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Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006;47:710–713

Mechanisms of Action of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in the

Treatment of Immune Thrombocytopenia
Andrew R. Crow,1,2,4 Seng Song,2,4 Vinayakumar Siragam,1,2,4 and Alan H. Lazarus1,2,3,4*

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is currently used to treat a discussed herein. We have also demonstrated that soluble immune
multitude of autoimmune disorders including immune thrombocy- complexes can completely recapitulate the therapeutic effects of
topenic purpura (ITP), yet the mechanism of action of IVIG remains IVIG in ITP, and recent work from us has identified activating Fcg
unresolved. Using a murine model of ITP in which IVIG functions receptors on CD11cþ dendritic cells as the relevant molecular target
therapeutically, our laboratory has addressed such theories of IVIG in the acute resolution of murine immune thrombocytopenia.
as blockade/inhibition of the mononuclear phagocytic system, This and other work to devise antibody-based IVIG alternative
cytokine regulation, and neutralization of pathogenic autoantibodies therapies will also be addressed. Pediatr Blood Cancer
mediated by anti-idiotypic antibodies, and these findings will be 2006;47:710–713. ß 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: immune complex; intravenous immunoglobulin; ITP

INTRODUCTION such as immune complexes or IgG-opsonized platelets

(reviewed in [7,8]). Blocking the FcgRI seems to have no
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is an auto-
effect in ITP [9] and IVIG ameliorates immune thrombocy-
immune disease characterized by the production of platelet-
topenia in mice genetically deficient in FcgRI [10]. Murine
reactive autoantibodies which result in thrombocytopenia.
studies have shown that administration of a blocking FcgRII/
Platelet clearance occurs via phagocytosis in the mono-
III monoclonal antibody (2.4G2) prevented clearance of
nuclear phagocytic system (MPS). One successful treatment
IgG-sensitized RBC [11]. We have also shown that antibody
for ITP and a host of other autoimmune diseases is intra-
2.4G2 ameliorates murine immune thrombocytopenia,
venous immunoglobulin (IVIG). IVIG is prepared from large
although not nearly as efficiently as IVIG or other mono-
pools of plasma, typically from more than 5,000 healthy
clonal antibodies which mimic the effects of IVIG or
blood donors. The first description of the treatment of
polyclonal anti-D in the treatment of murine ITP [12,13].
individuals with ITP with IVIG was by Imbach et al. [1] who
Although competitive MPS blockade appears to be the
reported that high-dose administration of IVIG resulted in a
one of the most accepted mechanisms to explain the effects of
rapid reversal of thrombocytopenia in children. IVIG’s exact
IVIG in ITP, some patients have responded to F(ab0 )2
mechanism of action in ameliorating ITP remains poorly
fragments of IVIG, which have essentially no FcgR-binding
understood. This review will address current research being
activity [14,15]. This suggests that other mechanisms may
done on IVIG in ITP, with an emphasis on work being done in
contribute to inhibiting thrombocytopenia. In addition, a
our lab to understand IVIG’s mechanism of action and to
recent report [16] has demonstrated that IVIG can ameliorate
develop alternative therapies.
thrombocytopenia induced by anti-platelet antibodies that
appear to function independent of FcgR expression [17]. It
Mononuclear Phagocytic System (MPS) Blockade
has also been shown that IVIG is ineffective at treating ITP in
It was initially postulated that the therapeutic activity of mice that lack the inhibitory receptor FcgRIIB [10]. We have
IVIG in the amelioration of ITP was due to competitive found that IVIG blocks the ability of the MPS to clear
inhibition of activating Fcg receptors (FcgR) on phagocytic labeled, opsonized RBC in these FcgRIIB deficient mice
macrophages within the MPS by IVIG-sensitized erythro- (Fig. 1). Since mice that lack FcgRIIB do not benefit from
cytes [2,3]. The most direct early evidence that MPS IVIG administration (discussed in the next section) but
blockade by IVIG could rescue antibody-sensitized cells nevertheless undergo MPS blockade by IVIG, either IVIG
from phagocytosis was experiments carried out by Fehr et al.
[4], who showed that in patients with ITP who had not — —————
undergone splenectomy, IVIG treatment prolonged the in The Canadian Blood Services, Toronto, Ontario, Canada;
vivo clearance of radiolabeled, antibody-sensitized RBC. We Department of Laboratory Medicine, Toronto, Ontario, Canada;
Departments of St. Michael’s Hospital, Medicine, and Laboratory
have also demonstrated that IVIG [5] and therapeutic soluble Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
immune complexes (sICs) [6] block the clearance of Canada; 4The Toronto Platelet Immunobiology Group, Toronto,
opsonized, labeled RBC in a murine model of ITP. Ontario, Canada
Four classes of activating FcgR are expressed on *Correspondence to: Alan H. Lazarus, Transfusion Medicine
phagocytic effector cells in the MPS: the high affinity FcgRI, Research, St. Michael’s Hospital, 30 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario,
which binds monomeric IgG, and the lower-affinity receptors Canada M5B 1W8. E-mail:
FcgRIIA, FcgRIII, and FcgRIV which bind complexed IgG, Received 20 June 2006; Accepted 20 June 2006
ß 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
DOI 10.1002/pbc.20980
Treatment of Immune Thrombocytopenia 711

complex or with FcERI in mast cells results in cell inhibition,

mediated by recruitment of the inositol phosphatase SHIP1 to
the cytoplasmic tail of the FcgR (reviewed in [19]). Whether
or not this pathway is involved in IVIG action, however, has
not been established, and we have found that the individual
expression of SHIP1, (and two other potential signaling
mediators, SHP-1 and Btk) are not required for IVIG action
in amelioration of immune thrombocytopenia [18], and thus
IVIG may use a more complicated mechanism to initiate the
amelioration of immune thrombocytopenia than solely
effects through the inhibitory FcgRIIB.

Other Mechanisms
Fig. 1. IVIG blocks the MPS in FcgRIIB deficient mice. FcgRIIB IVIG has been demonstrated in a number of studies to
deficient (FcgRIIB/) mice were injected intraperitoneally with have immunological effects on the cellular immune response
nothing (Nil) or 2 g/kg IVIG (‘‘Gamimune’’ 5%, Bayer, Inc, Elkhart,
itself (reviewed in [20]). While work in our laboratory has
IN). Twenty-four hours later, all mice were injected intravenously
with RBC that had been opsonized with the RBC-specific monoclonal revealed that neither B, nor T cells are required for the acute
antibody TER-119 and fluorescently labeled with the dye PKH26 protective effect of IVIG [5], and that IVIG acutely
essentially as described in [13]. At 3, 10, 30, 120, and 960 min ameliorates murine ITP independent of the presence of
postinjection, all mice were bled and the total number of RBC as well as TNF-a, IFN-g IL-12b, MIP-1a, IL-2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 15, or 21
the percentage of fluorescently labeled RBC were counted by flow
[21], numerous studies have nevertheless demonstrated
cytometry as described in [13]. The percentage of labeled cells at 3 min
was considered 100%. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.005 compared with Nil, modulation of synthesis and secretion of various pro- and
using Student’s t test. n ¼ 4 mice per time point. anti-inflammatory cytokines both in vivo and in vitro after
exposure to IVIG [22–24]. Whether or not these cytokines
does not function via MPS blockade, or RBC clearance, as are merely a side effect of IVIG administration or actually
assessed by the MPS blockade assay, may occur by a different play a role in IVIG function remains unclear.
mechanism than platelet clearance in murine ITP. Indeed, Another proposed mechanism for IVIG function involves
preliminary experiments in our laboratory have found IVIG the regulatory properties of a subset of antibodies called anti-
ineffective at preventing RBC clearance in a murine model of idiotypic antibodies, that is, antibodies which react with the
autoimmune hemolytic anemia (SS & AHL, unpublished antigen combining (or idiotypic) region of other antibodies
observations, 2006). Taken together, these data suggest that (reviewed in [7,20]). The potential role that anti-idiotype
either IVIG does not ameliorate thrombocytopenia by MPS antibodies may play in the amelioration of ITP has been
blockade or that antibody-mediated clearance of platelets difficult to ascertain with in vivo studies. Berchtold et al. [25]
and RBC may occur via different pathways, and thus anti-D demonstrated that IVIG contains antibodies that can bind to
and IVIG may indeed function by different, but not neces- and neutralize the effects of autoantibodies directed against
sarily mutually exclusive, pathways as we have recently anti-aIIbb3 (glycoprotein IIb/IIIa, a major target of auto-
suggested [12]. These data suggest that while IVIG may antibodies in ITP). In contrast to these findings, Barbano et al.
indeed block MPS function in normal mice, this event may [26] found IVIG to be ineffective at autoantibody neutraliza-
not be related to the platelet recovery seen in ITP. tion in ITP patients. Work from our own laboratory has shown
that the anti-idiotype antibodies present in IVIG are not
Inhibitory FcgRIIB required in the amelioration of thrombocytopenia a murine
model of ITP [5]. In addition, we found IVIG to be ineffective
The concept of MPS ‘‘blockade’’ has implied a more
at neutralizing the anti-platelet antibody used to induce
passive role for IVIG, namely competitive inhibition by
passive murine ITP, both in vitro and in vivo [5].
IVIG-generated immune complexes and opsonized platelets
for occupancy of activating FcgRs in the MPS. However,
work from Samuelsson et al. [10] has shown that IVIG IVIG REPLACEMENT THERAPIES
requires the presence of the inhibitory IgG receptor,
Monoclonal IVIG
FcgRIIB, for preventing the induction of thrombocytopenia
in a murine model of passive ITP. We have confirmed this, Polyclonal anti-D (a type of IVIG) consists of IgG
and extended these observations by demonstrating that IVIG selectively taken from the plasma of donors immunized to the
also requires this receptor for elevating platelet counts in D antigen. It was first used in ITP by Salama et al. [2,3] who
mice with established immune thrombocytopenia [18]. How postulated that the success of IVIG in treating ITP was due to
IVIG functions via FcgRIIB is unclear. It is known, however, competitive inhibition of the MPS by sensitized RBC. Since
that co-crosslinking of FcgRIIB with the B cell receptor anti-D is considered to be ineffective in patients who are Rh D
Pediatr Blood Cancer DOI 10.1002/pbc
712 Crow et al.

antigen negative, MPS blockade has been considered to be engages and hyper-crosslinks activating FcgR), followed
the major mechanism of action of anti-D. Work in our by reinfusion of these DCs back into the individual. This
laboratory has shown that IVIG can be replaced by may provide a novel high-potency therapeutic for ITP and
monoclonal anti-RBC (or ‘‘anti-D like’’) antibodies in the possibly other autoimmune diseases as well.
treatment of murine ITP [13]. These antibodies were as In summary, while IVIG is used worldwide to treat ITP
efficacious as IVIG in treating thrombocytopenia at dosages and a multitude of other autoimmune diseases, its mechanism
of 1,000 times less than IVIG. These antibodies functioned of action remains unclear. IVIG demonstrates the ability
independent of FcgRIIB expression, and unlike IVIG, to block MPS function, regulate FcgR expression and to
significantly down-regulated the functional level of expres- modulate the immune system. Work by our group and others
sion of the activating FcgRIIIA in splenic macrophages [12]. has and will continue to shed light on the function of this very
Thus not only do monoclonal anti-RBC antibodies offer a complex therapeutic. Finally, although human-derived IVIG
potential substitute for IVIG or anti-D, but also due to the fact is considered safe, there will always exist the possibility of
that anti-D like antibodies appear to function by a different viral and/or prion contamination. Thus recombinant IVIG
mechanism than IVIG, they may be successful in patients that replacement therapies such as monoclonal antibodies to
are refractory to IVIG treatment. soluble antigens may not only prove to be more beneficial
therapies than IVIG but will, due to their recombinant nature,
Immune Complexes will be free of any potentially harmful infecting contami-
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surface or soluble antigens [27–29], and it has been reported
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Pediatr Blood Cancer DOI 10.1002/pbc

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