Islam Speak 1.1

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Islam-Speak – 1.

A Guide to the Meaning of Terms when used by Muslims
Henry Kadoch

It has become very clear that in the West, we have a fundamental misunderstanding of Islam. Its
history, guiding principles, and more importantly, what it means to a Muslim when he uses
certain terms.
In order to understand what Muslims mean when they use a certain word, we must remember
that in their minds and cultures, certain words do not mean anything like the accepted meaning
we have for them in the West.
For Muslims, the meaning of any word is very closely related to the traditional meaning of that
word in the Koran and their other holy texts. Unlike most of us with the Bible, for a Muslim the
Koran is not just a prayer book, it is the complete guide to his life, and the absolute guiding
principle for the world, and all who reside in it, religious and political.
Because of this, we in the West are often dumbfounded by their words vs. their actions, because
for us the words mean one thing, and for them they mean something entirely different. They are
thus able to manipulate the uneducated listener into believing they agree, when in fact for the
most part, they do not agree.
Here then, is a short guide to real meaning of certain key words, when used by a Muslim.

An Islam-speak glossary:

Peace - The state of cessation of all resistance to Islam. Peace only exists when Islam rules
politically and religiously, and all Islamic principles are established as the law of the land.
"Peace" in Islam equals submission to the will of Allah through his divine and eternal law,
sharia, and the extension of the Dar al-Islam – or 'House of Islam' – to cover the entire world.
The absence of sharia is the absence of peace. Since it is the will of Allah that Islam will rule the
entire planet, entering non-Muslim lands to subjugate the population and wipe out their corrupt,
infidel culture is not seen by Muslims as "waging war," but as spreading peace.

Freedom – Freedom exists when Islam and its principles attain complete dominance and
constitute the entirety of religious belief and political rule. Hurriyya, freedom, means freeing all
people from being slaves of the laws of men and making them live in perfect slavery, in
submission to the will of Allah and his laws.

Justice – The state when Sharia law is the law of the land, and all judicial decisions are based on
it and it alone. Justice exists when non-Muslims have no standing before a court, and when the
testimony of two Muslim women is equal to that of one Muslim man.

Equality – Equality is achieved when Muslims are the only leaders of society, and are given
their rightful place as the best of men, leading all institutions, political and religious. This does
not extend to non-Muslims or apostates.

Tolerance – The state when non-Muslims are properly subdued and subservient to Muslim rule,
agree to their second-class Dhimmi status, and duly pay the Jizya to their Muslim overlords.
Truth – Truth is the accepted Islamic version of events, as laid out in the Koran and the Sunna.
Anything beyond that is merely hearsay, and in many cases blasphemy. (see Lies).

Democracy – The state when Islam is the absolute law and religion, and all peoples conform to
Islamic law and customs. (see Freedom).

Freedom of Speech – Freedom of speech is achieved when Muslims, and only Muslims, are free
to espouse their beliefs, and non-Muslims are prohibited from commenting on or criticizing
anything Islamic.

Just Society - A society ruled by Muslims under Islamic law.

Koran - Allah’s final word, perfect and un-altered, superseding all others and the true and only
guide for mankind in religion, law and politics.

Oppression - The rule of a state by non-Islamic law; actions of resistance to implementation of

Islamic law and Muslim rule.

Racism - The state where anything Islamic or any Muslim is criticized or rejected.

Infidel / Kafir – Any and all non-Muslims. Subject only to conversion, subjugation, or death
under Islamic law.

Slavery – The rightful and lawful status of any infidel captured in battle against Islam.

Treaty – A non-binding and temporary agreement between Muslims and non-Muslims, valid
only until such time as the Muslims have the power to achieve by force or other means what they
have momentarily failed to achieve.

Lies – The act of hiding the truth, permissible by Islamic law for a Muslim when in fear for his
safety or when it advances the cause of Islam.

Innocent – “At the end of the day, when we say “innocent people” we mean “Muslims.” As far
as non-Muslims are concerned, they have not accepted Islam. As far as we are concerned, that is
a crime against God.”

Peaceful coexistence – The state of affairs that exists when Islam and Sharia are accepted as the
law of the land and any/all others subject to it.

Reasoning and dialogue – Reasoning and dialogue exist when all parties to a meeting,
agreement, or discussion accept the superiority of Islam and Sharia as the base starting point for
discussion and negotiation.

Self-Defense / Defensive War - The legitimate mobilization of military and/or paramilitary

forces to resist oppression and more generally to resist the state of affairs when peace, freedom,
justice, equality, tolerance, truth, democracy, freedom of speech and the Koran are being
infringed upon or perceived to be infringed upon (see "oppression" in addition to "peace",
"freedom", "justice", "equality", "tolerance", "truth", "democracy", "freedom of speech" and

Religious freedom: Subjugation of non-Muslims to religious apartheid and second class

citizenship in their own country under Islamic rule. This option is only available to Christians
and Jews, not Hindus, Buddhists or others, who have only the choice between embracing Islam
or death. Muslims should practice sharia. Since these laws require the subjugation of non-
Muslims, "freedom of religion" for Muslims essentially means the freedom to make others

Jihad: Peaceful, inner struggle that has killed up to 80 million people in the Indian subcontinent
alone, and enslaved or killed tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of people on three
continents for 1350 years. It can also be violent, but only for defensive purposes, such as the
Muslims who defended their way from the Arabian Peninsula to the borders of China, wiping out
the indigenous cultures along the way.

Aggression: When non-Muslims do anything to preserve their culture and resist the Islamization
of their country. Even when this "aggression" is non-violent, such as publishing a cartoon critical
of Islam, this intolerable insult to Islamic supremacy on earth can be answered with violence by
Muslims. Since a refusal to submit to sharia is a rebellion against Allah, the very existence of
non-Muslim communities can be viewed as an act of aggression.

Slander (ghiba) - means to mention anything concerning a person that he would dislike.

It would behoove our leaders wishing to “negotiate” with Islam to learn these. With these
definitions in mind, we will be better prepared to answer or debate a Muslim statement, and our
leaders will be better prepared to understand what their Muslim counterparts actually mean when
they use the words.

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