Challenge Letter To Senator Karen Fann

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June 8, 2021

Senator Karen Fann, President

Arizona State Senate
Capitol Complex
1700 West Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2890

Subject: Maricopa County Election Audit

Senator Fann,

There were 10,341 total batches of ballots counted in the Maricopa County 2020
General Election; most batches contain about 200 ballots. What if I could show
the count of votes for every candidate in every race on any number of selected
batches — without ever opening a box or touching a ballot? At a minimum,
this would conclusively dispel the growing allegations that the critical file, the
Cast Vote Record, may be corrupted. The official results are derived from this

I have served in an election oversight, data analytics and advisory capacity for
the Arizona and Pima County Republican Parties for the last fourteen years. I
have also served on the Election Procedures Manual Revision Committee for
several cycles. For the past several weeks, I have been supported by Larry
Moore, the retired founder and CEO of the Clear Ballot Group and Tim
Halvorsen, the company’s retired Chief Technology Officer. Together, we have
analyzed official public records from Maricopa County’s 2020 General Election.
We have debunked the allegation that 40,000 ballots were dumped into the count
by reconciling the voted file and certified canvass against the voter registration
file. We have carefully analyzed the official Cast Vote Record to find: (1) the
Record is complete and accurate and (2) President Trump lost Maricopa County
due to the fact that disaffected Republican supportive voters did not vote for him
and (3) the disaffection was widespread across all precincts in Maricopa County.

Accordingly, I ask for a public demonstration of this extraordinary claim.

Specifically, my proposal is as follows:
• Select an unopened box of ballots cast
• I will create a count of votes for all candidates in all races on the
• Your auditors report their hand count of the votes on the ballots.
• We publicly compare the results
• Find the discrepancies

We believe all can agree that the purpose of an election audit is to verify the
canvass which includes the reconciliation of voter registration with the
qualification of voters casting ballots and the election results. Audits also serve
to identify problems with election system software and equipment. Properly
designed, audits identify election administration mistakes or errors that can lead
to procedural changes, legislative changes, and/or software and equipment
design modification that will improve election administration.

But, most importantly, election audits should provide citizens the hard evidence,
presented as simply and as quickly as possible, to support a justifiable belief that
the election was conducted fairly and the results are accurate.

Our objective here is to show there was and continues to be sufficient official
public record information available to assure the public that our elections are
conducted legally and fairly. This “forensic audit” you have authorized is
unnecessary because it creates voter confusion and delays the finality of the
election that the certified winners, including you and your colleagues, deserve.

Respectfully yours,

Benny E. White J.D.

Larry Moore

Tim Halvorsen

Cc: Ken Bennett, via email to

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