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English GUETA – Multiple Choice Questions – Prof.

M A Macwan

UGBA Sem. – V English (Core) Paper No.- 303

Paper Name - Literary Criticism

Multiple Choice Questions:

(1) ‘Art for Art’s sake’ was the catch phrase of ______.
(a) aestheticism
(b) formalism
(c) imagism
(2) Expressionism was a revolt against ______.
(a) realism
(b) humanism
(c) surrealism
(3) Who said that the language of poetry should be “a selection of language really used by men ?”
(a) Wordsworth
(b) Coleridge
(c) Dryden
(4) Lyrical Ballads is the collaborative work published by
(a) Wordsworth and Coleridge
(b) Wordsworth and Keats
(c) Shelley and Coleridge
(5) Which of the following criticism was pioneered by Dryden ?
(a) Historical criticism
(b) Comparative criticism
(c) Descriptive criticism
(6) Sir Philip Sidney’s critical approach may be said to be :
(a) Philosophical
(b) Romantic
(c) Technical
(7) ‘Octometer’ is a line consisting of ______ feet.
(a) nine
(b) eight
(c) three
(8) The similarity between words in spelling, but not in pronunciation is called ______ rhyme.
(a) ear
(b) eye
(c) internal
(9) The name of King James-I is associated with ______.
(a) Spenserian Stanza
(b) Rhyme Royal
(c) None of the above
(10) ‘Heated’ is a ______ syllable word.
(a) two
(b) one
(c) three

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English GUETA – Multiple Choice Questions – Prof. M A Macwan

(11) According to Dryden ________ is certainly the greatest work of human nature.
(a) The Epic
(b) Drama
(c) Satire
(12) In the Essay of Dramatic Poesy, Dryden appears under the name of
(a) Crites
(b) Eugenius
(c) Neander
(13) Preface to the Plays of Shakespeare is written by
(a) John Dryden
(b) William Wordsworth
(c) Dr. Johnson
(14) Which work of Dr. Johnson is a biographical-cum-critical account of fifty-two poets ?
(a) Rambler
(b) Lives of the Poets
(c) Rasselas
(15) Lyrical Ballads was published in
(a) 1557
(b) 1625
(c) 1798
(16) Who defined poetry as ‘the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings ?
(a) William Wordsworth
(b) S.T. Coleridge
(c) Matthew Arnold
(17) Biographia Literaria is a well-known work by
(a) S.T. Coleridge
(b) Wordsworth
(c) John Dryden
(18) The historical roots of Aestheticism are found in
(a) Gaunt’s The Aesthetic Adventure
(b) Kant’s Critique of Judgement
(c) Johnson’s Aestheticism
(19) Expressionism was a revolt against the artistic and literary tradition of ________
(a) Surrealism
(b) Realism
(c) Aestheticism
(20) ________ was a poetic vogue that flourished in England and in America,
(a) Imagism
(b) Formalism
(c) Humanism
(21) It is the alikeness of sounds between words, especially at the end.
(a) Metre
(b) Accent
(c) Rhyme
(22) A stanza of eight iambic pentameter lines, with the rhyme scheme as ab ab, bc
(a) Nonette stanza
(b) Rime Royal stanza
(c) Spenserian stanza

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English GUETA – Multiple Choice Questions – Prof. M A Macwan

(23) According to Sidney _____ is the oldest branch of learning.

(a) Poetry
(b) Philosophy
(c) History
(24) Stephen Gosson’s School of Abuse was seen as vitriolic attack on
(a) Drama
(b) Prose
(c) Poetry
(25) Who called Dryden as “The father of English Criticism” ?
(a) Eliot
(b) Matthew Arnold
(c) Dr. Johnson
(26) Dryden’s remarks on tragedy are mainly contained in the Preface to
(a) Troilus and Cressida
(b) All For Love
(c) The Indian Emperor
(27) Who advocated the idea that “Literature is not written to a fixed pattern but is conditioned by the writer’s
age and environment” ?
(a) John Dryden
(b) Dr. Johnson
(c) William Wordsworth
(28) Name the first English critic to base his literary criticism on philosophical principles.
(a) Philip Sidney
(b) John Dryden
(c) S. T. Coleridge
(29) The term Esemplastic denotes
(a) primary imagination
(b) secondary imagination
(c) final imagination
(30) Distinguished writers who experimented with surrealistic methods were mostly
(a) English
(b) French
(c) Greek
(31) ______is a European phenomenon, a more worldly and thus more secular philosophy
(a) Imagism
(b) Surrealism
(c) Humanism
(32) Who advocated ‘formalism’ ?
(a) Andre Breton
(b) Roman Jakobson
(c) T.E. Hulme
(33) The metrical structure of a poem or line(s) of a poem, is made up of ____
(a) Rhyme
(b) Syllables
(c) Metre
(34) ‘Rhyme’ derives from Old High German, meaning
(a) Number
(b) Accent
(c) Syllable

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English GUETA – Multiple Choice Questions – Prof. M A Macwan

(35) About which poet did Eliot say that he wrote “English like a dead language”?
a. Dryden
b. Yeats
c. Arnold
(36) Eliot believed that only a person who believed in the doctrine of _______________ could understand
his writings.
a. Objective Correlative
b. Impersonality of poetry
c. Dissociation sensibility
(37) The Essay Supplementary was added to the_____ edition of the Preface.
a. 1800
b. 1815
c. 1805
(38) Johnson defended Shakespeare’s use of ……….
a. Comedy
b. Tragedy
c. Tragi-comedy
(39) Coleridge’s chief contribution to literary criticism is ……..
a. Lectures on Shakespeare and Milton
b. Criticism on Wordsworth
c. Biographia Literaria
(40) Preface to Lyrical Ballads was a reaction against _____________ poetry.
a. Elizabethan
b. Metaphysical
c. Neoclassical


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