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Business firms of government and non-government organization are using computer system to
automate their working atmosphere. This computerization turns has led to increase profit, better user
satisfaction, and better management of operation and effective utilization of resources. Keeping this in
mind this project will focus on Library management system of DKU campus particularly the following
are the basic tasks in the current system place new book on shelves, updating book status, deleting
book information, borrow book, manage returning book, managing attendance for librarians, make
schedule for librarians. But these all activities of library is manual (paper based) that makes the whole
process inefficient. As a result here is a delay in serving book’s in time, decrement in quality of the
service, wastage of resources and human power is the drawback of the existing system.
Consequently, it is strongly believed that the working system or environment of Library management
system should give facilitated quality and reliable service for its user. Having this in mind, we are
interested to overcome the problem of the books information in library of DKU campus by replacing it
in computer based system .Accordingly the goal of this project is to develop computerized system for
Library management system in DMU campus
1.1Background of the organization
University is one of the institutions which aimed for producing educated manpower at higher level
institutions. Therefore Debark University is one of the governmental higher educational institutions in
Ethiopia. At this time in Debark University there above 30 different departments found.
Debark university campus has only one library. The library provides 24 hour services every day,
except holiday and other special cases. Some of the facilities in the library include references service,
sport reading (i.e. different news papers and magazines), and internet service.
Our project is directed on the Debark University library that facilitate and provide different
service in University to satisfy the need of the University student and employee as well as the
librarians, by providing different resource those have different content or information which help the
user for solving their day to day problem in their environment of working system and to facilitate their
research activities in a simple way..
1.2Statement of the problem
This Campus LMS currently working environment deals with the following inconvenience:
 Take more time for simple manual jobs
 Loss of document.
 The current system is difficult to reserve books in library because it needs the physical
arrival of user (it consumes time and energy).
 Cannot borrow books that are found in circulation to dormitory because they are limited in
 Modifying the details of members or the books is a very tedious if done manually.
 Paper work prone to error and security problems
 Customer dissatisfaction.
1.3 Objectives
1.3.1General objective
The general objective of the project is to design and implement library management system for DKU.
1.3.2 Specific objectives
The specific objectives of our project are:
 To elicit or gather the requirements of the system
 To analyze these requirements of the system
 To design the system
 To implement the system
 To test the system
 To provide an offline access to the library catalog
 Enable the librarians to check out and return books in a digitized and coordinated manner
 To provide notification of new books to the students
 Enable students and librarians to search for available books
 Provide students with easy access to interact with the library as a whole

1.4Scope of the project

Our proposed system (LBMS) mainly concerns about information related with readers (borrowers) and
books only in Debark library management system. The system doesn’t support all language except
English for searching the details, and system does not download book
The project focus mainly the following scopes
 Handling Registration of the users: to keep track of authorized users to the system.
 Display currently Exit books in the library
 Display currently Returned books in the library
 The system shall allow users or admin to logging in to the system.
 The system shall allow admin to view, add ,search, delete and update book information
 The system shall allow admin to view, add, search, delete, and update users
 The system shall allow borrowers to view the whole books and borrowed books
 The system shall allow admin to view borrowed books and returned books
 The system shall allow borrower to view all books and borrowed books

1.5Significance of the project

In general the application helps the campus to enhance quality education in it and to give better
services for readers at required time by providing the following benefits:
 Maximizing of performance and quality of service given by the library
 It gives efficient and error free work
 Minimize wastage of resources such as paper, pen and others
 It will improve monitoring capacities of the borrowing and returning activities
 Avoiding improper data loss.
 reduces work over load of the office
 Customer satisfaction.
1.6System Requirement
We use both software and hardware tools to develop our system.
1.6.1 Hardware Requirement
 Personal Computer: for doing the entire application (documentation and code).
 Flash disk:-For transferring data from one pc to another pc.
 Printer: -for printing document we are developing.
 External hard disk: for data storage.

1.6.2 Software Requirement

Software Requirements that are used to implement the system we are using.
 Microsoft Office Word 2010:-We used this software to document our project starting from
starting phase to ending phase.
 Microsoft Office visio2010:-We used this to draw UML diagrams for our project
 Window 10 Operating system: -to implement the documentation and the code.
 Sniping tool: - For sniping (cutting or reshape) images.
 Paint:- for editing
 Web browser:- to fetch data from server
 Notepad++ :- to edit PHP code
 E-Draw max: - to draw UML diagram like use case diagram and activity diagram.
1.6.3 Programming language
 PHP: is a popular and widely used programming language which is utilized to build
dynamic web applications with MYSQL database connections. The main reasons why we
selected PHP programming to develop our System Because it is user Friendly and Easy to
Learn, Cost user Friendly, It’s fast and easy, it accesses everything , Easier to fix problems,
Object Oriented, etc...
Java Script: We choose this language to make so many validations included in our project. We have
the following reasons that we used it to develop our project:
 Dynamic Computer Programming
 It is a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional
programming styles.
 The application of JavaScript to use outside of web pages
 We only knew java script programming language to validate forms and other interfaces
1.7Data collection Methodology
1.7.1Data gathering technique
To collect all necessary data and information we use the following techniques
1) Interviewing: We have gathered information by face to face interviewing the library workers
and some of the university students about the existing library management system. We choose
this method to get detailed information about the system.
2) On job Observation: We observed the activities of the library physically that the workers were
processing activities like borrowing books, searching books, adding books and we also
observed how they generate report related to books and borrowers. We choose this method to
get information how the activities are implemented. It enabled us to list out the existing system
problems, since it is what we sow or observed in reality.
3) Group discussion: We discussed that how the staff members serve for us and other
borrowers by processing the transaction in the library. We choose this method to get necessary
information from our feeling.
4) Document analysis: We referred some previously done library projects from different
websites as well as from other bodies like our teachers and our friends. We choose this method
to have detailed awareness about our project


1 Description of The Existing System

1.1 2.1 Introduction of The Existing System
Describing and modeling the major functions of the existing system to identify problems in the existing
system, to provide alternative solutions for the problem identified, to select the feasible solution among
the alternative solution and finally to decide the functional requirements of the proposed new system.
This chapter presents the description of the existing employee record system of Debark University
OLMS. It presents the major functions of the existing system, documents, forms and business rules
used and reports generated by the current employee record. In addition, it presents problems faced in
the existing system, good practices to be preserved and the players in the existing system. Alternative
solutions to address the problem in the existing system, with options analysis, are also part of the things
discussed in this chapter. [ CITATION jon07 \l 1033 ]

1.2 2.3 Major functions/activities in the existing system like inputs,

processes & outputs
The major and fundamental function of the existing LMS of DKU is the following:
Sorting: When the new book was purchased/gained through different sources the Library administrator
had a full responsibility to arrange them with the respective faculty and department .according to the
space provided in the library the librarian have a full responsibility to write the name of each
department books in labeling.
Borrowing of book: after the book is arranged in the shelves book can be borrowed for the conceded
users. According to DKU library system book can be borrowed for instructors, and librarians.
Return the book: After the conceded user lending time was accomplished the user must return to the
Library, while the borrower arrives to the library the librarian checks the due date of the book, if
current date is greater than the due date the borrower should penalize.
Way of monitoring: the librarian will be managed day to day and most frequently absent librarian
should report to the administrator.
Keep most wanted books in circulation: books which is very low in number should be kept in
circulation ,most of the time they are not accessed as the user wants them because they needs
reservation, therefore the librarian enables the user to use that book by reserving.

2.1.3 Business rule (BR)

Business Rule is efficiently an operating principle or policy in the current library system in which our
software must satisfy. In every organizations or institutions there are rules and policy, which used to
govern all actives in specified work flow, control the work flow, and performed in the work
The LMS of DKU campus governs and controls the work flow through the following business rules.
BR1- In order to login to the application, user should be active and he/ she must have valid username
and password
BR2- The system should allow seeing the status of the books borrowed/reserved by him and their
respective due dates and other relevant details.
BR3-Users may borrow books out of the library any time
BR4- the system should allow searching for particular book
BR5- Books in special demand may be lent for a shorter period as decided by the head
BR-6 the system should be available for 24 hour
BR7- The librarian checks the student id and allows the member to check out the book and the
librarian updates the member  database and also the books database.
BR8- System participants access the application using standard internet browser
Bottlenecks of the existing system
Longer steps and duplication of works are series bottle necks for the efficient services addressing of the
library. Shortage of proper number of employee including professional librarians in regarding the size
of the services and the library contain in balance approach and clear dissatisfaction and complaints of
the end users. Takes more time for simple manual jobs, Loss of document, security problems and
Customer dissatisfaction.Modifying the details of members or the books is a very tedious if done

1.3 2.7 Requirements of the Proposed System

2.2.1 Functional requirement

Functional requirements are observable tasks or processes that must be performed by the system. In our
system it includes:
Account login is provided: admin, librarian and user can login to the system by his/her own user name
and password but the system have functionality to redirect each actor to their own page as their level of
Update: the system enables the actor (admin, librarian, and user) to update necessary information in
the database according to their own level of privileges. For example login account can be updated by
admin, user, librarian but book detail can be updated only by admin.
Add new books and new librarians: new book and new librarian can be registered by administrator.
Uploading books: materials in the library such as book, newspapers can be uploaded to database by
only admin.
Search, Delete, and modify books: book can be searched or viewed by any actor but deleting and
modifying books are responsibilities of administrator.
Generate reports: report can be generated by admin and librarian about books, librarian list, users,
schedule, and attendance in library.
Deactivate/Activate librarian account: the admin can activate or deactivate librarian account
according to the present level of status.
Manage borrowed and returned books: in our system librarian has full right to manage books
starting from what to be borrowed or what will not be and managing books to be returned.
Manage reserved books: most wanted books in the library should be placed in circulation then the
user can reserve the book on line from anywhere by specifying start and end time of reservation but the
user should be present on time that is specified during reservation.
Borrow books: users may borrow library resources from the open access collections (general
collections) of the library and the user should notify the library immediately if a borrowed item
becomes lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed through our library contact form or details

2.2.2 Non-functional requirement

Non-functional requirements are requirement, which has no essential for the system, but it can support
and give more quality for the system. Our system has the following nonfunctional requirements:
Performance: The system should have a quick response time for a single request made. For the
purpose of this project, this would be defined as less than 5 seconds. It is expected that the software
would perform functionally all the requirements that are specified by the organization
User Interface: The system interface must be interactive and easily understandable.
Security issues: This issue encompasses measures taken throughout the applications life cycle to
prevent security problems. In general to make the system asset safe, the system will follow a role based
security which means the access level and privilege for each actor should be predefined by the system.
There must be authorization; unauthorized person does not use the system; the librarians work their
duty according to their privileges by using their user name and password.
 Good validations for user inputs will be done.
Error handling characteristics: When the users of the system interact with the system errors may
appear. To control these inaccuracies the system will generate different messages. Data errors which
are entered in to the execution buttons will be controlled according to the sequence which the user is
expected to follow. Or this can be done by generating different system responses to the input of the

Backup and Recovery

Backups:- Backups are useful primarily for two purposes. The first is to restore a state following a
disaster (called disaster recovery). The second is to restore small numbers of files after they have been
accidentally deleted or corrupted. Data loss is also very common. The system should be holding a
backup of the data by using different storage devices. Some of them are Flash Memory, DVD Backup,
Tape Backup, Hard Drives and A drive.
Recovery:- Data recovery is the process of restoring data that has been lost, accidentally deleted,
corrupted or made inaccessible for some reason. Data recover by using system recovery and any
software like restoration, wise data recovery, recuva software.

Chapter Three

System Analysis
3.1 Introduction

3.2 System Requirement Specifications (SRS)

The hardware and software components of computer system are required to install and use software
efficiently. If your computer system does not meet the system requirements then the software may not
work correctly after installation. System requirements for operating systems will be hardware
components, while other application software will list both hardware and operating system

Actor identification
Actor is users of the system or external entities in which they are interact with the system. An actor
represents a coherent set of roles that are entities external to the system can play in using the system,
rather than representing a particular individual.

The following are all of the actors in our system.

A. Administrator: is the general manager of library in which who is most responsible in our
system, in all circumstance the work of other individual actors can be accessed without any
privilege limitation by administrator except users database (user name and password).
B. Librarian: a person he/she is responsible for serving the user in the library mostly has very
direct contact with users as well as administrators.
C. User: is the person who is most beneficial on the resource of library. anybody who is interested
to read materials on the library can use the system but being register a member form is required
from user and logged as user to access the page.
Use case identification
A use case is an interaction between users and a system. It captures the goal of the users and the
responsibility the system to its users. The following are the use cases identified for developing use case
diagram of the library management system: -
 Login
 Add book
 Update book
 Schedule
 Add librarian account
 Manage account
 Return book
 Create account
 upload book
 Search book
 View

Use case diagrams

Figure2:1use case diagram for DKU OLMS

Table2:1 login use case description


Name Login
Actors Admin,librarian and user.
Description Each of the above actors has their own privileges to access the database.
Pre condition They must first be create account(register) on data base.

Basic flow of 1. the above actors can press login link accourding to their level
event of privillege.
2. then the user should fill the necessary information on the form
and press login.
3. the system checks wether the user is found with that login
detail on database or not.
4. the system promptes message(success or error) for the user.
Alternative 1.1 if user information not found in database recommend user to register.
flow of events 1.2 if the information is present navigate to next page.
4.1 if the message is error enter datail
correctly again.
Post condition System user logged in to the system

Table2:2create account use case description


Create account
Description The administrator login into system to create account for the
Librarians (member) and users.
Pre-condition Administrator must have user name and password and
Librarians and user has no account.
Flow of action  Include admin login use case.
1. The admin select create account
2. System display creates account form.
3. Admin prompt librarian and user to enter account
4. Librarian and user fill information submit it to the
5. The system validate if all the interred information are
6. If the information is correct the system user is added

Alternative flow of 3.1If entered information is not correct the system ask
action The user to interval date information
Post- condition 5.1 Librarians have been registered.
Table2:3add books use case description

Name Add new books
Actor Administrator
Description When new book arrival is there the admin of the system
should add new book to the library with all the details of the
Pre condition Identifying the category(fuculity and department) of the book
for inserting that book to the catalogue .
Basic flow of events The admin should login to his page and navigate to
book catalogue classification form.
1. check whether the book is available in
both hard copy and soft copy.
2. if available the admin is required to fill all
the fields on the book interface (he /she can
leave epty if the field is optional) .
3. The system returns message (error or
Alternative flow of events 3.1. If the message being returned from the system
is success the book can be managed by admin
, librarian and used by user.
3.1 If the message being returned from the
system is success the book can be managed by
Admin, librarian and used by user.
Post condition The book can be accessed by librarian and used by

Table2:4Borrow books use case description

Name Borrow books
Actor User
Description The user of the library can borrow books if they are legal user (are users
which are granted by the university for borrowing) to borrow books in
the library.
Pre condition The book to be borrowed must available within the library database and
the user should be member before.
Basic flow of events 1. The librarian should click on the link borrow book link and the
user interface will be displayed.
2. The system will provide user interface with list of user, then the
librarian can select that user from the database and next press
3. The librarian should enter the barcode of that book after they
should press enter key on the key board.
4. The required book with that barcode will be displayed if the book
is present and make the action of that book borrow book.
5. If the book is borrowed error message should be displayed.
Alternative flow of 2.1 If the user is not found in database recommend he/she to register on
events the System.
3.1 If the message is correctly borrowed tell The due date of the book for
the user.
3.1 If the message error check data entry.
Post condition The user can take the book.

Table2:5return book use case description


Name Retrun books

Actor User,librarian
Description The end user should return the book on the date specified during
borrows. Fine is charged if he/she submits the book after the due date
fine amount is differ in number of days he/she delay to return the book
and the fine amount per a day is only recorded on database.
Pre condition For returning a book user should know date of returning.

Basic flow of events 1. The librarian should be on click the link that says return book
link and the user interface will be displayed.
2. The system will provide user interface with list of borrowed
books, the librarian press on return book button.
3. The system display message whether book can be returned
correctly or not.
4. The librarian also should check the due date of the returned
Alternative flow of 3.1 If the system feedback message is say book is correctly returned
events the librarian can check that book information in data base.
4.1 if the due date of the book being returned is
Late some date librarian should collect (penalize users) money.
Post condition Place the returned book on appropriate place in database.

Table2:6return book use case description

Use case ID USID06

Use case name Search book
Primary actor Librarian, administrator, user.
Description The books in the library can be searched through parameters like title
(book name), Author, and subject name.
Pre-condition For searching the item, the required item should registered in database first.
Basic flow of action 1. The above actors should login first.
2. The actor should navigate to the user interface of the item
being searched.
3. Type the name or is b/n number of the book.
4. Verify the availability that book.
5. The system is displayed search result if item is present.
Post condition Display search result
Alternative action:
4.1 If the item (book) is present in database the actor can see the
4.2 If the book is not found the admin should insert that book.

Table2:7 upload book use case description

Use case ID USID07

Use case name

upload book
Actor Admin

The administrator login into system to upload books.
Flow of action  Include validate admin librarian login use case
 Admin browse the book i.e. in .pdf, .ppt .txt or .Doc format.
 Admin select upload to store in the system.
 If the upload file is correct format the file is stored in the
 The system display confirmation message that tells the
successful upload of the file.

Alternative flow of
Action If the upload file is not correct format the system display error
message and retry to upload.
The book is uploaded.
2.3.4 Sequence diagram
This diagram, as the name suggests, contains the sequence of flow of actions that are processed through
a system and the life lines of the entities, when and how are they accessed. It also contains the security
features like which entity can process which entity and which one is visible, etc. There can be many
number of sequence diagrams per each activity diagram

Figure 2: 2Login sequence diagram

Figure 2:3Add book sequence diagram

Figure 2.4 upload book sequence diagram

Activity diagram
Activity diagram is essentially a flowchart showing flow of control from activity to activity. It includes
modeling the sequential process, modeling the flow of an object as it moves from one state to another
state at different point in the flow of control.
Figure 2:4Activity diagram for login
Figure2:5Activity diagram for search book

Figure 2:6Activity diagram for borrow book

Figure2:7Activity diagram for user create account
Figure 2: 8Activity diagram for Add book

User Interface Prototyping

2.3.6 Analysis Class Diagram
In software engineering a class diagram in the unified modeling language (UML) is a type of static
structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their
attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among the classes.

Figure2: 9Class diagram for library management system



4.1 Class type architecture

System design has a great part which describes the first solution of the system problem. So designing a
system is the important and necessary step in any computer system. System design provides a clear
description of the overall design of the Debark University LMS and bridging the gap between desired
and existing system in a manageable way.

The internal part of this system design document is organized as: class type architecture, class
modeling, class diagram, component diagram, State chart modeling, User Interface design. [CITATION
MVC13 \l 1033 ]

Table 4.1: Class type architecture

Layer Description
This layer wraps access to the logic of our system.  There are two categories of
Interface interface class – user interface (UI) classes that provide people access to our system
and system interface (SI) classes that provide access to external systems to our
system. In our system there is one main home page interface that enables people enter
(login) to the system and large number of user inter faces to work (communicate) each
other and with other layers. Some UI like homepage, login, registration interface

The process or controller layer implements business logic that involves

Process collaborating with several domain classes or even other process classes.
In this layer our system has one domain that implements the logic of our system.
Login control what interface user must get based on account.

Domain This layer implements the concepts relevant to our business domain focuses on the
data aspects of the business objects plus Behaviors specific to individual objects.
And implements the concept related to the business domain focusing on the data
aspects of the business.
In this layer our system has n such domain classes that are concerned with data are
the following.
 Book Detail information
 User account
Persistence layers encapsulate the capability to store, retrieve, and delete
Persistence objects/data permanently without revealing details of the underlying storage
technology in the system. Often implement between object schema and database
schema and there are various available to us.  

System classes provide operating-system-specific functionality for our applications,

System isolating our software from the operating system by wrapping OS-specific features,
increasing the portability of your application
In this project we have used MS –WINDOWS 7, platform on the each client side, PHP
and on the server side we have used wamp or xamp server

User interface

Process (Controller)

Domain (Infrastructure,
(Business) platform)


Data base

Fig 4-1
class type

Figure 10design class diagram

Description of design class diagram

Admin class is a persistent class that is used to contain information. It has the following attributes and
Table3:8description of design admin class attributes

Attribute Purpose Type

Username Identity what is the user belongs to String
Password To enable the user to log in the system String

Table3:9description of design admin class method

Method Purpose Type

Search book() To enable book searching Public
Add User() To enable new user registration Public
delete User() To remove user permanently Public

delete Books() To remove from the list permanently Public

and adds the archive form
generate Report() To enable admin to generate reports Private
for the books
Search Book() To check the availability of the book Public
View Book() To view/visit the required book Public
Upload Book() To upload book from database public
Log Out() To close the page private
manage User() Control user public

Book class is a persistent class that is used to contain information. It has

the following attribute
Table3:10description of design book class attributes
Purpose Type

book title Books title String
Author The person who write and prepare the book String
Book copies The number of books in each category integer
book publication To specify from where publisher the book comes String
publisher name To specify from which organization the book comes String

ISBN When the item is released from the publisher String

User class is a persistent class that is used to contain (student, teacher and other employees)
information. It has the following attributes and methods.

Table3:11description of design user class attributes

Attribute Purpose Type

User name Represent user unique identifier String
First name borrower first name String
Last name borrower last name String
Gender Gender of the borrower String
Address Address of borrower String
Phone Cell phone number of a borrower String
Type To identify weather the borrower is student or teacher String

Year level To know the year level of borrower String

Table3: 12description of design user class method

Method Purpose Type

search Book() To check the availability of the book Public
View Book() To view/visit the required book Public
borrow Book() To enable new borrower registration Protected

Comment () To give feedback for service Package

Librarian class is a persistent class that is used to contain information. It has the following attributes.

Table3:13description of design Librarian class attributes

Attribute Purpose Type

Username Identity what is the librarian belongs to String
Password To enable the librarian to log in the system String

Table3:14Description of design librarian class method

Method Purpose Type

Search book() To enable book searching Public

View Book() To view/visit the required book Public

Return book () To check returned book Private

3.3 Deployment Diagram

Deployment diagram represents the deployment view of a system. It is related to the component
diagram. Because the components are deployed using the deployment diagrams. A deployment diagram
consists of nodes. Nodes are nothing but physical hardwires used to deploy the application.
Deployment Diagram shows the configuration of run-time processing elements and the software
components, processes, and objects.
Clients Application server DB server

Figure 11deployment diagram of DKU LMS

user interface design

A user interface is a linkage between a human and a device or system that allows the human to interact
with (e.g., exchange information with) that device or system. Our analysis user interface is used to
analyze and define how the system, users will directly interact with the information system. The
following sample user interface of the proposed system is as follows:

2 Chapter five

3 Implementation and Testing

3.1 Introduction
In this phase what the group members have done is turning the physical design specification into
working computer code, and then the code is tested until most of the errors have been detected and
corrected user sites are prepared for new system and user must come totally on the new system rather
than the existing one to get there work done. There are some managerial activities in this, coding,
testing, and installation.

3.2 5.1 Test procedures

Unit testing: -Every module of the System is separately tested. I.e. the team tests every module by
applying some selection mechanism. Through this mechanism every modules gets tested. If an error
occurs correction will be taken without affecting another module.

Integrated testing: - In this testing part, all the modules combined together and tested for fitness with
each other and with the systems functionality. If error occurs in combining them, the module with
problem will be identified and re combined.

System testing: - In this testing, the team performs over all functional testing by checking whether it
meets the required target.

3.3 5.2 Hardware and Software acquisitions

For the project implementation; the following Software and hardware are used.


 Printer: For printing Documentation

 Server: for connection to the client computer(to host the system)

 Computers
 Network connection


For the System implementation the following software’s are used.

 Apache server

 Notepad++

 Mysql database server

3.4 5.3 User manual preparation

Since the system is web based everything important for the user will be explained and implemented
while giving short training when the system is deployed. Rather there is no need of preparing full user
manual because it is only deployed (hosted) on a single machine that is server.

1. How to login into the system?

 Click login button

 Enter user name and password
 Connect to Wi-Fi/internet
 Search book
 Down load book

3.5 5.4 Training

During the deployment of the system, the project group members will give short time training for the
system administrators explaining how the system works and in what way they can manage their system.

3.6 5.5 Installation

Since the project is a web based System, there is no need to install it on a particular machine rather it
will be hosted on a server.
4 Chapter six

5 Conclusions and Recommendations

After we completed the project we were sure the problems in the existing system are overcome. The
“ONLINE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” process made computerized to reduce human
errors and to increase the efficiency. The main focus of this project is to lessen human efforts. The
maintenance of the records is made efficient, as all the records are stored in the MYSQL database,
through which data can be retrieved easily. The editing is also made simpler. The user has to just type
in the required field and update the desired field.

Our main aim of the project is to get the correct information about a particular student and books
available in the library. The problems, which existed, have been removed to a large extent. And it is
expected that this project will go a long way in satisfying user’s requirements. The computerization of
the Library Management will not only improve the efficiency but will also reduce human stress thereby
indirectly improving human recourses.
5.2 Recommendation
According to scope of our project the team develops web application .Because of the time constraint we
cannot do beyond to our scopes, but in the future the team believes that this system can be fully operational
by having enough time and fully information. Finally the team would recommend that further work should
done on the system in order to make the system perform better for interested organizations who would like to
use electronic online information management system for Building maintenance, for those who would like to
work on online library management system Building maintenances its recommended to do more work on the
functionalities such as:-

 Manage expired and dormant materials disposition

 Manage materials purchase request

5.3 Reference

MVC architecture. “Understanding MVC architecture". 16 July 2013.MVCarch.web .15 May

2016< >.

Wiki . "Detail Design". 15 July 2012. Wikipedia. 19 May

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WikiHow. "Object oriented programming".2013. WikiHow, Inc. Web. 11 May 2016. < http:// >.

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