Sci Ed Laboratory Activity 6

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Problem Set on Linkage and Recombination

Intended Learning Outcomes

By the end of this activity, you must be able to:
1. To determine recombinants from allelic cross.
2. To construct a linkage map using recombination frequencies.
3. To appreciate inheritance using genetic maps.

Linkage and recombination are phenomena that describe the

inheritance of genes. Linkage describes the occurrence of genes on
the same chromosomes and recombination describes the combination
of genes between homologous chromosomes during meiosis via
crossing over(

Pen, colored pens, crayons and paper

Safety Rules

1. Be always cautious of sharp pen and pencils.

1. Divide the class into four groups. Grouping will be on your own
selection from among your classmates. If done creating a group, select
the leader and list the members and each role in the lab report. The
leader is responsible in submitting the activity.
2. Each member of the group must take part in answering the group
3. This activity will be about solving problems on linkage maps using
three point test cross and crossover frequencies.
4. Show your solutions to every problem.


I. Problem Solving: Show solutions to every problem and highlight by

encircling the final answer.
1. You are provided with crossover frequency for each genes below, construct
a chromosome map.

SCI ED 324: Genetics

Gene Crossover frequency
A-C 30%
B-C 45%
B-D 40%
A-D 25%

A. Determine the gene position in gene map.

B. Determine the final distance between each gene. Provide the gene map
with final gene distances. Hint: use subtraction
2. In Drosophila, bar shaped eye (B), scalloped wings(S), cross vein-less
wings (W) and eye color(C) are located on the X chromosome. The
recombination frequency of each gene is indicated in the table below.
Gene Frequency of Crossover
W-B 2.5%
W-C 3.0%
B-C 5.5%
B-S 5.5%
W-S 8.0%
C-S 11.0%

A. Construct a map for the following data provided above.

3. You are provided with gametes from dihybrid cross of heterozygous
a+ b+
a+ b+

A. Identify if there is combination in the given gametes above.

B. If there is single crossover in cis form, what are the combinations
produced. Show your crossover.
C. If there is single crossover now in trans form, what are the possible
combinations show your crossover.

SCI ED 324: Genetics


Mendioro,M., R. P. Laude, A. A. Barrion, M.G.Q. Diaz, D.A. Ramirez. 2010.

Genetics: A Laboratory Manual . 12th Revision. Genetics and Molecular
Biology Division, IBS, CAS, UPLB, College, Laguna.


SCI ED 324: Genetics


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