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Online End Semester Examinations: Spring 2021

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Computing & Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

Online End Semester Examinations (Spring 2021)

Course Title with
CS-475 : Human Computer Interaction Program BS (CS)
Instructor Muhammad Asim Shahid & Sallar Khan Semester 7th
Start date & Time June 14, 2021 Submission Deadline June 14, 2021
at 11:30 AM at 04:30 PM
Maximum Marks 50


Read the following Instructions carefully:

 All Questions carries equal marks.

 Attempt All Questions on MS-Word. Font theme and size must be Times New Roman and
12 points respectively. Use line spacing 1.5.
 You may provide answers HANDWRITTEN. The scanned solution must be submitted in
PDF file format (Use any suitable Mobile Application for Scanning)
 For Diagrams, you can use paper and share a clear visible snapshot in the same Answer
 Arrange questions and their subsequent parts in sequence.
 Make sure that your answers are not plagiarized or copied from any other sources. In case
of plagiarism, ZERO marks will be awarded.
 Provide relevant, original and conceptual answers, as this exam aims to test your ability to
examine, explain, modify or develop concepts discussed during the course.
 Recheck your answer before the submission on VLE to correct any content or language
related errors.
 You must upload your answers via the VLE platform ONLY.

You must follow general guideline for students before online examination and during
online examination which had already been shared by email and WhatsApp.

This paper has a total of _05__ pages including this title page

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Online End Semester Examinations: Spring 2021

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Computing & Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

Q.1. (10)

Critically examine the following snapshot and describe the various forms of analogy and
composite interface metaphors that have been used in its design. What familiar knowledge has
been combined with new functionality? Justify your answer.

Q.2. (10)

Take a screenshot of the Word/Excel/Powerpoint software, paste it in your answer script and find
out how it has been designed concerning the user interaction.

(a) Write down the pros and cons of the screenshot related to Word/Excel/Powerpoint
(b) Determine how it works.
(c) Determine the types of tasks that a typical user may attempt to complete with it.
(d) Are these features sufficient to meet the user's needs? Justify your viewpoint.

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Online End Semester Examinations: Spring 2021

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Computing & Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

Q.3. (10)

(a) Identify the key usability objectives and user experience objectives for an application that is
used in software house to communicate with users. To elucidate your response, use a specific
(b) Examine the following picture. Identify and list all requirements that a user might be
interested in that gadget concerning usability.

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Online End Semester Examinations: Spring 2021

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Computing & Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

Q.4. (10)

Examine the above screenshot of Microsoft Teams (the one that is being used for online classes)
and do the following:

(a) Make a list of items that don't seem to work in terms of usability.
(b) Identify the implementation of heuristic and usibility principles, i.e., Visibility of system
status, Match between system and the real world, User control and freedom, Consistency and
standards, Error preventation and Flexibility and efficiency of use.

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Online End Semester Examinations: Spring 2021

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Computing & Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

Q.5. (10)

(a) Show a picture of a wall clock that you can find in your surroundings. Describe the
conceptual model that underlies the design of this clock.
(b) Take a photo of a digital personal clock that you find on your device. Copy and paste its
image into your answer script. Describe the conceptual model that underpins the digital
clock's architecture.
(c) What is the difference between a digital clock and an analog clock? What new features
have been added to the digital clock?

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