Certificado de Origen Equipode Traccion Elcometer

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elcometer CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION High Tech Supplies Ine, Elcometer Ine 6900 Miller Drive Warren, MI 48092 toll-free: 800-521-0635 phone: 248-650-0500 fax: 248-650-0501 QU BIA A, Unit 114 12601 NW 115th Ave Medley 1.33178 CERTIFICATE NO: 209502 ISSUE DATE: 11/9/2020 DUE DATE: 11/9/2021 CUSTOMER PO NO: 13434 OVERALL TEST RESULT: PASS MODEL NO; F506-200¢ SERIAL NO: WF21487 ‘TEMPERATURE: 713°F RELATIVE HUMIDITY: 40.5% READINGS AS RECEIVED: ° Gauge Reference 7 Act presure |, Pressure Low, Hei aL 2 43 eee 2.00 1235 _|191_| 190 | 191] MPa 5.00 47s_[ 525 so1_| 498 | 498 | MPa 10.00 975 | 1025 | 999 |999 | 999 |_MPa 15.00 1475 [1525 [15.04 [1504 |_1508_[ MPa 20.00 1975_[ 2025 | 20.2 [2012] 20.12 [MPa 25.00 2a75_| 25.25 | 25.19 | 25.17 | 25.17 | MPa ‘CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN: 1. Test & calibrate 2. 1SO 17025 2017 A2LA Accreditation Certificate # 5908.01 ISO 9001:20015 Certificate # 40148/20/AN e-mail; Sales@ElcometerUSA.com * url: www.elcometerusa.com Page 1 of 3 elcomeler inspection equipment Elcometer Inc 6900 Miler Drive Warren, MI 48092 toll-free: 800-521-0635 phone: 248-650-0500 fax: 248-650-0501 io aed CERTIFICATE NO: 209542 READINGS AS SHIPPED: ‘Gauge Reference 5 ‘Actual pressure Cal Process Measurement Decision Pressure tee | Bet oa 7] | US | Uncertainty Uncertainty TUR | Rute 2.00 17s J 225 | i91 [1.90 | 191 [MPa (0.028226 (0,003333333 PASS 5.00 41s [525 [soi [498 [| 498 [MPa 0.0282266 (0.010000000 PASS 10.00) 915 | 1025 [999 [999 | 999 | MPa (0.0245436 '0,000000000 PASS 15.00 14.75 [71525 [1504 [15.04 | 15.08 | MPa 0.0245436 (0.013333333 PASS 20.00 1975 [2025 | 20.12 | 20.12 | 20.12 | MPa 0.02454335 0.000000000 to2:1_| Pass 25.00 24.75 | 2525 [25.19 [25.17 [25.17 | Pa (0.02454335 0.006666667 1021 | Pass Range Nominal Pall Rate ‘Average Pull Rate 72:15 MPs (0.30 MPwS. 0.30 MPais 2.25 MPa 1.00 MPals (0.99 MPa ‘Tolerance: 196 of fll scale (& 25 MPa) The instrament was tested using the below cetifid instrument, according to manufictrer specification referencing TMA-0576. 180 17025:2017 A2LA Accreditation Certificate # 5908.01 ISO 9001:20015 Certificate # 40148/20/AN ‘e-mail: Sales@ElcometerUSA.com * url: vww.elcometerusa.com Page 2 of 3 elcomeler ion f phone: 248-650-0500 ‘CEREDITED) ‘CERT #590801 CERTIFICATE NO: 209542 ‘TRACEABILITY: ‘TRACEABILITY ‘ASSET DESCRIPTION CERTIFICATENO, CAL DUE DATE 1NMO2673 Digital Adhesion Verification Unit 90114 1-14-2021 “ometer Ine was Found in compliance witt ISO 1702522017 per our aeeredation through ABTA (#590801), Calibrations are performed in compliance with the requirements ofthe Elcometer Laboratory Mannal, the customer's Purchase Order, ISO 9001:2015, ANSVNCSL. 2540,1-1994, or manufacturer calibration and tes! methods as applicable. Eleometer documents the traceability ‘of measurements to the SI units through NIST, other applicable national or intemational stadards, or other applicable specified methods. Documentation supporting traceability information is available for review upon waitten request atan Eleometer feclity. The measured quantity and the measurement uncertainty ae required for further dissemination of traceability. Uncertainties are calculated with appropriate coverage fectors as measurement taken under the Elcometer Laboratory scope. ‘number refereed above. binary ine “This report may not be reproduced except in El, without the writen authorization oF Eleometer In. The results in this report relate only to the item model and decision rte, ullzing simple aceeptane, and simple rejection criteria i used for the determination of compliance. When compliance statements ae present, the are reported without factoring it celfeetsof uncertainty and comply withthe gules established by ASME B89.733,1-2001 (R2011). The acoeptance zone is defined as: ‘Less than or equal othe high imi nor greater dhan or equal to te low limit. The rejection zones are defined as greater than the high limit andor less than the low lit. ‘+ Measurement resis in the aecepaace 2one ate identified as pass: Measurement rest in the rejection zone ae identified as fil ‘When all measurement results are in the aeeptance zone for repeated measurements, forthe same characteristic, the tes is identified as pass, For repeted characteristic measurements, single measurement result i the rejection zone, will cause the test to be identiied as fi. ‘Uncertainties are reported with a coverage far of k-2, providing level of confidence of approximately 95%. Recorded calibration datas valida the time of ealbration wii the stated! uncertain “The determination of compliance tothe specication is specific to the modlscral no JID no referenced above based onthe tolerances shov. These tolerances ar iter the warranted specifications of the equipment manufacturer or the requested specification ofthe client Calculated Value Foal QUALITY CONTROL STIQC SIGNED ISO 17025:2017 A2LA Accreditation Certificate # 5908.01 ISO 9001:20015 Certificate # 40148/20/AN ‘e-mail: Sales@ElcometerUSA.com * url: www.elcometerusa.com Page 3 of 3

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