操作方法的正确性,如:螺丝不要紧过度,
3.9 The missionaries should pay special attention to the correctness of
operation method, for example: the screw should be not too tight, the
tightness should be even. Pay attention to the operation method and
prevent from being scalded by steam of water;
3.10 高空进行带压堵漏工作时,必须系好安全带,并做好躲闪措施。同
3.10 Wear safety belt when doing leak stopping works highly, and take
proper escaping measures. Wear proper labor protection tools
and take proper measures to prevent scalding.
3.11 打胶用逆止阀与堵漏工具连接好后,逆止阀方向必须躲开工作人员
3.11 After the gum is prepared and the check valve and leak deep
leakage potion
3.12 进行打胶工作前,堵漏用胶应预热变软。打胶工作中,油泵压力均
匀升高,超过漏泄点介质压力 1.5~2 倍;
3.12 The leak stopping gum should before carrying out the leak
stopping. The heating of oil pump should gradually rise and be 1.5
~2higher than the medium pressure.
3.13 堵漏工作中,当油泵压力表指针指示不动时,证明胶以打完,关闭
3.13 If the pointer of the pressure gauge of oil pump stand still during
leak stopping works, it means the filling is finished. Close the
check valve and discharge the pump and replace the gum. After
the check valve is connected, open it and reapply the gum until
the leakage point is sealed;
3.14 带压堵漏工作时,禁止与漏泄管道设备焊接;

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3.14 It is forbidden to weld the leakage pipe devices during leak
stopping with pressure.
3.15 带压堵漏工作完成后,要就地观察十分钟以上,如有漏泄应及时进
3.15 After the leak stopping work is finished, observe it for more than
ten minutes at spot to see if there is leak, and reapply gum if there
is. If there is no leak, end the work and the missionaries could
3.16 高空作业撤离现场时,要防止工作人员及工器具高空坠落;
3.16 Prevent the working personnel or the device from falling from the
height when leaving high operating site;
3.17 清理带压堵漏工具油泵泄压,压力表指针回零,油泵液压装胶件无
3.17 The pointer of the pressure gauge will reset after the pressure of
oil pump for pressured leak stopping tools is discharged. There
should be no residual gum in oil pump hydraulic gum-applying
parts, clean them for next time use;
3.18 对漏泄点定时观察,发现问题及时处理;
3.18 Observe the leak points at fixed time and make immediate
treatment at the sight of problem;
3.19 带压堵漏是一项应急的安全措施,采用带压堵漏的部位应尽快予以
3.19 Pressured leak stopping is just an emergent safety measure. The
points which were applied with such method should be applied
with normal treatment. The maximum using term of such
measures should not be longer than 6 months, and the time
should be reduced for high temperature and pressures elements.
表 43 堵漏密封胶性能表
室温条件下 预热温度下 外观颜 高于℃
类别 型号 耐热等级℃ 挤出压力 挤出压力 色
夏 冬
固化型 A-01 4--5MPa 3.5—4.5MPa 红 50 80
固化型 A-02 7—13 MPa 3—5 MPa 红 50 80
固化型 A-03 18—19 MPa 8—7 MPa 红 50 80
固化型 B-01 53 MPa 30—35 MPa 绿 80 70
固化型 HA-04 常温~ 40 MPa 8 MPa 红 50 80

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固化型 HB-04 45 MPa 7 MPa 绿 80 70
固化型 HA-05 4—5 MPa 1.5 MPa 红 50 80
固化型 HB-05 4—5 MPa 1.5—2 MPa 绿土黄 80 70
HC- 常温~
固化型 7—25 MPa 3—8 MPa 乳白 80 50
C1 450℃
HC- 350℃~
热结型 0—0.2 MPa 黑
C2 580℃
HD- -70℃~
热朔型 4--5 MPa 1—3 MPa 白 50 80
D1 250℃

Table 43 Performance list for leak stopping sealing gum

Output temperature
Thermal pressure No more than
Sort Model endurance under Color
under room ℃
class ℃ preheated
temperature Summ
A-01 temperatur 4--5MPa 3.5—4.5MPa Red 50 80
ng type
A-02 temperatur 7—13 MPa 3—5 MPa Red 50 80
ng type
A-03 temperatur 18—19 MPa 8—7 MPa Red 50 80
ng type
B-01 temperatur 53 MPa 30—35 MPa 绿 80 70
ng type
HA-04 temperatur 40 MPa 8 MPa Red 50 80
ng type
HB-04 temperatur 45 MPa 7 MPa Green 80 70
ng type

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HA-05 temperatur 4—5 MPa 1.5 MPa Red 50 80
ng type
Solidifyi Khaki
HB-05 temperatur 4—5 MPa 1.5—2 MPa 80 70
ng type Green
Solidifyi HC-
temperatur 7—25 MPa 3—8 MPa Ivory 80 50
ng type C1
Hot HC- 350℃~
0—0.2 MPa Black
solidify C2 580℃
Hot HD- -70℃~
4--5 MPa 1—3 MPa White 50 80
shaping D1 250℃

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