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The Elements

of Advanced

VR Hamilton
RV Setterfield



Design ot shalts tor power transmlsslon 2.16.10 Corected power per belt
7.1 Shaftssubmittedtotorsiononly .1 2.16.11 Number of be lts required
1.1.1 Preferred sizes of bright steel 2.16.12 Bore sizes
bar . .1
Mean and maximum twisting moments
Pure bending only in shafts
Design comideratioos
.l.4 3 Clutches
3.1 Friction clutches
1.5 Torsion combined with axial tension or 3.1.1 Flat collar: Theory appted to
mmpression .4 clutches . .fJ
1.6 Combined bending and twisting- 3.2 Plateclutches .53
traasmission shafu .4 3.2.1 Singleplate .53
1.7 Shock and fatigue factors .5 3.2.2 Multipleplate .54
1.8 Fillet stress in stepped sha{ts .10 3.3 Crnicalclutches . 5',1

7.9 Slope and deflection ofshafting 3.4 Centrifugalclutches .59

(graphical iotegration) . 11,
3.4.L Calculations .60
Belt Drives Brake systems
2.1 Flatbelts .15 4.1 Band brakes 63
2.2 Flatbelt material .15 4.7.1 Arangementofthebrake
2.3 Joint effrciencies .15 leverage . 63
2.4 Driving tensions .16 4.1.2 Differential band brake 63
2.5 To find arc of contact .16 4.1.3 Designcoefficients 64
2.6 Speedratio . .t6 Disc brakes 6'7
2.7 Belt length .16 4.3 Band and block brakes 66
2-8 Tensionratio .17 4.4 Intemal-expanding shoe brakes 69
2.9 Initial belt tensior .17 4.4.1 Nomenclature 59

10 TI 4.4.2 Forceson the firlcrum pins

2. The limiting value of 4.4.3 Irft shoe -;
2.11 Limiting values for v-belts .18 4.5 Shoeorblockbraker. . . : .

Z.rZ CenridgJ;nsioninb"ii. . : : : .18 4.5.1 Force analysis ;j

2. 13 Solution of belt problems using the 4.5-2 Brake torque T
stress theory .t9 4,5,3 Design coefEcients for shoes
2-14 Pivoted motor drive .20 and bands -
2.1,4.7 Analysis of the drive when the 4.5.4 Heatgenerated ri
position ofthe pivot is known .20 4.6 Double slne brakes ;6
2.14.2 Position ofpivot unknown . 21,
4.6.1 Torque capacity iO
2.14.3 Graphical procedue to find
pivot position 22 Wire ropes
2.15 V-beltdrives n 5.1 Conshudion 7)
2.75.7 Pulley centre distance L' 5.2 Standard wire rope data 83
2. 16 The selection ofwedge-belt drives ,24 5.3 Sheaveconstruction &l
2.L6.L Speedratio 24 5.4 Failure of wire ropes 83
2.76.2 Servicefactor 24 5.5 Pressure ratio v bends to failure &:
2.16.3 Designpower 24 5.6 Factor ofsafety $
2.L6.4 Beltsection u 5.7 Rope choice
2.16.5 Motorpulleylimitation 24 5.8 Calculationofthebreakingforce
2.16.6 Pulleypitch diameteE . u 5.9 Additionalinformation !i
2.16.7 Belt length, cenae distances
and cofiection fac{or 246 Thick-walled vessels and interterenc€ fi'tr
2.16.8 Basic power per belt 24 6.1 Interfercnc€fits ;iG
2.76.9 Speed ratio power increment 24 6.2 Wre wound cylinden a
hJ Fluid-tight joitrts i 3t-.:-;:,= 145
6.3.7 Torque required j.-:
=.. -. :: Force auallsis ),46
load (Pi)
- .. :: DesignofbeveJgears 747
6.3.2 Proofload - - ?'. :r:'-Gtars 150
6.3.3 Strengthgradedes:-::c .: Lead and lead angle 151
6 .3 .4 qfinder cosers -:: Designconsiderations 153
6.3.5 Rectangular covi! ]-,:i! -,:: Cboice ofpresure angle 153
6.4 Design of a hydraulic pos er-I+< '":i= -- r r Tra:r-smissible load Ft 153
6.5 Pan design of a hydraulic pres: r' :: -: -- ai Heat dissipation 154
-, r : Design Procedure 154
Members thattall by buckling
'I.l Tlpesoffailure
7.2 Tiie Euler and Rankine forrcu:= .o.r'a b€riftgs and lubrication
7.2.1 Euler's . sl:sL 157
.2.2 Rankine formula
7 s
-- -'- \ Lscositv- temperature charts 158
7.3 Design .
--- -;ranism of hydrodynamic
7.4 Beamcolumns E.trrl=f,:l 158
7.5 Fatigueloading .,:.t: l-<:-=; =,:,:a;eristic number or bearing
7.6 The Soderberg method r 159
-- j - -=Fr:r'ccr lubricatjon 160
Power screws . :: :{.i: i.-s h b€arings 160
8.1 Tlpesofthread -: -1ri--i :*:=i itsigl 1@
8.2 Lead ofa screw --: .- : :':s E: .--
--. -.=t - f ormulae summary 761
8.3 Screwtorque (T) I- i:':e::c :::l]rt G) t6z
8.4 Efficiency of soew threa,s -.: - i-:::5 rnd Boyd charts 163
8.5 Shearing stresses --:-j:.= -c -;ri:-; design 165
8.6 Bearingpresswes -r:E--

9.1 Helical springs ,-: '2 b€: ,m,ra€at.ons tor ball and parallel
9.1.1 Helical gr::g i:':=,--.= -- r}l€r bafill€a
9-2 loaddeilecrioa;;ar,l .: ': - ie---i -'F 168
9.3 Sprirg ma';ria-ts .:: j - - i=:-:: -;---:=- 168
9.4 Alremff€ des+r rre'-.:\€ ::: T?:-; -:rt4s 769
9.5 Sugghae"i ;ei:: :,-r*.-i-: ': : :<a-=.-: at Dea'r!: npe 770
9.6 Exec.ic: slt=.--- -:.: - Ai uale space 170
9 .7 Compresiro ;:==-- -.i:F :i .z::-, .= -
-'.:.: bads t70
w[e -'.:.-i \{isalign.trlenr t70
9.8 Multi-leaf or';---,=: tr=_= -:.:.1 Speed 1',70
9 8'l aan:a--='- ': --'-"' i:.:.5 Precision 170
spritr_s . \2.2.6 Silentruffdng 171,
12.2.7 Stiftuess t7r
10 Toothed gearing L2.2.8 Axialdisplac€ment 171
10.1 Spurgea$ ili) 12.2.9 Mountiog and dismounting L7l
10.1.1 Definitions . 130 12.3 Selection of bearing size, load-carrying
10.1.2 The lawof ge-a;_n-r . 131 capacity and bearing life 177
10.1.3 Gear shaft cenm ci=;,= . 1-r1 12.3.1 Basic load ratings t7.t
10,1.4 Gear forces - spur r :er _r . 133 12.3.2 Life olabearing t77
10.1.5 Strength of gear rstt - :s< c: 12.4 lnfluence of operating temperature on
the L€wis equadon . 113 bearing material 773
10.1.6 Toothinterference . 133 12.5 Adjusted ratinglife . 173
10.1.7 Further forms of the l-e.ris 12.5-1 Life adjustment 1 173 factor a
equation . 1i-i 12.5.2 Life adjustment ? 174 factor a
10.1.8 ToothinaccuraciesatrdfailuE i36 n.5.3 Life adjustment factot a 3 774
10.1.9 Keying of gear to shaft a a . 1-16 12.5-4 Combination of life adjusturent
10.1.10 Dynamic tooth loads - facton a, and a r 174
Buckingham equation .1M 12.6 Lubricationandmaintenance 174
10.1.11 Weartoothloads- 12.6.1 Lubricatingoils 174
Buckingham equation 136 12.6.2 Selectionofoil 175
10.I.12 Designprocedule 73i 12.7 Bearingloads 176
10.2 Helicalgean 138 72.7 .1 Dynamic bearing load . t76
10.i.1 virfual, formativ€ or equivalent 72-7.2 Constant bearing load . 176
numberofleeth 139 12.7.3 Selection of bearing size .176
10.:.1 Desig of parallel helical gears t0 12-8 Limitingspeeds . 178
7L9 Fricton 178 14,2.5 Surbcemughes*
Ds.7 Calculationof M0 778 Fodu€d bYtyl}i:tdh--
L2.9.2 CalculationofMl L79 production prooesses (&
BS 1134) g,
12.10 Axially loaded cylindrical roller beadngs 179
12.77 Aqular contact ball bearings . 183 14.3 Geometrical tolerances (for straighGt
12.11.1 Double row angular contac't flatness, parallelism, squareness,
ball bearings 183 angularity, concentricity, symmetry and
12.11.2 The four-point contact ball position) lvt
beadng 184 14.3.1 General lvt
14.3.2 Applicationandinterpretation 198
14.4 Maclrining and surface textue symbols 198

prolects L4.4-l Geueral 198

13 lllseellaneous deslgns and 186
14.4,2 IvlachiningsYmbols 198
14-4.3 To speci! surface textures 198
14.4.4 To specify a production method,
l4 trcatment, or clating for
' ADoendlx
producing a surface texture 198
rri.i progams for programmable calculators ly3
14.4.5 io specify a sampling length 198
l4'{'1 Quitratic 193
14,1.2 Resultantoftwoforces . 193 74.4.6 To indicate tbe diesionof I8y* 198

14,1.3 Calculation of shaft bearing 14.4.7 To hdicate machining

193 allowaace 19
14.7.4 hterfercncefrs .lv) 74.4.8 Sumnary of positiors of surhce
and t€xture symbols in relation to
14.1.5 Rankine formula for round 1*
hollow columns 194 themachiningsYmbd
14.1.6 Worm gearset effrciency L94 74.4.9 Use ofleader lines 799
14.4.10 To avoidrepetitiooof asymbol 2II)
14.1.7 Buckingham equations for 2N
dynarnic loads L94 14.5 Design of flYwheels
14.5.1 Crank-effondiagrams 2AL
14.2 Guide to the selection offits 195
14.2.L The ISO system of limits 8nd 74.5.2 C-oefficienBoffluctuation'
14.6 Design of pulleys and gears - suggested
fits (B5 4 500: I 969) 19(i
14.2.2 Tolirance limits for selected proportions
holes ftole basis) Ly7 1
14.6.1 Pulleys
Pti . 2TB
14.6.2 Gearwheels 2tR
14.2.3 Recommended setection of frts
(hole basis) 1v1 14.7 Selection of genemtors and motors
14.7.1' Flame-Proofmotor 210
14.2.4 Surfac€texture 197
Chapter 11
Journal bearings and lubrication

Lubrication may be considered to be an! plocedwe that between tJle layers. Using Ne\yton's Law of Viscous
has lhe effect of reducing or elimina_nl-: nction . wear Flow, which states that the shear stress in a fluid is pro-
and the heating of machine parts Ehich hzr.e rclatire mo- portional to the rate of change of velocity with respect to
tion. Alubricant, then, is any material E:icb. when the stationary layer, we may wlitg:
present betwe€n sliding surfaces, senes io achie! e the
above objectives. Oils and greases ar: lhe lncsl corrdrron
lubricaots, but greasy non-abrasive soliris s:cb as gmphite Moving plat€
or soalxtone may be used and. in cenain ct.-.LBsrances.
even gases make good lubricants. Thus iubrication is a
\ velocityV
lital elemetrt of the science, technoloev a:rd practice oI
engineering. Every mechanical aeSgn-is afeiea Uy it'.
There are four types of lubricating film lbuDJ iD practice. '6 I \
There are: -r"l -T
(a) Hydrodynamic flnx These cau-.e rhe toad-carrying
surfaces to develop a relatively thick\'edge' of lubri-
cant in which a pressue sxlficietrt ro seFrae fiese slalionaty plate velociiyzerc l
surfaces and prevent metal to meral crntafi is Fig 11.1
(b) Hydrartatk films The lubricant is supplied uader a i

pressure great enough to separate the load-caqing ,=** dv I

3y I

(c) Elato-hydrodynaniir pzu lpe of tubricant is

o. F:kdV

introduc€d between surfaces which move tosards Adv li
one another as in rolling coDtact - ball and roller !I
where k is the proffiality constf,r$- .-. ^ . I
bearings, gear teeth, cam and tappet action. etc. A

'queeze film' is formed in this case. For thin films, where y has very small values, the diffii
(d) Sofin fihs , When bearings are operated at hiSh rential function is nearly mnsta-ut. Thus Vly may be taken
temperaturei, a solid film Iubricant such as graphite as b€ing constant and
or molybdinum disulphide becomes necessary, be- F V
cause the ordinary mineral oils are not satisfactory. A v
'Boundary' lubricated bearings rnay be included in
this category, as in most cases these have the solid lu.
bricant embedded h the bearing body.
hence k : /r\ r trl

11.1 Vlscosity which has the dimensions Pascal-seconds (Pals). This may
This is the the most important property of a lubricant. also be converted to kg.r/s. The constant k is call€d th€
Vismsity can be simply defined as a lubricant's resistance absofute viscosry when derived in this manner. As yet, no I
to flow and is a measure of the ftiction between mole- name has been giverr to the term vismsity, but one thou- ,l
orles moving against one another. Consider two plates sandth (1 mPa/s) equates to the old term 'centipoise', i
separated by a thin film of oil: one of the plates is moving which is denoted by the letter Z. Thus L mPa/s = 1 centi-
and tre other is stationary. A force F is applied to the poise. Another unit of viscosity is the kirrematic viscosiE,
moving plate, which gives a velocity V. The distance be- which is the absolute viscosiry divided by the density,
tween the plates is y. lle oil molecules adhere strongly to both measured at the same temperaturc and in coosistent
both plates such that the layer of molectles attached to units. The most common lmits for reporting kinematic
the moving plate has the plate velocity V and the layer at- viscosities are the Stokes (St) or centistokes (cst) and, in
tached to the stationary plate has zero velocity. The oil SI, square millimetres per second (mm7s = 1 cSt). Dy-
film between tbe two plates may be considered to be namia viscosities can bsconverted to kinematic viscosities
made up of a series of layers, each drawn over by the by dividing by the density in grammes p€r culic !en$-
layer above by a v€locity proportional 10 its distance from metre at the- same tempentue. Note that density in
the sationary plate. Let the area of the moving plale be gm/cm3 has the same numerical value as 'specific gmvity'
A. The force F will produce a shear stress of r F/A (Pa) (G).
Thus kinematic viscosity Z. : A7 centistokes (mm?A) TI?ICA!VISCOSM'/IEUPER.ATLXIE CHARACTER|SNCS
(v@it ln.,or 96)

ard absolute viscosity Z = L x G c€ntipoises (cP) (m

The ouantities must be measured at the same tempera-
rure. today the vismsity of lubricadng oils is reponed in
ceutistokes at 4ffC. The different ISO grades are given in
the following table, which is a copy of ISO 3 '148 and
identical to SABS 053-1972 standard Srades.
Table 11,1 ISIO viscrsitY grades

ISO VG (cst at4(rc)

2 1,98-2!2
5 4,14-5,M
7 6,12-7,44 r5 I
10 9,00-11,0 Itg l
15 13,5- 16,5
8;8-35,2 The
46 41,4-50,6 film
68 61,2-74,8
100 m,0-110 (a)
150 135-165
m 198- 242
3X 2,,8-352
46 414- 506
680 612-1!3
I 000 900- 1 100
I 500 1 350- I 650
TfrPdailb' cc

For oils, an average value of the specific gravrty for de-

I'rg lf ,2 Tpical viscosity/tempemture charact€ristics
sign purposes is 0,9. This is to be used if the actual spe-
cific praviw is not available. However, for more accurate
work-use tire following formula for evaluating the sPecific
gravity G at any temperature toc: Example 11.2 An oil is required to have a dynamic
cosity 15 mPa/s (cP) at an operating temperature of
G = G," 0,000 657 (t 20)
- - 6ffC. Recommend a suitable ISO vismsity grade of oil.
The specific gravity is most commonly reported at 2fC.
Example 11.1 Assuming that it is advisable to limit tlle Solution
tempe;alue in a bearing to 55'C and that the specific
as 0,887 7 at 20"C. what Since the specific gravity is not given. assume this to be
Eaviw of the oil in use is given
iitt iri specitc gravity be the higher temperature? If 0,9 at 2ffC and then find the specific graviiy at 6[l'C-
the kinematic viscosity is 18 cst, what is the absolute vis- Go = 0,9 0,000 657 (@ m) = 0,973 7
- -
cosity in centipoise? What is the ISO viscrsity grade? The required kinematic vismsity is Z = 15i0 ,873 7 twn'ls
Hrenc* h = 17,2 mm% (cSt)
From the chart, this vaiue falls between VG 32 and VG
G" = 0,847 7 - 0,000 6s7 (ss - m) :0'8@ 7 46. Now refer the 17,2 cst at 6fC to 17,2 cst at 4ryC and
Absolute viscosity Z : 18 x 0,864 7 = 15,6 cP find the kinematic viscosity to be (approximately) 35 cst.
C-onverting centipoises to centistokes From the table of ISO grades, recommend ISO VG 32 as
a suitable oil.
-,, = :-z = ,--:.:-=-,-
G 0,864 7 =
rX,04 CSt
11.2 The mechanism o, hydrodynamlc lubrica'
18,04 cst fatls between ISO VG 15 and ISO VG 22, tion
therefore use ISO VG 22. The oil filrn shown in figure 11.L wiil not support a verti-
cal load because no pressure is developed in the oil filtt.
11.1.1 Viscosity-tmperature charts A tlpical vismsity-
The basic requirement for the production of a load-sup
temperature chart is shown in figure 11.2. The chart axes
porting hydrodynamic frLn is that the lubricant enters tlte
are kinematic viscosities in mm% (cso against tempera-
bearing area via a converging channel, as shown in figure
tures in "C. The ISO viscosity grades (rnid'point values)
appear as straight lines. Any poiht on the chart within the
scope of the angular lines will give the kinematic viscosity The velocity distribution must be such that it is satisfies
at a particular temperatue, together with the recom- the 'continuity of mass' law. The velocity gradient is not
mended ISO viscosity grade. constant and the fluid is subject to a pressure. t'ig I

The minimum thickness of lhe otr film is desiglated b.
and it can be inferred intuitirretv ih^r /a) th€ iaster tUi
joumal the larger the valoe of h"; 1rl $e greater tbe ris-
cosity the greater _[t value of b"; ard /c/ dre searer the
presure the spfr the value of b.. Tle di?icemeot of
the journE@ng the lire of entres is cal]ed lbe ,eccen-
ticittffi is denoted by e. If C is tle diameE3l dear-
ance, then e = ClZ - b", from which rbe 'e.cenricin
mtio' e' is found to be
a = ?-etc: (1_ ?_h"tc)
The quantity 2lqlC is called the 'minimum-film-rhickness

11.3 Bearing characteristic number or bearing

Vaxious investigaton, employing dimensional anallsis,
have shown that the coelEcient of friction p for a jnumal
bearing is a function of at least three dimensionless
parameters, these being

The tfuee stages in the development of a hydrodynamic .4!p

filn in a journat bearing are shown in figure 11.4 a, b and c.
(a) Stationtry Metal to metal contact; clearance space . D/C
fiUed with oil. . L/D.
(b) Starting Af the @mmencemeDt of rotation the jour- Z = tle absolute vismsity (mPa = cP) at the oprating
nal cLimbs to the right and oil is being drawn between temperature
the bearing surfaces. N- the joumal speed (r/min)
(c) Running The equilibrium position is reached at the
p: the bearing pressure (Pa)
running speed and the joumal, now supported by an D: the joumat diameter (m)
oil filrn, slips to the left and holds its position except .
C= the clearance between the joumal and the bearing
in the event of a viscosity, speed or bearing pressure
L = the length of the bearing (m).
The relation between the coefhcient of friction and ttre
parameter ZN/p is called the 'beaing modulus'. This re-
l,ation is shown in the graph figure 11 .5.

deararce C

Ilg11.5 S
The portion ab coresponds to thick-film' lubrication
(hydrodynamic) and the portion cd to bormdary lubrica-
tion. The segment bc is a transition condition and is the
'thin filn' state between the two end conditions. The dia-
gram indicates that the portion bcd is an unstable part of
the and must be avoided.
It is advisable to have the value of E{/p well above that
coresponding to ttr€ minimum value of p, which is aP
proximatety 0,002. On the other hand, it is adYisable-to
iave the value of Z.t/p as lolv as posible in the thick fiIm
region in order to hive small power loss. The equation tj
for the coefficient of friction is ,t
Fig U.4
-=# (?) ('").* (McKee e1uation)

Epetinent has showa that the factor K has a value of The tempemture of the oil during operation may be q
0,002 tor a[ of the values of LID from 0,75 to 2'8' Usiqg proximated from
this value for K, the coefficient offriction becomes AT* (Tb-T)=1/r(I"-TJ
-=#-(^J (2f *o* where T. is the approximate temperatwe of the oil ("C).
The bearing lenglh L and diameter D must be in m.
Itr this equation, Z must be nPa/s (cP) aad p must be Pa. An ahernate method using a heat dissipation graPh (fS
Both D and C must be metres or millimetres. A practical 11.6) which shows tfuee different q,pes of joumal bear-
value of 1 Ofl) may betaken for theparameter D/C. ings, is as follows:
Tabh 11.2 Typicaljoural b€8rtng D,radice t Graph I for thin shells not attached to large radiatirg
ZN/p (m?a/s) o Grryh 2 for avetage industial bearings ' unventilat€d
o Groph i tor well-ventilated bearings.
Shaft B€aring Bearingwith Beadngwith Beaingwith
str€l d-atedsl arnple occasional lirde
attentioll attefltion attentioD

Hardened Babbin 2,9 10i 5,8 x 10r

x 8,7 x 10r
ard Bronu (duclile) 4,35 x 10i 8,7 x loi 13 x l0"r
ground Bronze (had) 5,8 x 10-' 115 x 104 17,4 x 10{

Machifled Babbitt 3,63 x 10{ 7,25 x 10-r 109 x 10-!

low Brcnze (dudile) 5,08 x 10{ 102 x lfrr 151 x l0+
cartlon Bronze (hard) 7,X x t0-1 14,5 t< l0-, 21,7 x 10-5

U.3.1 Imperfect lubdcalion When the bearing modu- tt-

lus is too low, or when the supply of lubricant to the bear-
ing is insuf[cient to maintain fluid flm lubrication, then o
thin fi.lm or even metal to metal sntact will exist. The va- h
lue of p can be estimated from
r:0.m1 s3c 4/ p'
where p' is the pressure in kPa and V is the velocity in
mlmin, C is a factor which may generally be taken as 2 for
drip fe€d and slow running or oscillating joumals.
lf 3.2E€rt loss in b€artngE
This may be calcularcd Aom
t{" = pWV= pWnDN/60 watts
where &- ta)nc
f'rg U.6
tlt is tle heat generated due to friction
W is the bearing load (N)
p is the coefEcient of ftiction The heat dissipated can be e)eressed in terms of the PrG'
D is the joumal diameter (m) duct of the beiring area, a heat dissipation coefEcient and
N is the revolutions per minute the temperature differcnce between the outer bearing
V is the circumferential velocity of the joumal (r/s). surface and the ambient temperature. Thus
An increase in the beadng temperatue causes a decrease lla = Ax C(Tu-T)kW
in the viscosity of the oil, which in tum the va- where
lue of the bearing modulus Z.[@, with a deoease in the heat dissipation coefEcient in kWm'1per "C
coefEcient of ftistion.
C =
A = proj€cted bearing area in m'
The oil temperatue will rise until equilibrium conditions (t" - T.) = 16(T. - r.) qc.
are achieved, This happens when the heat generated is (These temperatur€s as used above)
equal to the heat dissipated by the bearing. The heat dis-
sipated Hd may be estimated ftom To use

lla = K(AT+l8IxLxDwatts (,asche equation) (a) Calcllate @ - T.) ftom the oil and ambient tempe-
where (b) Read the graph value (e.g. at (t" - T.) : 50 find, for
AT= Gb-T.) = the difference between the bearing qpe 2 bearings, 17,5 kWm'?).
surface temPerature and the sur- (c) Apply the find the rate at which heat is
rounding air ('C) dissipated.
K = 3,66 watts p€r rt' per 'C for bearings of
heavy construction which are well- 11.4 Journal bearlng deslgn
ventilated A large number of variables are involved and reasonable
K=2,41 satB per nf per "C for bearings of assumptions have to be made and then applied to the
light mnstruction in still air. available equations in order to establish the validity of the

In general the bearing load, the joumal
assumptions. lhan 50 mrn in diameter) haying hjeh qu.a]it-v sudac€
diameter and the shaft speed are known. The following qishes and running at slow ro medium speeas, L is ae_
procedure may now be a course of actjon . s@ed to be not less than about 2.5 microns. In practice
. Determine the bearing lengo by using an UD ratio of, the allowable h. is generally' increaged more or less di-
say 0,8 to 1,8. recdy with shaft size with a given qxed.
o Check the bearing presure for a probably satisfactory
Table 11.3 Recommended d6ign ilata for bearings
valug; see data on bearing pressues used in different
. Assume a clearance ratio of, say 0,001 = gD. Tweofbearing A.llowable Recommended Re.tEeeDied
, pressure (kPa) LD range ISO YG ar.{FC
Assume a lubricant and the oil operating temperatue
T". In genera.l, this temperature should lie between Electric motors 380 15-2,4
690- r 31
4ffC ald 70"C, with 80"C as a maximum for high tem- Purps 550-6m 15 2,0 t2
perature installations.
Automobiles i
. From the viscosity chart, find the kinematic viscosity at rnaid 3 450-4 100 0,5- 1,0 tm
the operating temperature. Calculate the viscosity in qank pin 6 890-8 270 0,5- 1,0 1m
centipoise. gudgeon pill 8n0-12 4N 0,8-1,2 1m
. Determifle the bearing modulus ZNip; check with the Ai compressors:
values given in tables. main 8r0-t 1x 7,0-2,0 1m
. crank pin 2 060-4 100 1,0-1,7 1m
Determine the coefEcient of friction. gudgeon pin 3 450-6 890 1,5-2,0 tm
. Determine the heat generated.
. Determine the heat dissipated. Ambient temperatures to be considered.
. If thermal equilibrium is indicated by comparing items
8 and 9, then the assumed bearing temperatue is es- 11.5 Oils and lubrication - lormulae summary
tablished and the operating conditions may be re-
(a) (G) at temierature t'C
Specific gtavity
garded as satisfactory.
. If approximate equilibrium is not indicated, it is neces- G= G," -0,0m 6s7 (t - 20)
sary to change some, if not all, of the initial assump Tale Guo as 0,9 if not known.
tions; if
this ideal is not approached, artificial cooling
must be resorted to. (b) Beaingmodulusis Tp where Z is h mPa/s (centi-
F om practical experience in bearing design, a number of poise); N is in r/min and p is in Pascals based on pro-
approximate working rules have emerged that provide jected bearing area.
general guidelines for the choice of bearbg dimensions
and acceptable operating conditions. Some of these rules
(c) Coeffuirnt of fr'tction (1)
are outlined b€low.

(a) Clearance ratio (C- lR)

(d) Heat generated (H")
\P/ /9\
'tt: 326xro. * /ZN'\ \c/
* o.ooz
The bearing performance is particularly sensitive to
changes in this ratio. Clearance ratios are usually within II. = pWnD N/60 watts
the range of 0,002 to 0,000 5. The lower figule applies to where W is the radial load on the bea rg (newtons).
slow speed journals and it is necessa.ry to increase the (e) Heat disipated (Ha)
ratio with increasing speed to avoid undue heating. A dia-
metral clearance of one thousandth of the shaft diameter
!r": K(ar+18FLD
is commonly accepted as standad. K = 3,66 W per rr3 per 'C for heary construction
and well-ventilaled
(b) Radial cbarance (C)
K= 2,07 W per m' per "C for light construction in
Allowances have to be made for wear and possible shaft
still air
misalignment or deflection. For example, if the minimum
clearance desired is 0,001 per unit diameter, allowance (fl An temperature (T.)
for wear could be 0,005 and production tolerance 0,005. AT= %(T. * T") or T" = 2AT + T.
Calculations of load capacity and performance must be
made at both possible extremes of clearance resulting
aT: (T,_T.)
from these clearances, Tb is the bearing surlace tempelature and T. is the
ambient temperature.
(c) lzngth+o-dimrcter ratb (UD)
There is no advantage in making the bearing much longer
@ Viscosity
(i) Absotute or dlnamic viscosity: Z m?a/s (or cP)
than the shaft diameter, since reduced loading per unit of
projected arca of beadng may be ofhet by increased fric-
tional torque and the chanc€ of edge loading due to mis"
(ii) Kinematicviscosiry, Z ! mm% (or cst)
= -G,
alignment is also increased. If no special restrictions are When recommending an oil, use the ISO viscosity grade.
imposed, an L/D ratio of Ul is a reasonable basis to
adop. Example 11.3 the temperature of the oil in tle main
( d) M inimwn fihn thbknes s (lt") bearing of an intemal cohbustion engine is 8trC- If-l!;
viscositv of the oil is 100 cst (mm?s) at 4tPC,
kinemitic viscosity
Productioo tolerances, the surface finish of joumal and determine /c) irs drmamic viscositv in the bearing; (b)) thethe
traring and the effects of possible contaminants in the oil modulus if the pressure
bearinB rnodulus
bearinp jouraal
Dressure is 8 MPa and the jouraal
suPply must all be considered. For small bearings (tess snoed 1
speed (Yf} rimin;
3 000 rrc) t'he value of the coefficient of ftic-
r/min: (c)
tim if the diametal clearance ratio D/C = 1 000; and (d) (, It: pWrDN/60
Heatgenemted per second
tk beadng load atrd the amoult of heat generated per
second in the bearing if it is 45 mm in diameter and oiHs= 0,003 01 x$0mxnx0,t175x#
40 rnm long.
The oil has a specific gravity of0,887 at 2ffC. (g) To find the heat being dissipated by the bearing, use
Solution the 'heat dissipation gaph'. Here (h - t ) :
The specific gravity at 8fC is Go = 0,887 7 - 0,000 657
(80 -
2.0) Frcm the graph at 15'C, find C(G - t") is 4,5
hence Ga = 0,828 Henoe
From the viscosity graph, find the kinematic uircorrty a Ild = (75 x 90) x 10{ x 4,5 x 1 000
= 19 cSt.
= 30,4 w
Hence the dynamic viscosity Z = 19 x 0,848 = 16,1cP Using the Lasche equation:

The bearing modulus zl'rlp = : 0,006 04

Hi- K(AT+18)'zxLxD
'6,81i itrom The heat dissipation, based on the average value of
The coeffcient of friction K as 2,865 Wper m per'C, isfound to be
= 326 x 10-5 (0,006 04) (1 000) + 0,002 rt : 2,865 (15 + 18)' x (75 x 90) x 10{
hence p= 9,964 Ft = 21,06W
The bearing load is the pressure multiplied by Oe pro- The difference befiveen these two results is probably
j€cted ar€a. due to the empirical nature of the methods. Witl this
ThusW= x 1ff x (45 x 40) x 10* = 14,4kN
type of bearing heat is di$sipated not only from the
housing, but also along the exposed portions of the
The heat generated II! = p W r D N/60 shaft as well as from the walls of the oil reservoir. A
S60 O state of equilibdum between llr and IIa will be
= 0,004 x 14 400 x a x 0,045 x readed when a steady state exisb.
hence Itr = 40,7 watB
1 1.6 The Sommerleld number (S)
n*orn e ll.4 A ringailed line shaft
bearing 75 mm in This is a dimensionles number bas€d on hydrodynamic
diemeter and 90 mm long has a diametral clearance of theory. It is used as the basis of the design curves devs.
0,fr5 mm. The kinematic vismsity of the oil is 46 mm%
at ,l{PC wi& a specifc gravity of 0,895 at 2OC. During
operation the bearing surface temp€rature was found to
be 4trC when tbe ambient temperature was 25"C. The
loped by Raimondi and Boyd. The Sommerfeld number

shaft speed is 3fi r/min and the bearing load is 15 li},l.
Pals is the absolute vismsity
Determine (a) the beariag pressure; (b) the oil tempera-
p is the beadng prqssure (Pa)
lqre ; (c) the dynamic viscosity cP of the oil in the bearing; N'is the journal sp€ed (r/s)
(d) the bearing modulus; (e) the coefflcient of friction;
(, the heat generated per socond; D/C is the clearance ratio.
ald (g) the bear dissi-
pated per second if the bearing is unventilated and Relaining the mPa/s (centipoise Z), tbe Sommerfeld
classed as average industrial. number becomes

Solufion s= (z4ap
(a) Bearing pressure, = t'# = Z,DMpa )0,{,,(+)'
(D,) The oil temperature found from Amongst the data for atry particular oil, manufactriren
prcsent properties such as
Cr'-r.) = +r(r"-T.) . absolute viscosity in mPa/s at a low temperature, e.g.
is T" = 2(a0 - 2s) + 25 = 55Y
(c) The specifrc 5fC is
gra.vity of the oil at . kinematic viscosity in mm% (centistokes) at,tO'C
- Gs,: C," - 0,m0 657 (t - 2r) . kinematic vismsity in mm% at 10ffC
or G" = 0,895 - 0,0tfr 657 (55 - %) = 0,W2
o density in kg/m3 at 20'C

Then the dynamic viscosity isz = Z; x G,

From the viscosity chart 4at55'C = 25 cst (note specific gravity = ffi-)
henre,Z = 26 x 0,&72 =22j cP
o Viscosity Index (VI), which is the rate of ctrange of the
(d) Bearingmodulus anO= t visoosity with resp€.{ to temperature. A high YI indi-
ffi =O,wz
cates a relatively low change in yiscosity with an in-
(a) Coefficient of fricrion crease in lemperature.

In the selection of an oil th€se data become of particular

$= 3?5x10-6(0,003 u ffi + o,ooz
importance and reference must be made to a manufactur-
p= 0,m3 01 erh catalogue.
End Le-akage: Os nf,
rr 6 I Raimondi and Boyd charts Design curves were '
i'"""rroea bv A A. Raimondi and John Boyd ol the
$;];ilus,e Research Laboratories to determine
;I;#;;;; t garding coetncient of hiction' mini-
lii'5-ii* it tr.ooti oil flow end leakage and tempera-
::'f,*.' iil;-;;re plotted against ihe Sommerfeld S o,'
lTir,,i-. isi it A portion of these graphs has lo,
ill"""-*"io'ao".a"*irblei. for an
for demonstration purposes, all
i6- iutio or i . The original papers by th9 r9s9ar- cners cp
I^i.isr of 45 charts and sir tables of nirmencal l orma- E
f,r, *J tn"rra u. referred to when designing bearings
fot optirrum Performance '
dficisnlotni$o, vdiabr€


+ lr#fitr"ffi*L,,?f,Ig,l'i:x?is-'," *
ea"eo- f =r


*,i***',0.' "- 4:{+l g
rigs 11.7

$ 0.6



.a a
E Examnle 11.5 The main bearing in a diesel eogine has
ii-#Li liLso *rn. tt e loumal speea oil which has a
is 400 r/min' The
g; 3 t33-3 R ;i,;;;;;t;
is timitea io 6ffc' usins
aO mrnls at 4ffC' ietermine the al-
Fig.1r.8 "it""t'w-rt
[xHTffi ixlxfrvhat;+1HJ:ffi:."n]:"?Hq
is the value ot the coemcrenr
oil not valiltbls: O ifl oil is 0.{i87 7 at 2CPC'
;i ffi;; lt itt"'oir-"tta dearance is 0'2 mm? How
what is tlre Sommer-
ir"t rt*i i. g"**ted per second?
feld nurnber for this bearing?
Goo : 0,887 7 - 0,m0 657 (60 - 20) = 0'851 a

The kinematic viscosity at 6fC is 22 mm%

Hence the dynamic viscosity Z = D
x o,Kl 4 = 18'95 cP
a hard
i*"rninn u n*a"n.a and ground steel slraft and-
ffi;.-b*;;. t;;;t[ E'* the bearing modulus as

s 3 E33 :'%:#P = 1 3o7kPa
3 rhererorep =
E#r 163
The beadng load W = pxLxD Hence
= 7307 x l0 x 1,5 x 0,15 x 0,15 11" = 3,66 $3Y x
a 900 x 10-6 33,16W -
= ,14,1k^r Using the heat dissipation graphs, find that for well-veD6
The mefEcient of fridion lated bearings the heat dissipated is 17 kwmz per f.
Hence for this bearing
rr=ff x(sJsxrol* ffi+o,m IIo = 4 900 x 10{ x 17 x 10 = 833W
The Sormerfeld nunber is
P = 0,m3 31
><!j:rs0o \ /___1 Y
Heat generated
Hg = pWrDN/60
' = \/_9&
r,mxffxfi )\0J01 spu,

= 0,003 31 xa+rO0xrx0,15x = 0,055

= 458,6 w Using the'&iction variable'chart, find
The Sommerfeld number
s=(+##) (#) (P,l
he,nce p = 2x0,001 5=0,0G
This is in fairly close agreement rvith the value above.
The temperature rise between the leading and trailing
= 0,050 4 edges of the oil wedge is found to be approximaef
Nok: me charts cannot be used because of a different 6,5cC. Of the heat generated, some will find a patb
LtD ratio. thmugh the bearing body, some will find a path along tlr
E nmpte 11.6 It is required to design fu[ journal bear- shaft and ptobably a large anount from the body of tbe
ings for a centifugal pump, The available tlata ar€: I-oad oil rese oir. If testitrg shows that some form of artifrcial
on each bearing = 5 000 N; speed = 900 r/rnin; and jour- cooling is required, an oil cooler may be used or a buik-
nal dia.meter = 70 Inm. up fan can be strapped to the shaft at the bearing in suct
Sdution a manner as to cause air to be blown over the assembly.
The following assumptions will be made: The shaft is of Particr ar aftention must be paid to the grooving of a
hardened and ground steel; the bearing metal is a ductile ring-oiled bearing. If the dircction of the load is fixed ad
broze of WVo @p4r,r, LDVo lin ard 107o lead; the al- is toward the bottom of the bearing, a simple axial groove
lowable bearing pressure *
1 MPai the bearing is to be comecting with the ring slot is adequate. This may be
rins:{iled; tbe clearance ratio CID = 0,001 5; the oil is doie in a two-pan beariry by chamfering the bearing
Wt n,,tire of n cst at 4(rc; the operating tempcra- halves at the parting line. However, if the load is side-
ture of the oil in the bearing = 7ffC; the ambient tem- wa),s this t1pe of groove nay be blocked. This can be
perature = 2fC; and oil clensity = 679116r.
overcome by using an 'X' fonn of grooving as shown in
The gravity of the oil in the bearing is figure 11.12. These grooves cross in the top of the bear-
Gil - 0,879 =fp00 6s7 QO - 2n) ing. The area around the end of the rirg slot is relieved to
aid in the distribution of the oil.

= 0,8,16 T
The kinematic vi6m6ity of the oil at Zrc is A = 10 cst.
Hence dynamic vismi-tyZ :
10 x 0,8,16 = 8,216 cP
Required bearing area is load/presure * 5 00ry1 x 1ff
= 5 0(X)mm'
Bearing length is L = 5 Cf,flll0 = 71,4 nrn, say 70 mm
For hearv
With_ a 'quare' bearing, the Raimondi and Boyd charts €il€i,vayti
maybe used. badh0

Then the bearing pressute is

p = 5 0fl)r/0 x 70 x 10{ = 1,02MPa
The bdaring modulus
+ =#+#=7'618x10-!
The mefEcient of friction

u=ff rz,ets*lo*,
0,003 66
The heat generated
H, = O003 00 x s 000 x n x o,tr/ x 9fly60
= 60,4W Fir
The heat dissipated
II" - 3,66x (f+18),xZ0x70x 10{ T1
T = \4T" _ T,) = th?| _ m) = ?s" rE11.13
(a) Values for the given cuwe will vary sith difiereat ma-
terials and D/C ratios.
(D) The high values of F to ihe left of point A arc dre 6
the interlocking of surface irreguladties. The principal
cause of ftic'tion to the right of A is the viscosity of tbe orl,
since there is essentially no metal to metal cotrtact
(c) Point B is where p is of a minimum value. However,
this is a very unstable operating point, since any suddm
inmease in load or temperatue would drop the value of
a.Vp to a dangerously low level where bearing seizure is
Jikely to occur. A factor of safety of 5 is considered good
practice. Thus the point C wou.ld be the desig! Point for
continuous olrration.
(d) OpeEtiotr to the left of point B is generally called
'boundary' or imperfect lubrication, because the frIn of
oil that exists is very thin and unstable. Perfecl lubrication
is experienced to the dght of point B because of the exis-
tence of a thick and stable oil frlm.
(e) The shape of the graph ftom B to C indicates an in'
crcase in p, with an inffease in velocity. (For dry surfaces
p is independent of the velocity once motion has com-
(D Perfect lubrication is enhanced by the following:
(i) low temperatue and hence high vismsity
(ii) low loads with consequent low pressures
(iii) adequate oil supply
(w) high sp€ed.
ln general the bearing temperature should not excred
85t, because the oil vismsity may become too low' For
the higher operating temperatures, high VI numben are
Example 11.7 (the use oI the charts) A full joumal
bearinls uses oil bf kinematic viscosity 40 mm% (cSQ at
afc aid specinc gravity 0,877 at 2tfc' The beadtrg load
is 8 kN at ioumal speed of I 8m r/min. The bearing is
60 mm in dirimeter arid 60 mm long- The diametral clear-
ance ratio is 1 000. The oil temperature is 6fC. Using the
11,? Lubrlcation and bsarlng d€sign Raimondi and Boyd charts, determine (a) the coefEcienr
of fiction (u); (r) the minimum film thickness h" in mi-
crons; (c) tie oil flow Q (in ol'/s) due to the pumping ac'
tion of tLe ioumat, this being the amount of oil supplied
to the bearfus; (d) the eud leakage a' (in cm%)' this be-
inc the amou;t of side flow of the oil supplied; and (e) the
rcirperature rise of the oil in passitrg thrcWh the bearing.

The qpecific gravity of the oil at 6OC is
G,o = 0,&77 - 0,00() 657 (60 - 2I)) = 0,850 7
From the kinematic viscosity chart at 6ffC, find Z
= 18 cSt
Therefore dynamic visosity Z = 18 x 0,850 7 = 15,31cP
The bearing pressuxe

,="-,#'ffi*. =2,ry2'xttrPa
The Sommerfeld number will be
Flg 11.16 (zx_10")
s= p "r, rP),
The p - Zi.[/p diagram is repeated with scaled values for p
and ?.{/p. lbe following observations should be not€d as
a set of complexities in design:
**' = (":''#i1';') " 1$00'' $ wr = on6'7
lbb Ebe tbe vafue to be used oa each of the five charts
*hetr detemiDing the data required inSe question.
(a) Fl()nthe'(r,efrcient of ftiction vadable' chat, find
P@/9= 4,8
hence p = 4,8/1 000 = 0'004 8
(fte McKee equation gives a value of p = 0,m6 04.)
(b) From the'minimum thickness variable' chart, find
?h.lC = 0.53

hence h, = ry . (-r-, * ) = rs9 x 1o-6m

or lL = 15,9 microns
(c) From the 'flow variable' chart, fnd
SanFr- - ""
D = 0,06;C = 0,0d1 000;N' = 30;L = 0,06
4'1 x 0'06j{-!.q} 30 x 0'06 n%
Therefore Q = ETI

= 6,65 x 10{ m%
= 6,65 cm% . . Ilg rr.U
\0. i:'
(d) From the 'end leakage (flow ratio)' chart, find '-.
.' Exercises

-9- = 11.1 A full joumal bearing of 100 mm in diameter and

Q 150 mm iD leisth suoports a radial load of 5 000 N. The
- O,fi x 6,65 =3,72ctr'ls shaft speed is 5m riiiin. The room temperature is 3ffC
(e) From the 'temperatlue dse' chart, find ]' and ttie bearing surhce temp€ratue is limited to 6{FC.
' The bearins is of heaw construction and is well venti-
ocAT _ "' \ laterl. Assuhe the dianietral ctearance ratio to be 10m
p and select a suitable oil. EsovGl5o]
p = 877 kdm3t c= 1 675lkeK;P = 2,D x 7tr Pa
Therefore21x2,rux1ff 11 2 A design for a fuu joumal bearing calls for a dia-
^T- gn x I 675:T s\,.
meterofTs rirn and a length of 130 mm to support a load
of 20 kN. The bearing is to operate at a temperalqrelot

comrersion chart that may be used io translate
'normal' AAO,!S/m'.it i temneratureof Zfc.'Th€iry4.tpeg i'
i]fn ii.irri* Endo*r" (seel .r.u"iJ"G 10001/min. Determine the amount of artificial cooling
nt" Oh*ri. ,1"o6t* l, i.,py. lr gil; i" ry"* ff .fZ. required; this is ,to be supplied by an extemal cooler'
Sytrt#tica[y formulated oif. -ort ilt-;"L-iir."O- Taie D/C = 1 000. [?2fVrl
the'normal'SAE ratings. These oils contain "itf,.
'additives' .
- ,-,a'r
chemical agents solubtiin oit - ,"tri"l generally serve to I-)n'g6f a shat running at 900 r/min is supported in a bear-
increase tha visosity rating, inhibit corrosion and carbon heavy onstrucion which is 50 mm in diameter atrd
residue formation aid improve tle perfonnance of the oil 75mm long. The bearing surface temperature is to be
at higher operating tedperature* Oils sudr as SAE .limited to 55qC, whilst the ambient temperature is 5qC.
20W50, whiich has; tinehatic viscosity of between 16,3 ,: The oil has a kinematic visosity of 12 mm% at the ope-
and 21,9 mmTs at 10OC can, of couse, be rated equally - ,
raiing temperatue, The diamehal clearance is 0,055 trun
with SAE 50, Dr, only at 10CC. Interpolation is possible \and the bearing is to operate without artifcial moling.
when the kinematic viscosity at 4trC is known. T infor-
Determine the permissible load and the power loss for
mation is obtainable ftom i catalogue. Knowing the den- thebearing. t3 996N;43W]
sity at ZfC, oonversion to mPa/s unia may be made at
4fC and at ltrC. These trro values are plotted on figure
11.4 The following data refer to a ring-oiled beadng:
U.17 ard a strai.Eht line is drarrn betwee1th"9m. fttg 0y-
Kinematic viscosity-of the oil at the ope;ating tempera-
namic viscosity in mPa/s_ can t[n Ue rqO gt-.against any :
ture 12 mm%; ;il density at operating temperature =
temperatwe between {"".r. !r,e1 pl
^.q** the data E" $"
AtS fg/rrf; b"u.dg p."oo."'= t fuO tpajAanietral ctear-
graph is for the oil described as SAE 20W50, for
ance iatio = O,Odt 5; and journal speed = 1J00 r/min.
which are: The I-lD ratio :
1 and jortrnal diameter = 70 mm. De-
. vismsity mm% at 4OC - 155 termine the Sonrmerfeld number for this bearing and, us-
r vismsity mm% at 10CfC - 18,3 ing the charts, find (c) the mefficient of friction; (b) the
. density atzfc kC/rP - 883 minimum oil flrn thickres; Gl tte 9i] n9w ttugug! tpe
. viscodty index (min) - 125. bearing due to the pumping adion of the joumzli @) the
end leakage to comPensate loss due to thisj and
(eJ the 883 kg/nri; ambient teryetatrc = 23C; ad bea:ing
EmDeratue rise in the bearing. temperature = 55T. [F = O,mS 1;2
(b9 N; 9,1 w]
' [S = 0,O78 67;0,003 75;15,8 microns; 11.7 The followiDg data Ieftf, !o m arerage, uuneoti-
' 11,58 cm%;8,8 cm%;9'79 lated, industxial joudal bearirg kr a grrerm Ld
rf.S.l fte
weieht on each of the four wheels of an over-
35 kN; speed = 870 r/min; diameter ,fl),nm; lqrh =
\.ad is?tN. ttewbe€l diameter is 620 mm. 50 mm; clearance ratio = 0,001; amlie* tmperme :
Each ".an"
wheel is carried by a bearing with a journal diame- 15'C; and oil t€mperatue = 6trC mariEm AssEe m
ter of 80 mm and a lengith of 130 mm. The bearing clear- oii viscosity of ISO VG 68 md delemirc (a) ffir
ance is 0,08 mm. Esimate ttle possible running tem?era- hydrodynamic lubrication may be eryeed; aod (D)
ture of the bearinss which are drip fed. Assume a suitable whether artificial cooling is required and, if so, ri€ hed to
wpe of oil and fi;d the probablJ value of the mefEcient beremovedperseoond- [21,6W]
of ti"tioo. If all the othei rolling resistance in the crane
includinE track resistance and Aiction other than that in I I .8 A firll ioumal bearing 150 mm lorg a.nd 10 mm in
ttre whe;t bearings - amounts to 1 500 N, find the power diameter opeiates at 2 000 /min to supPort a radial k'ld
required to drive the clane at 120 metres q-e: mitrute. of 43 kN. ihe operating temPeratEe of tte dl b to be
limited to 8fC. The ambient temperature b 3fC'
z-- [P: 0,0u .8; 57,6'C; 4 kw motor]'s
.tlU-ol a hardened and groutrd ste€l journal which
ff = 30 x 10-3 and determine fc) th€ coeF
N 49,9 nrm in diameter rotates in a bronze beanng 5u mm Assume
in diamet€r at a speed of 1 200 r/min. The bearing is cient of fticiion; (b) the bearing pressure; (c) ttre heat ge-
30 mm long. Under constant loading conditions, deter'
re.rated; (d) the heat dissipated; (e) the gade of oil to be
I'mine the ;obable coefficient of friction and maximum
used and f) whether artificial moling is required if the
I radial load'and power loss if hydrodynamjc tubrication is
bearine is classed as 'unventilated, average ildustrial"
be maintaioad. The following assumptions may be
a.. !o
made: Viscosity grade of oil = ISO VG 2; derdty = Io,ott za;z,gz upa;5 304 W; 120 W; ISO VG 3201



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