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Screening For Dollars

Craig Wallin September 3, 2014

The dog just ran through your screen door. You could
go to the hardware store and pick up a screen
patching kit, but that just makes the screen look like it
needs another, more professional repair.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a mobile screen

repair person in town you could call or visit to get this
fixed? What do you mean there’s no such thing where
you live – it could be you! That’s right. Imagine
starting your own mobile screen repair business. Window Screen Repair Profits

It doesn’t even have to have a storefront which means you can get started at minimal cost
with a few of the basics. Suppose you start by using your pick up truck with a canopy on the
back to cover and protect your supplies.

You’ll need a miter saw, screen rollers, a variety of screen materials and screen replacement
parts. You could even get business referrals from partnerships you can form with the local
hardware store you’ll be picking up supplies from, and companies that would require regular
screen repairs or replacements. These sources can include residential and commerce
property management firms, government agencies and community recreation associations.

Make contact with local real estate companies to get your foot in the door with property
management contacts and connect with school boards to access those opportunities. Also
advertise your services wherever you can in your market including local and online classified
advertising, community bulletin boards and wherever else you can in order to reach the
clientele you are looking for. Use your business cards and hand them out whenever possible
in and around your neighborhood and community.

The mobile screen repair/replacement business is a unique fit for someone who is semi-
retired or already retired but looking for an inexpensive way to provide a service that has a
demand due to little competition.

The best part is that once you have your basic tools, screening material is not expensive to
purchase so keeping a fair amount in inventory would not cut into profits as the rate you can
charge for your services can range from five to eight times as much as what it costs to
produce the screens in the first place.

Depending on how much work you get and the actual number of screen repairs a well
established mobile screen replacement service can produce sales upwards of $100,000
annually. Not bad for a semi-retired, part-time job on the side for something to do to keep you
out of trouble and productive.

A starter kit of material packaged by a company called Metro Screen Works is full of the
essential items one would need to start up such a business and costs under $1,000.00 or
you can search for their how-to videos posted on YouTube to learn more about screen
repairs and maybe they will inspire you even more. In addition, you can find out more about
them and possibly gain some valuable knowledge by visiting their website at

If you don’t want to spend as much to get started, visit your local hardware store and tell
them what you plan to do and they will be able to get you loaded up with the gear you’ll need
at a price that may be closer to your start up budget. They may also have access to
additional useful information. When in doubt, visit the internet for all the answers to your
questions. To get a better feel for repair rates and other ideas that may assist you with your
new venture use ‘mobile screen repair business’ in your favorite search engine for countless
options to explore.


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