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Curriculum English Class 4/5 Mocha Teacher’s signature:

Topic: Writing and structure (sequence) Date: Monday 31st Time

May 2021

Learning Intention: To write an amazing orientation using structure, punctuation, various sentence types, and Outcome(s)
descriptive language.
EN3-2A - Writing and Representing.
composes, edits and presents well-structured and coherent texts.
Success criteria:
 understand and appreciate the way texts are shaped through exploring a range of
Students can successfully and effectively write an amazing orientation using correct punctuation, structure,
language forms and features and ideas.
various sentence types lots of descriptive language.
 plan, draft and publish orientation choosing and experimenting with text
structures, language features, appropriate to purpose and audience.
 Investigate how complex sentences can be used in a variety of ways to elaborate,
extend, and explain ideas.
 create literary texts that experiment with structures, ideas, and stylistic features of
selected authors.
 understand, interpret and experiment with the use figurative language eg similes,

EN3- 4A - Spelling
Draws on appropriate strategies to accurately spell familiar and unfamiliar words when
composing texts.
 understand how accurate spelling supports the reader to read fluently and interpret
written text with clarity.

EN3-6B – Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary

uses knowledge of sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary to respond to
and compose clear and cohesive texts in different media and technologies.
 understand that choices in grammar, punctuation and vocabulary contribute to the
effectiveness of texts.
 understand the difference between main and subordinate clauses and that a
complex sentence involves at least one subordinate clause.
 understand how noun groups/phrases and adjective groups/phrases can be
expanded in a variety of ways to provide a fuller description of the person, place,
thing, or idea.
 Experiment with different types of sentences, eg short sentences to build tension
and complex sentences to add detail.
 use grammatical features, eg pronouns, conjunctions and connectives, to
accurately link ideas and information to ensure meaning when composing texts.

EN2-9E - Reflecting on Learning.

recognises, reflects on and assesses their strengths as a learner.
 formulate questions for specific purposes, eg to clarify and reflect.

Time Teaching strategies Learning strategies Grouping Space Resources

Intro / Introduce students to a digital story as a writing Active listening and participating in The whole class On the floor in front of  Butcher’s paper
demonstration stimulus to help students write in sequential order guided and modelled activities. white board  Student check list.
26 Minutes using various sentence types, descriptive language,  Post it notes
punctuation, and structure. Creativity is not their
strong point therefore, having a digital stimulus will
help aide their writing.

Lesson’s focus is the Orientation

students to watch the 44 seconds of digital story



Teacher to use the think aloud strategy to stimulate
Teacher to talk about what she see’s using descriptive
language, who are the characters, what is the setting,
what emotions do they convey, how can we tell, what
is happening in the story.

Modelled and guided activity

Activity 1
Teacher to explicitly model
On Butcher’s paper- write the title Orientation
 who are the characters?
 what is the setting of the story?
 what is happening in the story?
 What emotions do you see?
 how can we tell what emotions they have?

Main purpose of Orientation is set a scene, mood

and introduces the characters.
Include When, where, who and what to explain
what the story is about.

Teacher to split the board in two sections. on one side
of the board write the title setting and on the other
side write character traits.

Teacher to split the class in two groups.

Students will be given post it notes. Students with the
green post it notes will write descriptive words/
adjectives on the setting. Students who have yellow
post it notes will write descriptive words on character
Students will place them on the board in the right
Bump up vocabulary:
Teacher to pull some simple words to bump up
words. Students look in the dictionary for other
synonyms they can use.

Set expectations.
Give examples of what descriptive language you
want to see.
Example: luscious green grass/paddock….
Dark gloomy clouds emerged….
The dishevelled boy….

Students are to write their story in third person.

(I do not want to see I in your story)

Body Students then go back to their desks and start their Active participating in Independent The whole class At students’ desks.  Student check list.
26 mins orientation. They will have the orientation guide and activity
descriptive language as a visual aide as a guide for
them to follow.

As an extra guide student’s will be given out a

checklist to ensure they include punctuation, sentence
types, structure, and descriptive language in their
story (retell).

Conclusion Have a classroom discussion about what we have The whole class On the floor.
5 Minutes learnt this lesson. Explain that this is type of writing
is what I expect to see in their complication and
resolution paragraphs.

Differentiation: Summative Evaluation

Advanced learners:
Students to include similes and metaphors in their orientation to enhance their writing. Observations, students work samples, discussions with students.

Emergent learners:
Students will have a checklist as a visual aide to ensure they have included descriptive language, structure,
punctuation, and sentence types.
Teaching notes
Remind students of behavioural expectations. Use green awards (reward system) and positive verbal
reinforcement to reinforce positive behaviours. Disruptive behaviours should be managed through step chart and
Expectations and rules to be implemented in the beginning of the lesson.

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