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Ninja Writer’s

Ask these questions of any piece of writing to ensure it is as
powerful as possible before submitting or publishing.


✓ Were you absolutely clear on your intention?

✓ Does the piece of writing take account of the opinions, values

and worldview of your audience?

✓ Does the writing have a discernible tone?

✓ Does it have a distinct pace?

✓ Are your points organised into clear sections?

✓ Do those sections flow logically?

✓ Are the points in each section arranged elegantly?

✓ Does the writing start with a bang?

✓ Does it end with a flourish?

✓ Is it best suited to a “thematic” or “argument” narrative?

✓ Is it textured, if appropriate, with suitable metaphors and

✓ Are the headings and everything else symmetrical?


✓ Have you chosen the right paragraph style for this piece of

✓ Do your paragraphs help to boost comprehension and beauty? 

✓ Have you avoided superthick paragraphs?


✓ Have you corrected all non-sentences in your copy?

✓ Have you removed all “hot air” from your sentences to make
them as tight as possible?

✓ Have you sharpened up any blurred or abstract sentences?

✓ Does your writing create pictures throughout?

✓ Do your sentences establish a good rhythm?

✓ Are they suitably poetic?

✓ Do all sentences carry the right emphasis?

✓ Are sentences suitably dramatic (without compromising the flow

of ideas)?

✓ Have you avoided giving readers “whiplash”?

✓ Have you stuck to what’s necessary?

✓ Have you avoided back referencing?

✓ Have you dealt with any run-on ambiguity?

✓ Are the ideas in each sentence simple enough for anybody to



✓ Have you chosen precise words to express your ideas?

✓ Have you avoided overly technical and abstract words?

✓ Have you sprinkled about enough colourful words?

✓ Have you weeded out all implied words?

✓ Have you avoided making pointless distinctions?

✓ Have you included distinctions your audience needs in order to


✓ Are you satisfied with the order of words (and arrangement of

ideas) in each sentence?

✓ Have you included “reminder words” where needed?

✓ Do the words you’ve chosen sound good together?

✓ Would the writing benefit from words with similar letters or

✓ Have you considered turning any numbers into words, and titles
into descriptions?

✓ Have you avoided needlessly bolding, italicising and underlining

words, or placing them inside quote marks?

✓ Is it possible to slice syllables for even greater tightness? 

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