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Journal of Marine Science and Application


Evaluation of the Hydrodynamic Performance of Planing Boat with Trim

Tab and Interceptor and Its Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm
Abdollah Sakaki 1 & Hassan Ghassemi 1 & Shayan Keyvani 1

Received: 30 December 2017 / Accepted: 8 May 2018

# Harbin Engineering University and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Nowadays, several stern devices are attracting a great deal of attention. The control surface is an effective apparatus for improving
the hydrodynamic performance of planing hulls and is considered an important element in the design of planing hulls. Control
surfaces produce forces and a pitching moment due to the pressure distribution that they cause, which can be used to change the
running state of high-speed marine boats. This work elaborates a new study to evaluate the hydrodynamic performance of a
planing boat with a trim tab and an interceptor, and optimizes them by using an optimization algorithm. The trim tab and the
interceptor have been used to optimize the running trim and motion control of semi-planing and planing boats at various speeds
and sea conditions for many years. In this paper, the usage of trim tab is mathematically verified and experimental equations are
utilized to optimize the performance of a planing boat at a specificd trim angle by using an optimization algorithm. The genetic
algorithm (GA) is one of the most useful optimizing methods and is used in this study. The planing boat equations were
programmed according to Savitsky’s equations and then analyzed in the framework of the GA-based optimization for perfor-
mance improvement of theplaning hull. The optimal design of trim tab and interceptor for planing boat can be considered a multi-
objective problem. The input data of GA include different parameters, such as speed, longitudinal center of gravity, and deadrise
angle. We can extract the best range of forecasting the planing boat longitudinal center of gravity, the angle of the trim, and the
least drag force at the best trim angle of the boat.

Keywords Trim tab . Interceptor . Drag force . Genetic algorithm . Optimization algorithm

1 Introduction high speed (Fn > 0.7) (Blount and Codega 1992). A vessel is
planing when the Fn is greater than 1.2 (Fn > 1.2) (Benford
The concept of planing boat was introduced in the late nine- 1991). We cannot set a clear line of demarcation between plan-
teenth century. The planing hull form remains one of the most ing and non-planing conditions simply by referring to the
effective designs for high-speed marine vehicles that are Froude number. During planing, the weight of the vessel is
employed in military, commercial, and recreational activities. mainly supported by hydrodynamic pressure loads. The hydro-
Prediction of the forces acting on a planing hull is required for dynamic pressure both lifts the vessel and affects the trim angle.
hull form design, and knowing the performance of high-speed The vessel motion changes dynamic pressure distribution,
vessels in different conditions is of great importance. At the trim, and draft of a planing boat. Trim variations may cause
direct motion of a vessel, a pressure distribution is created at additional resistance in the planing boat and create instabilities
the bottom of the vessel, thereby causing vessel trim and such as porpoising instability in the planing boat (Ikeda and
resistance. Katayama 2000). Therefore, the trim needs to be controlled in
Hydrostatic pressure is generated at low speed (length Froude high-speed boats.
number, Fn < 0.5), and hydrodynamic pressure is produced at The study of planing surfaces was initiated by Sottorf.
Hydrodynamic experiments were conducted to obtain the
most favorable forms for planing boats, flying boats, and sea-
* Hassan Ghassemi plane floats with respect to water resistance and seaworthiness
(Sottorf 1934). An important study on planing boats was con-
ducted at the Davison Laboratory at the Steven Institute of
Department of Maritime Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology in 1947.
Technology, Tehran, Iran
Journal of Marine Science and Application

The hydrodynamic characteristics of prismatic planing sur- Moreover, for the same hull form, a forward LCG location
faces were discussed and empirical planing equations were increases the dynamic wetted surface area to which all the
given, which describe the planing-surface lift, drag, wetted displacements converge (Metcalf et al. 2005).
area, pressure distribution, impact factor, wake shape, spray Begovic and Bertorello attempted to study the effect of
formation, dynamic stability, and parallel planing surface variation of deadrise angle and introduced four hulls. In three
(Savitsky 1964). Subsequently, several other studies were models, deadrise angle varied from the stern to the bow of the
conducted, such as the experimental and theoretical study of boat. Their observation indicated the complex behavior of the
Brown on planing surfaces with trim tabs. His experiments wetted area and the stagnation line angle. The reported results
were conducted on a 10° deadrise prismatic planing surface can be a useful reference when dealing with pre-planing and
over a range of speed both with and without full-span and planing hull form. They highlighted a speed range where the
half-span trim flaps fitted at the transom. The lift, drag, and warping of hull bottom and the increased deadrise angles of
pitching moment characteristics are summarized in a planing the forward part of the hull do not significantly affect the
formula that accounts for the effect of transom flaps and in- hydrodynamic resistance and identify a relative speed range
cludes the flap hinge moments (Brown 1971). where they can be comparable to medium-deadrise
A few years later, another paper was published by monohedral. This conclusion encourages the scheduled re-
Savitsky and Brown on the effects of controlling the search on seakeeping and dynamic instability evaluation of
trim tabs. Other subsequent studies are related to the non-monohedral forms aimed at providing a complete refer-
pre-planing resistance of transom stern hulls, the effec- ence for planing hull form design. They also showed that keel
tiveness of trim control flaps, the effect of bottom warp wetted length increases with an increase in the speed of the
on planing efficiency, the influence of reentrant transom warped hulls, whereas it decreases in the prismatic body
forms, and the seakeeping of planing hulls (Savitsky (Begovic and Bertorello 2012).
and Brown 1976). Since then, the study of trim control Three different planing hulls were introduced by Kim for
system became popular, and their usage in controlling improving performance and seakeeping. The third model has
the additional trim of planing hulls became the focal favorable resistance and seakeeping performance among the
point of other studies. The most well-known trim con- three model ships. Its hull form will be optimized to improve
trol device of the high-speed planing boats might be the its hydrodynamic performance in the near future. Moreover,
trim tab. stern appendages may be effective for reducing its required
In addition to empirical works for predicting the performance power. For good seakeeping performance, the bow shape is to
of planing hulls, several other studies investigated the perfor- be designed as a wave-piercing type (Kim et al. 2013).
mance of planing hulls through mathematical models. The most A parametric study on the effects of trim tabs on the run-
famous and usable method for predicting the performance of the ning trim and resistance of planing hulls was conducted by
planing hull is the model suggested by Savitsky (Savitsky 1964; Ghadimi et al. The effects of trim tab in two different practical
Savitsky and Brown 1976). As mentioned earlier, Savitsky’s situations were examined. The results for both high-speed
original method was further developed by Savitsky and boats with an optimized deflection angle show that if the plan-
Brown, and a comprehensive study was conducted to extract a ing hull is constructed and difficulties occur with the trim
mathematical model for predicting the performance of planing angles, the best way to save the hull is to use either a fixed
hulls with trim tabs in different situations, such as smooth and or a controllable trim tab. However, this approach may in-
rough water (Savitsky and Brown 1976); Savander et al. (2002); crease the resistance (Ghadimi et al. 2014).
(Matveev and Ockfen 2009; Ferrando and Gaggero 2015; Veysi The evolution of stern appendages in later years has led to
et al. 2015; Brizzolara and Vernengo 2016). new contributions. The increase in the size and performance
Resistance tests of a systematic series of US Coast Guard of some large yachts has been accompanied by the develop-
planing hulls were performed by Metcalf. They presented trim ment of innovative trimming systems (Deakin and Scarponi
angle and resistance of four models in various conditions in- 2009). Another study, which involved a series of model tests
cluding different displacements and various centers of gravity to compare and determine the roles of the interceptor and the
(CGs). One finding is related to the effect of longitudinal trim tab, was suggested by MDI company using interceptors
center of gravity (LCG) location on the resistance per pound of different heights but the same span size. Test results clearly
of displacement. A favorable result was obtained with aft show the hydrodynamic advantages of interceptors over trim
LCG location at higher speeds and forward LCG location at tabs at different heights (Maritime-Dynamics Inc. 2011).
lower speeds. In addition, dynamic wetted surface area data A preliminary study of a new stern device to improve the
revealed an interesting trend with regard to high speed and the efficiency of a fishing vessel was performed in 2010. The
variation of displacement. The dynamic wetted surface area of project focused on the study of hydrodynamics at the stern
a particular hull form and LCG location for all displacements to achieve advantages, such as consumption reduction and
converge to the same value once the hull form is planing. other improvements in some navigation parameters. A
A. Sakaki et al.: Evaluation of the Hydrodynamic Performance of Planing Boat with Trim Tab and Interceptor and Its...

particular type of experimental device with a combination of performance of a planing boat with a trim tab control system.
depth and position was designed and tested in a fishing vessel. For this purpose, the mathematical formulation of Savitsky’s
Sea experiences have proven the validity of such a device in a method and the effects of trim tab on forces and center of
transom stern fishing boat. These results show the benefits in pressure are explained. The procedure of Savitsky’s modified
the performance of the boat obtained by using the device with method for planing hulls equipped with trim tabs is then in-
a combination of angle and depth (Peláez et al. 2010). troduced in a code. After presenting the code and validating
Brizzolara used an interceptor at the maximum height of the code, with the use of the genetic algorithm (GA), the hull is
200 mm on the steering interceptor of STENA HSS-1500 optimized to diminish the drag force of the trim tab at a spe-
vessel with 127 m overall length and 40 knot speed cific trim angle. The proposed method is used to examine the
(Brizzolara 2003). Molini and Brizzolara introduced a poten- performance of a planing hull, as analyzed by Savitsky and
tial flow model to predict pressure and lift force in front of the Brown (Savitsky and Brown 1976). Finally, the improvement
interceptors (Brizzolara and Molini 2005). Hydrodynamics of of the hydrodynamic performance of a planing boat with a
the interceptor on a 2D flat plate was studied by using com- trim control system by using GA is studied.
putational fluid dynamics (CFD) and experiments by
Mansoori and Fernandes at the Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro. Results show that the increase in pressure at the end of 2 Hydrodynamic of Planing Boat
the flat plate was proportional to the interceptor height. In
addition, the existence of interceptors can significantly in- Planing hulls operate at different speed ranges, namely, dis-
crease the lift force coefficient at high angles of attack propor- placement, cruising, and planing ranges of speed. However,
tional to the interceptor height (Mansoori and Fernandes different optimum trim angles exist for each operating speed.
2015). Improving the planing hull performance at different operating
Mansoori and Fernandes analyzed the hydrodynamics of speeds requires continuous control of the trim angle during
the interceptor analysis by conducting ultra-reduced model operation. Trim tabs and interceptors were considered in this
test and dynamic CFD simulation. Results show that the in- research as controlling devices of boat trim angles. These de-
terceptor causes an intense pressure gradient, decreasing the vices can be continuously adjustable to provide suitable trim
wet surface of the vessel and, quite surprisingly, the resistance. angles at any operating speed and loading condition.
This paper shows that, within a range, a better trim control is To fully understand the effects of trim tabs and interceptors,
possible. The height of the interceptor has an important effect a short introduction about the mechanics of ships and planing
on interceptor efficiency, and it should be especially selected boats is given. Trim tabs are well-known appendages with a
according to the length of the vessel and boundary layer thick- relatively small size and are constructed in the form of a pro-
ness at the transom (Mansoori and Fernandes 2017a). truding aft plane at an angle as an extension of the lower
Another study on the interceptor was conducted in 2016 by surface of the hull. The most significant geometric parameters
Mansoori in cooperation with Fernandes and presented an of a trim tab shown in Fig. 1 are
interceptor hydrodynamic analysis for controlling the
porpoising instability in high-speed boats. Findings show that & chord length (chord),
the interceptor causes intense pressure at the stern bottom. It & size through the aft beam (span), and
also decreases the trim and resistance of the vessel and in- & trim tab angle (angle).
creases the lift force coefficient, which directly affects the
porpoising instabilities. Results indicate that the interceptor
can completely control the porpoising phenomenon Other aspects of the design of a trim tab are profile, varia-
(Mansoori and Fernandes 2016). tions in the thickness, and agreement with the hull. Trim tabs
The latest research in this area was performed by Mansoori are used to
and Fernandes to study the combination of an interceptor and
trim tab to prevent the negative effects of the interceptor. Their & reduce operating costs and life cycle,
results prove that the combination of an interceptor with a trim & save fuel,
tab shows better performance than either an interceptor or a & increase the speed of the boat, and
trim tab alone. Also, instead of increasing the interceptor & decrease the amount of pollutants emitted into the
height to gain more lift, which could result in an intense neg- atmosphere.
ative trim, the use of an interceptor integrated with a trim tab is
better (Mansoori and Fernandes 2017b). The evolution of the stern apparatus has led to new contri-
Hydrodynamic performance can be evaluated by using butions in recent years. The increase in size and performance of
stern appendages. We focused on trim tab and interceptor in some large yachts has been accompanied by the development
this study, and investigated the evaluation of hydrodynamic of innovative trimming systems (Deakin and Scarponi 2009).
Journal of Marine Science and Application

Its schematic representation is of a metal plate embedded

vertically in the stern, covering a portion of the aft beam and
with its lower edge protruding vertically below the transom
(Fig. 2). The interceptor is used to improve the hydrodynamics
performance of planing and semi-planing boats. Interceptors
are vertical blades installed symmetrically aft of the boat.
The interceptors cause changes in pressure magnitudes
around the vessel bottom and especially at the end of the hull
where they are located. The pressure variations have an effect
on resistance, draft height, and lifting forces, which may result
in improved control of the trim. On the basis of the latest
scientific achievements, the interceptor height should not be
higher than 60% of the boundary layer thickness at the tran-
som. For optimum efficiency, when the interceptor height
equals 60% of the boundary layer thickness, the interceptor
span length should be seven times the interceptor height
(Mansoori et al. 2017). The magnitude of the lift created by
the trim tab and the interceptor normally depends on their
Fig. 1 Trim tab features
dimension and flow velocity. However, other parameters
may influence the effectiveness of the trim tab and interceptor.
Figure 3 shows the effect of the arrangement of the trim tabs
The horizontal equilibrium of a planing boat with a trim tab
and interceptors on the modification of the added lift of the
and an interceptor is
boat whereby the resistance of the boat can be reduced and the
attitude of the vessel can be controlled. T cosðτ þ εÞ ¼ Rcosτ þ N sinτ þ LTrim‐tab sinðτ þ δÞ
This case is defined by a few variables that are related to the
geometry of the planing body and the trim tab. Moreover, the þ DTrim‐tab cosðτ þ δÞ ð5Þ
design speed and mass of the planing body are included. With
The pitching moment equilibrium of a planing boat with a
these variables, the output will be the trim angle and total
trim tab and an interceptor around the CG is calculated by
resistance. Computer programs have been specially designed
to perform an optimization process and develop design con-
tours for the best operating trim and optimum resistance.

2.1 Governing Equilibrium Equation

Planing boat theory was explained in the introduction, but a

better look on how the forces react on a planing hull is essen-
tial. Figure 4 shows the main forces that act on planing boats
with a trim tab and an interceptor.
Vertical equilibrium is given by
Δ0 ¼ N cosτ þ T sinðτ þ εÞ−Rsinτ ð1Þ

Horizontal equilibrium is

T cosðτ þ εÞ ¼ Rcosτ þ N sinτ ð2Þ

The pitching moment equilibrium around the CG equals

Nc þ Ra−Tf ¼ 0 ð3Þ

The vertical equilibrium of a planing boat with a trim tab or

an interceptor is given by
Δ0 ¼ N cosτ þ T sinðτ þ εÞ−Rsinτ
Fig. 2 Interceptor features
þ LTrim‐tab cosðτ þ δÞ−DTrim‐tab sinðτ þ δÞ ð4Þ
A. Sakaki et al.: Evaluation of the Hydrodynamic Performance of Planing Boat with Trim Tab and Interceptor and Its...

2.2 Governing Lift and Drag Equation

The lift force in the planing surface can consist of two

separate effects: dynamic reaction against the moving sur-
face and buoyant lift associated with the static pressure
corresponding to a given draft and trim. The total hydro-
dynamic drag of a planing surface consists of pressure
drag force developed by dynamic pressure acting normal
to the bottom and viscous drag acting tangential to the
bottom in both pressure and spray areas. If side wetting
occurs, then this additional component of viscous drag
must be added to the hydrodynamic drag acting on the
bottom of the planing surface.
Fig. 3 Illustration of physical phenomena associated with interceptor (a) Therefore, the lift coefficient is the parameter that gives
and trim tab (b) enough force to lift the planing body and is presented as fol-
Nc þ Ra−Tf þ LTrim‐tab ðLCG þ bÞ þ DTrim‐tab ðVCG þ d Þ ¼ 0 ð6Þ F Lβ ¼ Mg→C Lβ ¼ ð10Þ
0:5ρV 2 B2
where b is the horizontal distance from the trim tab lift force The planing boat method of Savitsky is used to calcu-
center to the transom, and d is the vertical distance from the late all the parameters that affect the running state of a
trim tab drag force center to the keel. planing boat. Although some assumptions are made in the
The vertical equilibrium of a planing boat with an intercep- computation, this method is the most common tool that is
tor is given by used to analytically describe a planing hull. First, the lift
coefficient of a planing boat with a deadrise angle β is
Δ0 ¼ N cosτ þ T sinðτ þ εÞ−Rsinτ
given by
þ LInterceptor cosτ−DInterceptor sinτ ð7Þ
C Lβ ¼ ð11Þ
The horizontal equilibrium of a planing boat with a trim tab 0:5ρV 2 B2
and an interceptor is where Δ is the boat’s mass, ρ is the density of water, V is
T cosðτ þ εÞ ¼ Rcosτ þ N sinτ þ LInterceptor sinτ the velocity, and B is the beam. The lift coefficient for the
planing hull when modeled as a flat plate, CL0, is
þ DInterceptor cosτ ð8Þ
C L0 ¼ C Lβ þ 0:0065βC L0
The pitching moment equilibrium of a planing boat with a
trim tab and an interceptor around the CG is calculated by where λ is the running mean wetted length-beam ratio
(Lm/B) and is calculated through an iteration of the fol-
Nc þ Ra−Tf þ LInterceptor  ðLCGÞ þ DTrim‐tab  ðVCG þ kÞ ¼ 0 lowing equation:
ð9Þ   2:5 
C L0 ¼ τ 1:1
0:012λ þ 0:0055
where k is the vertical distance from the interceptor drag force FnB 2
center to the keel (Fig. 5).
where τ is the trim of the planing boat and FnB is the

Fig. 4 Equilibrium of forces acting on a planing boat with a trim tab Fig. 5 Equilibrium of forces acting on a planing boat with an interceptor
Journal of Marine Science and Application

beam Froude number. The total hydrodynamic drag Thus,

(DTotal), consists of both pressure drag resistance (Dp)    
and friction drag resistance (Df), which is 1 Btanβ 1 Btanβ
LK ¼ 2λB þ ; LC ¼ 2λB− ð26Þ
2 πτ 2 πτ
DTotal ¼ DP þ D f ð14Þ
DP ¼ F Lβ τ ¼ Δtanτ ð15Þ Now the friction drag resistance, pressure drag resistance,
and total drag resistance can be calculated. The mean velocity
In this study, the skin friction coefficient (CF) is calculated over the bottom of the planing surface, Vm, is
by using the ITTC-57 formula. rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi!
C Lβ
Vm ¼ V ð27Þ
D f ¼ 0:5ρV 2m SC F ð16Þ λcosτ
Where: The distance between CG and the center of pressure where
C F ¼ C F;ITTC þ ΔC F ð17Þ the hydrodynamic lift force acts is
0:075 c ¼ LCG−l P ¼ LCG−C P λB ð28Þ
C F;ITTC ¼ 2
h ðlogRe−2Þ i 0 1
ΔC F ¼ 111ðAHR; V Þ0:21 −404 C 2F;ITTC ð18Þ B C
l P ¼ λBB C
B0:75−  2 C ð29Þ
VLk m 2 @ FnB A
Re ¼ →υ ¼ 1:19  10‐6 ; AHR ¼ 150  10‐6 5:21 þ 2:39
υ s λ 2

where the Reynolds number is Re and the kinematic viscosity

To decrease the complexity of the planing hull shape
of the water is υ. After obtaining the Reynolds number and S,
and the fluid flow, the following assumptions are used in
the frictional drag can be calculated.
the Savitsky method: the running trim is in a steady state,
S ¼ S1 þ S2 ð19Þ the spray root line is considered straight, the deadrise
angle is constant over the entire wetted area, and a hard-
0 1 chine form is observed.
tan2 β B
B  B
2 C Some restrictions exist with the use of the Savitsky method
S1 ¼  C ð20Þ
sinβ 4@ 1 þ z max
A for the planing hull, i.e., λ ≤ 4, τ ≤ 15o. To prevent porpoising,
Vt the trim angle should be less than the critical trim angle (τ
< τcrit). Critical trim angle is found by using Celano’s critical
B trim angle formula (Faison 2014)
S2 ¼ LC ð21Þ
cosβ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi !
C Lβ ‐0:2629
τ crit ¼ 0:1197β 0:7651
exp 15:7132 β ð30Þ
Here, β and τ are in radian. In the calculation, the wetted 2
length LK and LC can be obtained as follows
When lP ≠ LCG the hydrodynamic force will cause a trim
0:5ðLK þ LC Þ moment about CG, and the trim moment must be generated by
¼λ ð22Þ
B the lift force on trim tabs. According to the equilibrium of
LK −LC ¼ xS
moment about the CG

Thus, M Trim‐tab þ F Lβ ðl P −LCGÞ ¼ 0 ð31Þ

LK ¼ ð2λB þ xS Þ ð23Þ
2 The lift force due to the trim tab is

LTrim‐tab ¼ 0:5ρV 2 LCTrim‐tab BC LTrim‐tab ð32Þ

LC ¼ ð2λB−xS Þ ð24Þ
2 where LCTrim − tab is the chord length of the trim tab and is
calculated by
From B2 ¼ 2tanβ xS τ, we know C LTrim‐tab ¼ 2πsinαTrim‐tab ð33Þ
xS ¼ ð25Þ If we assumed the center of the lift force of trim tab locates
xCP Trim‐tab ¼ 0:75LCTrim‐tab from the trailing edge, then the
A. Sakaki et al.: Evaluation of the Hydrodynamic Performance of Planing Boat with Trim Tab and Interceptor and Its...

positive αTrim ‐ tab is used to acquire the downward lift force on 3 Computational Procedure and Validation
the trim tab. Thus, the distance from the center of the lift to the Case
CG is
3.1 Computer-Aided Program for Equilibrium Trim
xl ¼ ðLCTrim‐tab −0:75LCTrim‐tab Þ þ LCG ð34Þ
A computer program has been specially created to determine
Thus, the trim tab moment is the optimal resistance and the equilibrium trim angle. Through
an iterative process, the developed program is designed to use
M Trim‐tab ¼ F LβTrim‐tab  xl ð35Þ planing hull data to determine all forces and moments acting on
that hull for a range of a boat’s velocities. This computer-aided
Therefore, we obtained the equations program is also equipped to improve the Savitsky prediction of
the planing boat resistance at a cruising speed range. To illus-
0:5ρV 2 LC Trim‐tab BC LTrim‐tab  ð0:25LCTrim‐tab þ LCGÞ ¼ M Trim‐tab ð36Þ
trate the process clearly, a flowchart is provided in Fig. 7.

We can prove that these two equations are equivalent.

Thus, we can use one of them to obtain the possible combi- 3.2 Verification of Computer-Aided Program
nation of chord of the trim tab LC TB and the trim tab angle. with Experimental Data
Dawson and Blount presented a way to find the equivalent
interceptor dimensions if the interceptor and the trim tabs are The results of the written computer-aided program are com-
assumed to have the same width (Dawson and Blount 2002; pared with the results obtained by Savitsky and Brown
Brizzolara and Villa 2009). First, the interceptor angle is given (Savitsky and Brown 1976). This case is pertinent to a planing
by (Fig. 6) boat with a trim tab whose characteristics are described in
Table 1. After computer program verification, the program
αInterceptor ¼ 0:175αTrim‐tab þ 0:0154α2 Trim‐tab ð37Þ might be developed to add the process of controlling the trim
angle by using different controlling devices such as a trim tab
and an interceptor. Also, the program can be developed to
The chord length of the interceptor is equal to the height of
achieve the optimum trim angle through a proposed optimiza-
the interceptor (hInt) and is calculated by Eq. (38)
tion process, to attain the best regimes of the operating trim.
As seen in Table 1, the span of the trim tab is exactly equal
LCInterceptor ¼ →αInterceptor ¼ 90o →LCInterceptor to the beam of the planing hull, thereby implying that the trim
sinαInterceptor tab uses the whole beam. This type of trim tab is called full-
¼ hInterceptor ð38Þ span trim tab, and the cord of the trim tab is equal to 1. Results
of this case study are shown in Table 2 and compared against
the original results of Savitsky.
According to Brown formulas, while using the equivalent
Table 2 shows that the results are fairly close. The trim
angle for the interceptor, the interceptor-added lift coefficient
angle has a 2.41% error, while the total resistance has a
is equal to (Brown 1971)
1.51% error. These errors are attributed to the number of used
decimals and can be natural.
C LInterceptor ¼ 0:046 αInterceptor
B ð39Þ
→LInterceptor ¼ 0:5C LInterceptor ρB2 V 2

Furthermore, the added drag is calculated by

DInterceptor ¼ 0:0052LInterceptor αInterceptor þ τ ð40Þ

According to the moment equilibrium of the planing boat

with interceptor about the CG
M Interceptor þ F Lβ ðlP −LCGÞ ¼ 0
→M Interceptor ¼ LInterceptor  LCG Fig. 6 Configuration of the transom and equivalent angle for the
Journal of Marine Science and Application

Table 2 Comparison of Savitsky’s results and the computer-aided pro-

gram’s results

Savitsky’s results Calculated (paper results)

Trim angle/(°) 2.9 2.97

Total resistance/N 72 061 73 151

survives with high probability. Furthermore, the population of

the next generation is formed by crossover and mutation. As
alternation of generations proceeds, individuals with higher
fitness increase, and the most suitable solution is provided.
The above is a basic concept of GA.
In general, an individual is expressed by a binary string of 0
or 1 of the suitable number per one design variable in GA, and
this binary string is transformed to the design variable, which
Fig. 7 Flowchart of the computational process of the computer-aided
program is a real number. The chromosome of each individual is
expressed by binary strings of the same number as the number
3.3 Optimization of Hydrodynamic Performance of the design variables. Spaces expressed by binary strings
of Planing Boat Using Trim Tab and Interceptor and real numbers are called genotype and phenotype spaces,
respectively. The mapping from phenotype to genotype is
The basic theories used in this paper are the analytical evaluation called coding.
of a planing boat with a trim tab and an interceptor and multi- Shape optimization in ship hydrodynamics using CFD was
objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) for the optimization pro- performed by Campana and Peri. In this paper, the optimiza-
cess. To achieve an optimum planing boat, some constraints tion was performed by using GA (Campana et al. 2006).
could be considered objective functions that are used in Gaggero and Gonzalez attempted to design contracted and
MOGA. In this study, optimization is conducted to optimize tip-loaded propellers by using boundary element methods
the resistance at a specific trim angle. The optimization is per- and to perform optimization by using GA (Gaggero et al.
formed to achieve the minimum resistance and trim angle at a 2016). The drag force optimization of a planing craft with a
specific speed. Therefore, no limitation in trim angle exists. trim control system by using GA was conducted by Sakaki et
GA is a heuristic search and optimization technique inspired al. (2017). The fully automatic optimization chain was imple-
by natural evolution. It has been successfully applied to a wide mented by adopting the modefrontier optimization environ-
range of real-world problems of significant complexity. GA is a ment to interface the Friendship-Framework (parametric def-
stochastic optimization technique inspired by the evolution pro- inition of the hull shape), the CFD codes developed by
cess of natural life. In GA, selection is performed in the popu- CETENA S.P.A. (to predict the steady wave resistance and
lation of a certain generation so that an individual with high unsteady seakeeping performances of each design candidate),
fitness to the objective function in the optimization problem and MOGA (Biliotti et al. 2011).

Table 1 Case of
Savitsky and Brown Model of Savitsky and Brown features

Mass/kg 84 444
Beam/m 7.32
LCG from stern/m 10.675
VCG/m 0.5
Deadrise angle β/(°) 15
f/m 0.6
ε /(°) 0
Design speed/kn 25.4
Flap chord/m 0.305
Span/m 7.32 Fig. 8 Total resistance force of a planing hull in terms of velocity (bare
Flap deflection δ/(°) 5 hull, with a trim tab and an interceptor)
A. Sakaki et al.: Evaluation of the Hydrodynamic Performance of Planing Boat with Trim Tab and Interceptor and Its...

Table 3 General information about MOGA

MOGA settings

Type of parameter Rate or type of consideration

Population size 50
Iteration 750
Type of mutations Random number generation
Percentage of crossover/% 50
Type of crossover Two-point crossing over
Percentage of recombination/% 15
Type of selection Random selection Fig. 9 Total resistance force of a planing hull in terms of LCG (with trim
tab and an interceptor)

affect the performance of a planing boat with a trim tab and an

In this study, the input variables (lcg, β, and V) are assumed as
interceptor are boat velocity, LCG, and deadrise angle. After
the genotype and output variables (resistance and trim angle) as
optimizing the planing boat with a trim tab via GA, the optimum
the phenotype on both of which the genetic operations are ap-
resistance at a specific trim angle for the model of Savitsky and
plied. In each generation, selection functions pick the most sig-
Brown (Savitsky and Brown 1976) is R = 67 072.69 at a specific
nificant genes as the parents of the next generation and then the
trim angle of 1.924°.
crossing-over procedure is performed on them. Random genes
After optimization with the use of GA, the total resistance of
are added to the population as mutation functions, and this pro-
the planing boat with a trim tab is decreased to 6.9% at a trim
cedure is repeated until the ultimate criteria are established.
angle of 1.924° and LCG is 12.42 m from the transom. The
Different conditions can be set to stop the problem. In this paper,
optimization of the total resistance of a planing boat with an
the condition was to reach the number of iterations, which is set
interceptor caused a 7.26% decrease in the trim angle to 1.98°
to a maximum of 750. The flowchart of the optimization process
and LCG of 12.57 m from the transom. The results of GA opti-
approach is shown in Fig. 8. Any evolutionary optimization al-
mization of resistance force variation are presented in Figs. 10
gorithm needs to be configured by settings. The parameters for
and 11 with a trim tab and an interceptor, respectively.
this paper are shown in Table 3.

4 Results 5 Conclusions

The results for the planing hull with a trim tab and an interceptor The major goal of this paper was to evaluate and optimize a
are summarized in Table 4. The total resistance force of the planing boat with an interceptor and a trim tab. The effects of
planing hull with a trim tab and an interceptor in terms of velocity the trim tab and the interceptor in the same situations were stud-
and LCG are shown in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. The hydrody- ied separately. Overall, the planing boat with an interceptor ex-
namic performance of a planing boat with a trim tab and an hibits better reduction in resistance force than the planing boat
interceptor were optimized by MOGA, which was described in with a trim tab. The trim installation mechanism, such as an
the beginning of Section 3.3. Some important parameters that can interceptor or a trim tab, increases the lift forces and consequently
leads to trim control, lower draft height, and less drag forces.
Table 4 Results of GA for the case of Savitsky and Brown (Savitsky
and Brown 1976)

Savitsky’s GA GA
results optimization optimization
with trim tab with interceptor

Total resistance/N 72 061 67 072.69 66 823.51

Trim angle/(°) 2.9 1.924 1.98
Velocity/(m·s−1) 25.4 25.4 25.4
LCG/m 10.675 12.42 12.57
Deadrise 15 15 15
angle/(°) Fig. 10 Total resistance variation for a planing hull with a trim tab during
optimization by GA
Journal of Marine Science and Application

B Breadth of the boat

V Boat velocity
g Gravitational acceleration
Df Frictional resistance
S Wetted surface of the boat
v Kinematic viscosity of the water
α Trim tab angle
xcp Center of lift force of trim tab
xl Distance from the center of lift force of trim tab to center of
LCG Longitudinal center of gravity
VCG Vertical center of gravity

Fig. 11 Total resistance variation for a planing hull with an interceptor

during optimization by GA
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