Ovarian Follicle: Structure

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Ovarian follicle

An ovarian follicle is a roughly spheroid cellular aggregation set

found in the ovaries. It secretes hormones that influence stages of
Ovarian follicle
the menstrual cycle. Women begin puberty with about 400,000
follicles,[1] each with the potential to release an egg cell (ovum) at
ovulation for fertilization.[2] These eggs are developed once every
menstrual cycle.

Cumulus oophorus
Membrana granulosa
Granulosa cell
Theca of follicle
Development of oocytes in ovarian follicles
Clinical significance Histology section of a mature ovarian
Additional images follicle. The oocyte is the large, round,
pink-staining cell at top center of the
See also
External links
Precursor Cortical cords
Structure Latin Folliculus ovaricus
MeSH D006080 (https://meshb.nl
Ovarian follicles are the basic units of female reproductive
biology. Each of them contains a single oocyte (immature ovum or
egg cell). These structures are periodically initiated to grow and
develop, culminating in ovulation of usually a single competent TA98 A09.1.01.013 (http://www.u
oocyte in humans.[3] They also consist of granulosa cells and nifr.ch/ifaa/Public/EntryPag
theca of follicle. e/TA98%20Tree/Entity%20
Once a month, one of the ovaries releases a mature egg (ovum), TA2 3482 (https://ta2viewer.ope
known as an oocyte. The nucleus of such an oocyte is called a nanatomy.org/?id=3482)
germinal vesicle[4] (see picture). FMA 18640 (https://bioportal.bio
Cumulus oophorus A/?p=classes&conceptid=ht
Cumulus oophorus is a cluster of cells (called cumulus cells) that tp%3A%2F%2Fpurl.org%2
surround the oocyte both in the ovarian follicle and after ovulation. Fsig%2Font%2Ffma%2Ffm

Membrana granulosa Anatomical terminology

It contains numerous granulosa cells.

Granulosa cell

Granulosa cells or follicular cells are cells that surround

the oocyte within the follicle; their numbers increase
directly in response to heightened levels of circulating
gonadotropins or decrease in response to testosterone.
They also produce peptides involved in ovarian hormone
synthesis regulation. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
induces granulosa cells to express luteinizing hormone
(LH) receptors on their surfaces; when circulating LH
binds to these receptors, proliferation stops.[5]
Section of vesicular ovarian follicle of cat. X 50.
Theca of follicle

The granulosa cells, in turn, are enclosed in a thin layer of extracellular matrix – the follicular basement
membrane or basal lamina (fibro-vascular coat in picture). Outside the basal lamina, the layers theca interna
and theca externa are found.

Primordial follicles are indiscernible to the naked eye. However, these eventually develop into primary,
secondary and tertiary vesicular follicles. Tertiary vesicular follicles (also called "mature vesicular follicles" or
"ripe vesicular follicles") are sometimes called Graafian follicles (after Regnier de Graaf).

In humans, oocytes are established in the ovary before birth and may lie dormant awaiting initiation for up to
50 years.[6]

After rupturing, the follicle is turned into a corpus luteum.

Development of oocytes in ovarian follicles

In a larger perspective, the whole folliculogenesis from primordial to preovulatory follicle is located in the
stage of meiosis I of ootidogenesis in oogenesis.

Embryonic development in males and females follows a common pathway before gametogenesis. Once
gametogonia enter the gonadal ridge, however, they attempt to associate with these somatic cells. Development
proceeds and the gametogonia turn into oogonia, which become fully surrounded by a layer of cells (pre-
granulosa cells).

The Oogonia multiply by dividing mitotically; this proliferation ends when the oogonia enter meiosis. The
amount of time that oogonia multiply by mitosis is not species specific. In the human fetus, cells undergoing
mitosis are seen until the second and third trimester of pregnancy.[7][8] After beginning the meiotic process, the
oogonia (now called primary oocytes) can no longer replicate. Therefore, the total number of gametes is
established at this time. Once the primary oocytes stop dividing the cells enter a prolonged ‘resting phase’.
This ‘resting phase’ or dictyate stage can last anywhere up to fifty years in the human.

For several primary oocytes that complete meiosis I each month, only one or a few functional oocyte, the
dominant follicles, completes maturation and undergoes ovulation. The other follicles that begin to mature will
regress and become atretic follicles, eventually deteriorating.

The primary oocyte turns into a secondary oocyte in mature ovarian follicles. Unlike the sperm, the egg is
arrested in the secondary stage of meiosis until fertilization.

Upon fertilization by sperm, the secondary oocyte continues the second part of meiosis and becomes a zygote.

Clinical significance
Any ovarian follicle that is larger than about two centimeters is termed an ovarian cyst.

Ovarian function may be measured by gynecologic ultrasonography of follicular volume. Presently, ovarian
follicle volumes can be measured rapidly and automatically from three-dimensionally reconstructed ultrasound

Rupture of the follicle can result in abdominal pain (mittelschmerz) and is to be considered in the differential
diagnosis in women of childbearing age.[10]

Cryopreservation and culture tissue after cryopreservation. Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue is of interest to
women who want to preserve their reproductive function beyond the natural limit, or whose reproductive
potential is threatened by cancer therapy,[11] for example in hematologic malignancies or breast cancer.[12]

For in vitro culture of follicles, there are various techniques to optimize the growth of follicles, including the
use of defined media, growth factors and three-dimensional extracellular matrix support.[13] Molecular
methods and immunoassay can evaluate stage of maturation and guide adequate differentiation.[13] Animal
studies have generally showed correct imprinted DNA methylation establishment in oocytes resulting from
follicle culture.[14]

Additional images

Primordial ovarian A histological slide

follicle. The oocyte of a human primary
is surrounded by a ovarian follicle in
single layer of flat greater
granulosa cells. magnification.
See also
Antral follicle

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2. "What Is an Ovarian Follicle?" (http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-an-ovarian-follicle.htm).
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3. Luijkx T. "Ovarian follicle" (http://radiopaedia.org/articles/ovarian-follicle). radiopaedia.org.
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8. Byskov AG, Hoyer PE (1988). "Embryology of mammalian gonads and ducts.". In Knobil E,
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9. Salama S, Arbo E, Lamazou F, Levailllant JM, Frydman R, Fanchin R (April 2010).
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14. Anckaert E, De Rycke M, Smitz J (2012). "Culture of oocytes and risk of imprinting defects" (htt
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External links
Anatomy photo:43:05-0105 (http://ect.downstate.edu/courseware/haonline/labs/l43/050105.ht
m) at the SUNY Downstate Medical Center - "The Female Pelvis: The Ovary"
Histology image: 14803loa (http://www.bu.edu/histology/p/14803loa.htm) – Histology Learning
System at Boston University
Slide at fda.gov (https://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/00/slides/3627s1_6_carr/sld004.htm)
Images at okstate.edu (https://web.archive.org/web/20061212025658/http://www.cvm.okstate.e
Life cycle at gfmer.ch (https://web.archive.org/web/20060507193207/http://www.gfmer.ch/Cour

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