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Melton M e s s e n g e r

San Luis, Santa Bárbara, Honduras Spring 2011

Honduras Update
Send Support To: Hello from Honduras! I am sure many of you are wondering where we are and if we
Evangelistic Faith Missions are even still on the mission field. I apologize for the lack of communication and news from
PO Box 609 our end of the line. I will tell you a little of what has been happening to us over the last year
Bedford, Indiana 47421 and hope you will understand a little of our „disappearing act.‟
Prayer and Praise Notes: I think the last time I wrote a newsletter was about
 Praise the Lord for a great a month before all of our fun began. Daniel had an accident
time with the last Medical in March 2010. A lady ran a stop sign and Daniel hit her
Brigade. We were able to car in the rear, sending it into a spin, causing it to hit a tree
attend over 1000 people. and end up on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road.
Long story short, the lady does not want to take responsibil-
 Praise the Lord for provid-
ing the new ultrasound
ity for the accident. She has no insurance and has been
Mission Isuzu pickup after accident
machine for Clinica Luz y paying the police to try to get the documents from the acci-
Vida. dent changed to her favor. We are still dealing with this and it is now a year later.

 Praise the Lord for bring- In July we found out that we had a new little one on the way! How excited we were!
ing some closure to the We scheduled an appointment with the doctor and arrived with great expectation! As he be-
legal battle over my acci- gan to do the ultrasound we knew something was not quite right….there was no heart beat.
dent that took place He assured us that the baby might be younger than what we had calculated and to come back
around a year ago. in a week. A week later the same thing was observed and there had been no growth in the
baby. He encouraged us to go and get a second opinion to be sure of the findings. We went
 We are praying that the
to a hospital that had a 3-D ultrasound and you could tell that things just were not developing
Lord will help the police
find the National Church’s
correctly and still there was no heartbeat. We returned to the States for the miscarriage. I
vehicle that was stolen. can‟t explain the sadness and grief that took place for me. As I returned to the mission field
and what we now call home, I had no desire to see the people here. I wanted only to be in the
 Praying that the Lord will house with my family. I had lost a child before and the one thing that I had asked God not to
protect us as we travel on let happen to me on the mission field had come to pass. I did not understand. The Lord did
deputation and also pro- allow me to make it home to have the miscarriage in the States, so in this I took comfort. He
vide the support we need
was watching over me. Over time I have grieved and the Lord has comforted and I now can
to return to Honduras.
go on with His help! I look forward to seeing someday the little ones I‟ve never known!

We also had an accident the first of January 2011. As we were heading into town, a
Contact Information: drunk driver hit us as we were leaving San Luis. He ran from the site of the accident and we
Email: started out of town. Daniel felt like we should find the police and let them know what had
- happened, so we began our search. We returned to the site of the accident and found out that
the police had been called. When they arrived they immediately said it was the other guy‟s
Mission Web Site: fault, but were not really sure how to handle the situation since cars are just now becoming a
- common sight in our little town of San Luis. They confiscated the man‟s car and would not
return it until he had settled with Daniel.
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Fun times and work continue amongst all the other things that flood
our lives. We have had four medical teams on our property since February
2010. One medical team we did not have to host or cook for, but they used
the facilities here on the property to sleep and cook. I usually try to make
some cookies or something for them. Daniel does help them try to keep
things running smoothly. No one likes to be without water after working and
sweating all day. The other teams have been our responsibility to feed, trans-
port to areas of need, and fix a place for them to sleep. The brigade this past
February was a big challenge for me. With all of us together I had 21 people
for whom to cook. I was a little nervous. Things went well and all the ladies Our brigade team this last February
pitched in whenever they could to help! It turned out to be a wonderful time. Thank you for all the words of encouragement
and for the small gifts too! We have been enjoying the candy!
As for our family, Kendrick is in 2nd grade this year. He is now 8 years old. He finds it a challenge to do school
while listening to his brothers outside playing. He is progressing in spite of all the interruptions that have occurred this year.
Kaleb will start school in the fall. He turned 5 in December. He likes to entertain his little brother, but not without a scuffle
or two mixed in with the playing. He acts like he will enjoy school. I have done a little with him and he does well and seems
to really enjoy it! Yay for me; hopefully, we will have a fun time in school! Kenton will be 3 in August. He is our mischie-
vous, ornery, into-everything, loving little boy! He keeps us hopping! There is not a dull moment when he is around. He
doesn‟t like to miss out on anything either. We put him in bed with the other boys, but if he knows we are still up he keeps
getting out of bed to see what is happening.
As for Daniel and me, we are tired. Daniel seems to always be running somewhere to do something to keep things
running smoothly! One of the many things he has been working on is drilling a
well. The devil has really been giving us a roundabout over it. A friend of ours
drills wells for a ministry here in Honduras and has decided to help us see if we
can find good water for the clinic and the rest of the property. We are on our
third and last try but I believe the Lord has some good fresh water for us in this
well they are drilling now. They are down around 135 feet and hopefully will
be finishing up soon. As for me, I am a mom at home trying to keep up with
everything in the home, teach school, entertain, and keep us all afloat here.
Many times in the past year I have felt like this: “It‟s me, It‟s me, O Lord;
standing in the need of prayer!” There are many details to the story of Daniel‟s
Bob Coder and Daniel working on the third well accident that could fill up a newsletter. At one point, the lady‟s lawyer was
hunting for Daniel and even came out here to San Luis. I must admit to being scared! I know we have a God who watches
over us and knows all about what is happening to us, but times of uncertainty can be a challenge to one‟s faith! May the Lord
help me to continue to lean totally on Him!

Thank You!
May the Lord bless each of you who has continued to support us during this time! We have failed to keep you up-
dated as we should. I have sat down at times and written part of a newsletter, only to erase the whole thing. Thank you so
much for your prayers! They are what have helped us thru this past year and to be able to continue our ministry here in Hon-
duras! You matter and are important to us; we couldn‟t do it without you!
Serving Him,
Tiffany for the Meltons
“Nothing is great without God, and nothing is small with God. When God is in it, little is much.”

Knight’s Treasury of 2,000 Illustrations

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P.S. On April 5, we will be returning to the States for 15 months. We are looking forward to a much needed rest and hope-
fully seeing some of you again! Pray that the Lord will help us as we will face culture shock in our own culture, adjust to a
new routine, and travel many miles! If your church would be interested in hearing about our ministry, you may contact Evan-
gelistic Faith Missions at 812-275-7531 or 877-864-7480, as they will be putting our travel schedule together.

Medical Brigade & Family Pictures

Photo from L to R: 1. Dr. Boardman found Ricardo a year ago with cataracts from birth. We were able to help him have sur-
gery and now he can see and even tell colors. 2. Sis. Mercedes teaching a children‟s class while the medical brigade was
working. 3. A new ultrasound machine for Clinic Luz y Vida. 4. Sis. Miriam taking a lady‟s blood pressure. 5. The Daniel
Melton family. 6. Pastor Hector giving a devotional before we started attending the people. He told me there were around 70
people who prayed the sinners prayer with him during these 4 days of the medical brigade. 7. Kendrick counting out Vita-
min C. 8. Josh & Philip Boardman working with Zack Robberts. 9. Group photo at Guaruma. 10. Dr. Steve Boardman
giving a shot. The lady was a lot happier afterward.

“Life ~ It all depends on who you know”

Daniel Melton

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