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Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport

College of Computing and Information Technology


Department: Computer Engineering Date: 18th of April

Course Title: Computer System Security/ IS Security Semester: 2nd Semester - Spring 2021
Course Code: CS421 / IS421 Time allowed: 1:30 Hr.
Lecturer: Dr. Hesham El Zouka Marks: 25

Student's Name : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reg.# : ----------------------------------

Question # Available Actual
1 10
2 10
3 5

Total 25

Signature :

Date: ----------

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Take-Home 7th Week Exam
Notes for Students:

 Kindly start by writing your: Full name, Registration number, and department on your answer papers.
 Carefully number your answer papers and write the question number you are answering.
 Kindly attach a copy of your Student/ National ID to your submitted file.
 The exam has to be submitted no later than 4:15 p.m. on April 18, 2021.

Answer all questions. Show your work so that partial credits may be assigned

Question #1 (10 points):

 Select the correct answer for the following multiple choice questions:-

1. Which of the following statements is not true?

(a) In the CBC mode, the plaintext block is XORed with previous ciphertext block before encryption.
(b) The CTR mode does not require an Initialization Vector.
(c) In CBC mode repetitions in plaintext do not show up in ciphertext .
(d) The IV must be predictable at encryption time.
2. The security policy should address the following features
(a) Integrity
(b) Availability
(c) Confidentiality
(d) All of the Above

3. Which of the following describes symmetric key algorithm?

(a) Encryption and decryption is performed using the same key.
(b) Does not require secure exchange of a secret key.
(c) Can be used for access control.
(d) Require two separate keys.

4. In Asymmetric key cryptography, what is the required number of public keys for N users?
(a) 2N Keys
(b) N Keys
(c) N2 keys
(d) None of the above

5. Which of the following best describes Triple DES?

(a) It has a key size of 168 bits and it's effective key size is 112.
(b) It has a key size of 112 bits and it's effective key size is 112.
(c) It has a key size of 168 bits and it's effective key size is 168.
(d) It has a key size of 112 bits and it's effective key size is 168.

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6. Which of the following is the PRIMARY advantage of using public key cryptography systems compared
to symmetric key systems?
(a) Fast encryption
(b) Easy key management
(c) Can be used to encrypt large amounts of data
(d) Implemented both in hardware and software

7. Which of the following best describes a hash function?

(a) A hash function is any function that can be used to generate a pseudorandom number from a seed
(b) A hash function is any function that can be used to map data of arbitrary size to data of fixed size
via the use of a secret key
(c) A hash function is any function that can be used to generate a pseudorandom number from a seed
via the use of a secret key
(d) A hash function is any function that can be used to map data of arbitrary size to data of fixed size

8. In the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher, "MixColumns" provide _____ to the cipher.
(a) Concealment
(b) Confusion
(c) Diffusion
(d) None of the above

9. Steganography is defined as:

(a) Unbreakable encryption algorithm
(b) Concealment of existence
(c) Hash function
(d) None of the above

10. Most of the symmetric encryption models are based on

(a) Rijndael Cipher
(b) Stream Cipher
(c) Feistel Cipher
(d) Caesar Cipher

Question #2 (10 points):

1. State two conditions required for the use of One Time Pad (OTP) encryption?

2. How many encryptions, on average, are needed to break AES-256?

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3. Describe with a diagram how the encryption and decryption of a long message is done using DES-ECB

4. What is the most important difference between MD5 and SHA1?

5. Can we guarantee integrity using symmetric key encryption? Justify your answer.

Question #3 (5 points):
1. Bob sends a message to Alice using public key encryption algorithm.

a) What key will Bob use to encrypt the message?

b) What key will Alice use to decrypt the message?

c) What key will Alice use to sign her reply?

d) What key will Bob use to verify Alice's signature?

2. Consider the following alphabet.

Using the Caesar Cipher, decrypt the following message and determine the key used.


Good Luck.

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