Pavitra Reddy IJCIET - 09 - 03 - 020

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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018, pp. 178–186, Article ID: IJCIET_09_03_020

Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Pavithra Reddy S J
Department of Civil Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India

Department of Civil Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India

Dr. Premanand Shenoy

Managing Partner, Roy & Shenoy Consultancy, Mangalore, India

Slabs are the structural components which comprise major portion of the building.
For general typical buildings the cost of the slab is about 20 to 25 percent of the total
cost of the building. Thus economical design of slab will contribute largely to the
economical design of whole structure. In most of the practical situations we may come
across irregular slabs, circular or triangular slabs, slabs with large openings, slabs
supported on two or three edges only, and slabs carrying concentrated loads. Yield
line analysis is a powerful and versatile tool for treating such problems. These
problems may not be able to be solved by other available methods as these methods
are restricted to some constraints like, slab panels must be square or rectangular, they
must be supported along two opposite sides or two pairs of opposite sides etc.
The aim of this study is to apply the yield line theory for rectangular slab by using
the virtual work principle and obtain a general relationship between the ultimate load
and desired arrangement of reinforcement in a slab and also generate nomograms for
frequently used slabs.
Keywords: Slabs, Yield Line, Ultimate Load, Ultimate Moment, Virtual work.
Cite this Article: Pavithra Reddy S J, Ravindranatha and Dr. Premanand Shenoy,
Nomograms for Anisotropically Reinforced Rectangular Slab, International Journal of
Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(3), 2018, pp. 178–186. 178

Pavithra Reddy S J, Ravindranatha and Dr. Premanand Shenoy

Buildings are the structures which are made of different components like beams, columns,
slabs, walls, foundation etc. Each of these components play their role in transferring and
distributing the load coming on the structure to the soil. Slabs are the structural components
which comprise major portion of the building. Most often they are used as floors and ceilings.
In most of the habitable buildings a large part of imposed loads like the movement of people,
furniture, ceiling fans, and dead load like floor finishes etc. first act on the slab which is
further transferred to the foundation through beams and columns. Thus it is important that
vital care is taken in the design of slabs.

1.1. Importance of Yield line Analysis in the Design of Slabs.

Yield line analysis is a powerful and versatile tool for designing slabs of regular or irregular
shapes. A yield line is a crack in a reinforced concrete slab across which the reinforcing bars
have yielded and along which plastic rotation occurs. When a slab is loaded to failure, yield
lines form in the most highly stressed areas and these develop into continuous plastic hinges.
These plastic hinges develop into a mechanism forming a yield line pattern. Yield lines divide
the slab up into individual regions, which pivot about their axes of rotation. This method of
analysis is an upper bound approach. The ultimate load of the slab system is estimated by
postulating a collapse mechanism that is compatible with the boundary conditions. The
moments at the plastic hinge lines are the ultimate moments of resistance of the sections, and
the ultimate load is determined using the principle of virtual work.
The region of the slab between the lines of plastic hinges are not examined to ensure that
these moments do not exceed the ultimate moments of resistance of the sections, but the
ultimate moments of resistance between the lines of plastic hinges will be exceeded only if
incorrect collapse mechanism is used. Thus all the possible collapse mechanisms of the slab
must be examined to ensure that the load carrying capacity of the slab is not overestimated.
Yield line analysis for slabs was first proposed by Ingerslev and was greatly extended by
Johansen. Early publications were mainly in Danish, and it was not until Hognestad’s English
language summary of Johansen’s work that the method received wide attention. Since that
time, a number of important publications on the method have appeared.

1.2. Important Properties of Yield Line Patterns

The important properties of yield line patterns are:
 Axes of rotation generally lie along lines of support and pass alongside any columns.
 Yield lines are straight.
 Yield lines between adjacent rigid regions must pass through the point of intersection
of the axes of rotation of those regions.
 Yield lines must end at a slab boundary.
 Continuous supports repel and simple supports attract positive or sagging yield lines.

1.3. Objective of the Study

The present work aims to prepare nomograms for frequently used slabs from which additional
reserves of strength of existing slabs can be analysed and when used for design reinforcement
detail is obtained. 179

Nomograms for Anisotropically Reinforced Rectangular Slab

2.1. Determination of Collapse Load by Principle of Virtual Work
The principle of virtual work states that, if a system in equilibrium under a system of forces,
undergoes a deformation, the work done by the external forces equals the work done by the
internal stresses due to those forces.
To analyze a slab by virtual work method a yield line pattern is postulated for the slab at
the ultimate load. The segments of the yield line pattern may be regarded as rigid bodies
because the slab deformation with further deflection occur only at yield lines. The segments
of the slab are in equilibrium under external loading and the bending and the torsional
moments and shears along the yield lines. A convenient point within a slab is chosen and
given a small virtual displacement ∆ in the direction of the load. Then the resulting
displacements at all points of the slab, ∆(x,y), and the rotations of the slab segments about the
yield lines, may be found in terms of ∆ and the dimensions of the slab segments. Work will be
done by the external loads and by the internal actions along the yield line. The internal work
done on the slab will be the sum of the rotations in the yield lines multiplied by the resisting
ultimate moments, while the external loss of work will be the sum of the loads multiplied by
their respective deflections. When the internal and external work is equated, the relation
between the ultimate resistance moments in the slab and the ultimate load will be obtained.
The external work can be written as
External work =∑ ∫ ω ∆ dA Eqn. 1.1
ω = Ultimate uniform distributed load / unit area of the slab
∆ = Deflection on the element
dA = Unit area (dx × dy)
The integral is necessary because the load need not be constant over the rigid region.
The internal work is the work absorbed by rotation of yield lines and it is generally
express as
Internal work =∑ ∫ mθ ds Eqn. 1.2
m = normal moment per unit length at a point in yield line.
θ = Total rotation of yield line.
ds = Short length of yield line at that point.
The integral is necessary because the moment across the yield line can vary along the
length, due to change in thickness of slab or in reinforcement spacing.
Therefore the general expression is
∑ ∫ ω ∆ dA = ∑ ∫ mθ ds.
The reactions at the supports will not contribute to the work, as they do not undergo
displacement. The work done by the internal actions at the yield lines will be only due to the
bending moments, because the work done by the torsional moments and shear forces is zero
when summed over the whole slab. This follows because the actions on each side of the yield
line are equal and opposite as shown in Fig 1 and for any displacement of the yield line
pattern there is no relative movement between the sides of the yield line corresponding to the
torsional moments and shear forces. 180

Pavithra Reddy S J, Ravindranatha and Dr. Premanand Shenoy

Figure 1 Actions at the yield line.

However there is relative movement corresponding to the bending moments, since there is
a relative rotation between the two sides of the yield line. Thus the work done at the yield
lines is due to only the ultimate bending moments.

2.2. Serviceability and Deflection Criteria

Yield Line Theory concerns itself only with the ultimate limit state. The designer must ensure
that relevant serviceability requirements, particularly the limit state of deflection, are satisfied.
Deflection of slabs should be considered on the basis of elastic design. Usually, deflection
may be checked by using span/effective depth ratios with ultimate moments as the basis. Such
checks will be adequate in the vast majority of cases.

2.3. Slabs Supported on All Four Sides

Figure 2 Rectangular slab supported on all four sides

The above figure represents the yield line pattern of a rectangular slab supported on all
four sides and subjected to uniformly distributed load all over the slab. The constants K1, K2,
K3 and K4 are the fixity costants of the four edges . K takes the value of 1 if the edge is fixed
and it takes the value of 0 if it is simply supported.
The general equation for ultimate load of a rectangular slab supported on all four sides is
given by:
W=6μm(1+K1) /𝒉𝟏𝟐
W is the ultimate load bearing capacity of the slab
μ is the ratio of moments
h1 is determined by solving the quadratic equation as fallows: 181

Nomograms for Anisotropically Reinforced Rectangular Slab

h12/6μ(1+K1)+(h22*h1*((1+K1)1/2+(1+K3)1/2)))/(L(1+K2)*3(1+K1)1/2) - h22 L/2L(1+K2) =0



(√ )
h3= - h1

2.4. Slabs Supported on three Sides

Figure 3 Rectangular slab supported on all four sides

The above figure represents a rectangular slab supported on only 3 edges and subjected to
uniformly distributed load all over the slab. K1 and K2 are the fixity constants of the short
edge and long edge respectively. When the slab is supported on only 3 sides, two types of
critical yield line patterns are possible as shown in fig. When x is less than l/2, the failure
pattern is of case 1 type and when x = l/2 the failure pattern is of case 2 type.
The general equation for ultimate load carrying capacity of rectangular slab supported on
three sides is as fallows.
Case 1:
W= (6(2μ(1+𝑘1)𝑏2+2𝑥2+𝑘2𝑙𝑥))/(𝑏2𝑥(3𝑙−2𝑥))
Case 2:
Where, l is length of the slab
b is breadth of the slab 182

Pavithra Reddy S J, Ravindranatha and Dr. Premanand Shenoy


3.1. Rectangular Slab Supported on Four Sides

Figure 4 Graph for rectangular slab simply supported on all four edges
The above graph represents the variation of ultimate load carrying capacity(W) against the
spacing of reinforcement along width (SB) of a rectangular slab of length 6m and width 4.5m,
simply supported on all 4 sides, spacing along length(Sl) being 150mm, Fy=415KN/m2, fck=
25kN/m2, thickness of slab(t) = 130mm and diameter of bar (dia) = 8mm.
 The above graph shows that, for a particular spacing of reinforcement along the length
of the slab, as the spacing along the width of slab increases the ultimate load carrying
capacity of the slab is decreases.
 When the variation of spacing along the length of the slab is included in the graph,
then it is a nomogram.
 Using these nomograms for any given spacing along length and width of the slab, the
ultimate load carrying capacity of the slab is easily determined.
The nomogram generated for the above given slab is:

Figure 5 Graph for rectangular slab simply supported on all four sides 183

Nomograms for Anisotropically Reinforced Rectangular Slab

Many such nomograms can be generated for slabs for various dimensions, compressive
strength, yield strength and diameter of the bar. Similar nomograms are generated for slabs
fixed on all four sides.

Figure 6 Graph for rectangular slab fixed on all four sides

The above graph represents the variation of ultimate load carrying capacity(W) against the
spacing of reinforcement along width (SB) and spacing along length (Sl) of a rectangular slab
of length 6m and width 4.5m, simply supported on all 4 sides, Fy=500kN/m2, fck= 30KN/m2,
thickness of slab (t) = 120mm and diameter of bar (dia) = 8mm.

Figure 7 Graph for rectangular slab fixed on all four sides

3.2. Rectangular Slab Supported on Three Sides

Figure 8 Graph for rectangular slab simply supported on 3 sides 184

Pavithra Reddy S J, Ravindranatha and Dr. Premanand Shenoy

The above graph represents the variation of ultimate load carrying capacity(W) against the
spacing of reinforcement along width (SB) and spacing along length (Sl) of a rectangular slab
of length 6m and width 4.5m, simply supported on three sides, Fy=415kN/m2, fck= 30kN/m2,
thickness of slab (t) = 120mm and diameter of bar (dia) = 8mm.
The black dotted line in the graph represents the partition before which the slab fails by
Case 2 pattern and after which it fails by Case 1 pattern.
The most common example for a rectangular slab supported on three sides is a Balcony.
Considering a typical balcony of 3m length and 4.5m width, fixed on one long side and
simply supported on both shorter side, the nomogram obtained is as fallows.
The yield line pattern of this slab is of Case1 type.

Figure 8 Graph for typical balcony slab simply supported on two short edges and fixed along a long

Using the nomograms for given characteristics of the slab, the ultimate load carrying capacity
of the slab can be easily determined.
These nomograms are the ready reckoner for the design of slabs using yield line analysis.

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