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Calzada, Oas, Albay

Module I:MC Science 5 – Astronomy

Name: AERA LOPEZ Course/Yr/Block: BSEDIII-C(SCIENCE) Date:____________

Module Title: What is Science?

Pre-Test Activity:
A. Answer the missing word or group of word that will complete the statement. Write your answer on
the blank.

1.The oldest of all the Sciences may be ASTRONOMY .

2.According to the Philosopher Francis Bacon, Science is knowledge, and knowledge is power.

3. PROGRESS is one of the important quality of Science.

4. ASTRONOMY is the newer field of Science that goes beyond observing heavens to physically exploring

5.The Science of quantity, size and shape MATHEMATICS .

6. The Science that include geology, atmospheric Science and oceanography is EARTH SCIENCE.

7. TECHNOLOGY is the Science of invention.

8. The study of our planet’s living system and the ways that we as humans affect the is PLANETARY

My Score: ______________

V.Lesson Content:

Learning Task:

1.When does knowledge becomes scientific?

When it must be based on the methods and procedures of science rather than on subjective belief or
unsupported speculation. The scientific process is a way of building knowledge and making predictions
about the world in such a way that they are testable. One of the hallmarks of scientific knowledge is that
it is subject to change, as new data are collected and reinterpretations of existing data are made.

Science consists of a body of knowledge and the process by which that knowledge is developed.
Scientists build on the work of others to create scientific knowledge. Scientific knowledge is subject to
revision and refinement as new data, or new ways to interpret existing data, are found.

2.How can you relate Science in our daily life activities?


Science generates solutions for everyday life and helps us to answer the great mysteries of the
universe. It has a specific role, as well as a variety of functions for the benefit of our society, creating
new knowledge, improving education, and increasing the quality of our lives. Science is involved in
cooking, eating, breathing, driving, playing, etc. The fabric we wear, the brush and paste we use, the
shampoo, the talcum powder, the oil we apply, everything is the consequence of advancement of
science. Life is unimaginable without all this, as it has become a necessity. Thus, science has vast use in
all fields of human life. The great importance is to make our life easier, it gives answer of all curiosities of
us related to life. It give wings to our imagination by it's facts and theories.

3.Differentiate the major fields of Science. (You can use a separate sheet of paper for your


Fields of science

1.) PHYSICS- Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its motion and behavior through space
and time, and the related entities of energy and force

2.) CHEMISTRY- Chemistry, the science that deals with the properties, composition, and structure of
substances (defined as elements and compounds), the transformations they undergo, and the energy
that is released or absorbed during these processes.

3.) GEOLOGY- Geology is the study of the Earth, the materials of which it is made, the structure of
those materials, and the processes acting upon them. It includes the study of organisms that have
inhabited our planet.

4.) BIOLOGY- Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their
physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms,
development and evolution.
5.) ASTRONOMY- Astronomy is the study of the physical laws, Compositions, Motions, origins, and
death of all celestial bodies.

VI. Post-Test/Evaluation

A. Answer the following questions very briefly.

1.Why do we say that astronomy is said to be the oldest of all the Sciences?


Astronomy is one of the oldest natural sciences. The early civilizations in recorded history made
methodical observations of the night sky. These include the Babylonians, Greeks, Indians, Egyptians,
Chinese, Maya, and many ancient indigenous peoples of the Americas. In the past, astronomy included
disciplines as diverse as astrometry, celestial navigation, observational astronomy, and the making of
calendars. Nowadays, professional astronomy is often said to be the same as astrophysics.

2.What can you say about personal beliefs on what is happening in the environment?


Since we are the product of the environment. We place ourselves in an environment that our state of
mind is currently in. For example, when people want to feel relaxed they find a quiet place to read or
take a nap. If people want to discover new things out of their current state, they are guided to go on a
road trip or vacation. A change in a persons belief could rang quite a bit depending on the belief they
want to change. For these changes to happen, they need to be open to it, environment isn’t worth squat
if they are not open to it. That’s why people rest when they want to find a place to rest, they are open to
be in a state of rest. It’s all depends on the person wanting to make the change. It’s very possible for an
environment to change a person’s belief. It’s natural to generate new ideas and attitudes when exposed
to new environments, which is one reason we expose ourselves to travel and new environments, to get
a different perspective on things. Our lives are dependent on the environment, and even when we do,
we believe it’s someone else’s problem to sort out. But it’s not, we all depend on it and we can all do
something about it. Living life alongside nature is more fun, healthier and more rewarding and wherever
you live there is always something more you can do.

3.How does Science and technology contribute to the life style of an individual; education, society and
the family?

 SOCIETY, Science and technology have had a major impact on society, and their impact is
growing. By drastically changing our means of communication, the way we work, our housing,
clothes, and food, our methods of transportation, and, indeed, even the length and quality of
life itself, science has generated changes in the moral values and basic philosophies of mankind.
Beginning with the plow, science has changed how we live and what we believe. By making life
easier, science has given man the chance to pursue societal concerns such as ethics, aesthetics,
education, and justice; to create cultures; and to improve human conditions. But it has also
placed us in the unique position of being able to destroy ourselves. The essence of how science
and technology contributes to society is the creation of new knowledge, and then utilization of
that knowledge to boost the prosperity of human lives, and to solve the various issues facing
 EDUCATION, Science and technology has the ability to enhance relationships between teachers
and students.Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and students are
also able to collaborate with their own classmates through technological applications. The
science that is formal involve a systematic study of natural phenomena and its study allows
students to experience the richness and the excitement of the natural world as they engage in
inquiry, critical thinking, and the demonstration of skills.
 FAMILY, Through science and technology, it is easier for inhabitants to communicate with other
people around the globe. Science and technology enables every people to live in an easy and
modern way of life. It shows that technology is actually producing higher rates of anxiety among
children and adults, by influencing child development and short-circuiting identity formation.
They're also discouraging face-to-face interactions and creating superficial intimacy.

My Score ______________________

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