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FOR SY: 2020-221

A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of Kalubihon High School

Kalubihon, Dalipuga, Iligan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Practical Research 1

Grade 11 Senior High School

Wilson Q. Paglinawan Jr.

Julius G. Paglinawan
Alqueen U. Mahilum
Princess L. Oniana
Jay-An P. Caliso

June 2021

Traditional Education System, pupils are required to go to

different institutions or school to learn. But the operation of school was

severely affected by the corona virus disease (COVID19) starting

December 2019. The said virus leads Department of Education

(DepEd) to have and create another learning strategies for the

learners, which is the Modular Distance Learning. It is a form of

distance learning that uses self-learning modules (SLM) based on the

most essential learning competencies (MELCS), Manlangit etal. (2020).

In the other hand , parents are vital partners in educating

learners. This is specially true today since there are no classes to be

done in school amid the COVID19 pandemic. For learners without

resources to attend online classes, they are provided with learning

modules which they will use to continue in school for this school year

2020-2021(DepEd, 2020).

The researchers want to know the Kalubihon Elementary

Students learning experiences and perceptions of Modular Distance

Learning. Through this study, people will have an ideas about how do

the students done their modules provided by schools. Researchers

also wanted to know how do student, parent and teacher interacts with

each other in Kalubihon Elementary School. It will also show how

helpful the said experiences, perceptions and interactions to the

learning development of students.

This study will be conducted to know the students learning
experiences and perceptions of Modular Distance Learning and
Interactions of Elementary students of Kalubihon Elemtary School.
Specifically, this study aims to address the following questions:

1. How do students perceive and describe their learning experiences

with Modular Distance Learning?

2. How do parents perceive and describe the learning of their children

in Modular Distance Learning?

3. How did the students done their adjustments?

Significance of the Study

The main focus on this study is to describe students learning

experiences and perceptions in Modular Distance Learning and

Interaction. The result of this study provides insights and information

beneficial to the following:

Student/Learners. This study will help them to express freely their

learning experiences and perceptions in Modular distance Learning. It

will also make them a better individual as they learn more and more.

Parents. The study will help them realize their role as vital partners of

the school in developing the potentials if their children.

Teachers. It will help them to have an effective teaching strategies

from this study and will give more opportunities to explore and teach

based n the learning styles of the learners.

To the officials of the Department of Education. This study will help

the DepEd design new seminars and training on the improvement of

role of parents in the Modular Distance Learning Modality.

To the future researchers. This study will serve as additional

reference that will give them ideas and insights that may be helpful in

their research study.

Conceptual Framework



Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study was conducted to find out the how do students done

their adjustments in the new normal education. Thirty (30) respondents

where, twenty (20) students and ten (10) parents of Kalubihon

Elementary School.

This study is further delimited in describing student’s learning

experiences and perceptions on modular distance learning and it’s

interactions between parent, student, and teacher. It’s respondents

was limited due to the situation that we encountered everyday like lack

of students during the school year 2020-2021.

Definition of Terms

Corona virus disease 2019- is an infectious disease caused by the

newly discovered virus (WHO,2020).

Traditional Education System- education system in which instruction

takes place between an instructor and students where all are physically

present in the same classroom.

Modular Distance Learning- features individualized instruction that

allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital

format/electronic copy whichever is applicable to the learner


Self-Learning Modules- learning delivery modalities are in place to

address the need situations, and resources of each and every learner

and will cover all the bases in ensuring that basic education will bee

accessible avoid the present crisis posed by COVID19 (DepEd, 2020).

Interactions- mutual or reciprocal action or influence, Merriam-Webster.


Learning Experiences- constructed and evaluated by learners of their

learning environment (Knowles, Holton and Swanson, 2005).

Perception- the capability whereby people understand their

environment (Crane, 2011).

Learners- a person who is learning; student, pupil, apprentice, trainee

New Normal Education- new way of learning brought by COVID19

pandemic can be an additional challenge during tough time

(Paramount Direct, 2020).

Pandemic- is the worldwide spread of a new disease (WHO, 2010).



Most countries around the world temporarily closed educational

institutions to contain the spread of the virus and reduce infections

(Tria, 2020). Face to face engagement of students and teachers within

the school has also been suspended. The Philippines is in the process

of adapting to the new normal form of education now and continuous

innovations of educations and active involvement of other stakeholders

are the driving force for it’s success.

For the continuity of education and for every school to still attain

it’s mission and vision which is to provide quality education to every

Filipino learner, the Department of Education implemented the modular

Distance Learning. It refers to a learning delivery modality, where

learning takes place between the teachers and the learner who are

geographically remote from each other during instructions. This

modality has three types; Modular Distance Learning (MOL), Online

Distance Learning (ODL) and TV/Radio Based Instruction (Quinones,


In the Philippines, this learning modality is currently used by alll

public schools because according to a survey conducted by the

Department of Education (DepEd), learning through printed and digital

modules emerged as the most preferred distance learning method of

parents with children who are enrolled this academic year (Bernardo,


The use of modules and parental involvement encourages

independent study. One of the benefits of using modules for instruction

is the acquisition for better self-study or learning skills among students.

Students engage themselves in learning the concepts presented in the

module. They develop a sense of responsibility in accomplishing the

tasks provided in the modules. With little or no assistance from others,

the learners progress on their own. They are learning how to learn;

they are empowered (Nardo, M.T.B., 2017)

Since education is no longer held within the school, parents

serve as partners of teachers in education. Parents play a vital role as

home facilitators. Their primary role in modular learning is to establish

a connection and guide the child (FlipScience, 2020).

The importance of parental involvement in the education of their

children were affirmed in various empirical studies. Research from the

National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education shares that “ no

matter their income or background, students w/ involved parents are

more likely to have higher grades and test scores, attend school

regularly, have better social skills, show improved behavior and adapt

well to school” (Brooks, 2019).

Moreover, White (2018) reported the results of two researches

which showed the positive effects of parental involvement in school of

their children. One study found that parental involvement helps give

children attention and praise which, in turn, helps them recognize their
education is worthy of adult interests. As children tend to model adult

behaviors, when parents are actively involved with their schooling,

children will learn the importance of educations and try to emulate

those behaviors from their parents.

According to Larson (2019) school have made great students in

increasing the frequency of communication with families, taking

advantage if digital tools to give parents more visibility into their child's

day can make it reality. Administrators should also lead by example,

demonstrating that they are equally accountable for executing the plan.

Parent must also invite parents to be partner. If educators do not

already known the school’s parent body, they should be sure to reach

out and learn more about them. Teachers should invite parents to

share information about their child’s strength and weaknesses, what

type of support system they have at school.

There are important obstacles that constrain parents ability to

become actively involved in their children’s education include teachers

attitudes and family resources. These obstacles, however, can be

overcome by schools and through teacher training. Teacher attitudes

may be one obstacle to parental involvement. For example, teacher

beliefs about the impact of their efforts to involve parents in student’s

learning predict their efforts to encourage family that as compared to

middle school teachers, elementary teachers more strongly believed

that parental involvement is important for students and provide more

opportunities and help for parents to be involvement at some schools

may be the result of the staff’s perceptions of parents or the degree to

which they feel parental involvement is important for their students

(Education State University, 2019).

In the “new normal” in education due to the changes brought

about by the COVID19 crisis, the Department of Education (DepEd)

underscores the important role of parents and guardians in making

sure that the learning of their children will continue amid expected

disruptions. The DepEd under secretary Sevilla said that the

cooperation and support coming from parents will be very important as

the entire basic education system braces for the so-called “new

normal” (Hernando- Malipot, 2020).



Research Design

According to Corbin and Strauss (2008), “Qualitative research

allows researchers to get at the inner experience of the participants, to

determine how meanings are formed through and in culture, and to

discover rather than test variables”. Qualitative research requires an

understanding of participants in order to develop meaning and

understand their perspectives (Lodico et al., 2010; Merriam, 2002).

Research Locale

This study utilized the survey design in determining the students

learning experiences and perception on modular distance learning and

interactions. The opinions and recommendations of students, parents

and teachers were gathered through a survey, particularly by using

questionnaires that usually had an open-ended questions.

The researchers conducted the study in Kalubihon Elementary

School which is located in a rural area of Dalipuga, Iligan City. Twenty

(20) students and ten (10) parents in the selected school were chosen

and identified as key informants through purposive and convenience

sampling. The researchers distributed the questionnaires and collected

the data personally while observing and following the health protocols.

Sample of the Respondents

No. Of 20 8 females 12 males 9-Grade 11-Grade

Students 6 5
No. Of 10

No. Of 30

Research Instrument: Adapted Questionnaire: Alex A. Nwankwo

Research Questionnaire


1. Gender

a) Male b) Female

2. Grade Level

a) Grade 6 b) Grade 5

3. How many hours did you spend in your module?

a) Monday___hrs. b)Tuesday___hrs. c) Wednesday___hrs.

d) Thursday___hrs. e) Friday___hrs.

4. Time spent on modules

a) I feel that I spend adequate time on my modules.

(b) I feel I spend just the right amount of time on my modules.

(c) I feel I don’t spend enough time on my modules.

(d) I feel I need to spend more time on my modules.

5. Does your parents help you in your modules?

a) Yes b) No

6. Modular Distance Learning

a) My experience with my modules has been great


b) My experience with my modules has been somehow great



c) My experience with my modules has not been all that great



7. Perception of Modular Distance Learning

a) Do you perceive that the modular distance learning met your


b) Do you perceive that the modular distance learning discussions

met your discussions?

c) Do you perceive that the parent- teacher interactions met your


d) What changes would you suggest for modular distance learning?



Data Collection

A letter of permission to conduct research was sought from the

Principal’s Office of Kalubihon High School . After the approval,

researchers communicated personally to the respondents while still

following the health protocols. Researchers also sought consent and

approval from the school of Kalubihon Elementary School where

respondents currently enrolled. Informed consent was secured to

explain to the respondents what the goal of the research was and

extent of their participation. Then the researchers distributed the

questionnaire to the respondents of Kalubihon Elementary School. The

gathered data were recorded, organized, analyze and interpreted


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