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The Dow Chemical Project:

Creating a Web-Based
Interface to a Dynamic
School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

Received 24 May 2004; accepted 5 March 2005

ABSTRACT: In this study we present a Web-based interface to a dynamic simulation. The

simulation is based on an emulsion polymerization process operated by the Dow Chemical
Company. We also describe the software architecture that allows simulation updates to be
transmitted dynamically across a network, from a server-based simulation to a Web-based
client. ß 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Comput Appl Eng Educ 13: 250256, 2005; Published online in Wiley
InterScience (; DOI 10.1002/cae.20049

Keywords: Java; distributed objects; dynamic simulation; emulsion polymerization

BACKGROUND interface to a steady-state simulation of an industrial

chemical process [3]. In this study we present a Web-
A series of computer modules has been under based interface to a dynamic simulation of an emulsion
development at Purdue University [1]. These modules polymerization reactor [4]. We also describe enhance-
combine a detailed simulation based on an actual ments to the Java framework, which allow a student to
industrial process with a videotaped ‘‘plant tour.’’ With monitor a reaction simulation as it runs on a server
the growing use of the World Wide Web in education, it while dynamic updates of the reactor state are being
has become necessary to provide a Web-based inter- delivered across the network.
face to our modules, which were originally designed to
run on UNIX workstations. In earlier studies we have
described a multimedia framework implemented in EMULSION POLYMERIZATION PROJECT
Java [2], and techniques for creating a Web-based
For the reader’s convenience, we will briefly recapitu-
late the design of the emulsion polymerization module
[4]. Students can use the module to study reaction
Correspondence to K. Kuriyan (
Contract grant sponsors: ITaP (Information Technology at
kinetics and heat transfer in the production of styrene-
Purdue; School of Chemical Engineering at Purdue. butadiene latexes. A latex is an emulsion of polymer
ß 2005 Wiley Periodicals Inc. particles in water. Latexes are normally manufactured


by emulsion polymerization, a heterogeneous process concentrations of key ingredients such as the mono-
in which a sparingly soluble monomer is dispersed in mers and chain transfer agent, and other factors such
water as fine droplets. Emulsifiers are added to stabi- as heat transfer through the reactor jacket, affect the
lize the monomer droplets, and water-soluble initiators polymerization reaction dynamics. Specifically, stu-
are used to initiate the polymerization in the aqueous dents can perform the following exercises:
phase. The reaction proceeds in three intervals res-
pectively characterized by particle nucleation, growth *
Conduct simulated experiments of a 2-gallon
of polymer particles, and cessation of polymerization batch polymerization to obtain propagation and
due to depletion of monomer. Polymer molecules grow chain transfer reaction rate constants.
as a result of propagation reactions with monomer *
Study heat transfer requirements in a 10,000-
molecules or other polymer chains. Chain transfer gallon semi-batch scale-up.
reactions, on the other hand, terminate one chain and
initiate the growth of a new chain. The molecular
weight and other important properties of the final
product are determined by the interplay of the different
Background Video-Clips
types of reactions.
Latexes are used in diverse products ranging from Students can use the integrated streaming video player
acrylic paints and paper coatings to carpet backings. (Fig. 1) to review background information covering the
Typically, a wide range of polymers with considerable different reaction phases in the emulsion polymeriza-
variation in the styrene/butadiene ratio, chain transfer tion process. Clips showing the actual equipment used
agent, and surfactant type are manufactured in a single in laboratory experiments and in a production plant are
plant. Consequently, the process is operated in a batch also available. Plant personnel featured in the videos
rather than continuous fashion. The simulation mo- have been asked to emphasize safety and environ-
dule allows the student to study how the initial mental considerations in their presentations.

Figure 1 Background video.

Figure 2 Reactor input.

Figure 3 Bench scale experiment.


Bench Scale Experiments are additional input parameters allowing the student to
specify the inlet temperature of the liquid in the reactor
The user interface is initially configured for entering
jacket and the available heat transfer area. Students can
the initial conditions including the reactor temperature,
run simulations to determine if there is sufficient heat
monomer volumes, and the concentration of the chain
transfer capability to maintain the reactor within
transfer agent (Fig. 2). Once the input conditions have
specified temperature limits while achieving the desired
been validated the user interface is reconfigured to
conversion. If this proves infeasible at the selected
bring up the output panels for plotting the reactor state
(Fig. 3). A set of buttons along the top allows
the student to start, pause, and stop the simulation.
The validated input data is sent over to the server to
initiate the simulation. Dynamic updates of the reactor
state are displayed in the graphical plots below the
buttons as the simulation runs on the server. The top
row contains plots for the reactor temperature, reaction
conversion, and styrene concentration. The bottom row
contains plots for the butadiene concentration, chain
transfer agent concentration, and average molecular
weight for the polymer (both number averaged and
weight averaged values are shown). Students can
make runs to determine the kinetic constants for
propagation and chain transfer. They can also study
phenomena such as gel formation, which occurs when
depletion of the chain transfer agent causes the
molecular weight to increase rapidly and uncontrol-
lably (Fig. 4).

Production Reactor
The user interface for the 10,000-gallon production
reactor is similar to that of the bench scale reactor. There

Figure 5 (a) Production run with extra heat-transfer

area. (b) Production run with refrigerated cooling
Figure 4 Gel formation. water.

Figure 6 Account creation.

operating temperature, they can modify the reactor WEB-BASED ARCHITECTURE

design to try and achieve the specified goals. The two
sample runs respectively demonstrate the use of extra The emulsion polymerization module uses a two-way
heat transfer area and refrigerated cooling water in client-server architecture (Fig. 7). This architecture is
maintaining the reactor temperature within the specified built on the Java language framework described in
limits (Fig. 5a,b). References [2,3] with enhancements to support dyn-
amic simulations. Java is an object-oriented program-
ming language which allows complex simulations to be
INSTRUCTOR INTERFACE built from simpler components using object-oriented
development methods such as composition and gen-
Account Creation eralization [57]. The framework provides a simple
password-based authentication scheme and a graphical
An instructor can use the Web-based interface to user interface, which can incorporate multi-media
perform a variety of functions related to creating, elements such as streaming video clips. A network
maintaining, and monitoring student accounts [3].
When setting up a new account the instructor specifies
an account name and password, and selects values for
the kinetic constants for the propagation and chain
transfer reactions (Fig. 6). The values for the kinetic User Interface Monitor
constants are stored on the server and are not visible
to students who must design a set of experiments Simulation
to estimate them. Randomly generated variations may
be added to experimental measurements reported Receiver Updater
to students. The instructor can specify the level of
noise in these measurements through the Web-based
interface. Figure 7 Two-way client-server architecture.

connection is established between the client and a machine using a simple syntax which is similar to that
server-based simulation for transferring input data and used for an ordinary method invocation. Alternative
experimental results. The client and server commu- frameworks such as the common object request broker
nicate with each other by using the Java-based remote architecture (CORBA) may be used to connect Java
method invocation (RMI) framework [8]. programs with objects written in other object-oriented
To enable dynamic updates, we have extended the languages such as Cþþ or Smalltalk [10].
basic framework to allow two-way communications
between the client and server while a simulation is
running. The server incorporates an updater object, REFERENCES
which transmits results back to a receiver object within
the client. The extended framework exploits the ability [1] R. G. Squires, P. K. Andersen, G. V. Reklaitis, S.
to have multiple threads of execution within a single Jayakumar, and D. S. Carmichael, Multi-media based
Java program [9]. The client establishes a connection to education applications of computer simulations of
the server and transmits the initial conditions for the chemical engineering processes, Comput Appl Eng
simulation. The simulation is initiated in a separate Educ 1 (1992), 2532.
[2] K. Kuriyan, R. G. Squires, G. V. Reklaitis, B. Morrato,
thread while a monitor thread listens for simulation
and R. Gutwein, The Procter and Gamble decaffeina-
control commands from the client. Similarly, the client tion project. II. Implementing a multimedia instruction
program incorporates two separate threads—one module in Java, Comput Appl Eng Educ 7 (1999),
listens for user commands, while the other plots 8798.
updates received from the server. After the completion [3] K. Kuriyan, W. Muench, and G. V. Reklaitis, Air
of an integration sequence, the simulation thread sends Products hydrogen liquefaction projectBuilding a
an update to the client and then checks to see if any Web-based simulation of an industrial process, Com-
control commands have been received from the client. put Appl Engng Educ 9 (2001), 180191.
If a Pause command has been received from the client, [4] S. Jayakumar, R. G. Squires, G. V. Reklaitis, P. K.
the simulation thread will be suspended until a Andersen, and B. K. Dietrich, The Purdue-Dow
subsequent Continue command is received. Execution styrene-butadiene polymerization simulation, J Eng
Educ 84 (1995), 271277.
of the simulation thread is terminated when the time
[5] J. Martin and J. Odell, Object-oriented methods: A
limit for the simulation is reached or if a Stop foundation, Prentice Hall, NJ, 1995.
command has been received. [6] K. Arnold, J. Gosling, and D. Holmes, The
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COMMENTS [7] D. Flanagan, Java in a nutshell, 4th edn, O’Reilly &
Associates, Sebastopol, CA, 2002.
Distributed Objects [8] W. Grosso, Java RMI, O’Reilly & Associates,
Sebastopol, CA, 2001.
We have used the Java-based RMI framework to [9] S. Oaks, H. Wong, Java threads, O’Reilly & Associ-
connect the client and server objects of our modules. ates, Sebastopol, CA, 1999.
RMI allows Java objects on one machine to invoke [10] R. Orfali and D. Harkey, Client/server programming
methods on a Java object residing on a different with Java and CORBA, John Wiley, New York, 1998.


Kamal Kuriyan is a research associate in Wayne Muench has been director of under-
the School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue graduate laboratories in the Department of
University. Current projects involve the Chemical Engineering since 1995, and has
modeling, simulation, and visualization of over 20 years of industrial experience,
pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. including management of significant bench
Other interests include the development of and pilot scale product and process develop-
enhanced learning environments that encom- ment projects. He also has extensive experi-
pass conventional course tools, virtual ence in R&D safety programs and has been
laboratories, database access, and collabora- responsible for strengthening and revitaliz-
tive design. He has also been involved in the development of Web- ing the laboratory component of the instructional program in
based meeting programming applications for AIChE. chemical engineering.

G. V. Rex Reklaitis is Comings Professor of

ChE at Purdue University. Reklaitis is
BSChE graduate of the Illinois Institute of
Technology and received his PhD from
Stanford University. His technical interests
involve application of computing and sys-
tems methodologies to the design and opera-
tion of processing systems. He is recipient of
several national awards, including the
AICHE Computing in Chemical Engineering Award and ASEE
ChE Lectureship. He is editor-in-chief of Computers & Chemical
Engineering. Active in AICHE, he has served on the board of
directors, as 2002 annual meeting chair, and publications committee
chair, and he is currently on the executive committee of the National
Program Committee.

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