Sample Plan - Discussion Essay Block Pattern

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UU114: English for Academic Purposes

Discussion essay – Block pattern
Assignment Question: Examine the advantages and disadvantages for individuals
and society of the reliance on communicating via computers.

C: communicating via computers

L: advantages and disadvantages, individuals and society
D: Examine (Discussion essay)

Context: Communication OR Technology
Subject: Communicating via computers
Limited Subject: Advantages and disadvantages, reliance, individuals and society
Issue: What are the advantages and disadvantages for individuals and
society of the reliance on communicating via computers?

Thesis statement: There can be both advantages and disadvantages for individuals
society of the reliance on communicating via computers.

Supports for the thesis

Side 1: Benefits
Argument 1: Immediacy
Details: Messages get delivered faster
Examples: Chatting on Facebook messenger or email

Argument 2: Self-Disclosure
Details: Shy people or introverts get opportunity
Examples: Putting up profiles on professional networking sites for job

Argument 3: Broader Network

Details: Easy interaction with people near and far
Example: Job interviews, relationship Facebook/emails, matrimonial sites
Transition paragraph: However, there is another side to this argument. The
reliance of communicating via computers can also pose disadvantages to individuals
and society. The drawbacks can be lack of privacy, distraction from real life and cost of

Side 2: Drawbacks
Argument 1: Lack of Privacy

Details: Discussion of some family event or sharing moments with family and
images and pictures visible to all members

Examples: on Facebook timeline or other social networking site

Argument 2: Decline of Grammar and Spelling

Details: Increased texting and chatting

Upsurge of acronyms, abbreviations and, quite simply, lazy language

Examples: Before – b4, today – 2day, use of emoticon/emoji.

Argument 3: Cost of Communication

Details: Cost of computers and other peripheries hardware
Cost of software and non-perishables

Example: Computer, router, cables, camera, speakers, data (internet

connectivity), electricity bill


Restatement of thesis: Relying on communication via computers can pose both

benefits and drawbacks to individuals and society.

Implication: The disadvantages including lack of privacy, distraction from real

life and cost of communication outweigh the advantages.

Recommendation: Use moderately

Final thought: Priorities vs demands of modern lifestyle

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