IBD Cover Letter

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Apart from my determination to excel, my passion in this field is undeniable.

I was fortunate to be a
part of the aspiring professional programme in 2013. From this experience, I realised that
investment banking is at the centre of global events; from politics to extreme weather, anything that
affects markets and their behaviour is relevant to their work. And no two days are the same because
every day something’s happening which influences the way people invest. Hence, I am motivated by
the prospect of expanding my knowledge of this dynamic industry at the best investment bank in the

Moreover, I am motivated by the prospect of participating in activities such as interactive elements

and case studies as this training session will help me improve by analytic skill. Furthermore, whilst I
was part of the aspiring professional programme, I met the amazing Antonia Teixeira whose
confidence and professionalism provides an example for me to lead to this very day. Hence, I am
motivated by the knowledge that I will have the opportunity to meet more inspiring women leaders
should I be accepted.

Whilst completing my studies, I have maintained good grades and have been involved in
extracurricular activities. I have held financial and administrative roles in the Young Enterprise team
where I scheduled meetings, took minutes and managed the budget. I developed the ability to think
independently as well as to take initiatives to contribute to the success of a group. Moreover, the
school entrusted me with the responsibility for the design, ad sales of the school leavers’
sweatshirts. Through this experience, I gained communication and listening skills as I took into
consideration the suggestions of 150 pupils whilst designing the product. I believe that this role
involves the ability to merge team work with being a self-starter. I am confident that my experiences
and skills provide the relevant foundations in this area.

In 1984, Ethiopia was a country that starved as a result of a politically induced famine hence Geldof’s
famous song “Do they know it Christmas?” was created. Fast forward 30 years, Ethiopia plans to
issue its first sovereign bond. It hopes to raise up to $1bn with a 10-year bond from foreign investors
with the help of JPMorgan as it embarks on an international roadshow. Ethiopia has now join a
growing number of African countries that have issued similar bonds. I found this interesting as I am
pleased to see that sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are taking advantage of the current high investor
interest however is the region repeating the same mistakes of the 1980s and 1990s by taking on too
much debt. This relates to JPMorgan as it has to ensure it provides good service to its client
(Ethiopian government) on the international road-show despite the fact that other SSA countries are
having repayment problems with similar bonds. At present, Ivory Coast and Seychelles have already
defaulted on their sovereign debts, Gabon and Ghana (countries with relative strength in export
earnings) are struggling to find money for the repayment of their soon to mature Eurobond.

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