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All players make Health tests against a characters as successfully denying or

Difficulty of 4. Those who succeed awaken repressing the ghastly memories. Everyone
on their own, at about the same time. else faces a possible 5-point Stability loss.
Failed characters either must be awakened
After a day without water, characters
by another characters (on a Difficulty 2
suffer impairment as if hurt, regardless of
First Aid test) or come to on their own. In
their Health pools. After 48 hours without
the latter case, they wake up on their own
water, they are treated as seriously
in fifteen minute intervals, in the order of
wounded (including the need for a
their Health ratings, from highest to to
Consciousness roll) regardless of their
Health pools. These conditions can’t be
Upon awakening, each character makes an cured with First Aid, only with the gradual
Athletics or Fleeing roll (player’s choice) ingestion of clean drinking water. After 72
against a Difficulty of 4. Failed characters hours without water, characters must
take a die of damage+2. This is retroactive make Difficulty 6 Health tests every two
damage, measuring how badly they were hours, or die.
hurt during the shipwreck. See which failed
Going without water induces panic; after a
character loses the fewest Health points;
day without water, characters face a 3-
successful characters lose this number,
point Stability loss. After two days, a
minus 1.
second test, for 5 points, is required.
As soon as a player inquires into the state
Anyone drinking the water takes
of repair of his or her garments, all of them
Damage+1, and suffers impairment as if
make Difficulty 4 Preparedness tests.
hurt, regardless of Health pool, for 1-6
Winners’ clothing is relatively intact. The
garments of failed characters are tattered
and will afford less than perfect protection After two days without food, the cost of all
against the elements until repaired. investigative spends increases by 1, and
clues which would normally be available
Characters with Physics consider the storm
automatically now require 1-point spends.
anomalous both for its speed of attack, and
All general ability Difficulties increase by 1.
for its apparently highly localized effect.
After a week without food, the cost of all
The character with the lowest Stability investigative spends increases another
rating thinks he felt the ship shudder just point, as do all Difficulties. After two weeks
before it went down, as if it was hit by without food, this cumulative increase
some moving object below the waterline. occurs again. After three weeks without
food, characters must make a Difficulty 7
The character with the second-lowest
Health test every six hours, or lapse into
Stability rating thinks he saw a dark form
unconsciousness and die.
moving through the water, dragging
drowning passengers down into the The flash: In the middle of the night, the
depths. If the character voices this, other character on watch (there issomeone on
characters with Biologycan theorize watch, right?) perceives a sudden flash of
(correctly) that the passengers were green-blue light out on the ocean horizon.
attacked by one or more giant squids. If the This leaves the observer with the sense
players dwell on this, more of them recall that the world is more fragile and
the squid attack, reliving it in all of his mysterious than he or she had ever
horrible detail. Players who take no part in contemplated. (1/0)
the discussion are portraying their
Mist: A thick, churning mist emerges from Items of gear salvageable from the crash
the jungle depths to roll through camp. include four parachutes, a bucket, a
Characters test Stability against a Difficulty canteen, a machete, a world map (on
of 4. Those who fail lose 4/Sanity. which this island does not appear) and a 6-
shot .32 revolver. Characters with
Disorientation. The spatial relationship
Preparedness may each make a test to find
between the group and its destination
a single item apiece amid the wreckage.
(whatever that happens to be at the
Choose Difficulties according to the
moment) appears to change at a rate
likelihood that the item would be among
inconsistent with the distance they’ve
the limited equipment taken on an
actually traveled. (2/0)
exploratory flight.
Sensation of surveillance. A castaway
The Firenze Tome is a famous lost book,
making a Difficulty 2 Sense Trouble check
referred to in many medieval works but
gets the feeling of being watched from the
not seen since the Hundred Years War. It
jungle—but can see nothing. (1/0)
reputedly had a metal cover and was said
Glimpsed in camp. For an instant, a to be cursed.
castaway sees the devourer in all of its
Found at the camp are two metal pails, a
mutilated splendor, standing just a few
shovel, a harpoon, a pair of six-inch fish
inches away. Then it apparently vanishes.
gutting knives, a spyglass, and four sodden
Abholos chooses the most evidently
and deteriorating blankets. Also, as at the
unstable castaway, or one who has
plane crash site, each character with
otherwise aroused its attention. (5/0)
Preparedness can now make an additional
Dragged off. Devourers wait until a pitch for a single other object they might
castaway has isolated himself from the find there, with the Difficulties determined
others, in camp or elsewhere, and set upon by likelihood
him. If they incapacitate him, they drag him
Also present are a quartet of shallow
off into the jungle and finish the kill. Only
graves. Evidence Collectionsuggests that
scraps of clothing and bloodless flesh are
they were dug about a month ago. If dug
found, a discovery which may occasion a a
up, the bodies show all the vomit-inducing
4-point Stability loss.
signs of tropical putrefaction. Nearby
Glimpse reprise. After a castaway is characters must make Difficulty 4 Health
claimed by the devourers, “Glimpsed in rolls or unceremoniously lose their hard-
camp” repeats—but this time, the won lunches. Forensics shows that they all
devourer is recognizably the lost comrade. died of injuries consistent with a
(6/0) shipwreck.

Witnessing this constitutes a Mythos shock The dreams occur to the first character
carrying a potential Stability/Sanity loss of wounded by a devourer attack. (If no one
4/2. Abilities: Athletics 8, Health 5, Scuffling gets hurt by a devourer and pacing
8 HT: 7 (drops to 4 if attacker has glimpsed demands that the clues appear anyway, it
it during current round, or 5 if an element is the character with the lowest Sanity
of the environment, like wet sand or snow pool.) To speed up the transmission of
drifts, reveal its location) Alertness information, allow dreams to come to
Modifier: +1 Stealth Modifier: +1 Weapon: multiple qualifying characters, and/or
necrotizing aura +0 Armor: 0 Stability Loss: combine separate dreams.
Mlle Earhart, ficar na cidade até a semana seguinte.
Parece que os japoneses estão fechando a
Guardo ainda com carinho esta foto da
apresentação em Nova York feita há cinco
anos. Parece que foi em outra vida que me Atenciosamente,
envolvia com ondas de rádio e tecnologia...
Eugene Houdry
Meus estudos hoje são outros e gostaria de
falar-lhe sobre eles pois são de extrema

Aquilo que eu mais temia descobrir,

quando iniciei minhas novas pesquisas,
provou-se verdadeiro. Porém, receio não
poder tratar mais sobre isso nessa missiva,
simplesmente não seria seguro.

Li nos noticiários que também está em

Singapura e penso que poderíamos nos
encontrar para uma conversa. Seria um
prazer relatar minhas descobertas e saber
de primeira mão sobre suas expedições.
Envie em meu nome, por favor, sua
resposta para o hotel Raffles. Pretendo
The next morning after acquiring the final
radio transmission and/or third dream, the
castaway with the lowest Sanity rating
awakens to see the island’s landscape
bizarrely changed. (If the lowest Sanity is
shared by more than one character, all of
them see it.) Now looming from the atoll’s
rough geographical center is a pylon of
black volcanic rock, thrusting hundreds of
feet into the Pacific sky. The observer sees
the vague outlines of a face leering from it.

At first, other characters do not perceive

the structure. The realization that others
can’t see it costs the initial observer(s) 3
Stability, unless they succeed at Stability

As those who do see it describe it, the rest

of the party makes Difficulty 6 Sense
Trouble tests. Those who succeed can now
perceive it too—and must make Stability
tests, or lose 4 Stability.

Characters who still can’t sense the pylon

get retries on their Sense Trouble tests
when they’re halfway into the jungle.
When they finally do perceive it, the
potential Stability loss is 5.

When they finally reach the base of the

tower, they see it no matter what—and
face a possible Stability drop of 6 points.

Abilities: Athletics 10, Health N/A, Scuffling

23 Hit Threshold: 3 (large) Alertness
Modifier: +2Stealth Modifier: -1Weapon:
+5 (speared tendril)Armor: Abholos
completely shrugs off damage to its
monstrous form (although you should mark
it down as if it matters). However, if the
book is destroyed, Abholos loses his hold
on this plane and disappears into a warp in
space, leaving behind only a stench of
vinegar and methane. If its pages are
burned, the book is destroyed in one
round. To rip up enough of the pages to
Stability Loss: +3

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