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Calculation Grating for Catch Basin

Height of bearing bar h = 3 cm

Thickness of bearing bar b = 0.5 cm
Pitch of bearing bar t = 4 cm
Pitch of cross bar = 10 cm
Clear span L = 100 cm

Reduction factor v = 1
Material = S235JR
Maximum material stress fyk = 23.5 kN/cm2
Modulus of elasticity E = 21000 kN/cm2
Safety factor according to RAL-GZ 638 :
Side of load gq = 1.5
Side of stress gm = 1

Fv = evenly distributed live load (kN/m 2)

f = deflection under load (cm)
s = material stress (kN/cm2)
Ed = load design value (kN/cm 2)
Rd = design value of bearing bar capacity (kN/cm 2)
Wreal = moment of resistence of bearing bar (cm 3)
Ireal = moment of Inertia (cm4)
Md = design value for maximum bending moment (kNcm)
Mk = characteristic value for maximum bending moment (kNcm)
For stress define as : uniformly distributed load of 2.5 kN/m2

Fv denotes maximum uniformly -distributed load acting on the entire grating unit surface area

Mk = Fv * t * L 2 = 2.5*10^-4*4*100^2/8 = 1.25 kNcm


Md = g q * Mk = 1.5*1.25 = 1.88 kNcm

n = 1 bar

Wreal = b * h2 *n*v = 0.5*3^2 *1*1 = 0.75 cm3

6 6

Ed = s = Md = 1.88 = 2.50 kN/cm2 < Rd Ok

Wreal 0.75

Rd = fyk = 23.5 = 23.5 kN/cm2

gm 1

Serviceability limit state / Deflection limit

Ireal = b * h3 * n * v = 0.5*3^3 * 1* 1 = 1.13 cm4
12 12
f = 5 * Fv * t * L4 = 5*2.5*10^-4*4*100^4 = 500000 = 0.05 cm
384 * E * Ireal 384*21000*1.13 9112320
f = 0.05 cm = L < L = 0.42 cm
1,822 240
Material Deflection fulfill the maximum permissible deflection
Fp = point load acting on a load contact area (kN) = 10 kN
bT = loading width in bearing bar direction (cm) = 20 cm
bV = loading width in cross bar direction (cm) = 720 cm

movement in
direction of

the bearing
parallel to


max. M = Fp (L-bT/2) = 10*(100-20/2) = 225.00 kNcm
4 4

m = number of load-carrying bearing bars = 1.5

(due to load distribution of cross bar)

n = bV +m = 720 + 1.5 = 181.5 bar

t 4
Wreal = b * h2 *n = 0.5*3^2 * 181.5 = 136.13 cm3
6 6
s = max. M = 225.00 = 1.65 kN/cm2 < Rd Ok
Wreal 136.13

Ireal = b * h3 *n = 0.5*2.94^3 * 181.5 = 192.18 cm4
12 12
f = Fp (8L3 - 4L x bT2 + bT3)
384 x E x Ireal
f = 10 (8*100^3-4*100*20^2+20^3)
384 x 21000 x 192.18

= 0.05 cm = L < L
1,975 240
< 0.42 cm
Material Deflection fulfill the maximum permissible deflection

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