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Submitted To:
Sir Sammi Ullah
Submitted By:
Ayesha Liaqat
Community Pharmacy
6th Semester
Roll No.
ROLE OF PHARMACIST: As Public Health Educator in the
Community for Drug Monitoring and Drug Information

A Pharmacist is one who is well-informed & certified to prepare & dispensing drugs & to afford
drug & associated information to the community. There has never been a better time to consider a
rewarding career in pharmacy. The demand for trained pharmacy professionals has dramatically
increased in recent years due the rapid growth of the health care and pharmaceutical industries,
especially for the growing elderly population. The number of Pharmacists in healthcare services
also is escalating as Pharmacists become more actively involved in drug therapy decision-making
for patients of all ages.

Role of a Pharmacist:

Role of a Pharmacist means, in which fields a Pharmacist can perform. The ideal frontline
Pharmacist of the future has been described as a seven star Pharmacist-someone who is equal in
excellence to a five star hotel yet accessible to everyone from the richest to the poor. The future
Pharmacists will have seven principal roles to play:

o Care giver
o Decision-maker
o Communicator
o Leader
o Manager
o Lifelong learner
o Role model.

A Pharmacist with the above skills and attitudes should make himself an indispensable partner in
health care system of a nation.

Health care system:

Pharmacists play a vital role in health care system through the medicine and information they
provide. While responsibilities vary among the different areas of pharmacy practice, the bottom
line is that Pharmacists help patients get well. Pharmacist responsibilities include a range of care
for patients, from dispensing medications to monitoring patient health and progress to maximize
their response to the medication. Pharmacists educate consumers and patients on the use of
prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, and advice physicians, nurses, and other health
professionals on drug selection and utility. Pharmacists also provide expertise about the
composition of drugs, including their chemical, biological, and physical properties and their
manufacture and use. They ensure drug purity and strength and make sure that drugs do not interact
in a harmful way. Pharmacists are drug experts ultimately concerned about their patients’ health
and wellness.

The World health organization (WHO) report on “The role of the Pharmacist in the health care
system” states that the competence of the Pharmacist is already proven and control

▪ In health promotion and social responsibilities

▪ In the direction and administrative of pharmaceutical services
▪ In drug regulation and control
▪ In the formulation and quality control of pharmaceutical products
▪ In the inspection and assessment of drug manufacturing facilities
▪ In the assurance of product quality through the distribution chain
▪ In drug procurement agencies
▪ In National and institutional formulary & therapeutics committees.

In health promotion and social responsibilities: A Pharmacist has an important role to

play in health promotion and primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, especially in relation to
the management of chronic diseases. Discussed below in details-

Sexually Transmitted Diseases-AIDS: -

HIV drugs are expensive and beyond the reach of common man. Huge resource of community
Pharmacist can educate people in the prevention and information of HIV/AIDS. The National AID
Program’s latest figures show that over 4,000 HIV cases have so far been reported since 1986, but
UN and government estimates put the number of HIV/AIDS cases around 97,000 ranging from
lowest estimate 46,000 to highest estimate-210,000.
Pneumococcal disease and influenza: -

The role of a Pharmacist in immunizing adults against pneumococcal disease and influenza is very
important. Pneumococcal disease and influenza each cause up to 40,000 deaths annually in the
United States. Influenza vaccine, or the 'flu shot' is a vaccine against Influenza that is given every
year around October, before the influenza season to protect against this disease. Influenza is a viral
infection that causes significant respiratory illness in people of all ages.

Chronic disease management: -

A Pharmacist’s role in the control of the chronic disease can range from the support of proven
community programs such as screening and disease management clinics for diabetes etc.

Nutrition Counseling:

Community pharmacist can play significant role in assuring adequate nutrition by advising his
patients about basic food needs, keeping to correct improper food habits in children, advising on
special requirements, suggesting special diet instructions for diabetic patients and people with food
allergy and participating in school lunch programs and schemes like mid-day meals etc., in rural

Oral health: -

A report of the surgeon Generas (May 2000) and the healthy people 2010 focus area on oral health.
The call to action seems expand on these efforts by enlisting the expertise of individuals, health
researchers and cure providers communities and policymakers at all levels of society. A
Pharmacist has numerous opportunities on a daily basis to positively affect his trend. The
American dental association has published pamphlets for dentists and Pharmacists that cover oral
structures and diseases prevention to caries, OTC and prescription dental drugs and how these two
professions can collaborate

Environmental health:

About this a Pharmacists should adapt his methods of health educations. A Pharmacist role in
environmental health is related primarily to being alert to the conditions prevailing in the
community and of working with others to adequately control any of the attendant hazards all
elements of the natural environment can be altered, some time with harmful results.

Mental health: -

A Pharmacist should be aware of their local community mental health services, especially those
catering to ambulatory patients. The timely referral of patients exhibiting unusual behavior to these
facilities may be lifesaving, especially in those persons who demonstrate suicidal tendencies.


Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determination of health related events in specific
population and the application of this field in the control of these events. Epidemiology relates to
the interaction of hosts and their environment with attention to those particular agents in the
environment that are causal factors of disease. The alert Pharmacist who can apply the basic
principal of Epidemiology in their community will become a significant member of the health

Health measurement:

A Pharmacist in the health professional in the most frequent contact with the general public and
this function as a community health education makes the Pharmacist role unique. By staying
abreast of local health statistics Pharmacist can function as a valuable resource person to
researchers’ conduction epidemiological studies in the community.

Health education: -

The objective of health education is to provide the individualized information necessary for
patients to modify their behavior, all in an effort to live a healthier life. Pharmacists actively
promote good health practices through their own personal example and by reaching out to provide
professional information to the public. Many Pharmacists participate in patient health through the
use of pamphlets & bulletins that cover every medical subject imaginable.

Alcohols, Drug Abuse and Smoking Cessation

The diseases of alcoholism and drug abuse also come under the preview of the community
Pharmacist. The Pharmacist has a key role to help individuals who become dependent upon
alcohol. Drug abuse is similar to alcoholism yet different because it has been gaining more
acceptances among young people. It is the responsibility of a community Pharmacist to take an
active role in helping the smokers to stop smoking.

Vaccinations: -

Administering vaccines to patients and health care workers is enabling some health-system
Pharmacists to assume a prominent role in public health. Pharmacists have noticed that
immunization needs were not being met and, through their advocacy, increased the numbers of
patients and employees of health systems who have been vaccinated.

Family planning: -

Although pharmacies now dispense primarily modern products originating in large multinational
corporations, the community Pharmacist has not been replaced by any ultramodern technological
advance. Many thousand persons acquire family planning products in pharmacies. The Pharmacist
works many hours a day, is always available, and provides free advice to his clients. Pharmacists
are consulted daily on numerous topics, especially on family planning.

Cholesterol Risk Management:-

Patients randomized to Pharmacist intervention received education and a brochure on risk factors,
point-of-care cholesterol measurement, and referral to their physician, and regular follow-up for
16 weeks. Pharmacists faxed a simple form to the primary care physician identifying risk factors
and any suggestions. Usual care patients received the same brochure and general advice only, with
minimal follow-up.

Women Welfare-Pregnancy and Infant Care: -

Women health care is the first priority in India. Women are the corner stone for effective public
health and investing in women translate into investing in family, community and the Nation. The
pharmacist who understands the normal course of pregnancy and infancy is at a distinct advantage
as he or she can guide the mother in simple matters of hygiene and management. The community
pharmacist can encourage breast feeding and can play a major role by guiding the mother for the
protection of the child by following proper immunization schedule.

Individualization of Drug Therapy: -

. A physician who is preoccupied with patient diagnosis and treatment may not spare time for
patient counseling regarding Pharmaco-economics, drug information, alternative therapy, moral
supporting etc. A Pharmacist can set up a separate consultation room and provide counseling to
the patient. He can store the details of patient history, allergies and other details necessary for
therapy so that the concept of individualization of drug therapy could be implemented.

Radio pharmacy: -

This is a specialized area of pharmacy, where radioactive materials are produced as drugs for the
diagnostics of certain diseases like Thyroid problem by Iodine isotope. Here a Pharmacist has a
significant role to play.

Disease prevention: -

Three levels of prevention exist. Here pharmacists play a great role education

1) Primary: -

Primary prevention is helping people maintain their health or improve the quality of their lives
through a healthy lifestyle. An example of primary prevention is the control of infection through

2) Secondary: -

Secondary prevention in the early diagnosis and treatment of an already existing disease the use
of penicillin in the treatment of a streptococcal infection prevent the onset of rheumatic fever. Thus
a pharmacist can perform a vital service by advising patients, who present a febrile illness
characterized by a sore throat to see a physician.

3) Tertiary prevention: -

Tertiary prevention largely consists of rehabilitation. Most chromic disease cannot be cured but
their progress can be retarded with maximum benefit to the patient. Much can be done for instance
with rheumatoid arthritis to make patients more comfortable and more productive in their daily

Rational Use of Drugs:

A community pharmacist can also discuss with administration on the medication, provide
information on the storage of the medication and wherever necessary he can counsel the patient.
How many amongst the common people know that drugs such as Action 500, Coldarin can increase
blood pressure in patients having hypertension. Even pain shows difference between men and
women. Where women respond better to the opioids such as morphine, pentazocine and pethidine
men respond better to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, ibuprofen.

In Hospital management: -

A Pharmacist has a great role to play in hospital administration. The governing body has total
accountability within the organization’s structure in most hospitals. This board commonly hires a
CEO to lead the organization& make recommendations to the board. This offer is commonly
referred to as the CEO, president or superintendent. All this posts are restricted for only physicians
& Pharmacists. The responsibilities of a hospital Pharmacist is to develop a high quality
comprehensive pharmaceutical service, properly coordinate & meet the needs of the numerous
diagnostic &therapeutic departments, the nursing service, the medical staff, medical equipment of
hospital & the hospital as a whole in the interest of community improving patient care.

In the formulation & quality control of pharmaceutical products:

The formulation of any medication is only depended on Pharmacist. It is one of the important roles
of a Pharmacist. The physical, chemical & biological quality of a pharmaceutical product intended
for administration to patients in the home must be of the highest quality attainable. This quality
must be built in to the product in each step of the aseptic compounding process, that is, in the
starting components, the design & operation of the compounding facilities, the control of the
environment & the qualifications of operators contribute to the final quality of the product, either
in a positive or negative manner.

In the inspection & assessment of drug manufacturing facilities:

The important duty of a Pharmacist is inspect the pharmaceutical industries, their environment,
quality of medications, facilities & assesses the medications. In the assurance of product quality
through the distribution chain:

Distribution of medication is two types

1. from industry to market

2. from hospital to the patient

From industry to market: -

After produced, before sending to the market ensuring the quality of pharmaceutical products is
must, because it is directly related with life. Here only a Pharmacist plays a significant role.

From hospital to the patient (through prescription): -

The medication distribution system in hospitals is very complex & involves in several health care
professionals. The usual flow is physician prescribes, Pharmacist dispenses & nurses administer
medication. Here the Pharmacist, who dispenses, has the right to change the medicine which is
prescribed by the physician to ensure the quality of that medicine.

In drug procurement agencies:

The work of drug procurement agencies is to supply the medication & find out the possible
customer in home &abroad.

o Schnipper, J. L., Kirwin, J. L., Cotugno, M. C., Wahlstrom, S. A., Brown, B. A., Tarvin,
E., ... & Bates, D. W. (2006). Role of pharmacist counseling in preventing adverse drug
events after hospitalization. Archives of internal medicine, 166(5), 565-571.
o Ung, C. O. L. (2020). Community pharmacist in public health emergencies: Quick to action
against the coronavirus 2019-nCoV outbreak. Research in Social and Administrative
Pharmacy, 16(4), 583-586.

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