Derivation of Nanoparticle Chain Dispersion: N T N 1 n+1 N N N

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Derivation of nanoparticle chain dispersion

Here we derive the dispersion of the waves propagating in a periodic nanoparticle chain and find the
relation between the frequency and the wavenumber ω(q). The initial equation describing the dipole
moments has a simple form:
pn = α(ω)gT (pn−1 + pn+1 ) .
Let us use the substitution (also known as Bethe ansatz): pn = exp(iqxn ), xn = na, and q is the

pn = α(ω)gT (pn−1 + pn+1 )

pn = exp(iqxn )

1 = α(ω)gT (e + eiqa ) = 2α(ω)gT cos(qa) (1)

Within the assumed approximations we can use the explicit form of the polarizability dependence

α = α0 ,
ω02 − ω 2
and substituting it in Eq. (1), one obtains the dispersion equation:

ω(q)2 = ω02 (1 + 2α0 gT cos(qa))

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