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Distance Learning Term II – Technical English Exam Duration: 80 minutes June 29th, 2019

Section I: Read the text and do the activities in A and B below

Our HR Strategy at Cimentos de Moçambique Company is to attract the best people, develop their full potential and keep
them here. Attract, develop and keep! But HR covers many responsibilities, including recruitment, staff development,
negotiating with works councils and trade unions on working conditions and salaries, pensions planning, company strategy
and staff appraisal. There are difficult times too, especially when the economy takes a dip and we have to lay people off.
Most companies have to downsize sometimes, and that is always a difficult part of the HR manager’s job.
Apprail is a key HR activity. Appraisal is a system to monitor performance at work by interviewing staff. We listen to what
they say about their work and responsibilities, their careers and personal development, and working relationships. We
appraise the employee, but the employee also appraises the job and their performance, their role in the company, even their
line manager. I think the key is to appraisal is two-way communication. The key is to listen to employees. We want them to
say what they think.
Cimentos de Moçambique is a big company, so another HR role is expatriation. This is placing employees aboard, usually
with a subsidiary. We help people with the decision to go abroad because the move must be good for them, and for us. If
expatriation does not work out, this is usually because of relationship problems, especially if the employee’s partner is
A lot of women work in human resources, probably because it attracts people who like you communicate and love working
with people. Women seem to like HR, and also marketing, and other sectors like education, health and social welfare. All
these areas are about communication.

A) Answer the questions

What is the most difficult part of the HR manager’s job? _____________________________________________________
What’s meant by appraisal? ____________________________________________________________________________
What does the writer say is the key to good appraisal? _______________________________________________________
What is expatriation? _________________________________________________________________________________
Why does expatriation sometimes not work out? ____________________________________________________________
Why do a lot of women work in HR? _____________________________________________________________________
B) Choose a correct underlined word from the text and much it with its correct definition
1. Governmental provision of economic assistance to persons in need. _________________________________________
2. An organisation representing and defending those who develop labour activities. _______________________________
3. Dismissing, usually for economic reasons. ______________________________________________________________
4. A periodical advisory and support discussion between staff members and management. __________________________
5. An elaborate and systematic plan of action. _____________________________________________________________
6. The acquisition of skills and knowledge, both for personal development and for career advancement. _______________

Section II: a) Complete the names of the Company departments in the definitions
1. _ _s____h and __v_l_p__n_is connected with studying new ideas and planning new products.
2. _cc_ _ _ _ s keeps record of the money coming in and going out.
3. _d_ _ _ _ st_ _ _ _ _ n is involved with managing and organizing the work of a company.
4. H_ _ _n r_s_ _ _c_s deals with employees keeps their records and helps with any problems they might have.
5. S_ _ _s and m_ _k_ _ _ _g deals with selling and promoting its products.

b) Choose the correct answer for each question below. Simply circle the letter.
1. I enjoy helping other people design their websites. This aspect can be included in
A. special skills B. interests C. Achievements D. profile
2. Many people are under stress when _______ a valuable contact or when working to _______ deadlines
A. dealing/ narrow B. negotiate/ narrow C. dealing/ tight D. negotiating/ tight
3. Choose the best answer to this question. Would you mind working on Fridays?
A. well, in fact my CV says everything B. how often will that be? C. That would fine if it’s up to 12 o’clock
4. Having to ________ a formal meeting or to ______ a presentation to senior executives can cause stress.
A. lead/show B. direct/ show C. lead/ speak D. direct/ speak
5. Employers can decide the best type of people to recruit _________________
A. through selection and placement B. by fixing the job specifications
C. through the human resources planning. D. by fixing primary duties and responsibilities
6. Why is people management different from other managerial roles?
A. it involves recruiting, selection and training B. it involves hiring, training and development
C. it involves managing, hiring, firing and evaluate D. it involves recruiting, training and discipline
7. The primary people-management responsibilities are:
A. effective communication, delegation of tasks and guiding employees towards same objectives
B. developing new skills and knowledge and improving performance
C. motivating, engaging and committing employees to the work
8. The four kinds of Job specifications are:
A. physical, mental, behavioural and environmental B. behavioural, social, physical and professional
C. behavioural, emotional, physical and professional D. physical, mental, emotional and behavioural
9. The kinds of recruitment are:
A. internal, external and situational B. internal and external
C. situational, environmental and external D. internal, external and environmental
10. To improve workforce diversity, managers need to
A. widen their scope of recruitment B. select the best candidates for the available vacancies
C. identify and attract potential candidates D. evaluate candidates for future employment
11. The end product of the job analysis process is
A. job description B. the selection C. the job specification D. job satisfaction
12. Job Description includes…
A. Job title, working hours, Duties and, etc B. Experience, Family background, Training, etc
C. Qualifications, Interpersonal skills, etc D. Working Conditions, Salary, Qualifications, etc
13. HR development programmes prepare employees for ...
A. job promotion and development B. training in new HR management skills
C. functions of the human resource management D. higher level responsibilities within the organisation
14. Both training and development aim at ...
A. satisfying the social needs of employees B. involving employees in charity activities
C. improving performance and productivity D. motivating employees
15. Training is a program organized by the organization to ...
A. develop knowledge and skills in the employees B allow job promotion and development
C. improve the performance and productivity D. training new HR management teams
ISGECOF - Technical English Term Main Exam for HRM/ EaD 2019 – Lecturer: David Lugundu; MA, MBA GOOD WORK

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