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Chapter test 25 Basic genetics

Ch 25 Basic genetics
Name:____________________ Class___________( ) Mark:_______

Section A
1 The flower colour of a plant is controlled by a pair of alleles. The diagram below shows
three crosses and their results.

Cross I Cross II Cross III

purple flowers
purple flowers purple flowerswhite flowers purple flowerspurple flowers
× × ×

40 purple flowers 20 purple flowers 31 purple flowers

18 white flowers 9 white flowers

Which of the following observations best supports that purple flower colour is the dominant
A All offspring in cross I have purple flowers.
B Some offspring in cross II have white flowers.
C Some offspring in cross III have white flowers.
D The ratio of offspring having purple flowers to offspring having white flowers in
cross II is about 1:1.

2 The pedigree below shows the inheritance of a kind of muscular dystrophy in a family. The
disease is caused by an allele.

1 2 normal female

diseased female
3 4 5 6 7
normal male

diseased male
8 9 10

Which of the following about the allele of the disease is correct?

A dominant and located on autosomes
B dominant and located on X chromosomes
C recessive and located on autosomes
D recessive and located on X chromosomes

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Chapter test 25 Basic genetics

3 The pedigree below shows the inheritance of a kind of inherited deafness in a family. The
disease is caused by a recessive allele on X chromosome.

1 2 3 4
normal female

diseased female
5 6
normal male

diseased male
7 8

Which of the following about the genotypes of the family members must be correct?
A Individual 2 carries an allele for the disease.
B Individual 4 is heterozygous.
C The genotype of individual 6 cannot be determined.
D The allele for the disease of individual 8 comes from individual 1.

4 A couple, both having normal colour vision, are of blood group AB and blood group O
respectively. Which of the following is/are the possible phenotype(s) of their children?
(1) A red-green colour-blind daughter of blood group A
(2) A red-green colour-blind son of blood group B
(3) A son with normal colour vision and of blood group AB
A (2) only
B (3) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (2) and (3) only

5 In fruit flies, sex is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes. Females have two X
chromosomes in their cells while males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. A
red-eyed male fruit fly was crossed with a white-eyed female fruit fly. The table below
shows the numbers of fruit flies with different phenotypes in the F1 generation and the F2
generation which was obtained from crossing the F1 fruit flies.
F1 generation F2 generation
Red-eyed male 0 26
Red-eyed female 27 24
White-eyed male 23 25
White-eyed female 0 23

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Chapter test 25 Basic genetics

Which of the following statements about the crosses is/are correct?

(1) One of the parent fruit flies is heterozygous in eye colour because red-eyed and white-
eyed fruit flies in F1 generation is 1:1.
(2) Crossing over occurred during gamete formation of F1 fruit flies because red-eyed male
and white-eyed female appeared in F2 generation.
(3) The eye colour of the fruit flies is sex-linked because the phenotype of the white-eyed
female parent was passed on to the male F1 fruit flies.
A (1) only B (2) only
C (3) only D (2) and (3) only

6 One son and one daughter of a couple suffer from haemophilia. Other sons and daughters
are normal. Which of the following are the possible phenotypes of the couple?
A Both of the couple are normal.
B The husband is normal while the wife suffers from haemophilia.
C The husband suffers from haemophilia while the wife is normal.
D Both of the couple suffer from haemophilia.

7 Alan and Andy are fraternal twins. Which of the following contributes most to the
difference in the genetic make-up of their X chromosomes?
A Mutation occurred during embryo development
B Crossing over occurred during sperm formation
C The environment in which they grew up was different
D Random fertilization of gametes

8 The graphs below represent the effects of an environmental factor on two characteristics of
an organism.
Characteristic P Characteristic Q

phenotype phenotype

environmental factor environmental factor

Which of the following about the two characteristics are probably correct?
(1) Characteristic P is usually the same in identical twins.
(2) Characteristic Q is controlled by one gene only.
(3) There is a wide range of varieties in characteristic Q in the population.
A (1) and (2) only B (1) and (3) only

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Chapter test 25 Basic genetics

C (2) and (3) only D (1), (2) and (3)

9 A karyotype of an individual is shown below.

Which of the following can be concluded by observing the karyotype?

(1) The individual is a male.
(2) The karyotype is obtained from a sperm.
(3) The individual does not suffer from genetic diseases.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (2) and (3) only

10 Which of the following statements about the relative amounts of different bases in a DNA
molecule is/are correct?
(1) The percentage of base C in each strand must be the same as the percentage of base G
in the same strand.
(2) The percentage of base C in the two strands must be the same as the percentage of base
G in the two strands.
(3) The sum of the percentages of bases C and G in each strand must be the same as the
sum of the percentages of bases C and G in the other strand.
A (2) only
B (3) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (2) and (3) only

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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Chapter test 25 Basic genetics

Section B
1 To study the effects of genetic and environmental factors on the development of two diseases,
scientists collected data on the occurrence of the diseases in pairs of identical twins and adopted
children in hundreds of families. In each pair, one of the children is known to have one of the
diseases and scientists observed whether the other child also has the same disease. The diagram
below shows the results.

identical twins

60 adopted children
pairs suffering from the same disease (%)



disease X disease Y

a Explain the advantage of including identical twins in the study. (2 marks)

b Compare the effects of genetic factors on the two diseases. Give one piece of evidence
to support your answer. (3 marks)

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Chapter test 25 Basic genetics

2 Diabetes insipidus is a disease in which the body produces large volume of dilute urine. The
disease can be caused by a recessive allele. The pedigree below shows the inheritance of the
disease in a family.

1 2 normal female

diseased female

3 4 5 6 normal male

diseased male

7 8

a A genetic test showed that individual 2 does not carry any allele for the disease. With
reference to the pedigree and the given information, explain why the disease is
probably sex-linked. (3 marks)

b Individual 5 is pregnant and will give birth to a baby girl. Without using a genetic
diagram, explain why it is not possible that this baby girl inherits the disease. (5 marks)

3 In a certain species of flies, eye colour and wing shape are controlled by two different
genes. The diagram below shows the two genes.

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Chapter test 25 Basic genetics

gene controlling eye colour

gene controlling wing shape

homologous chromosomes

A student carried out a breeding experiment on two groups of pure-bred flies. One of them
has red eyes and normal wings, and the other has bronze eyes and stunted wings. All the F1
flies have bronze eyes and stunted wings.
a Which allele of each gene is dominant? Explain your answer with reference to the
information provided. (3 marks)

b The student then crossed the F1 flies with pure-bred flies having red eyes and normal
wings. The table below shows the number of flies with different phenotypes in the F2
Phenotype Number of individuals
Bronze eyes and normal wings 23
Bronze eyes and stunted wings 245
Red eyes and normal wings 237
Red eyes and stunted wings 24

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Chapter test 25 Basic genetics

With reference to the events that occur during meiotic cell division, explain why the
phenotypic ratio of the offspring in the F2 generation is different from that predicted by
Mendel’s laws of inheritance. (4 marks)

Section C Higher order thinking question

4 In 1944, scientists Avery, MacLeod and McCarty performed an experiment to find out the
nature of the genetic material. Two strains of bacteria were used in the experiment. S strain
can cause disease in rats and R strain does not. But when S strain passes its genetic material
to R strain, R strain can be transformed to S strain and cause disease.

The diagram below summarized their experiment. RNase and DNase are enzymes which
catalyse the breakdown of RNA and DNA respectively.
extract nucleic acids and
add protease add DNase
add RNase

cell extract of
S strain bacteria

transfer transfer transfer

culture containing living R strain bacteria

flask I flask II flask III

S strain bacteria
S strain bacteria appeared S strain
bacteria did not appear

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Chapter test 25 Basic genetics

a Explain how the results of the experiment support that DNA is the genetic material.
(3 marks)

b State how DNA determines the characteristics of organisms. (2 marks)

- End -

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Chapter test Answers

A Multiple-choice questions
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C
6 C 7 D 8 B 9 A 10 D

B Conventional questions
1 a Identical twins are genetically identical / have the same genetic make-up. 1
All the differences in their phenotypes should be due to environmental factors. 1
b Disease Y is more affected by genetic factors compared with disease X. 1
The difference between the percentages of identical twins and adopted children
suffering from the disease is larger. 1
This indicates the genetic similarity has a larger effect on whether the two children
share disease Y. 1
2 a If the gene for the disease is located on autosomes, individual 2 must have two normal
alleles. 1
He must have passed a normal allele on to individual 4. 1
Having a normal allele which is dominant, individual 4 must be normal. 1
However, from the pedigree, individual 4 has the disease. Thus the disease is probably
b Individual 6 is a male. He has only one X chromosome. 1
Being normal, he must have a normal allele on his X chromosome 1
and this X chromosome must be passed on to his daughter. 1
As the normal allele is dominant over the diseased allele, this allele must express.
Therefore, the baby girl will be normal even if she receives a diseased allele from
individual 5. 1
3 a As both parents are pure-bred flies, the F1 flies are all heterozygous for both eye colour
and wing shape. 1
In heterozygous condition, dominant alleles express while recessive alleles
are masked. 1
Therefore, the allele for bronze eyes and the allele for stunted wings are dominant.
b The two genes are located on the same pair of homologous chromosomes. 1
F1 flies, which are heterozygous for both of the characteristics, produce two types of
gametes: one type containing an allele for red eyes and an allele for normal wings, and
the other containing an allele for bronze eyes and an allele for stunted wings. 1
Random fertilization of gametes produces two types of offspring: one type having red

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Chapter test Answers

eyes and normal wings and the other type having bronze eyes and stunted wings.
The occurrence of the offspring with the other two phenotypes is probably due to
crossing over, which results in new combinations of alleles in gametes. 1

C Higher order thinking question

4 a In flask III, DNase is added and all the DNA in the cell extract of S strain bacteria
should be broken down. 1
The only difference between flasks II and III is the presence of DNA. 1
The results show that DNA is needed for the transformation of R strain bacteria to S
strain bacteria, so DNA is the genetic material. 1
b The base sequence of DNA in genes determine the amino acid sequence in
polypeptides and hence the type of proteins a cell makes. 1
This in turn determines the body characteristics of an organism. 1

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