Bakkah - LMS - PRINCE2® - Self Paced - Module 3 - Check Your Knowledge

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 PRINCE2® - Self Paced (https://lms.bakkah.


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Plans theme is based on which of following principles?

 Continued Business Justi cation

Focus on Products

Learn From Experience

 De ned Roles & Responsibilities


Which of products are produced and maintained for the organization theme?

Business Case

Project Initiation Document

 Communication management approach

Product Process


Match the Role with the correct responsibilities.

Responsible for the overall conduct of Chair
the review and to ensure that the review
is undertaken properly

Introduces the product for review and Presenter

represents the producers of the product

Reviews the product, submits questions Reviewer

and con rms corrections and/or

Provides administrative support for the Administrator

chair and records the result and actions


Which management product should always be updated when a product fails its quality check?

Risk register

Issue register

 Quality register

Lessons log


Which of the following statements about the purpose of the Risk theme are true?

1. The Risk theme identi es how to manage risks at the corporate or programme level of an organization
2. The Risk theme explains the risk management activities to use to improve the chances of a project
delivering its objectives

Only 1 is true

 Only 2 is true

Both 1 and 2 are true

Neither 1 or 2 are true


Identify the missing word(s) in the following sentence.

If a baselined product requires modi cation, the _____________ procedure should be applied in order to manage
the modi cation.

risk management


 issue and change control

quality control


Which two statements are CORRECT about the minimum requirements for applying the change theme?

1. Identified issues must be assessed for their impact on the business justification for the project.
2. Project issues must be captured, examined and managed throughout the project lifecycle.
3. The actual status of products must be verified to ensure that this matches the authorized state.
4. A budget must be established to pay for requests for change and their analysis.

 1 and 2

2 and 3

3 and 4

1 and 4


Which is a purpose of the Organization theme?

Set the tolerance on the cost of resources

Provide project management training to those working within the project

 De ne the structure of accountability and responsibilities on the project

Implement the controls required to permit management by exception


Match the question tag with the corresponding theme?

Plans How

Progress Where

Business Case Why

Organization Who

Risk What is the impact  (What if)

Quality What

Change What if  (What is the impact)


Which is a minimum requirement for applying the risk theme?

A risk breakdown structure must be created

A risk budget must be established for managing risks

 Identi ed threats and opportunities must be documented

Risk checklists must be used to ensure risks are identi ed


Which is a bene t of using the product based planning technique?

All the required products of the project will be delivered to time and to cost

Clearly shows how long a project will take

It removes the need for activity based planning

 Reduces the risk of incorrectly scoping the project


Which is a purpose of the risk management approach?

 To de ne the techniques to be used when assessing project risks

To summarize exposure to strategic, programme, project and operational risks

To recommend responses for each of the project risks

To identify suitable risk owners for each of the project risks


Which statement correctly describes project assurance and quality assurance?

 Project assurance provides assurance to the project's stakeholders whereas quality assurance provides
assurance to the wider corporate, programme or customer organization

They are both the responsibility of the project board, but project assurance may be delegated

They are both independent of the project management team

Project assurance and quality assurance are both the responsibility of corporate, programme management or the


What theme ensures the project is desirable, viable and achievable?



 Business Case



Which of the following guidelines should be considered when tailoring Prince2 theme for an organization?

Rewriting Prince2 Theme

 Minimum requirements of the theme are satis ed

Purpose of each theme is not compromised

All of the above

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