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Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences Vol. 9, No.

4 (2006), 265-275

Review article

Conglutinin, CL-43 and CL-46 – three bovine


M. Dec, A. Wernicki

Agricultural Academy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Infective and Invasive Diseases,
Department of Veterinary Prevention
Akademicka 12, 20-033 Lublin, Poland


Conglutinin, collectin-43 (CL-43) and collectin-46 (CL-46) are serum proteins characteristic for
Bovidae. They belong to collectins – family of oligomeric proteins composed of trimeric subunits
containing collagen-like sequences joined to C-type lectin domains. The genes encoding conglutinin,
CL-43 and CL-46 are located on the bovine chromosome 28, and phylogenetic analysis indicates their
common origin – from the lung surfactant protein D gene. Northern blot or immunocytochemical
analysis confirm biosynthesis of bovine collectins mainly in the liver (conglutinin, CL-43) and in the
thymus (CL-46).
The level of conglutinin in the serum of dairy cows depends on many factors such as breeding, the
season of the year, the stage of the reproductive cycle and infection.
The collectins are involved in the innate immune defense. They bind to microbial surface carbo-
hydrates inducing aggregation and, thereby, impeding infectivity. On the other hand the destruction
of pathogens occurs due to stimulation of effector cells. CL-43 as well as conglutinin, binds to the
collectin receptor (C1qR) localized on many types of cells identified as a surface variant of cal-
reticulin. Conglutinin and CL-43 show antiviral activities towards influenza A virus and rotaviruses.
Conglutinin also displays protective activity against bacterial infections.

Key words: conglutinin, CL-43 and CL-46, structure and biological activity.

Introduction (surfactant protein A) and SP-D (surfactant protein

D). Novel collectin liver 1 (CL-L1) (Ohtani et al.
Collectins (collagen-like lectins) is a subgroup of 1999) and collectin placenta 1 (CL-P1) (Ohtani et al.
mammalian C-type (Ca+2- dependent) lectins in- 2001) are found in the cytosol and cell membrane,
volved in innate defense mechanisms. They have simi- respectively. Collectins play a key role in the first line
lar structures characterized by the presence of col- of defense against invading microorganisms, as dem-
lagen-like sequences and globular carbohydrate rec- onstrated by the experiments with transgenic mice de-
ognition domains (CRDs). The collectins include the ficient in MBP (Shi et al. 2004), SP-A (Atochina et al.
serum proteins: mannan binding protein (MBP) 2004) or SP-D (Madan et al. 2005). Such animals,
– called also mannan binding lectin (MBL), con- likewise people with the mutation of gene for MBP,
glutinin, collectin of 43 kDa (CL-43), collectin of 46 show increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral in-
kDa (CL-46) and two lung surfactant proteins: SP-A fections (Koch et al. 2001, Thiel et al. 2006). Collec-

Correspondence to: M. Dec, e-mail:

266 Dec M., Wernicki A.

tins display the affinity to surface microbial carbohy- – C-type lectin domain, also known as CRD (van de
drates. They bind to a variety of Gram-positive and Wetering et al. 2004).
Gram-negative microorganisms, yeasts and parasites, The trimeric subunits are stabilized by non-
enveloped viruses and trigger the killing and clearance covalent interactions (strong hydrophobic forces in
mechanisms through the activation of complement or α-helical bundle) and covalently by disulfide bridges
interaction with specific receptors on phagocytic cells. between cysteine residues in the N-terminal or col-
Individual collectins, because of their sequence dif- lagen regions (Fig. 1).
ferences in the carbohydrate recognition domains, The CRD is responsible for selective binding of
play particular roles in the host defense. Collectins collectin to carbohydrates in the presence of calcium
bind to carbohydrates on surface of various microor- ions. The collagen domain is involved in receptor-me-
ganisms and to specific receptors on phagocytic cells, diated effects of collectins, and consists of repeated
thus accelerating microbial clearance (Lu 1997). motifs of Gly-X-Y, where X and Y can be any amino
Conglutinin, CL-43 and CL-46 are serum proteins acid. The collagen monomer chains are coiled around
characteristic for Bovidae. It can be connected with each other forming a stable strained domain generally
the fact that these animals live in symbiosis with an organized into “bundle of tulips” or X-like structures
enormous number of microbes in their rumen. It is (Lu 1997).
supposed that serum collectins provide the first line of The primary structure of conglutinin has been re-
defence against these microbes (van de Wetering et solved first by complete sequencing of the protein
al. 2004). (Lee et al. 1991a), and subsequently through the se-
Conglutinin was found not only in the cattle but quencing of cDNA (Lu et al. 1993, Suzuki et al. 1993,
also in a one-humped camel (Camelus dromaderius) Liou et al. 1994).
(Kakoma and Kinyanjui 1974) and in a number of The molecule of conglutinin contains 351 amino
African ruminants – the African buffalo, water buck, acid residues including 55 apparent Gly-X-Y repeats
Uganda kob, Kenya kob, dik-dik, topi, and Jackson;s with two interruptions. This 171-residue-long col-
hartebeest. In this last species conglutinin had a par- lagen-like domain separates a short noncollagen
ticularly high titre. It remains unclear why conglutinin NH2-terminal region of 25 residues from the 155-resi-
does not occur in the serum of nonruminant herbi- due-long globular COOH terminus. The structural
vores like horses, which also live in symbiosis with analysis of conglutinin showed that there are 7 cys-
microorganisms living in their caecum. The mice’s, teine residues present which are capable of forming
rat’s, rabbity, guinea pig’s, equine, feline, canine, por- inter – and/or intramolecular disulfide bridges. The
cine, and human sera do not show any conglutinin differences between calculated – 39.7 kDa (Holmskow
activity (Lachmann 1967). 2000) and observed – 750 kDa (Lachmann 1967) mol-
ecular weights are due to posttranslational modifica-
tion such as glycosylation (Lee et al. 1991a). The col-
Structure of bovine collectins lagen-like region of conglutinin contains eight hy-
droxylysine residues, which are possible glycosylation
The collectins are large molecules with molecular sites. Deglycosylation and glycan differantiation
masses ranging from about 100 kDa to more than analysis of conglutinin revealed the presence of O-lin-
1000 kDa (Hansen and Holmskov 1998). The basic ked glycans of β(1-3)-GalNAc and α-(2-3) linked sia-
functional unit of collectins is a trimer of three ident- lic acid type. No N-linked glycans were detected (An-
ical monomers. Such structure is important to their dersen et al. 1992a).
proper function. The carbohydrate affinity of a single In the electron microscope, conglutinin is ob-
collectin CRD is probably weak but the trimeric ar- served as an X-shaped, tetrameric molecule with four
rangement permits a stronger interaction between globular heads, each connected to central “hub” by
collectin and carbohydrate-containing target microor- four elongated collagen arms (Fig. 1). The average
ganism. Most of the collectins are built of several overall diameter of the tetramer is 96 nm. It is poss-
trimer units, what enables them to cross-link several ible that the conglutinin molecules adhere to each
target particles and perhaps also to interact simulta- other in the central lob region, forming rosette-like
neously with host cells (Hakansson and Reid 2000). aggregates (Andersen et al. 1992a).
The number of trimeric units per molecule differs Although the arms are flexible, distinct bends are
among the collectins. Conglutinin contain 4 trimeric occasionally seen at two positions. One bend is
units, Cl-43 – 1 unit, and CL-46 may also form tet- located a few nanometers from the central lobe and
ramers (Hansen et al. 2002). In the monomeric the other approximately 25 nm from the “hub”. These
subunit, four structural domains can be distinguished: flexible regions are consistent with two interruptions
– an N-terminal cysteine-rich domain, in collagen-like domain at position 38 (Cys replacing
– a collagen-like domain, Gly) and at residue 123 [Gly replacing any other
– α-helical neck domain, and amino acid (X)].
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Fig. 1. Molecular structure of collectins. A: Three identical polypeptide chains form stable tensile domain as a result of covalent
and hydrophobic interactions. B: Conglutinin consisting of the tetrameric structural units, is assembled into “X-like” shape.
CL-43 molecules exist as monomers. (Hoppe and Reid 1994).

In Superose 6 column conglutinin is separated Collectin-43 is found only as a single subunit com-
into tree fractions. Electron microscopy showed that posed of three identical polypeptide chains (Fig. 1).
peak 1 contains mainly tetramers, peak 2 – mainly Protein sequencing, cDNA cloning and reverse tran-
dimers and peak 3 – only monomers, which are the scriptase PCR techniques have shown that CL-43 con-
products of protein degradation in the collagen-like tains 301 amino acid residues, and cDNA is entirely
region between Arg 54 and Ala 55. The amount of consistent with the protein sequencing. The difference
such truncated fraction (40 kDa) in a sample of purifi- in length between conglutinin and CL-43 is caused by
ed conglutinin increases slowly during storage at 4oC. two deletions in the collagen region of CL-43, which
The cause of such a specific degradation is not clear only contains 38 Gly-X-Y triplets compared with 57
but may involve the presence of a low level of serum Gly-X-Y triplets of conglutinin. The amino acid se-
proteases, such as plasmin, in the conglutinin prepara- quence of CL-43 showed 74% identity with con-
tion (Lu et al. 1993). glutinin and 70% with bovine SP-D (Lim et al. 1994,
CL-46 shows high resemblance with conglutinin. Holmskov et al. 1995). CL-43 like conglutinin does
The molecule contains 371 amino acid (aa) residues: not posses N-linked carbohydrate, but it contains hy-
25 aa N-terminal segment, 57 Gly-X-Y repeats, 28 aa droxylysine residues in the collagen-like region that
neck region, and a CRD of 127 aa. Potential are potential O-glycosylation sites (Holmskov et al.
N-glycosylation site is localized at asparagine 90 in the 1995).
collagen-like region (Hansen et al. 2002). On SDS/PAGE under reducing conditions the
268 Dec M., Wernicki A.

purified collectin-43 shows as double band of about 43 the lung RNAs of all the species tested (Lu et al.
kDa, with the upper band representing the intact mol- 1993). Similar observations were reported by Lim et
ecule and the lower band being a truncated form that al. (1993), but, unexpectedly, the strongest signal was
lacks nine the N-terminal nine amino acid residues. obtained not from the liver, but from bovine lung
Under non-reducing conditions, only one band of 120 RNA.
kDa. In two-dimensional gel electrophoresis CL-43 is CL-43 is synthesized only in the bovine liver, and
seen as two isoforms, with pI (isoelectric point) values contrary to conglutinin, no signal was detectable in
of 4.9 and 5.3, corresponding to the native and the mRNA from sheep, human, rat or mouse tissues. This
truncated form of the molecule, respectively (Hol- suggests that CL-43 appeared later in evolution than
mskov et al. 1993, Holmskov et al. 1995). conglutinin (Lim et al. 1994).
Reduced conglutinin shows as a major band of 44 Hansen et al. (2002) showed that the dominant
kDa (native form) and minor band of 40 kDa (trun- place of CL-46 expression is the thymus. They also
cated form). Under nonreducing conditions con- observed the production of this collectin in the liver
glutinin is seen as a ladder (Krogh-Meibom et al. and moderate expression was detected in the mam-
2004a) pattern with bands ranging from 32 kDa (Lu et mary gland and in tissues throughout the digestive
al. 1993) to 300 kDa (Andersen et al. 1992b). system.

Sites of conglutinin, CL-43 and CL-46 Serum level of bovine collectins

The level of conglutinin in the serum of dairy cows
The genes encoding conglutinin, CL-43 and CL-46 varies with the season of the year, stage of the repro-
are located on the bovine chromosome 28 at position ductive cycle and is altered by infectious agents. In-
q1.8 (Gallagher et al. 1993, Liou et al. 1994, Hansen gram and Barnum’s (1965) studies, using mainly Hol-
et al. 2002, Hansen et al. 2003 ). The phylogenetic stein cows, demonstrated the titer of conglutinin in
characterization of these three bovine collectins genes the sera of adult cattle in the range from 0 to 5120.
indicates that they are structural descendants of an- These data were estimated by the agglutination of
other collectin – lung surfactant protein D (SP-D) as alexinated erythrocytes – a method described by
a consequence of complete or partial ancestral SP-D Coombs et al. (1961). Recently, there has been con-
gene duplication after the divergence of Bovidae from structed a more efficient time-resolved immunof-
other mammals (Holmskov 2000, Hansen et al. 2003, luorometric assay (TRIFMA) for quantification of
Gjerstorff et al. 2004). During the studies on the bov- conglutinin or CL-43 based on poly- and monoclonal
ine DNA encoding collectins some authors identified antibodies (Krogh-Meibom et al. 2004a).
a gene that potentially encodes a novel con- The low point of conglutinating activity occurs in
glutinin-like collectin (COLEC14) (Gjerstorff et al. late winter and spring, and the peak activity – in fall
2004). and early winter. The differences in mean conglutinin
Immunocytochemical analysis showed the pres- titers at these two periods are greater than fourfold.
ence of conglutinin in many tissues, but the intensity The major increase occurs several weeks after the
of cytoplasmatic staining in all hepatocytes suggests cows are pastured – that indicates that good nutri-
the liver as the principal site of synthesis of this lectin. tional conditions increase the concentration of con-
Conglutinin is also associated with follicular dendritic glutinin (Ingram et al. 1971a). The additional factors
cells in the germinal centres of the spleen, tonsils and inducing such titer fluctuations can be ambient tem-
lymph nodes, and with macrophages from the liver, perature or duration of daylight (Ingram and Barnum
lung, thymus and spleen. Conglutinin staining has also 1965). No significant changes in conglutinin or CL-43
been present in the glomerulus of the kidney and in level due to circadian rhythm were noticed
endothelial cells. Moreover, this collectin internalized (Krogh-Meibom et al. 2004a).
in the course of phagocythosis is detected by im- Large alterations in conglutinin level are connec-
munostaining in macrophage’s phagolisosomes (Hol- ted with pregnancy and abortion. A marked decrease
mskov et al. 1992). Northen blot analysis revealed the in conglutinatin activity occurs shortly before calving
presence of mRNA for conglutinin only in the bovine (begining from 4 weeks before term of calving) and
liver, a weak signal was present also in the sheep liver lasts until 2 weeks after parturition. From this low
(Lu et al. 1993). point the serum level increases quite rapidly and
Northern-blot analysis on total RNA, purified reaches normal (high) level at about 21 weeks after
from various tissues from cattle, sheep, humans, rats parturition (Ingram and Mitchell 1970). Similar
and mice, showed a strong signal of approx. 1.8 kb in changes are associated with abortion – marked drop
bovine liver RNA (Lim et al. 1994). A weak signal of in conglutinin serum level was observed in the week of
similar size was also observed in the sheep liver and in miscarriage, and between 2 and 4 weeks after collectin
Twins rate in the black-and-white... 269

was not detectable at all (Ingram and Mitchell 1971b). Collectin receptors
Such a suppression in conglutinin concentrations can
probably be associated with changes in gonadal hor- The selective affinity of collectin to carbohydrates
mones or corticosteroids level, which occur due to suggests reactivity of the lectin domains with a large
gestation. range of microrganisms. There are many indications
Most of newborn calves do not have conglutinin that they act as opsonins and mediate biological func-
in their serum prior to the feeding of colostrum. tions by futher interactions with phagocytic cells.
After feeding colostrum, the conglutinin appears in
Several types of receptors for collectins are found
the serum of young animals and increases until 80
associated with the membranes of different cells (van
weeks of age when adult levels are approached. The
de Wetering et al. 2004). They are responsible for
conglutinating activity in the milk whey (obtained
stimulating phagocytes and promoting killing and
from colostrum and milk) was not correlated with
clearance of microorganisms.
the conglutinin serum level, season of the year, stage
Due to the structural similarity between C1q and
of lactation or gestation (Ingram 1965, Ingram 1970).
the collectins the receptor for C1q – C1q-R was
The reasons for alterations in conglutinating ac-
identified as general collectin receptor. Some authors
tivity in bovine serum are diseases as pneumonia,
even classify C1q to the collectin family (Favoreel et
metritis or other nondiagnosed acute infections.
A significant decrease in conglutinin titer appears al. 2003). Its molecule, resembling a bunch of tulips, is
1 week before the disease is recognized and it is held organized into six subunits containing triple-helical
down for 1-2 weeks after the first recognition. Some stalks throughout their collagen-like domains
authors suggest that a reason for these changes could (Gly-X-Y) and globular heads in the C-terminal re-
be marked hyperthermia, which arised in all affected gions. Each subunit is composed of three chains – A,
cows. However, the most probable cause of the low B and C. However, C1q lacks a lectin domain, and
level of conglutinin during acute infections is its ab- contrary to collectins, it binds to protein motifs in IgG
sorption from the serum by activated complement or IgM rather than to carbohydrates (Kishore et al.
components iC3b or directly by microorganisms, al- 2004). Purified C1q-R, apart from C1q, binds also
though down-regulation of gene is also possible. Mi- conglutinin, CL-43 as well as MBL and SP-A (Mal-
nor or local infections, such as mild forms of mastitis hotra et al. 1990, Malhotra et al. 1992) via their col-
or foot rot (necrotic pododermatitis, foul foot) do lagenous regions, where charges of amino acid resi-
not have a significant effect on the level of serum dues are clustered (Malhotra et al. 1992, Malhotra et
conglutinin. No changes occurred in the case of lym- al. 1993).
phosarcoma either (Ingram and Mitchell 1971b). In the case of conglutinin such region of charge
A fall in conglutinin titer was demonstrated during density occurs close to the N-terminus of protein. The
experimental infections with Anaplasma marginale studies on the form of truncated conglutunin, which
and Cowdria ruminantium (intracellular rickettsial has 55 amino acids missing from the N-terminal do-
parasites) (Rose et al. 1978, du Plessis 1985). main, strongly indicate that receptor-ligand interac-
Reports published by Holmskov et al. (1998) tion is mediated via N-terminal region of conglutinin.
have shown that the level of conglutinin in the cattle The absence of this sequence also prevents the forma-
is determined genetically. The geometric mean con- tion of four-subunit structure found in normal con-
centration in males (15.5 µg/ml) is significantly high- glutinin (Malhotra et al. 1993).
er than in females (8.1 µg/ml), and about 2% of ani- The collectin receptor was purified from
mals are probably homozygous for a single recessive B cell-derived lymphoblastoid Raji cell line (Gheb-
allele causing low concentrations of conglutinin. The rehiwet et al. 1984). C1q-R shares a high degree of
level of conglutinin differs in calves from various amino acid homology with calreticulin (CRT) (Mal-
farms probably because of different breeding and hotra at al. 1993) – the protein acts as a chaperonin
management practices (Purdy et al. 2000). for nascent protein in endoplasmic reticulum
Moreover, the low conglutinin level is associated (Michalak et al. 1999). Due to the identical N-ter-
with an increased susceptibility to respiratory infec- minal sequences and the same mobility on
tion. These findings suggest that the serum con- SDS-PAGE (56.000 Da under reducing conditions)
glutinin concentration may be helpful in the selec- (Malhotra at al. 1993) it is belived that collectin recep-
tion against resistance to infectious disease (Hol- tor is a surface variant/isoform of calreticulin. Fur-
mskov et al. 1998). On the other hand Purdy et al. thermore, both the human C1q-R and CRT bind C1q,
(2000) did not detect any significant differences in collectins (MBL, SP-A, CL-43, but not SP-D) and col-
conglutinin titers among transported calves asso- lagens with identical characteristics, and the binding
ciated with the bovine respiratory disease complex site has been localised within putative C1r/C1s mod-
morbidity, vaccination status against Mannheimia ule (CUB domain) of calreticulin (Eggleton et al.
haemolytica or sex. 1994a, Stuart et al. 1996, Stuart et al., 1997).
270 Dec M., Wernicki A.

The collectin receptor is found in a wide variety of roteins or glycolipids on the surface of microorgan-
cell types, including human tonsil lymphocytes, the isms allows for the simultaneous binding of multiple
monocytic cell line U937 (Malhotra and Sim 1989), CRDs of one assembled collectin molecule (van de
endothelial cells and platelets (Peerscheke et al. 1993) Wetering et al. 2004).
as well as the lung alveolar type-II cell line A549 Differences in the glycosylation pattern of invad-
(Malhotra et al. 1992). Flow cytometric analysis detec- ing microorganisms and the host cells allow to distin-
ted calreticulin on the surface of neutrophil, which guish between the alien and own carbohydrate struc-
decreased during stimulation probably as a conse- tures. Reaction of saccharides binding to collectins is
quence of shedding – calreticulin is present in the cell Ca+2-dependent and EDTA-inhibitable (Reading et
supernatants of stimulated cells (Eggleton et al. al. 1998).
1994a, Eggleton et al. 1994b, Kishore et al. 1997). Conglutinin, collectin-43 and CL-46 bind to
Since calreticulin has neither a transmembrane a range of sugar residues including mannose, fucose,
domain nor glycosylphosphatidylinisotol (GPI) an- glucose, maltose, GlcNAc or ManNAc. The degree of
chor attachment site it must utilize an adaptor mol- affinity of particular collectins to different sugars is
ecule to attach to the plasma membrane. Ghiran et al. shown in Tab. 1.
(2003) has shown that CRT is associated with CD59 Carbohydrates bound by collectins has been struc-
on neutrophil surface. Calreticulin is also functionally turally characterized in several complexes with the use
associated with macrophage receptor CD91. The liga- of mammalian or chicken MBP. These studies indi-
tion of CRT to C1q or collectin-opsonized apoptotic cate that binding of carbohydrates involves hydrogen
cells induces phagocytosis of the apoptotic cells by bonds and van der Waal’s interactions, and is stabil-
macrophages through CD91-dependent mechanism, ized by coordination bonds to the calcium ions. The 3-
where CD91 is thought to be involved in the transduc- and 4-OH groups of the sugar directly coordinate
tion of the signal initiating engulfment (Ogden et al. Ca+2 and form hydrogen bonds with amino acids that
2001, Vandivier et al. 2002). also serve as Ca+2 ligands (Lee et al. 1991, Weis et al.
C1q and collectins, namely MBL and SP-A, en- 1992, Kolatkar and Weis 1996, Ng et al. 1996, Hakan-
hance the phagocythosis of sheep erythrocytes op- sson and Reid 2000).
sonized with antibody or C4b complement compo- Amino acid analysis and monosaccharide inhibi-
nent. This enhancement is caused via direct interac- tion studies indicate that all collectins have man-
tions between collectins and 126 000 Mr phagocyte nose-type CRDs with the exception of collectin pla-
surface glicoprotein – C1qRp, and is not due to inter- centa 1, such structural analysis indicates the prefer-
action between the surface-bound C1q and the ence of galactose over mannose althought this has not
EA-IgG (erythrocyte-associated IgG). (Bobak et al. been tested yet (Ohtani et al. 2001, van de Wetering
1987, Tenner et al. 1989, Tenner et al. 1995). Such 2004).
receptor is localized on human cells of myeloid lin- Conglutinin exhibits a unique property of aggluti-
eage (monocytes or neutrophils), the U937, THP-1, nation of erythrocytes preincubated with antibodies
and K562 cell lines and platelets (Nepomuceno and and complement, which is not shared by any of the
Tenner 1998). Experiments conducted with purified other collectins. This reaction is dependent on the
fragments of C1q and MBL suggest that the phago- presence of conglutinogen-activating factor in the
cytosis enhancement signal resides in the collagen-like serum, now known as factor I. It cleaves the comple-
tail domain of the molecules (Bobak et al. 1987, Guan ment component C3b generating inactivated factor
et al. 1994, Arora et al. 2001), so it is very probable iC3b, which subsequently opsonizes erythrocytes.
that bovine collectins also show affinity to C1qRp. Conglutinin is able to binds such alexinated eryth-
rocytes. This calcium-dependent reaction is based on
selective reactivity between conglutinin and high man-
Carbohydrate selectivity nose N-linked oligosaccharide on the α-chain of iC3b
at Asparagine[917], and can be inhibited by monosac-
charides, with N-acetyl-D-glucosamine being the most
An important property of the collectins is their potent (Hirani et al. 1985, Hirani et al. 1986, Laursen
capability of binding carbohydrates. Natural et al. 1994). The affinity of conglutinin to oligosac-
(poly)saccharide ligands for the collectins are nor- charide on α-chain of iC3b is qualified by the pres-
mally attached to the surface of microorganisms. Stu- ence of terminal α 1-2 linkages. A preference for the
dies demonstrated that high-affinity interactions be- terminal Man1-2 sequence was also observed during
tween microorganisms and collectins depend on the the examination of the conglutinin binding to
density of carbohydrate ligands on the microbial sur- neo-glycolipids (Mizuochi et al. 1989). However, con-
face (Lee et al. 1991b), and on the degree of glutinin-N (lacking 54 N-terminal amino acids) had
oligomerization of the collectin (Hartshorn et al. neither conglutination activity (Lu et al. 1993) nor
1996, Hartshorn et al. 1998). Clustering of glycop- binding activity to the sensitized erythrocyte-iC3b
Twins rate in the black-and-white... 271

Table 1. Comparison of bovine collectins carbohydrate selectivitya

Conglutinin GlcNac >>> ManN, L-Fuc, Man > Glc >> Mal, GlcN > GalN > Gal > Fuc >>>> GalNAc
rCL-46 GlcNac >>> ManNAc, Man > αMeMan > Mal, GlcN > Man, Glc, L-Fuc >> Gal > αMeGlu > Fuc
CL-43 Man >>> ManNAc >>> L-Fuc > GlcNAc >> Glc > Mal >>> Gal, Lac >>>> GalNAc
Carbohydrate specificities based on 50% of collectin binding (Haurum et al. 1993, Holmskov et al. 1993, Loveless et al. 1995,
Holmskov 2000, Hansen et al. 2002). >, >>, and >>> denote 10%, 50% and 100% higher than I50 value in comparison to the
previous saccharide.

complex, although it retained the binding activity to tion by provoking more extensive cross-linking of sia-
mannan in solution and the original binding specificity lylated receptors (Hartshorn et al. 1996). This theory
for N-acetylglucosamine (Kawasaki et al. 1993). An- conforms with the studies on native and recombinant
other study has revealed that conglutinin lacking the CL-34. This lectin also shows antiinfluenza activity,
N-terminal and collagenous domains does not com- but contrary to conglutinin it does not induce viral
pletely lose conglutinating activity (Eda et al. 1996). aggregation, and simultaneously is unable to enhance
Thus, it is still unclear whether the overall molecular IAV-induced neutrophil H2O2 production (Hartshorn
structure of conglutinin is necessary for iC3b binding. et al. 2002).
The conglutinin property to agglutinate erythrocytes The findings of Eda et al. (1996) using recom-
is used to purify and quantify (conglutinin binding as- binant conglutinin lacking the N-terminal and col-
say) circulating immune complexes in patients with lagen domain have shown that such incomplete mol-
different diseases (D’Amelio 1981, Araga et al. 1984, ecule retains the ability to inhibit IAV hemagglutina-
Holmskov et al. 1992, Heinonen et al. 1993). tion activity. Moreover, this reaction can be blocked
Moreover, conglutinin reacts with zymosan by N-acetylglucosamine, and is dependent on divalent
– a cell-wall preparation from Saccharomyces cations (Wakamiya et al. 1992, Hartshorn et al. 1993).
cerevisiae, and to mannan – solube yeast glycop- These findings as well as research by Harshorn et al.
roteins. The binding to zymosan is inhibited by (2000) using chimeric protein made by fusing N-ter-
oligosaccharides with non-reducing terminal α 1-2 but minus and collagen domain of surfactant protein
not α 1-3 mannosyl moieties. The conglutinin ability D and CRD of conglutinin confirm that the potent
to bind zymosan or iC3b is used to isolate this collec- IAV-neutralizing activity of conglutinin resides in its
tin (Lachmann 1962, Andersen et al. 1992b). neck region and carbohydrate recognition domain.
CL-43 and conglutinin have in vitro antiviral activ-
ity against rotaviruses which cause acute viral gastro-
Antiviral activity enteritis (Ramig 2004). Both collectins show hema-
gglutination inhibition as well as neutralizing activity.
The bovine collectins bind to the surface glycop- These properties are associated with binding of con-
roteins of several enveloped viruses, including influ- glutinin and CL-43 through their lectin domains to
enza virus, human immunodeficiency virus or herpes VP7 glycoprotein of rotavirus. Implicated in virulence
simplex virus, as well as to the nonenveloped surface VP7 carries high-mannose type carbohydrate,
rotavirus. and the susceptibility of rotaviruses to collectin is de-
Conglutinin inhibits hemagglutination activity and pendent on the number of glycosylation sites on VP7
infectivity of influenza A virus (IAV) H1, H2 and H3 molecule. CL-43 displays higher antiviral activity
subtypes (Hartley et al. 1992, Wakamiya et al. 1992, against rotaviruses than conglutinin, and in the case of
Hartshorn 1993). By using virus strains with specific influenza virus A/HKx31 the relation is inverse
variations in glycosylation of the hemagglutinin mol- (Reading et al. 1998).
ecule it has been shown that such inhibition is me- Binding of conglutinin to herpes simplex virus
diated by binding of conglutinin to high mannose type 2 is Ca+2-dependent and inhibited by carbohy-
carbohydrate attachments on the viral hemagglutinin. drates. However, when collectin was administered to
Through the same mechanism conglutinin caused the mice before virus inoculation, enhancement rather
aggregation of IAV particles (Hartshorn et al. 1993), than inhibition of virus replication was observed, in-
and because of that enhanced neutrophil respiratory dicating that conglutinin may provide the virions with
burst response to IAV or internalization of IAV (Har- an alternative port of entry into cells (Fischer et al.
tshorn et al. 1997). IAV-induced H2O2 production is 1994).
mediated by cross-linking of sialylated neutrophil sur- The highly glycosylated envelope glycoprotein gp
face receptors. Larger viral aggregations formed by 160 of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) interacts
conglutinin, appear to cause increased H2O2 produc- with the CD4 molecule present on the surface of
272 Dec M., Wernicki A.

CD4+ cells and is involved in the pathology of HIV glutinin alone – without bacteria and normal serum
infection. Conglutinin peculiarly binds to recombinant – does not evoke such reaction. Hence, it is speculated
protein gp160. This reaction, as in the case of other that binding of this collectin to iC3b deposited on the
viruses, is calcium-dependent, is inhibited with bacteria may allow the collagen domain of conglutinin
N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, and deglycosylation of to adhere to the collectin receptor on the spleen effec-
gp160 abrogates this reaction. These results indicate tor cells (Friis et al 1991).
that conglutinin may inhibit the HIV infection via ex- There are some unpublished relations concerning
clusion of interaction between viruses and CD4+ cells antibacterial activities of recombinant CL-43. Collec-
(Andersen et al. 1991). tin-43 increases neutrophil uptake of E. coli, like IAV
particles, but without causing bacterial aggregation
(Hartshorn et al. 2002).
Antibacterial activity Cl-43 also shows antimicrobial properties towards
noncapsulated form of Cryptococcus neoformans. This
pathogenic yeast is commonly found in that form in
Conglutinin was the first collectin shown to have
the environment and causes opportunistic infection.
a protective effect against infection in vivo. In 1959
CL-43 binds in a calcium-dependent manner to non-
Ingram showed interrelations between the con-
capsulated C. neoformans provoking yeast agglutinat-
glutinating activity in the animal serum and experi-
ion. Such reaction is abolished by selected saccharides
mental bacterial infection. The challenge of mice with
(Schelenz et al. 1995).
Salmonella typhimurium results in rapid reduction of
the level of serum conglutinin (Ingram 1959a). More-
over, prior injection of conglutinin causes higher sur-
vival rates in mice infected with virulent strains of
Salmonella typhimurium, Pasteurella septica, Klebsiella
The serum collectins – conglutinin and CL-43,
pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus
play significant role in innate antimicrobial immune
pneumoniae and Streptococcus pyogenes. The con-
defence system in Bovidae. They can aggregate patho-
glutinin preparations fail to protect mice against
gens, neutralize viruses, activate phagocytes and pro-
a non-pathogenic species (E. coli) or avirulent strains
mote phagocytosis. Unfortunately, available data are
of pathogenic organisms (Ingram 1959b).
insufficient, particularly concerning CL-46, and fur-
This evidence was later confirmed in vivo and in
ther studies are needed to fully understand the bio-
vitro by Fris-Christiansen et al. (1990). Mice injected
logical function of these proteins and assign the thera-
subcutaneously with conglutinin before in-
peutic implication.
traperitoneal injection of a highly virulent strain of S.
typhimurim displayed prolongation of survival. More-
over, conglutinin-treated mice showed a significantly
reduced number of bacteria in the blood as compared
to the control animals treated with saline.
In vitro experiments demonstrate that the antibac- Andersen O, Sorensen AM, Svehag SE, Fenouillet E (1991)
terial activity of conglutinin against Salmonella ty- Conglutinin binds the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp
phimurium and E. coli requires the presence of both 160 and inhibits its interaction with cell membrane CD4.
an intact complement system and macrophages. Scand J Immunol 33: 81-8.
Andersen O, Nielsen EH, Storgaard P, Hojrup P, Friis P,
Serum deficient in factor I, which is necessary for gen-
Leslie G, Svehag SE (1992a) Biochemical and ultrastruc-
eration of iC3b from C3b, could not support this reac-
tural studies of the C-type lectin bovine conglutinin.
tion. Also the presence of EDTA (chelator of divalent J Struct Biol 109: 201-7.
ions) during the incubation of serum-pretreated bac- Andersen O, Friis P, Holm Nielsen E, Vilsgaard K, Leslie
teria with conglutinin abolished the conglutinin effect. RG, Svehag SE (1992b)Purification, subunit characteriz-
These results suggest that conglutinin binds to iC3b ation and ultrastructure of three soluble bovine lectins:
deposited on the bacterial surface, and acts as a ligand conglutinin, mannose-binding protein and the pentraxin
mediating contact between bacteria and effector cells. serum amyloid P-component. Scand J Immunol
It is very probable that conglutinin induces antibac- 36: 131-41.
terial activity by stimulating special receptors localiz- Araga S, Irie H, Takahashi K (1984) Conglutinin microtiter
ed on the surface of effector cells (Fris-Christiansen plate ELISA system for detecting circulating immune
complexes. J Neuroimmunol 6: 161-8.
et al. 1990).
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The generation of oxygen metabolites by effector a site on mannan-binding lectin critical for enhancement
cells is probably one of the mechanisms of antibac- of phagocytosis. J Biol Chem. 16;276: 43087-94.
terial activity of conglutinin. The bovine conglutinin Atochina EN, Beck JM, Preston AM, Haczku A, Tomer Y,
enhances the respiratory burst of spleen cells stimu- Scanlon ST, Fusaro T, Casey J, Hawgood S, Gow AJ,
lated with E. coli in the presence of iC3b. A con- Beers MF (2004) Enhanced lung injury and delayed
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