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Islamabad Model College for Girls G-9/2 Islamabad


Name________________________ Paper: Physics HSSC-I
SECTION-A (Marks 17) Time 25 Minutes

Circle the correct option.

1. which of the following is most precise instrument?
a) meter rod b) screw guage
c)vernier calliper d) all of above
2. SI unit of solid angle is
a) degree b) radian
c) steradian d) revolution
3. If A.B=B.A the scalar product is________
a) Additive b) Associative
c) Commutative d) Multiplicative
4. To improve the jumping recordthe long jumper should jump at an
angle of
a ) Zero b) 45
c) 60 d) 90
5.With the increase of temperature viscosity
a) Increase b) Decrease
c)Remains same d) Doubles
6. The restoring force of SHM is maximum when particle
a) Displacement is maximum b) Halfway between them
c) Crossing mean position d) At rest
7. The efficiency of petrol engine is?
a) 0.25-0.3 b) 0.3-0.35
c) 0.35-0.4 d) 0.4-0.45
8. The moment of inertia of a sphere is
a)MR2 b)2/5 MR2
c) 1/2 MR2 d). Non
9. Change in momentum is
a. force b. work
c. impulse d. none
10.If the resultant of two vectors , Each of magnitude A is also a magnitude of
A ,the angles between the two vectors will be
a. 30 b. 45
c. 60 d. 120
11. If force and displacement of particle in the direction of force are
double, work would be
a. double b. 4 times
c. half d. ¼ time
12. Revolution /minute is the unit of
a. angular displacement b.distance
c. angular speed d.Angular acceleration
13. Which of the following cannot be polarized
a. radio waves b. ultraviolet rays
c. X-rays d. sound waves
14. The tip of needle does not give a sharp image. It is due to?
a. Polarization b. Interference
c. Diffraction d. Refraction
15. The number of nodes between two consectives anti nodes is
a. zero b. 3
c. 2 d. 1
16. In an isothermal change internal energy
a) decreases b) increases
c) becomes zero d) remain constant
17. When sound waves travel from air to water which of these remains
a) velocity b) frequency
c) wavelength d) all of these
Islamabad Model College for Girls G-9/2 Islamabad
Paper: Physics HSSC-I
SECTION-B (Marks 21)

Chap 1-5

Attempt any 7 parts

1. Show that 2 π radian=360.

2. Find the dimension of Gravitational constant ‘G’ from the formula F=Gm1m2/r 2.

3. What is the minimum number of unequal vectors to result into a null vector? Explain
with the help of diagram.

4. Can a scalar product of two vectors be negative? Provide valid proof and give an

5. For any specific velocity of projection, the maximum range is equal to four times of
the corresponding height. Discuss?

6. A man rowing a boat upstream is at rest with respect to shore. Is he doing any work?

7. What is the moment of inertia of a 100 kg sphere whose radius is 50 cm?

8. Derive relation for kinetic energy of rotation of a sphere.

9. Define escape velocity and write its formula.

10. Why does coasting rotating system slow down as water drops into the beaker?
Section C chap 6-10

11. The radius of small fog droplet in air found to be 5.1×10 -6m. The coefficient of
viscosity of air is 1.9 ×10-5kgm-1s-1. Find out the settling speed of the droplet in air.

12. How does the terminal speed of parachutists before opening a parachute compare
to the terminal speed afterwards? Why is there a difference?

13. What happens to the frequency of simple pendulum as oscillation die down from
large amplitude to small?

14. What will be the frequency of simple pendulum if its length is 1m.

15. How are beats useful in tuning musical instruments?

16. Why does sound waves travel faster is solids than in gases?

17. What is meant by path difference with reference to the interference of two wave

18. How you can explain brewster’s law of polarization?

19. Can specific heat of gas be zero or infinity? Can specific heat be negative?

20. write the limitation of first law of thermodynamics?s

SECTION-D (Marks 26)

Attempt any two questions.

Q1 (a). Explain Doppler Effect? Derive expression for the frequencies heard?

i) When the sounding source approaches a stationary listener.

ii) When listener move towards a stationary sounding source.

(b). Describe important characteristics of scalar product.

(c). A force of 400N is requiredto overcome road friction and air resistence in propelling
and automobile at 80Km/hour. What power (Kw) must engine develop?

Q 2(a). What is projectile motion? If a projectile is fired with velocity vi which makes an
angle ‘ϴ’ with the horizontal find expression. Find expression for the following:
(I) height of projectile

(ii)Time of light

(b). A hoop and disc rolled down on an inclined plane, which will reach the bottom first?

Q3 (a). Explain the Diffraction of X-rays by Crystal and derive an expression for Bragg’s
Law to find the wavelength of light used.

(b). explain the concept of Entropy

(c) Water flows through a pipe whose internal diameter is 2cm at a speed of 1m/s. What
should be the diameter of the nozzle if the water is to emerge at a speed of 4 m/s.

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