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Academic year: 2020-2021 TRAINER: Mr. Roland Alex SO

Student’s full name:


Duration: 35 minutes (10 points for each part).

NB: The three (3) parts are independent.

I. GRAMMAR (10 points)

Multiple Choice Questions: circle the letter in front of the correct form of the verb.

1. I ___________football and movies.

a. liking
b. likes
c. like
d. am liking
2. She ………………………… school now.
a. goes
b. is going
c. went
d. has gone
3. Thomas ……………………….at 6 o’clock every morning.
a. gets up
b. is getting
c. has got up
d. will get up
4. The tourists ……………. the animal park yesterday.
a. visit
b. have visited
c. are visiting
d. visited
5. Our parents …………….next week.
a. will leave
b. have left
c. left
d. had left
6. You ………… an editorial recently.
a. wrote
b. have written
c. is writing
d. writes

7. They are looking forward ………….. their business partners.
a. to see
b. see
c. saw
d. to seeing
8. When Mary was young she …………… cartoons.
a. loving
b. loves
c. loved
d. has loved
9. I …………… Julie for three years. We still meet once a month.
a. know
b. have known
c. knew
d. am knowing
10. He ……………. In an insurance company for 5 years before joining our company.
a. has worked
b. has been working
c. worked
d. works

II. VOCABULARY (10 points)

A. Choose the right verb to complete the collocations. (3 points)
do – go – make – take – keep
1. ………… an exercise.
2. ………… a noise.
3. ………… photos.
4. ………… in touch.
5. ………… a decision.
6. ………… your best.
B. Use the right prefix to make the opposites of the words (3 points). un –
mis – in – dis – im
1. ……….. agree.
2. ………. happy.
3. ………. lead.
4. ………. possible.
5. ………. eligible.
6. ………. understand.

C. Multiple choice questions : tick the correct meaning of the phrasal verbs
in bold (4 points)
1. She looked after my pets when I went to Bobo two days ago.
a. eat
b. take care
c. beat
d. look for
2. When did you get back ?
a. run
b. go away
c. stay
d. come back
3. What’s the best way to get around your city ?
a. visit
b. enjoy
c. move from one place to another
d. admire
4. The workers are grumbling about their wages.
a. complain about
b. to be satisfied with
c. think about
d. worry about

III. LISTENING (10 points)

A. Listen to the interview and tick true or false (4 points)

Statements True False

1 Ms. Auden is an insurance advisor.
2 When choosing a major at college, one of the first things to
consider is personality type.
3 Conventional people like figures.
4 Bankers and lawyers belong to the realistic type.

B. Multiple choice questions : listen to the interview and circle the letter in
front of the correct answer (6 points)

1. Landscaping belongs to the ………………… type.

b. conventional
c. enterprising
d. realistic
e. artistic
2. Conventional type of people are ………………..
a. dreamers
b. practical
c. general practitioners
d. imaginative
3. Enterprising people are ………………..
a. business owners
b. business clerks
c. endowed with supernatural powers
d. unemployed
4. Librarians fall in the …………………. Type.
a. artistic
b. realistic
c. investigative
d. social
5. Jewelry makers, builders and engineers are part of the ……………….. type.
a. artictic
b. realistic
c. investigative
d. enterprising
6. Career advising and broadcast journalism fit in the ………………… type.
a. realistic
b. humanitarian
c. social
d. conventional

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