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Jocass Barnuevo

Mrs. Stoller & Ms. DeWinne

Writing & Research

29 April 2021

The Alibi

This happens in 1999


 I like her voice

 She


 Student.

 I feel like he’s lying.

 He’s not taking the interview seriously.


 Student.

 He can’t remember anything.

 He is suspicious.

 His voice is shaking.


 He recalls most of thing but he hesitates in the end when Sarah said his nephew is in the

school or work.

 She is a lawyer

 She’s 40 years old

 She has a brother and he’s 33 years old.

 She was exaggerating on his brother about being a “popular kid”.

Rabia’s Brother:

 He was accused of murder.


 His parents are conversative Muslims.

 He “killed” Hae Min Lee.

 Adnan forget most of what happened the day Hae was murdered.


 Sold weed.

 He’s stuttering.

 Doesn’t have car.

 Firm voice.

 Straightforward.

 He helped Adnan to dig the hole.

Asia McClain

 She is a possible witness.

 She wrote a letter about seeing him in the library.

 She doesn’t care about Adnan anymore.

 She had an internship the day Hae was murdered.

Michelle Hamiel

 Library Manager

Jerrod Johnson

 Jerrod does not know anything about Asia McClain.


 He doesn’t know most of what happen either.

 I feel like he’s telling the truth.


 There was no physical evidence.

 The guy who killed Hae was inhumane.

 If Jay’s statement was true, then Jay is weak and he shouldn’t even help Adnan in the

first place.

The Breakup


 Hae seems to love Adnan but they had to keep secret of their relationship.

 Adnan calls Hae a devil jokingly.

 Hae is against Adnan’s religion.

 Hae loves Adnan.

 Hae feels like she is the cause of the sin. However, Adnan states that he isn’t that


 Adnan lies the most to his mother.

 In Pakistan, people do not date, they’re either married or unmarried.

 Adnan’s parents came to the homecoming and got caught.

 Adnan’s job was an EMT.

 Hae and Adnan broke up because of Adnan’s parents.

 Hae got a crush with Don (Older).

 On New Year’s Day, Hae has her first official date with Don.

 Adnan’s a player.

 Every person that Sarah has talk to never says that Adnan was acting strange.

 The day Hae went missing, he called her phone three times.

 Hae states that she fell in love at first sight on Don.

Aisha Pittman:

 She says that their relationship was normal.

 Adnan generally annoys her.

Becky Cline:

 She describes any typical high school relationships.

Shamim Rahman

 Mother of Adnan

 From Pakistan

Saad Chaudry

 Adnan best friend.

 He believes that Adnan is not upset about him and her breaking up.

Jane Efron

 Adnan’s English teacher.

Donna Paoletti Phillips

 Adnan and Hae’s AP Psychology teacher.

 She states that she doesn’t feel that Adnan would’ve killed Hae because she wasn’t

getting any rage around Adnan.


 She’s in Philadelphia

 She states that Adnan hit her up couple of times.

Inez Butler Hendrix

 Last person to see Hae at school.


 States that Adnan is asking Hae for a ride.


 States that Adnan is asking Hae for a ride.

Leakin Park


 MacGillivary didn’t hesitate and states that Adnan did it.

 On February 9, the investigation stops and a new suspect emerges.

 It’s known for its dead bodies found in Leakin Park.

 Rabia says that Leakin Park is nowhere near the school.

 Saad doesn’t know where Leakin Park is.

 Mr. S’s testimony made the Police think that he’s a suspect.

Mr. S

 He discovered a body in Leakin Park.

 He has never been in Leakin Park before.

 He has a criminal record(Streaking)

Jennifer Pusateri

 18-year-old girl.

 A friend of Jay’s.

Philip Buddemeyer

 Testifying at trial.


 Jennifer’s interview happens in Feb. 27, 1999.

 Jennifer lies to the cop.

 Jennifer and Jay are suspicious.

 Jennifer and Jay are close friends.

 Jennifer’s testimony is different than Jay’s testimony.

 Adnan and Jay aren’t best friends according to Jennifer.

 Adnan isn’t that closed to Jay.

 Adnan was close with Stephanie, Jay’s girlfriend.

 Jay’s voice is shaky.

 Jay’s statements are inconsistent with it.; some are small details. Some aren’t.

 Jennifer drove Jay to the F&M store.

 The police don’t know where Hae’s car is.; Jay knows where the car is.

 Each time some of Jay’s statement shift.

 About 3:45 p.m., Adnan says to Jay to pick him up.

 Jay lied about the location.

 Jay is completely changed up the story.


 Jay message her about the shovels and where to find the shovels.

 She states that Jay wasn’t there when the body was buried.

Route Talk

 There are major intersections and a lot of traffic when going to Best Buy.

 Hae rushes to see Don at the mall.

 It is possible. But not impossible.

 It takes Sarah and Dana eleven minutes to get to the Park and ride from Best Buy.

 Jay states that Adnan was describing about how he killed Hae and where he put the body

at. They were there 20 minutes to an hour.

 They ask the cell phone expert about four of them.

 The towers, times, and Jay’s story are not matching.


 Adnan’s friend

 They smoke weed together at a Best Buy parking lot.


 Jay’s friend.


 Adnan’s flirting with her.

The Case Against Adnan Syed


 You can’t put a timestamp on a fingerprint.

 Adnan was high when he was talking to the police. So, his memory might not have been

 Change of tone when he said “Are you asking me a question?”.

 Aisha Pittman

o Hae’s best friend.

 The top of the page says “I’m going to kill.” In pen.

 Laura said that the guy’s name was maybe Adnan.

 If Laura’s story is true, then there’s another witness to this murder.

 Cathy saw Adnan and Jay together, acting suspiciously.

 Cathy didn’t know Jay, only through Jennifer’s story. But she didn’t know Adnan at all.

 Cathy states that Adnan is acting strange.

 Cathy seems to be confident in her statements.

 Jenn states that she saw them arrive in Adnan’s car. Jenn also states that he looks normal.

 Nisha testifies that her phone does not have an answering machine or voicemail on it.

 Adnan’s biggest fear is not being believed. He tends to over explain something.

 Adnan was getting defensive in page 148.

 Adnan is stuttering in page 150. Sarah states that this is the closest thing to hostile Adnan

has ever gotten with Sarah.

The Opposite of the Prosecution


 Justin Wolfe and Adnan’s case are similar. But he got proven innocent.

 Deirdre Enright is Justin’s Attorney.

 Deirdre thought that why is Don doesn’t appear to be of interest to anyone.

 Deidre is optimistic.
 Jay changes his clothes.

 Koenig thinks that she’s being deceived.

The Deal With Jay


 Stella states that Jay seems like a streetwise.

 Stella describes Jay as handsome, tall and thin.

 Jay states that he wasn’t present when Hae was killed.

 The defense attorney is trying to make Jay killed her and was blaming it on Adnan.

 Gutierrez tries to suggest that Jay was cheating on his girlfriend with Jenn.

 Gutierrez is an aggressive attorney.

 Jim Trainum used to be a homicide detective in Washington D.C.

 Trainum review investigations.

 Jim thinks that the investigation is pretty good.

 Jim doesn’t believe Jay’s version.

 Jay was calm when Sarah and Julie interview him.

 Jay is like a Dennis Rodman in their social world.

 Jay plays lacrosse and he’s active.

 Chris says that he’s an alpha male.

 Laura is close with Stephanie.

 Stephanie doesn’t want to talk to Sarah.

 Patrick says that Stephanie’s explanation is not enough to him.

 Jenn didn’t believe that the murder happened in best buy.

 Patrick describes Jay was this intelligent, inquisitive, sweet, goofy guy, beautifully


To Be Suspected


 Laura states that there were never any phones at Best Buy.

 Laura used to steal CDs at Best Buy.

 Adcock calls Aisha and Adnan asking if they’ve seen Hae.

 He didn’t testify through two trials.

 I wouldn’t speak because I still get nervous when I’m talking Infront of people. So, it

would hurt my case because of my nervous voice.

 Adnan called Detective O’Shea, the Baltimore County Police Department’s Detective.

 Adnan said that the detectives stopped questioning him.

 Krista states that he’s just a nice, normal person.

 Adnan can even make friends in prison.

 Adnan states that he’s got a clear conscience, but he is there because of his own stupid


 Adnan can cook.

 The Attorney says that it wasn’t a crime of passion, but a premeditated murder.

The Best Defense is a Good Defense

 Adnan Syed’s parents believes that he’s innocent.

 Adnan’s mom thinks that it was discrimination was the one that made Adnan Syed guilty.

It was injustice.

 Sarah says that maybe it plays a PART, but she doesn’t believe religious discrimination

was the basis of targeting Adnan.

 In the first trial, it seems to be going on Adnan’s side.

 The first trial is a mistrial.

 The jury was polled and it was the end of the State’s case.

 The AT&T expert hadn’t testified about the cell tower technology.

 Jay recall that Adnan told him that he “was going to kill that bitch.”

 Jay says yes. But he said no right after Ms. Gutierrez says that she can’t hear him.

 Jay had been charged with felony.

 Gutierrez freaks out.

 Christina went into a deep depression after that case.

 Christina did one of the first DNA cases in Maryland.

 Christina smokes.

 Christina’s clients were complaining about how she’d taken their money and had not

done the work she promised or not used it the way she said she would.



 Someone said something about Adnan about a party 15 years back. But Sarah blew it.

 Ali and others told Sarah that their community is judgmental.

 Ali’s parents became overprotective because of Adnan’s case.

 Most of the people in the community became overprotective.

 Adnan was very athletic, tall, good-looking. He is also nice according to Ali.

 People states that he used his charm and smarts to deceive people.

 One of the people says that Adnan used to steal money from the Mosque every Friday.

 Adnan says it’s true that he did take donation money.

 Adnan is pissed in page 249.

 Mr. Patel the President of the mosque states he didn’t care about Adnan stealing, at least

it wasn’t “a murderer make.”

 Atif Iqbal states that Adnan never seen him fight or be mad at anybody.

 People that Charles Ewing evaluated who have killed other human beings have some

degree of amnesia for what they’ve done.

What We Know


 Don said Hae was at his house in a town north of Baltimore City on the night of January


 When the cops recovered Hae’s car, there’s a note inside the car and Don’s name is on it.

 When Hae was murdered, the police call Don because he was the very first suspect.

 Don doesn’t remember trying to call Hae after the 13th.

 Don said when he testified, the police want to tell them about Adnan and they want to

make Adnan sound creepy. So creepy that he felt intimidated.

 Josh states that Jay was terrified during the testimony.

 Jay states that Adnan was threatening him in a general way.

 At first, Josh didn’t believe that Jay was involve on Hae’s murder.

 Jay is threatening Stephanie to shut her mouth.

 Jay told the cops the 3:21 was a call he made to Jenn asking if she knew whether this guy

Patrick was around.

 Jay is at Jenn’s house until 3:45. But how is he calling at Jenn’s house at 3:21.

 If Adnan is innocent, then Adnan is really unlucky.

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