Roots Causes, Manifestations, and Interventions in The Absence of Parental Guidance

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Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School

S.Y. 2019-2020








Senior High School Department


Alegria, Surigao del Norte

A Case Study presented in the Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School as a requirement for the
Subject Practical Research 1

January 29, 2020

Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
S.Y. 2019-2020




The purpose of this study is to discuss the absence of parental guidance and its effects to

the behaviour of the children. The attitude of a child depends on biological, social and

environmental factors. While they are learning in adjusting to the world where the child grew up,

he develops certain kinds of behaviour which are annoying or embarrassing to adults frequently

label such as problem behaviours.

Attention of a parent to a child is very important, as well as the guidance for every child

is a must. The guidance of the parents plays a big role to a child’s growth and development. But

as time goes by due to the needs of the family, parents usually don’t have enough time to spend

with their children. This kind of scenario will affect the child’s behaviour.

It may lead the child to the wrong path, and might get along with the people who are

known as bad influence. And because of the lack of time and guidance of the parents, they

would go to the people whom they believed that understands them and allocates time for them.

Every children needs to be given attention by their parents. They need advices of

what path to take. Parental guidance must be present in the lives of a child. A child is not
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
S.Y. 2019-2020

certain in every decision to make. It is because a child is not aware of whatever the

consequences of every decision they made.

Most of the parents work for the sake of the family. They work to have a sustainable

life. They want their family to be able to buy the individual’s needs. They are more focused on

their work to maintain the sustainability of the family. Because of this, the parents usually forget

to watch for their children and guide them, which is the most important thing to do as a parent.

Some children do not understand why their parents work. They do not know that

their parents only work for their own sake. They sometimes felt ignored by their parents by

working so hard. That’s why they do unpleasant things and even rebels with their parents. These

mind set could lead them to the wrong path.

1.2 Literature Review

According to American SPCC (2019) Living without a parent by your side to guide is

not easy compared to those who have their parents behind their back. A child who grows up and

has a parent by their side to guide whatever it takes is healthier than others. To those children

who have experience the absence of their parents is too difficult. It may lead them to emotional

and behavioural problem. And it may affect their behaviour at school. As result to this, it will

be question a parent, how did the parents raise their children, and the parents are to be blame.

According to The New Times (2017) Parents paly a big role for a child in achieving

their goals, especially in the field of education. Expert says that the lack of attention given by a

parents to their child affect their academic performance and make them feel insecure, which will

affect their attitude or their well-being.

Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
S.Y. 2019-2020

According to The New Times, parent’s presence is very important to a child. It makes

the child more active in school and could make their child achieve their specific goals. But as of

today, many children experience the absence of parental guidance and could affect their

academic performance.

According to (Henry et al..2008;Valdivia et al.. 2015.) It was discovered that through

parental participation and family structure were, respectively, all academic performances are the

scope of parental involvement are not the same over academic disciplines.

The parental participation of the parents are need to the academic performances of their

children. Despite every single guidance or attention can affect their academic performances.

1.3 Research Problems

This study aims to account the root causes, manifestation and intervention in the absence

of parental guidance .

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following question:

1. What are the struggles of a child who experience absence of parental guidance?

2. How the respondents succeed in dealing such situation?

3. How to improve and resolve the challenges between the parents and the child?
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
S.Y. 2019-2020

1.3 Theoretical or Conceptual Framework

This study adopted the theory proposed by Jean Piaget, the Cognitive Development

Theory and the Sociocultural Development Theory by Vygotsky. It emphasized the constructive

role of experience with peers and family members. His theory’s basic assumption was that young

children are active learners with a constant drive to match their internal constructions (their own

view of the real world) and external constructions (the external realities they face in their

surroundings) (Piaget, 1981). And with that, their parents must guide them along their way.

Children assimilate new learning and accommodate their own incorrect views of the

world if they are more actively involved with people and things in their surroundings. In this

regard, children learn best when they have opportunities to interact with their parents who are a

vital part of children’s environments (Athey, 2007). For example, parent involvement activities

such as practicing homework creates opportunities for children to have quality time with their

parents such that children construct their own knowledge within a both social and physical

environment by doing such thing (Bailey, Silvern, Brabham, & Ross, 2004).

Piaget’s social development theory supports the idea that parent involvement is a crucial

factor in children’s development and achievement.

Sociocultural Theory somewhat connects with Piaget’s views, Lev Vygotsky asserts the

relationship between human beings and their environment, both physical and social, in his

sociocultural theory. To him, the influences of social and cultural factors on development and

learning are essential (Vygotsky, 1978). Human beings are surrounded by family members and

are compacted by the culture in which they used to live (Rieber & Robinson, 2004).
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
S.Y. 2019-2020

Children’s interaction with their family members in participating in the community is so

important for their learning and development since their first teacher is the parents and their first

learning takes place in the community. Children can get knowledge about the world through this

interaction. Vygotsky focused on the internationality of knowledge by addressing the zone of

proximal development (ZPD). They use ZPD as a concept to argue that children have different

levels of problem-solving ability (Prior & Gerard, 2007). He defined ZPD as the distance

between the actual developmental level which was determined as independent problem solving

and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under guidance of

adult or in the help of capable peers (Vygotsky, 1978, p. 86).

He asserted that children can learn and achieve by themselves at one level. Though, he

introduced another level of ZPD that refers to the child’s abilities when working under the

guidance of an adult or a more able peer (Vygotsky, 1978). For an instance, when a child is

starting to learn a bicycle, he/she can learn easily through working with more capable peers or an

adult. By emphasizing interrelatedness and interdependence in learning and development, his

theory supports the idea that a child’s life with their parents is significant (Prior & Gerard, 2007)

and parents contribute greatly to their child’s development and academic achievement.
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
S.Y. 2019-2020

1.5 Scope and Limitations

This study focused mainly on the root causes, manifestation, and intervention in the

absence of parental guidance in the chosen barangay in the Alegria including the struggle of a

child who experience the absence of parental guidance and to improve and resolve the challenges

between the parents and the child.

The study is limited only to the selected respondents in Alegria.

1.6 Definition of Terms:

Guidance:  An act of guiding a children in their decision-making 

Parental Guidance: Means assistance, direction and involvement from parents who guide their

children directly or indirectly ( specially career decision-making ).

Absence: without the presence of the parents’ guidance

Attention: attentiveness of a parent on all the actions of their child

Lack: having not enough attention given from a parent to their child

Presence: existence of a parent in guiding their children

Affection: care and concern of a parent towards their children; closeness of a parent and a child

Relationship: a relation between a mother and a child

Cognitive Development: is the construction of thought processes, including remembering,

problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood where

a child will do the things what he/she have seen

Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
S.Y. 2019-2020



2.1 Research Design and Methodology

This study is a case study research because it needs to determine a solution of a problem

to the absence of parental guidance.

A case study is a study about a person, a group of people or a unit, which aimed to

generalize over several units. Some researcher describes how case study examines complicated

phenomena in the natural setting to increase understanding of them.

2.2 Research Site

This study was conducted at two different residences. The first resident was Brgy. San

Pedro, Alegria, Surigao del Norte and the second resident was conducted at Brgy. Alipao,

Alegria, Surigao del Norte. They conducted the research, because in that residence they can get

more information and most convenient for both the researchers and the chosen respondent.

He/she had the characteristics and ability to be the respondent for the research.

2.3 Selection Criteria and Participants

The participants of this study are the selected children and parents/guardians of Barangay

San Pedro, Alegria, Surigao del Norte and Barangay Alipao, Alegria, Surigao del Norte that

were identified using purposive sampling. Using this sampling method, 10 children and 10
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
S.Y. 2019-2020

parents/guardians will be chosen. The participants were identified to have lack of parental

guidance. The researchers used purposive sampling by identifying the children who used to have

lack of parental guidance.

2.4 Data Collection

The researchers of this study will ask for an approval to the respondents by asking for a

permission to conduct an interview on the roots, causes, manifestations and interventions in the

absence of parental guidance. The respondents will be interview using unstructured interview.

They will be informed on how the study will going to be. The researchers will ask a questions

and the data will be collected by using mobile phone to record their responses that will be

compiled and sealed for analysis and interpretation.

2.5 Methods of Validation

The thematic method of data analysis will be used in this study. It is a method for

identifying, analysing and reporting patterns within data (Braun and Clarke, 2006). The

researchers will record the respondents’ answer then write out into written texts.

2.6 Ethical Considerations

The ethics to be considered in this study are honesty, objectivity, openness, respect for

intellectual property, respect confidentiality and privacy. All of these ethical considerations

have been practice all throughout the study. This ethics are vital to fortify the study and also

for better comprehension.

Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
S.Y. 2019-2020


Principal II

Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School

Brgy. Ouano,Alegria SDN


Good day!!

The aforementioned is currently conducting a study entitled “ROOTS CAUSES,

GUIDANCE” This is one of the requirements in Practical Research Subject 11 (Practical
Research )

In this regard, the researcher would like to request your consent from your office in the
work of making a survey of the senior high school students of Alegria Stand Alone Senior High

The data gathered will greatly contribute to the success of such studies. I look forward to
your positive response to this request.

Thank You.

Sincerely Yours,

Noted By:


Subject teacher

Approved By:


Principal II
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
S.Y. 2019-2020

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