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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science for Grade IV


I. Learning Goals
A. Content
The Sun: Effects of the Sun on Living Things

B. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of the sun as the main source of heat and light
on Earth

C. Performance Standards

D. Learning Competency
Identify the beneficial effects of the Sun’s heat and light on living things.

II. Instructional Media

A. Textbook
B. Reference
canadiandermatology. 2009, 1109. Sun Safe Play Everyday!. Retrieved from: January25,2016

C. Instructional Materials
Pictures, Flash cards, Powerpoint Presentation, Video

D. Process Skills
Describing, Identifying, Observing

E. Values Integration
Awareness on the effects of the sun to living things

III. Learning Strategies

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Activity Prior Knowledge (8 minutes)

1. Prayer and Greetings

Before we start, _____ kindly lead
the prayer.
 Assigns one learner to lead The student will lead the prayer and
the prayer the class will follow him/her.

“Good morning class!” “Good morning ma’am Pam!” Good

morning classmates! And

“Let’s sing and dance the The Green  The pupils will enthusiastically
Grass Grew Around song.” sing and dance the hello song.

“Before you sit down class, kindly pick-  The pupils arrange their chair
up the pieces of paper under your chair and
and arrange your chair properly.” pick-up some pieces of paper
“How are you today?” “We are fine ma’am”

“That’s good to hear class.”

2. Checking of attendance
Class secretary who is absent “No one is absent today ma’am”

“Very good class!”

“Keep up the good work.”

3. Checking of Assignment  The pupils will pass their

“Okay pass your assignment class.” assignment to the front.

4. Drill Evaporate
“Class, please read.” Protection
Sun energy

5. Review It is all about the Sun as a source of

“What was our topic last meeting?” heat and light.

The main source of heat and light on

What is the main source of heat and Earth is the Sun.
light on Earth?
A water cycle is a continuous
What is water cycle? movement of water on, above, and
below the surface of the Earth.

The helps the water cycle by driving it

How does sun helps the water through its heat which makes the
cycle? water evaporates, and then the cycle
goes on.

B. Lesson Proper (35 minutes)

1. Motivation

• The teacher will show the

pictures to the class and ask them There is a mother and a baby under
about it. the sun.

“What have you observed in the

pictures class?”
Baby sun protection therefore means
getting just enough sunlight to
maintain healthy levels of vitamin D
Why is the baby exposed to sunshine without letting the skin tan or burn.
early in
the morning?

Very Good!

Doctors advice mothers to take their

under early morning sun. The sun helps in
producing vitamin D. If exposed to sunlight
the right amount of sunlight in the
there is a substance under the skin that Identify the beneficial effects of the
changes into Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps in Sun’s heat and light on living things.
the proper development of bones and

“Now class, what do you think is our

topic for today?”

That’s right! So our lesson for today is all

about what causes day and night. Kindly Evaporate - turn from liquid into
read vapor.
altogether our objective for today. Protection - the action of protecting,
or the state of being protected
Unlocking of Difficulties Photosynthesis - process by which
plants make their own food
“The following are the words you will Sun energy - radiant light and heat
encounter in this topic.” from the Sun
 The teacher let the learners read the
words and their meanings.

The different activities are done under

the sun’s heat and light

2. Presentation and Modeling The students will listen and

 The teacher will present some internalize the discussion.
pictures about humans,
animals and plants’ activities
under the sun’s heat and

What have you observed in each picture

which gives them in common to each

 The teacher will present the

powerpoint and discuss it.

3. Guided Practice
Group yourselves into 5 (counting 1-5)

Materials:  The group will solve the puzzle

Marker and Manila Paper for each group then will study it to solve the
Puzzle pictures of: guide questions
*hanging laundries on wire
*drying of crops Guide questions:
*photosynthesis 1. In what way is the sun
*drying of fish beneficial to plants, animals
*animals getting enough sunlight and human?
2. What activities of people that
What to do: need sun’s heat and light?
1. Study the pictures and identify the 3. In what way is the sun’s heat
benefits that living things can get from useful to farmers? Fishermen?
the sun’s heat and light.
2. Discuss with your group mates the Criteria:
beneficial effects of the sun on living Teamwork – 5 points
things. Discipline – 5 points
3. Write your group output on a manila Delivery – 5 points
paper and answer the guide questions Content – 10 points
below. 25 points
4. Present the output of the group
Please read the guide questions…

1. All plants use sunlight to make
food (sugars) in a process
called photosynthesis. They
Here are the criteria for judging. store the food in their leaves
Please read. and the energy flows to other
animals that eat the leaves.
When leaves fall,
decomposers in the soil, work
on it, with the help of moisture
and heat from the sun.
4. Analysis 2. Harvesting, hanging laundries
on wire, drying of crops,
(Presentation of Learners Output) photosynthesis, drying of fish
and many more.
3. They can harvest crops and
dry fish respectively.

5. Abstraction

 The teacher will present the  The students will watch the
video. video.

6. Generalization
*Plants can make their own food through
photosynthesis process. Likewise
animals and humans need the sun’s
heat and light energy in order to survive.
With the presence of sunlight, human
can do a lot of activities such as laundry,
harvesting, drying of crops and fish and
recreational activities like outing/picnics.
Both farmers and fishermen use the
sun’s heat in drying crops and fishes.

IV. Assessment (5 minutes)

A. In what way is the sun beneficial to:

B. Choose the best answer. Write only the letter of the correct answer on your paper.

1. One Saturday, you went swimming with your friends in the nearby river. You noticed that
your skin was reddish. What was the harmful effect of sun’s heat to your skin?

a. boil

b. cancer

c. sunburn

2. What would be the probable effect if your eyes were exposed to the glares of the sun?

a. eyes would become cross-eyed

b. eyes would bulge

c. vision would be impaired

3. When the intense heat s received on the earth’s surface and there is no rainfall at all, what
would be its effect on the environment?

a. Soil would harden, crack and plant would wither

b. There would be scarcity of water

c. Both A and B

4. Norma placed her anthurium plant outside her house before she left for Manila for two
weeks. When she arrived he noticed that her plant was withered and yet the soil was wet. What could
have caused the withering of her plant?

a. Animals stepped on it

b. Too much heat from the sun

c. A stray animal uprooted it

5. Paul brought his carabao to grassland to graze. He left his animal under the sun whole day.
What would likely be the harmful effect on his animal?

a. His carabao would become sturdy

b. His carabao would have sunburn

c. his carabao would get sick

V. Assignment (2 minute)

Research on other harmful effects of the sun on living things.

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